I like the word “homocon” a lot:
WorldNetDaily, the conservative site that’s become America’s #1 source for information about Barack Obama’s citizenship and hard money investment schemes, has revoked Ann Coulter’s invitation to speak at the web site’s national conference. The reason: Her high-profile September 25 appearance coming up at GOProud’s “Homocon.”
How will the homosexual Islamofacists with their Sharia law be stopped now that Grover and Ann have sold out?
Wow. If Ann Coulter can’t even pass the purity test because she talked to some uber-right-wing gays, then they should start losing every election in a few year’s time.
At Homocon, she’s being billed as “The Right Wing Judy Garland.” Not kidding.
El Tiburon
I’m shocked that WND would invite a trans-gendered individual to speak at their conference to begin with.
licensed to kill time
Coulter’s a Homoconunculus? hoocoodanode?
Amirite that “Homocons” was originated by Richard Goldstein for the title of his book condemning gay conservatism? Cute of the actual homocons to appropriate it.
I wonder if, at some point, these jackasses will decide to define themselves by what they stand for, rather than what they stand against.
TBogg’s got the headline to beat right now: “Mag Bags Fag Hag“
Not inaccurate, though.
not often that coulter engenders sympathy but WND, thank you for that. Now I feel ewwww…WTB shot of ammonia pls pst me.
@cleek: lol TBogg FTW!!
You know that forcible conversion to Islamofascism is totally what the Real Gay Agenda(tm) is all about.
Or perhaps forcible conversion to being gay is what the Islamofascist Agenda is all about.
Something like that. In short gays and Islamofascists are working together to advance their mutual agenda in making us all gay Muslim extremists.
Linda Featheringill
Homocon is a great word!
Between this and Norquist, I am having a most awesome day.
If the Conservative intelligensia wants to undergo a One True Scotsman process of winnowing out all ideological deviancy, I cannot help but cheer them on in support. Go on! Feast upon yourselves! We’ll just be sitting here with the popcorn and microbrews…
Sadly, No! was pretty good on the Ann Coulter appearance. Apparently, she’s the “Judy Garland of GOP LBGT,” whatever that means.
Yes. Pretty soon, the wingnutosphere will be small enough to drown in a bathtub.
You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
(via Wonkette)
Some part of me wishes there were such a thing as Giant 9 foot tall Frightening OMFG Muslin Terror Babies, so they could force assholes like Fr. Tom here to fellate them.
We’re talking about Pam Geller and WorldNetDaily in both of these instances.
I know that the way things are going someday Pam Geller and WND will be the pinnacles of Conservative Intelligentsia[*], as those with brains are run out of the party by the brainless. But as of today calling them the Conservative Intelligentsia is still a somewhat funny joke.
[*] The day that Pam Geller and the WorldNutDaily crew become the Conservative Intelligentsia is probably the same day that they get kicked out of the Conservative Movement themselves for not being pure enough, what with their book-larnin’ and their ability to use the Devil’s Own Internet and all.
This is all hopelessly confusing. Isn’t there some umbrella rightwing loony organization that’s supposed to be in charge of all the various sub-groups? And didn’t Ann Coulter once call some Democrat whose name escapes me a faggot?
I figgered they dropped Ann Coulter when they discovered the conference hall they rented didn’t have a men’s restroom.
Admittedly, I was using the term “intelligence” very, very loosely. Hey, at least they’re able to string together (semi)coherent statements!
I worked as a student editor for a while. Apparently, sentence structure can be a difficult and trying task. The things you learn in college…
licensed to kill time
Well, I guess that’s God’s Plan, then! Victory! Thanks, God!
John Edwards.
El Tiburon
Gay Republicans are not faggots. They may be homos, but not faggots.
Also, just ’cause Republigays like to have sex with other men, it is in a purely platonic sense.
Quaker in a Basement
Then they came for Ann Coulter…
…and I didn’t speak up because, hey, it was Ann Coulter!
@licensed to kill time: oh, now that is going to be a great response I will have to use in the future when people start talking about God’s plan for this or that. “Hey, this is what happened, so obviously it’s God’s plan. I guess this means God loves the [insert group here] just like he loves the little children”
Suffern ACE
@Quaker in a Basement: Yep, the woman who wrote that the U.S. policy in the middle east should be to kill their men and convert the survivors to Christianity is nothing but a cafeteria conservative these days.
Regnad Kcin
Wouldn’t Hermaphrocon be accurater in Ann’s case?
Just saying.
@KG: Whip out Romans 13 on them: “”Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”
Since Obama is pres, and obviously God put him in charge, the good little christians should shut the fuck up.
Mike in NC
A pill-popping drunk? What a surprise!
@Suffern ACE:
And notice it’s because she’s willing to take money from gay Republicans to speak to gay Republicans.
And this makes her a cafeteria conservative. One only wonders what they’d do to the real Ronald Reagan if he were still alive. (Not the mythical St. Ronnie they’ve constructed in their heads – the real Reagan who actually voted to raise taxes when he needed to and was willing to negotiate openly with the Soviets back when the world still had Soviets.)
Barkley G
How about Homoconflict as a new term to add to Wingnutspeak?
Homocon? Is that some kind of gay Transformer that disguises itself as straight in order to blend in with conservatives?
New! From Hasbro! HOMOCON!
(Reverend’s Collar and 2nd Wetsuit not included.)
You think it’s funny now, but wait til the Michael Bay summer vehicle in 2015.
If WorldNutDaily finds Coultergeist unacceptably inclusive, angry old white men may be next on their list.
@Linda Featheringill
man, the transformers franchise has changed since i was a kid.
My first thought was to make a gestalt team joke, but I couldn’t think of a witty enough name for the combined form. How far I’ve fallen.
I do, however, wonder how they attach to each other.
Roger Moore
Congratulations! You win the internet.
13th Generation
They have no idea what they’re for or against anymore. I’m enjoying seeing them implode, even if though it’s a long slow painful ride for the better of us.
“Each piece sold separately …”
Roger Moore
I think they stick their various body parts into each others’ orifice in ways that are not approved by Leviticus.
licensed to kill time
And when they start sputtering, whip out the ol’ God Works in Mysterious Ways on ’em. Cuts both ways, folks!
That’s a big circus tent, all right.
@El Tiburon:
Yes! And that they’d also invite that dude Ann Coulter too.
Sounds about right. When she gets on stage surveying her adoring audience guessing her first thought is “teabaggers and homocons and bears, oh my.”
Bob L
So it took them what, ten years to figure out Coulter is a transvestite?
lol, that’s just perfect.
@El Tiburon:
Ann Coulter is not transgendered. Please stop spreading that transphobic meme. Thank you.
“I do, however, wonder how they attach to each other.”
Insert Tab P into Slot V?
All these different rightwing groups are adding amendments to their purity tests faster than the speed of light. It’s getting to the stage that almost none of them will be able to pass. Very funny.
@Lysana: Thanks, I was just about to say that.
People, think about it. If you don’t have anything against transgendered people, why would you think it was insulting to Ann Coulter to say that she is one?
Regnad Kcin
Because Neutercon is not as funny?
Roger Moore
Given that this is homocon, I think that’s “Insert Tab P into Slot A”. Or maybe “Insert Tab D into Slot A, then apply two layers of W”.