Listen folks–I don’t know if you knew this but…
“The school discriminated against this teacher, yes they absolutely did and they should have,” Fischer said, “they were absolutely right to do it…. It is right to discriminate against people who engage in aberrant sexual behavior, we should discriminate against people like that.”
Logical. So logical! Gays are icky hence we have the right to be mean to them. Case closed.
On today’s #TWiBRadio we tackle this bowl of magical nutty goodness plus an open letter to Michelle Obama about Beyonce’s wayward nipples, and the amazing choose your own adventure and then get told why if you didn’t agree with Dubya you’re wrong game at the Bush Presidential Center. Take a listen here:
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And this morning on #amTWiB, The Morning Crew discusses ALEC’s Mad Lib legislation being subsidized in South Dakota and Iowa, Oxford University releases research on human extinction and Jimmy McMillan is back and the rent is still too damn high.
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The Decider, bitches!
IIRC, even the sainted Ronald Reagan wasn’t able to get traction with a ban on gay teachers, and that was pre-AIDS. What makes this moron think it’s going to fly with the general public now?
Riccardo Cabeza
Bryan Fischer, Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson, David Barton, Alan Keyes, Tony Perkins, Bill Donahue, John Hagee…limitless room to grift hate for Jesus.
It won’t fly with the general public, but it will persuade hateful bigots to piss a little more liberty cash into his coffers.
The anti-gay industry is going through a transition. The easy money days are over. Lots of people are getting out. This guy is going to pick up any followers whose leader abandons them and milk it as long as he can.
Just Some Fuckhead
I wish my teachers had been gay. With my fashion sense and subtle innuendo while engaging in witty repartee, I’m sure I could have gotten better grades.
Lurking Canadian
Who is this guy Fischer?
So we can discriminate against people like Newt Gingrich, John McCain and Mark Sanford?
Scott S.
It’s only a matter of time before Fischer starts telling people to start axe-murdering their children.
@Calouste: What you just said, twice, with sprinkles.
Gin & Tonic
As far as I’m concerned, the aberrant sexual behavior is spending all your time thinking about what random strangers are doing in their own bedroom.
@Gin & Tonic:
While having yourself a little sexytime with a wetsuit and two dildos. You didn’t think that Bryan Fischer got all those creases and wrinkles at the tanning salon, did you?
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Lurking Canadian: “American Family Association”. He’s basically a fascist nut.
Look on this as a closed system, circulating money from one zealot to the next, from one rube to the zealot, and we all get to stay OUT of it.
If we could JUST get them hermetically sealed so they can’t talk to us, it would be perfect.
Omnes Omnibus
Wait, someone from the AFA is a fascist grifter? Color me shocked.
David Koch
Will Manti Te’o be selected in the first round?
How will the Jets screw up?
Enquirering minds want to know!
pseudonymous in nc
Bryan Fischer is a professional troll. That is all.
And somehow I was the asshole for suggesting this bigoted death cult needs to die.
@David Koch:
I am praying for the Steelers to take Teo so we get to hear a scream of rage from West Virginia as John Cole goes on the rampage.
It’s not really circulating money as much as funneling it up to the boss grifters. Admittedly it circulates among them.
Roger Moore
And the apostates. And ones who are willfully disobedient. And girls who have premarital sex. And, and, and…
Seriously, where is the open NFL draft thread? Has Cole sunk so far into spider-hugging candy-ass hippiedom that he’s given up on football altogether?
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: Spiders do have many limbs; perhaps the hugging is great.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You know, we never did get pictures of Cole’s squeeze…
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have a degree in spiders. I worked in a spider breeding program for awhile. Spider hugging is not great. Sweet and loving relationships are not a spider thing. Cannibalism – cannibalism is a spider thing. Also FABULOUS dancing.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Lurking Canadian: That is my question, why should any give a flying f*ck what he or his fellow travelers, like William Donahue or Tony Perkins thinks? I am beginning to think they are professional trolls pulling progressive chains for money, or double agents who actually help progressive causes with their chain pulling.
Omnes Omnibus
Good to know.
Mr Stagger Lee
@efgoldman: They get paid and live in upscale troll-holes, eating bugs and worms from only the best dirt. :-D
@efgoldman: The paydays.
I am still recovering from the Dolphins jumping up to the 3rd spot and snagging Dion Jordan. Never saw Jeff Ireland taking that gamble.
El Caganer
Fischer was talking about Adam Savader?
“It is right to discriminate against people who engage in aberrant sexual behavior, we should discriminate against people like that.”
So when Jesus saved the adulterous woman, Fischer would have been there to stone her.
Jay in Oregon
Jesus wouldn’t have gotten halfway through “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” before any Republican within earshot started throwing rocks.
There ain’t nothing they love more than demonstrating their moral superiority by kicking people when they’re down.
pseudonymous in nc
They get paid. In wingnut welfare, which is not the same as earning a living, but the conversion rate between wingnut welfare dollars and honest ones is still 1:1.
@pseudonymous in nc: The resident troll of Seattle is intrigued, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.