The Obama campaign has a new tax calculator that shows you your tax savings under the Obama and Romney plans. It’s pretty tough sledding for Romney, and not just for looters and moochers:
It’s not until you’re in Jenna Jameson’s neighborhood ($500K and up) that the Bieber-ordained family of 4 is better off under Romney’s plan.
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c u n d gulag
Redneck GOP POV:
Hey, them ain’t good old cloth coat honest Republican numbers.
Them’s KenyanSocialistFascistCommunistAtheistMuslim lyin’ DEEEMONcrat numbers!
Mitt’s GOT the numbers to prove what he says ’bout his tax cuts.
He just won’t show ’em to ya!
Take THAT Lamestream Media!
General Stuck
That there graph thang, is some doctored up libtard namby pamby collective goody good bullshit. Ever body knows Obama is stealing the national silverware, because blackety black black, that’s why.
According to that calculator, I will pay, under Rmoney’s plan, almost exactly as much as I will save under Obama’s. Wonder how that same analysis would work for people who make a bit more and have kids. I would have trouble giving up that much money and I don’t have responsibility for anyone but me. I know families that would be devastated by a comparable increase.
$500K and up
Since Republicans consider people who make around $1,000,000/year middle class, they’ll claim Romney is giving the middle class a tax cut.
Villago Delenda Est
I’m amazed they came up with this, given that the Rmoney people are being so fucking vague about any of their plans. Trying to nail OvenMitt down on his “plan” is like trying to nail jello to the wall.
I guess they just took the Rmoney plan as it’s been sort of presented, and just look how things work out for most Americans.
Only a million a year, how do those poor people survive.
With the extra savings I get from the Obama plan, I can finally afford the gay marriage he is going to force me into. ;-)
How can one get by with only a 65′ yacht?
And with the mandatory abortions, you won’t have the expense of raising children.
mai naem
You got teabaggers who think they’re going to become gazillionaires when they win the lottery and, well, they don’t want to pay high taxes when this lottery comes through so there! Also Obama is racist against white people and
niCLANGblack people are getting money through Obama’s redistribution/commie/sosulist/labor camp tyranny. Also too, mexicans,illegals, aliens, gays, lesbians,homosexuals,secular,anti Christian,family farmers, death tax, small business, Obamacare, yeah, all that too.General Stuck
Obama says, You gonna have to eat your peas, also too.
That’s the largest size the yacht elevator will accommodate?
Yacht elevators – a sure sign you have too much money.
mai naem
Was watching the Olympics. They had Tyson Gay on. Remember when some christian news org. were auto correcting everything that said “gay” with homosexual so a story with Tyson Gay became Tyson Homosexual. Kinda like Teabaggers calling themselves Teabaggers and then whining about being called Teabaggers when they found out what it meant. The stupid, it burns.
Interesting jump at $997499 -> $997500.
Omnes Omnibus
@rlrr: I put in an income of $1.2 million and I found out I would save $245,000 in taxes under the Romney plan. It is a good thing it wasn’t over $250K or my refund would have had to pay higher Obama taxes on itself.
@mai naem
Numbskulls, aren’t they?
Can picture a computer program so equipped teaching their children that the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the Enola Homosexual.
Also they’ll learn of that most decadent of decades of the 1800s, The Homosexual Nineties.
After the home schooling, maybe they can gather for some wholesome family time to watch Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers in The Homosexual Divorcee, per the TV listings.
@HobbesAI: Also at $497,500. The Romney numbers are all by income range and, unlike the Obama numbers, don’t change except when you change categories. What’s odd is that the points where the calculations change don’t coincide with the income you input. I wonder if it has something to do with dependents and/or filing status.
Top 10 Things Mitt May be Hiding in His Tax Returns. (The missus and I desperately need help so whatever you can chip in would be greatly appreciated.)
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Bullshit. Data is for pussies. Fuck you Obummer, with your math… You think you’re better than me, ni-CLANG?
Mark S.
Yacht elevators – a sure sign you
have too much moneyneed a tax cut!Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
They’re guessing based on what he’s said so far. I’m sure some Romney surrogate will make just this point, that Obama is lying about Romney’s plan by putting specific numbers on it when Romney has carefully avoided making any specific proposals. Chutzpah, they has it.
Regnad Kcin
Only quibble is with the affordance fail when your Romney value goes from tax cut to tax increase.
You would think a good UX guy could make it a little more obvious than just changing the word ‘savings’ to ‘increase.’
Too subtle.
James E. Powell
@mai naem:
You got teabaggers who think . . .
See, that’s where you’re wrong. Right there. Teabaggers do not think, they do not even attempt understanding. They repeat what they are told to repeat. They agree with what they are told to agree with. They know that they are not supposed to say “N—-r!” in public, that they are supposed to say what Rush and Fox tell them to say. So they do it. Because they can’t say “N—-r!”
Jay in Oregon
@Regnad Kcin:
I kept thinking that blue was savings and red was increase until I looked at the above screenshot again.
I think an up arrow (increase) or down arrow (savings) next to the amount would help a lot.
@Villago Delenda Est:
for most people, this pushes Romney to have to put up or shut up about his plan
You know, kinda like having to show his tax returns to satisfy lingering questions.
But for true believers, all Mittens has to say is “that’s not true,” and let his supporters fill in the blanks.
As far as I can tell, the fantasy works like this: Romney will stop giving Real White American’s money to blacks and Latino illegal immigrants, get rid of Obamacare and all government regulations and cut taxes for the rich. This will result in an explosion of jobs that every Real White Americn ™ will become so rich that he or she can stash money in new offshore Romneybuck Accounts. Meanwhile, all the lazy moochers will see the error of their ways, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become richer than Herman Cain. And Republicans, also too. The illegal immigrants who don’t go back to their own country will work happily in the fields picking fruits and vegegetables.
The few countries that President Mitt did not bomb all to hell will fear us and never cause a peep of trouble.
Good times.
I fervently hope this calculator makes the rounds for more than folks who got it in email, like me.
While we are talking about finances, I must recc this essay:
Two Photos Tell the Story
which beautifully delineates the ridiculous difference in the way we are encouraged to treat the rich, and the poor.
When, in fact, the rich steal far more of our tax payer dollars, and spend it in ways, like offshoring jobs and ignoring safety regulations, that actively hurt, even kill, actual people.
Nice trick, propagandists who work for rich people!
Folks should put it in Facebook, send links via Twitter,etc., and send it as a reply when they get emails from wingnut friends and relatives about the supposed wonderful ness of Romney and the Republicans.
I may be able to get word to the Obama UX folks about the usability / comprehensibility issues with the calculator.
@xian: Please mention that the income brackets used for Romney are ending $2500 below where the text indicates(for all brackets above $0-$2500). The $50000-$74999 bracket starts at $47500, etc. It will probably be something to do with the first income bracket being 0$-$2499.
Also in the $0-$2500 bracket the tax increase under Romney is shown as $0 but the description says:
“Compared to President Obama’s plan, average families like yours—those earning between $0 and $2,499—would face a tax increase under Romney.”
For Families with dependents it then adds:
“Families with children would pay an average of over $2,000 more.”
Patricia Kayden
Obama needs to put this in an ad.
Today, my husband and I had a good belly laugh when we saw a van covered with pro-Romneybot 2.0 stickers, including one that had a picture of George Bush, Jr. smiling with the caption “Miss Me Yet?”
Wow, we almost missed our exit!
@geg6: The point is that a lot of government services will be eliminated under the Romney/GOP plan. The idea is to reduce the Federal Government to just DOD and Homeland Security. Period. So, basically, we go back to a pre-1860 Federal Government but with 21st century expectations. This is just so not realistic.
@HobbesAI: will do. already got word back / thanks for the feedback.
Regnad Kcin
@xian: Even just a big “+” and “-” would go a looooong way toward make it at-a-glance-worthy