Back from the dinner party- was a good time. Should be people coming over in a little bit, so I have to clean up the house and furminate Tunch.
I’ve got a funny story I’ll tell tomorrow or some other time.
by John Cole| 34 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Back from the dinner party- was a good time. Should be people coming over in a little bit, so I have to clean up the house and furminate Tunch.
I’ve got a funny story I’ll tell tomorrow or some other time.
Comments are closed.
No, tell us NOW. We need it. Okay, I need it.
Anyway, did you see what little gentlemen and ladies we were? Other than the recycling bin overflowing with empty bottles that weren’t there when you left, the place looks just the same, dunnit?
I really hope Tunch doesn’t need to be fumigated or furmigated, but if so, I’m curious what it involves, since JC has mentioned it several times.
TaMara (BHF)
But we were good. We didn’t blow up the place and only one commenter (I’m not naming names) colored on the walls. Tell us now. Now. NOW. NOW!f
TaMara (BHF)
Parsimon, 300 people are now going to tell you that it is this:
And it makes Tunch all fluffy.
rustle rustle rustle crumple . . discrete slam
ummm, hi.
stop being a tease.
ETA slam slam slam. These are the discreet ones
You really, really don’t want to know.
Think smelling salts, mops, and 80’s tunes turned up to 11.
There’s a reason Tunch is so pissed.
Comrade Mary
Shouldn’t you furminate FIRST, then bandage, clean up, pray, cry, drink, and clean up some more?
Not the way Cole does it.
John, if you wait to tell us the story you’ll forget all the good details. Tell us now and you won’t have to give it another thought.
I bought a couple dozen Market Pantry cookies at Target this evening (marked down from 4.99 to 2.99) to take to work for my own damned 57th birthday tomorrow (actually saturday). On July 1 I’m laid off until the goddamned state of MN can get it’s budget passed. Fucking teabag republicans. I’m in a funk that even a John Cole funny story can’t cure.
Unfortunately when Tunch gets all fluffy, he looks fat. Damnedest illusion…
General Stuck
Fresh Charlie pick of the pooch trying to stay cool living in his masochist owners apt, with no air conditioning.
He’s a trooper though, and I am on his good size after a rare can of primo Alpo chow.
Fuck, it must be 110 degrees inside, but of course it’s a dry heat Ha! Fortunately, Winters Bone came in the mail today, so that might cool things down.
Mike Kay (The Base)
you know who else was from a small town….
jane from hell
geebear, I has a sad.
Charlie looks a little frazzled. He’s got Michele Bachmann eyes in that photo.
Great, another Cole story from his time at band camp.
Wonder which instrument it’ll be this time.
@General Stuck:
Winters Bone … damn good movie. Jennifer Lawrence deserved her Academy Award nomination.
General Stuck
Charlie is way smarter than that fool.
jane from hell
@Comrade Mary: This. Is. Why. I. Read. Comments. Here.
Sorry to hear this, gbear. Hope your birthday brings you some joy.
Anne Laurie
Condolences, GBear. Hope the MinnLege gets its act together in time for you to have a happy post-birthday!
Minneapolis has a big Pride festival this weekend so I’ll head over for that on saturday. Should be fun. Thanks everyone.
Just Some Fuckhead
That’ll be like a big ol gay birthday party for ya. You should go as a birthday cake, with pink frosting.
jane from hell
Wow. JSF broke the thread. Nice going, Einstein.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh lord, do I have yet another blog stalker? It always slows down here around 11pm. Did you see the elapsed time between you and shortstop, followed by a longer gap til AL?
@General Stuck:
I am looking forward to Winter’s Bone myself. Put it on the DVR from some cable channel last week but haven’t gotten around to watching it yet.
And I have got to get streaming Netflix set up here in the man-cave. I was doinking around with it over at my brother’s house last weekend, and it is ridonkulous what all is available. Talk about instant gratification! I watched Ghost in the Shell (the original movie), which I hadn’t seen since probably soon after it came out.
jane from hell
Suffern ACE
I guess the NYS Senate went home again without voting tonight. I wish they’d get it over with as I would like to ask someone to marry me in my local courthouse this fall. That is if he says yes. I’m losing hope (about the passage; I’m fairly certain that after seven years, he’ll agree.)
Mark S.
What is his name?
It’s Herman Cain.
(Chorus: It’s Mister Cain!)
He doesn’t like that Mister
He likes good old Herman Cain!
Herman Cain accused Jon Stewart of making fun of him because he’s black. The part I loved, though, was where Herman explained how everyone misinterpreted his “No law longer than three pages” pledge:
Oh, he meant the executive summary. I don’t think even Palin would try to fly a line of bullshit like that, even if it was through her Department of Law.
@gbear, I’m sorry, man. It fucking sucks. I’ve been so depressed about the local government shutdown. I really hope they get their shit together and avert it, but I doubt they will. Happy birthday. I hope you have some fun at Pride.
Cole. Stop being such a tease and tell us the damn story or at least post pics of Tunchie.
Mark S.
Ron Artest is petitioning to change his name to Metta World Peace. Actually, I gained a lot of respect for Artest when I learned from the article that he raffled off his championship ring for mental health awareness. I doubt I’d do the same, but more power to him.
gbear – The timing is awful, not that there’s ever a “good” time to get laid off/furloughed. Here’s hoping things get re-opened and re-funded soon!
SuffernAce – What the hell is going on in NY? Is the GOP still refusing the let the matter come up for a vote? Is tomorrow the last day of the session?
Cat Lady
I think we’re still waiting for the story about why Todd Rundgren called you an asshole. Let’s get that piece of business cleared up first, mmmkay?
Suffern ACE
CaseyL – Like anything else, I can’t tell. Either it dies tomorrow, or there is an emergency session called, and the three holdout republicans (now down to two-since one walked away today) have gotten their religious exemptions included, or they have been negotiating in bad faith all along, or it could go to a vote but it would lose. If the republican who walked away today is to be believed, they now have the votes to pass it without him, but then it seems perhaps that someone couldn’t get the bill printed so that it could be voted on tonight.
On tomorrow’s episode of Days of Our State Legislature, all those questions and more might be answered.