So basically, some wingnut attended a Bill Ayers presentation at Montclair State University and filmed it, and at the end, asked Ayers about Obama’s book. Ayers either knew the guy or knew what he was digging at, smirked, and told him that yes, he wrote Obama’s memoir, and he would like some of the royalties. This has had the predictable reaction from the wingnut right:
If you are like me and have come to grips with who you are and realize that you simply can not avoid gawking, I highly recommend you go to memeorandum and check out some of the links. It is teh AWESOME, especially the comments at some of the sites.
It seriously is like David Lynch was asked to re-imagine the train wreck in The Greatest Show on Earth, and it really resembles a clown car pileup while on acid. Strewn across the littered, smoking landscape are disemboweled rubber chickens, deflated whoopie cushions, crushed toy cars smeared with old cotton candy and dingy clown white makeup, all the while some circus geeks run around using Harpo clown horns and screaming about textual analysis. It’s so much awesome I can barely control myself.
New Yorker
It does resemble the kind of stuff you see on 9/11 truth message boards. The kind of stuff that makes you think the person writing it is dumber than a box of rocks, and should be placed in a straightjacket.
I know that demographics will take care of this stuff over time, but I worry about the inevitable violence that will come with it.
Mark S.
Are any of the clowns played by Jeff Goldstein?
McGeorge Bundy
And Thomas Pynchon wrote The Audacity of Hope. He’ll be holding a press conference tomorrow.
It seems, ultimately, that the big biological divide between liberal and conservative is that one group is born without the part of the brain that recognizes satire.
joe from Lowell
My fave so far:
The fact that Donald Trump has proved willing to challenge that story has got to make the White House even more apprehensive.
Donald Trump, people! Game, set, and match, Dhimmicrats!
Sarcasm and satire are well and truly dead on the Right. I am afraid that if one of them happens to get their hands on “A Modest Proposal” we’ll see baby-based cannibalism spike in the US.
@Mark S.:
A very sad clown.
I believe Ayers has comments like these previously and frequently does it to antagonize wingnuts. I remember seeing something about a woman challenging him in an airport where he once again claimed writing Obama’s book and her claims got picked up by Drudge or someone.
Too lazy to look for a link.
can’t believeam entirely unsurprised Ayers hooked them again. Morans.Napoleon
Hasn’t Ayers done this before?
PS, great Costello reference.
Hermione Granger-Weasley
Jeff Goldstein bait. I have to go look.
The semiotics and hermeneutics of clown-car wisdom.
Comrade Javamanphil
Almost makes me feel sorry for Dave Weigel and his quixotic attempt to bring rational thought to conservatism. Oh, who am I kidding, it just makes me point and laugh.
@joe from Lowell:
I still believe this is all an extended practical joke from Trump. Sokol².
The Ancient Randonneur (formerly known as The Grand Panjandrum)
E.T. just phoned and said he can see Donald Trump’s hair from his kitchen window!
McGeorge Bundy:
No, it was Qaddafi who wrote The Audacity of Hope. That’s THE REAL REASON we’re attacking in Libya now: to keep Qaddafi from talking!
I think your clown paragraph is my favorite passage in all your posts (and I’ve been reading BJ a long time.)
McGeorge Bundy
@JGabriel: Qaddafi is one of Thomas Pynchon’s many pseudonyms. In fact Thomas Pynchon is just a pseudonym of William Gaddis, who, it must be said, is just a pseudonym of J.D. Salinger.
Just Some Fuckhead
What if Ayers wasn’t joking? This could be bigger than when Pat Buchanan was outed as the ghostwriter of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Yes, the pathetic part is that this isn’t even the first time Ayers has done this. Can you blame him? If I were Ayers, at this point I’d be stepping up my game a bit and have an ISBN handy to “prove” there was a suppressed first edition credited to me. Memorize it and give it verbally to random wingnuts who really annoy me. Kick back with a drink and watch the carnage unfold as thousands of wingtards perform numerology on the fake ISBN, submit FOIA requests for the first edition, and howl that the fact they can’t find a record of it anywhere only proves that it’s true.
ed drone
“What I tell you three times is the truth” (an Arabic saying) could apply.
So anyone who assumes that three repetitions of Ayers’ claim means it is true must himself be internalizing Muslim attitudes, and thus is practicing Sharia, right? So the right-whingers are all secret Muslims, or something.
After Obama’s inauguration for his second term in Jan 2013 he should immediately suggest to Congress that they amend the constitution so that anyone born abroad can be President of the USA.
The resulting carnage would pretty much shut down the intertubes and keep the wingnuts busy for his whole term.
John Schulenburg @ Gateway Pundit:
The only reason people don’t think Bush’s book was written by a radical terrorist is because: everyone knows it was ghost-written.
@joe from Lowell:
Too true. FUX and Fiends were all over it, tut tutting over Whoopie and oozing sympathy toward the insinuation that there is anything racist about the Combover and his newly found Birthism.
William Ayers, however, has become my hero by managing to fuck with these people over and over without them ever catching on. I saw the video earlier this morning and the sparkle in his eye when the wingnut started in with his “question” was just hilarious. He may have been an idiot as a young man, but he’s too fucking funny and wicked smart for words now.
@Catsy: He oughtta work in the birth certificate and ‘mau mau.’
Seth Finkelstein
Hilarious. More people should do this. Something like: “Why yes, I am part of the secret underground. Who was the traitor who told you of my membership? Now that I’ve been exposed by your revelation, I’m completely useless to the cause, so you should go and bother someone else.”
Teh funny
(Mr Burns Voice) Yess, the false facade is crumbling…
Not to mention, that it really was written by an unrepentant radical terrorist if Bush really wrote it.
Andy Hall
My first thought was, “isn’t Ayers smart enough not to encourage them like that?” But then I realized, it didn’t matter what the hell he said. The headline would’ve been
Ayers Continues to Deny He Wrote. . . .
El Tiburon
Jim Hoft is more than just the stupidest right-wing blogger, he may be the Stupidest Man in America.
Wading around in his cesspool of a blog is very disturbing.
True story: During the presidential campaign, numerous wingnuts wrote to various officials at the University of Chicago demanding that William Ayers be fired.
The fact that William Ayers worked for the University of Illinois, Chicago (and has since retired), a completely different institution, was apparently irrelevant. Either that, or the wingnuts couldn’t wrap their heads around the concept that there’s more than one university in Chicago.
geg6: Yes, exactly. That was my point.
Dennis SGMM
Serious question: how can we be the United States when at least a fourth of the population are lunatics?
@gex: Sounds ridiculous, but there’s some truth to that! There’s a famous study that reports the attitudes of TV viewers toward All In The Family, and there’s a similar, more recent study involving the Colbert Report.
In both, self-identified conservatives view the parodied conservative (Archie Bunker and Colbert himself) as sympathetically portrayed! In the study about Colbert, conservatives tended to believe he really is a conservative too, and he’s just being hyperbolic for a laugh. Or something.
Mark S.
The Wisdom of Protein:
Boring, predictable sane people.
Yes, I see that now that my phone isn’t ringing and I can actually READ it.
Duh, on me.
Ayers is lying. I wrote that book.
@Mark S.: You have to admit he’s right that people will label him as a nut.
@Dennis SGMM: Replace flouride with lithium?
Warren Terra
Now imagine the wingnuts’ credulity if Bush claimed he wrote either of his books. Heck, if he imagined he read either of them.
@geg6: When I was contemplating a career change into teaching, I briefly enrolled at the UIC School of Education. I took one of Prof. Ayer’s classes. The best class I had there. He’s passionate, motivating, and whip smart, and he really cares about kids and teaching kids to think critically. And for such a “radical” his class had some of the best and open discussions, including space for dissenting opinions.
@dmsilev: University of Chicago, Illinois: University of Illinois, Chicago. Proof it is that aliens they are, must be is true Yoda! IL-legal is deeper meaning to Chicago politics of course. Long Form, also , too.
This may be snark from Ayers, but it will become fact, like Kenya, and all the other memes inhabiting the clown circus.
@akaoni: You’re right that this has happened before. Here is the blog post in question, from October 2009.
Say whatever you will about Bill Ayers, it takes style to mess with these conspiracy theorists so devastatingly. You wish you could do it, too.
Tonal Crow
@McGeorge Bundy:
He did not. Mark Twain wrote it over 100 years ago. Also, in his secret will he directed his executor to place the notice of Obama’s birth in the Honolulu paper.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
wait, if obama didn’t write it, does this mean he isn’t just like hitler?
bill ayers, he’s the real nazi.
i get so confused sometimes.
Suffern ACE
@Steve: The trade off is that every time he picks up the phone or looks at his e-mail, or steps out in public, he probably worries that he is going to get another message from a stranger indicating that people are personally offended by him and wish that he would die. This is gallows humor more than anything else.
@Guster: Aha! Fluorination! Clearly, the International Communist Conspiracy has Sapped and Impurified Our Precious Bodily Fluids.
Judas Escargot (aka "your liberal-interventionist pal, who's fun to be with")
I admit it.
I’m the one who really wrote “Atlas Shrugged”.
I’m so very, very sorry.
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal:
No, it means that Obama was going back in time to assume his destiny as Adolf Hitler (little known fact: Michael Jackson was the test subject for the necessary cosmetic surgery; after the trials were complete, Jackson was “taken care of”). After he escaped from Berlin in 1945, he subsequently became his own father.
Heh, no prob. We’ve all had our share of misreadings / brain farts / fingers not typing what we’re thinking / brain ellisions / etc. I’m certainly no stranger to the experience.
I know we on the progressive side of things get lambasted regularly by the Village elite & the Teabaggers but to honestly read the comments is unreal. Comparably, you could read all the comments over at FDL or the GOS and not find the ‘out there’ that they had. Don’t get me wrong, our side definately has our own ‘out theres’, but the true believer righties…..they are their own special species. (Quiz – did righties species come from A) a monkey, B) A rotted pile of refuse, or C) God herself)
Omnes Omnibus
@Mark S.:
Of course sane people are boring; they don’t get to lunch with eight mole people, five gremlins, two pixies (neither of them Kim Deal), and a centaur.
@gex: Here’s the Archie Bunker one:
Here’s the Colbert-related study (pdf):…/The_Irony_of_Satire.pdf
Dennis SGMM
Fluoridation! Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch…
When I was in HS back in the Sixties fluoridation was the bête noire of the Birchers. “Keep the gubmint out of my dental caries!”
Hermione Granger-Weasley
@Mark S.: Here is some classic retro Protein Wisdom.
I think we could make a really cool monster by splicing Jeff’s DNA with Hall Monitor Allan’s.
it is really hard to believe that When I Was Conservative I often indulged in late night drunken haiku with Jeff and Allahpundit.
It wasn’t very deep, mostly we just made fun of the Instapundit.
@McGeorge Bundy:
Especially if you take into account that there used to be that long-s that looks like an f. G > Q, s > f, and you’ve got Qaddif from Gaddis. Then you add an “a” because, um, he also committed adultery.
Pavlov's Dog
I got so sucked into those links this morning, I couldn’t pull myself away from the computer until 2p to go to lunch. Just amazing reading the comments. When Obama starts his reeducation camps, all he has to do is trace the IP addresses to all those comments. Not sure who has sunk lower in the blogosphere, Jeff Goldstein or Larry Johnson. Both are fighting for which turd can circle the drain last.
Faithful readers of wingnut blogs, foxbots will eagerly fall for this. What I’ve always been curious about is what the percentage of the “reporters” truly believe stuff like this vs those who are Lee Atwater clones.
Ash Can
I used to wonder, in light of their beliefs and actions, whether right-wingers were stupid or dishonest. Having seen this, I now wonder whether they’re stupid or insane.
And yes, I do acknowledge the fact that these characteristics aren’t mutually exclusive. I’m just speculating in terms of predominance of characteristics.
Hermione Granger-Weasley:
That sentence just gave me a grand mal seizure.
@FlipYrWhig: A Scarlet A? ! Yet more evidence of the Commie Threat to our sacred underpants!
No joke. I read a letter to the editor in Scientific American this morning that did indeed suggest that fluoride in the water might not be good for us at all. Not from the COMMIE MIND CONTROL perspective though. Don’t know much more at this time.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
its times like these i want to just turn the stereo up just as high as it can go without blowing out the speakers and crank some barry manilow….at least he writes the songs that make the whole world sing. some day the koch brothers will buy the world and teach them harmony.
Davis X. Machina
@dmsilev: Do you even need more than one university in Chicago? Hell, none of them play major conference football, unless you count Northwestern.
Northwestern football….heh.
patrick II
Although Mr. Ayers is very wry on the video, you would think that the laughter from the rest of the people in the room would let conservatives know it was a joke. But evidently not as evidenced by Jeff Goldstein calling out SEK to say “I told you so”.
@Davis X. Machina: Well, UofC used to be a member of the Big Ten. Even still has an option to rejoin, should pigs fly over a frozen Hell-scape.
Villago Delenda Est
One of the hallmarks of wingnuttery is their utter gullibility, and Ayers plays them like a Stradivarius.
It’s amazing these cretins can feed themselves. And by this,
I mean they’d try to eat tomato soup with a fucking knife.
I don’t know whether to laugh or just shake my head that this breaking news is posted to “The American Thinker”.
I think I’d rather go dig into that pile of weeds with my pitchfork so the green waste can go out. And turn the compost. And get these corn starts into their planter. Anything more constructive than watching morons fail at being snarked.
@patrick II:
No! It was NERVOUS laughter, which proves that Bill Ayers Wrote. The. Book. And we all know it.
Villago Delenda Est
No wonder he is so hated by the fascist vermin of America.
patrick II
What really gets me is that they still care so much. At this point Obama has been president for over two years and there a plenty of real issues they have with him. I don’t really give a damn that George Bush’s book was ghostwritten, I do care that he started and stupidly ran two wars, drove the economy into the ground and treated civil liberties and the constitution like toilet paper.
Is there something about minutia that fascinates these people?
Hermione Granger-Weasley
@JGabriel: mea culpa.
You all laugh, but no less a leading light of conservatism than Karl Rove insists that Obama and his administration are intentionally forcing Republican nitwits to talk crazy conspiracy theories because the crazier Republicans look the better Obama looks.
I’m sure that this is all part of Obama’s secret plan to make Republicans look crazy – have Bill Ayers tell a joke knowing – KNOWING – that Republicans are humor impaired and will take the sarcasm literally. He’s devious, that Obama.
Villago Delenda Est
@patrick II:
It stimulates their reptile brain, apparently, and keeps their sapient brain sedated.
wow, that was fun. what’s up with that goldstein? what an idiot.
Hermione Granger-Weasley
@patrick II: ummm…the problem is that Obama somehow got to be Wizard-in-Chief, and he is a mudblood!
The Conservative Deatheaters will never accept a muggleborn as President.
That is why birtherism.
ed drone
You mean Harlan Ellisions, don’t you?
@Omnes Omnibus: *I’M* Kim Deal.
(I don’t know where that’s from.)
ed drone
The difference is we don’t run our “out-theres” for public office, nor pay them much mind unless they get violent.
@patrick II:
Except of course they don’t actually have plenty of real issues with him. Look at their complaints – they bitch about him supporting a health-care plan that is essentially the one that Republicans have been pushing since Nixon was in office. In fact there’s not a single thing that Obama’s done that if a Republican had done it, they would complain about. He’s bent over backwards to accommodate and try to find middle ground, and because of that their complaints all sound phony.
So they hang on the things that they really hate about him – the fact that he’s a black man who won the presidency. That’s what this shit is about – he couldn’t have possibly written his own book because damn, black men aren’t that smart. He uses a teleprompter because damn, black men aren’t that smart. And on. And on. And on.
Part of it is that they want to believe that he’s dumber than George W Bush because they hate the fact that their most recent Republican president was so goddamn stupid. But mostly they vehemently reject the idea that a black man could be smart, so they need to find something to de-legitimize it.
Earl Butz
@Ash Can: After reading the comments attached to a story on some local woman in her seventies, with nothing but social security to live on getting foreclosed on, I’m going with “sociopathically cruel and insane” for $1000, Can of Ashes.
@bemused: I think that is THE question of the times. The delicate balance of oligarchs getting votes by pandering to true believers is undergoing a lot of turbulence right now. The purity tests of late would suggest that there are more true believers out there than before.
Roger Moore
@Pavlov’s Dog:
I don’t think those people belong in reeducation camps. They belong in education camps, since they clearly don’t have a first education to replace.
No need for a re-imagning. If you can remember, the guy in Greatest Show on Earth drove directly at the train. That’s close enough to what those bloggers are doing now.
@Villago Delenda Est:
And they have no sense of humor.
So their theory is that Bill Ayers, one of the Most Evil Men in History, can’t come up with a more effective way to get the credit and royalties he supposedly wants than by confiding in wingnuts at the airport and college talks?
I mean, they’re so terrified of this guy, but they can’t even give him credit for being willing to take hostages or something?
@patrick II: They aren’t interested in policy. They are interested in delegitimizing any Democratic administration in general and the black “Islamo-fascist-soshulist-radical” one in particular.
Roger Moore
@patrick II:
They know at some level they’ll lose on the big issues. They can’t argue honestly about health care, financial regulation, the budget, or just about anything else the government does because they’ll get spanked. The only things they’re left with are blatant lies and minutia, though birtherism shows those two categories aren’t mutually exclusive.
@Roger Moore: I think it will be more like deprogramming.
Roger Moore
@Hermione Granger-Weasley:
patrick II
@NonyNony, et al;
Good points.
Shoemaker-Levy 9
I had so hoped to keep this secret with me forever, but I feel the imp of the perverse within me, and might as well divulge it here as anywhere else.
I was an editor at the Honolulu Advertiser in 1961. I had a friend who was one of the higher ups in the local Democratic party, I won’t tell you his real name but let’s just call him Ed. He called me up one day and said, “[my own name redacted], I’m calling in that favor you owe me. I want you to print a name in the birth announcements.” I was a little nonplussed, of course, since this wasn’t through the normal channels.
“Sure, Ed, I owe you one. What is it?”
“Barack H. Obama.”
“What th’ — What kind of name is that?”
“Not important, just need it in the paper tomorrow. And this is strictly on the QT.”
So I did it. I felt guilty about it for years, putting something in the paper when I had no idea if it was true or not. I’m not trying to make a buck off of it now, it just feels good to get it off my chest.
If you want to put this on the front page, John, that’s okay with me.
Vibrant Pantload, fka Studly Pantload
What I love (from reading the comments at “American Thinker”) is even those who own up to the fact that Ayers is obviously engaging in mockery twist even this as further proof that he did write the book.
What conspiracy theory won’t these people fap over?
Bill Murray
@Redshirt: there is some evidence that relatively large doses reduces the male sperm count or may damage sperm cells. Some of the damage may be able to be reduced by discontinuing fluoride ingestion.;year=2010;volume=3;issue=3;spage=148;epage=152;aulast=Kumar
God, I hope not. How bad does it have to get before people who moved into the true believer camp recently realize they’ve been had.
If there’s one person who conservatives would trust implicitly, I would expect it to be Bill Ayers.
Occasional Reader
This has all happened before, and it will all happen again.
Omnes Omnibus
@Occasional Reader: I clicked on your link. I regret it. I demand satisfaction. Pistols or swords?
@Occasional Reader: Win.
@Bill Murray: See? They were right all along! It is sapping our precious bodily fluids!
Comrade Mary
Oh, BRILLIANT! I can’t provide any visuals, not being Lynch and lacking a budget, but I can provide a soundtrack here.
If you want to talk about pollution in comment sections, this is a great article for that!
Sparked by the political unrest in the Middle East, Cambridge Community Television will begin regularly airing Al Jazeera English weeknights beginning Friday.
This is in Cambridge, MA. The first comment mentions Pravda.
Roger Moore
@Bill Murray:
They’re talking about ingested doses of 10-20 mg/kg body weight vs. less than 1 mg/L in the water supply. Since the average person drinks only a few percent of their body weight of water each day, actual fluoridation gives a dose 2-3 orders of magnitude less than what they’re talking about in their studies. Depending on those studies to show fluoridation is dangerous is like proposing we ban salt shakers because eating a pound of salt a day is bad for your health.
If you think Boston is supposedly one of the more intelligent cities in America, just read the comments section of any Boston-com article, and you’ll quickly be dissuaded.
gogol's wife
It’s beyond disgusting that cspan insists on rerunning Cashell’s book talks every other week.
Didn’t this happen months ago? Or is this Ayers’s standard answer to this question, with standard results?
Cute. Arabic, Hunting of the Snark, same same.
Now that he’s retired he should do some part time teaching at Malcolm X College.
Speaking of Twain, why will no one ask me if I’m the lost Dauphin?
Hermione Granger-Weasley
@pablo: are you the Protein Wisdom pablo?
If Bill Ayers wrote the Obama book, does that mean we get to keep Obamacare(tm)?
I haz konfuzed.
Are they still debating (if that’s the word) Monica’s dress?
Huh. I wasn’t aware that Protein Wisdom had gone completely off the rails. I used to read it a long time ago. Did he lose his shit in 2008 too?
@Janet: Me too. Cannot stop laughing.
Triassic Sands
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
No one is that stupid.
NO ONE is that stupid.
No one IS that stupid.
No one is THAT stupid.
No one is that STUPID.
Oh, yes they are.
Triassic Sands
My favorite comments are from the people who realize Ayers was being facetious, but they feel the need to add, “But I’m not saying Ayers didn’t write the book.”
The ideological straitjacket is so tight that absolutely no blood makes it to the brain…yet they continue to type.
Mustang Bobby
@El Tiburon:
Department of Redundancy Dept. on Line 1, also too.
@Redshirt: Isn’t this true for all newspaper comment sections? The batshit crazy has metastasized.
Hermione Granger-Weasley
@StacyMN: yes. It was Obama.
My theory is that all my guy conservative efriends (and some RL ones too)…. lost their shit over Obama being elected because of sexual jealousy.
Its that fear of black male sexual prowess.
Goldstein, AllahP and Razib Khan all went ratfucking crazy overnight.
Part of what drove me to flee them like a scalded cat.
Hermione Granger-Weasley
hmm. if that is the Protein Wisdom pablo, is he trying to pull a reverse DougJ troll prank?
If so, it seems to be a dud.
New Yorker
Yup. I sometimes dream about electing as president someone who would then get “666” tattooed on his wrist and then “accidentally” reveal it during the state of the union address, or something, just so I could grab some popcorn and watch the hysteria among the evangelical loons.
Triassic Sands
@New Yorker:
How do you know Obama doesn’t have 666 tattooed on his wrist? After all, he’s the anti-Christ and isn’t the anti-Christ supposed to bear the mark of the beast? Maybe he’s just waiting for exactly the right moment to hold it up to the camera and say…let the Rapture begin!
(I bet you’d spill your popcorn and I wouldn’t bet a dime on the survival of your U-trow either.)
Note: I’m not sure who gets to proclaim the official kickoff to the Rapture. Maybe that’s a job reserved for the Baby-J.
Remember this, which had NOTHING to do with the jackoff fantasy President Schwarzenegger?
Angry Black Lady
stop writing, john. it can’t get better than this.
Hermione Granger-Weasley: Not you, just the concept of late night drunken haiku with Allahpundit and Godlstein. And, fourteen and half hours later, I seem to have recovered,
Hermione Granger-Weasley
@JGabriel: they usta be funnie, honest. But Obama getting elected just made them bugfuck nutz overnight. Razib Khan the same.
Now these guys are all intelligent, AllahP was a lawyer, Razib is doing postgrad in genetics, and Goldstein actually taught linguistics and semiotics. They are not garden variety racist peckerheads.
The only logical explanation I can come up with is subliminated sexual jealousy.
Fear of black male sexual prowess.
If I thought all those wingnut commenters were unemployed, well, I don’t wish that on anyone, but it would make their cluelessness less of a bother. Problem is that I work for people like that. Folks who make comments that witless still manage to own companies, or weasel their way into management. When a people like the ones in those comments can hound someone like me off of a jobsite, I lose my sense of humor about it.