From commentor Dog Is My Copilot:
I’m attaching a picture of Mo and his coveted yellow ball – he loves his squeaky balls and loves to play “keep-away,” with him doing most of the “keeping away,” of course. Mo is a Chihuahua/rat terrier mix that we adopted after we saw him at an adoption event at our local Petsmart. He was being cared for in a foster home through Puyallup Animal Rescue. We weren’t really in the market for another dog, but my husband saw him in the cage, shivering and giving us that look that said, “Can you please spring me from this place and take me home?” We immediately fell in love with the little guy. I’ve always been partial to the bigger breeds, with goldens being my favorite. However, I’ve learned to really appreciate the spunk and determination that all little dogs seem to possess.
Someone else posted a pet rescue story here in the past few months who indicated that their doggie had somehow changed their minds and the house rules about dogs sleeping in the bed. Well, Mo has done that with us. He curls up between us when we go off to bed and I’ve gotten quite used to his warm little body next to me.
When I look into the eyes of the dogs we’ve rescued, I see nothing but love and gratitude. We constantly reassure them they have a forever home with us and that they won’t be passed off to someone else yet again, or discarded, or neglected, or abused. I don’t think we can ever repay the love they give to us. We try every day to be the perfect humans our dogs think we are. We fall short many days, but still are greeted with wagging tails when we get home. We feel privileged to have our four-legged family members as part of the family and our home.
Also, commentor WereBear has a link on her blog, Way of Cats, to an ASPCA letter to the U.S. House of Representatives petitioning for the preservation of animal welfare funding. Click through, and see if you can find it in your heart to sign the letter, because in The Greatest Country in the World cruelty towards the most vulnerable shouldn’t be the default option.
Look at that lil dude! His story reminds me of this dopey CD I once bought for Boo-Boo including the ever popular Squeaky Deaky! Songs Dogs Love!
(Full disclosure, this album is AWFUL)
Thanks for the mention, Anne Laurie!
I, too, was a Big Dog Fan… until I talked my mother into a Papillon. Such an interactive hambone! So attuned to his person!
Many small dog problems are not their fault. It’s so easy to brush aside their requests and concerns that too many people, do.
Thank you, Dog Is My Copilot, for sharing Mo with us.
Comrade Mary
Oh my GOD: that little dog is shown next to the word “intense” in the dictionary.
Just too cute…You can see that he has attitude!
Thanks for the info about the Congressional letter. I done did signed the petition off to my congresscritter.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Thank you for sharing Mo and your story. They really do pick us, don’t they? And thank you Anne Laurie also.
Dog is My Copilot
Mo is definitely a character – he makes us laugh almost every day. It’s almost like he’s a little person trapped in a 14-pound dog body. He can look at me sometimes, and I swear there’s a little person down there staring at me!
@Dog is My Copilot: Mo is a champ with his killer stare and vibrant personality. He’s such a cute little thing. The animals we rescue really do end up rescuing us. Good on you, Dog is my Copilot! Give Mo a snuggle for me.
Dog is My Copilot
I also clicked on the ASPA link and sent off the letter to my representative. If we can’t find it in our hearts to be kind to animals, how can we possibly treat our fellow humans with any sort of respect?
I love Mo’s pose.