We all have our moments:
Dashcam video posted on YouTube Wednesday captured a drunken man singing Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the back of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) cruiser.
The man begins by insisting that he had “done nothing wrong” and urging the officer to consider the “brotherhood of man of man on the planet Earth.”
Clearly that wasn’t working so the man removed his glasses and began serenading the officer with a animated rendition of Queen’s classic tune for six minutes, including a drum solo on the cruiser’s bullet-proof safety glass.
Anyone know if Punchy or JSF have made any trips to Canada lately?
Obamacare Is Dead, Long Live Obamacare!
If I’m arrested while drunk, I’m gonna sing the entire Thick as a Brick album.
Are you sure this isn’t a hoax? :)
Good lord.
John Cole
@Elisabeth: I thought about it, but even if it is, it is still awesome.
The time skips forward 45 minutes before he starts singing.
Amir Khalid
Hmm. Are Mounties allowed to post their dashboard camera videos on YouTube? Those videos are surely Crown property, and might need to be kept confidential if they are to be used as evidence.
Tom The First
Just bought tickets for Hunger Games from Fandango… god help me. At least the theatre serves booze.
Omnes Omnibus
It definitely wasn’t me. I can’t grow that good a beard. I will check my passport to make sure though.
@John Cole:
Crap! He sings better than I do, drunk or sober.
Polish the Guillotines
I hope for his next bender he does side one of 2112 by Rush.
I was absolutely sure it was not until Wrong Again Cole said the same thing. Now I am not sure.
Hah, laugh now while you can. Just you wait. Mitt Romney will be singing “We are the Champions” off-key in the back of a secret service limo in 3,2,1…
Ron White certainly looks different with that beard.
This is so close to something I might do, it’s making me consider abstinence.
Amir Khalid
Wow. I wonder what his hangover was like.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Nope, I definitely wasn’t in Canada on that date. At least, not legally. I fall back on my beard defense.
@Amir Khalid: Epic.
This is going to make you give up sex?
At least it wasn’t Inna Gadda Da Vida.
@Polish the Guillotines: 2112 by Rush? Excellent choice sir. Well played!
double nickel
One of my peeps! Yay!
Amir Khalid
Mitt has all along been singing, “Any way the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me… “
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m gonna give up alcohol, stimulants, hallucinogens, and karaoke. The sex don’t enter into it, but I certainly would consider making a vow not to reproduce if one of my kids were gonna turn out like that
Heard a radio story this morning of a parrot stolen in the UK that sings Bohemian Rhapsody, and the owner suspects the thief won’t be keeping him for long because of that.
One hopes so.
“Physical violence is the least of my priorities.” He doesn’t mention violence done to the song.
The previous thread was titled “Testing Stuff” and then Cole shows up in a RMCP cruiser singing Queen. Wow.
Polish the Guillotines
@tweez: I figure it’d get him through the entire booking process.
Omnes Omnibus
@tweez: Can i haz yur booz?
double nickel
@nn: Once the case goes to court, which this one must have, the evidence becomes public.
Amir Khalid
I understand that when they got to the station, our friend in the back seat asked to be released. But the Mounties replied, “Bismillah, no! We will not let you go!”
James Gary
I’d just like to add that I don’t even need to drink to spontaneously belt out a full-length a capella version of “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Sad, really.
Roger Moore
And when the police shoot you, it will be ruled a justified homicide.
Needs more Cowbell.
Good thing this thing happened in Canada, because I think singing “Momma, just killed a man. Put a gun …etc” would qualify you for a vacation in Gitmo if you did it in the USA.
Edson huh?
This is really high class for the area, to be honest.
opie jeanne
@John Cole: It IS awesome.
Even if I could only make it to 3:36, it was awesome.
Concerned Citizen
“Physical violence is the least of my priorities” was the best. The RCMP have it right man. Not like down here. That guy would’ve gotten his ass kicked.
Cops got called to my cousin’s house for a domestic because her hubby was singing Queen to their son at bedtime. True story.
opie jeanne
@Tom The First: I hope you have read the book. The movie tries to give us the entire book which is impossible in 2 1/2 hours, so some of the motivation is missing along with most of the character development.
The book was very good, I was surprised by how much I liked it, and I thought the movie did it justice.
John - A Motley Moose
Things that make you go “hmmm…”
_ _
1) Singing in the back of a police cruiser.
2) Injuring yourself while mopping in the nude and then blogging about it.
_ _
Vote | Results
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
i don’t think ogre would have had his psychotic break if stan gable hadn’t been off at a men’s studies retreat.
@opie jeanne: I read the book yesterday because I figured people were going to talk about the movie and I didn’t want spoilers. Pretty entertaining. Not the greatest YA novel of all time, but fun.
In the future, everyone will be embarrassed for 15 minutes.
@SteveM: Also including drum solo on the cruiser window, I assume?
this one is better.
@Omnes Omnibus: Omnes, that’s one way of reminding me that your a Cheesehead.
Rule 1. Never waste beer.
Off topic question for you: Did you see the bit where Judge Prosser is claiming that he can’t be disciplined because only the Supreme Court can discipline a Supreme Court justice, and since he throttled the other judge in front of the entire court, they are all witnesses and can’t decide the case? Can that argument possibly succeed?
Do your obligations prohbit you from answering that?
Oh, and have you filed anything with the WSBA about Micheal Best & Friedrich yet? Gad, I have friends who worked there…..
Heh, reminds me of this awesome Bohemian Rhapsody video.
dr. bloor
Could have been worse. Could have been into Canadian rockers.
Had to check the clip to make sure it wasn’t my ex.
It’s not. I’m quite relieved.
Yep. When we Canucks get hauled in by the law, we do so with panache and style. :)
I was expecting the cop to either join in during the operatic section. I’m disappointed that he didn’t.
Chris Wolf
Bohemian Rapsheet-y.
Seriously, no one’s linked Shatner yet?
@RedKitten: Would the RCMP pull over Batman?
Polish the Guillotines
@Chris Wolf: Win.
Omnes Omnibus
@dollared: I gotta stay clear of anything regarding those questions. We have an election Tuesday and my little corner of the world has been, and will be, very busy.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’d never makes an argument appealing to the brotherhood of man on planet earth.
Must be Punchy.
Just Some Fuckhead
I actually got to take that ride once, although Officer Llewellyn let me ride in the passenger’s seat after I correctly spelled his name.
Just Some Fuckhead
I actually got to take that ride once, although Officer Llewellyn let me ride in the passenger’s seat after I correctly spelled his name.
This makes me proud of my adopted home.
Does he have an Albertan accent, or is that just me?
Physical violence is the least of my priorities. Yay! A Quaker drunk!
Tony the Wonderhorse
I royally mounted a Canadian once but it’s a long, sordid tale (so’s my johnson). Ba-boom!
Omnes Omnibus
@Tony the Wonderhorse: A drunken Canadian girl once caused me to smash up my right elbow – also a long, sordid tale.
joel hanes
He’s just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go – will you let me go
Bismillah! No – we will not let you go – let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go – let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go – let me go
Will not let you go – let me go (never)
Never let you go – let me go
Never let me go – ooo
@Auldblackjack: While watching this in high amusement and with no little admiration, I was thinking that if this had happened in the U.S., the cops likely as not would have dragged him out of the car and beat him senseless. Those Mounties are a stoic bunch.
Also, Canadian drunks apparently keep their shirts on. Mildly naughty boys, mildly naughty boys, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
TaMara (BHF)
@Amir Khalid: Win.
I cannot identify a single word in my comment that should have gotten me moderation. Does that mean swearing like a longshoreman comes so naturally I can’t even locate my own poor verbal conduct?
Omnes Omnibus
@shortstop: It is colder there than most of the locations where “Cops” is filmed.
Amir Khalid:
According to an update at the end of the story, the video was posted by the drunk guy himself:
Omnes Omnibus
That should go well.
Has nobody else thought that John Cole looks very skinny in this video?
@Omnes Omnibus: Seriously, isn’t it great that this guy feels he has enough margin for error that he can live like this?
And good luck this week. You live in interesting times…
Jerzy Russian
The above video is now my second favorite rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody, replacing this version:
He may just well be the next Susan Boyle! I hope he gets a recording contract!
You know, Edson, Alberta isn’t very big. I’m amazed he made it through the whole song before they arrived at their destination.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Drunken Canadian girl?
Why so redundant?
Edson is not far from me. Just a few hours. Surprised I never heard of this before now.
My husband and I have been doing our own sing-a-longs to this for years in the hope that when we’re still doing it when our kids are in their teens, it will be joyously embarressing for them.
Or it could backfire, and this will be my son in 25 years…
Mr. Wilkinson should base his defence on this video.
“Your worship, how can an intoxicated man “faultlessly” sing Bohemian Rhapsody? It is just not possible! Move for dismissal.”
By the way the guy should be let off just for this:
I am proud to call him a fellow Canadian.
Wow, I could swear that’s my college roommate, circa 1984. Lou, you haven’t aged a bit!
@JCJ: Alberta=255000 sq. miles, Texas = 268000 sq. miles. Albert is big.
Alberta is large. Edson, not so much.