(via ThinkProgress)
… because “I think we can beat Santorum even if the Devil stays out of it.” Representative Frank always gives good interview, bless him.
If your dead soul stern personal philosophy forbids you to take pleasure in other peoples’ wedding plans, the relevant question is at the 3:50 mark.
Suffern ACE
This is how democracy ends.
@Suffern ACE:
Okay, so, maybe it’s not all bad…
While I like Barney Frank on a lot of issues, isn’t his 30 year younger spouse-to-be a typical trophy wife? Does he put on a hard-hat and sing the YMCA song to act cute and sexy?
@MonkeyBoy: Just because there’s a big age difference doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t real or whatever. I don’t know how old Frank’s previous male partner was, and I don’t think it matters. What if Jim was only 15 years younger? 10? Who gives a shit? They seem happy.
Comrade Mary
@MonkeyBoy: At 71 and 42, I think they squeak into half-your-age-plus-seven territory. And a 42 year old typically has some life experience, backbone and resilience compared to a typical twenty-something, so this doesn’t set up my Queasymeter the way, say, a 43 year old dumping a spouse for a 25 year old does.
My understanding is, Frank is not seeking re-election. Why not spill the beans on how corrupt and untenable this body of the goverment is? Burn the bridges, and become loved, and reviled, in your retirement.
@kimp: You assume he believes that. I doubt he does. There’s nothing untenable about the House, it just has some shitty people in it.
BoBo Today:
A vicious right-wing founding editor and former foot-soldier of The Weekly Standard, David Brooks considers himself a Mainstream Repupiblican(tm).
Sadly, he is right. The far right of the late 90s and early 00s is the GOP mainstream.
And yet, somehow, Brooks still fails to comprehend and/or acknowledge his own role in the GOP’s regress from far right to proto-fascist. Ah, David, you hardly know ye.
It’s almost schadenfreudey.
@JGabriel: The cognitive dissonance here burns, doesn’t it ?
Yet another ‘we kiss gop ass shamelessly’ shill – roger simon of gopolitico whining today.
@amk: It has ever been thus. Who can forget the halcyon days when the GOP standard bearers were … wait for it … Barry Goldwater and Dick Nixon. The days when Ronald Reagan declared that Medicare would destroy America. That glorious past when the GOP was Mainstream and Moderate.
@JGabriel: At the end of that rant, simon says vote for mitt. Fucking shill.
@MonkeyBoy: No, that was Colin Powell.
again, disrespecting a martyred President is always a winner – and classy, too!
Linda Featheringill
This article is actually coherent and well written. It is also a public admission that the whole party has gone to hell. I did enjoy his complaint about the cowardice of “professional” Republicans and their willingness to do/say just about anything in order to be reelected. And his observation that the Right Wing is not interested in governance.
Self awareness? Probably not. But then I don’t care about his character development, do I?
Linda Featheringill
Tuesday is my Monday, the beginning of the work week. And I really don’t want to get all this started. Maybe I could say that I misread the calendar? Probably not. Well, I guess I’d better start to work. Ugh.
Linda Featheringill
Tomorrow is Sadie Hawkins Day [for folks old enough to remember such a thing], the day when the ladies may properly propose to men. So here goes:
Barney Frank, will you marry me?
What? Already taken? Darn!
Jim looks decidedly uncomfortable being in the spotlight.
@Linda Featheringill:
Yep, parts of it are well-written, particularly the mid-section. But ultimately it amounts to Brooks bitching about a Republican migration to the far right, and beyond, that he spent the better part of his career advocating and enabling — which makes it hard to take seriously. Brooks doesn’t have a lot of credibility here.
It would be different if Brooks had, like Cole, ever publicly said: I was wrong. I am so, so, sorry.
Absent such a Come to Sanity moment, Brooks’ complaint about the GOP’s increasing dominance by wingnuts is like the complaints of some Republican north-eastern flood victims last year, over the lack of federal funds for rebuilding. You sympathize with their plight, but you can’t help thinking, “You got what you voted for.”
Frank is hilarious.
Paul in KY
@JGabriel: I would actually consider Dick Nixon a ‘moderate Republican’. Certainly domestically he was.
Villago Delenda Est
Back in the days of WoW Barrens Chat, Chuck Norris jokes were also quite common and frequent. So, I guess Slovakia is like The Barrens, but with Slovaks instead of Orcs and Taurens.
So much of what is wrong with the country today is embedded in the concept that Nixon was a moderate. If Dick Nixon is a moderate by today’s standards, then it’s the standards that are wrong.
Paul in KY
@JGabriel: A moderate ‘Republican’. That’s the big caveat.