I think my brother has found a home for her, but he wants to keep her and he also wants me to adopt her because he thinks she would get along well with Lily. I’m not taking any more dogs unless I find Rosie a home, and that isn’t going to happen.
In other news, I think Tunch chipped my tooth, headbutting the bottom of my glass while I was taking a swig of ginger ale. Thanks, buddy.
I’m liking ignoring politics for the day. Got my new home phone set up, got some work done, had the new stove put in, got some work done, and played a little Civ V.
Civ V is great, but man is it a resource hog.
General Stuck
Well the Roto Rooter guys came out today to clean a pump station down the hill and flattened the ground where my sewer pipes run, so I am waiting for the shit to back up and make for a pleasant weekend. They said call us if you have problems. motherfuckers.
And have apparently lost all my mojo for scaring up a good flame war with the dead heads around here, so I will watch Layer Cake instead, and think clean thoughts and maybe bend the Karma some to where the septic gawds will leave me alone.
Just Spme Fuckhead
Nobody cares about your clogged pipes, Stunk. Where is Laura W? I feel like I’m playing a character in a sitcom.
Comrade Mary
So what kind of stove did you go for?
TaMara (BHF)
I can understand his dilemma, she looks so smooshible and sounds so sweet. I was about ready to get in the car and drive all night to claim her.
I knew it!
@Just Spme Fuckhead:
I’d like to be the token black guy who sez “Wha??!” all the time.
Just Spme Fuckhead
@Cain: You shall be!
Keith G
@General Stuck: Layer Cake is very, very good.
John, you always hurt the one’s you love. I have a 15 lb house frau whose head butts are a force unto their own.
mr. whipple
Can I send you 3 dozen cassette tapes of barely listenable distorted concerts, all featuring the same songs but totally different bitchin’ versions?
@Just Spme Fuckhead:
Just tell him that he has to do the brotherly thing and adopt another another dog, and also a cat. Then we move on to your sister, rinse and repeat.
@General Stuck:
Gak. I can relate. Our septic system has been acting up for an age. I am afraid to call out the County to look at it cause it is 20 odd years old and no longer “in compliance” with current codes which would mean I couldn’t repair it, we would have to build a $10K mound system in our front yard. Thank the heavens for my Mum’s better half, Norman, who figured out how to divert the blocked pipe, lay a trench, and run a pipe down to the very bottom end of the leach field into a massive hole caused by a pine tree falling down, that hole is like a bottomless pit and should be able to absorb all of the water that the system generates for ages.
Tell your brother to keep the dog. As much as dogs like us, they really, really love the company of other dogs and his puppy may already have become attached to Ellie.
I hope that it works out for your brother to keep her. You guys are good people. And you’d get to dogsit so we’d get Ellie updates on a semi regular basis. ETA: Because obviously it’s all about us and our insatiable need for pet pictures.
The Rockford Files is on Netflix Instant.
Just Spme Fuckhead
@Cain: Cain, are you one of those black indians that can pass as a black man or are you one of those beige indians that looks real awkward saying Wha????
@General Stuck: I somehow missed the deadhead flame war which is probably all for the best being that I used to be a hard core Head back in the late ’80’s early ’90s, but have reached the point where it is physically painful to listen to them anymore. Flame away.
When are you going to adopt a child, JC? Rescuing pets is good, but if you want to do some real good in the world, make a child’s life better. There are millions in the world who could use a home.
@Just Spme Fuckhead:
I’m the second one. I’m not that dark. I have good pedigree (according to indian society) Although, if I’m around enough blacks, I tend to start talking like them. (which is kind of true for any group who talk differently than I do)
But more importantly what happened to Tunch’s head? What wasn’t he getting that caused him to headbutt? Poor guy — Tunch not John. We never hear his side of the story — Tunch not John.
You must be new to Netflix streaming. That’s been there since the beginning.
No..what is really a “Woot!” thing is that Netflix is going to have all of Battlestar Galactica (the syfy one) on instant!
Yessss…. finally, I’ll get to watch the whole thing without having to keep on getting new discs.
@eastriver: It is part of a natural progression. There is a wonderful woman in my town who operated a very well run dog and cat rescue on her property. Feeling she wasn’t contributing enough to society, she started taking in Fresh Air kids during the summers, which eventually led to two of the children being adopted by her. I can’t imagine how much worse the world would be without people like this.
Augh[. -p–‘
The rescue kitten just gave me the hiccups. and brought up all kinds of utilities I i didn’t know existed.
The kittten,
Listen to the baby.
I’m finding it preferable to watching Bill Maher let Andrew Breitbart and Amy Holmes walk all over him, so it has that going for it as well.
Second the request for stove stats. Here are some peppers all apickle.
General Stuck
@Just Spme Fuckhead:
That’s a shitty thang to say.
Is Civ V worth it? I played the crap out of IV.
General Stuck
@Cain: That is good news, I’m about halfway through rewatching it, and now can delete those mailer DVD’s and wait for the instant ones.
Mr. Cole, your brother obviously doesn’t get it. Ellie has already decided on her family and he’d better STFU and get with the program.
@TaMara (BHF): that’s some sort of BDSM reference, right? Perhaps left over from online BDSM?
@lacp: Yup.
Civ 5 a resource hog? I”m on my dinosaur machine with multiple instances of firefox, ie, chrome, and my av runnning along with civ 5, and while I wouldn’t call it snappy, it’s very, very playable.
Yes, the world seems a much, much saner place if you just ignore politics. Now if there was just a way that we could ignore politics and not end up being owned by corporations or ruled by crazy people…
I think about that a lot. I wonder if I would care much about politics if the two political parties here were center-left and center-right like nearly any other industrialized nation. But in America we have the center to center-right Democrats who ranks include people to the right of nearly everyone in Britian or Europe who can actually wield power (I am thinking of Ben Nelson) and then the alternative to that is a party full of people none of whom would be welcome in any political discussion in most of the industrialized world.
My interest in politics unlike my interest in policy is totally based on fear of what the GOP will do if they retake power based in memories of all the crazy shit they have done when they have been in power.
Sentient Puddle
For Civ V, I don’t know if it’s by design or if I need to upgrade (I’m hoping it’s not that), but for me, there’s a bit lag between turns. In all the previous games, if I had nothing going on, I could just keep pounding enter to speed through, but that’s more or less impossible in this one.
@General Stuck:
The plumbing in my house was backing up a few years ago and I called for repair. By the end of the day I found out the following:
In my old St. Paul neighborhood, the sewer lines are literally carved by chisel into the bedrock under the city. There is no pipe, just the hand carved tunnel (I hear they are amazing). The main tunnel has a side tunnel that goes from the center of the street to my property line, also hand carved. There is a vertical shaft about 6″ in diameter that runs up to the surface. This shaft is about 30′ deep and is also just drilled into the stone. It does not have a pipe surround.. After almost $2000 worth of diagnostic work, we discovered that a piece of rock in the shaft had come loose and fallen across the shaft.
If the sewer company had used their drill to open the shaft, and the city saw them do it, the city would have required that a complete new sewer run to be installed all the way out to the center of the street. At a cost to me of about $20,000.00 (the city reassured me that they had low-cost loans to assist homeowners in paying this bill).
My sewer guy didn’t want to take a chance getting caught using the drill so they attached sections of iron rod together and just kept bashing at the stone 25 feet down in hopes of busting up the blockage, and they managed to do it, although they told me that it was only half cleared.
This was one of the most stressful days in my life.
It’s been working fine since then, but every time I think about it I think about moving out of the house. If it ever happens again, I’ll never be able to afford the repair. I barely get by as it is.
Re Civ V: Ran dog-slow on my machine until I rolled all the graphics settings back to medium.
That’s typical of new releases. They often tune their high-end settings with an eye toward the high-end PCs of a year or so down the line. People are going to be playing Civ V for a long time. It wouldn’t do to have it run with everything juiced up to max on PCs the year it ships.
Just Spme Fuckhead
Just Spme Fckuhead
Ujst Spme Fckuhead
Fcku, U Spmejsthead
Fcku, U jest Spamed
Fcku, U jest sm ape. d.
Fun for Friday night.
Warren Terra
Since this is an Open Thread, I’ll throw in a link to a simply marvelous long essay by Eric Alterman about Christopher Hitchens and his recent memoir. A tremendous essay from a former close friend of Hitchens, it made me interested in maybe reading Hitchens’s book, and (for all that I agree with him about religion, if not about people of faith) I rather despise Christopher Hitchens.
I caved, and bought civ V after the first 2 hr run thru of the demo.
Lots of things/features from FFH2 it feels like to me, but haven’t played civ IV straight since FFH1 .. so .. grains of salt required.
Civ V plays fantastic for me, between turns tho is longer than expected on the new trading monster. (Bot @ last blak Fri, 920w/5770+recycled parts)
john- Tunch headbutting the bottom of my glass
me- Molly headbutting a shitting ass.
-wipe, wipe, – sigh – home girl, bath time!
ps: I paid full for Civ V, so expect 50% off sale within months/weeks.
pps. only got it cause NVDA Jan calls paying up to pay for it, suck it market! LOL. =)
Glad you found a home for the dog.
but in other news
IMPORTANT: If you know ANY VETS that were STOP LOSSED. They can get $500 per month that they were stop lossed. But the deadline to file is 10/21/2010. I’m passing this to the vets in my unit that were stop lossed.
Please share this with any VETS you know.
oh, and I dunno how many of you guys run dual monitor setups, but you can run civ V (fullscreen) on one screen and still have full control of mouse/windows everything on your second screen, so you can watch streaming cspan/cnbc/bloomberg/msnbc etc… and web browser and trading software and whatever else you can cram on your other screen, and still have full control of everything on both screens =)
Some are calling it a bug, if it is, I sure as hell hope they don’t fix it. Its a Feature!
pps – you can have other stuff also, too, under Civ that’s accessible when working on non Civ stuff, so its like having 3 screens really, only on one side you have to switch (and/or)between Civ and whatever is behind it.
@Sly: You are not kidding. I normally enjoy Bill, but tonight’s show has my blood pressure way up. WTF was going on? They had to have made some deal w/Breitbart to not mention the Sherrod episode, why I have no idea. But that was a complete debacle by Maher. Carl Sagan’s widow was visibly pissed & wanted to let loose on those two, but kept getting shut down.
Omnes Omnibus
29 quotes translated into lolcat.
Sentient Puddle
@Cliff: Me, I hate it in all my games, but especially Civ V. I often scroll with my mouse, and this pretty much screws my ability to scroll to the right (unless I’m really precise with my mouse movements, which I’m not).
So I don’t know, a toggleable option?
The Rockford Files is on some channel called Retro TV on my cable system (Cox). Surprising how well it holds up (often, but not always). Lately I’ve found myself watching Peter Gunn, which feels like it was made a hundred years before Rockford. Great jazz background music. I posted this before, but what the hell–Gunn’s girlfriend, Edie (Lola Albright), doing “How High the Moon” with the house band at Mother’s. Shorty Rogers on trumpet.
I wish I could get my hands on Harry-O. That’s the show I liked better than Rockford.
General Stuck
Aroldis Chapman just fanned a San Diego hitter on three pitches, chucking fastballs at 103 Mph. You could barely see the ball travel to the catcher, I sure wouldn’t want to bat against the dude.
Maxed here, the Hardware really wasn’t that much even a year ago on launch of 7, so its even cheaper now, recycle drives and monitors from your last machine, upgrade as they go on sale if you wish, alerts are avail for prices ya know.
Re-Cycle! it pays!
@beltane: You’re speaking in general terms. I was talking specifically about JC. I’ve been pestering him for a couple of years. A child would bring him bring him out of himself. Letting him focus on something besides ridiculous fights with Paypal.
General Stuck
Maybe he could adopt you eastriver, as the blog baby he never had.
Andy K
Goddammit, John, has my kid been talking to you and suggesting that you rub it in? The laptop runs IV just swell, but it doesn’t look as if V will work. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck!
Would you like someone to call the Domestic Assault Response Team for you?
Feeling musical tonight. Here’s my song for the week: Ray Lamontagne’s “Beg, Steal or Borrow.” Loves me some Springfield-esque guitar and some pedal steel.
Better sound on the link above, but if you want the live goods, here he is on Kimmel. Full group name is “Ray Lamontagne and the Pariah Dogs.” Rest of the album is pretty good too.
@Sentient Puddle:
um w/ dual mon only one side of the screen you have to be careful, or click and drag, I click and drag when I have to move right, or zoom out, click, zoom in. (which is faster most times.)
must say also, games are v/low priority 4 me, so I prefer the focus on my work screens, if you want only to play the game w/no distractions, disable the second screen, at least till they can span both screens…
(when they manage that I still will use both virtual screens and a old comp on my backup screens to watch the markets.)
really though, I’d rather browse the web, watch hulu/whatever between turns than watch it stare at itself doing stuff between turns.
Dunno how people survive w/ only one screen.
What you said.
My cat has the habit of headbutting me, glasses I’m drinking, food I am eating, etc. Thankfully there have been no broken teeth. But I could do without the morning wake-up of the paw up my nose. Just saying.
General Stuck
Time for today’s moment of wingnut Zen.
Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell in 1998
Or humans back into monkeys, Let’s ask Limbaugh.
Dude. Civ is for kids. Play EVE. Be a man.
Omnes Omnibus
@General Stuck: Let’s not insult monkeys.
err, this may only be me and other hyperscrollers, got a Logitech Performance Mouse MX and its got this scroll wheel I’m in love with.
I’m not sure how my old non hyperscroll mouse would do tho (MX 1000) I beat it to death on a bad trade – Miss that mouse bigtime, loved the buttons.
Whoa, night-owl TV alert. Just saw that St. Kilda is playing Collingwood in the grand final of Aussie rules football on ESPN-2. Awesome. St. Kilda is my second-favorite team, after Footscray, which, many of you know, I thought was a veterinary disease for the longest time.
Watching Jaime Murray on Dexter, I realize I miss Hustle.
How odd.
Zuzu's Petals
My 19-yr-old-Maine Coon seems to be winding down.
He doesn’t groom himself anymore, and is starting to look grizzeled. He sleeps all the time now, with only the occasional slow foray to the living room or backyard…and sometimes when he gets up his legs slide out from under him. He just wants to be held as much as possible, butting his head into the crook of my arm so it is nearly covered.
He’s on Lasix for CHF and also on thyroid medication, so there are no obvious signs of disease. Eating and drinking and peeing and pooping, but still he feels lighter and lighter every day.
I know it’s inevitable, but still it makes me sad.
You mean it’s not?? FH #1 has some splainin to do!
@General Stuck:
One glance at Limbaugh or O.D., and any self-respecting monkey would thankfully devolve back into primordial slime.
You Don't Say
I hope he keeps Ellie, but how about your sister taking her?
It may be both. I never got a straight answer. I remember at the time a lot of weasel words and equivocation. Very suspicious.
@jeffreyw: That’s a fine looking batch of peppers there Jeffrey. You simmer your peppers? I always just pack them raw into hot jars and then fill the jars with boiling vinegar mixture and put them back in the waterbath until the lids pop. Never trying cooking them. Do they come out soft or crunchy? I like crunchy.
@Steeplejack: Sounds about right. Those Aussies can be quite shifty if you’re not careful and minding the gap.
Um, I drank w/ a local @ the Manly Hotel, it was fun, I can’t clearly remember what happened for the week after tho ..
ps. Hi Amanda! – come by any time! =P
Yay – boys in shorts!
It’s a condition closely related to licky end and the wobbles.
That’s British, I think you’ll find, along with bad teeth, warm beer and losing of empires.
@Tattoosydney: Heh. Seems to be a rather effective method of getting you out from under the paperwork pile you seem to be constantly buried under. Although I appreciate the sentiment, I need to fill out a form to do just about anything at work up to and including breathing. Ahh bureaucracy.
Hi hon! How you been?
Yup. The usage was deliberate just because I’m in a tartish sort of mood.
I’m well. It’s the weekend, people are coming for dinner, I have made passionfruit creme caramel, lime and honey fudge and chicken, pea and chorizo casserole.
How you?
@Tattoosydney: I’ve made it two weeks without getting fired. In fact, they’ve pretty much told us what we can get canned for, and it’s all “duh don’t do that stupid” shit. I also have a general idea where I want to go in my career. Plus one of my trainers is a rather large Samoan, as in he’s rather large even for a Samoan.
(edited for clarity)
Heavens. That’s a big boy.
@Tattoosydney: He has his own center of gravity I swear. He shaved his beard because the big bosses said he needed to clean up his appearance for the training class. I kinda think he looked better with it honestly. He’s one of those who is large and is quite aware of the fact as well. He’s applying for another position in the IRS where he’ll actually go out and seize things. I think he’ll love that too much. I just get to scare them over the phone.
I suspect, by the way, that there is little chance of you being fired.
@Zuzu’s Petals:
Cherish the day(s).
@Tattoosydney: The only way I could lose this job is by being stupid. I’ve already been told it’s impossible for me to fail my training, although lack of attentiveness will cost me later on. I’ve been doing all right all things considered.
Plus my condo is teh cute.
Odie Hugh Manatee
By having a dual-PC desktop setup? :)
That and having seven other computers in the house with at least four on at any given time helps.
something fabulous
@Zuzu’s Petals: Yes, the lightness is an amazing thing– you put it so well. It’s as though they are leaving, bit by bit. He sounds lovely. So glad you’ve had 19 years, so far…
(I have been battling with FYWP over this reply for half an hour. FYWP alternately eats my post and then accuses me of double-posting when I try to reproduce it or it just files my post as spam. Yet another edit below.)
“Licky end”?! I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
What I love about St. Kilda is a team having that name in such a macho sport. And do they have a nickname? I know Collingwood is the Collingwood Eagles or something like that. So what is the add-on name (if any) for St. Kilda? I never have heard it.
ETA: And they just played to a draw. WTF?! So they’re going to come back next week and do it again?! Even some of the players in the post-game interviews were like WTF?! (Or Aussie version of that.)
@Zuzu’s Petals: Some of them go to the Rainbow Bridge suddenly, others go one second at a time. Your boy will let you know when it’s time for him to make the final crossing.
@Zuzu’s Petals: I’m sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you’re doing the best you can to make him comfortable. Sometimes that’s the only thing we can do for our critters.
Anne Laurie
@Cain: Just be careful they don’t make you the Raj-from-Big-Bang-Theory character…
@Anne Laurie: Must…not…show…Phineas and Ferb…big…Bollywood…musical…number…
Ahh screw it.
@Zuzu’s Petals:
I feel for you. Both of my last cats lived very long–19 and 21 years, respectively–and they both sort of faded away. Simba got creakier and stiffer, wouldn’t go downstairs, started holing up in the back of the bedroom closet and finally told me when she was ready to go. I was working at my computer in the office/study one morning and was surprised to hear her meow behind me. She was standing there, sort of teetering, looking up at me, and I knew. It broke my heart. I called the vet and made an appointment for the following morning. Made sure to give her lots of treats (more than usual) and had her sleep in the bed with me that night. Wrapped her in a towel the next morning, took her in and had her put to sleep in my lap. I had had her since I found her in the middle of Lullwater Drive near Emory U. when she was about six weeks old.
Same with Neko (purebred Russian blue). She was a small cat to begin with, but she kept getting lighter and lighter. She got to where she would hardly eat anything, wouldn’t leave the bedroom. I had almost (but not quite) reached the point of deciding that it was time. Then I came upstairs at lunch one day to find that she had burrowed into a pillowcase to die. I felt really bad that I had not been there with her. But she had a long life and was loved all the way. I wrapped her in a green towel and buried her in the woods behind my friends’ house. I put down a big stone to mark the spot. When I am in Atlanta I visit my friends and go out back to stand at her grave for a few minutes. Two decades of unconditional love. You have to honor that.
Keep your boy close and make him comfortable. And don’t be afraid to make the hard decision when it’s time.
Oh dear. I live right near Lickey End. Am I in danger of contagion?
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
dunno, it was kinda implied, but I gots dual everything. dual cost, dual net, dual comps, dual ups’s, etc etc..
cost of doing business ya kno?
BTW: Odie Hugh Manatee, I f’n love that name
I think I gotta refer ya to Diskworld for that one…
The Tim Channel
One of my four dogs was just diagnosed with cancer. Vet says Roxie is on borrowed time. I rescued her near the Gulf coast (Roxie, MS) after Katrina. She was nearly starved to death. Turned out she was a pit bull (couldn’t really tell when she was emaciated). I couldn’t bring her to Europe when I left the US, so my son has been caring for her since then. She has been an excellent companion for all of us and will be sorely missed.
Zuzu's Petals
Thanks to all for the kind words. I truly hope this is a decision I won’t have to make.
Here’s a picture of my Giblet taken earlier this summer, doing his favorite thing in his favorite spot. I can see the changes even from then.
@The Tim Channel: Oh, I’m so sorry. Roxie is beautiful. I am sending you be strong vibes.
@Zuzu’s Petals: I’m sorry for you, too. It’s hard to watch them wind down. Cherish each moment.
@Yutsano: Tart! I think you’ll excel at your job. And, yes, that is a big boy.
TattooSydney, figures you’d come out to play the one day I get here late. Oh, yeah. Weekends.
Zuzu's Petals
Thanks to all for the kind words. I truly hope this is a decision I won’t have to make.
Here’s a picture of my Giblet taken earlier this summer, doing his favorite thing in his favorite spot. I can see the changes even from then.
Oh, and Cole, Ellie IS home. Your brother just needs to accept it. And, how’s poor Tunchie? Pics to prove he’s OK!
@Zuzu’s Petals: Giblet is just so precious. What a beautiful boy. Give him a gentle hug for me.
P.S. I’m eighty-percent to using your secret weapon for parallel parking. I’z learning!
Zuzu's Petals
Thank you. I’d just had him groomed, so he looked especially fluffy.
And yay on the parallel parking!
@Zuzu’s Petals: He has the sweetest face.
And, I just had to shift my perspective (happening a lot to me lately) and get over how weird it felt to do what you suggested.
Zuzu's Petals
I was going to say he looks so innocent when he’s asleep, but the truth is he’s mellowed with age. About the most mischievous thing he does these days is pee on the floor right in front of me. Ah well.
Yes, it’s hard to fight the temptation to look over your shoulder when parking, but once you get the hang of it the mirror thing comes naturally.
@Zuzu’s Petals: Well, my Raven did that one day (peed in front of me), and he’s still a young’in (in my mind). I really hope that Giblet transition to the other side is gentle and smooth. I am sending a white light to guide him on his latest journey.
Parking: Yep. That’s the twenty-percent (along with the herkin’ and jerkin’).
Zuzu's Petals
Thank you.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Only duals? We have eight APC’s here at home; two 650’s, three 1000’s and three 1400’s. Freakin’ batteries seem to go out in swarms at times. You ought to hear the place when the power goes out.
Beep beep my ass! :)
Thanks! I have found some scratch their heads at it…lol
@Zuzu’s Petals: It’s heartbreaking, and many of us wish we couldn’t understand as well as we can. Giblet is a handsome boy who’s obviously had a wonderful life. It’s just so painful to lose them, no matter what. Having lost a wonderful 19-year-old cat to cancer in April, I’ve been comforted by my 10-year-old Maine coon cat, the perfect feline. Then day before yesterday he was diagnosed with diabetes and a thyroid tumor (both of which are manageable, but conditions I’d prefer that he escape). You and Giblet are in my heart.
Zuzu's Petals
Thanks … best thougths to you too.
Here’s an old pic of Giblet – taken two or three years ago – that John posted last year. He’s the baldie in the middle. The groomer had just shaved his hair off because the mats were so hard to get out.
Ginger ale. Such an eastern (coast) thing. Mom used to give it to us if our stomachs were upset. Not nearly as popular out here on the left coast for what ever reason…