ICYMI, cat rescuer Satby is looking to save five cats from an untimely fate:
A 92-year-old woman who was a member of the UU church here passed away. Her daughter, up from Texas to wrap up her mom’s affairs, is unable to take mom’s four cats back to Texas because she already has three of her own. Our rescue and other rescues in the area are full, so these cats WILL be euthanized if we can’t find a place for some or all of them.
They are:
* A bonded pair — brother & sister tabby cats, 7 1/2 years old. Must be adopted together but not
necessarily with the others.
* A tortoiseshell female, 7 1/2 years old
* And a Siamese female, 13 years oldI am willing to drive to meet anyone in the three-state area of IL, IN, or MI if they might be able to adopt any of these cats. The house is sold and the drop dead date is September 29.
Hoping we can at least save one if not more.
Here’s some photos and further info:
All are indoor cats, all neutered or spayed, and by end of next week all but one (Bunny) will have had their shots and booster shots. Bunny will have her booster the following week.
There are a tabby brother, Solomon, and his sister, Echo. They are about 7 or 8 yrs old. They’re close with each other. Here’s Solomon:
This is Echo. These two are not that alike. Solomon is friendly with visitors, Echo does a vanishing act. Solly is highly intelligent and communicative. He can be affectionate, but doesn’t like a lot of being fussed over. Won’t get on your lap. He lets you know what he wants with meaningful looks. Echo turned out, after about 3 months, to be much more inclined to give head bonks and enjoys nuzzling and petting, and will lick your hand. Both love to play. They both have a goofy side.
Two others live separately from them on the 2nd floor. They’re Bunny, a Tortoiseshell, and Siri, a lynx point Siamese. Bunny is 7 or 8, and Siri is 13.
Rescue Bleg Update: <del>Four</del> Five Adult / Senior Cats in South BendPost + Comments (43)