Tunch has been on my tip ALL…NIGHT…LONG… because after the Pens win last night I gave Rosie and Lily left over steak and Tunch some tuna to celebrate the Pens win.
Now, he wants more tuna, and went so far as to knock his food bowl with kibble off the table so both dogs could eat it. BECAUSE IT WAS NOT TUNA.
Fat bastard.
When Tunch does it, it is not illegal.
Jerzy Russian
Kids these days.
Corner Stone
Cole, you are the worst person in the world.
According to my wife, Tunch will most definitely starve unless you get him some TUNA NOW. Yeah, she’s a sucker. She would call him a fat bastard on the way to get the tuna though.
I used to live with a large pompous tabby cat. One Thanksgiving, a friend of ours came over and made oyster stuffing, and he gave a piece of oyster to the cat.
That cat refused to eat anything except more oysters. He sat next to his food bowl in the kitchen, waiting for it to fill with oysters, for the next four days before he finally gave in and ate his usual kibble. And I don’t think he ever quite forgave us.
Just Some Fuckhead
You should stop feeding the cat for six months so it can get normal sized again.
Chickamin Slam
Once food becomes an issue, its always an issue. Same on this end only when the cat complains I’ll put it the laundry room with a bowl of water and the litterbox. I already fed her. I told her who does she think she is, Tunch?
This is the second time you have said Tunch was on your “tip.” The first time I assumed that it was an autocorrect mistake for lap, but now . . .
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: I refrained from making the connection because…ewww.
Old fat white guy obvs has no idea what “on my tip” means.
Corner Stone
Cole. It’s a sexual reference you fat piece of shit. “On my tip” means someone sexually aggressive on you.
@Steeplejack: I also noticed he used that expression twice. I figured it was a West Virginia phrase for someone being on your ass, or something that I really shouldn’t bring up until Cole was emotionally prepared to talk about his tip and why Tunch seems to be on it.
Corner Stone
And I say that out of love.
TaMara (BHF)
There should be photos with all Tunch stories.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE having the rotating tags back? I didn’t realize how much I missed them until they came back. Thanks mistermix.
@Corner Stone:
I knew it was some hippety-hop lingo that I don’t get because I’m old.
ETA: You know Urban Dictionary is mainly run by 13-year-old boys trying to see who can get the weirdest/funniest thing included, right?
@TaMara (BHF): Pics or it never happened.
I shall alert proper authoritahs. Also. Too.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
OK, since this is an open thread about season finales, I will bring it up again: John Hurt is an awesome season ending twist to Doctor Who. It will give people something to talk about in November.
I need to hear more about what the Koch brothers think.
@efgoldman: I done told you to be careful when you do that stuff!
So what…
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): so, I have two theories… First is that he’s an older version of The Valyard. Second is that he’s the Eighth Doctor near the end of the Time War.
Or, it’s something completely unrelated to either of those
Just wait until the cat sneaks out and returns, dragging a 200-lb. tuna.
@aangus: So What
Though it is very hit and miss, the hits are worth it.
Venture Brothers returns June 2.
Loves me some Dr. Girlfriend.
But, on the other hand…
Wall Street Journal: Couple wants to redefine charity by giving “only to those that prove they are worth it.” Huh. (Warning: long ass article).
All. Tuna. All. The. Gotdamn. Time. I don’t know why that’s so hard for you to understand, Cole! Sheesh. It’s a good thing I have Yutsano looking out for Tunch for me.
That much tuna and the cat will expand and contract along with the temperature.
@NotMax: Demanding kitteh is demanding. If JC keeps this up wifey will just have to go rescue him.
Just an FYI for those interested last night, I didn’t take my boy to see his big sis go to sleep today. He was all over sniffing me when I got back today and really got excited when I let him smell her collar.
He’s sleeping now and I will be too here soon. A very sad, but somewhat peaceful day, in its own way.
Corner Stone
@KG: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
But…is it even possible to *end* a “time war” ?
Never have been able to make heads nor tails over who or what “wifey” refers to.
Yutsano/Yatsuno is asiangrrlMN’s fake internet husband, so he calls her “wifey.”
I’m not sure if that will be any less confusing for you.
@asiangrrlMN = wifey. She grabbed me and demanded this.
M. Bouffant
Made audible lol noises after reading what Tunch did. Good for him.
Lucky dogs.
pot, kettle.
…are both round.
what happened to the lovely Z? Is she getting any of the tuna?
She did not fit in with the group dynamic and was successfully rehomed elsewhere.
Yeah… I’ll just leave this here then.