(Scott Meyer’s website)
Speaking of pretentious jerkwads who don’t earn their inflated salaries, I just want to make sure DougJ’s current limited-internet status doesn’t cheat him of Doghouse Riley’s glorious BoBo takedown:
Whadda We Want? No Brooks Columns! When Do We Want It? Tuesday and Thursday!
WHEN I started this blog a mere 326 months ago I was a dewy-eyed 51-year-old who imagined that America could just laugh off what she couldn’t ignore–though what she can, and does, ignore is considerable–the way She’d always done. Sure, sure, we had our problems: George W. Bush, terrorism, George W. Bush, figuring out how to pin 9/11 and the anthrax attacks on Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush. But this is the country that laughed off Hitler (and routinely ignores the role of the Red Army in his defeat)! We’d managed to laugh off chattel slavery longer than any other “civilized” nation on earth! We invent solutions to problems we never knew existed! We’re the Can Do country, so long as Doing doesn’t require Thinking Things Through first…
Back then, David Brooks endorsing Mitch Daniels for their party’s Presidential nomination would have literally doubled me over with mirth. But when it actually happened it was more pathos than bathos, somehow. It’s one thing to laugh at a couple of depantsed white geeks, however evil their real intent; it’s another to notice they’ve given a sizable portion of the population genital warts.
Then yesterday comes this news: absent the Republican Thinker he preferred, and–more importantly–absent a groundswell of Teabagger fervor or Moneyboy enthusiasm, David Brooks would like to take his ball and just go home where 2012 is concerned. Though he can’t, of course, because the Times pays him, and, besides, Mom makes him come right home and practice the trombone. First chairs are made, not born. And you don’t expect him to just come out and say that the Republican field is a horrifying puddle of YouTube risibility, do you?…
Much more gleeful pigbladdering at the link.
And if this is all far too infra dig, at least you’ve got Kay’s reports from Netroots Nation to look forward to, come morning…
Not that you necessarily wanted to know this, but there’s a French cooking technique that calls for cooking a chicken in a pig’s bladder. Apparently it is a favorite of Ted Allen’s.
Went to the movies tonight – something I rarely do. The movie was pretty decent (X-Men) but the trailer for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was fucking awesome – and the Karen O cover of Immigrant Song is pretty rockin.
Oh and there must be something wrong with me, as January Jones does absolutely nothin for me.
David Brooks can get more wrong in one sentence than any pundit going.
The Tea Party, lemmee see… rings a bell, the idea of having “a modern tea party” seems to have been kicked off by a guy who works on… Wall Street, wasn’t it, Rick Santelli…. furiously ranting about bailouts for people with mortgages, while entirely in favor of the unholy billions in bailouts for banks and investment houses…
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
that was pretty good. the problem is, who, at this point claims brooks? i mean, who is saying right on Db? in practice he is selling conservatism to pseudoliberals, the whole foods, caramel chai crowd, but are they even interested? not with dividends being the new benjamins.
In honor of tbogg, Bobo’s tags now contain “concierge to oligarchs” but for now you will have to go to page 2 to vote it up.
Isn’t this fun for amerikans to handle when, once more, someone points out the utter truth that ” (the) country that laughed off Hitler (and routinely ignores the role of the Red Army in his defeat)!” There was, and hasn’t been, anyone nearly as evil than Hitler as Stalin (yeah – the laughable man of steel; should have been called bloody hands Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) was a close second. Yet we owe the Red Army under that pig the victory for WWII – of course, we always point out that our money and guns helped them … yet most our dumb ass thugs as well as many who should know better still believe in our so-called capitalistic system that was only saved by FDR’s socializm programs as our bacon was pulled from the fire by communizt soldiers under Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili … that is really funny. Fucking amerikan ignorance.
All we have done for the World since WWII is kill vast numbers of non-whites around the globe – hey, that is the only thing we have ever been able to do well – ask the not so native American’s (they were at least the third wave to enter the America’s and kill off those unlucky unfortunates that occupied the land before them), or Americans descended from peoples of South of the Sahara Africa and to top it all off, our own whites of the non-elite lower classes during the war of southern aggression.
Hey, while killing a few million Vietnamese, we did finally start giving proper rights to these South of the Sahara Africans and started to acknowledge that people of the female gender even had rights as partially human and that old farts shouldn’t die short and brutal lives mired in utter poverty after being used up in near slave labor jobs – that is, if not white, WASP and of the uber class who are, and under the thugs, the only class deserving of rights, all lands, money and real medical care. Good that bobo who works for one of the world’s most famous papers understands all this (right.)
Voted – thanks for the heads up!
I’m not sure if this has been mentioned on an earlier thread but the NYTIMES has an article about the Bush administration investigating Professor Cole. (Juan) link
The Bush administration continues to shock me and at this point I don’t know why. I guess I am just being naive.
Juan Cole has a comment on his blog about the attempt of the CIA to discredit him. link
Linda Featheringill
Actually a pretty good summation of the US in the 20th Century!
And yes, the German army was already on the run from the eastern front when the US entered the war, and still we all had to fight like sons of bitches.
Linda Featheringill
So DoghouseRiley is trying to tell us that he is 88 years old?
[Prolly exaggerating for effect. How can I detect such things before coffee?]
Cheryl from Maryland
@alwhite: Great way to start the day — thanks to Monkey Boy, “concierge to oligarchs” is now on page one.
If you like the comic, and you like fancy-talk, you may like Britain’s chap-hop rivalry:
Professor Elemental vs. Mr. B. the Gentleman Rhymer
Sorry if it’s been mentioned before, but Professor Elemental has done the best rap about tea ever conceived, Cup of Brown Joy
Could you please stop doing whatever it is that causes Basic Instructions to be squashed horizontally when posted here? The height and width in the img tag aren’t preserving the original aspect ratio. Scott isn’t that skinny.
@JPL: Perhaps I’m too cynical, but this doesn’t surprise me at all. In fact, I’m *very* surprised (pleasantly surprised, of course)and a bit reassured to learn that there were CIA people who objected and resisted.
I thought Steve Benen’s takedown a few days ago was better and shorter. Basically, Benen placed the “Hamiltonian Greatness” agenda proposed by Brooks agains the Obama agenda and they matched almost exactly. But of course Brooks can’t say anything nice about the Obama agenda because, well, he has to be for the Republican agenda. No matter how bad it gets.
Bill Murray
@Linda Featheringill:
given that Case Blue and Stalingrad (and I guess the USSRs Operation Bagration) were still in the future, the Germans weren’t exactly on the run when the US entered the war