Unlike John, I don’t consider it worthy of mention that the National Review is calling for a revolution. The right always wants a violent restoration of some kind. Maybe I’d even say I think that’s their prerogative.
But I am continually surprised by how clumsy contemporary conservative coinages have become:
They reject the American republic of God-fearing individuals in favor of the European ideal, which has only been government by aristocracy: either an aristocracy of birth or, nowadays, of ruling know-it-alls — of post-religious, globalist intellectuals (a.k.a. PORGIs).
Strapping young bucks, welfare queens driving Cadillacs, big gubmint bureaucrats taking away your guns and treasures…these are all things that viscerally scare some proportion of the population. PORGIs…not so much.
American conservatism is successful when it creates myths that voters can grasp. They’ve got to be simple. You can’t use words like “post-anything” or even “globalist” and expect to get a lot play on Top 40 radio, let alone create a silly acronym out of such words.
I have a new name for Republicans: DICKBAGS
No, it’s not an acronym. Why do you ask?
PORGIs is a phrase designed for talk radio and blog comments, not the population at large. Like RINO or Obambi.
Whither Bess?
I keep reading that as ‘corgi’, and therefore am wondering why a particular breed of dog is a set of ruling know-it-alls. Is it because Queen Elizabeth breeds them?
Well, I don’t know about you, Doug. But I, for one, welcome our new PORGI overlords.
I suppose, though, that “I’ve got plenty of nothing” really would be a reasonable bit of theme music for the right wing commentariat.
PORGI sounds like some sort of slavic dumpling.
Robin G.
@yam: Now I want pierogis, damn you.
@yam: delicious!
Culture of Truth
What kind of whine goes well porgi?
Pinot noir?
PORGI sounds like a round Polish guy Sullivan used to hump.
Listening to Ingram and Limbaugh was fun today. Rush proclaimed that “we have lost the country, we are now outnumbered” you got that right Rush, what was your first clue?
Hannity and his “stop Obama express” comes on in a minute, I can’t wait.
Ash Can
That’s OK, it makes it all the easier to point and laugh at them.
Seanly - PORGI Elite
I don’t know – I think it will play great out there once readers of NRO start using it. Oh, wait… there aren’t any readers.
Cue Nina Simone
And right along with PORGI, his Brainy Elitist Socialist Slut, to be his woman now.
Culture of Truth
If God had wanted you to win, you’d have won.
PORGI ORGIES. yeah, it’s a thought, one that will likely catch on. More worthwhile, fun and worthy of consideration than anything he’s likely to mean seriously.
Here’s a look at the GOP frontrunner for 2016.
You Know Who
The Takers are beginning to outnumber and rule the Makers.
Of course, what happens when there are no Makers left?
Perhaps we should look to the City of Detroit for what the future of the Mooching States of America will look like. Hint: a decaying hellhole ruled by illiterate imbeciles backed up by thuggish mobs.
Will Hannity promise to be waterboarded if Obama wins a third term?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I saw this post earlier when I was trawling the wingnut sites in search schadenfreude.
The wingnuts show no sign of understanding what happened yesterday. For the lesson to really take hold the Democrats need to treat the 2014 elections as do or die and kick the last nail in by making sure their coalition gets out to vote at record levels for a midterm.
@You Know Who: Derp
Culture of Truth
pronounced “poor guy”
Doc Rock
Sounds like a violation of the Smith Act!
@You Know Who:
Suck it, loser. Go cry yourself to sleep clutching a copy of Atlas Shrugged and STFU.
Higgs Boson's Mate
@You Know Who:
The Takers sent the Makers’ jobs to China asshole. As long as yo’re back, how about unskewing the election result, Einstein?
@You Know Who: Taco! Is that you? How’s it going, loser?
@yam: Or maybe a cute Japanese puppy robot.
Hee hee hee hee hee……
mai naem
I say the Repubs keep on fucking that chicken.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
This. The GOP has been given 20 extra years because too many Dems failed to stick with their party after Clinton’s first two years, and then again after Obama’s. If we really want to see the GOP become more moderate, we have to prioritize winning the next 3-4 election cycles.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@scav: why does everything always wind it’s way back to the Swedish Chef?
Y’know, I started last night sipping the delicious wingnut tears, but quickly found that I had to guzzle in order to keep up. Then I decided there was no way my liver could survive, so I went to bed. By the time I got up this morning, their silvery, sparkly tears had become a vast lake, shimmering and beautiful. So I got out my canoe, and I’ve been paddling in it ever since. Delightful.
(I still sneak a sip from time to time, but I have to pace myself. It’s heady stuff.)
@C.J.: Just remember, Bambi became the top buck of the forest. (buck, … yeah, I went there.)
@You Know Who:
Fucking loser. How’s that UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH! doing? Oh, and True the Vote! How’d that work for ya?
General Stuck
Yea, the wingers have always blurted out fantasies of armed insurrection to cleanse the body politic of libtardism. Often as a kneejerk to getting their asses handed them in an election. The thing that is brand spanky new about this election, is that the theory of center right country, code for white majority, is no more.
Romney WON independent voters and lost the election. That is not supposed to happened and makes the theoretical ‘mongrelizing’ in the white supremacist mind a real life thing. It WAS persons of color that won Obama the election. Though it remains to be seen if that is true with a white dem running. We can’t really know what and how this is going to effect the right wing or conservative portion of the republican party, that is also the majority faction there. But I’d bet hamburgers the knuckledragging portion that reads stuff like the NRO article, is going to stew in the juices of rebellion as they fantasize about blowing shit up to take back their country.
@elmo: The great lake of … fail!
Enhanced Mooching Techniques
@You Know Who: So how did you election call go last night Mr Dick Morris Jr?
Beautifully Effective Shithead Stomper. I nominate Imani.
David Koch
How many divisions does Nutty Review have?
Ha Ha Ha his show actually just opened with “The 2016 Stop Obama Express has just left the station”. They do know he can’t run again right?
You Know Who
This electorate of this country is BEYOND STUPID. That is the real takeaway. Lazy, entitled, stupid moochers who want a lifestyle of cars, ObamaPhones, Obamacare, food stamps, housing, even internet access and flat screen TVs and birth control pills. All on the taxpayer dime.
But remember–the problem with Soci@lism is that you eventually run out of Other People’s Money. Just remember that.
Culture of Truth
Understandably they are more crushed now that in 2008. That was unusual – a crashing economy at the of a GOP Presidency, the general cycles of history and politics after a good 8 year run for them, the unusual promise of Obama, as an AA candidate with a stirring message of hope and change… but… with high unenemployment, Obamacare and fascism and ben gazarra and that white mormon with the money and name and big shoulders and.. and.. and.. we lost… again!?!?
Chyron HR
@You Know Who:
I wrote it down! Now do I mail it in to claim my prize?
Caliph Garrett
I don’t know, switch to Evan Williams?
So just found out that a wingnut guy I know, who listens to all the talk radio crap and spouts off to anyone who will listen about how our government is crap and it’s all going to hell–he’s not registered to vote. Apparently he thinks his vote doesn’t matter and all the polls are rigged. Seriously. So he doesn’t bother to vote. That doesn’t shut him up, though.
It’s an attempt to make a meme. ‘PORGI’ sounds like ‘Porky’, which means pig, which are fat and lazy and mockable. It’s remarkably clever given its source.
It’s an appropriate tactic given its source and target audience: childish, zero information, meant to be repeated, attempts to make user feel clever.
I predict it will fail, because real aristocrats aren’t good at mocking imaginary ones. Plus, once you start calling for violent action, cute memes are just trite.
It seems like just yesterday they were praising Europe for their austerity programs.
@General Stuck:
I know what you’re saying, but this sounds too much like the “Democrats only win because of the black vote” excuse that I heard a lot of conservatives say during the 1990s.
some guy
@You Know Who:
Higgs Boson's Mate
As long as we don’t run out of Maker’s Mark.
Culture of Truth
we went banning the combustion engine to a lifestlye of cars
so confusing
@Litlebritdifrnt: Bwahaha! Really? What an idiot.
@You Know Who:
Remember, folks, it’s Republicans who really love this country. American Exceptionalism, baby! (except for all those pesky Americans. We can’t stand those.)
Culture of Truth
what happens when there are no Makers left?
we’ll make more
@You Know Who:
This is a very useful warning. If our country ever approaches anything close to soc1alism, I will keep this in mind.
Boehner is suppose to have a news conference at 3:30. Of course, he’ll say they always wanted to work with the President as long as he agreed to cut taxes.
well, persons of color are a sizable portion of the population.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@You Know Who: so you have a different hypothesis Ms Taggart? When Galt stops the engine of the world are the strapping young bucks going to take over?
That’s actually an interesting idea: what do wingnuts hate more: the idea of professors ruling the world or roving bands of the blacks stealing their guns and wimmins? Meh, I’ll be spending my Ameros on a Marxist cultural studies PhD and a helicopter pilot’s license, so I can enforce these UN mandated reparations from the air.
You know what’s going to be awesome. In 2016 and 2020, we’re going to have Obama and Bill Clinton stumping for the Dem candidate.
The GOP will have zombie Reagan.
Jim Faith
@You Know Who:
Let’s take a quick look at the “taker” states and the “maker” states in the US:
Does the list look anything like this on your planet?
You Know Who
Maybe I should just quit my job and stop paying taxes. Stay home, collecg welfare, collect Section 8, collect my ObamaCare, use my ObamaPhone, collect my free home heating vouchers, free internet access, free, free, free…may as well get fat and take up smoking too cause with ObamaCare you will be paying for my irresponsibility anyway, right?
If it stands for Post-religious, globalist intellectuals, it should be written as PRGI (which is hard to pronounce) and if you add the “o” for pronunciation is should be written PoRGI.
If you put PORGI into Google you get a bunch of references to opera videos, things about a small fish and “Porgi is a Proof-Or-Refutation Generator for Intuitionistic propositional logic.” DougJ’s post in number 10 on the list and they don’t mention the National Review article (at least on the first three pages of Google references).
I’ll take the PORGIs over the SOFAs anyday.
SOFA: Sell-Out Fascist Assholes. “Makers Over Takers”. “Corporations Are People”. “F*ck the workers and the unions”.
That crowd.
@You Know Who:
Maybe. But, as the Great Recession, and every other finance-driven downturn in history has shown, that’s also a major problem of Capitalism.
Higgs Boson's Mate
It would be funnier if it wasn’t bound to set off a blizzard of wingnut conspiracy theories about how Obama is going to set himself up as Dictator for Life.
@General Stuck: Since most Independent voters are really Republicans to ashamed of what the Party has become to ID themselves that, but still support the policies, I have doubts if Romney won the real independents. Of course, I suppose both of them may have voted for Romney.
I’ll take the PORGIs over the SOFAs anyday.
SOFA: Sell-Out Fascist Assholes. “Makers Over Takers”. “Corporations Are People”. “F*ck the workers and the unions”.
That crowd.
@You Know Who: Awww, poor diddums. Don’t let us stop you from going Galt.
Fucking Greenwald: is he ever not condescending and sanctimonious?
Glenn, has it ever occurred to you that being a dick doesn’t help advance your agenda?
Renaming “elite” to PORGI is an idea from the same winning minds that came up with GSAVE (Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism) to replace GWoT.
mai naem
@You Know Who: You are so right. I say we kick the Moocher Deep South out of the Union, off the island -kind of like Survivor – kind of like Evolution? What says you?
Whatever happened to “Godless heathen?”
The axe man throwing out some tasty red meat.
“David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
POTUS re-elected. More Ds in Senate and House. There are a bunch of pissed off billionaires this morning, looking for the refund window!”
General Stuck
Of course there are a lot of factors why Obama won. Each election has its own set of unique markers. But all else being equal, it is true that Obama won larger majorities of the minority voting blocks in this country, whilst losing the white indie vote.
The wingnut mind was what I was discussing, and that is how they are already framing it, which I think is accuate and maybe good, if it shows them the writing on the wall toward the future of elections in this country. Or, if they want to win, they will need to internalize this new pair-a-dime and adjust their platform accordingly. Or keep losing elections. Or pick up a gun. Those are the options.
@You Know Who:
We’ll miss your comments here.
Breaking News in NH.
NH Dems take control of the NH House, thus toppling the tea-party tyrant Speaker Bill O’Brien.
Hail, hail NH.
Once again, the irony meter hits 11 when some clown from NR writes a paragraph like that and then attacks us for being “intellectuals”.
@You Know Who: Your bitter tears are so so sweet.
You Know Who
I think I will quit my job, collect welfare, collect a free Section 8 voucher, get my free ObamaCare, ObamaPhone, food stamps, Medicaid, free heating oil, free gas, free free free free! And just eat crappy food, smoke, drink heavily, have lots of unprotected sex, because after all Uncle Sugar will pay all the bills that result from my irresponsibility, right? Right guys?
28 Percent
DougJ, you is my blogger now.
I read it as anti-Semitic, personally, with “post religious” in there to throw non-dog whistlers off the scent. Or perhaps that’s just me.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@You Know Who: so you have a different hypothesis Ms Taggart? When Galt stops the engine of the world are the strapping young bucks going to take over?
That’s actually an interesting idea: what do wingnuts hate more: the idea of professors ruling the world or roving bands of the blacks stealing their guns and wimmins? Meh, I’ll be spending my Ameros on a Marxist cultural studies PhD and a helicopter pilot’s license, so I can enforce these UN mandated reparations from the air. And I already know my way around North Idaho a bit, so I’ll be useful there. That’s right General Ripper, just like you, I know what fucking side I’m on. Stock up on seeds and ammo. We’re coming. Someday….
@JMHall: The “Makers Over Takers” thing is most annoying. Some makers only care about money. They take jobs from Americans and leave workers here in a state where they need assistance, making those people “Takers”. And some makers get gov’t subsidies themselves, so they’re takers too.
Enhanced Mooching Techniques
@You Know Who: And people like you who think a badly written work of fiction like Atlas Shurgs done by a Hollywood script writer trumps reality are as dumb as the slobs who bought into Morris bloated gut beats Silverman’s brain are exhibit one on stupid American voters. Honestly, how does someone like you who views the world like a LARP hold a professional job down. Or are you just on Social Security like a good little Libertarian?
Do go on how it really is in Fantasy Land You Know Who. Your bitter tears of defeat taste so good.
Chyron HR
@You Know Who:
Why are you giving up so easily, ReaIity Check? I mean, you’ve been in denial for the past 11 months, why not just continue to live in a fantasy world where “Mitt Reagan” won the election because UNSKEWED ELECTORATE?
@You Know Who: Don’t worry about it. The nice men in the black helicopters will be arriving shortly to bring you to the FEMA reeducation camp. Where you will learn to love
Big BrotherObama.28 Percent
@You Know Who: if you dropped out of “producing” I for one sincerely doubt that anyone would be able to tell the difference.
@You Know Who:
Go for it. I give it less than a month before you give it up after you reach the realization that your new life with all those free government gifts is still really shitty and that life was better when you had a job.
joel hanes
You’ll find him poppin’ off at Pop’s Sodium Shop
And dating a Red
With red hair!
[dooby – doo – wah]
PORGI Tirebiter
He’s a student like you
(Like me?)
He’s a student like you
I love this place. Everyone here just so goddamn clever.
Well, everyone except for You Know Who….
General Stuck
We will likely have to get the final numbers on all this, from exit polling and other means to get the breakdown of what group voted for who. But preliminary results indicate an even bigger turnout and vote for Obama from black citizens, Asian, and especially Hispanics. This is not unexpected, though maybe an early glimpse of the rainbow future of this country. That is my point.
@PurpleGirlBess, you is my woman.
You Know Who
Fuck this country. It is going to get exactly what it deserves. Good, and HARD.
Why can every other state get their shit done, but that state is so goddman dysfunctional? They’re still counting?
some guy
whiny ass titty baby pretends he actually has a job.
speaking of Moochers, if we take away their hoverounds how will they get to the Teabag meetings?
@You Know Who: By the way, how does it feel to be a pathetic loser?
Given how wrong you’ve been about everything else here, why on earth should anyone take you seriously now, LOSER?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@You Know Who:
Your bigot is showing.
Speaking of civil wars, a certain school that loooooves Colonel Rebel wasn’t too happy last night.
Video too
@You Know Who:
Be my guest. That will put you on an even plane with all the wingnuts I know who suck at the government teat while decrying the fact that it’s not reserved only for old fat white people.
@You Know Who: Because that’s what all poor people do? See, it’s that myopic view that costs the GOP elections. As if providing a basic level of health care – like every other major Western society – is akin to the whole nation going on the dole.
It’s 30 years of the same damn bullshit and it’s no more true that it was then. And it’s all you have – you have no new ideas. It’s why you lost and why you’ll keep losing.
So ponder that while you crank out your next half-assed comment.
@You Know Who:
Romney’s got plenty. We’ll drain the motherfuckers that wrecked the economy, and see where we are after that. Don’t worry too much about them, we Libtards will make sure that they have food, healthcare and a place to live.
That’s how we roll…
@You Know Who:
Country First!
Probably the most baffling video you’ll see today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw
Yes, that’s a woman screaming at her webcam for 25 minutes repeating all the right-wing crapola, while scolding her viewers because they have helped Obama being re-elected because nobody shared her videos and Facebook-posts.
It frightens me a bit that there’s millions of these people out there.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Sorry about the double post… not yet an expert on doing this by phone when error messages come up
Chyron HR
@You Know Who:
Have our chickens come home to roost?
@Jim Faith: wow, a whole TWO of those states went for Obama this election.
usually it is zero. Progress, of some sort.
Boener is on TV!
Enhanced Mooching Techniques
@You Know Who:
Empty threat. You’re a Libertarian. By definition you are ether on welfare or work for the Federal government.
Roger Moore
@You Know Who:
I didn’t know Voldemort posted here. And I sure as hell didn’t know he was obsessed with pie!
Jay in Oregon
@You Know Who:
Actually we should congratulate You Know Who for saving his job and still being employed to write stupid stuff here at BJ. I wonder, though, did he have to take a pay cut to continue working… Are you now getting Twenty-five cents a post instead of Fifty cents? Do you have write a specific number of posts of day or hour?
@General Stuck: There is nothing dangerous about these tools. Yeah, there are a few, but most of them will get out of the shower, ackwardly throw some punches at the mirror pretending to beat on a lib, and then go about thier business mumbling and being emotionally stunted in public.
Conservatives really are the masters of the writing style known as “mawkish twaddle.”
Chyron HR
Before the watershed?! Shameful.
@You Know Who:
Do that and report back to us about you new lavish lifestyle.
@You Know Who:
The real takeaway is that you believe things about Democrats that aren’t remotely true. You see the world, and then you read Atlas Shrugged, and you have decided that Atlas Shrugged is a closer approximation of reality than reality is.
The guy has no real agenda other than self-aggrandizement. He’s a grifter like the best of the wingnuts. So glad he’s not on Salon any more and I can completely ignore him. My Brit family members can now be subjected to him. I have one who’s already been on FB asking me why the hell America has to subject them to this sanctimonious asshole who does not seem to understand anything about the American around him. I told her that he lives in Brazil and she laughed and said, well, that figures then.
I see somebody is home from school…
@You Know Who: PATRIOTISM!
wow man, just wow.
OT: Another big loser in the election Bibi Netanyahoo.
A nice Nelson Muntz ‘Ha, Ha’
which is why we should never rely on FL to get us to 270.
@You Know Who:
Wow. You really are a Republican. Shouldn’t you be on craigslist for that?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@You Know Who: The takers have never outnumbered the makers. That’s why the takers try to take as much money as they can: When the war comes they hope to be able to buy off protection.
@You Know Who:
Sounds like a threat to me. Let us know how your interview with the Secret Service (know affectionately as the SS) and wiht the FBI goes.
Boehner is on CSPAN. I just tuned in but it sounds as though he is pushing Romney’s tax plan.
@Bart: Wow. That woman is genuinely mentally ill. Usually it’s only males who mine that particular type of dementia. The fact that the screen is black most of the time just makes it creepier.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: false flag! Man, I haven’t read a good one of those in a while…
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
Swedish Chef and Big Bird and COOKIE MONSTER and the Grouch are all doing a little celebratory muppet dance. Beaker!
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@You Know Who: Please, go ahead and try. Welfare requires you to try to find work. I believe your preexisting condition, dipshit, is already covered under Obamacare.
@You Know Who:
@You Know Who:
This electorate of this country is BEYOND STUPID
Ah, no, see here’s your problem. When you survey the landscape and then upon your analysis of it you endlessly bluster and makesmug predictions that are STAGGERINGLY wrong –
– clearly YOU are the one who is beyond stupid.
NOT reality, which was there for you to see; not voters, whose predilections other people were able to intuit…you. Your ability to reason and to interpret what is real and what is not just sucks balls. My guess is real emotional issues stemming from unresolved childhood issues but I’m only spitballing here. And to make matters worse, you can’t stop running your mouth so the stupid just runs out nonstop.
Own it, you blithering idiot. Own just how stupid you’ve been and what an utter laughingstock you are now. Posting petulant comments about “Obamaphones”? That just magnifies your very public humiliation. Mmmmm, sweet sweet comeuppance. Can you taste it?
Maybe I’m misremembering, but wasn’t Porgy a strapping young buck?
Also, too, seems like yet another appeal to Old White Dudes, who are probably the one ones who will remember “Porgy and Bess.”
Roger Moore
301 Electoral Votes! Ha, ha, ha!
302 Electoral Votes! Ha, ha, ha!
303 Electoral Votes! Ha, ha, ha!…
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): And there’s been no new Section 8 money in a few years, so You Know Who can’t get that.
@Roger Moore: I would piss myself laughing if Sesame Street really did that.
some guy
@Roger Moore:
with Florida it’s actually 332 electoral college votes.
@Metrosexual Manichean Monster DougJ :
No, this shit is played out, except for some Balloon Juicers who love keeping tired shit alive.
This election, the GOP got more explicit. All blacks and Latinos were lazy moochers, unmarried women were sluts, and gays were enemies of civilization. And all were standing in the way of the steely eyed whiteness of Mitt Romney.
Looks like obstructionism is alive and well in America. And Obama hasn’t even been sworn in yet.
Roger Moore
@some guy:
Yeah, but Count von Count is a stickler; he can’t count those until he’s done recounting all the ballots in Florida. He loves to recount as much as he loves to count.
@Raven: I thought of Porgy and Bess too, but Google doesn’t have it in the first three pages of the list. I’m too bored to keep looking to see if Google ever picks up on Porgy and Bess.
@28 Percent:
After having the burden of his incurable stupidity lifted from their shoulders his employer will undoubtedly experience an increase in productivity, but that’s OK, they’ll just chalk it up to random management changes.
@You Know Who:
This is just undifferentiated wingnut boilerplate. Better trolls, please.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
This is why, though I’m happy at last night’s results, I am still pissed off at the bastards, and likely will be for a very long time.
A) Love the title
B) “PORGI” sounds a lot like “rootless cosmopolitan”, to me
@You Know Who:
It would be hilarious that people who’ve never actually had to get unemployment or food stamps think it’s simple and easy to do, except that they’re allowed to vote based on the myths they’ve built inside their heads.
mai naem
@You Know Who: Well,I got my check from Soros today. He pays much better than Koch and on time too. Maybe you need to switch sides to Soros. Also with Soros, you’re his employee and you get health benefits and vacation and a great benefit package. Koch gives you a freaking 1099. And, Soros pays for my internet connection. Koch refuses to pay for my internet connection. They say if they pay for the internet connection they have to treat me like an employee and do the W4 and pay payroll taxes.
@You Know Who: Actually, do exactly that. You seem to think that there is this entire thriving underclass; maybe you should try being poor.
First, you’ll discover that there’s no unemployment when you quit (or are fired) instead of being laid off. Then you’ll discover that you don’t qualify for welfare because you don’t have kids. Then you’ll learn that food stamps and section 8 are off the table because you have a drivable car, which counts as an “asset”. You will sell all of your belongings out of desperation, then you will be evicted/foreclosed on, spend a while in a shelter, and maybe – MAYBE – after several months to five years of waiting, you might qualify for a program that will provide you with partially-subsidized housing. But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get very fat on all the food you can’t buy. Once everything you own is gone and you can get food stamps, maybe you’ll discover a way to get fat on instant ramen.
Being poor sucks. That said, I would strongly encourage you to test this. Show us how wrong we are, Patriot!
I think it’s more that success comes from keeping voters too ignorant to grasp the lies. I suppose not really an either/or.
Roy G.
Yes, because Real Murikans are RPIs – Religious Provincial Idiots.
Leaving Texas
@Bart: Look, I’m just relieved I’m not related to her. Mr. Texas and I were convinced for several days that the guy hanging the chair from his tree in Austin was my brother. Thankfully, he was not.
@You Know Who: you would want to do that, LOSER.
No, he was an impoverished cripple. Hence, an Obamacare moocher.
@You Know Who: It’s amazing: you actually don’t have any shame whatsoever.
@You Know Who: Give it a shot. Let us know how it works out for you.
El Cid
The Founding Fathers — including Thomas Jefferson and actual scientistitistude type Ben Franklin — were in favor of rule by dumbasses?
You misunderstand Greenwald: being a dick is his agenda.
@dmsilev: So he probably wasn’t capable of opening doors when little old white ladies wanted to vote.
@You Know Who: Do it. Maybe for once, people like you would realize that being in that situation is not “lucky” and having it “easy.” That most people end up there for a variety of factors, and you would be just about the only person in that situation that CHOSE it deliberately in order to be a moocher.
Go Galt, mofo. All these people that threaten to go Galt, all these states that threaten to secede NEVER FUCKING DO. Put up or shut up.
Grumpy Code Monkey
And not just at the national level; we need to flip state legislatures as well. The mouth-breathers are pretty deeply entrenched in TX, and we need some help from the national party to break that hold.
No poltical party ever thrives by openly treating its potential base with contempt.
Romney slammed millions of Americans as moochers, as the 47 percent permanent victim class.
But when caught, they didn’t even have the brains to say, “No, we don’t mean you, we mean those people over there.”
Instead, their message was, “anyone who doesn’t vote with us is no better than white sluts, lazy Negroes, and freeloading Mexicans.”
And they double downed with their lies about the recovery of the auto industry and their odd, robotic reaction to Hurricane Sandy. It was a parody of Thurston Howell III: “How dare you ask the federal government for help, when all you had to do was sail out of the storm on your yacht.”
And now it looks as though the GOP may be setting themselves up for staggering defeat in the next round of mid term elections, at least outside of the Deep South.
You know what’s more awesome? By 2016 we’re going to have an entire generation of new voters who won’t even have a living memory of the last non-catastrophic GOP president.
I like Ike.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us? (formerly MarkJ)
@dmsilev: You win the internets for today.
I am immensely relieved today.
Oh, and fuck the GOP for making it so that I was a little concerned that they’ve corrupted the process enough to steal it. Every action they take shows utter contempt for America.
And I’m glad they failed.
Only slightly OT, this from a yammering fool at Feeble Recroom (FR) on why the Asians (or Latinos for that matter) don’t vote for them: “The GOP got killed among Asian-Americans, who logically should be strong GOP supporters. The GOP is not even asking itself why.
Can somebody tell me why Asian-Americans vote for democRATS? You’re right, Mr. Jeeves… logically they should be strong GOP supporters.
WHY do they vote for ‘RATs? I don’t understand this.”
Having spent a good deal of my career living and working in SE Asia, the idiot poster obviously doesn’t understand the difference between the Tea Party/Gooper political and social culture and that of many Asian and even Latino cultures. Asians come from cultures in which collaboration and cooperation are traditionally essential for survival. They live cheek by jowl. Rice cultivation requires an elaborate and interdependent division of labor. Visit a rural village on Java and one in Iowa and they are vastly different. The religions, cultures and many of the political systems do not worship so-called rugged individualism and the kind of dog-eat-dog savagery that the right-wing in this country espouses. They laugh at “I built this.” The point is that a lot of Asians and Latinos are turned off by extremist individualism, frankly. Until that changes or until a lot more of these immigrant communities are socialized into a Gooper perspective (FSM forbid), the right wing is not going to win over a significant fraction of these communities.
IIRC, Republicans have traditionally done pretty well among Vietnamese-Americans because a lot of them fled the Communist government and came here as refugees during the Nixon years, and they were grateful for that. But IIRC most Asian-Americans do lean towards the Democrats because of the extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Republicans.
I always thought it was a shame that the Louisiana Democratic Party wasn’t able (or willing?) to get Joseph Cao to switch to the Democrats, because he was exactly the kind of non-ideological, non-Tea Party Republican who (IMO) was ripe for the plucking if they’d played their cards right. Alas, it was not to be.
@You Know Who: And the problem with unfettered capitalism is that eventually you run out of other peoples labor. Just remember that.
@Baud: I agree when the firebaggers pulled thier bull shit back in 2000 and 2010 the empowered the Rethugs. We need to run a political train on the GOP for 3 or 4 election cycles then maybe they will step to america in good faith.
Jon H
No racial connotations to that, no sir.
mai naem
@mainmati: It isn’t just that. It’s also that the GOP and Teabaggers treating Obama like a “foreigner”,”unAmerican”, “Musleem”,” Islamofacistic” and “alien to American culture” makes Asians wonder what the GOP think about them. Anywhere else in the world, it would be considered a positive that you had an international upbringing. Only in America would a political party portray it as sinister and get away with it.
@You Know Who:
♪ ♫ ♬
Ah, sweet wingnut tears!
At last I’ve found you!
♪ ♫ ♬
(can’t find the right clip, oh well)
Sure, the far-right psychos are threatening violence. That’s standard operating procedure, always has been ever since the post-Civil-War days of the nightriders threatening to burn and lynch uppity negroes.
What’s significant to me is that this election, the liberals grew a pair and started threatening back. Remember those Michael Moore videos featuring WW II vets staring at the camera and snarling “If the Republicans steal this election, we’re going to burn the motherfucker down!”?
Yeah, baby. Get in their faces. Threaten ’em. That’s how you deal with the far right. Threaten their asses right back.
Then, suddenly, the fearsome right turns into a whining impotent pussycat. That’s how you deal with bullies, threaten their asses until they back down and crawl away. You get a bully in you face, you deal with him by whacking him upside the head with a baseball bat and stamping on his head with your boot until he stops trying to sucker punch you.
Payback, motherfuckers. It’s a bitch.
@joel hanes:
He’s a spy and a girl-de-light-er…
isnt “PO / You Know Who” a DougJ sockpuppet? he seems eerily similar to the infamous Gary Ruppert at SN! who I always suspected was Retardo’s sock puppert
this PO dude’s spelling and grammar is too good to be for reals
is he a confirmed Right Wing troll?
@Hugely: heh puppert
I don’t know what a PORGI is, but it sounds ADORABLE.
Wally Ballou
@joel hanes:
I knew somebody would beat me to it.