Erick “Voice of the Gated-Community GOP” Erickson has another Big Sad [warning, Redstate link]:
As you wake up this morning, however hard it may be to believe, we are actually three weeks away from the first votes being cast in Campaign 2012. Three weeks from today, in the Iowa cold, people will gather and support their man.
And three weeks out is perhaps the perfect time for me to ask this. Have conservatives entered a suicide pact? Has the Republican Party, as a whole, done the same?…
I think, given the direction the Obama team intends to head with their campaign theme, we would be crazy not to reconsider Perry, given how effective his biography and life story would be combatting that theme. If not Perry, perhaps Huntsman does deserve a look given his private sector and Reagan administration experience. Both men, however, have things they must show conservatives in order to get conservatives back on board for Perry or on board the first time for Huntsman.
I do know that a lot of people are ready to sign off on Newt Gingrich because of his debating prowess, not his conservative bona fides. If people know what they are getting going into this, so be it. But I think a lot of people don’t…
[A]re we sure he’s the guy? We’ve only got three weeks to be sure. The future of conservatism as a political force is at stake.
So, Erickson considers Gingrich’s “conservative bona fides” inadequate, and would prefer to vote for either “The Best Little Whore in Texas” or the human version of Willard Romney. But only if they show Erick a little more leg, maybe let him get to second base…
If the Redstaters want a candidate who’s not afraid to bare it all, and the more publicly the better, perhaps it will hearten them to know that Donald Trump has decided “not to be the moderator of the Newsmax debate… so that it wouldn’t appear as a conflict of interest if he decides to run as an independent“. (I think it’s heartening that Garry Trudeau can still influence the media discourse, but then I’m a cynic.)
Hunter Gathers
Erickson sounds like one of those idiots who takes fifteen minutes to place his order at Taco Bell. He knows exactly what’s on the fucking menu, but can’t ever seem to make up his mind. In the end, it’s all crap anyway, so what he chooses really doesn’t fucking matter.
The Dangerman
Perry? PERRY?! Clearly, Eric The Redstater has been hitting the eggnog too hard this holiday season.
I LOL’d.
freelancer (iPhone)
What in the mother of fuck did you expect you bloated fucking clown?! You and your henchtards mass mailed rocksalt and bullshit to any R that didn’t tow your line. You shaped this group of government by Gomer Pyles and now you’re a little concerned that electoral Starve the Beast isn’t the way to go? Go fuck yourself, cause you, more than any other right leaning pundit earned this herd of bubble-headed embarrassment.
Anne Laurie:
… they’ll have to draft Scott Brown?
@Hunter Gathers:
[JGabriel see Hunter Gathers behind him in the line at Taco Bell, gets to the counter, turns around, points to Hunter Gathers, and says:]
Uh, I’m really not ready, why don’t you let that guy go first?
Maybe Perry’s biography and life story would be effective, unfortunately his brain, or more specifically, the lack thereof, gets in the way.
Erick, Son of Himself:
Kind of ironic, considering Erick helped write it.
You’re confusing bug and feature with respect to the GOP. Remember, we’re talking about a party that thinks a man who spent most of his second term in a state of senile dementia was one of our country’s greatest president’s.
Mental dysfunction and/or brain degeneration are considered pluses in the Republican party.
Mike in NC
Have conservatives entered a suicide pact?
God, I hope so.
@The Dangerman: If I were a Republican, I’d be on a non-stop bender.
I’m just loving how the wingnuts are mistaking doing well in GOP debates for “debating prowess.” I believe the polite version of the old expression would be “world’s tallest little-person contest”…
Jeffrey Kramer
The future of conservatism as a political force is at stake
I’ll tell you exactly what the difference would be for “conservatism” between an Obama 2nd term and a Perry 1st term.
In one case, the Red Staters would spend four years screaming about the persecution of straights, whites, males, Christians, and “taxpayers” and the need to take “their” country back from the gay sharia atheist women moocher elites.
In the other case, they would spend four years screaming about the persecution of straights, whites, males, Christians, and “taxpayers,” and the treacherous failure of Ricky Perry to give them their country back from the power of the gay sharia atheist women moocher elites.
The Dangerman
Careful; this might tempt Herman Cain to unsuspend his campaign.
@Jeffrey Kramer:
They’d fall in line: they’re usually pretty good at that. Bush may have become a RINO, a liberal and a borderline DFH traitor, but all that was after November 2008. Before that, he was Father, Son and Holy Spirit to them. Whoever the next Republican president is, it’ll be the same.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, Erick. Maybe a brokered convention is the answer to Republican troubles? I hear Joe Lieberman has some time on his hands, and he’s considered to be Serious by all the Very Serious People….
I’ll bite: what is Obama’s campaign theme that Perry would be so effective in rebutting?
People like Erickson courted, stoked, and encouraged the current GOP state of mind, and now they’re worried? What exactly did they think was going to happen when they embraced the xenophobic teabaggers and encouraged birtherism, among other things?
It heartens me tremendously to see McErick come up with the exact replica of the Kerry campaign, where the Dems went for a candidate with an authentic version of the life story that had been claimed by the winning faker on the other side. That sort of approach is just doomed, because the independent ‘swing’ voters really don’t give a damn about that – if they did, they would agree that the other guy really is a faker, and would not have voted for him in the first place.
If that is the best they can come up with, they are really quite weakened at this point.
O, Erick, son of Erick, your tears are delicious.
There is an old Klingon proverb, Mr. Erickson. It says that revenge is a dish that is best served cold. It is very cold beyond the wingnut event horizon.
Mitt Romney is still our nominee.
Hill Dweller
They’re scared, which is why the Republicans in Congress are trying their best to scuttle any extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance. A poor economy is their best hope.
If they buckle to the pressure and do pass them, it has to be coupled with cuts to medicare, in order to shelter them from the inevitable Dem attacks on their support for the Ryan plan.
@Veritas: You may be right that he will be the nominee, but once the base goes through another profound disappointment with their candidate du jour, they will be pretty depressed and listless.
An Obama victory? In THIS economy? No way, no how.
My co-workers are all Obama haters so I generally avoid talking politics. But I’m really curious about who they like in the current field of republicans. Maybe a survey is in order.
@Xenos: I was having trouble figuring out what Ewick was talking about, too. So he thinks that the “theme” of a fair shake for the 99% is dependent on Obama’s tough life story and can only work if the GOP nominates someone who doesn’t have one?
That’s impressively stupid.
@Steve: Supposedly he would be a rebuttal to Obama’s EVVVULLL Soc-ialism because his parents weren’t terribly rich. And that somehow proves anyone can get ahead, even if you’re a dumbass white guy who got Cs and Ds at a state university.
Here let me finish it for you:
Here is how it will go down on election night 2012. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for Romney. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a Romney presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
@handy: Heh. Win.
Hill Dweller
The Romney camp released a statement announcing the endorsement of Christine O’Donnell.
I’m not kidding.
Scary notion is that the current crop of Republican candidates are the bright shining political stars of their tribe. Their hope for the future. What a cesspool of corrupted ideology and ignorance the Republicans are.
These nightmarish candidates are a feature, not a bug. They could promote a hundred other candidates and they’d all be just as bad.
@Hill Dweller: Wow. Think they’ll have a press conference?
Suffern ACE
Perry’s bio includes campaigning for Gore. I know it was a long time ago, but while he was doing that, Newt was busy building the post-Reagan Republican party that we have come to know and love. I believe Perry has written one book. Newt has supplied conservatives with an entire multi-media experience. What part of the bio am I missing?
@sfinny: Lord I hope so. Wingnut Bingo cards at the ready!
The prophet Nostradumbass
Erick bin Erick is quite stupendously stupid.
Oh Ewick,you poor, deluded, sorry, pimple on Rush Limbugh’s ass. Take another look at Perry, that hard scrable, patriotic, rootin’ tootin’ Govner who created all them jobs in the Loon Star State? Ewick, even you know that is not going to happen, as you admit in your post:
Failed to convince people he is capable? He has done everything but actually piss himself during the 853 debates. In fact, I think he did piss himself a little when Romney touched his shoulder in one debate, but that may have just been a little man love ejaculation, Romney being such a good lookin’ fella and all. And the Iowa ad, where he basically comes across a clueless bigot, can’t wait to see that trotted out in the general election, it will be right up there with Carly Fiorina’s demon sheep.
As for Perry’s upward poll trends, the two latest poll have him at 13 and 9 percent respectively in Iowa. Meaning he will most likely finish in a tie with Crazy eyes for fourth place. After that, it is on to New Hampshire, where he is soaring at 3% in the latest poll. And he can’t even get out of single digits in a state like Virginia, where he is polling at 8%.
No Ewick, Perry is not going to make a comeback. Your Knight on a white horse turned out to be Sancho Panza on an ass. Or maybe just the ass. He is an ignorant, racist prick, with the IQ of a head of lettuce. Sorry, you may just be stuck with the leporous amphibian, and if not the Newt, then wind up the Romneybot 5000 and weep those bitter tears of frustration and rage.
Cole, when you have regular trolls showing up, you’ve made it to the blogging big time. Congratulations…I think.
@feebog: Time for a ciggie. Thanks.
What the fuck are you babbling on about?
No one yet has answered the question: what if the Teatards don’t fall in line?
@Yutsano: It will be the longest and strangest Bingo game ever played. Too bad the Herman Cain square is gone.
Hill Dweller
@sfinny: The statement calls O’Donnell ‘a leader in the conservative movement for many years’.
This is example #456 of Romney’s glass jaw. The video of Willard saying he isn’t a partisan republican and his views are progressive leaks today, and they mess the bed by rushing this nonsense out, which will just get ridiculed.
Christ, Perry has proven that he can’t walk in a parade without stopping to take a shit.
I have never seen a more inept stooge on the national scene.
P.S. Did Erickson get cleared on the goat fucking rap?
My sis-in-law is a moderate/independent who tends to vote Republican but maybe 60/40 ticket split. She’s very smart – near the top of her class at Vanderbilt, works two levels below C-suite after 20+ years of a rising career.
She was visiting last week and more than once said with just such disappointment how she couldn’t believe that Newt was leading. She really didn’t want to know about Cain. Or Perry (she lives in TX).
She voted for Obama last time, though it sounded like it was a bit of a stretch for her.
I think she would go for Huntsman. I got the sense sight go for Romney, but not happily. If it’s Newtie, or Perry, or, umm, huh, not sure who else, she may pick Obama as the devil she know, or may skip the Prez level.
She desperately wants a sane GOP. I think she has a long time to wait. The last 3 or 4 decent Republicans left the Senate 1-2 cycles ago, and there weren’t many.
I was thinking back to this point in the 2008 campaign and, yanno, I remember being excited about the field of candidates. I really liked Hillary, but I liked Obama, too, and G was working on me about Edwards, though I was still hoping maybe Dean would jump into the race.
But — and this is the important part — I knew I was going to be happy with whichever one of them was the eventual candidate because I thought they were all strong candidates who would represent the Democrats well.
That is not the feeling I’m getting from Republicans right now.
@Hill Dweller: The statement calls O’Donnell ‘a leader in the conservative movement for many years’.
Now that’s just funny.
I see non-insane Republicans at the state level retiring in ’12, if they didn’t get RINO’d out in the ’10 primaries.
The GOP is in free-fall as far as policy depth, candidate recruitment that isn’t from the 27% mouth-breathers, and so much fail on handling Latinos, gays and more.
If the economy were even halfway decent in ’12, this would be a blowout of Goldwater proportions.
Funny, I often think the same thing when I read your posts.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, I remember that, too. Early on, I would have liked Dean or Gore to get into the race, and was volunteering for Edwards, but I was impressed with Obama and I had met Hillary when she was running for Senate and liked her a lot. I would not have been unhappy if any of them had come out on top (not knowing what we later learned about Edwards, of course.)
In addition to intelligence and policy, they were all really good with people, too. At the local fundraiser where I met Hillary, she stuck around until everyone who wanted to meet her had a chance, not just the people who’d paid the VIP level. At a candidate forum where I went to support Edwards, the volunteers watched the speeches from an overflow room while the bigwigs were in the main hall. During Obama’s speech, the sound on the closed-circuit TV went out, much to our disappointment. Afterward, Obama came through the back corridors and spoke again to the overflow room, and was amazing.
I just can’t see any of these clowns doing those things effectively, in part because they don’t convey the impression that they like and respect the voters and what they want, just that they need them, need their dollars and votes to get what they want.
Hill Dweller
@RalfW: They didn’t start the largest voter suppression effort since Jim Crowe and gerrymander the hell out of the congressional districts in the states they control just for giggles. They know their base is dying off, and the demographics don’t look good going forward.
See Landon, Alf.
Unemployment rate for 1936 was 16.9%.
Landon won nearly 1/3 of the African-American vote, too. Landon was demolished, crushed, humiliated.
Obama is not a giant like FDR, but the claim that the economy is too weak to re-elect an incumbent is utter crap.
Roger Moore
I would think that the perfect time to ask “Am I in a suicide pact?” is when there’s still a chance to back out, not when you’re trying to decide who gets which cup of hemlock. Of course Erick son of Erick will get nothing but crocodile tears from me on this issue precisely because he’s the kind of person who’s only asking this question now that it’s too late to do anything about it.
Wow, the Witch gave her endorsement to the Tin Man.
Anne Laurie
Well, yeah, and those are his selling points. Best I can figure, Erickson considers Perry a mean, stupid thug who’ll pepper-spray whichever “troublemakers” his employers (the Gated-Community GOP) point him at. Since the G-C GOP considers that as the only proper job of the American president (scare the savages, pansies & ragheads outside the national borders; keep the bottom 97% of Americans ‘in their place’), hiring a dumb thug with a well-established reputation for prompt compliance upon receipt of funding is second best only to hiring one of their own to sit in the Oval Office. And none of the other GOP primary contenders are the Right Sort for Erick ‘Voice of the Gated-Community GOP” Erickson to feel really comfortable about them leading the national HOA board…
The question Erick should be asking is, why he and republicans are left to choose between the flawed candidates of Mitt, Newt, Perry, Huntsman, etc.
Does Erick seriously believe that Christie, Daniels, Pawlenty, Barbour, Palin, Huckabee, Trump, Thune, Pence, DeMint, Jindal, Pataki, Bloomberg, Giuliani, Ryan, Jeb Bush and the other usual suspects all decided to sit out the 2012 presidential election because they didn’t hear a higher calling to run?
Please. They can read an electoral map and they can see the writing on the wall. Even with all the stars aligned, the electoral map remains decidedly in Obama’s favor.
They also understand that by pandering to the extremists to regain control of congress, republicans have painted themselves into a corner. They must now pander to those same extremists to gain the nomination, which will make them unelectable in the general election. And if they attempt to move to the center to appeal to moderate and independent voters, they will be branded a RINO for life. Better to sit out 2012 and hope that by 2016 the political dynamics of the GOP has changed and the party has moved towards the center.
@freelancer (iPhone):
That was really well put. Thank you for posting it.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@handy: I’m with you except for Colorado and maybe Ohio. Having worked the polls in PA in 2010, I’m convinced my fellow Keystone Staters are 27%ers.
“My sis-in-law is a moderate/independent who tends to vote Republican but maybe 60/40 ticket split. She’s very smart”
Complete nonsense. How could someone be very smart and be an independent? There are very clear differences twixt the parties. One is sane. One is not.
Good stuff. Dead on. Thanks for posting.
Wasn’t the suicide pact drafted by erickkk fuckkking erickkkkson ?
@Jeffrey Kramer:
In case no one else said this… FUCK OFF
Edit- +5ish, I misread this as thinking Perry=Obama. My bad.
Donald G
In light of the impressive failure rate of your predictions on Election Night a little over a month ago,especially your doubling down on things like the Mississippi personhood amendment as our side claimed many VICTORIES that night, I look forward to seeing a repeat performance next year.
Yours in VICTORY!
It a fairly well known prediction made the evening of Nov. 4, 2008 on sadly-no by a troll with, in an odd coincidence, the handle ‘The Truth.’
If you’re wondering why it seems appripo with respect to your predictive abilities, you might want to look up the phrase “Personhood Amendment in Mississippi” in conjuction with the word vitcory. here on this very blog, and work your way forward from the first result.
It’s enlightening, to say the least.
@Hill Dweller: Gotta love politico’s opener on this.
willard is so desperate for wingnut votes.
I still think the GOP big-wigs are going to pull rank and make sure Willard “Mitt” Romney wins the convention, but he’ll be utterly damaged goods by then.
Now if Newt pulls it out, Dems take back the House.
Talk about your win-win situations.
That would actually explain a lot. Think about it — the collective id of the GOP is constantly on display and their inhibitions loosened because they’re all plastered.
On the other hand, they’ve kind of always been like this, so maybe not. Maybe it’s just genetic.
@Mnemosyne: No comparison at all. In 2008, dems were spoiled for options. From very, very good to excellent candidates.
Reading that felt so good that it almost seduced me to take up again my long-abandoned smoking habit.
One of two parties is screwed: The GOP or the US of A.
Erik tears to sweeten my morning coffee, mmmmm, that’s good coffee!
and JoeScar, he’s fixin’ to have a stroke on national teevee
There’s actually a woman on the ticket, right? First one to win the straw poll in some-utterly-not-related-state? One that has more evangelical support than, say, Newt Gingrich? You have to admit, they stick with what they do well, these conservatives.
@handy: North Carolina might be close, but Northern Virginia goes for Obama handily.
@Hill Dweller: And a sign of his weakness. He needs to even acknowledge an endorsement by epic fail Christine McDonnell, her of no following whatsoever, who lost badly in Maryland, and who may have cost the Republicans the Senate? “Im not a witch?”.
Things look pretty bad for Mittens.
At this point, I was still hoping that Gore would get into the race, even though I knew filing dates were pretty close. But what made things good for us was that everyone else was pretty good too-I can’t recall a real clunker except for maybe Dennis Kucinich-and even he would have been good for something and not too embarrasing to help us keep the House.
And we went through nothing like what the Republicans are going now. The leaders were Obama and Hillary, Edwards a solid third. But no craziness from any of them.
But why? What policies would a “sane GOP” pursue that pleases her so, and that she cannot get from Democrats? Especially from today’s abundantly squishy ones?
And what’s the beef, anyway? Isn’t the Tea Party just the Republican Party, turned up to eleven? Why would anyone who likes those policies complain about that?
dance around in your bones
@Veritas: Satire V, you are running out of candidates to fluff. Hahahahahahha.
El Cid
I’m not counting on anything, but if the Obama Kenyonesian menace kicks right wing ass again in 2012, I will be renting PA systems with which to mock my conservative neighbors.
Tone In DC
@freelancer (iPhone):
Yessssss! And it counts!
Sorry. It’s early.
The Republic of Stupidity
Funniest three lines I’ve read in weeks, excepting Chs Pierce…
Erick, Erick, Erick… maybe it’s time to take your wife’s shotgun, metaphorically speaking, and suck on it…
Tone In DC
AA+ Bonds
AA+ Bonds
Please for the love of God reconsider Perry. WONT SOMEONE! ANYONE! RECONSIDER PERRY! ahhhhhhhhhhhaahahahahahah
The Republicans have at least become efficient. Their whole race is now pay for play in the media. Erickson has to be a Perry employee. ON, PETRAEUS! ON, BOY!!
The Moar You Know
Huh. The guy who chained the steering wheel in place and jammed a brick under the accelerator has now realized that the car is going to crash.
Sorry, Eric, your Rocksalt Purity Strike Force helped to put this slate of unelectables, grifters, and has-beens on the ticket. Deal with it.
AA+ Bonds
Here’s your next Fox News push, by the way:
Republicans Poised to Unravel Mandatory Defense Cuts
Start prepping for the trading-Medicaid-for-military argument, because it’s about to happen.
Paul in KY
@Citizen_X: I think that proverb predates Klingons.
@Paul in KY: Interesting point in light (a pun) of special relativity and the distance of our galaxy to that of the Klingons.
@AA+ Bonds: I would not be surprised at this happening, but I was pleased to note that Obama actually has already said no to this, he will veto it.
‘There is no easy way out’.
Important if true.
Paul in KY
@catclub: I’m pretty sure our galaxy is the same galaxy that the Klingons fictionally reside in.
You need ion drive to get to another galaxy, dontchaknow?
I really don’t get this. How does he want either Perry or Huntsman? There is no comparison between the two. Perry is a complete moron. Huntsman, whatever his flaws is a normal, seemingly rational intelligent man. With Perry there is a real possibility that, if president, one day he will be high on painkillers and decide to nuke the Soviets. It’s as if the democrats said “I’m fine with Obama as president, but I think carrot top would have been equally good”.
AA+ Bonds
Expect the response to be that we need deeper cuts in “welfare” to keep defense cuts from happening, and that’s what Democrats need to prep for, the argument that sequestration means that Obama slashed defense to pay for Medicaid and food stamps.
I don’t really want to hear any “b-b-but that makes no sense” whining, because of course it doesn’t, and that doesn’t really matter. Lindsey Graham is involved in this and I’d hope everyone here knows how he operates by now.
@Paul in KY: Ion drive to go to another galaxy? That would take a damned long time.
AA+ Bonds
Jon Huntsman on capping emissions:
Jon Huntsman on global warming:
Look: Huntsman is just as much of a dipshit as the rest of them, and just as dangerous to America.
In addition to all the Erick Ericksdottir bashing and general hilarity, this thread has an extra helping of good fun due to the slap-fight between Veritas and handy.
A little early for popcorn, but I’ll make an exception just this once.
But wouldn’t you want to have a beer with him? (Or whatever it is Mormons drink. Wine? – to symbolize the blood of the Angel Moron?)
@AA+ Bonds:
I don’t disagree with you. He has all the wrong and harmful positions and is more dangerous, because he is at least articulate. But Perry is a drooling idiot. There is no comparison between them. My point is how can anyone say they both will be good republican candidates for president. Either you like rational(for republicans anyway)coherent people or you like drooling idiots. Can’t be both.
Paul in KY
@Xenos: In the Star Trek universe, that was the next big thing. If you remember the episode where the creatures from Andromeda came, their craft was ion powered.
They were the ones who seemed all big & mighty, but ended up being some foot tall plant looking things (Kirk gets chased by a giant black cat during the episode).
@AA+ Bonds: Yup, he is doubly dangerous since many librul cottonheads will fall for his ‘intelligence’ and ‘uber moderateness’, whatever fuck that means.
@pk: you wanna argue logic with erickkk ?
WTF kind of Trekkie are you? Two different episodes.
Next you’ll be telling us Trelane was a Klingon.
Wait a moment … (sound of me smashing my head against a brick wall very hard and repeatedly) … OK, now it’ll be a fair fight
Pretty much exhibit A in “why do a lot of people think liberals are condescending a-holes?”
Paul in KY
@SFAW: Same episode.
I will need a cite to prove I’m off my rocker here.
BTW, what is a ‘Trelane’?
@AA+ Bonds: Huntsman is just as much of
a dipshitan ambitious, willing-to-sell-out-his-principles panderer as the rest of them, and just as dangerous to America.Fixt.
1) No cite needed, it’s self-evident.
2) My handle is “SFAW”, not “Google”, you lazy SOB
3) “By Any Other Name” and “Catspaw”. One hopes you can figure out which is which.
4) If you don’t know who Trelane is/was, then you have no business making any kind of Star Trek reference. (And, no, it’s not from any of the post-TNG-vintage shows.) One of the words my son uses is “Noob” – it might apply here, to you.
5) I guess I should be grateful that you didn’t ask me what a “Klingon” was.
Paul in KY
@SFAW: Ha! You did do my work after all, tool (M_C style smirk)
Don’t give a fuck what a ‘Trelane’ is.
BTW, you were right, I had combined a couple of shows.
jake the snake
Even with Mickey Kaus as a character witness?
Yah, right. It took you longer to write your “witty” riposte than it took me to find the Warren-Stevens-episode name. But I guess you’re proud of being a “moocher”. Or is it “parasite”? Or “second-hander”? I can never get my Randisms straight.
As I said, stick to things you unnerstand, like trashing Ericksdottir. Star Trek doesn’t appear to be your “sweet spot”.
My response will be delivered by Mr. Jim Keranga.
AA+ Bonds
I agree that after 2012 is over and done with, Huntsman will probably be the real threat that came out of it, and he’ll be around writing in the NYT and on CNN for years and years and years to come
Let’s put it this way: if Huntsman had a shot at the nomination, all of the Villagers would already be Republicans for a Day. But he’s not popular right now, and they can’t stand “not popular right now”, they fear it’ll rub off on them and they’ll find themselves back in high school stuffed into their lockers by the poor kids, so they’re going to wait until they can use him to argue that global warming means we should lower corporate taxes.
@RalfW: Now ask me if I fucking care.
It’s a statement that has the benefit of being broadly true. If you are a political “independent” in the United States of this day and age, either you are not paying enough attention to politics to cast an informed vote, your priorities are deeply fucked up, or you are deep in denial about just how insane one of our two major parties has become.
The most interesting thing about this is how Ewick’s getting freaked out by Obama’s campaign strategy. The Republicans have already lost the first fight of 2012- setting the terms of the debate. They’re playing in Hopey’s sandbox now.
Paul in KY
@SFAW: I think it is ‘parasite’.
Judas Escargot
I have quite a few family/acquaintances that fit the profile Ralf describes. If I press them, I basically get the “ew I just can’t vote for a Democrat!” response. So it’s tribalism.
It’s ironic: The GOP’s greatest strength is the fact that they start out with a solid 40-45% of the vote right away, just on tribal ID. But that ‘strength’ also frees up the crazy to speak its true mind, as we’re seeing this year.
I’ve tried to find out what Democrats ever did to these people to make it so personal for them, but you won’t get anything substantive or real in response. They’ve just been well-trained, after 30+ years of truisms and dogwhistles… but you can’t tell someone that because you’re essentially calling them stupid (or at least naive and easy to manipulate) if you do.
@jake the snake:
Significantly, “Kaus” rhymes with “mouse,” and apparently his testimony wasn’t convincing. The question now is whether or not it was consensual.
Paul –
OK, thanks, I’ll try to remember that for future reference.
Catsy –
Do you fucking care? (I figure RalfW wouldn’t, and I didn’t want you to feel unloved or whatever.)
You work for Diebold?