Opening paragraph briefly (but probably not briefly enough) describing the “intellectual” basis for the posting. Blather. More blather. But I digress. More blather.
Inappropriately placed break that causes confusion. More of the opening paragraph that should have simply been edited out, but now on the other side of the break makes some readers think a different point is being addressed.
First thesis statement consisting of both extremes of the position that would never occur in the real world, but will be quoted later by itself to show what a bastard the Author is in some way. Supporting statement that fleshes out the concept or argument at hand, but possibly uses a term of art or some other snarky comment that, if even addressed, will also be used to show what a bastard the Author is.
Second thesis statement that really should have been positioned first but wasn’t. Supporting statement drawn from Author’s own life experience (but possibly made up to prove a point—who the hell really knows with this guy, anyway?) Segue into question about the larger issues and a diversion into “but what does it all really mean”-type navel gazing. Excessive use of italics.
Bad joke.
Concluding statement and questions that most people haven’t read because they’ve already fired off a comment but it doesn’t matter anyway because it doesn’t really conclude the posting. Open Thread.
Comment nitpicking a single sentence in post, with no real point to make beyond the nitpick.
An instant classic!
Butthurt That No One Reads My Blog
Ad hominem! Anguished demand to be taken seriously!
Self-refuting Statement! So There!
Whatever. Republicans still suck.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Completely derailing comment that will set off a flame war.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Asinine double-down on derailing comment that started the flame war.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Obscure reference to a movie that only 7 people on earth have ever seen.
Just Some Fuckhead
Completely off-topic comment.
OTT comment taking personal umbrage at something misread in OP.
Major Mel Funkshun
How about those JETS!
Inside joke understood only by senior blog commenters, who own the blog and don’t you forget it buster.
Major Mel Funkshun
How about those JETS!
But people voting for Obama are just as bad! Maybe worse!
Just Some Fuckhead
Latest poll update.
Green balloons!
Glad you posted this, because in light of Cole’s assholery last night I want to reiterate what I said in response to your first post, i.e., that it was thoughtful, brave, and an honest attempt to engage dialogue. In other words, a real standout among the petty and/or same old same old shit that constitutes 95% of the FP posts here, especially from Cole.
You deserve better.
Comment pointing out the author is saying nothing new, with link.
ETA: Addendum telling others commenters to suck on that, bitchez.
Caustically stated observation that you’re completely missing the point, explanation of what the real topic ought to be.
The Red Pen
Speaking of which, has anyone seen this?
Comment complaining that this post steps on previous post that was just posted by another front page poster about the same subject.
unconsciously racist troll comment
Troll comment on how teh libtards are teh suck because Freedom.
Off topic request for pet photos.
double post
schrodinger's cat
I have no idea what this post is about but I have question about a Dell laptop that I sometimes use. It works fine except the bottom part of the display (about 1mm thick) is blurry. Is this something to worry about or can I ignore it.
Political Observator
Cherry-picked poll showing the race tightening!
A totally insincere question asking if people are getting nervous?
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Complaint about FYWP having eaten 77 important substantive comments.
Just Some Fuckhead
Stuck screaming at someone to fuck themselves and go straight to hell after derisively claiming to be happy they’re BFFs with the blog proprietor and some other random individual on his hatedar today.
Outraged and expletive laden post decrying the lack of posts about a pet political cause complete with accusations that the host and posters are conspiring to keep said pet political cause from being debated with malice aforethought.
@eemom: great parody of your usual “no sense of context or proportion” style!
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@donnah: Where’s Rosie? How come we never see Rosie?
The Red Pen
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
Pointing out that this was basically a crappy remake of an early John Woo film that only 6 people on earth have ever seen.*
* Yes, this is credited to Tsui Hark, but let’s not get into that.
Officious comment pinpointing both a grammatical error, and how much I really hate to point it out, but ….
Ad hominem attack referencing feminine hygeine products.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@schrodinger’s cat: Annoying smug recommendation you get a Mac.
You’re my horse if you never win a race!
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Obscure reference to obscure references.
The Red Pen
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
Omnes Omnibus
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: Hipster bashing comment and/or nerd taunt.
I did not read any of the previous comments I just posted this.
Simple fuck you to personal troll.
bwa ha ha ha ha ha. That is all.
@Butthurt That No One Reads My Blog: Freddie? Is that you?
@The Red Pen: Even more pedantic point that it’s a borrowed story conept from an Akira Kurosawa short film.
Bobby Thomson
Comment mocking previous poster’s spelling. Inevitable spelling error in following sentance.
Roger Moore
FYWP error.
Reminding a commenter that claims to have been offended that this is the way this blog operates, and if they don’t like it, they can suck it.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@The Red Pen:
No. So nyeah.
Restatement of point made better above.
UPDATE: Acknowledgement of point better made above. This.
reference to obscure days-old poll showing Romney and Obama tied.
Roger Moore
FYWP error .
tony in san diego
I blame Obama
Beating of dead horses, incineration of armies of strawmen, non sequiturs, buzzwords, and shibboleths, all in one comment.
Snarky link to music video tangentially related to flame war.
tony in san diego
I blame Obama.
Humorous comment late in thread; joke made twice already.
@eemom: Honestly, while I think there was some misunderstanding on John’s part as to what I was trying to get at with my original post, the latter part of his posting contained some thoughtful insight.
I don’t necessarily agree with everything he said (which spirited disagreement is kind what he’s looking for)but I’m pretty sure we could sit down together over a couple of beers and really solve the world’s problems like college Freshman at a frat party where the girls won’t talk to us.
Bobby Thomson
You know who else went meta?
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: Response including another obscure reference from said movie, followed by a long back and forth on a.) how awesome that movie was or b.) explaining in harshest terms why you know nothing about film!
Also too, outrage that ABL cross-posts to her own blog! (the horror!)
Forum Transmitted Disease
Snarky and witty comment that, totally misunderstood, offends 90% of commentariat; generates eight front page posts of outrage that shuffle the obligatory Pet Rescue Bleg off the front page, snarky comment becomes catchphrase of derision for next year.
After name change, invitation to become Balloon-Juice front pager follows one week later.
Obligatory FYWP.
@zmullls: Castigation for failing to read post. Arm flailing accusations of trollery.
Link-that-doesn’t-work to helpful resource on netiquette.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nerdy humblebrag
Matthew Reid Krell
This sentence is not self-referential, except to the extent that it is.
Roger Moore
@The Red Pen:
Late-to-the-party “hey-guys-what’d-I-miss?” lame-ass snark. Questioning whether this is really DougJ trolling AGAIN. Totally out-of-the-blue mention of poster’s credenza. Standard Rethug bashing, mixed in with a Charlie Pierce linklink. Dumb-ass question asking for legal opinion from burns or Omnes. Another dumb-ass, inside-joke, pointless joke/snark.
Added-ETA noting that someone else up-thread already did all this.
@handy: Appropriate place for “I see what you did there” comment.
Roger Moore
Thoroughly pedantic criticism of the use of two spaces after each sentence, including citation.
Concluding comment.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Bizarre triple-down on derailing comment that started the flame war, wailing that no one understood my point.
@burnspbesq: Hey! You wanna leave something for the rest of us?
Microsoft just destroys Apple in operating systems.
Now that I’ve quit laughing, I’m offended.
OT- BREAKING!- SORRY GUYS BUT YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE THIS- link to story from December 2011
Roger Moore
Monty Python sketch.
Chiding for readership capture.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Expression of admiration for credenza cred.
@SFAW: Have you ever gotten to a party late and tried to catch up? That never ends well for anyone. Slow down, don’t chug.
Obligatory ‘THIS’ comment.
Opening paragraph briefly (but probably not briefly enough) describing the “intellectual” basis for the posting.
You forgot the long-winded personal anecdote that serves as the lead in to your main point which doesn’t occur until several paragraphs in.
must see blog post that sums up this blog post
Just Some Fuckhead
Notice of dead or dying friend, relative, pet or vehicle or loss of job, spouse or temper. Consolations follow.
Roger Moore
Thread needs more kitteh.
Request for phrase to be added to rotating tags.
Gleeful sudden attack based on enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend principle.
Completely inappropriate pimping of personal blog.
Just Some Fuckhead
Vehement denunciation of blog host.
Seriously, it took over 90 comments for this to get thrown in?
Just Some Fuckhead
Adulatory praise for blog host.
Jay in Oregon
Oblivious comment about refusing to fall for such an obvious trolling effort.
Jewish Steel
Tim F posted this last week? Accusatory question.
Whine for new thread as this one’s dead and/or off topic.
Inadvertently rude statement about how some obscure, long-dead blog was far superior to this one.
Laughing so hard. My god I love this blog!!!
Your team sucks and its cheerleaders are hideous.
Thread needs picture of Tunch.
The Red Pen
Not useful.
@Bobby Thomson: You know who else Godwined the meta.
Roger Moore
Artsy-fartsy picture intended to illustrate point in the post.
Snapping at troll-proffered bait in manner of dense trout.
ETA…for 1,700th time in two-day period.
@schrodinger’s cat: Assuming this is a real comment, you can probably ignore it for now. It’s probably a physical defect with the screen. Plug the laptop into a monitor, and if the effect is replicated on the monitor, then it’s the graphics chip. If the effect is not replicated on the monitor, then either the laptop screen or the inverter (a circuit board that sits between the graphics chip and the screen, almost always inside the main chassis next to the hinges) is bad.
If it’s the screen itself, you can probably just drive on if you can live with it, but if it’s the inverter, you’ll need to have that replaced. It shouldn’t be too expensive though. Also replacing the screen itself might not be too expensive. Check e-Bay and see what you find.
If the problem does replicate onto the monitor, then you most likely have a graphics chip that is failing, probably secondary to the system board failing due to overheating causing the chip to move in it’s soldered connections. This will eventually necessitate replacement of the mainboard or of the computer itself.
Good luck!
Just Some Fuckhead
@Jay in Oregon: Plea to not feed the trolls.
some other guy
Snark aside, the fact that Paul Ryan said that some 70% of Americans are immoral leeches deserves some front page attention:
“The point is we are reaching a fiscal tipping point. The moral tipping point is even worse. And the moral tipping point is before too long we could become a society that we were never ever intended to be. We could become a society where the net majority of Americans are takers not makers…Today 70 percent of Americans get more benefits from the federal government in dollar value than they pay back in taxes. So you could argue that we’re already past that tipping point.”
How you doin’? I think I’m in love!
Michael Bersin
I was just looking for the potatoe chip isle.
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
Insincere expression of sincere gratitude. Or vice versa.
Generic “story of my life” response.
Generic shout-out to no one in particular. Followed by pointless self-correction.
Roger Moore
Revenge is a dish best served with pie!
@burnspbesq: comment on how NFL is just like gladiatorial arena.
Groping of women, lustful orgy, alcohol and other substances…
Shit. Wrong party. Sorry.
(Wish I were) +5
Just Some Fuckhead
Morbid inquiry or joke regarding John’s alleged/rumored/fabled/nonexistent secksytime.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Poland! You forgot Poland!
Blockquote fail.
Odd comment.
Random Simpsons quote framed as appeal to rationality.
Unexplained reference to deleted FP infighting!
Omnes Omnibus
If in a late night thread: bizarre lower case comment demanding to know where john, doug and omnes are.
Just Some Fuckhead
Exhortation to reach next whole round number of comments.
Double post.
Hey, somebody had to play the role of mclaren.
Rob in Buffalo
Posting of “FTFY,” “Fixed,” “Fixt,” “Fix’d” or other variation in apparent belief that this is fresh and clever.
Just Some Fuckhead
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Obscure reference to the concept of Obscurity.
Should be tagged “meta squared”. But clever. I’m assuming the paradigm here iis McMegan.
Demand to know why Andrew Sullivan’s blog has been moved to/from Blogs we Mock.
@burnspbesq: Request that commenter not use troll’s name because it risks attracting them.
Tone In DC
In a bag, no less.
And *%$#@! teh Spatula with a rusty pitchfork! While wearing ass-less chaps!
Gratuitously insulting blog host’s furniture.
Gratuitous attack on Glenn Greenwald.
Omnes Omnibus
Over 120 comments and we’re still waiting for the first false equivalence?
@Tone In DC: Obligatory note that “teh” has been played out for years.
Sadfaced comment that all the good memes have been taken already. Amazement that it took 47 comments for someone to come up with VICTORY!
Just Some Fuckhead
Nasty aside about hideous frontpagers, decline of blog.
Roger Moore
Pointing out that somebody has already used that one.
ETA: comment added because I hit “Submit Comment” too quickly.
Steelers suck
Appeals to own authority accompanied by paper-thin skin.
Accusations of firebaggery. Comparisons to Jane Hamsher.
Tone In DC
Thanks for that. I’ll be using “gnarly” or “rad” instead.
@Matthew Reid Krell: link to xkcd cartoon.
Chyron HR
Repeated post.
@Roger Moore: Reading FTFY as FYWP.
Thoroughly ignored nomination for comment of the year.
unqualified offering did this meta-thread in 2006
The Red Pen
Desperate bid for attention.
Just Some Fuckhead
Awesome comment for the win. Praise is forthcoming.
Jewish Steel
mclaren Says:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget posuere lorem. Donec non nisi non nulla mattis consectetur. Pellentesque purus nisi, suscipit eget condimentum non, commodo a lacus. Integer vel arcu sed dui varius facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu bibendum nibh. Nulla vel orci leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce cursus, mi at fermentum consectetur, risus nunc imperdiet purus, non vehicula purus enim eu leo. Vestibulum dolor leo, laoreet et gravida a, auctor sed ante. Sed fringilla nisi a nulla ullamcorper id ullamcorper mi faucibus. Fusce accumsan scelerisque arcu ut consectetur. Nulla lobortis eros eu odio tristique condimentum. Cras porttitor scelerisque bibendum. Praesent commodo ipsum nec diam auctor tincidunt. Ut eget imperdiet urna.
In nec augue eget metus iaculis consequat. Fusce ornare enim ut velit consectetur volutpat. Duis faucibus scelerisque eros, quis posuere purus cursus in. Aliquam pellentesque tellus eget lectus aliquam ultrices. Curabitur fermentum volutpat est sed adipiscing. Curabitur vel libero non sem tempor mattis euismod nec nulla. Curabitur at lacus vel lorem dapibus ultrices. Morbi eget metus lorem, a vehicula velit. Duis fringilla pretium nulla et venenatis. Sed egestas, ipsum a feugiat imperdiet, nisi felis placerat nisl, sit amet hendrerit elit ligula eu nisl. Suspendisse iaculis tincidunt enim, non pellentesque massa pulvinar eu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eget eros sed nisi lacinia sodales.
Nullam non diam orci. Phasellus non nisl sed enim consequat ultricies. Sed a urna nec nulla bibendum posuere at vitae nisi. Donec consequat bibendum velit, eget sodales lectus dignissim eget. Vestibulum mollis, erat nec aliquet dictum, dui orci consequat diam, nec pellentesque nunc orci at nisi. Quisque pellentesque luctus tortor a congue. Etiam placerat fermentum nulla ut congue. Vestibulum ut massa ac nunc semper volutpat.
Nulla dictum neque felis. Ut posuere, justo nec bibendum viverra, erat justo ultrices ipsum, eu scelerisque massa mauris quis metus. Sed at lectus dolor, vitae accumsan est. Morbi placerat vehicula nisi, non aliquam arcu eleifend vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam elit metus, pretium a interdum a, luctus sed ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam sit amet diam at magna adipiscing iaculis in non libero. Morbi dapibus adipiscing ligula sit amet blandit. Integer et sem justo. Sed egestas malesuada risus, eget interdum quam euismod eu. Donec eget velit lacus, viverra sagittis lectus.
Duis condimentum, dui ut molestie faucibus, eros ipsum pretium eros, iaculis lacinia velit elit eu sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sed nunc ligula, nec interdum velit. Etiam pharetra pretium libero, aliquam convallis erat scelerisque eu. Nam nec sem in mi accumsan tincidunt dignissim mollis lorem. Praesent malesuada tempor tellus, sed aliquet tortor interdum eget. Vivamus vel urna elit. Duis lacinia venenatis augue vel luctus. Praesent et leo id sem malesuada mattis eget quis purus. Mauris magna est, tincidunt viverra tempor bibendum, sagittis vel odio. Aenean sit amet nunc mauris. Aenean tristique leo in ipsum lobortis et interdum nibh rutrum. Nullam nec dui tincidunt felis rhoncus condimentum. Nam malesuada, lectus id pharetra pretium, dui dolor vehicula odio, a convallis tellus lectus non arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget posuere lorem. Donec non nisi non nulla mattis consectetur. Pellentesque purus nisi, suscipit eget condimentum non, commodo a lacus. Integer vel arcu sed dui varius facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu bibendum nibh. Nulla vel orci leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce cursus, mi at fermentum consectetur, risus nunc imperdiet purus, non vehicula purus enim eu leo. Vestibulum dolor leo, laoreet et gravida a, auctor sed ante. Sed fringilla nisi a nulla ullamcorper id ullamcorper mi faucibus. Fusce accumsan scelerisque arcu ut consectetur. Nulla lobortis eros eu odio tristique condimentum. Cras porttitor scelerisque bibendum. Praesent commodo ipsum nec diam auctor tincidunt. Ut eget imperdiet urna.
In nec augue eget metus iaculis consequat. Fusce ornare enim ut velit consectetur volutpat. Duis faucibus scelerisque eros, quis posuere purus cursus in. Aliquam pellentesque tellus eget lectus aliquam ultrices. Curabitur fermentum volutpat est sed adipiscing. Curabitur vel libero non sem tempor mattis euismod nec nulla. Curabitur at lacus vel lorem dapibus ultrices. Morbi eget metus lorem, a vehicula velit. Duis fringilla pretium nulla et venenatis. Sed egestas, ipsum a feugiat imperdiet, nisi felis placerat nisl, sit amet hendrerit elit ligula eu nisl. Suspendisse iaculis tincidunt enim, non pellentesque massa pulvinar eu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eget eros sed nisi lacinia sodales.
Nullam non diam orci. Phasellus non nisl sed enim consequat ultricies. Sed a urna nec nulla bibendum posuere at vitae nisi. Donec consequat bibendum velit, eget sodales lectus dignissim eget. Vestibulum mollis, erat nec aliquet dictum, dui orci consequat diam, nec pellentesque nunc orci at nisi. Quisque pellentesque luctus tortor a congue. Etiam placerat fermentum nulla ut congue. Vestibulum ut massa ac nunc semper volutpat.
Nulla dictum neque felis. Ut posuere, justo nec bibendum viverra, erat justo ultrices ipsum, eu scelerisque massa mauris quis metus. Sed at lectus dolor, vitae accumsan est. Morbi placerat vehicula nisi, non aliquam arcu eleifend vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam elit metus, pretium a interdum a, luctus sed ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam sit amet diam at magna adipiscing iaculis in non libero. Morbi dapibus adipiscing ligula sit amet blandit. Integer et sem justo. Sed egestas malesuada risus, eget interdum quam euismod eu. Donec eget velit lacus, viverra sagittis lectus.
Duis condimentum, dui ut molestie faucibus, eros ipsum pretium eros, iaculis lacinia velit elit eu sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sed nunc ligula, nec interdum velit. Etiam pharetra pretium libero, aliquam convallis erat scelerisque eu. Nam nec sem in mi accumsan tincidunt dignissim mollis lorem. Praesent malesuada tempor tellus, sed aliquet tortor interdum eget. Vivamus vel urna elit. Duis lacinia venenatis augue vel luctus. Praesent et leo id sem malesuada mattis eget quis purus. Mauris magna est, tincidunt viverra tempor bibendum, sagittis vel odio. Aenean sit amet nunc mauris. Aenean tristique leo in ipsum lobortis et interdum nibh rutrum. Nullam nec dui tincidunt felis rhoncus condimentum. Nam malesuada, lectus id pharetra pretium, dui dolor vehicula odio, a convallis tellus lectus non arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Ok, BJ just jumped the shark for me.
Tired of the constant emo supernovas and expanding clouds of self-righteous bitterness by the frontpagers. Time to take some days off, guys.
ETAing to note that a comma was added or misspelled word corrected.
It is more in sorrow than in anger that I note the beneficiary of all this will be John McCain.
M Halpern
Dain-bramaged use of “First!”, followed by “Oops.”
Pre-response to expected attacks noting how dain-bramaged I is.
@Tone In DC: Required note that “gnarly” or “rad” make you sound like a California 80’s surfer dude.
Obligatory sigh that one is old enough to remember the 80’s and boy did we have some fun.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Off-topic comment that was meant for a different thread.
Comment made without reading any of the previous 129 comments that makes the same point made five times already.
@skippy: TS;DNR
@skippy: Comment pointing out that someone else linked to that earlier.
The Other Chuck
@Lit3Bolt: Announcing that one is leaving instead of just leaving.
Just Some Fuckhead
Thread topic consternation for reasons other than substance.
The Red Pen
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Comment made just for the sake of commenting.
The Other Chuck
Duplicated post.
Suffern ACE
@burnspbesq: You’re just saying that because a D is in office. If there was an R behind the guy’s name, you’d be in the streets.
The Other Chuck
Duplicated post. __
protected static
Narcissistic demand that SOMEONE ADDRESS MY POINT[*]!!1Eleven!
@Violet: Reliving Vietnam War.
@PeakVT: Ha.
The Other Chuck
Duplicated post.
schrodinger's cat
@Soonergrunt: It was a real comment, actually it is my husband’s laptop, I will pass on this info to him and thanks much!
P.S. How is Sooner doggie?
The Other Chuck
Post edited later to completely change its original content.
Randy P
Comment made hours after anybody has paid any attention to this thread.
Link to news story which has already been addressed in a more recent thread.
@Wiesman: Which is exactly what this guy was saying on Twitter
Comment made without reading any of the previous 160 comments that makes the same point made eight times already.
The Other Chuck
Pre-response to expected attacks noting how dain-bramaged I is.
Failed blockquote.
Meta comment. Always historicize. Do the police in different voices.
Roger Moore
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Where would you like your internet delivered, sir?
Already diaried.
@The Other Chuck:
“FTFY” snark.
Link to TPM with discussion of how Marshall is now a Villager.
Comparison to Hitler.
Omnes Omnibus
Demand for an open thread.
Appeal to Jeffrey to post pics of his lunch.
Hunger pains.
Disgust at yet another turkey sandwich.
request to remove comment from moderation.
protected static
Abashed acknowledgment that point had, in fact, been made in a different thread. Three days ago.
@Roger Moore: Post announcing Damn, Roger Moore beat me to it
@The Other Chuck:
Nicely done.
Tone In DC
Ha indeed.
And, oh yeah… TUBULAR. ;-)
Quoting Lebowski.
Wait, I like that.
Decrying media’s reliance on “both sides do it” and the “horse race narrative.”
Cris (without an H)
Complaint that my comment went into moderation
@The Red Pen:
Pointing out definitively the Ming Na Wen is the most beautiful woman in the world. Link provided Rick-rolls you.
@Liberty60: Comparison to Mussolini, AKA, the Godwin with Marinara.
Annoyed comment to the effect that quicker posters got to all the good jokes first.
@shortstop: Quote back, demonstrating street cred.
Allusion to soup.
The Other Chuck
Error establishing a database connection
@Roger Moore: pie pie pie pie pie pie pie.
Sarcastic shorter of a mclaren post.
@Tone In DC: Gag me with a spoon. Ohmygod!
Tone In DC
Comment regarding RomneyBot 3000 and BSODs.
@Major Mel Funkshun:
Complaints about ads. Explanations that St. Andrew’s Cross ads are appearing because original commenter is visiting BDSM sites.
But WTF is up with that “Millions Ignore President’s Refinace (sic) Advice” ad accompanied by a photo of some random maybe black guy?
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Off-off-off-topic incomprehensible conspiracy theory involving a front pager, a shadowy superPAC, a blog that stopped posting a year ago, the avocado industry, a well-known sportscaster’s cat, and an assistant professor of poetics at a school attended by someone who once served on a committee with Barack Obama.
@dmsilev: “Comment nitpicking a single sentence in post, with no real point to make beyond the nitpick.”
comment continuing the threadjack, but ending with ‘but that doesn’t matter anyway, back to the original thread’.
schrodinger's cat
BTW what does Sully think, has anyone found out? Are drones Burkean if they have bells?
@Jewish Steel: Sic.
Capt. Seaweed
Comment posted at end of last thread. Desperate plea for attention.
@Suffern ACE:
Butbutbut … Obama promised me a pony!
200 Motels?
Hi, I’m Jimmy Carl Black and I’m the Indian in the group.
or, perhaps you’d like to hear him say it
Corner Stone.
Tone In DC
shortstop Says:
Complaints about ads. Explanations that St. Andrew’s Cross ads are appearing because original commenter is visting BDSM sites.
Moar LULz.
yeah, well it still sucks that he’s mean to you and nice to an asshole like de Boob. So there. : )
Usually AsianGrrl drops in and laments that no one is around. Yutsano magically appears.
Something fishy there I think.
Hours later Raven demands a football thread, but it’s only Tuesday.
Just Some Fuckhead notes that everyone is an idiot.
Brachiator dismisses hundreds of years of intellectual history with nonsensical reference to Shogun era Japan.
Thread flirts with VICTORY! when troll flies in to tout Romney and corporate cash.
Cole is still awake. Contemplating his life.
Just Some Fuckhead
Declaration of success for having made next whole number of comments.
Roger Moore
Demand for my Soros money.
Surly Duff
Comment identifying grammatical error(s) and an additional sarcastic comment that you might be taken more seriously if you proofread your work before posting.
*Note: there is a significant likelihood that this comment also includes a grammatical error, which I will later claim does not undermine my original comment highlighting your error.
Rick Taylor
Ash Can
Hit-and-run request for cash for one’s personal use.
Just Some Fuckhead
Belated note that BGinCHI is, in fact, an idiot.
Tone In DC
Gotta love that.
Spam that somehow evaded the filters, screaming to the world that “My product is so cheap that I can’t even afford an honest advertising budget, but must sponge off hundreds of little sites around the Internet with link spam.”
Roger Moore
GBCW post from Cole, followed by 10 more posts in the next hour.
@jwb: Demand for better trolls.
Fuck you WordPress!
Proceeds to write post lamenting his curmudgeoness and the murder of his libido, followed by pictures of the dinner party he was presently throwing with hot women in attendance.
Corner Stone shows his ass.
Duplicate spam that somehow evaded the filters, screaming to the world that “My product is so cheap that I can’t even afford an honest advertising budget, but must sponge off hundreds of little sites around the Internet with link spam.”
Roger Moore
Tech fanboy post.
Request that everyone chill the fuck out because Obama’s got this.
obligatory +5 (even though it’s not even 10 am)
@schrodinger’s cat: Discussion of Bobo and the Mustache of Understanding. Queries as to the intestinal health of McMegan’s calculator.
No he didn’t ya damn emoprog. If you had been paying attention to what Obama actually said in 2008, you wouldn’t be harboring these delusions about him.
Accusations of random Republican assholes being “paid shills.”
Snarky description of what people on the other side of the argument always say without actual refutation of what they are saying.
Ash Can
Cole pops back into thread, explaining that he had to go fix a meal for a couple dozen people who just dropped by.
Capt. Seaweed
Harping about inability to form proper hyperlink.
Obligatory FYWP.
And where’d my edit buttons go? (no really)
Point that if more people voted their conscious and went with the Libertarians/Greens/Constitution/Peace and Freedom Parties, we’d be in a much better situation.
Roger Moore
Unnecessary naked mopping reference.
Just Some Fuckhead
Tbogg appearance. Cries of “Tbogg!”
query as to state of JC health, warnings not to hurt himself naked cleaning, cooking, caring for animals, etc.
Accusation of trolling and Trojan horsing for Mitt Romney.
Ash Can
Profanity-laden request that Cole release previous comment from moderation filter.
link to newest Gangnam style parody vid
Complaint about not being able to edit previous comment, with edited comment, which isn’t any better.
Ash Can
Profanity-laden request that Cole fix said moderation filter.
Totally not snarky comment pointing out that we’ve run out of things to snark on and need a new post to make fun of.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Suggestion of hurt feelings but secret satisfaction at successful provocation.
Very late comment indicating reader hasn’t read anything above yet still tries to be amusing [add joke make 5 times earlier and better]. add demand for coffee.
Roger Moore
Reference to an old poster who hasn’t been here since the Bush administration.
Ash Can
Gratuitous insult hurled at Pittsburgh Steelers.
Obligatory “sez you” response, with suggestion to perform unnatural act.
Roger Moore
Question about Cole’s ancient history as a wingnut.
Whine that thread is dead and plea for new thread.
Just Some Fuckhead
Brief but violent Obot-Firebagger skirmish.
Bleg to adopt hideous-looking cat and/or ferret.
Capt. Seaweed
Profanity-laden request that Cole fix focus on his camera. Opinion that new bathroom sucks. Steelers, too also.
@artem1s: Comment expressing hatred of Flash video.
Wow. We really are a dysfunctional lot.
Double Post
Late in the thread ad-hominem attack on previous poster who will not likely return to defend themselves.
Triple Post
@PeakVT: Mac vs. PC.
Follow-up by techies referencing shit no one has ever heard of.
Guy from Detroit makes his own turntables.
Apology about multiple posts
Ignored comment post from regular BJ reader who rarely posts comments because he’s not down with the ‘Cool Crowd’ aka Sr. BJ comment posters…
This is fun!
Complaint that comment thread is now too long to load on mobile device and plea for new thread. Inclusion of unnecessary snide reference to superiority of Android/iOS.
@Roger Moore: Fuck Tech, GO Dawgs!
Requests for animal pictures
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Unintentionally creepy double entendre.
@Ash Can: gratuitous shot at Rams and Raiders for leaving LA… plotting which team to steal for new stadium that hasn’t even been built yet.
Posting something already said 100+ comments ago.
Tone In DC
Complaint stating WordPress ate my comment (while having enough open windows and tasks in XP to crash a damn Cray).
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Totally intentional creepy double entendre.
Roger Moore
Attempted snark that winds up demonstrating Poe’s Law.
Complaint that a Steeler can’t breathe on anyone for fear of league-mandated official reprisals.
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: Unnecessary HEH.
272 Curtis Says: Requests for animal pictures
273 Tara the Antisocial Social Worker Says: Unintentionally creepy double entendre.
Fuck ALL the chickens! (né Studly Pantload, t.e.u.u.)
Late-to-the-party quasi-tangential comment, the achingly-genius pithiness of which will be missed by the swarm of commenters drawn to the new f/p Cole post of how he hates all us mutherfocking mutherfockers on this mutherfocking blog, which stems from his inability to reconcile the fact that the QB for this beloved Steelers is a hate-worthy, one-man douchefest.
schrodinger's cat
Request to release the Tunchen!
The Other Chuck
gets told to fuck himself. long time commenter tells me that it is supposed to be some badge of honor but it speaks for itself as an argumentation tactic.
Roger Moore
Crusty old fart war story.
Link to unrelated topic, with complaint by commenter that they were waiting for an open thread, but since once hasn’t materialized…
Apologetic blogwhoring.
Enhanced Mooching Techniques
flippant snark about the irony of the topic that really just eats up bandwith.
schrodinger's cat
@The Other Chuck: For the Villagers?
Link to Krugman reminding us, yet again, that he warned us about Ryan two years ago
The Other Chuck
Metacommentary about metacommentary.
Complaint about a post complaining about Andrew Sullivan.
Comment from guy who skimmed post and first 3 comments yet still feels compelled to weigh in on the subject like some sort of expert.
Just Some Fuckhead
@BGinCHI: Ignored comment.
Surly Duff
Claims that an attempt to refute my argument is merely completely unrelated to what I originally posted and suggest user attempt to better comprehend what I wrote originally.
Added expletive to demonstrate exasperation with my target.
The Dangerman
Troll post for the pedantics (“Irregardless, I could care less”).
@burnspbesq: Appeal for Liverpool to win a fucking match already.
What’s everyone doing this evening?
Boredom at lack of fights in 20-minute period manifesting itself in irrelevant insult of frequent commenter who is nowhere near thread.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Has a sad.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Random letters as forehead strikes keyboard.
ETA: Request that Cassidy pay for new keyboard.
Drunk as sh!t.
Mitt, +100
schrodinger's cat
@Tone In DC:
Off-topic note that all chaps are assless.
Errant attempt at meta comment noting comments are meta, in which errant is mistakenly used for arrant.
What happened to my first comment? FYWP
(because I know you care about my g*ddamned missing comment)
Complaint that linking to right wing blogs just gives them clicks which the poster refuses to do.
My local beer is better than your local beer.
Suck it, Colorado.
@jibeaux: Comment pointing out that the whole point of “blogs we mock” is that the FP’s read them so that we don’t have to.@<a
@BGinCHI: Constant references to beer.
@schrodinger’s cat: Reference to EDK that has regular commenters cracking up and normal people puzzled.
Tangential long, meaningless, involved and generally ignored comment about having to talk one’s aged mother off the cliff-face using simple explanation of electoral college which said aged mother already knows about. snide comment about Faux news and anti-pollsters infesting doctor’s office and more gratuitous explanation of electoral college that said readers already know about.
The Red Pen
First post!
@shortstop: Touts local bar to surreptitiously put down people who live in bar-less wastelands.
Appeals for serious consideration of beer containing pumpkin.
? Martin
Fair enough summary of topic, but some additional information refutes the conclusion, and a contrarian view may be warranted here that can be summarized in 11 paragraphs.
Suffern ACE
Something about the Oxford comma.
schrodinger's cat
@danimal: Normal? I thought we were all mad here.
@BGinCHI: sly secret handshake indicating knowledge and appreciation of said hidden bar. Overt instruction to keep pumpkin away from beer and used as headpiece instead as possible mental upgrade unit.
OT. Really sad personal news that generates sympathy and derails thread.
Comment re. lack of constant beer references [shakes fist].
Complaint about too many posts on the same topic.
[I’d put that on ABL’s latest post, but then I’d have complain about commenters bringing old discussions to new threads…]
Soonergrunt @ Top:
Extension of scenario into surrealistic witticism, with links: Oh look, fishes on bikes!
@BGinCHI: Belief by recently arrived hayseeds that they’ve discovered a neighborhood when cooler people who patronized that “secret” bar 15 years ago have already moved on from now oversanitized and overcutesied ‘hood.
General Stuck
Finally, a post fuckhead can handle.
Statement regarding tardy arrival to popular discussion.
Statement about not reading previous comments, apology in advance if point had been expressed earlier.
Actual statement of point, shorter than previous disclaimers.
Deleted by author due to moderation.
Ironic comment about how irony is dead.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Post deleted by author due to moderation.
Failure to express earned appreciation for some of these hilarious comments due to apprehension that doing so creates an eminently mockable category, followed by realization that being mocked is a familiar and non-painful experience. So, all cred to the funny people, and you know who you are.
Hokey Nation
that’s gonna leave a mark
Matt T.
Dismissive straw man argument upbraiding Author for taking wrong-headed positions on issues never mentioned in article.
Astonished reaction to how ugly cat looks just like a cross between Mussolini and Ann Coulter’s Adam’s Apple (aka the laryngeal prominence).
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Reference to spitting on keyboard.
In joke about the post being good for former GOP presidential candidate.
Hungry Joe
After all the good lines have been taken, comment by someone who came late and — pitifully — just wants to get his name in there.
First of bizarre series of stalking to the point of threatening posts based entirely on a misunderstanding of the stalking victim’s nym
Hungry Joe
After all the good lines have been taken, comment by someone who came late and — pitifully — just wants to get his name in there.
lurking lurkers de-lurking, re-lurking, always lurking
Amir Khalid
Non-US commenter requesting explanation of post’s/comments legal and/or political context.
@schrodinger’s cat:
The display is going bad. You can always plug in an external monitor and use it.
Ben Cisco
Comment referencing some tangentially related character/quote from one of the Star Trek series, with link to YouTube video.
Remembrance of other obscure blog past.
@Roger Moore: Spanish Inquisition. Not expected.
Whining comment about how John never posts on his own blog, even though it’s a Cole post that started this. Longing request for verbally abusive post from Cole that clears the blog and makes everyone come together.
Really old Sarah Palin “also, too” joke asking for Tunch pictures.
Declaratory statement that [ ]’s comment wins the internetz.
Amir Khalid:
Otherwise thoughtful response including unintentionally condescending remark about how happy we are to get a foreigner’s viewpoint.
Observation that Liverpool is well rid of Andy Carroll, but is still deeply flawed and will be lucky to finish in the top eight.
gocart mozart
Very witty comment that someone will give a +1 to or at least a polite golf clap.
Robert Waldmann
I agree that it has been proven that the author of this post is a bastard. Also I forget who he or she is (OK I’ll remember sooner or later uh grunt*) so I conclude that it has been proven that all balloon juice front pages are bastards especially because the always talk about italics and never even mention bold or even better ALL CAPS !!!!!
*memory checked before comment submission. Am I a coward or what ? Also, in and only in my dreams I am as witty as soonergrunt. My wife often complains that I often LOL when sleeping and worse was once ROTbedLMAO when she had recently been sleeping.
“made up to prove a point—you the hell really know[] with [the oversigned] guy”.
Suffern ACE
Are you seeing the same ad I’m seeing?
gocart mozart
Pedantic comment correcting another comment wich contans multiple misseling and syntact errors within it.
@Amir Khalid: Obscure reference to Kuala Lumpur just because it’s fun to say out loud.
conjecture about final number of comments accompanied by discussion of past threads holding record numbers of comments and observation that they always involve Greenwald.
@burnspbesq: Long post on the utility of Dirk Kuyt followed by a plea for the return of Xabi Alonzo.
I’ve been sleeping all morning and I’m not totally awake yet… reading this comment thread will probably make me conscious. I need food and drink more than waking up. Bye, bye.
@eemom: Applauds your moxy and sharp tongue though fears having it used on him.
@Violet: Genuine “last to the thread” sort wonders how 15 minutes makes someone else “late in thread”. Posts tangential bit that nobody will notice anyway.
@PurpleGirl: Reference to a lawn that you need to get off of, though we live on the third floor of a condo building.
Comment about how old people or young people suck and have ruined the country because they vote against their interests/don’t vote. Response that first comment is relying on generalizations and that old/young people do not suck and that the data shows that these people are actually more knowledgeable/involved in the political process than they get credit for. Flame war ensues over whether Boomers or the current generation have ruined this country more.
Attempt to revive dying thread by baiting a troll.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Resentful snark demonstrating complete misunderstanding of post, followed by a well-supported argument about a wild tangent.
@Mnemosyne: Warning not to feed trolls.
Secretly wants to feed troll.
Just Some Fuckhead
Refusal to abandon thread leads to introspection about trust issues. Reminiscence about past relationships.
Checks clock to see if it’s 5:00 anywhere.
Curses at nemesis. Proclaims pride in being O-bot/Firebagger
Constantly refreshing thread so that our umpteenth post will register at number 369…
This thread is now having a negative effect on worker productivity gains in the fourth quarter, thus reducing net GDP. Why do you hate America?
@Jewish Steel: This.
Tardy comment on original post already duplicated by multiple comments up-thread.
@schrodinger’s cat: she is well. She’s taken to shitting in the entryway which is more lamentable than anything. At least it’s on tile and not carpet. I think she senses the stress that soonerwife and I are bringing home from work.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Surly Duff
Plea to stop discussing soccer, and switch to more American-centric sports, providing generic explanations that soccer is boring and not awesome. Also point out that unrelated to anything, the Steelers do, in fact, suck.
@Soonergrunt: Rolls eyes at lack of meta engagement.
@Surly Duff: Refusal to stop affecting a euro pose given the purchase of new porkpie hat.
Linky no work. You fix.
@Jewish Steel: The hell of it is that I don’t read Latin, and that comment makes about as much sense in context as does anything mclaren ever posted.
General Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Go to hell, but have a safe trip.
@Surly Duff:
Gratuitous note, humorous/fresh only to author, that soccer is “football” to the rest of the world.
If the os is bad, the entire display is FUBAR. If a portion of the display is bad, it’s the laptop and the external monitor will work.
Jewish Steel
Looks around at three dysfunctional pets. Thinks of own mother with six. Steels himself inwardly.
Aware that resistance is futile.
@Soonergrunt: e pluribus mclaren!
gogol's wife
Complaint that I work for a living so can’t get in on all these fun games you guys play either in the middle of the day or the middle of the night.
@Jewish Steel: Looks at 9-month-old. Rejoices that there are no baby blegs.
@Omnes Omnibus:
After no response, dreaded link to this.
Amir Khalid
Lament that if Liverpool’s season continues to suck, I will have to switch my football allegiance to Melchester Rovers again.
@gogol’s wife:
That is one of the nicest things said about the comments here.
I can’t say anything in Russian.
Paul in KY
Pendantic point on obscure historical event another poster mentioned.
@Amir Khalid: Go Swans!
@Steeplejack: Standard “WTF was that” comment. Thanks poster for the laugh and distraction from real world problems, secretly relieved link wasn’t pictures of Romney’s head Photoshopped on a stripper’s body, which would have required serious amounts of brain bleach.
@Paul in KY: Criticism of anecdotal historicism citing Adorno in the original German.
@BGinCHI: Dickish reply about how “I live in the REAL world.”
Janus Daniels
@Soonergrunt: Aspersions cast towards Oklahoma, with grudging respect for the meal we had in OK City and genuine amazement at the Sonic Drive-in HQ.
@Maude: Thanks for clearing that up. Since I never mentioned the OS, and noted that any of the potential causes were hardware components, I’m sure you’ll agree with me.
But if one wanted to take a ‘belt and suspenders’ kind of approach to troubleshooting, I suppose one could d/l a live-cd distro of linux and run that on the target computer and see what happens.
the original was better.
Cole will be all over you for this .
@YellowJournalism: Curses you for planting that mental image.
@2liberal: Over 2000 comments.
We can do this.
@BGinCHI: misreads comment and informs you in comment filled with high dudgeon that Oklahoma may be full of cousin-fucking hicks, but we don’t have a higher incidence of Asperger’s Syndrome than the national average, thank you very much!
Soylent Green
Earnest entreaty that one fuck oneself sideways with rusty chainsaw.
@2liberal: Adopts thoroughly put-upon attitude and informs you that the original is dated, and that a fresh approach was needed to say nothing of the fact that this is a different forum with different customs and courtesies and (now in spittle-flecked rage) if you like it so much better over there, then go BACK OVER THERE and NOONE will miss you!
Declaration that someone above “wins the internets for the day.”
@Soonergrunt: Doesn’t reply about it but feels guilty that he always hears “Ass Burger” when that gets mentioned and has a kind of South Park moment.
Realizes he’ll never really be a grown-up.
Explanation, failing to be humorous and sounding condescending, of Balloon Juice late-night sub-subculture.
mansplaining mansplaining mansplaining!
Unbelievably late comment, posted many hours after death of amusing thread in which a dead horse was thoroughly, brutally, repeatedly, mercilessly beaten because commenter doesn’t have time to be constantly checking BJ because he has a life.
Not at all subtle reference to fact that commenter has a life.
gogol's wife
Little Boots, right?
Always try the simple and easy first. That prevents a lot of tech nightmares. Did a lot of computer tech at one time. Am glad to be out of it.
The running of a live Linus distro is a very good idea.
@gogol’s wife:
Smirking “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” denial.
Forlorn revisit to long-dead thread by very late commenter who really does think he has something worthwhile to add to the thread but is too lazy to notice that his point was already made, with much more wit and some extra insight, back at #150 or so. Conclusion by very late commenter that no one, in fact, is paying attention any more so maybe he should just give it up and actually get that life he pretends to have.
Late to the game comment that no one will read because it’s too far down (fourth such comment since comment 200).
so i can pretty much stop reading this blog now and just refer to this post periodically if i want to know what’s up? amiright?
a a
Repetition of point made 7 times above, but my time is too valuable to waste reading your comments IMHO.
@PeakVT: Comment about pre-FDL TBogg.
@Amir Khalid:
Reminder that you could always root for Everton who don’t suck.
Reminiscence about the Golden Age of FDL, when TRex bestrode the joint like a colossus and Jane wasn’t so damn full of herself.
OMG, this post and its comments are so full of win.
Innocuous comment turned into
caucus bellycausus belli by auto-correct.gbear
@burnspbesq: Comment about the current sad state of TRex.
Extended meta about GOS and GOS diarists. Conclusion indicates the commenter hasn’t looked at the site in years, underlining the irrelevance of the comment.
Cry for entire arsenal of rusty sharp farm instruments to finally be unleashed! This time with more lampposts and tumbrels! And a rusty sonic screwdriver, used entirely in a defensive manner, to add aura of hip fez-enhanced sensitivity.
Central Planning
Comment on number of comments.
Was in the neighborhood.
About the same.
Nothing much going on here either.
Take it easy.
Stealthy, late-night comment made while perusing the comments and seeing who of the late-night posse is still up.
ETA: Patented triple-reply move.
David is a wise and funny guy. I wish there were a way to get him back in the blogging game (casts sideways stink-eye at Cole).
@asiangrrlMN: Already name-checked you, girl, and you get here and do it perfectly.
I love this joint.
Fort Geek
Obligatory late, late, late comment that no one will read because it’s so far down.
@Jewish Steel:
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate cake. Dessert chocolate cake pastry cheesecake topping I love ice cream gummies. Powder soufflé jujubes marshmallow chocolate bar candy canes. I love I love ice cream wafer tart I love macaroon lemon drops. Pudding lemon drops dragée topping jujubes pie. Applicake candy canes muffin chocolate bar cheesecake jujubes tootsie roll carrot cake. I love sweet marshmallow candy canes.
Carrot cake marshmallow donut gingerbread chocolate cotton candy pastry. Chocolate bar apple pie donut faworki tart candy canes oat cake soufflé. I love bear claw cheesecake halvah topping marzipan macaroon danish chocolate bar. Powder sugar plum applicake liquorice halvah candy canes caramels candy canes chocolate. Brownie I love sweet roll sweet roll croissant bear claw sesame snaps. I love cake dessert wypas.
I love toffee liquorice soufflé brownie. Tiramisu candy canes brownie lemon drops pudding I love apple pie applicake I love. Halvah ice cream chocolate. Chocolate cake gingerbread bonbon bonbon lollipop ice cream. I love ice cream marshmallow sugar plum candy topping jelly beans I love. Chocolate tart topping tootsie roll candy croissant bonbon. Biscuit candy jelly-o. Liquorice chupa chups candy wafer jelly cookie oat cake faworki. Dragée pie carrot cake tootsie roll sesame snaps soufflé cake sweet roll. Cake muffin dessert I love jelly beans jelly-o cake.
@BGinCHI: Name-checks self, blushes, then grins like a fool. Boy did you nail me perfectly. #waitwhat MWAAAAAAAAAAH!
@BGinCHI: Name-checks self, blushes, then grins like a fool. You nailed me perfectly! #waitwhat Mwaaaaaaaah!
FYWP in advance for the (probable) double-post.
@BGinCHI: Name-checks self, blushes, then grins like a fool. You nailed me perfectly! #waitwhat Mwaaaaaaaah!
FYWP in advance for the (probable) double/triple-post.
@asiangrrlMN: High five.
This thread couldn’t end without you.
@Fort Geek: Checked and responded by the Posting Author, who is such an emotional child that he will spend the next several minutes reading and re-reading the comments, and checking the number of comments for validation of his cold, barren existence.
Response to #18 that makes no sense whatsoever.
Apology to #18 and statement that response was supposed to be to #38.
Apology to #18 and statement that response was supposed to be to #38.
Apology for double posting.
@Roger Moore: Squueeing over adorable black cat after actually reading some of the other comments.
Is reminded: Cole! Tuuuuuunchie!
Looks to see if Yutsy ever made it in.
@BGinCHI: Has to come back in one more time to respond and to high-five you.
Obviously bogus name
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