I hope all our New York readers are still in one piece. Not because I care about them, but because I’m still planning a Balloon Juice get together on the afternoon of November 11.
What’s a good place to meet? We did a place called Walker’s in Tribeca and another called McGee’s on the upper west side. Walker’s was homier, and had food, but McGee’s was cheaper.
The big question for me is: which area is better for people to get to, considering that the subways may still be compromised? And which area itself will be most back up-to-speed by then? I’m guessing Tribeca was more likely to have been flooded since it’s farther south.
Should we consider some other place? I’m open to anything.
Remember: we’ll be celebrating an electoral victory. Or mourning four more years of liberal betrayal by a Democratic president.
Whatta mess!
The title reminded me that I saw a blurb that some University in New York had lost thousands of rats to Sandy. And that would have been the 1% rats. The Hampton rats. The hoi polloi rat loss count would probably go into the millions.
This twns in tatters, I must be shattered.
Obama and Christie on C-Spam now.
Hey, I live in a decadent librul enclave on the coast. Why is there no tour stop in SoCal? I blame Obama. :(
I can help with liquor sponsorship.
Might be rough finding a place on football Sunday…
I’m out of town but would love to show up to one of these sometime.
Idle thought:
Should Ayn Rand’s grave site, a bit north in NYC (in Westchester county) have suffered storm damage, I’d lay down some real folding money on her adherents climbing over one another to accept FEMA funding for restoration.
@flukebucket: NYU lost thousands of research mice. Rats, presumably as well, because most animal facilities are underground.
They also lost millions of dollars and years of research in the form of proteins, enzymes, antibodies, etc. when the power shut down and the backup generators went out.
@flukebucket: NYU lost thousands of research mice. Rats, presumably as well, because most animal facilities are underground.
They also lost millions of dollars and years of research in the form of proteins, enzymes, antibodies, etc. when the power shut down and the backup generators went out.
@flukebucket: That was NYU Medical School/Hospital. The hospital lost its back-up generator.
It’s a little yuppie but The Ginger Man
on 11 E 36th is one of my favorite beer places in Manhattan. Used to be a good cigar place too but I’m not sure how that works now that NYC is no smoking.
Idle thought:
Should Ayn Rand’s grave site, a bit north in NYC (in Westchester county) have suffered storm damage, I’d lay down some real folding money on her adherents climbing over one another to accept FEMA funding for restoration.
It’s a little yuppie but The Ginger Man
on 11 E 36th is one of my favorite beer places in Manhattan. Used to be a good cigar place too but I’m not sure how that works now that NYC is no smoking.
@flukebucket: That was NYU Medical School/Hospital. The hospital lost its back-up generator.
I’ve been thinking about all the displaced rats of NYC and humming this song for days…
Gov. Christie, moments ago:
Been a long, long, long time since was in the Big Apple, but all the kewl kids gathered at Puffy’s.
Metrosexual Manichean Monster DougJ
I like Ginger Man on the weekend.
Robin G.
@beltane: Wow. He’s really twisting the knife in Romney. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t fun to watch, opinions of Christie aside.
The Moar You Know
@beltane: Well, folks, you don’t often get to see history in the making, and rarely so publicly.
This is the opening shot in the GOP Civil War, where the fiscal conservatives and the social conservatives part ways.
@Robin G.: I am starting to wonder if, during the storm, Romney suggested that Christie hold off on rescue and relief efforts, making the disaster worse than it already is, so it could be blamed on Obama. No way would I put something like this past the morally bankrupt Romneybot.
When was the last time a member of the Republican party referred to President Obama as “sir”? (Charlie Crist doesn’t count as he’s no longer a Republican)
The Stones! Who, as you know, are back on the road.
Walker’s is in one of areas currently without power and with no subway access.
Puffy’s also is in that downtown triangle currently without power and subway access.
McGee’s is in mid-town on the west side and can be reached by bus and should still have power.
The Ginger Man recommends a reservation for groups of 25 or more. They are accessible by bus and should still have power.
@The Moar You Know:
QFMFT. Holy shit.
Robin G.
@beltane: I wouldn’t be shocked. I mean, there’s definitely political posturing going on, but word choice and tone of the last couple days seems to indicate that Christie wants to kick Romney in the junk for personal reasons. (But then, doesn’t everyone?)
As the date is 12 days from now, it is more than likely that power will be restored
And those places in the currently affected areas could use the extra business to make up a bit for what they’ve lost in the meantime.
Seth Owen
Frankly it’s long overdue. Fiscal conservatives make legitimate critiques about priorities and consequences. You can work with them. Social conservatives are fanatic true believers for whom compromise is a dirty word. These are not the only factions in play, however, and it will fascinating to watch the sides being chosen.
@NotMax: That is true. But I thought we needed the information.
As I remember, Walker’s also likes a reservation for their back room a week or two in advance.
Main point: Someone needs to call each place at some point to find out who can accommodate us.
Doc Sportello
This East Villager respectfully suggests Patrick Conway’s, a solid Irish pub, one block from Grand Central. Not cheap, but the bartenders take care of those who take care of them. Very decent pub food. Very small football crowd, as it’s not in a residential neighborhood.
Suggest the NY meetup be nearby because that would make a fine WC.
Midtown works best for me. I thought McGee’s was a good place for the previous meetup.
@The Moar You Know: I take it to mean that Chris Christie thinks that Governor of New Jersey is a job worth keeping, he’s already done enough for his chosen candidate, and he wants to keep a good working relationship with the guy who is three times as likely to win on Tuesday than his chosen candidate.
@Doc Sportello: Yanno, I would also suggest someplace in midtown–near Grand Central. That seems to be the safest bet. Maybe even the Oyster Bar Saloon (not the restaurant.)
Don’t worry, because in that scenario, Obama will Drone us all to death, so it will be fine.
Sorry about the double post up top. I hadn’t intended to be dim.
I’d recommend Waterfront Ale House on 30th Street & 2nd Ave., great bar food & beer. Just let me know & I’m in!
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
That totally breaks my heart.
Corpus Christy
I want to put in a word for Jimmy’s No 43. Jimmy Carbone is a really good citizen — does all kinds of great fund-raising and such for good causes. Think environment and animal welfare issues, which I know is near and dear to BJers. Anyway he sent out a rare email today, asking for help==they lost power, got a little flooded, and for once needs a hand.
Jimmy Carbone is a good guy and his bar/restaurant is all about local food, craft beers, and a heart.
Anyway: http://jimmysno43.com/
43 East 7th Street (bet 2nd and 3rd aves)
@Abe: I know the Waterfront Ale House and like it. (I like their pulled pork.) However, it is on the small side.
Bill Arnold
@Seth Owen:
There are also fiscal radicals. Mostly this is the Republican slashers (and goldbugs) in today’s American political landscape, thought the “far” left might be a presence on the radical end of this spectrum too, if it actually had any power.
The Golux
It’s been too long since I’ve been to Gotham, and I had to miss out on a Drinking Liberally event in Philly the week after the election in 2008 (had to deal with a break-in at our house), so this sounds perfect. I’d love to sneak down for a round of name and face matching.
Late again to an important thread. I think by a week from Sunday power will be restored to Tribeca so I would vote for that.
I am having a brain freeze about good places we can meet. All my haunts were around Union Square…
I know a place but it is on the Lower East Side which seems to be most affected. It is cheap and they love big groups and they would never have a football crowd: The Pink Pony. Maybe for a future meetup.
@Joel: This happened in the Texas Medical Center in Houston after Tropical Storm Allison’s historic flooding in 2001. After that, the research institutions put in massive flood prevention doors and other technology to protect the animals. It was pretty brutal for those researchers who were affected. Years of work lost. Not to mention the poor animals.
@Corpus Christy: Sounds like a good place. From your link, this is going on on the 11th:
Don’t know if your meet up would be after that or not.
mai naem
I hope Andy gets the research mice in his abode.
Jay in Oregon
The wingnuts even have that angle covered; when they get cornered on accepting Social Security, Medicare, etc. then it’s all about “getting their money back out of the system.” (Translation: if we spend it, then it can’t be given to those people.)
Which is shockingly ridiculous given how those programs work, but there ya go.
Jimmy’s 43 is a great bar, with a good, interesting beer selection. I’ve participated in a fun writer’s evening there (No, No, YOU Tell It!). I second that, if people don’t mind going to the East Village.
Paul W.
Because I am selfish, and because I live near it… Biddys on 91st and 2nd ave is a really awesome bar which is great for talking, has a house beer by the same name. Look it up, it’s the best “neighborhood” bar I’ve been to in the city.
On a side note I’m totally fine after the storm though the ocean was literally lapping at our apartments back door. I’m now hosting 9 people in a 4 bedroom apartment because of the power outs downtown.
UWS ftw http://www.yelp.com/biz/prohibition-new-york
Nancy Cadet
I recommend Colors, Lafayette St , a few steps from the Public Theater. This is a bar-restaurant coop founded by survivors of the WTC restaurant Windows on the World, after 9/11. This place is one fo the few recommended by a fair trade restaurant association, and has great small plates, full bar. Etc. http://www.colors-newyork.com/
@Corpus Christy: Hey, you think any chance Jimmy would let us take over the little room in the back where the readings/theater performances go?
master c
dude, really-liberal betrayal? omg the harrar.
Sadly can’t join. Training in NYC got cancelled thus weekend tack on mini-vaca got the knife as well. *Sadface*
Had a great time at the last one. Midtown near Grand Central might be most accessible to most people, and McGee’s was pretty convenient. I also like The Ginger Man when I’ve been. Important to avoid the football crowd.
Midtown is easiest. I vote McGee’s
All the power should be restored and the trains should be back in operation by then, but just to be on the safe side, someplace on the #1 line north of 34th would be a better bet. If you want to go way out of the way uptown, An Beal Bocht or the Bronx Ale House are great places, both on 238th street on either side of the #1, but realistically I’d go with Walker’s.
People dressed in plastic bags directing traffic….
I’d also suggest somewhere near the commuter-train stations, Penn or Grand Central.
@Corpus Christy: Thanks for the recommendation. Had been thinking about trying Jimmy’s and now I definitely will. Any place that supports animals is worth supporting.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
Well, they should have had back-up culture/tissue/protein libraries off-site. Or with collaborators at other institutions. If something’s that mission-critical, you don’t have only one redundant system to prevent losses.
@PurpleGirl: Depends how many of us there are. They can put several tables together, I’ve seen it there many times.