Disappointed Erick Erickson is disappointed.
Erick Erickson has a sad about Herman Cain:
I owe you a good bit of my present career in radio. You leaving opened the door for me.
I still believe you can win the Republican nomination.
I still believe you can beat Barack Obama.
I still believe you can be one of the most inspiring Presidents since Ronald Reagan.
The Herman Cain I know would not and could not do what you are accused of. And I know it is incredibly unfair to ask you, in effect, to prove a negative. How the hell does one prove one did not do something?
But Herman, part of your refreshing appeal is your willingness to say things like “I don’t know” and “I’ll surround myself with the best people who do know.”
It is abundantly obvious to a lot of us Herman that you are not living up to your own words. You said you would surround yourself with the best people — the competent people to help you.
Last week, J.D. Gordon had a disastrous performance on a Blackberry on Geraldo’s show. His performance set the tone for the Monday news shows, all of which pointed out that your own communications vice president would not deny the story.
Then Mark Block went on TV to blame Curt Anderson only to walk it back the next day.
This week, Mark Block again went on TV, said he had verified the identify of a reporter as the son of your accuser, and got it totally wrong. But he said it was verified. It was a lie.
Herman, you said you’d surround yourself with the best people and you’ve surrounded yourself with Class A failures. The problems you are facing are problems of campaign staffing. You’ve failed to live up to your own standard of hiring the best people.
I still believe you can win. But to do so, you must fire your staff and start over. It is the only way forward for you. This communications strategy has been an unmitigated disaster. And if this story doesn’t kill your campaign, the one about Mark Block initially running your campaign through a 501(c)(3) surely will.
Herman, you must reboot for victory.
Your friend,
“Refreshing appeal”? Seriously?
Did Erickson wander down to a neighborhood elementary school and pay an eight year old in Milk Duds for this tripe?
How embarrassing.
[cross-posted at Angry Black Chronicles]
Yes, that would be Republicans he’s surrounded himself with, Herr Erick.
For a completely dishonest and not entirely literate person, Erick is actually pretty good at this game. This is not the first time I’ve seen the “I’m so sad your campaign is crashing and burning” routine from him. It’s a great way to distance yourself from a failed candidate without pissing off his followers.
What’s so inspiring about “Every man for himself and devil take hindmost?”
John O
Maybe Herman should hire Erickson.
404 Error, Intelligence not found.
If you feel you have received this message in error, you haven’t.
Well, Cain did make sure to mention that there are thousands of women he *hasn’t* harassed for every one who is accusing him. That’s a start, right?
Rick Massimo
Yeah, how the hell does one prove he’s not a goat-fking child molester?
Anyway, according to Erick Erickson, Herman Cain’s big flaw is not hiring people who are as awesome as Herman Cain is. Maybe the surrounding of oneself with Class A failures is a sign of something? Just maybe?
Oh fk. I just realized. He’s applying for a job with the Cain campaign. That’s what he’s doing.
Well, he MIGHT have to give his CNN gig if he gets one. MIGHT …
Wow – just wow.
The newest rightwing line to repeat over and over is now:
You can’t prove a negative.
Of course it was only a few years ago when we were lectured about how much character counts and that those with character would avoid the appearance of impropriety.
Seems like only yesterday.
schrodinger's cat
Is that baby Tunch?
Jay in Oregon
This looks like the most left-handed compliment/passive-aggressive shiv-between-the-ribs ever.
schrodinger's cat
@GregB: I remember Bush harping about bringing honor and dignity to the White House during the 2000 campaign.
Erick Erickson:
Herman Cain:
I think that’s actually a 999 error.
“Herman, you must reboot for victory” really ought to be immortalized as a tag, also too.
Earlier this week, Ewick actually said that Cain needed to “put this thing to bed,” but that it “keeps dribbling out.”
If Cain were running a real campaign (and for some reason thought Ewickson were worth bothering with), the only response to any of this would be “STOP HELPING!!”
Linda Featheringill
Nice kitty, ABL. :-)
So the question arises in my twisted brain: Does Herman just have no respect for females or does he have no respect for anybody [except the Kochs]?
Erickson is a strange little man. I like his wistfulness at not being able to use circular logic.
Well, there’s another strike against Cain that I didn’t know about…
@John O:
God doesn’t love us that much.
c u n d gulag
Yes CNN – Erick Erickson – a worthy hire.
What, everyone else you considered for the job was so drunk or high after an “Appreciating Ronald Reagan” get-together was discovered to be choking or vomiting to death, too stupid to remember that breathing is an involuntary reflex?
And you keep Erick on?
He must be your Jerry Sandusky and have pictures of Wolf, and the ‘Worst Fucking Political Team in the History of the Entire Fucking Planet’ schtupping little boys – or Candy Crowley eating them – literally!
Anyone else read the first few lines and start hearing the opening theme to Pokemon in thier head?
Which one of those jackasses used to call himself “Hindrocket”?
Wow. How cool, Herman can say idiotic things regarding foreign policy just like Reagan and he isn’t even suffering from early Alzheimer’s!
Ewick is a numbskull.
@Linda Featheringill:
Tough question. It reminds me of the award-show incident where Kanye West declared “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” — my first thought was, that’s not quite right; George Bush doesn’t care about anybody.
Quaker in a Basement
Seriously? This is one of Erickson’s better efforts.
/insert Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” here
Oh, if only he could get elected, he could easily be one of the five most inspiring presidents since Reagan…
John O
Funny, I was just thinking God doesn’t love me enough to make the Herminator the nominee.
Zandar’s post about these folks doing disservice to clowns was right on.
I saw that this morning. For the most part they are trying not to freak out in public, but if you read between the lines I think a lot of the wingnuts are starting to realize how screwed they are with this shark-jumping contest masquerading as a primary. The only people Not Named Romney who have any chance of winning the primary are people they should pray never do.
That’s only fair when it’s asked of a Democrat!
Tell me you can see that over a fuzzy little kitten with its paw tenderly placed on your keyboard. (f-stop ~4)
Is he always like this?
Also, I want Nancy Smash in a tiara.
The Herman Cain I know loves and respects women.
Because he said to me “That’s what I tell all my bitches.”
The comments on that RedState article are hilarious. You’ve got Perry acolytes slamming Cain true believers (and vice versa), a lone voice pointing out that Mitt Romney will probably win, suggestions of various Fox anchors who would be best suited as Cain communications spokesdroids, an attack on Erick for supporting “local democrats”, etc.
I’m pretty sure it took until March or April of 2008 for the liberal blogosphere to get this polarized.
Villago Delenda Est
Herman Cain is pigshit, and so is anyone who supports him.
This means you, son of Fuckerson.
Wait has anyone else seen the Funny or Die vid on Rick Perry’s “OOps” moment from last night?
Haven’t watch Daily Show or Colbert in a while, but I am so gonna watch tonight to see what they got!
Jesus, this letter’s for real, not a parodY?
How much bourban has Erickson been drinking?
Erick Erickson: Captain of the Fail Boat.
@Redshift: he needs to grab this problem by the back of the head and cram it down
So. I’m playing Skyrim and I decide to try Erick, Son of Erick’s advice and Reboot For Victory!
Now I’ve lost all my settings, all my progress, and all my carefully selected avatar choices.
I’m warning you, Herman, don’t take any fucking advice from Erickson. You’ll just lose everything and have to start from scratch, and that’s if you’re lucky and don’t trash your install. Reboot for Victory, my ass.
Ben Cisco (mobile)
Ah, his bitter tears of disappointment. Like a swig of Althouse’s box wine, left out in the sun for a spell.
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodinger’s cat:
Like a deserting sack of shit knows anything at all about honor.
Xecky Gilchrist
Herman, you said you’d surround yourself with the best people and you’ve surrounded yourself with Class A failures.
Deja vu! Didn’t this same thing happen with Dubya?
You know, a moderately intelligent reaction to someone saying “I don’t know a lot, but I know enough to hire people who know more and judge whether or not their advice is good” is to at least say “I find that hard to believe.” Even someone who isn’t as bright might remember that we just had a president who declared the same thing, and it was a big enough disaster that even conservatives don’t mention his name and try to convince themselves that he wasn’t “really” conservative.
But at a bare minimum, if you have someone who makes that declaration and then hires people, not as highly technical experts but as direct subordinates running the nuts and bolts of his organization, who are complete incompetents, the only rational conclusion is not that he should be believed about hiring competent help, but that he’s as incompetent at that as at everything else!
ask not how you have failed the Republican Party, ask instead, how you intend to fail the entire nation……
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
I believe some guy named George Bush said and did the same thing. And therefore, the man we elected never ran the country.
Erick doesn’t need bourbon to sound like a parody, just a keyboard. Or a camera. Or a microphone.
Or a mirror.
I won’t be doing a damn bit of searching to see if my memory is correct but I think he wrote an even more embarrassing plea to Fred Thompson in 2008 begging him to get back in the race after his campaign fizzled out.
Maybe Ewick is training to be Kristol’s successor in the “always aggressively wrong about everything” chair?
@Villago Delenda Est:
Not shit! Energy!
This is Cain’s real platform for American energy independence.
@dmsilev: He just needs to figure out what they should all mail to Romney (flip flops, maybe?) and then they can smirk together and bask in the glow of the vast influence of wingnut bloggers.
Villago Delenda Est
You’ll have to pry that chair out of Kristol’s clenched, dead hands.
So who is Erick Erickson, and why should anyone give a rat’s ass about what he writes?
What a sad attempt at misdirection. The problem is not the people Cain surrounds himself with. The problem is Cain.
@schrodinger’s cat:
It’s been months — years, even — since we’ve had a picture of Tunch.
:: pounds fists on table ::
We want Tunch! We want Tunch!
Tiger Woods
Herman has a point, what about all the 1000’s of women I didn’t cheat on my wife with. Don’t I get any credit for that? You know I coulda if I wanted to/had the time. Instead, its the same ol’ dozen or so. As I see it, I was 99% faithful.
@Woodrowfan: More like, The Poseidon Adventure.
“I’m going next. So if ole’ fat ass gets stuck, I won’t get stuck behind her.”
Love the closing:
In other words, we havn’t even gotten to the illegal stuff yet. Hermy, your goose is cooked. So long and thanks for the fish.
Is there another quote the better illustrates the utter cluelessness of Erik? I am no fan of Reagan but I just had to laugh in the “you’re just so sad” way.
Cain hired those people, didn’t he? Of course E.E. is a bit too blinded by his Cain-love to make the logical connection that Cain is surrounded by Class A failures because Cain thought they were the best people.
The Tragically Flip
If that’s not damning by faint praise, I don’t know what is. 4 post-Reagan presidents, 2 Democrats, and 2 Bushes. Bush Sr. raised taxes and is dead to the right, so Erique here is saying that Cain probably won’t rise to the inspirational level of George W. Bush, but might beat out Bush Sr and some socialists traitors.
Cain: He’ll be one of the top 5 Presidents since Reagan!
reminds me of this:
Richard Nixon.mp3.
words, here
Open goal there…
Villago Delenda Est
They were all Koch Brothers approved, too.
Take that as you will…
Now, now, we can’t be sure that Cain isn’t suffering from Alzheimer’s. After all, you can’t disprove a negative.
Howard Appel
I think that one of the reasons that the Herminator’s fund-raising has kept up is that we few, we fortunate few, liberals are contributing to him in the hope that he will be their nominee. He would so drag down the entire republican ticket!!!!!
No, sorry, that title is still held by Dick Morris.
Comrade Rich
Shouldn’t it be typed like this?
Herman, you must reboot for VICTORY!
karen marie
@Redshift: I don’t know if he’s up to it. There are a lot of contenders for that honor.
@ET: It’s exactly that kind of judgment that CNN felt made him qualified to be a political opinionator.
A lot of people seem to think Erickson is writing this from a place of deep sincerity. I don’t think so, myself.
I don’t think Erick would know how to find a place of deep sincerity even if a GPS gave him perfect directions. And if he somehow stumbled into one anyway, I’m sure he’d vandalize it.
Alex S.
@Comrade Rich:
Haha, well maybe Erik is Reality Check.
I think he’s just playing a little game with this post.
Silver Owl
With Erikson it’s always one man crush after another.
Republicans often seem to find candidates who say that “refreshingly appealing.” Certainly, it was “refreshingly appealing” when “I am a proudly ignorant hack of barely average intelligence and that’s what makes me better than that smarty smart smartypants smartass intellectual running against me!” candidates Warren G. Harding and George W. Bush were nominated. And that worked out great, both times.