According to an administration official, Mr. Obama will kick off his new offensive in Las Vegas, ground zero of the housing bust, by promoting new rules for federally guaranteed mortgages so that more homeowners, those with little or no equity in their homes, can refinance and avert foreclosure.
And Wednesday in Denver, the official said, Mr. Obama will announce policy changes to ease college graduates’ repayment of federal loans, seeking to alleviate the financial concerns of students considering college at a time when states are raising tuition.
The admin is rolling out a new initiative every week until the end of the year. Let’s hope some of these work because Congress clearly isn’t going to pass any bills to help the economy before the 2012 election.
Well, at least Max is too large to jump up in your lap while eating to give you THE EYE, that says ‘I get some of that, or you’re the biggest asshole on the planet.’
Max is beautiful, as always
It’s not really begging until they put their heads in your lap.
It really is a perfect storm for your average bleeding heart lib, and I say that in the best way possible. Being one myself.. He wouldn’t likely get much traction, if he had spent the last 3 years being a partisan asshole. A president with 50 plus favorables has some credibility of the sincere, can get a lot of mileage lending a hand to recession weary middle classers. Even with a less than stellar overall approval on the economy. Wingnuts can whine and choke on their tight ass posturing, it won’t help them the way things are in this country. I think most people realize deep down, if not on the surface, that we have partied hard with cheap plentiful credit, and it is time to pay the piper for a while, and stomp the plutocrats for lack of what else to do. i would love to see the POTUS open the WH this Christmas for a party of homeless families and kids, they could put it on teevee. Would make the wingers crazy
Gawd, he’s cute. I think I love him almost as much as I love my two. But he doesn’t have the begging face my Otis does. Only a Republican could say no to Otis and even a GOPer sociopath would struggle to do it.
Max is so gorgeous. I wouldn’t be able to resist his poor-pitiful-me looks either.
I don’t know if my cat Conundrum has me trained or if I have him trained, but for me the begging drill comes while I’m cooking. As soon as meat comes out of the packaging, Nundry will pace and whine until he gets a little piece of whatever is cooking. Then once it’s time for me to eat, he leaves me alone. It works out pretty well, though it can be a challenge when you’ve got something in a slow cooker.
schrodinger's cat
@xochi: My kittehs love raw shrimp and raw beef, they are not that interested once it is cooked.
Max’s look of victory in the last photo is as if to ask “Was there ever any doubt?”
If the Obama admin is truly rolling out a new economic executive order weekly, it is going to put a ton of pressure on the Republicans and Congress to do something. I doubt any of these executive orders will do much to improve the economy, but at least he is showing the public that he is trying.
Max is gorgeous! He makes me (almost) re-consider the no pet thing (I have a pet hair allergy).
As if there was any doubt about the parallel evolution of the two species together. Max laughs at your lack of faith in his puppeh powers!
gogol's wife
I wuv Max. I would give him my whole omelet.
Comrade Mary
Mom gives, Dad documents.
Max is gorgeous. And that eyebrow action he has going just cracks me up. Tim F., you had to have been laughing the whole time you were photographing that little saga.
It’s the eyes. OMG, that dog has this family under his power. Bits of omeletts are the start, but I see planetary domination in the future. Which might be an improvement.
Nice pics. I’m still chuckling over the “That sounded like a tick!” one from a few months back.
I’m at sixes and sevens this evening. Couldn’t get into either the football game or the baseball game, and I don’t feel like doing anything else. A rare state of affairs for me. I DVR’ed Case Histories on PBS but don’t feel like watching that either right now. Grumble, grumble.
@Steeplejack: I didn’t want to watch that either…too gritty. Watched a couple of episodes of Upstairs Downstairs instead. I don’t mind a little realism, as long as it’s in the past.
I liked the first episode last week. Just not ready to watch anything right now, I guess. I thought it was exceedingly well written, and then I remembered that it was taken from a novel by Kate Atkinson. Hope the quality keeps up. The cinematography is beautiful, at least.
And my local PBS station has been rerunning some of the early Foyle’s War episodes that I missed, so I’m catching up on those.
Scamp Dog
…thus proving that dogs are smarter than underpants gnomes! And my border collie is even smarter, so there! :)
BTW thanks for the culinary inspiration. It motivated me to go clean out my fridge and develop a frittata recipe for BHF. Which should be published soon! GO MAX!!
Hill Dweller
OT: There is a lot of bad acting on The Walking Dead.
Man. Not to be a downer on the happy doggie post, but it’s coming up on three years since our family dog passed away, and most of the time I’m totally fine and can reminisce about him fondly and it’s no big thing…but every once in a while it still feels SO WEIRD and sad. Got a bit of that here because Charlie was a champion beggar :) Didn’t matter what the hell you had, he waaaaaanted some. (Especially paper products: tissues, napkins, etc. He was a total mutt and we used to joke that there was a goat somewhere in his family tree.)
@Hill Dweller: well that’s what you get. we could have had a topical, insightful, intelligent series like Rubicon renewed…. instead, you get zombies. As if there isn’t already a FEAR channel and that half of the syfy channel is littered with this dreck. Oh well, its back to the Buster Keaton marathon on TCM
Vampires are fear of aristocrats. Zombies are fear of proletariat. Werewolves are fear of puberty[1]. Occupy ought to whip up the media’s love of zombies.
[1] especially for girls.
@Steeplejack: saw CH1 last week, & was pert’ impressed. so i watched episodes 3 – 6 on the web (it ran as 6 1-hour shows in Britain). the young girl who plays Jason Brodie’s daughter Marlee is a delight. IMO the last episode is the best of them, and i’ll be buying some Kate Atkinson books later this week.
@MikeJ: well I would think that Zombies is a fairly accurate description of our mainstream media… they have no thoughts of their own, they attempt to eat the brains of anyone who has an intelligent thought and strangely enough, you really don’t feel like you’ve outsmarted them because they keep doing the same shit over and over again so its obvious that they aren’t listening to us (obviously ;-))).
Thanks for the info. I remembered that I had Kate Atkinson on my “to read” list, so I picked up the first book (Case Histories) the other day.
Agree with you about the daughter. I like her interaction with Brodie and the way he semi-inadvertently keeps dragging her around on his investigations. “And then Daddy beat up a man!”
For the mystery-loving lurkers: the other Jason Brodie books are, in order, One Good Turn, When Will There Be Good News? and Started Early, Took My Dog.
The Walking Dead brings me Andrew Lincoln every week, so its (many) sins can be forgiven. I just need to imagine him saying his lines without the southern accent and it’s all golden.
Thanks for the lead! I read two or three of his rants and like his take very much. Also, his woodworking is breathtaking. I’ll bookmark stonekettle and return for more, soon and often.
A Mom Anon
My Abby has that eyebrow expressive thing too. Cracks me up daily. She also does a dramatic emo dog sigh while throwing herself on the floor which is hee-larious. And she stomps her front feet while “talking”to you(read:telling you off for saying no). She’s Doberman/Shepard mix,not sure if any of that is breed specific,but man do I love that doggie.
I wish Max lived around here,Abby would love to have him to romp with. He’s so gorgeous.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
He’s a knuckle head just like the knuckle head lying next to me.
Hey, A Mom Anon, I hope you felt your ears burning (in a good way) last Saturday. I finally got to meet up with JPL and we agreed we’d love to get together with you and SIA and the four of us go over to Athens and pay a call on Raven (formerly stuckinred). Whaddya think?
And if your doggie ever goes missing, helpful people will call to him:
“Harpoon! Harpoon!”
But without food in their hands, it will be for naught.
Yet that achievement is under threat because the European elite, in its arrogance, locked the Continent into a monetary system that recreated the rigidities of the gold standard, and — like the gold standard in the 1930s — has turned into a deadly trap. . .The bitter truth is that it’s looking more and more as if the euro system is doomed. And the even more bitter truth is that given the way that system has been performing, Europe might be better off if it collapses sooner rather than later.
Why is austerity so popular with elites? I know, they’re not the ones suffering, but three years of it hasn’t been good for anybody.
I don’t know what the implications would be if the euro went bye-bye. Maybe that issue will come up in the next gooper debate. I’m certain a highly entertaining display of stupidity would result.
Why is austerity so popular with elites? I know, they’re not the ones suffering, but three years of it hasn’t been good for anybody.
You answered your own question. It’s really that simple. None of them have lost anything of great value, and they see austerity as the means to keep it that way.
Ha, but then again, as someone pointed out yesterday, they are suffering:
“Mom, what are all these strangers doing on our plane?”
I also learned from the article that times are tough in the all-important snooty butler sector.
@Mark S.: I continue to wonder how people write dreck like that with a straight face.
ETA: at least the commenters give him a good round of whatfor about it. Also, naming your home Versailles? lol
mai naem
I watched the Ron Paul MTP interview. I couldn’t take my eyes off his right eyebrow. It looked like it was falling off again and then after a break it looked like it was stuck on better. I wish I had recorded it.
Amir Khalid
@mai naem:
How are people to vote for a President who can’t even pick a decent eyebrow glue?
Alison – we had a collie {Princess) when I was in high school (40 years ago) that could beg like nobody’s business – lethal brown eyes that made you feel like the lowest of the low for not sharing what ever it was you had. I sill miss her after all these decades. I don’t think the sad ever truly goes away, it just is replaced more often by the happy memories.
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And how can you resist? Max is wonderful !!!
PS – I love how when Dobermans sit, their butts never seem to really touch the ground.
Max is such a beautiful dog.
OT – Looks like the Obama Admin is rolling out their next steps to help the economy “We Can’t Wait”.
From NYT:
The admin is rolling out a new initiative every week until the end of the year. Let’s hope some of these work because Congress clearly isn’t going to pass any bills to help the economy before the 2012 election.
General Stuck
Well, at least Max is too large to jump up in your lap while eating to give you THE EYE, that says ‘I get some of that, or you’re the biggest asshole on the planet.’
Max is beautiful, as always
It’s not really begging until they put their heads in your lap.
It’s that heartbroken look in his eyes. Max has this down to a science.
General Stuck
It really is a perfect storm for your average bleeding heart lib, and I say that in the best way possible. Being one myself.. He wouldn’t likely get much traction, if he had spent the last 3 years being a partisan asshole. A president with 50 plus favorables has some credibility of the sincere, can get a lot of mileage lending a hand to recession weary middle classers. Even with a less than stellar overall approval on the economy. Wingnuts can whine and choke on their tight ass posturing, it won’t help them the way things are in this country. I think most people realize deep down, if not on the surface, that we have partied hard with cheap plentiful credit, and it is time to pay the piper for a while, and stomp the plutocrats for lack of what else to do. i would love to see the POTUS open the WH this Christmas for a party of homeless families and kids, they could put it on teevee. Would make the wingers crazy
Gawd, he’s cute. I think I love him almost as much as I love my two. But he doesn’t have the begging face my Otis does. Only a Republican could say no to Otis and even a GOPer sociopath would struggle to do it.
Max is so gorgeous. I wouldn’t be able to resist his poor-pitiful-me looks either.
I don’t know if my cat Conundrum has me trained or if I have him trained, but for me the begging drill comes while I’m cooking. As soon as meat comes out of the packaging, Nundry will pace and whine until he gets a little piece of whatever is cooking. Then once it’s time for me to eat, he leaves me alone. It works out pretty well, though it can be a challenge when you’ve got something in a slow cooker.
schrodinger's cat
@xochi: My kittehs love raw shrimp and raw beef, they are not that interested once it is cooked.
Max’s look of victory in the last photo is as if to ask “Was there ever any doubt?”
@General Stuck:
If the Obama admin is truly rolling out a new economic executive order weekly, it is going to put a ton of pressure on the Republicans and Congress to do something. I doubt any of these executive orders will do much to improve the economy, but at least he is showing the public that he is trying.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Max!! Thank you for sharing him, Tim F.
WereBear (itouch)
Good boy!
Max is gorgeous! He makes me (almost) re-consider the no pet thing (I have a pet hair allergy).
As if there was any doubt about the parallel evolution of the two species together. Max laughs at your lack of faith in his puppeh powers!
gogol's wife
I wuv Max. I would give him my whole omelet.
Comrade Mary
Mom gives, Dad documents.
Max is gorgeous. And that eyebrow action he has going just cracks me up. Tim F., you had to have been laughing the whole time you were photographing that little saga.
It’s the eyes. OMG, that dog has this family under his power. Bits of omeletts are the start, but I see planetary domination in the future. Which might be an improvement.
Nice pics. I’m still chuckling over the “That sounded like a tick!” one from a few months back.
I’m at sixes and sevens this evening. Couldn’t get into either the football game or the baseball game, and I don’t feel like doing anything else. A rare state of affairs for me. I DVR’ed Case Histories on PBS but don’t feel like watching that either right now. Grumble, grumble.
@Steeplejack: I didn’t want to watch that either…too gritty. Watched a couple of episodes of Upstairs Downstairs instead. I don’t mind a little realism, as long as it’s in the past.
And Max is a beautiful boy, yes he is.
I liked the first episode last week. Just not ready to watch anything right now, I guess. I thought it was exceedingly well written, and then I remembered that it was taken from a novel by Kate Atkinson. Hope the quality keeps up. The cinematography is beautiful, at least.
And my local PBS station has been rerunning some of the early Foyle’s War episodes that I missed, so I’m catching up on those.
Scamp Dog
…thus proving that dogs are smarter than underpants gnomes! And my border collie is even smarter, so there! :)
BTW thanks for the culinary inspiration. It motivated me to go clean out my fridge and develop a frittata recipe for BHF. Which should be published soon! GO MAX!!
Hill Dweller
OT: There is a lot of bad acting on The Walking Dead.
Man. Not to be a downer on the happy doggie post, but it’s coming up on three years since our family dog passed away, and most of the time I’m totally fine and can reminisce about him fondly and it’s no big thing…but every once in a while it still feels SO WEIRD and sad. Got a bit of that here because Charlie was a champion beggar :) Didn’t matter what the hell you had, he waaaaaanted some. (Especially paper products: tissues, napkins, etc. He was a total mutt and we used to joke that there was a goat somewhere in his family tree.)
@Hill Dweller: well that’s what you get. we could have had a topical, insightful, intelligent series like Rubicon renewed…. instead, you get zombies. As if there isn’t already a FEAR channel and that half of the syfy channel is littered with this dreck. Oh well, its back to the Buster Keaton marathon on TCM
Zombies should be big now in the media.
Vampires are fear of aristocrats. Zombies are fear of proletariat. Werewolves are fear of puberty[1]. Occupy ought to whip up the media’s love of zombies.
[1] especially for girls.
@Steeplejack: saw CH1 last week, & was pert’ impressed. so i watched episodes 3 – 6 on the web (it ran as 6 1-hour shows in Britain). the young girl who plays Jason Brodie’s daughter Marlee is a delight. IMO the last episode is the best of them, and i’ll be buying some Kate Atkinson books later this week.
@MikeJ: well I would think that Zombies is a fairly accurate description of our mainstream media… they have no thoughts of their own, they attempt to eat the brains of anyone who has an intelligent thought and strangely enough, you really don’t feel like you’ve outsmarted them because they keep doing the same shit over and over again so its obvious that they aren’t listening to us (obviously ;-))).
Thanks for the info. I remembered that I had Kate Atkinson on my “to read” list, so I picked up the first book (Case Histories) the other day.
Agree with you about the daughter. I like her interaction with Brodie and the way he semi-inadvertently keeps dragging her around on his investigations. “And then Daddy beat up a man!”
For the mystery-loving lurkers: the other Jason Brodie books are, in order, One Good Turn, When Will There Be Good News? and Started Early, Took My Dog.
The Walking Dead brings me Andrew Lincoln every week, so its (many) sins can be forgiven. I just need to imagine him saying his lines without the southern accent and it’s all golden.
Norman Reedus is also awesome.
I REALLY like this guy’s blog
Darling dog.
Amy Goodman and Democracy Now get noticed by the New York Times.
Thanks for the lead! I read two or three of his rants and like his take very much. Also, his woodworking is breathtaking. I’ll bookmark stonekettle and return for more, soon and often.
A Mom Anon
My Abby has that eyebrow expressive thing too. Cracks me up daily. She also does a dramatic emo dog sigh while throwing herself on the floor which is hee-larious. And she stomps her front feet while “talking”to you(read:telling you off for saying no). She’s Doberman/Shepard mix,not sure if any of that is breed specific,but man do I love that doggie.
I wish Max lived around here,Abby would love to have him to romp with. He’s so gorgeous.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
He’s a knuckle head just like the knuckle head lying next to me.
@A Mom Anon:
Hey, A Mom Anon, I hope you felt your ears burning (in a good way) last Saturday. I finally got to meet up with JPL and we agreed we’d love to get together with you and SIA and the four of us go over to Athens and pay a call on Raven (formerly stuckinred). Whaddya think?
And if your doggie ever goes missing, helpful people will call to him:
“Harpoon! Harpoon!”
But without food in their hands, it will be for naught.
who could resist that face, anyway?!
Mark S.
Krugman’s cheery this morning:
Why is austerity so popular with elites? I know, they’re not the ones suffering, but three years of it hasn’t been good for anybody.
I don’t know what the implications would be if the euro went bye-bye. Maybe that issue will come up in the next gooper debate. I’m certain a highly entertaining display of stupidity would result.
@Mark S.:
You answered your own question. It’s really that simple. None of them have lost anything of great value, and they see austerity as the means to keep it that way.
Mark S.
Ha, but then again, as someone pointed out yesterday, they are suffering:
I also learned from the article that times are tough in the all-important snooty butler sector.
@Mark S.: I continue to wonder how people write dreck like that with a straight face.
ETA: at least the commenters give him a good round of whatfor about it. Also, naming your home Versailles? lol
mai naem
I watched the Ron Paul MTP interview. I couldn’t take my eyes off his right eyebrow. It looked like it was falling off again and then after a break it looked like it was stuck on better. I wish I had recorded it.
Amir Khalid
@mai naem:
How are people to vote for a President who can’t even pick a decent eyebrow glue?
Southern Tier 2X IPA… nice.
Alison – we had a collie {Princess) when I was in high school (40 years ago) that could beg like nobody’s business – lethal brown eyes that made you feel like the lowest of the low for not sharing what ever it was you had. I sill miss her after all these decades. I don’t think the sad ever truly goes away, it just is replaced more often by the happy memories.