She fought the good fight.
Elizabeth Edwards was a tough, smart, and funny cookie, as illustrated by her appearance on The Colbert Report two years ago. I specifically remember watching this episode back in 2008. Remember when gas prices were skyrocketing? Those were heady times.
In the intro to the show, Stephen did a hilarious bit about a “four shortage” at gas stations. Later, while interviewing Elizabeth, Colbert, per the yoozsh, tried to rattle her. To his (visible) surprise, she nailed him by referencing his bit on the “four shortage.” It was brilliant to watch because not many interviewees are quick enough to hang tough with Le Colbert the way she did.
Here are the clips:
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
OFEC | ||||
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Elizabeth Edwards | ||||
“The free market has done a pretty lousy job.” Indeed.
Rest in peace, madam.
[The formatting is wonky. FYWP. I’m posting it here anyway because the clip is that good. Peace, ABL]
Felinious Wench
My heart hurts.
David Brooks (not that one)
She was born the same day as me, July 3 1949. I’m celebrating today as a gift of life, in honor of Elizabeth.
She did fight the good fight.
I had read that she was an avid reader of Daily Kos and other blogs and remembered when she posted in 2007 over at the GOS. I think there’s so much affection for her because unlike a lot of the Washington insiders, she really seemed like one of us, for better or worse.
And ABL, I still love ya. Ignore the haters gotta hate crowd.
Omnes Omnibus
My condolences to those who knew and loved her. She seemed like she was one of the good ones.
Mike Kay (Team America)
This is ALL obama’s fault!
She was just so damned NORMAL. And too damned young. She’ll be missed.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike Kay (Team America): Cudlip.
CT Voter
Thanks for posting those–I had forgotten that appearance. She always seemed so genuine and non-politiciany.
Angry Black Lady
@CT Voter: @Carnacki: you’re quite welcome, and thank you.
@Omnes Omnibus: what is cudlip? i’ve been meaning to ask someone for a couple of days.
Peace to her family. I send a white light to guide her on her journey to the other side.
I loved Elizabeth Edwards. She lived about 8 miles from me. Classy and ‘one of us’ is true.
Thanks for the clips ABL.
Here’s another that is wonderful though not on a comedy show:
Elizabeth speaking at the HRC San Fran dinner
Omnes Omnibus
@Angry Black Lady: It is a matolo_chanism. My understanding is that it is an insult and means that the one called a cudlip exhibits cow-like stupidity. Check out any of the Wikileaks threads for examples. It should probably be considered for the lexicon.
I thought she was terrific. She was smart, funny, and wise. To have come through myriad tragedies with her head held high proves that she was a fighter and one gutsy woman. I wish she could have stayed longer.
ABL, thanks for posting this. I have been a bit sad since I read of her death. I went through the same thing with my mother several years ago — breast cancer that went into bones and liver. She survived 3 quite difficult years before she finally passed. I followed Elizabeth Edward’s progress and was amazed at how much she accomplished while suffering, with the additional burden of losing a child. She will be missed. She was an inspiration to us all.
She wasn’t an inspiration to me. And she shouldn’t be to you.
She perpetrated a fraud on the progressive left. She lied and lied and tried mightily to put a careless adulterer in the White House. His exposure was inevitable. But she didn’t care.
I don’t know what her motivations were, but I can’t imagine they were noble.
And now she’s dead.
I’m sorry for her family, but she’s not a big fuckin’ hero.
Just Some Fuckhead
In a just world, Elizabeth Edwards would have been a candidate for President. While I never cared for her husbands’s glib style or faux populism, she seemed genuine. Even so, it troubled me that she was likely complicit in the walking scandal that was John Edwards. I am truly conflicted in that regard since I consider the sex lives of others to be none of my business.
Just Some Fuckhead
By the way, Angry Black Lady, I enjoy your posts and don’t have any problem with the formatting. You seem like a great human being and I can’t help but think you’d be a whole lot of fun to hang out with.
@oondioline: jesus h christ on a stick, who pissed in your cornflakes? also, too, relationships are complicated. some forgive things others can’t. her estranged husband’s character aside, assume much?
@Just Some Fuckhead:
You’re right. They’re not.
Unless they’re your spouse. Then it’s pretty seriously your business.
Unless your OK with that. Then it’s not your business again.
Unless you get an STD. Then it is your business again.
Ad absurdum.
@oondioline: Who needs a hug?
@Angry Black Lady: Nooooooo! Don’t ask the cudlip question. In that way madness lies…
Felinious Wench
Can we please, please, please have a thread about something, anything, without it being related to the outrage of the Progressive Left? A woman died of cancer. She left behind two young children. She dealt with the loss of a child, the adultery of her husband, and the knowledge she was dying of cancer, and she STILL got out there and spoke about progressive causes, she still fought for health care. She did all of that with a lot of grace and class.
You can’t see any of that? What you see is your outrage as a member of the Progressive Left, not a mother who lived her life with grace and died with dignity? God, I’m glad I’m not you.
@Maody: Sorry for not being hagiographic enough.
Veneration of the dead is fine but let’s not lie about her sterling moral character, please.
slightly OT
Aretha Franklin has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
god sucks
Could John Edwards be a bigger prick?
Just Some Fuckhead
@kdaug: My wife and I have the same primary physician. A few years ago when I popped my first inguinal hernia and visited the doc to be diagnosed, I described the symptoms (not knowing it was a hernia) which sound suspiciously like an STD. It got very uncomfortable after that as he had to ask probing questions of a sexual nature.
He was visibly relieved when he diagnosed the hernia.
@Nellcote: See, that’s a tragedy.
@Felinious Wench:
And someone who tried to help an adulterer run for President against John McCain and SnowSnooki. Who put her own and her husband’s ambitions far far in front of our common good. As fun as the John Edwards baby mama / bribery / sex video / child story was, imagine how much fun it could have been if he were the fucking Democratic Presidential Nominee. She was OK with that.
I’m sorry she’s dead, may she rest in peace, etc. But ignoring how she was willing to screw us all to further her and her husband’s ambition is stupid.
Omnes Omnibus
@oondioline: In the the words of Eddie Murphy “Your mother brought you up wrong.” there is a time and a place for what discussing the Edwards campaign and EE’s role in it. This is not that time; this is not that place.
The Grand Panjandrum
Well played.
Rest well, Elizabeth. You really were one of us.
CT Voter
@Felinious Wench:
I’d like to second this, about eleventy thousand times…
Perfection is not a requirement for admiration.
@Earl: It’s like we’re supposed to honor her “realness” and commitment to causes we like without pointing out that her behavior, which was not “real” but deceitful, put those causes in serious jeopardy.
That’s a little too much cognitive dissonance for me.
@Strandedvandal: oondioline does not need a hug. at the risk of exposing all about my life – that comment just pissed me the hell off. why, because when my late husband was diagnosed with AIDS, friends of mine told me to leave him since he had betrayed our marriage vows. here was this man I loved who was gonna die, and miserably I might add, and they thought it was their place to tell me how the fuck to deal with it. fuck that.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sorry, I disagree.
Dennis SGMM
You’re sorry, period. Has it ever occurred to you that Elizabeth might have felt that John Edwards would have been a better president than the rest of the field? Or perhaps that she was just exhausted from the other traumas in her life?
If philandering disqualified a person for high office then both JFK and RFK would have been out, and Eisenhower as well.
Fuck off.
@Dennis SGMM:
And apparently FDR, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, just to name three. Also, stalwart John McCain (whom I heard might have been a POW).
@spudvol: nor is it a prerequisite for loving people.
@Dennis SGMM: You can try to rationalize her behavior, but it’s a tough road.
At best she was misguided. At worst, her behavior was borderline sociopathic, given her obvious political commitments.
Sorry to rain on your hagiography party, people.
I always had the greatest respect for Elizabeth Edwards until it became clear that she knew that her husband had a secret adulterous relationship and she supported his running for President anyway. In an election season where the Democrats had a huge advantage due to Bush fatigue, it seems the height of selfishness to run while holding a secret that, once revealed, could derail a campaign.
It’s not right that an adulterous relationship could destroy a campaign, but it’s factual that it’s a major liability in America. It seems foolhardy, selfish and full of hubris for someone to run for President in that situation. But John Edwards ran anyway and Elizabeth Edwards knew and supported him.
I know that relationships are complicated, and I do not mean to render any judgment on their relationship. What I do judge is the decision by both of them for him to run and her to support his running. I still can’t square that with the woman I grew to admire so much before.
She still was an amazing woman who did great work. Despite, or perhaps because of, her dire prognosis she really did live and live well. I hope she’s at peace and that her family and especially her young children find comfort in such a difficult time. RIP, Elizabeth. You did so much good for so many.
@Strandedvandal: From asshole to elbow with a dull deer antler, that’s what this punk needs.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Dennis SGMM: Roosevelt, Bush I and Clinton too.
Fuck, this place is turning into Bizarro World freerepublic. Swap the “Goddamn America Michelle shows off her latest ghetto hair” comments for “Elizabeth Edwards was a deceitful wench who deserved to die” and what’s the difference?
@Dennis SGMM: It also disqualifies Newt, so there is a bright side.
@stuckinred: Violence isn’t the answer, brother.
Truth is.
Stop engaging this fucking asshole.
Just Some Fuckhead
Fabulous Beekman Boys holiday special comes on Planet Green channel tonight. If you haven’t seen these guys, I highly recommend you tune in.
Damn. Some of ya’ll got issues.
Condolences to the Edwards family. Such a shame to lose someone so young.
@MadeInAmericA: FDL is full.
You can’t judge a place by a few trolls.
nuance, love that you have it.
great comment. and yes, very sad that she passed. too young.
@oondioline: hey, shitbird,
You really ought to shove a running chainsaw up your own ass. I’m sure it would suck for you as much as people here paying respect to a decent, smart, and compassionate force for good in the world seems to suck for you. Maybe more.
But at least we wouldn’t have to read your crap.
Dream On
It was complicated, and it ended badly. And I’m sorry that she is gone.
@BR: I guess as a long-time lurker this oodle guy hit my last nerve given the hyper-emo-ness around here lately. I hereby vow to ignore asshole trolls. Wish me luck :)
gogol's wife
@Felinious Wench:
Thank you.
something fabulous
@Violet: See, now, THIS is how you make this comment. Kudos.
@soonergrunt: I’ll give you smart and compassionate but not decent. If she would’ve been successful, she would’ve hurt this country, not helped it.
I share the hagiographic instinct that is the source of your plea to mutilate myself with power tools, but I also have a sense of what’s right and wrong, and I value telling the truth over whitewash.
You wouldn’t be so angry if you didn’t know at some level that I’m not being unreasonable, or even unfair.
Chyron HR
Fred Phelps, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s give him a big hand.
@MadeInAmericA: Have a slice of pie. It will make you feel better.
@Chyron HR: If you start a blog devoted to Elizabeth Edwards’ incredible moral fiber, I promise not to post there.
For the record, there’s not a single serious defense of her behavior here amongst the various howls of outrage.
Since Elizabeth Edward’s wasn’t supporting a “pope in chief” I am not sure what fraud she perpetrated. I would say that Laura Bush perpetrated a fraud as she probably knew her husband was an incompetent, rich, spoiled child, who had a history of leading businesses that failed. As to Elizabeth Edward’s motivations in supporting her husband, who can say. I certaintly can’t speak to her motivations. Maybe she just believed he was competent to lead.
Try living a life with terminal cancer. And, she did live. To me, because of this, she was an inspiration.
The point is, you halfwhit asshole, she wasn’t a force for good; she was a force for her and John Edwards’ self aggrandizement, even when that ran directly contradictory to the interests of any of {the USA, the democratic party, liberals, or any of the people put at risk by a “bomb bomb Iran” / snowsnooki presidency}.
Omnes Omnibus
@soonergrunt: Twenty years ago when I was a young lieutenant, my battery had someone who was leaving a shit in the shower overnight almost every night. As my fellow lieutenants expressed wonder about this, our 1st Sergeant walked up and said, “Gentlemen, it’s simple. We have a “mad shitter;” they come in different forms but every unit has one at some point.” Trolls are simply the internet version of a mad shitter. They can’t help it.
@oondioline: I don’t wish to mutilate you with powertools, fuckwit. I wish for you to mutiliate yourself with powertools.
It’s a subtle, but important difference.
As far as what I know or believe, I know that there’s something missing from the kind of person who comes into what passes for a memorial service, even an informal one, and shits on the floor just to get everyone to look at him. In that respect, I feel kind of sorry for you, while being simultaneously disgusted by your behavior.
Fortunately or unfortunately John runs a very tolerant site. Because of that, we have to ignore trolls.
I didn’t know Elizabeth Edwards and I don’t purport to know her but I do know that she displayed compassion and worked hard for universal health care. I will miss her voice.
@Omnes Omnibus: We had one in Panama when I was stationed there.
What you said. If all of us who have done something not perfect in our lives are booted out of the club, the club is going to be pretty slim.
It is my sincere hope that when oondioline and Earl die they are eulogized by people who only ever bring up things they think were bad/stupid/wrong.
Chyron HR
Yeah, we’ll get right on that.
Omnes Omnibus
@soonergrunt: Then you understand. Creatures like oodles are more to be pitied than anything else.
@soonergrunt: Using violent rhetoric on the internet isn’t exactly the mark of a higher intelligence.
And this isn’t a memorial service, feeb. It’s a blog.
And Elizabeth Edwards isn’t a saint. She’s a semi-tragic figure who is complicated by some seriously questionable choices.
And that pointing this out would cause you to be disgusted says more about you than it does me.
You don’t get a free pass on almost seriously fucking up the country just because you died.
@Earl: And who the fuck are you that anyone should give a rat’s ass about your opinion?
You know, I don’t go into some threads, just because I know I couldn’t act even remotely like an adult in them.
There’s a lesson in there, somewhere…
Omnes Omnibus
Actually, unless you are Dick Cheney, for a few hours, or even days, after you pass you do get that free pass. It’s the way society works, a little decency here, a little politeness there. This is especially true if you didn’t fuck up the country.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sorry, we disagree.
@oondioline: You really are pitiable.
Just Some Fuckhead
Why have a memorial service when you can have a brawl?
@soonergrunt: I think it’s pitiable to urge violence on a stranger. Interrupting the hagiography of someone who almost did serious damage to the country is a public service.
Omnes Omnibus
@Just Some Fuckhead: This is Balloon Juice. Apparently, we can do both.
You must be posting as a cry for attention. So sad.
Exactly how did she screw up the country before she died? I think others can take credit for that….Or maybe you just missed the part that others suffering from cancer could have gained courage by her actions. How selfish you are. May you never get cancer and learn real suffering.
Wow. I’m guessing that you have few, if any friends; those who consider themselves friends most likely have to make a LOT of allowances for your lack of social awareness.
Both your timing and your tone are terrible. People here are grieving her loss, and you know that. So, either you threw these comments in because you knew that that grieving admirers would find them especially hurtful at this particular time, OR you genuinely have no understanding of the other humans around you and so you have limited self-censoring abilities, OR you do understand the effect your timing and tone have on others and you threw in anyway, because it makes you feel especially honest and therefore more virtuous than the person being memorialized and all your lesser fellow commenters who acknowledge her transgressions, but admire and miss her anyway.
I’m going to be generous and assume you are simply extremely socially inept. What you’re doing is ugly, and if you had the capacity to feel healthy shame, you would knock it off. Since you appear to be lacking the ability to feel healthy shame and thereby do some self-censoring, you should take your cues from the people around you.
Remember this experience for the next time it inevitably happens to you.
@soonergrunt: Fire for effect redleg!
Omnes Omnibus
@beulahmo: Well said.
Wow. Acting like an adult indeed: “hey, shitbird,
You really ought to shove a running chainsaw up your own ass”.
Omnes Omnibus
@Earl: Cudlip.
@oondioline: It’s not a hagiography, it’s a eulogy. Greek word in origin; breaks down to “good word.”
This is when we say good things about the dead.
You are being a shower shitter. Kindly slip in it.
@beulahmo: We have different opinions about what’s appropriate at this time and in this forum. I would urge you to direct your psychoanalysis at the person who jeopardized everything she apparently believed in to elect her husband President.
I’m certain I don’t understand it.
Angry Black Lady
This trolling in an RIP thread is soooo predictable.
This thread is testing my resolution to be kinder and to think before I call someone a shit weasel.
@Angry Black Lady: Might I have a piece of heavenly lemon meringue please? Tx.
@Felinious Wench:
Can we please, please, please have a thread about something, anything, without it being related to the outrage of the Progressive Left? A woman died of cancer. She left behind two young children. She dealt with the loss of a child, the adultery of her husband, and the knowledge she was dying of cancer, and she STILL got out there and spoke about progressive causes, she still fought for health care. She did all of that with a lot of grace and class.
You can’t see any of that? What you see is your outrage as a member of the Progressive Left, not a mother who lived her life with grace and died with dignity? God, I’m glad I’m not you.
Well said. Thank you.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
ABL is a ton of fun to hang out with, especially when zombies are afoot.
I would urge you to direct your psychoanalysis at the person who jeopardized everything she apparently believed in to elect her husband President.
I’m certain I don’t understand it.
All you need to do is reach for your humanity…. oh, wait. Never mind.
@Angry Black Lady: To be used as projectiles against the trolls? yes please!
@stuckinred: I’m Infantry, dude.
I did do two and half years in a Cavalry unit, though. Those are some weird people. They still wear spurs, for Dog’s sakes.
@Omnes Omnibus: Now that’s just MEAN.
Omnes Omnibus
@soonergrunt: I think I am the only gunner here.
@oondioline: Dude, pull up your pants.
I don’t think the Edwardses were serious about winning the nomination, they just wanted to make sure the conversation included health care and help for the poor.
I think they succeeded on that point.
I was shocked when I went to a local Dem wingding early in primary season and Edwards had no people there, not even an intern handing out stickers. He lived in Nashville for a few years early in his career and had a lot of support here.
Anyway, God rest her soul. She was a great lady.
One of the things I liked best about John Edwards was Elizabeth. I always loved that she seemed so normal, and that she was older than him–it somehow made me happy to see this fairly attractive guy in power who chose a normal lady for his wife. Aaand then he cheated on her. I was so fucking disappointed. Asshat.
While her interview with Oprah kinda freaked me out (there was this weird and powerful energy of denial coming from her–it didn’t seem to fit with anything else I saw of her), I always thought she did her best to live as best she could. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s propaganda, but regardless: I hope she rests in peace.
@oondioline: One more time, for the painfully slow- (that would be you)
I wasn’t urging anyone to do violence on you. I was urging you to do violence upon yourself. A good alternative would be for you to just shut the hell up and go away and stop blessing us with what you seem to think is your moral superiority, and not shove a chainsaw up your ass, while being somewhere else.
I’d be OK with that too.
@Omnes Omnibus: you may be. Do I have to start typing in all caps for you?* Deafness doesn’t translate well to the written/typed page though does it?
*yes, I know it’s a stupid hackneyed joke that you’ve seen over and over again. Still, I would’ve hated myself if I’d let it go.
@oondioline: You apparently never loved anybody in your life.
That would explain a few other things about your behavior here.
Omnes Omnibus
@soonergrunt: I have a cousin (my mom’s generation) who retired as an LTC after 24 years in FA. He did not wear earplugs. His whole family shouts now. Another cousin from that generation also retired as an LTC after 21 years in FA. He wore earplugs. His hearing is fine. I learned; I wore earplugs. Concerts have probably done more damage to my hearing than the artillery did. And, of course, let me add the obligatory “Fuck you, grunt.”
I’m so glad you remembered and found these clips! I enjoyed them over on your blog earlier, and I’m glad you thought to post them over here, too.
Thanks, sweetie.
@soonergrunt: Uh, I sorta wondered why the grunt handle from someone who said
“Twenty years ago when I was a young lieutenant, my battery had someone who was leaving a shit in the shower overnight almost every night” . I don’t question someone with the obvious knowledge you have but I was puzzled, thought maybe you served in different branches. I was in the arty in Korea and Signal in the Nam so it can happen.
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree about the rock and roll but in 66 we didn’t wear any kind of protection and I think just the shit we did with 14’s in basic alone was enough to fuck up your hearing. That and the fucker that let go with the 60 over the top of my head while I was driving the gun jeep down the road!
I’ll take that at face value and answer that I believe you. I won’t bother you further after this comment, because you’ve monopolized this thread and the rest of us need to stop engaging/indulging you.
In this thread, your peers seem to think your comments are either pathetic or mean or self-aggrandizing or some combination of unflattering things. Notice that nobody claimed the accusations you made against the very recently deceased lady were false. They were responding to the timing and tone of your comments. You appear to believe your comments reflect brutal honesty and nobility of purpose on your part. They do not. They only reveal some very unflattering things about yourself. If you are not aware of — or confused by — others’ perception of you and your behavior, you need to consider the possibility that the reason for it resides within yourself.
Omnes Omnibus
@stuckinred: Dude, that was my story.
Angry Black Lady
@Just Some Fuckhead: thanks, JSF! i’m a hoot, especially when there’s good whisky involved.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well goddamn, that’s what I get for sitting here listening to Illini basketball on line and trying to be swuft here on the board! You ever see my home movies of my 105 outfit in Korea?
Angry Black Lady
@beulahmo: you’re very welcome! i meant to post them yesterday, but this place was on fire and made my brain hurt.
@beulahmo: You’re very eager to judge the messenger. I don’t see you taking on the message.
I’m not the one who attempted to put the things you presumably value in jeopardy.
That I’m relatively unconcerned about the timing and tone of the message, and that you are, reveals that you don’t think it’s important, or at least not important enough to discuss here. We disagree.
I’m sorry for the family’s loss. I admired her and her husband and thought them both decent people. After the truth came out, I think she wasn’t admirable or decent. He’s obviously beneath contempt.
I think it’s important not to whitewash who she was, especially now, while we can reflect on it. And so I persist.
@beulahmo: I said that two hours ago.
Omnes Omnibus
@stuckinred: Cool stuff.
@oondioline: Maybe you should go to the funeral and tell the kids what you think of their mom. And then you could pry open the casket and piss on her face just to make sure everyone understands your feelings.
@debit: Maybe you could be hyperbolic.
Omnes Omnibus
@oondioline: Did you ever interact with humans before? The evidence points to no.
@Omnes Omnibus: I found my Bn Commander online a few years back and he sent it to me. It’s funny how, after 40+ years, you begin to wonder if what you recall was real. I don’t think it’s on that part of the film but there was footage of a Korean with a drunk pig on the back of his BICYCLE taking it to market! Our compound looked right out over the Imjin and we were in range of the NK speakers. They’d talk at us all night when we were flankin, weird ass place.
@oondioline: Maybe you should let it go now. Because if your goal was to come in here and make sure we all understood that you disapprove of her, we got that first time you posted. But you keep on, figuratively, pissing all over this thread which was meant to honor her.
@debit: And people kept encouraging the little shit.
@debit: Precisely. I’m here because I don’t think she’s honorable.
I’d like to understand why she did what she did. Any ideas?
Omnes Omnibus
@stuckinred: Point taken. I won’t do any more of it.
@oondioline: I don’t understand why people who have an issue with something demand that people who don’t have the same issue explain it. Why should I explain anything? You’re the one with the problem. Get a shrink if you can’t figure it out on your own.
Oh…guess I missed it. Sorry if I’m rehashing stuff already said. I was trying to give the wretch a little benefit of the doubt. Silly me — I thought if I said it in just the right way, the message might start to sink in. Sigh. I see from his/her response, the shield of self-righteous certainty is fully deployed and, at this point, prevents even basic reading comprehension of my comment. Well, I tried. Now I kinda wish I’d just thrown in with Omnes and sooner — engage in some social misfit taunting. What the heck! Equally lacking in corrective value, but more satisfying to all others who aren’t oondioline.
@debit: reeks of the John Locke Foundation’s holier-than-thou approach to character assassination – make the other person defend. to oondioline: STFU already.
you know what is weird about this blog? Every time — and I mean every time — there is a post making a statement that 99.990001% of literate people with access to a computer would agree with — or at least not go so far as posting a comment to argue with –some representative of that tiny sliver of .000009 percenters ALWAYS manages to find its way here. Whuzzup with that?
She’s honorable to me because of how she lived her life with cancer. Whatever her motivations regarding her husband and what she did for him to me is besides the point. She will remain an inspiration for other women suffering in the same way. Why can’t you get that in your small brain. I guess you never suffered from such a disease nor had anyone close to you suffer. I did, and I recognize what she went through everyday. She didn’t hide, she didn’t give up. She chose to write, to advocate for health care, and to live as fully as possible knowing that every day could be her last. Try it. See how well you do. And, then get back to us.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: We’re just lucky, I guess.
@beulahmo: No biggie, people come and go and this low-life motherfucker has been having a great time spewing his bullshit to whomever will talk to him.
Angry Black Lady
i’m just here for the pie.
Felonious Wench
I don’t think anyone on this thread would consider her a perfect human. Yes, like any other person, she made some decisions I didn’t agree with. I don’t know why she made them. I don’t know her thought process. And I sure as hell don’t know what it’s like to have a diagnosis of terminal cancer.
What I DO know of her is her actions when she was diagnosed. She didn’t stop working for the causes we support, even with terminal cancer. She held her family together when her husband blew it apart. And when she died, two young children, and older children, lost their mother.
So, do I want to make a saint out of her? Of course not. But do I want to pause and recognize her passing is tragic for her family, and thank her for fighting the good fight? Yep. May she rest in peace.
What can I say? I’m Irish. This is what we do.
@stuckinred: That was Omnes Omnibus who wrote about being a young officer in Arty.
I retired as an E-7 after 21 years.
@Angry Black Lady:
You damned right, pie!
I’m shamed that the pie couldn’t have been less filled with troll.
She was a beautiful spirit and a witty and fun person. Thanks ABL
Paul in KY
@soonergrunt: Never ran into a ‘mad shitter’ when I was in USAF (thank God). Maybe that’s an Army thing…
Paul in KY
@debit: I like that term ‘shit weasel’. I’d like to appropriate it sometime.
@Paul in KY: I understand that the Navy has them as well, both from some books I’ve read and from my father in law who was a career navy guy. I’m sure there’s a phantom shitter somewhere in the Air Force right now. Watch where you step in the hangers.