I’ve been a longtime reader of Stu Rothenberg’s site mainly because he reads every local paper and finds some good early stuff on local House and Senate races. Otherwise his main function is to translate from the native teabagger to the Snooze Hour dialect of totebagger in his many TV appearances as an “impartial analyst”, (DC Republican). Apparently he and his staff have been a little lonely lately:
But they still value their manhood:
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Near future headline:
“GOP Candidate Holds Steady at 27% and Has Not Even Claimed That Rape ‘…only hurts at first’ Yet.”
Is it possible to emasculate Speaker not-Freddie’s Boner at this point? I thought Eric Cantor began Project De-Boner Boner as soon as the Kochwork Orange “won” election to his current precarious position.
Alex S.
“27% of voters think that men talking about rape appear more masculine.”
It’s always about appearances and messaging with these people. They will never consider that their message sucks balls.
Barn jacket? Does he keep it in the staged pickup truck he drives the last mile to campaign stops?
PS I remember one of the Dems (Schweitzer or Tester) from Montana wearing a barn jacket in an ad. It didn’t get turned into a meme, thank FSM.
Re: Bruce Rauner, Googling on his name, the auto-suggest thingy comes up with ‘Bruce Rauner net worth’, and one of the first links is a local newstory that opens
So, real man of the people there, and I’m sure that barn jacket is completely authentic.
@dmsilev: If Blago had only thought of the barn jacket…..
Maybe one day I will pull off the perfect impression of Official Black Republican Punditress™ and ride that sweet, sweet gravy train of stupid. Until then, I’ma let you read this crap. I squirreled up some cash and instead of shoes, I’m hitting Ikea for frames for my first hanging in a decade. 3000 images to sort.
@ruemara: You’re having a photo show? *high five*
Good for you! I hope we’ll get to see some of the images you select.
@BGinCHI: Surely the hair counts for something?
It didn’t save Rick Perry.
(And no doubt Mandalay will now denounce us all for focusing on Rick Perry’s hair rather than his policies!)
@dmsilev: Not in the joint.
Another day another Republican WTF.
Not a good day to be DougJ, unless he enjoys being p3wned by a Supreme Court Justice.
Check out the fabulous pop-song reference on page 2 of Justice Kagan’s opinion in American Trucking Associations v. City of Los Angeles.
Yay! Please post some of the photos for us!
I’d be even more impressed if she had referred to Federal pre-emption as the wall of death for inconsistent state statutes.
She could surely have managed to work in “death panel” somewhere. I guess the Supremes just aren’t what they were without Diana Ross.
The Red Pen
A daily refrain on Free Republic is that the Republicans would win if they would just explain the clear and unarguable benefits of their policies. This is especially true about minorities. After all, what struggling minority citizen wouldn’t be enthused to learn that under Republican policies, they could start a business and become a millionaire rather than being a uncivilized social parasite like they are now.
The headline writer should go ahead and come out to his parents. I’m sure that, in the end, they will still love him.
@ruemara: “I’m hitting Ikea for frames for my first hanging in a decade.”
Isn’t that frame called a gibbet?
Oh, I mean, high five! Hang em high five!
This thread is knocking me out! Richard Thompson! Art photography!
So “barn jacket” is the new “earth tones”? I hope the media points and laughs at all the rancher wannabes.
I sold some barn jackets on ebay, back in the day: one a Lee engineer jacket from the 30s-40s, one an old denim Carhartt from a similar era. Each of them passed the $2K mark, and they made their way to separate homes in Japan. Everybody in the post-industrial moneyed world recognizes the authenticity factor of a working man’s wardrobe.
What is a barn jacket?
deep tin
maybe that horrible thing rick perry was wearing all the time
A barn jacket.
(The kids. These days. sheesh)
One variation.
What the fuck is a barn jacket? Is it covered in hay, cow dung, and smells like a rotting corpse?
Edit: Looks like I have my answer a few comments up. So a barn jacket is just a regular jacket, eh?
The Red Pen
@Anoniminous: That would never fit on a barn.
remember when Eddie Murphy was funny?
And yet, despite unlimited corporate cash, this never gets done.
Speaking of love:
I can only hope and pray to the FSM that David Brooks attempts to write about this from a Burkeanly modest perspective.
That would be Donald Trump.
Villago Delenda Est
Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed…by shitty marketing!
@The Red Pen:
Mark S.
Yeah, that guy’s a dead ringer for Brad Pitt.
Hollywood for ugly people.
@Mark S.:
More like late-period Sean Bean without the stubble or the charisma.
peach flavored shampoo
Wouldn’t it be better eco-porn if they had sex with the trees instead? Or maybe a windmill, or a vibrating solar panel? Why would I want to watch 2 people with armpit hair and dreads bang each other while collecting mosquito bites and poison ivy?
@peach flavored shampoo:
A splinter group is probably testing the idea out right now.
@peach flavored shampoo:
Now I want to watch for the humor factor.
Everybody saw what you did there.
I only did it to save the rainforests, Yer Honor, honest!
Patricia Kayden
@The Red Pen: Minorities would have to overlook the xenophobia, homophobia, sexism and racism that engulfs T’Baggers/Repubs though, which is almost impossible to do.
@NickT: I am intrigued by the idea of using porn as a force for doing good.
You attract the ecology-minded, the nature lovers, the nature lovers…
Should the barn jacket fail to produce the desired results, Rauner is prepared. His campaign manager has hinted that he may produce several TV ads in which he wears his tool shed shirt. If that doesn’t create favorable buzz, he may be forced to deploy his treasured outhouse pants.
All we need now is Tom Friedman’s taxi-driver and the world is our Viennese oyster.
Forum Transmitted Disease
@wenchacha: Jesus. I bought one at a WalMart while visiting North Carolina back on an unseasonably cold day back in 2004. Didn’t think I was buying a future collector’s item. I better quit eating guacamole tacos in the thing and put it in storage. Plus, someone might mistake me for a politician. Can’t have that.
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
Just don’t drive around Massachusetts in a pickup truck making remarks about fake Indians and you’ll be fine.
Hungry Joe
I can trace the roots of the supposed Barn Coat Effect at least back to ’96 and 2000, when, somewhat hilariously, Lamar Alexander tooled around in a lumberjack shirt. The earliest I can remember any kind of movement in candidate attire was when RFK popularized the shirtsleeves-rolled-up thing; by the mid-’70s — just post-Watergate — a rising young pol all but had to appear in campaign ads with tie loosened and sleeves rolled up, holding a jacket slung over one shoulder. Often as not he was walking toward the camera: A man in MOTION.
@Hungry Joe: it happens most every election cycle to some degree. Obama did the rolled up sleeves thing in 2008, I think. GWB did the rancher thing, as did Reagan. She Who Shall Not Be Named did the hockey jersey thing. It’s supposed to be a subtle way to remind voters that they are voting for real people who aren’t that much different than them. Even though they are totally different from the average voter and live in a completely different world that doesn’t involve a 45 minute commute in stop and go (but mostly stop) traffic, little league practices, dance and karate classes, and all the other shit real people have to deal with that most people at that high a level of politics don’t really have to go through.
@ruemara: Congrats! !
Forget those retro purist hipsters. Here is your modern “barn jacket” from L.L. Bean. That’s where your modern GOP manly man is getting his.
Great! I can’t remember if you already have an Etsy store, but if not, it’s probably worth looking into. Extra income is extra income.
Because your heart is pure and your cause just, I will give you a sentence at the bottom of the guidelines range. Ten years in a FEMA labor camp!
If I make a clean breast of it, can I have a transfer to the FEMEN labor camp instead, sir, please sir, your Worship, your Honor?
@KG: Lamar Alexander was rocking the barn coat/flannel shirt schtick back in ’79 when he ran for Governor of Tennessee. Walked across the whole state like that. Pretty great optics for the time.
chrome agnomen
i had to look up what a barn jacket is, and i’ve either farmed or ranched half my life. guess it wasn’t the kind of farming or ranching that real murkins do.
grandpa john
@Mnemosyne: Yeaah, grandpa john made some extra money for a few years selling his wooden toys at etsy. It was a hell of a lot easier than working craft fairs. Since we were in our 70’s we were debating retiring, then last year my wife was informed that a cousin in Conn. had left her an inheritance of about a half a million, and that ended any indecision about retiring from the craft business.
Ha! Stewart Mills is the dipshit who made this video, where he says a shotgun is more lethal than the AR clones they sell in his daddy’s stores.
Pretty compelling argument about the downside of inherited wealth…