What I’m wondering is if she got called out on it in the interview, or if the media is still doing stenography.
(Maybe that’s a stupid question.)
Right. It’s free association– ‘President’ goes with ‘Radical Islamic’. We probably don’t want to know what Santorum would freely associate with ‘Mother’ or ‘Father’.
Radical Islamic energy policies? Warmists? Secular religion?
Thanks for clearing that up, blonde lady. That’s a five-ton load of winger blog comments packed into less than a minute. Well done.
It’s projection, pure and simple… they are scared of sharia because that means they won’t be able to impose their own brand of religious law to the rest of us.
They are radicals with radical Christianist policies. None of that weak “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, or tend to the sick” pansy shit. And forget about loving your enemy. They want to blow shit up, run out heretics (preferably on a rail after being tarred and feathered), and make sure that if by some strange chance someone, somewhere, is having a good time, that it will be made illegal before or after the no-knock police raid.
pseudonymous in nc
I just adjusted the ‘Time To Ni*CLANG*’ countdown timer.
I bet she isn’t wearing tie shoes. That is so stupid it hurts.
I have played this game with the “Winger Magnets” on my refrigerator too. Her poem came out better than mine.
In Santorum’s case it isn’t a matter of slipping. If his lips are moving, odds are something crazy is coming out of them. Did anyone see him with Schieffer yesterday?
1. Prenatal testing is only done so doctors can recommend more abortions.
2. Public schools are factories.
I just adjusted the ‘Time To Ni*CLANG*’ countdown timer.
That’s like the atomic doomsday clock, right? You adjust the time before midnight based on observed behavior, scale by the Crazification Factor, and away we go.
Mouse Tolliver
Did she say “global warmists?” Do I smell a Regent University diploma?
Turns out the Overton Window is painted shut.
@RosiesDad: well, in Santorum’s defense, because of his support of NCLB, public schools are factories, they are now geared toward students taking and passing tests. That is the all-encompassing goal of schools now: get students to pass the tests so they don’t get shut down.
Mark B
I love the fact that she rolls out global warming as some sort of religious crankery. Honestly, it’s a sad state when so many people in the US don’t understand the difference between a scientific theory supported by evidence and a theology which is pure faith. In a sane world, the spokeslady would have been taken to task for the numerous logical fallacies and outright lies in her statement. It’s a scary world where that kind of bullshit resonates positively with 30% of the population.
Frank Lutz, Karl Rove & even Newt are proud of this piece. Point and scream Boogieman at the black president. Well that and did they mention the President was a scary black man?
Mark B
If it were my show, I’d hand her a dunce cap and tell her to go sit in the corner.
What in the world is she saying in that interview? I have never heard so much crazy in one sentence. Well, except for everything her boss says and what Newt says and of course the freaking right wing in general. Basically she is saying that it is radical and against Christian principles to save the planet from certain destruction? To stop our dependence on poisonous fossil fuels? That Obama is a radical humanist/islamofacist? How many dog whistles can she blow at one time? MY head hurts and I am developing panic attacks.
I’m confused, was she trying to apologize or what?
Dear Conservatives and Libertarians running rhetorical cover for Conservatives,
Can you allocate some koch-sucking money to get masks that properly fit and hide the Junior Patrick Batemans lurking underneath? Too much mask slippage.
Mark B
@tamiedjr: Yeah it sort of came out like: “I’m sorry the president was offended by us questioning his the sincerity and theological correctness of his Christianity. Minions of Satan tend to get like that.”
@Mouse Tolliver: I would’ve taken that bet, and went to google to check it out. Alas, Ms Stewart is the one of two prides of West Georgia College playing a prominent role in this years GOP circle jerk, and also an alumna of the Bachmann campaign
Stewart is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. She’s attended West Georgia College and graduated from the Grady School of Journalism at the University of Georgia.
It would be too perfect if Ms Stewart had been a student of everyone’s favorite “historian”, but he left to run for Congress after being denied tenure in ’76 and I think she’s a tad young for that.
Sargent Pepper's Spray
Michelle Obama sure shows a lot of skin on those arms for someone living under domestic Sharia law.
Basically she is saying that it is radical and against Christian principles to save the planet from certain destruction?
A fun talking point of anti-environmentalists is that environmentalism is just thinly disguised Gaia-worship. I doubt most of them actually believe this, but it’s useful for turning the question of whether or not we should poison our air and water into Culture Wars Round #3829.
That’s a guy in a blonde wig and makeup, right?
@Mouse Tolliver: Alice Stewart is not a Regent University grad, but she was apparently a press spokesman for Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign. That’s all you need to know.
Speaking of radical Islamism, what will it do to Obambi’s chances if Iran gets nukes before November?
Why is he restraining Israel from acting?
Does he want a world with nuclear Mullahs?
The Supreme Court ruled that Sharia trumps civil law.
Well actually they decreed that for mainstream Christians but the precedent certainly applies.
@Veritas: speaking of pivoting morons, it’s Veritas.
Speaking of radical Islamism, what will it do to Obambi’s chances if Iran gets nukes before November?
Hell, why are we even worried about Iranian nukes? I have it on good authority from another right wing blogger that North Korea is building an orbital Death Star. Do you think Obama will survive reelection once Kim Jong-Un blows up Alderian?
Vote Rmoney/Santorum ’12, or you’re dead. You’re all fucking dead, do you hear me? OH GOD! JIHADIS ARE IN MY HAIR! THEIR IN MY HAIR!
Right, Zinfab, because a nuclear Iran (with a terrorist group like Hizbollah as their proxy) is a laughing matter. THAT’S a smart campaign strategy for Obambi!
You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Since a center-left domestic agenda and a more hawkish foreign policy now equal Radical policies, I’m guessing a mainstream policy for Rick would be Feudalism, the Divine right of kings, and submission to papal authority.
Pakistan is not controlled by a radical Islamist theocracy.
It’s OK. Obama will simply threaten to bombard Iran with hundreds of Internet trolls (a resource which, sadly, we possess in great numbers). They’ll be begging for mercy within an hour.
John S.
Changing talking points so soon? I thought “Obambi made gas expensive!” was the newest outrage. Now “Obambi let Iran get nukes!” is the new whine du jour?
You and your fellow wingnuts need to pick a line and stick with it.
Still not getting a serious response to my question, I see. I must have struck a nerve.
Option 1: do nothing, nuclear Iran, and Obambi is exposed for the appeaser he is.
Option 2: Israel strikes Iran’s nuclear program now, $8/gallon gas overnight and Obambi is blamed for high gas prices
You can’t win…
Sargent Pepper's Spray
romney’s plan is to use Donald Trump’s hair as a nuclear shield in the event of an Iranian attack.
Gas WILL go to $5 or $6/gallon regardless, but if Israel attacks Iran to prevent them from getting nukes we’re talking Carter-era gas lines and rationing returning.
Yeah it sort of came out like: “I’m sorry the president was offended by us questioning his the sincerity and theological correctness of his Christianity. Minions of Satan tend to get like that.”
Proper response: “Really? I hadn’t known that minions of Satan like you felt sorry about anything. They should really learn to phrase their sentences less ambiguously as well.”
@Veritas: maybe everyone rejected your pivot?
also, too, we can always claim VICTORY no? the only thing anyone has learned from your posts is that it is quite easy to claim that, facts be damned.
Can’t anybody on the right imagine any options between “do nothing” and “bomb the shit out of something”? I know black-and-white thinking is a hallmark of conservatism, but Jesus.
1. Absolutely nothing. The United States has its military surrounding Iran, along with a few thousand nuclear weapons, and we’re the only nation that’s been crazy enough to use the things. The state of Israel has at least dozens of the things they can launch at will which are sea based. Iran getting the bomb would be troublesome, but they’re not suicidal enough to start an ebay auction for it.
2. Because giving Israel the go-ahead wouldn’t stop Iran from acquiring the bomb, would start World War III, potentially create a lot of US casualties, and would spike the world’s economy. All to delay Iran a couple of years.
3. As others have mentioned, that ship has sailed. Frankly, I’m a bit more concerned with North Korea’s nukes than I am with Pakistan’s or Iran’s.
Speaking of radical Islamism, what will it do to Obambi’s chances if Iran gets nukes before November?
since we are doing counter-factuals … What will his chances be if is starts raining puppies? Huh? Answer me that, Mr. Veri-tas.
You need to keep up with the narrative in any case. Realizing that Iran isn’t particularly close to getting the bomb, the goalposts have recently been moved to: Iran being able to spell nukular. You are still on last month’s talking points. Didn’t you get the memo?
I can’t get that video to stop buffering.
The Bearded Blogger
@Sargent Pepper’s Spray: Actually, I imagine Trump’s hair gaining sentiente if exposed to radiation.
Palin/Trump’s Hair for 2016!
Well, she was accidentally right. Because if there’s anything radical Islamists holding us up for their expensive-ass oil are secretly, radically promoting, it’s alternative energy research and exploration.
Iran getting the bomb would be troublesome, but they’re not suicidal enough to start an ebay auction for it.
Who says they’re going to use a nuclear weapon with a clear “return address” on it? They could simply give it to Hizbollah and set it off in Tel Aviv. Or….New York City. Or Chicago.
And in the aftermath, we’re pretty sure it’s Hizbollah with an Iranian nuke…but there’s no way to prove it. What then?
A nuclear Iran is a big danger and it will ruin Obambi’s chances of reelection.
She might want to have a conversation with these good people. Evangelical, conservative and with this as their message:
Every time we, as humans, drive a species to extinction, we are stating that what God created, we can destroy. There is no scripture to support that view. Every time a species goes extinct, we are defaulting on the account that God has called us to manage.
Google for “evangelical environmental stewardship” for more.
I think it is important to know that the Kenyan Muslim terrorist will not follow the policies of the Saint Ronald of Reagan. Now here was a man who knew how to deal with Islamofascists.
He sent a plane load of weapons an cake shaped like a key and a Bible to get our hostages back. That message still resonates in the Islamic world today.
And let us be grateful that Dick Cheney outed CIA assets dealing with the problem in Iran.
If only George W. Bush could have had a third term!
This has to be a part of a devious plot to make Romney look better to the general electorate, no? Otherwise why would they have let people like this out without supervision?
And let us be grateful that Dick Cheney outed CIA assets dealing with the problem in Iran.
Christ, “Plamegate”? Really? You’re bringing that up again? What year is this?
Oh wow. That was almost beautiful, in a weird way.
This woman has perfected speaking in gibberish. Not a single thing she said made any sense at all.
$10 gas! Nuke Chicago! 25% unemployement! Fuck America, just get that knicker out of the White House!
What a bold patriot you are.
@Veritas: there is no statute of limitations on idiocy.
Hill Dweller
@Veritas: Do you really think your party is going to win the election if it’s decided on national security grounds? Romney, with Bush flunkies as advisers, is going to beat Obama? Gingrich? Santorum?
Moreover, if Israel attacks, and gas prices explode, it will be blamed on them. Obama and Cameron are already laying the ground work to do just that by publicly urging them not to attack.
@Sargent Pepper’s Spray: “I’m the biggest, most expensive, most luxurious yooman shield in yooman history.”
@Veritas: Perhaps we are restraining them because you fucking morons started two giant clusterfuck wars and are now begging to start a third for no good reason other than some bizzare war fetish.
I suppose you won’t be happy until you’ve gotten to play with your biggest toy. The thought of nuclear war really excites you, doesn’t it? Imagine how many people you could kill!
P.S. Back in December I asked how you’re able to make “almost six figures a year” when you spend every weekday trolling this site. Your response was to scream obscenities at me and finally stammer something about “Christmas vacation”.
Are you still on Christmas vacation? If so, is your employer hiring, because I’d love to get in on that action.
I just want Sanatorium to shut up long enough to win Michigan. Why can’t he keep his most deranged (even for wingnuts) views hidden for few more days.
“Theologic secularism”. You heard it here first people.
That specific term, perhaps, but it’s an old argument from them that is used to muddy the waters so that their theocratic agenda can slip in. For years the YEC movement has been calling evolution a religious belief, or accusing climate scientists of treating it like an unquestionable religion, and they most definitely have been trying to frame secularism and science as a kind of religious mindset.
It’s beyond projection. They are literally incapable of stepping outside of themselves long enough to imagine that someone else might have a strongly-held belief system that is not religious in nature, and since they think only their religion can provide authoritative answers, they call science a religion because it claims to be able to provide some of those answers.
In any case, nobody, as in No Body with a scintilla of knowledge says Iran can have a weapon by November.
If Iran has a nuclear weapon in November 2012, I’m going to be more worried that they’ve mastered time travel than I will be about the weapon itself.
Yes, you are 100% correct. The world according the St. Rush of Limbaugh began in January 2009. We were at peace. Budgets were balance. Unemployment did not exist. There were no abortions in the USA.
Most importantly, the billions of dollars in tribute paid by George W. Bush to the government of Pakistan to keep Osama bin Laden living in luxury was money well spent.
Thank God Rick Santorum will take the Oath of Office next January. He understands the importance of Pakistan and will again send our tax money to them. Pakistan is not a theocacy and their borders must be respected!
Who says they’re going to use a nuclear weapon with a clear “return address” on it? They could simply give it to Hizbollah and set it off in Tel Aviv. Or….New York City. Or Chicago.
Someone’s been watching too much 24. Getting a nuclear weapon into New York or Chicago or even Tel Aviv undetected is the stuff of spy thrillers. Doing it in real life would present a lot of difficulties.
And, do you really think the nation-state of Iran is looney enough to hand off that sort of power to a group that is, however affiliated with Iran, independent and separate from Iran? No rational actor is going to give a bomb to terrorists. (A more realistic scenario would be if Pakistan fell, a bomb getting smuggled out in the chaos, but I imagine the United States and India are both prepared for dealing with a collapsing Pakistani state.
And in the aftermath, we’re pretty sure it’s Hizbollah with an Iranian nuke…but there’s no way to prove it. What then?
Proof? Sweet Motherloving Buddha, son, did we need proof to overthrow Saddam? Nope. Just a lot of talk about possible mushroom clouds. Someone actually setting one off on US or Israeli soil, the governments of the target state are going to ask: “Now which state just got the bomb and really, really hates us? Oh yeah, Iran. Time to rain atomic fire on them and use the resultant nuclear winter to help fend off global warming.”
A nuclear Iran is a big danger and it will ruin Obambi’s chances of reelection.
A nuclear Iran can be contained just like the Evil Soviet Empire was. And, if you didn’t live through the Cold War, kid, there was a lot of talk about your evil communists who didn’t value life they way we did and would risk nuclear annihilation because they knew their ideology would survive and triumph.
” They are literally incapable of stepping outside of themselves long enough to imagine that someone else might have a strongly-held belief system that is not religious in nature, (Edit: or religious belief system that does not adhere to their narrow sectarian dogma) and since they think only their religion can provide authoritative answers, ”
These theocrats are the ones trying to stuff their narrow bigoted intolerant nutso religious beliefs down all of our throats.
They have their own little belief system that says Christians have to believe that the Bible says that their notion of God commands we use the earth like toilet paper, and when the roll is used up, if they have done their job right in helping to bring on Armageddon, the world will end just at the right time for them and they get to go to their heaven while the earth is destroyed.
You don’t believe that, then you are not a Christian, you are not even religious or you are a Satan worshiper.
They are nuts. Ninety percent of the corporate media swallows this, because they are shallow ignorant people whose religion has become kissing the corporate bosses’ collective ass, getting more money and fame and hob nobbing with the ‘in’ powerful crowd.
Little wonder that they think the only good and moral religion is this heretical offshoot of Christianity that has turned religion into a kiss up kick down authoritarian hierarchy.
Back in December I asked how you’re able to make “almost six figures a year” when you spend every weekday trolling this site.
It’s a well-documented tic of wingnut trolls to describe themselves as self-employed rugged individualists who make six figures a year. It must be part of their initial training before they go from being interns to making $0.63/hr plus commission.
@Veritas: you can trace nuclear material, even after an explosion. And I’m pretty sure that if a bomb were to go off in the US (or anywhere else for that matter), the testing would be completed right quick and the entire world would turn against the country using it… whether through a proxy or not (as I recall, the Taliban didn’t have a lot of international support when their proxy attacked us).
You are under the assumption that the Iranians have a death wish. They do not, they are, relatively speaking, rational. The leadership there is mostly interested in maintaining power in their country and exerting influence within the region. Developing a nuclear weapon means one thing to them: protection. Other countries don’t normally invade nations with nuclear weapons, and since one party in the most powerful country in the world has been saber rattling against them for two or three decades (when not distracted by the desire to blow up someone else), it is entirely rational for them to pursue a nuclear weapon.
Now, perhaps they aren’t rational, and they would actually turn nuclear weapons over to a terrorist organization. But, seriously, nothing in their history has suggested that they would. They have the capabilities to produce biological and chemical weapons, but have not done so for 30 years. In fact, they are proponents against chemical weapons since they were used against them by Iraq. In fact, under international law at the time, Iran would have been justified in using chemical weapons in response to Iraqi attacks, yet they didn’t.
So, other than your fear, what basis do you have to suggest that Iran would actually use (either directly or indirectly) a nuclear weapon as a first strike?
“Radical environmentalist” was the meme-push of the day. That’s what they were talking about. The spokesperson simply got her radicals mixed up. And you know how easy that can be: all of Obama’s radicals look alike.
GOBP . . . GOP with BP up their ass. Or vice-versa.
David Koch
Santorum’s campaign HQ must be freaking over all the missteps.
oh, that’s right, he doesn’t have any headquarters or offices.
Are all wingnuts a bunch of wimps or what?
I’m not afraid of Iran but their trolls and their candidates and their prime minister in Israel sure are. For no reason whatsoever.
I’d call them a bunch of pu$$ies, but I like kitties and my own genitals too much to slander them like that.
Here’s a serious answer. Iran is at least seven years from manufacturing a nuclear weapon. Your hypothetical is asinine.
In her defense, everything she said before she said “Radical Islamism” made no sense either, so it’s unfair to single out just that one bat-shit crazy phrase.
It’s projection, pure and simple… they are scared of sharia because that means they won’t be able to impose their own brand of religious law to the rest of us.
No it is not projection. It is propaganda. There is all the difference in the world. Projection is a psychological defense mechanism. Propaganda the mechanism by which Republicans keep power despite destroying everything they touch.
The worst thing about that clip is how Andrea Mitchell doesn’t challenge Alice Stewart’s crazy assertions. Not her crap about environmental theology, or her claim that XL Pipeline would’ve created jobs. Would it be too much to ask for reporters to be calling out those kinds of statements, or even requesting from people making assertions to back up their talking points with facts and quotes.
David Koch
Who knew radical islamists were green?
Dear Mr. Cole:
Your title promised “What They Really Think.” I have watched that video three times, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out just what the hell Crazygirl thinks.
I would like all the money I spend on this site cheerfully refunded, please. Ameros will do.
@Anya: She said later that she hadn’t heard Stewart say “Islamic”. The most charitable possible interpretation is that she had tuned out the word salad by then.
This is the first time I’ll be posting this link; I suspect it won’t be the last:
“An internet troll’s opinion should carry no more weight than graffiti”
And you have to keep in mind that Iran got invaded by the British and the Russians in WWI and WWII, by the American proxy Iraq in 1980, and had a US-backed coup in 1953. They have their reasons to want to keep outsiders from fucking around with them.
28 Percent
There are times that I have to remind myself that, in the whole course of human events, the Enlightenment is a fairly recent development. There might stil be hope.
@Yutsano: exactly right. Pakistan having the bomb is scarier in long run, in my opinion.
Pretty good front page at the ChiTrib where they’re walking this back while a Jackson supporter is warbling on about “political demonic forces” driving the agenda of a Democratic primary opponent while an Indiana lawmaker is shrieking about the Girl Scouts
The Journal Gazette reported Monday that Morris said he found online allegations that the Girl Scouts are a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood, encourage sex and allow transgender females to join. He also wrote that the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president should give lawmakers pause before they endorse the Girl Scouts.
The worst thing about that clip is how Andrea Mitchell doesn’t challenge Alice Stewart’s crazy assertions.
Has she ever challenged anyone’s crazy assertions on her show? Except that once with the head of Komen when the issue was something that affected Mitchell personally, that is.
first that Komen bitch
then the aspirin between your knees guy
now this.
Mrs. Greenspan is having a tough month what with her gooper friends coming on her show and taking a big ole dump with their talking points.
I blame Ronnie Rayguns for eliminating Public Mental Health Services.
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: You are lucky; there is a near lethal dose of crazy in there.
Ronzoni Rigatoni
To be fair, I can honestly say with 25 years of “service” with US Customs, that sneaking a nukular bomb into the US is easy. Just disguise it as cocaine.
Any good wingnut knows that history began in 2009, when the Islamofascistsoshulist Kenyan interloper moved into the White House and began destroying George W. Bush’s magnificent legacy.
(Damn, if I keep this up Assrocket will offer me a job as a ghostwriter.)
You left out the part about how they just might have noticed what generally happens to countries without nukes that the US government dislikes…with or without an actual invasion.
Pakistan is not controlled by a radical Islamist theocracy.
No, but it is controlled by a radical Islamist Intelligence Service who view the Afghan Taliban as more useful allies to support than the United States which the Pakistani Government was, until recently, nominally allied with. The Pakistani military meanwhile was ally of both and neither of the three others, doing just enough to placate, cajole, threaten each of the other four (Taliban, intelligence service, government, U.S.) to play them each off the other to best advantage for the military. Note that after the U.S. got Bin Laden, the most notable person arrested for collaboration was not any member of the intelligence service or military for knowingly (or through criminally reckless incompetence) aiding OBL, but instead the Pakistani physician who tipped off the US as to OBL’s location. So whose side is Pakistan really on? Sounds more like they are giving more effective cooperation to the islamic miltants than to the western countries trying to combat them.
Scott P.
Who says they’re going to use a nuclear weapon with a clear “return address” on it? They could simply give it to Hizbollah and set it off in Tel Aviv. Or….New York City. Or Chicago.
So you spend billions of dollars and risk international war to get a nuclear device — then you give it to a two-bit organization like Hezbollah? Are you kidding?
Nobody gives nukes away. They are far, far too valuable for that.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“Who says they’re going to use a nuclear weapon with a clear “return address” on it”
@Yutsano: Parts of Pakistan are most definitely controlled by Islamic conservatives/Salafists,supported by the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), some elements of the military, a large part of the mostly rural Pashtun and Baluchis people. Also, Karachi is a hotbed of violence. And, in general, Pakistan is a deeply feudal economy. Otherwise, everything is really hunky-dory. Hmmm. Some problems here I am thinking.
And our aid program there is in deep trouble.
Q. Q. Moar
Veritas… That’s latin for Truth. Oh My God. You guys, this is Truthy from Sadly, No! You know, he of the “Bookmark this libs” prediction of Obama’s landslide loss. I reproduce it here, for teh lulz.
“Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.”
That right there’s funny, I don’t care who you are.
Q. Q. Moar
Ooops. Screwed the placement of the blockquote. I blame WordPress and not the malt liquor.
@Veritas: This is the Obambi who killed bin Ladin and every other leader of his little band of merry terrorists, after Great Warlike Leader Bush failed totally, right?
The dumb, it hurts!
Also too, doubleplus ungood, we don’t actually know if Pakistan is controlled by radical sharia islamists, do we?
@Veritas: Here’s your answer. Despite surgical intervention, you are still talking out of your ass.
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General Stuck (Bravo Nope Zero)
“Theologic secularism”. You heard it here first people.
What I’m wondering is if she got called out on it in the interview, or if the media is still doing stenography.
(Maybe that’s a stupid question.)
Right. It’s free association– ‘President’ goes with ‘Radical Islamic’. We probably don’t want to know what Santorum would freely associate with ‘Mother’ or ‘Father’.
Radical Islamic energy policies? Warmists? Secular religion?
Thanks for clearing that up, blonde lady. That’s a five-ton load of winger blog comments packed into less than a minute. Well done.
It’s projection, pure and simple… they are scared of sharia because that means they won’t be able to impose their own brand of religious law to the rest of us.
They are radicals with radical Christianist policies. None of that weak “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, or tend to the sick” pansy shit. And forget about loving your enemy. They want to blow shit up, run out heretics (preferably on a rail after being tarred and feathered), and make sure that if by some strange chance someone, somewhere, is having a good time, that it will be made illegal before or after the no-knock police raid.
pseudonymous in nc
I just adjusted the ‘Time To Ni*CLANG*’ countdown timer.
Ben Cisco
@barath: It was during Mrs. Greenspan’s show, and NO pushback.
I bet she isn’t wearing tie shoes. That is so stupid it hurts.
I have played this game with the “Winger Magnets” on my refrigerator too. Her poem came out better than mine.
In Santorum’s case it isn’t a matter of slipping. If his lips are moving, odds are something crazy is coming out of them. Did anyone see him with Schieffer yesterday?
1. Prenatal testing is only done so doctors can recommend more abortions.
2. Public schools are factories.
Bat shit crazy.
@Ben Cisco:
Yeah…I realized after I wrote that that expecting pushback and you know, journalism, was asking for too much.
pseudonymous in nc
@Ben Cisco: Mrs G. appears to be the host of choice for “shit campaign surrogates say”.
@pseudonymous in nc:
That’s like the atomic doomsday clock, right? You adjust the time before midnight based on observed behavior, scale by the Crazification Factor, and away we go.
Mouse Tolliver
Did she say “global warmists?” Do I smell a Regent University diploma?
Turns out the Overton Window is painted shut.
@RosiesDad: well, in Santorum’s defense, because of his support of NCLB, public schools are factories, they are now geared toward students taking and passing tests. That is the all-encompassing goal of schools now: get students to pass the tests so they don’t get shut down.
Mark B
I love the fact that she rolls out global warming as some sort of religious crankery. Honestly, it’s a sad state when so many people in the US don’t understand the difference between a scientific theory supported by evidence and a theology which is pure faith. In a sane world, the spokeslady would have been taken to task for the numerous logical fallacies and outright lies in her statement. It’s a scary world where that kind of bullshit resonates positively with 30% of the population.
“Think” is such a strong word for what they do.
Frank Lutz, Karl Rove & even Newt are proud of this piece. Point and scream Boogieman at the black president. Well that and did they mention the President was a scary black man?
Mark B
If it were my show, I’d hand her a dunce cap and tell her to go sit in the corner.
What in the world is she saying in that interview? I have never heard so much crazy in one sentence. Well, except for everything her boss says and what Newt says and of course the freaking right wing in general. Basically she is saying that it is radical and against Christian principles to save the planet from certain destruction? To stop our dependence on poisonous fossil fuels? That Obama is a radical humanist/islamofacist? How many dog whistles can she blow at one time? MY head hurts and I am developing panic attacks.
I’m confused, was she trying to apologize or what?
Dear Conservatives and Libertarians running rhetorical cover for Conservatives,
Can you allocate some koch-sucking money to get masks that properly fit and hide the Junior Patrick Batemans lurking underneath? Too much mask slippage.
Mark B
@tamiedjr: Yeah it sort of came out like: “I’m sorry the president was offended by us questioning his the sincerity and theological correctness of his Christianity. Minions of Satan tend to get like that.”
It began with the faintest whiff of an apology, which got vacuumed up quickly by the wingnuttalkingpointstorm(front).
Dayumn, it would have been nice to have had some followup questions. Sigh.
this is the question…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mouse Tolliver: I would’ve taken that bet, and went to google to check it out. Alas, Ms Stewart is the one of two prides of West Georgia College playing a prominent role in this years GOP circle jerk, and also an alumna of the Bachmann campaign
It would be too perfect if Ms Stewart had been a student of everyone’s favorite “historian”, but he left to run for Congress after being denied tenure in ’76 and I think she’s a tad young for that.
Sargent Pepper's Spray
Michelle Obama sure shows a lot of skin on those arms for someone living under domestic Sharia law.
A fun talking point of anti-environmentalists is that environmentalism is just thinly disguised Gaia-worship. I doubt most of them actually believe this, but it’s useful for turning the question of whether or not we should poison our air and water into Culture Wars Round #3829.
That’s a guy in a blonde wig and makeup, right?
@Mouse Tolliver: Alice Stewart is not a Regent University grad, but she was apparently a press spokesman for Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign. That’s all you need to know.
Speaking of radical Islamism, what will it do to Obambi’s chances if Iran gets nukes before November?
Why is he restraining Israel from acting?
Does he want a world with nuclear Mullahs?
The Supreme Court ruled that Sharia trumps civil law.
Well actually they decreed that for mainstream Christians but the precedent certainly applies.
@Veritas: speaking of pivoting morons, it’s Veritas.
Hell, why are we even worried about Iranian nukes? I have it on good authority from another right wing blogger that North Korea is building an orbital Death Star. Do you think Obama will survive reelection once Kim Jong-Un blows up Alderian?
Vote Rmoney/Santorum ’12, or you’re dead. You’re all fucking dead, do you hear me? OH GOD! JIHADIS ARE IN MY HAIR! THEIR IN MY HAIR!
Don’t worry, S*nt*r*m is not going to be president.
Right, Zinfab, because a nuclear Iran (with a terrorist group like Hizbollah as their proxy) is a laughing matter. THAT’S a smart campaign strategy for Obambi!
Nicely done. Martini?
Comrade Dread
You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Since a center-left domestic agenda and a more hawkish foreign policy now equal Radical policies, I’m guessing a mainstream policy for Rick would be Feudalism, the Divine right of kings, and submission to papal authority.
Pakistan called. They said to tell you that boat already sailed.
Troll smells like tired troll.
Slip my black ass.
Pakistan is not controlled by a radical Islamist theocracy.
It’s OK. Obama will simply threaten to bombard Iran with hundreds of Internet trolls (a resource which, sadly, we possess in great numbers). They’ll be begging for mercy within an hour.
John S.
Changing talking points so soon? I thought “Obambi made gas expensive!” was the newest outrage. Now “Obambi let Iran get nukes!” is the new whine du jour?
You and your fellow wingnuts need to pick a line and stick with it.
Still not getting a serious response to my question, I see. I must have struck a nerve.
Option 1: do nothing, nuclear Iran, and Obambi is exposed for the appeaser he is.
Option 2: Israel strikes Iran’s nuclear program now, $8/gallon gas overnight and Obambi is blamed for high gas prices
You can’t win…
Sargent Pepper's Spray
romney’s plan is to use Donald Trump’s hair as a nuclear shield in the event of an Iranian attack.
@John S.:
They’re intertwined, John S.
Gas WILL go to $5 or $6/gallon regardless, but if Israel attacks Iran to prevent them from getting nukes we’re talking Carter-era gas lines and rationing returning.
David Hunt
@Mark B:
Proper response: “Really? I hadn’t known that minions of Satan like you felt sorry about anything. They should really learn to phrase their sentences less ambiguously as well.”
@Veritas: maybe everyone rejected your pivot?
also, too, we can always claim VICTORY no? the only thing anyone has learned from your posts is that it is quite easy to claim that, facts be damned.
So certain are you?
Can’t anybody on the right imagine any options between “do nothing” and “bomb the shit out of something”? I know black-and-white thinking is a hallmark of conservatism, but Jesus.
The Bearded Blogger
@Veritas: Yes. You got us.
@Veritas: Wow. That was one of the lamest attempts by a troll to derail a thread ever. Fozzie the Bear does a better job of segueing than that.
Comrade Dread
1. Absolutely nothing. The United States has its military surrounding Iran, along with a few thousand nuclear weapons, and we’re the only nation that’s been crazy enough to use the things. The state of Israel has at least dozens of the things they can launch at will which are sea based. Iran getting the bomb would be troublesome, but they’re not suicidal enough to start an ebay auction for it.
2. Because giving Israel the go-ahead wouldn’t stop Iran from acquiring the bomb, would start World War III, potentially create a lot of US casualties, and would spike the world’s economy. All to delay Iran a couple of years.
3. As others have mentioned, that ship has sailed. Frankly, I’m a bit more concerned with North Korea’s nukes than I am with Pakistan’s or Iran’s.
since we are doing counter-factuals … What will his chances be if is starts raining puppies? Huh? Answer me that, Mr. Veri-tas.
You need to keep up with the narrative in any case. Realizing that Iran isn’t particularly close to getting the bomb, the goalposts have recently been moved to: Iran being able to spell nukular. You are still on last month’s talking points. Didn’t you get the memo?
I can’t get that video to stop buffering.
The Bearded Blogger
@Sargent Pepper’s Spray: Actually, I imagine Trump’s hair gaining sentiente if exposed to radiation.
Palin/Trump’s Hair for 2016!
NOBODY restrains Israel from acting.
Well, she was accidentally right. Because if there’s anything radical Islamists holding us up for their expensive-ass oil are secretly, radically promoting, it’s alternative energy research and exploration.
@Comrade Dread:
Who says they’re going to use a nuclear weapon with a clear “return address” on it? They could simply give it to Hizbollah and set it off in Tel Aviv. Or….New York City. Or Chicago.
And in the aftermath, we’re pretty sure it’s Hizbollah with an Iranian nuke…but there’s no way to prove it. What then?
A nuclear Iran is a big danger and it will ruin Obambi’s chances of reelection.
What a grim, humorless face. I guess that’s what being Santorum’s spokeswoman does to you.
She might want to have a conversation with these good people. Evangelical, conservative and with this as their message:
Google for “evangelical environmental stewardship” for more.
I think it is important to know that the Kenyan Muslim terrorist will not follow the policies of the Saint Ronald of Reagan. Now here was a man who knew how to deal with Islamofascists.
He sent a plane load of weapons an cake shaped like a key and a Bible to get our hostages back. That message still resonates in the Islamic world today.
And let us be grateful that Dick Cheney outed CIA assets dealing with the problem in Iran.
If only George W. Bush could have had a third term!
This has to be a part of a devious plot to make Romney look better to the general electorate, no? Otherwise why would they have let people like this out without supervision?
Christ, “Plamegate”? Really? You’re bringing that up again? What year is this?
Oh wow. That was almost beautiful, in a weird way.
This woman has perfected speaking in gibberish. Not a single thing she said made any sense at all.
@Mark B: I would watch that show!
Chyron HR
What a bold patriot you are.
@Veritas: there is no statute of limitations on idiocy.
Hill Dweller
@Veritas: Do you really think your party is going to win the election if it’s decided on national security grounds? Romney, with Bush flunkies as advisers, is going to beat Obama? Gingrich? Santorum?
Moreover, if Israel attacks, and gas prices explode, it will be blamed on them. Obama and Cameron are already laying the ground work to do just that by publicly urging them not to attack.
@Sargent Pepper’s Spray: “I’m the biggest, most expensive, most luxurious yooman shield in yooman history.”
@Veritas: Perhaps we are restraining them because you fucking morons started two giant clusterfuck wars and are now begging to start a third for no good reason other than some bizzare war fetish.
I suppose you won’t be happy until you’ve gotten to play with your biggest toy. The thought of nuclear war really excites you, doesn’t it? Imagine how many people you could kill!
Chyron HR
P.S. Back in December I asked how you’re able to make “almost six figures a year” when you spend every weekday trolling this site. Your response was to scream obscenities at me and finally stammer something about “Christmas vacation”.
Are you still on Christmas vacation? If so, is your employer hiring, because I’d love to get in on that action.
I just want Sanatorium to shut up long enough to win Michigan. Why can’t he keep his most deranged (even for wingnuts) views hidden for few more days.
A week ago Mittens’ Giant, Giant bank account was going to ruin the president’s reelection chances. Now you’re counting on Iran?
In any case, nobody, as in No Body with a scintilla of knowledge says Iran can have a weapon by November.
Why? Because they cannot.
NKorea will sell one to the highest bidder today, they just have to wonder whether the fucking thing will work.
Better than the coal-fired ones.
@pragmatism: I believe if we are going to claim VICTORY, the preferred format for our little friend is VICTORY.
@General Stuck (Bravo Nope Zero):
That specific term, perhaps, but it’s an old argument from them that is used to muddy the waters so that their theocratic agenda can slip in. For years the YEC movement has been calling evolution a religious belief, or accusing climate scientists of treating it like an unquestionable religion, and they most definitely have been trying to frame secularism and science as a kind of religious mindset.
It’s beyond projection. They are literally incapable of stepping outside of themselves long enough to imagine that someone else might have a strongly-held belief system that is not religious in nature, and since they think only their religion can provide authoritative answers, they call science a religion because it claims to be able to provide some of those answers.
If Iran has a nuclear weapon in November 2012, I’m going to be more worried that they’ve mastered time travel than I will be about the weapon itself.
Yes, you are 100% correct. The world according the St. Rush of Limbaugh began in January 2009. We were at peace. Budgets were balance. Unemployment did not exist. There were no abortions in the USA.
Most importantly, the billions of dollars in tribute paid by George W. Bush to the government of Pakistan to keep Osama bin Laden living in luxury was money well spent.
Thank God Rick Santorum will take the Oath of Office next January. He understands the importance of Pakistan and will again send our tax money to them. Pakistan is not a theocacy and their borders must be respected!
@Chyron HR:
He’s hiding from his two kids, who want to brain him with a canned ham in his sleep over his climate change denialism.
@trollhattan: Will no one think of the canned meat products?
pseudonymous in nc
Exactamundo. Though I think we may hit midnight on this one.
@Chyron HR:
I spend a lot less time here than most of you morons.
So this is what the GOBP is hoping for? Kind of running out of options, aren’t they?
@Veritas: Moron says what?
Comrade Dread
Someone’s been watching too much 24. Getting a nuclear weapon into New York or Chicago or even Tel Aviv undetected is the stuff of spy thrillers. Doing it in real life would present a lot of difficulties.
And, do you really think the nation-state of Iran is looney enough to hand off that sort of power to a group that is, however affiliated with Iran, independent and separate from Iran? No rational actor is going to give a bomb to terrorists. (A more realistic scenario would be if Pakistan fell, a bomb getting smuggled out in the chaos, but I imagine the United States and India are both prepared for dealing with a collapsing Pakistani state.
Proof? Sweet Motherloving Buddha, son, did we need proof to overthrow Saddam? Nope. Just a lot of talk about possible mushroom clouds. Someone actually setting one off on US or Israeli soil, the governments of the target state are going to ask: “Now which state just got the bomb and really, really hates us? Oh yeah, Iran. Time to rain atomic fire on them and use the resultant nuclear winter to help fend off global warming.”
A nuclear Iran can be contained just like the Evil Soviet Empire was. And, if you didn’t live through the Cold War, kid, there was a lot of talk about your evil communists who didn’t value life they way we did and would risk nuclear annihilation because they knew their ideology would survive and triumph.
It was bull then and it’s bull now.
One of the many unintentional side effects of contact with santorum.
I would modify what you wrote”
” They are literally incapable of stepping outside of themselves long enough to imagine that someone else might have a strongly-held belief system that is not religious in nature, (Edit: or religious belief system that does not adhere to their narrow sectarian dogma) and since they think only their religion can provide authoritative answers, ”
These theocrats are the ones trying to stuff their narrow bigoted intolerant nutso religious beliefs down all of our throats.
They have their own little belief system that says Christians have to believe that the Bible says that their notion of God commands we use the earth like toilet paper, and when the roll is used up, if they have done their job right in helping to bring on Armageddon, the world will end just at the right time for them and they get to go to their heaven while the earth is destroyed.
You don’t believe that, then you are not a Christian, you are not even religious or you are a Satan worshiper.
They are nuts. Ninety percent of the corporate media swallows this, because they are shallow ignorant people whose religion has become kissing the corporate bosses’ collective ass, getting more money and fame and hob nobbing with the ‘in’ powerful crowd.
Little wonder that they think the only good and moral religion is this heretical offshoot of Christianity that has turned religion into a kiss up kick down authoritarian hierarchy.
pseudonymous in nc
@Chyron HR:
It’s a well-documented tic of wingnut trolls to describe themselves as self-employed rugged individualists who make six figures a year. It must be part of their initial training before they go from being interns to making $0.63/hr plus commission.
Seriously, I certainly hope sticky pulls out a win for the repug nomination. I would love to see him garner exactly 27% of the popular vote.
@WaterGirl: agreed. i tried but FYWP
@Veritas: you can trace nuclear material, even after an explosion. And I’m pretty sure that if a bomb were to go off in the US (or anywhere else for that matter), the testing would be completed right quick and the entire world would turn against the country using it… whether through a proxy or not (as I recall, the Taliban didn’t have a lot of international support when their proxy attacked us).
You are under the assumption that the Iranians have a death wish. They do not, they are, relatively speaking, rational. The leadership there is mostly interested in maintaining power in their country and exerting influence within the region. Developing a nuclear weapon means one thing to them: protection. Other countries don’t normally invade nations with nuclear weapons, and since one party in the most powerful country in the world has been saber rattling against them for two or three decades (when not distracted by the desire to blow up someone else), it is entirely rational for them to pursue a nuclear weapon.
Now, perhaps they aren’t rational, and they would actually turn nuclear weapons over to a terrorist organization. But, seriously, nothing in their history has suggested that they would. They have the capabilities to produce biological and chemical weapons, but have not done so for 30 years. In fact, they are proponents against chemical weapons since they were used against them by Iraq. In fact, under international law at the time, Iran would have been justified in using chemical weapons in response to Iraqi attacks, yet they didn’t.
So, other than your fear, what basis do you have to suggest that Iran would actually use (either directly or indirectly) a nuclear weapon as a first strike?
@Veritas: Oooo, Chyron, I think you stung the little one pretty good!
some guy
theological secularism=radical Islamic theology=earth worship=higher gas prices.
looks like Veritas got the Sanitorium talking points even before this Spokesbimbo did. and I thought he was a Mittens Man?
Joseph Nobles
“Radical environmentalist” was the meme-push of the day. That’s what they were talking about. The spokesperson simply got her radicals mixed up. And you know how easy that can be: all of Obama’s radicals look alike.
GOBP . . . GOP with BP up their ass. Or vice-versa.
David Koch
Santorum’s campaign HQ must be freaking over all the missteps.
oh, that’s right, he doesn’t have any headquarters or offices.
Are all wingnuts a bunch of wimps or what?
I’m not afraid of Iran but their trolls and their candidates and their prime minister in Israel sure are. For no reason whatsoever.
I’d call them a bunch of pu$$ies, but I like kitties and my own genitals too much to slander them like that.
Oh, and VICTORY!
Here’s a serious answer. Iran is at least seven years from manufacturing a nuclear weapon. Your hypothetical is asinine.
In her defense, everything she said before she said “Radical Islamism” made no sense either, so it’s unfair to single out just that one bat-shit crazy phrase.
some guy
the War Party simply can’t wait that long, which is why Joe Lieberman (R-Tel Aviv) is trying to criminalize nuclear capability.
Get Your War On never goes out of style with the chickenhawks.
Tonal Crow
No it is not projection. It is propaganda. There is all the difference in the world. Projection is a psychological defense mechanism. Propaganda the mechanism by which Republicans keep power despite destroying everything they touch.
The worst thing about that clip is how Andrea Mitchell doesn’t challenge Alice Stewart’s crazy assertions. Not her crap about environmental theology, or her claim that XL Pipeline would’ve created jobs. Would it be too much to ask for reporters to be calling out those kinds of statements, or even requesting from people making assertions to back up their talking points with facts and quotes.
David Koch
Who knew radical islamists were green?
Dear Mr. Cole:
Your title promised “What They Really Think.” I have watched that video three times, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out just what the hell Crazygirl thinks.
I would like all the money I spend on this site cheerfully refunded, please. Ameros will do.
You can’t be this stupid.
Hezbollah is not going to set off a nuclear weapon in a land they want to live in.
And they’re not going to attack the United States because if they were, they would’ve done it already. They’ve had ample opportunity.
David Koch
It’s the Palin thing of using word salad buzz-words which goes over well with low-IQ voters.
@Anya: She said later that she hadn’t heard Stewart say “Islamic”. The most charitable possible interpretation is that she had tuned out the word salad by then.
This is the first time I’ll be posting this link; I suspect it won’t be the last:
“An internet troll’s opinion should carry no more weight than graffiti”
It’s well-worth reading; even more worthwhile is putting it into practice.
And you have to keep in mind that Iran got invaded by the British and the Russians in WWI and WWII, by the American proxy Iraq in 1980, and had a US-backed coup in 1953. They have their reasons to want to keep outsiders from fucking around with them.
28 Percent
There are times that I have to remind myself that, in the whole course of human events, the Enlightenment is a fairly recent development. There might stil be hope.
@Yutsano: exactly right. Pakistan having the bomb is scarier in long run, in my opinion.
@Veritas: Do we want a world with Veritasses?
LOL Veritas.
We need better trolls here.
Pretty good front page at the ChiTrib where they’re walking this back while a Jackson supporter is warbling on about “political demonic forces” driving the agenda of a Democratic primary opponent while an Indiana lawmaker is shrieking about the Girl Scouts
Does this mean we surround them?
Has she ever challenged anyone’s crazy assertions on her show? Except that once with the head of Komen when the issue was something that affected Mitchell personally, that is.
first that Komen bitch
then the aspirin between your knees guy
now this.
Mrs. Greenspan is having a tough month what with her gooper friends coming on her show and taking a big ole dump with their talking points.
as i was saying . . .
I blame Ronnie Rayguns for eliminating Public Mental Health Services.
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: You are lucky; there is a near lethal dose of crazy in there.
Ronzoni Rigatoni
To be fair, I can honestly say with 25 years of “service” with US Customs, that sneaking a nukular bomb into the US is easy. Just disguise it as cocaine.
An old one, but pretty accurate nonetheless.
@Comrade Dread:
You’ve figured it out. You are doomed. The Dominicans will be breaking down your door within the hour.
Any good wingnut knows that history began in 2009, when the Islamofascistsoshulist Kenyan interloper moved into the White House and began destroying George W. Bush’s magnificent legacy.
(Damn, if I keep this up Assrocket will offer me a job as a ghostwriter.)
You left out the part about how they just might have noticed what generally happens to countries without nukes that the US government dislikes…with or without an actual invasion.
Odie Hugh Manatee
You are saying that there is no way to identify where the material in a nuclear bomb came from? Wow.
I don’t know if you stayed at a Holiday Inn last night but you sure sound like a professional idiot.
Ol’ Ronnie Raygun was thinking ahead, building the Republican base.
It’s hard for the crazies to vote when they’re sedated and/or locked up.
No, but it is controlled by a radical Islamist Intelligence Service who view the Afghan Taliban as more useful allies to support than the United States which the Pakistani Government was, until recently, nominally allied with. The Pakistani military meanwhile was ally of both and neither of the three others, doing just enough to placate, cajole, threaten each of the other four (Taliban, intelligence service, government, U.S.) to play them each off the other to best advantage for the military. Note that after the U.S. got Bin Laden, the most notable person arrested for collaboration was not any member of the intelligence service or military for knowingly (or through criminally reckless incompetence) aiding OBL, but instead the Pakistani physician who tipped off the US as to OBL’s location. So whose side is Pakistan really on? Sounds more like they are giving more effective cooperation to the islamic miltants than to the western countries trying to combat them.
Scott P.
So you spend billions of dollars and risk international war to get a nuclear device — then you give it to a two-bit organization like Hezbollah? Are you kidding?
Nobody gives nukes away. They are far, far too valuable for that.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“Who says they’re going to use a nuclear weapon with a clear “return address” on it”
You don’t have a clue about the topic, do you?
You start asking questions, instead of putting a “?” at the end of a Rush Limbaugh transcript, and we’ll answer them.
@arguingwithsignposts: U funnee! You actually EXPECT one of our conservatrolls to have an independent thought from his Lord and Master Rush?
@Yutsano: Parts of Pakistan are most definitely controlled by Islamic conservatives/Salafists,supported by the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), some elements of the military, a large part of the mostly rural Pashtun and Baluchis people. Also, Karachi is a hotbed of violence. And, in general, Pakistan is a deeply feudal economy. Otherwise, everything is really hunky-dory. Hmmm. Some problems here I am thinking.
And our aid program there is in deep trouble.
Q. Q. Moar
Veritas… That’s latin for Truth. Oh My God. You guys, this is Truthy from Sadly, No! You know, he of the “Bookmark this libs” prediction of Obama’s landslide loss. I reproduce it here, for teh lulz.
That right there’s funny, I don’t care who you are.
Q. Q. Moar
Ooops. Screwed the placement of the blockquote. I blame WordPress and not the malt liquor.
Paul in KY
@shortstop: You win the thread with that comment!
J R in WVa
@Veritas: This is the Obambi who killed bin Ladin and every other leader of his little band of merry terrorists, after Great Warlike Leader Bush failed totally, right?
The dumb, it hurts!
Also too, doubleplus ungood, we don’t actually know if Pakistan is controlled by radical sharia islamists, do we?
@Veritas: Here’s your answer. Despite surgical intervention, you are still talking out of your ass.