I haven’t been explicit about this, but some of the Rochester readers probably know that I ran a blog about NY-29 called the Fighting 29th. I thought that would be my last effort, but redistricting put me in a new district with a competitive race, so I started a new blog, Roc25, to follow it. Since I posted something over 1,700 items in the five years, and probably got as much traffic in that time as Balloon Juice gets in a few weeks, I know that it’s hard out there for local political bloggers. Generally, your site won’t generate enough traffic for ads (I never bothered), and comments are few and far between, especially now that Facebook and Twitter have sucked up so much of the social conversation. Local race blogs are really a labor of love.
So, other than the obvious self-promotion and navel-gazing, I’m posting to ask whether there are some local race or political blogs that you follow that are updated regularly and have good insight into local elections. If I get enough of them, I could put together some kind of list and post it as a page here so those blogs could get a little more attention. I’ll start with two: one that reader HW3 sent me from Washington State called The Political Junkie, and North Decoder, which covers politics back around where I grew up.
While it may be an obvious choice, in my mind, you can get no better or more in-depth coverage of races in individual districts than Daily Kos. With an online army of about 200,000, the saturation level alone is enough to guarantee that all 435 CD’s get covered, plus all Senate races.
At my blog, Welcome Back to Pottersville, I’ll be covering the race between Liz Warren and Scott Brown as it intensifies. Niki Tsongas’ seat in my district, MA-4, seems pretty safe but of more interest is who will be Barney Frank’s successor in MA-5 (West Newton-Auburndale). It’s been pretty low-key so far as both Brown and Warren have been running a clean race… so far. No doubt, that’ll change as summer approaches.
In the meantime, here are Dick Cheney’s Top 10 Reasons For Getting a Heart Transplant.
Good idea… ummm… whoever you are. Because I can’t find the author name. Rochester rings a bell, but I’ve embarrassed myself too often by guessing; and it upsets the person I guessed wrong about.
Horse’s Ass is a great blog from Seattle but its focus isn’t as narrow as it once was. Just another blog talking about the national horse race. They do it well, but there was something to be said for a single minded focus on the destruction of Tim Eyman.
They do have an excellent blogroll that points to more local oriented sites.
I used to frequent the Fighting 29th! How strange. I’ll take any local blogging in Rochester. Rochester Turning has become unreadable. Rachel Barnhart’s blog is fine, but the comments can be painful. I used to run The Greater Rochester Weblog and from time to time I think about dusting it off again.
It is crucial that competitive local races get blog coverage. It’s one of the best ways to get people engaged.
@zubalove: Yeah, I remember you, small world. It’s a shame about Rochester Turning. Rachel seems to be attracting a lot of the same kind of commenters as the ones who frequent newspaper sites.
@WereBear: My pen name at Fighting29th and Roc25 is “Rottenchester”.
Plunderbund in Ohio. It also has links to all the local political blogs.
@mistermix: He means he can’t tell which front-pager you are here because there is no author name on the comment page after the redesign.
Michael Bersin
In Missouri, covering government and politics, Show Me Progress.
We’re a group blog (okay, it’s self promotion) held together with spit, baling wire, and duct tape.
We’ll continue to pedal as fast as we can covering the reelection campaigns of Gov. Jay Nixon (D) (very safe), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) (who knows?), and others. With redistricting the General Assembly campaigns are gonna be really interesting this cycle.
We follow the money, covering campaign finance. And we spend a lot of time and energy writing about the travesties coming out of the republican controlled General Assembly.
Blue Virginia is quite good in covering northern Virginia races as well as state-wide races. I like that lowkell also posts (and reposts) a lot about the myriad issues with the state party….
Unless the democrats get their own frank luntz, forming & pushing their own talking points on msm through effective surrogates in a single fucking voice, I don’t see the narratives set by local or even national blogs carrying much thrust or effect. The dems have to completely revamp their sucky media management, even going to the extent of funding and nurturing their own pox news, if necessary.
Ubu Imperator
Bleeding Heartland is the go-to site for all things Iowa.
@mistermix: I love your work, mistermix. But in that grabbag way minds work, I only knew both you & the latest DougF were upstate NYers.
Ain’t no way the Democrats (rank and file, not just pols) will agree on a single voice to speak for them. Something will inevitably get left out, and that means someone will be offended.
@amk: Dems cannot speak in one voice because they represent diverse voices. I think that’s the beauty of our party. Maybe on some issues like the ACA and other national issues the dems need to sharpen their talking points, but I don’t want the Democratic Party to be like the republicans. Republicans don’t represent the interests of real people, which is diverse and complex to fit into one simple talking point — that’s why they rely on snake oil sales people to create slogans and talking points for them.
Some Minnesota political news & opinion blogs:
bluestem prairie
polinaut at mpr
the cucking stool
minnesota brown
city pages blotter
mn political round table
It has been reported numerous times that blogs skew older. Blogs average boomers and Gen-X. I am John’s age, but my wife is 10 years younger. She never reads blogs, and none of her cohorts do either, unless it is a specific post that they are directed to from a more mainstream social platform. For a blog to survive these days, it has to have a Facebook or Twitter “storefront” and spend as much time managing that as it does the blog itself.
Ubu is right about Bleeding Heartland for Iowa.
The John Deeth blog also has detailed coverage of Iowa state legislative races, plus general commentary on Iowa politics. He just had a marathon week reporting on all the candidates filing to run for the legislature across the state. It’s exactly the kind of one-person labor of love you’re describing.
There’s also Blog for Iowa, “The Online Information Resources for Iowa’s Progressive Community.”
Ben Franklin
This is shite
Some Wisconsin blogs that cover local issues:
Forward Lookout: Madison and Dane County. One of the bloggers is an ex-alder who goes to all the city and county meetings, no matter how long they go.
Cognitive Dissidence: Milwaukee and Milwaukee County. This is also the best source for all things Walkergate. The blogger is a long-time county worker with excellent sources. He’s also part of Milwaukee County First, which is more fully locally oriented.
Root River Siren: Racine and surrounding area. Very snarky. She’s in Paul Ryan’s district, and her state senator is being recalled.
Rock Netroots Commentary: Janesville and Rock County. This is also part of Paul Ryan’s district.
Blogging Blue: group blog with front pagers in Milwaukee, Waukesha, and the Madison area; I think another of the bloggers is up North somewhere, but he doesn’t post a lot, and what he does isn’t usually about his local stuff. They mostly post about general Wisconsin-y stuff, but there are frequent posts about local races, and one of the Waukesha posters writes about the growing Democratic presence in her city.
The Political Environment: Milwaukee and statewide. He covers some local races, but he also covers environmental issues, particularly those in his backyard, but he also had great coverage of a mining bill that would have been horrible for northern Wisconsin.
The Facebook page for Shit Scott Walker Is Doing to My State is an incredible resource if you want to follow some of the on-the-ground activism in Madison. Arthur, the guy behind the pager, puts together incredible videos documenting a lot of the crap that’s been going on (he took the video of the assembly rep voting for all his buddies), and he’s gotten arrested a number of times on trumped up charges that always get dropped. He was also in NYC last fall for Occupy, and some of his footage from the Brooklyn Bridge was used in national coverage.
Wisconsin Citizens Media Co-op is a new-ish site whose members are local activists writing about the ongoing violations to freedom of speech and assembly at the Wisconsin Capitol that the rest of the media refuses to cover. They also go to a lot of the legislative hearings and court proceedings and report on the atrocities.
the ghost of cleek
FYI, i think I have the pie filter working again.
tell your friends.
Am I the only one who was disappointed that the link for “the fighting 29th” wasn’t a link to a Colbert Better Know a District segment?
joel hanes
Add to the Minnesota blogs Karl Bremer’sRipple In Stillwater
For Montana, Flathead Memo
Texas, Juanita Jean
If a steady diet of politics begins to poison your soul, I recommend a visit to Whites Creek or If I Ran The Zoo
I was sure I’d miss some and maybe learn of a few more that are new to me if other Minnesotans chime in.
Corbin Dallas Multipass
http://www.marylandjuice.com/ covers my local area of district 8.
Mustang Bobby
Here in Florida we have pretty good collection of political blogs (including my own — Bark Bark Woof Woof), and a great aggregator called the Florida Progressive Coalition put together by Kenneth Quinnell.
Other good local sites include Eye on Miami, Political Cortadito, and the South Florida Daily Blog.
Widely read in Alaska covering all issues (being the home of SP you have to agree there is lots of material) is http://www.themudflats.net/
A new baby blog focusing on local assembly and city politial skullduggery is gaining ground too http://citizenlobbyist.blogspot.com Kuddos for assembling this list. Local politics are the breeding ground for the larger problems.
Widely read in Alaska covering all issues (being the home of SP you have to agree there is lots of material) is http://www.themudflats.net/
A new baby blog focusing on local assembly and city politial skullduggery is gaining ground too http://citizenlobbyist.blogspot.com Kuddos for assembling this list. Local politics are the breeding ground for the larger problems.
Carl Ballard
Thanks! It’s been over a year since Goldy left, and we’re still trying to figure out exactly what to do with the space. I still try to do some local stuff, and I think we had the best coverage of federal redistricting in WA (and there may be a comparison of the old and new legislative districts coming from one of the other contributors, or not). But you’re right it has gone more national than we were 2 years ago. It’s tougher to go in depth on state issues when you’re doing it part time as a hobby than when it’s full time like Goldy.
Covering Chicago area stuff:
Mayoral Tutorial
One of the cool bits they have is this directory of city public officials, with little descriptions of what kind of shenanigans they’ve been up to:
Don Washington, the guy who runs it is a longtime community organizer and comedian (a killer combo).
Here is one for Colorado http://www.coloradopols.com/
We have an excellent state blog for Missouri at Fired Up! Missouri http://www.firedupmissouri.com/ and they cover many local races as well as the cluster that is the MO legislature.
One of the most recent outrages is the choice of Missouri’s Speaker to honor Rush Limbaugh with a bust in the hall of famous Missourians beside the likes of Harry Truman, Mark Twain, Gen. Omar Bradley, Jack Buck, Buck O’Neill, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Thomas Hart Benton… This is one of the highest accolades the state can bestow upon a citizen of Missouri.
He won’t be the first clown, however. Emmett Kelly beat him to it.
Anyway, it’s a first-rate blog.
Riley Sweeney
Thanks for the link, guys. I try and do my best at The Political Junkie.