Svensker asks:
Can we somehow combine the Hatin’ on Boomers thread with the Hatin’ on Disgruntled Progressives thread? Cuz that would really cause tempers to flare and I wanna watch.
You know who really suck? Old members of the professional left. Splitters.
Consider this an open thread.
mr. whipple
Those are the worst, no question. It’s always ‘Viet Nam’ this, and ‘Viet Nam’ that, and going on and on about the music and drugs. Zzzzzzzzzz.
I do find them a little annoying – I mean, they’re always talking about how they sat in at some segregated barber shop in Antioch back in ’54. But anybody who voted either wasted their votes on the Green party or voted D in the last 11 presidential elections is a free thinker and a true American.
@mr. whipple – true that. Always bitching about Robert McNamara. Compare Bob Herbert’s scathing “obituary” of him to his ‘no comment’ when Reagan died.
Goddammit, GW Bush really was a unifying figure!
You’re welcome.
Comrade Javamanphil
“But we don’t want the Irish!”
Me and Noam Chomsky are going to come over and kick your ass!!!
Smartass whippersnapper.
Beats being a gay Muslim illegal immigrant who works for ACORN.
You know who really pisses me off is my great, great, great, great, great grandfather whining about the pension he got shafted on after the Revoluntionary War and how fucking hard it was throwing off the yoke of the King of England, I don’t think that old whiney bastard could have put up with the god damned humidity in Viet Nam and then there is my grandfather bitching about all the mud in the trenches in WW1…all a bunch of pussys.
Maybe not everyone in the professional left sucks, but I’ll go out on a limb and say that David Sirota really does suck badly.
Svensker’s a shit stirrer who obviously works for a drug company that markets BP meds.
Politically Lost
I’m loving the GOP idiot Ghomert, “TERROR BABIES” thing.
I wonder if I can sponsor my very own islamunifacist woman to come to the US and spawn a terror baby. Is there a website where I can sign up?
David Hunt
And I look at the top of the page and under the logo I see, “Screw the Judean People’s Front. Splitters!”
I mean, look at the latest PPP generic poll:
So indies are moving to the Dems, while the Dems frag themselves and the Republicans line up behind their crazy old uncles.
Jeez, I’d never want to be in a foxhole with any Democrats.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Gravy man, gravy.
The only way you are going to repair the damage you have done today is to offer a senior discount at the Balloon Juice Store. And it had better be a big one, ’cause you know we’re not satisfied with half-measures.
Has anyone photoshopped a “Muppet Terror Babies” image yet?
So the professional left is angry because Obama isn’t the fire-spewing, conflict-starting, highly-ideological liberal warrior he promised he would be.
Except that he didn’t promise that. He kept saying “postpartisan” in reference to himself. He complained about trivial and annoying cable news-style debates. During his campaign he rarely started fights, preferring to let his opponents attack him in over the top ways–remember Hillary and Obama’s Kintergarten paper?–and then counterpunch while making the other guy seem like a heartless aggressor.
In other words, campaign Obama is pretty much President Obama. I don’t agree with everything he’s done, but the professional left is mostly angry because Obama isn’t like them.
“Listen, if you wanted to join the Disgruntled Progressives, you’d have to really hate Obama.”
“I do!”
“Yeah? How much?”
“A lot!”
“Right, you’re in.”
Comrade Dread
Oh, sure, you jest now, but just wait until the rest of us are subjected to endless television and print introspective pieces on Boomer hippies and geriatrics as if they’re the first and most important generation to ever wake up and wonder why the f*** those damn kids are on their lawns, and it’ll be treated like the solemn pronouncements from one Mega-Philosopher combined from the DNA of Buddha, Solomon, Socrates, Aristotle, Locke, and Nietzsche.
Screw those old hippie farts.
@SpotWeld: Jon Stewart. Or was it Colbert? One of them last night. They used Scooter as the base (or in arabic, al qaeda).
Anyone know of downers for the most godawful fucking neurotic cat that has ever been in existence? I’m kinda tired of the non-stop screaming for food, 3 mins after he’s eaten and there’s still food inn the bowl. It’s insane and he’s already on medication for thyroid-but it hasn’t helped a bit on the screaming and whining. No, he’s not in pain nor is he interested in anything but eating and sleeping. Oh yeah, and pooping. This is driving us and the other cat crazy.
Omnes Omnibus
Smells like patchouli and Gold Bond powder. Mmmmm…
Mattel is working on it, it will be part of their new “Monster High” collection…perfect for your 3rd grade girl
SOUTHERN progressive baby boomers who hate Obama are the worst though!
You Don't Say
@Sue: But do it soon. I’m on the way to Denny’s for the early bird special.
In contemporary politics, the contest seems to be between people who don’t know much of anything, and don’t care, and people who know a lot, and think they know everything.
Both groups are insane. The main difference for me is that the former group has no history, and doesn’t seem interested in how we got here. The latter group knows some history, but doesn’t seem to be able to learn anything from it.
As a ward of the state, now that I have retired, I can sit back and watch both of these groups go to work every day and earn my living. Serves ya all right.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Polling in mid terms is notorious for inaccuracy and triple that before Labor Day, when the campaign begins in earnest. It will all likely come down to, How much more enthused are the wingnuts to go vote for goopers, and how the choice and motivation for independents and dems between their impatience on the economy and putting the party of Bush back in power. Personally, if I was a dem running for congress, I’d carry around a Mission Accomplished placard all the time, blare Katrina and the Waves music ever where I went. “Walking on Sunshine” Oy yeah.
Oh, and every few days shoot somebody in the face, metaphorically, of course
@ruemara: Have you tried marinating him in your trunk in a mixture of oil, crushed red peppers, chili pepper and salt?
The professional left is mostly angry because the professional left is professionally angry, or at least _performing_ as angry. It’s a fine role to play, and it never goes away. (I’ve been to graduate school in the humanities. I know the type.) It’s just louder than it used to be, because of the internetz. And it enters the broader political discussion more often because the other media got worried about their irrelevance and decided to try to harness all this energy out there they never felt themselves.
Yes. The remedy is a 3 x 5 card at the grocery store that says “Nice cat free to good home.”
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: I have been wondering what type of oil. I have olive, canola, and Mobil One.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@steviez314: Actually in a foxhole, I would only want to be with Democrats. It’s just convincing them that they need to get in the foxhole which is driving me crazy.
I have a bottle of Dogfish Head Pangaea at home chilling.
I wish I was a cook. It deserves something better than the DiGiorno frozen pizza it is likely to get.
Happy Friday peeps :)
Hey, I like Bill Moyers.
I would urge everyone to read this article in Vanity Fair –
anyone not understanding the frustration right now in the WH could do with reading this and reflecting.
it is illuminating watching re-runs of the West Wing. The Stimulus Bill alone would have been enough domestic and foreign policy liberal achievments for 2 series of the West Wing! A whole episode devoted to mandatory minimums and that was done pretty much without a peep. A victory when a healthcare bill is passed which limited lawsuits to $5 million! The things that Obama has achieved have been liberal wet dreams for decades and yet that’s just not enough.
Self proclaimed Deadheads who worry about whether they should clap as snooty classical music concerts are the worst sort of people.
What would Mickey Hart say about such a thing? Nothing good, I am sure.
They are very dangerous because of their obvious deep existential confusion.
After that, self professed hard as nails and zealous Steelers fans who get pedicures, and then advertise it in public.
After that, home gardeners who hate on growing zucchini.
After that, self advertized pet loving bloggers who refuse to post on a regular basis pictures of their pretty pet cats of obscure Turkish ancestry.
We will fail as society unless these dangerous elements are ostracized, reviled, renounced, rejected, repudiated and refudiated.
Eric U.
Today I had to sit through three light cycles because of an old person too timid to turn left. That sucked.
It’s a big tent party. You’ve got Democrats who would jump on a grenade for you, Democrats who would rather throw you on the grenade, and Democrats who would yank the pin on their own grenade to kill both of you.
@Eric U.:
and they still cut somebody off, right?
I lived in Florida a few years, I know how they roll
@ruemara: What is he eating? My cat had the nickname of Hurl Boy until I got him off grains, and added probiotic to his canned.
Now he’s happy as two clams with erotic intentions.
@You Don’t Say:
Meet ya there!
One of my cats was on valium. Really. Talk to your vet.
Stayed up til 4 this morning, saw several good meteors, but not the numbers I’m used to. I usually go out in the middle of nowhere, but just couldn’t be arsed last night.
I took about 50-60 long exposures, but only managed to get one meteor pic, and even in it, you need to know in advance what you’re looking for. (red streak, right side center.)
The subgroup of Teh Left that you identify with sucks. /theonion
All of them better than the Republican who pulls the pin and hands you a grenade and tells you it’s a multi-tool.
Or puts it in a shoebox and tells you it’s a pair of sneakers.
Or tosses it into your yard and says it will play the 1812 Overture.
Or insists that the country was founded on principles of grenade warfare.
Bill Murray
In any case aren’t the Baby Boomer, professional leftists mostly people like Chris Matthews, Joke Line, Maureen Dowd? Sure they are really 1 out of those three (baby boomer, professional, leftist) but they are as far to the left as polite discourse is allowed to go. Sure they know when to clap at the symphony and how to wax poetic at wine tastings, but sometimes life requires more than that
Stupid shit, this whole thread and both manufactured tropes. Just bring the “I’m lazy” and call it a week. Fuck.
Three pretty diverse folks. One is an embarrassing suckup to anyone with money, or power, or even looks. One is a joke line. And the other is a crazy shrew who thinks sarcasm is penetrating analysis.
@steviez314: not by much.
@DickSpudCouchPotatoDetective: Are you implying that Chris Matthews isn’t a crazy shrew?
Its an excellent and interesting beer. I never understood the “can’t cook” thing; are you scared of your stove?
Google on beer pairing + recipes and fine something with minimal ingredients that sounds appetizing.
Stuck in the Funhouse
@applecoreinaz: It’s an open thread, impress us with some real tropes.
i was once a treehouse
i lived in a cake
but i never saw the way
the orange slayed the rake
i was only three years dead
but it told a tale
and now listen, little child
to the safety rail
Sucktitude. BJ embraces it. Mudpit wrestling in the comment section daily.
@ruemara: @WereBear:
Definitely look into the food situation. And think outside the box with it. A friend of mine’s dog has had a finicky digestive system for several years now. After trying various specialty foods, the vet has finally put the dog on a vegetarian diet. Yes, a vegetarian dog. And the dog is finally doing well. His digestive problems are down, his coat is healthier, and he’s overall happier and full of much more energy despite this being the hottest time of year. My friends are thrilled and feel like they’ve gotten their old dog back.
You never know what the problem might be and it could be something you would never consider.
No, not at all.
It doesn’t work because old people of the professional left like Bob Herbet while critical (rightly) of Obama aren’t as livid at the wasted opportunity as we (younger) are.
@Stuck in the Funhouse: Support our tropes!
Allison W.
Rachel Maddow doesn’t suck – even though I don’t always agree with her. I rec her to anyone who asks.
Stuck in the Funhouse
@Redshift: good one!
Allison W.
they have a common thread – people I can’t stand listening to or reading.
Kerry Reid
Especially the ones with the first name “Bob” and the last name “Somerby.”
@Politically Lost: @SpotWeld:
I’d say that’s something that could be represented by a picture of John’s pets on a coffee mug or a T-shirt maybe, with an “oh, noes, TERROR BABIES!” blazoned across the top in Homeland Security Red.
Omnes Omnibus
@Allison W.: Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?
Kerry Reid
@mr. whipple:
It reminds me of an alternative-universe version of A Hard Day’s Night:
“I protested the war for you!”
“I bet you’re sorry you won.”
@Stuck in the Funhouse: I’ve had it in the back of my mind for a couple of years, waiting for the right opportunity. Thanks for the opening!
@Stuck in the Funhouse:
Go here for your tropes. All the tropes you could possibly want, including ones you didn’t know existed and didn’t know you needed.
@Ailuridae: Good suggestion and instead of “can’t cook” I should have said “prefer-to-sit-on-my-lazy-ass-and-just-drink-beer”.
Cooking requires patience. Of which I have little.
I do however have a wonderful little Italian restaurant near by that makes some delightfully fresh salads. hmmmm….
Omnes Omnibus
@soonergrunt: 404 error. Was that intentional?
Stuck in the Funhouse
@Redshift: I try to be useful.
I just saw the previews for some new sitcom starring Melissa Joan Hart. She’s still smokingly hot. And the olds suck. That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled freakout.
Stuck in the Funhouse
@Omnes Omnibus:
Third Eye Open
Hey there everyone. I would like to ask that you all take a moment and vote for Apalachicola River Keepers in their endeavor to get a grant to continue monitoring the Oilpocalypse’s effect on the Apalachicola River. If you can’t do this, may I suggest you listen to this.
@Violet: I have a kitteh with a milk allergy, so limited-ingredient foods have been excellent. Mud Bay stores have limited-ingredient (petco should as well) and lib’rul communist Trader Joes have OMGSOCHEAP dry and wet food that lacks unnecessary dairy and other fillers.
It’s also nice to not use food that won’t be from one of the few megavendors out there, I know my pets won’t be poisoned :)
Omnes Omnibus
@Trinity: Find things in your fridge, place them in a tortilla, add salsa, wrap, and eat. You can heat some or none of the the things as you choose.
That @Svensker is a trouble maker (and no doubt an old progressive).
Btw, any of you old progressives remember Tom Lehrer’s “National Brotherhood Week”? Seems apropos, no?
Also, if you have not seen this hysterical video made by a VP of IT at State Street re conference calls, check it out now.
@MikeJ: Now this I like! (sorry John)
Omnes Omnibus
@Stuck in the Funhouse: I thought I was aware of all internet traditions, but WTF is MOAT?
@Third Eye Open: Ah, I hope things stay well at
@Eric U.: Are you speaking political left,or………..
Stuck in the Funhouse
@Omnes Omnibus:
Why “Mother Of All Tropes” of course.
It’s a new internet tradition due to me just now making it up.
@Omnes Omnibus: Looks like it should have been this. (If there’s no ‘http://’, the link ends up relative to the current page.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Stuck in the Funhouse: Aarrgghhh! Of course. How gauche of me not to have realized.
Kids these days couldn’t produce a movement of the quality and sincerity of SDS if they ate 2 pounds of beans and took a laxative.
Omnes Omnibus
@Paris: And Donovan could kick Conor Oberst’s ass, right?
Sing a song for the children who are gone
Sing a song for Diana
Huntress of the moon and a lady of the Earth
Weather woman Diana [
@Omnes Omnibus: dammit!
Allison W.
@Omnes Omnibus:
@ruemara: How about water? I assume he has a bowl, but try giving him a running water source. There are fountains & such you can spend money on, but what I did with my thyroid-impaired cats was just turn on a dribble in the bathtub. An hour in the morning, and an hour or so in the evening really did shut them up. And, with thyroid issues, they need as much water as you can get them to drink.
j low
@MikeJ: ah ha ha ha ha!
Hey. Bill Moyers was born in 1934. Not a Boomer. You can acquit him on that count anyway.
Besides, Boomers exist because the Greatest Generation saved the world, then came home and went at it like bunnies. Yes, bunnies. They could have held back a little. Or maybe dropped one, drowned one, you know, the alternate spawn-day plan.
Linda Featheringill
Oh, come on now. Some of us old lefties are actually nice. Okay, we don’t want to talk about Vietnam any more. Would you like to talk about Haymarket? :-)
The really sad thing about looking at some of this stuff for decades is that the more things change, the more they remain the same.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Balloonbaggers throw the bestest circle jerks!
I’m reading about the eve of the Civil War right now, because I haz been too ignorant about that whole deal, and holy jeebus, the 1850s was scary. There were some whacked out people with power and/or a soapbox. Dear god, if they’d had some steampunk version of nukes, we Boomers would have never existed.
On the really cool side, some 40,000 cheering people watched Abraham Lincoln win his party’s nomination in Chicago. And I’m betting (since I haven’t read much further yet) that during Lincoln’s entire presidency, there never was heard a discouraging word, and the skies were not cloudy all day. You know, party unity-wise. Other people said mean things, but party unity was all good. ‘Cause of no Boomers, partly.
@Eric U.:
Seriously! It happens every day of my freaking life in L.A. Is it a universal phenomenon? And it’s not just old people, I think it cuts across all ages, genders, ethnicities, etc. What is it with people? Pull out into the intersection, idiot! So people behind you can turn too.
My contribution to Boomer Bashing: Kate Miller-Heidke’s Politics in Space. The payoff comes at the 2:33 mark.
(The studio version is better, but I couldn’t find a video of it. Also, I think this video is kinda cute.)
Whoops. I thought he was a youngster when he worked for LBJ.
He was..a 30 year old.
I am NOT looking forward to the first 20 something Press Secretary.
Eric U.
@bobbo: doesn’t happen here every day, but I thought it fit the thread in an emily litella sorta way. Although it was almost as frustrating as anyone in the WH thinking they can watch TV and see anyone from the left. The “left” as played on TV are nothing more than a batch of pretenders that couldn’t be happier with Republican rule.
@Omnes Omnibus:
To be fair, ANYONE can kick Conor Oberst’s ass. /haterade.m-ward FTW
Bill Murray
@Malron: and it also has Joey Lawrence as an unemployed commodities broker Hart hires to be a manny for her niece and nephew. Whoa!
@NineJean: I’d be too scared he pee or poo in the tub. I wish I was joking.
Now I can only imagine a guy in skinny jeans and ironic hornrim glasses constantly texting his way through the “gaggle.”
Robert Waldmann
Who said boomers are old ? We are just upper middle aged.
@Eric U.: Be kind, turning left in a light cycle can be dangerously impossible (see 1:45 in). ;)
@ruemara: My sister lets her cats jump on the counter when she runs the faucet for whatever, but if that doesn’t work for you, then you may need a cat fountain. I don’t know why they need running water; they’re just weird that way with their delicate systems, like the opposite of dogs that can fearlessly eat poop.