I’m sure the tea party and the folks all worked up about the TSA will have something to say about this:
Actor Mark Ruffalo has been placed on a terror advisory list by U.S. officials after organizing screenings for a new documentary about natural gas drilling.
The “Zodiac” actor arranged showings for “GasLand” earlier this year and voiced his concerns about the practice in relation to the national water supplies.
But his efforts to raise awareness and demand a stop to natural gas drilling reportedly attracted the attention of officials from Pennsylvania’s Office of Homeland Security – and he recently discovered it had landed him on a terror alert watchlist.
I’ll need some verification of this before I believe it, but considering we spent the last decade infiltrating peace protesters and spying on environmentalists, it would not shock me.
General Stuck
fairly old news. It’s true, but not nationally from Homeland Security. Came from PA only, but likely will haunt Mark for the rest of his days, worldwide. The abominable no fly list with about a gazzillion names of possible terrorists on it, is the most lurid testament of fear mongering excess from the Bushies, or one of the most lurid.
The PA HS folks have a track record of doing crazy shit like this, apparently.
Corner Stone
Ummm, try the last *five* decades of doing this.
Ella in New Mexico
“Terrorist Watchlist” = “Communist Blacklist”.
Kudos to the US for it’s incredible, amazing collective amnesia and negligent failure to pass on the moral lessons of history to our young!!
Our progeny will look back someday at this decade as the time when McCarthyism’s bigger brother returned to America.
Cole: You are aware that you (and your Balloon Juice colleagues) are on surveillance lists compiled by various federal agencies, right?
Well, I certainly feel safer now.
Jay in Oregon
At last… justice has been served for 13 Going On 30.
Alex S.
This blog is on someone’s list, too.
@JWL: you are no doubt correct. There are probably some of us whose phone conversations have been enjoyed by the federales.
Midnight Marauder
The original story was first discussed about two months ago, back in mid-September.
El Tiburon
@Ella in New Mexico:
Try crazy, demented uncle on meth toting a machine gun.
We are a stupid, stupid nation.
Ruffalo is great, but he should rightfully be punished for acting in any romantic comedy as the shy guy or friend of the good-looking male lead.
Opposed to Big Oil fracking? Well, you’re completely frakked now.
Ella in New Mexico
@Midnight Marauder:
So what’s he going to do for Mark Rufalo?
I recall, with some pride, being interviewed by an idiot FBI-type a couple decades ago who was sporting bogus press credentials as I and a few dozen students and a smattering of faculty protested then Secretary of Defense Cap Weinberger speaking at our university’s fall convocation.
But having a file then versus having a file now, especially the no-fly list ugliness is a much bigger inconvenience to living a reasonably normal life.
That the Feds still cannot make a distinction between white-haired peace activists and destructive terrorists goes to show that 1) the best and brightest are clearly not attracted to this work and 2) suppression and intimidation are probably seen as more cost-effective than real surveillance, investigation and intelligence-gathering that includes also closing files and deciding some possible threats turn out to be, I dunno, wrong.
@BGinCHI: Ruffalo is great
excellent in “You Can Count on Me”.
back when Laura Linney was not over-exposed.
John W.
What does this make HBO who actually aired the documentary? Or Josh Fox who made it?
I hope it wins the Oscar. More than any other doc it deserves the attention. Really well done.
Mike G
It’ll be a frosty day in hell before you’ll hear teatards speak up against the government persecution of an environmentalist.
Conservative Xtian Murkan whites are the only ones who count as ‘people’ – everyone else in the world is cattle who deserve no rights.
And the witless mainstream media will play along to avoid their whining. Witness the massive attention given to the FBI’s baiting some pissed-off Somali teenager in Portland with no training and no weapons into the ‘scary Mooslim terrist’ role; versus the virtual silence regarding the arrest of a guy in San Diego whose house was so stuffed with weapons and explosives the cops wouldn’t even go inside.
@HyperIon: Love that movie. He’s a great brooder. He and Sam Rockwell need to take shit over.
Movies I mean, not the government.
@El Tiburon:
And getting dumber every second.. of course if we could somehow let the South go..
Midnight Marauder
@Ella in New Mexico:
Make sure he gets to keep his role as The Incredible Hulk in the upcoming reboot?
@John W.:
Well I don’t know about that (I haven’t seen Gasland yet).
But I have seen Countdown to Zero, which is frightening enough and will make you want to strangle Jon Kyl til you’re blue in the face.
I’m also going to see Restrepo (probably tonight) and “Inside Job” sometime this week.
what, cole….you just got around to reading the huff post? this is old news.
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, the rot is not just confined to a region anymore. There are Confederate sympathizers everywhere now, even more so than in the mid 19th century, when even in places like Alabama and Ohio, it was not geographically cut and dried.
John W.
@freelancer: I don’t want to insult the others, but the “holy shit I had no idea about gas drilling” factor in Gasland put me over the edge.
Six of one,m half dozen of the other though. Either way, the right and serious centrists like Broder and Harold Ford won’t pay attention.
John W.
@freelancer: I don’t want to insult the others, but the “holy shit I had no idea about gas drilling” factor in Gasland put me over the edge.
Six of one,m half dozen of the other though. Either way, the right and serious centrists like Broder and Harold Ford won’t pay attention.
After whining about ED Kain for the last few weeks, I got off my ass and created a Yahoo Pipe for the BJ RSS feed that excludes his posts. I still dont know why bylines dont show up in iGoogle or canto, but now that i dont have to be subjected to the Megan McArglebargle of BJ, i’m a little less ragey.
Anne Laurie
I’m surprised our own Church Lady hasn’t yet shown up to denounce you as insane as well as traiterous. Maybe Monday’s her night off?
El Cid
A bizarre outbreak of sensibility in Portland in the wake of the Somali plot to blow up the city.
Anyway, at least there was one positive result from the investigation.
I don’t agree with that last part, of course, depending on what you mean by “Americans”.
Thanks Midnight Marauder.
When this first appeared at Crooks and Liars before Thanksgiving I asked “and we know this is true because?”
I was roundly denounced. Not as roundly as Obama was denounced however. So it appears Ruffalo, by extension of old (two months) news added himself to a list?
It explains why, when you do a search for Ruffalo and “terror watch list” nothing appears before the date of this SF Gate posting. He was not even mentioned in the September article in Pennsylvania about this.
Good PR for him. No wonder if you read the whole SF Gate post Ruffalo says he was laughing about it. Kind of like Michael Moore and Wendell Potter going around the last couple of weeks revealing the terrible smear the insurance industry conducted against Moore and “Sicko.” The “revelation” coincided with the release of Potter’s book this month. They were both shocked, shocked they tell you.
Funny that the “smear” had been covered in the press for at least a year before Potter “revealed” it this month. And it consisted of about five press releases from an insurance industry front group. They never even mentioned Moore’s weight.
In other terror news, Christopher Hitchens says that there already was a butt bomber. This apparently happened before the Xmas undie bomber. So if this is true we should already have random mandatory cavity searches in airport security, or we are not safe.
Wow, I agree with you.
@RalfW: Surely in addition to your 2)
suppression and intimidation are probably seen as more cost-effective than real surveillance, investigation and intelligence-gathering that includes also closing files and deciding some possible threats turn out to be, I dunno, wrong.
we can add 3)
suppression and intimidation are probably seen as good in themselves, worth practicing for their own sake (suppression and intimidation of those not toeing the corporatist-militarist line, that is.)
Mr. F.L. Atulent
About 6 years ago I ended up on the watch list. I was able to fly, but I could do no advance check in. I had to go to check-in counter, speak with an airline rep and they would clear me after making a phone call.
This lasted for about 4 months. I called DHS and they said they would look into it. I never got an explanation as to why I was put or taken off…
@HyperIon: That is exactly right. He was perfect. Everyone in that was perfect, actually.
I was on some kind of watch list for a while. Whenever I flew, my boarding pass would have “SSSS” on it and the security guy would circle it, and then I would be frisked and they would search my bag.
It only lasted about a year (2003-2004ish), and I have no friggin’ clue why I was on it, except that I was a College Democrat.
Anyway, I ain’t no threat…
@Midnight Marauder:
I think I should oppose on this, just on principle.
The TSA was scared of a Ruffalo stampede?
I guess he’s a Marked man.
JD Rhoades
@Mr. F.L. Atulent:
it’s apparently a crime to even let you know you’re on it.
ornery curmudgeon
@Mike G: “And the witless mainstream media will play along to avoid their whining.”:
Actually, we really don’t know why the media is “playing along.”
@Three-nineteen: Yeah, did happen – damn near killed the Saudi.
Backscatter goes 10mm under the skin.
Big duh to the explosive dildo/buttplug/or
@scarshapedstar: If you post on BJ, you are – by definition – a threat.
Dennis SGMM
The people who are making us safe:
Now, where’s Kain to tell us more about the wonders of privatization? Anyone else get the feeling that you could open “ACME Anti-terrorism and Surveillance Consultants, LLC.” tomorrow and have a government contract by next Monday?
I guess folks haven’t figured this out yet. There is no evidence Ruffalo is on any list other than the one in his mind.
No, not “terrorist”. “Enemy of the State”. Labels are PR, and change at a whim, but the definition is always the same.
gil mann
Who put Edward Norton in charge of the watchlist?