If you’re out in the blogoverse reading this, know that Anne Laurie is a better dog-mommy than she is a political blogger.
The other front pagers will have to write their own defences.
This post is in: Open Threads
If you’re out in the blogoverse reading this, know that Anne Laurie is a better dog-mommy than she is a political blogger.
The other front pagers will have to write their own defences.
Comments are closed.
Jason Bylinowski
I hate to straddle defence here, but I think you spelled that wrong unless you are from the UK, in which case I can only say “right-o good madam”.
Warren Terra
Since this is an Open Thread, I’d just like to put in a good word for your webhosts – busy, busy day and the site’s been up. Snark aside, I don’t really miss the blog known as WordPress Error.
OT, well, I guess it’s kind of health care related: What with all the sun and warmth in the NE, is anyone else experiencing allergy symptoms, or am I coming down with something?
Today is the day I finally get to have Obama’s package rammed down my throat.
@AkaDad: We all are and I, for one, will enjoy it.
Martian Buddy
@AkaDad: well, the final package-ramming probably won’t happen until tonight–plenty of time for dinner and a movie first.
Mike Kay
White House release executive order, simply reiterates the language of the bill: no public funding for abortion.
Stupak =Stoopid
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@JGabriel: My weather/health related issue here in Dallas is that we received between 2 and 4 inches of snow on the second full day of spring. In normal years, that would have qualified as a blizzard, but we got 12 inches last month. Nuts.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
You do just fine Anne Laurie :-)
Mike Kay
@AkaDad: Is this Eric Massa?
@Mike Kay:
Are you trying to start a tickle fight with me?
@AkaDad: That would be Rahmmed down your throat, and don’t you ever forget it.
I’m looking for a summary of what’s in the bill – anyone got a good place to look?
The finger pointing begins. Frum (I paraphrase cause I can’t c&P right now) “Rush et al have led us to the Waterloo – Ours”
Tried to watch CSPAN, turned it on just in time to see Dreier bloviating. Back to roundball and keeping tabs via BJ.
Snarky Pickles
Just gotta say. . .
One thing (among many) that irks me about the ‘baggers is how they’ve appropriated some historic symbols and made them their own. I’m especially miffed about their use of the “Come and Take It” flag from the Texas Revolution. It’s one that’s of historical importance to me, and I rather like the sentiment. I even put up a miniature version in my office. But now I’ve had to take it down, because I don’t want to be associated with those fuckers.
Okay here’s the quote
“if HCR prevails, Republicans need an accountability moment. Jim DeMint/ Rush / Beck etc. ed us to Waterloo all right . Ours. #tcot 19 minutes ago”
You Don't Say
I could use some pet photos right about now. Anybody?
I am very tense today: HCR, too much coffee and my dreaded high school boyfriend (I’m 52 and married and want nothing to do with him — long story) just called out of the blue after 30 years. WTF!?!
@You Don’t Say:
Clicky my siggy and you will get piccies of Con and Mr. Tigger in the garden with me, bonus Con is posing in front of the daffodils!
Funny exchange between Joe Scarborough and Kos, Joe tweets “I suspect this is the end of the Democratic majority” (concern troll is concerned) Kos fires back “Bet you”
I also replied to him “then you should be happy you little concern troll you. Celebrate!”
You Don't Say
@Litlebritdifrnt: Wonderful photos! Beautiful flowers (love the pink daffodil) and beautiful kitties. Thank you! Just what I needed. ;-)
John, very good game. If only anyone on Mizzou could make a free throw. Now I
havewill choose to suffer through Purdue and Texas A&M.[It says “Open Thread”, for crying out loud!]
They did it. They decided not to let Obama’s whole presidency go down because of abortion. That is a great relief.
@You Don’t Say:
Here you go. Another photo of my spotted four-legged money drain:
Sorry about the ex. They’re like shingles. You get over them the first time when you’re young, they’re out of your life for years, and then, when you’re feeling particularly tired and worn down, poof, they show up and are a huge pain in your side.
You Don't Say
@Nicole: Gorgeous! Thank you. And thanks for the shingles analogy. You clearly feel my pain. ;-)
@You Don’t Say: Oh, I do; I do…I had a case of my own flare up last spring after almost 15 years of being out of my life. ;)
So, can someone explain to me what’s going on right now? I’m sorry if this information is readily available somewhere, but I just can’t find it. They’re voting on health care today, right? Is there a set time when they will? I’ve been watching C-Span for a while today, but for the life of me, I can’t tell what’s going on.
@NNM: Right this instant they’re voting on a procedural vote on the rules for debate.
Then they’ll vote on the rules for debate.
Then they’ll debate the “sidecar” bill (amendments to the senate health care bill, to be passed into law by the Senate next week). Then they’ll vote on it.
Then they’ll debate the actual senate bill. Then they’ll vote on it. Then Obama signs the actual senate bill and it’s law.
Is that about right? Someone had a formal schedule but I think the original schedule had the whole thing over by now, they’re way overtime.
@4jkb4ia: How ’bout them Aggies! And Baylor! Is it 1965?
@mcc: I read an AP story and Dem leadership estimated the vote at 9pm EDT.
It’s all over. The only saving grace is that the A-10 got the win.
Looks like very good team.