Oxfam has limited operations in Syria and is also working at refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan. If you have other suggestions for relief organizations working there, or anything else to discuss, here’s an open thread.
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First it was the striking fast-food workers….now this stuff is moving to airports….
sent 100 dollars to Oxfam (10,000 yen really). Thanks for posting this and reminding me to do even just a tiny bit to actually help someone over.
Another good group is Doctors Without Borders.
@PurpleGirl: my wife sends money every month to them. I do Oxfam, she does the Doctors.
One of the reasons, that Oxfam spends so much on fundraising is because they do not accept money from government sources that has strings attached. Don’t let this deter you, from donating to them. It’s a great organization.
Bruce Lawton
@Punchy: Let it spread to all hourly workers in offices and stores too. Imagine all the banks and insurance companies who would have cough up for the peons.
Keith G
@Punchy: I had heard the the birds in my area were unionized. At least they appear to be. Though…..they do work for peanuts.
Edit…Some folks aren’t clicking the link.
What is up with that ‘Account Suspended’ stuff?
Did Cole forget to pay the rent again?
Gin & Tonic
Maybe somebody should send Cole money instead?
LOL, I thought I was the only one who got that.
“Account Suspended”?
I’m like, “That fucker Cole or one of his minions finally decided to ban me, and I ain’t even DO shit”.
Where you bean frijole?
Unlike that ripoff Game of Thrones, the real GoT(Ghost of Tunch) is wreaking havoc with this site.
Jewish Steel
I assumed it was a DoS attack from Cole’s enemies.
Ash Can
Yeah, that was interesting. My first thought was that Cole either had neglected to pay his light bill or had pissed someone off at FYWP.
Will somebody please help John find his pants?
Glad the site’s back up. Thanks for getting it fixed, mistermix.
@Ash Can: I can’t imagine Cole pissing someone off, so I’ll just assume it was an error.
Happened last week for a few hours too.
Maybe Obama shot at Syria and hit WordPress instead? Win-Win.
Bruce Lawton
@AxelFoley: I got “account suspended” too for about an hour this AM. Must be a glitch ’cause I cleaned up my potty mouth last year. Obviously we have been forgiven.
HALP!! I r being oppressed!
Apparently I was not alone. A big hearty FYWP and a FTFY to boot.
It’s a relief to know I’m not the only one who got the “account suspended” message. I thought I was in trouble or something.
@SiubhanDuinne: I just sent you a message and thanks for the notification.
@eemom: No, kidding. A little explanation would be appreciated.
Back to topic, I’m a big fan of Médecins sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders. They do wonderful work (not to discourage anyone from giving to Oxfam or any other organization that’s doing good work in Syria and other troubled places around the world).
@JPL: Yup, saw it, thanks. Wasn’t sure whether you knew.
Bill E Pilgrim
You’ve all been banned and just don’t realize it yet. Welcome to Balloon Juice Purgatory. Please wait quietly until your fate has been decided.
Mistermix says John and the Hosting Service had a misunderstanding over the bill
Ash Can
Does this mean we can’t say “fuck” here anymore?
@Ash Can: I hope not. The diaries and posts would be awfully short.
Ash Can
@jeffreyw: Gee, I was only kidding…
John Kerry is making Hillary look so very good in comparison. It is being bandied around that a photo of a morgue containing rows of white-wrapped bodies of sarin victims that was released by his office as being current from Syria is actually the wrong war. It was taken in 2003 in Iraq. Does nothing embarrass these people? The photographer supposedly caught it.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Didn’t I see that on an old Twilight Zone episode?
Maybe the blog decided it couldn’t take any more T&H posts and activated the immune response.
@Mino: Doesn’t anybody check the kerning on those pictures first?
(BTW, I think most SoS’s would fall short in comparison to Hillary. I thought she was very effective.)
This just goes to show you fuckers what will happen if you keep talking to that jackass T&H!
Amir Khalid
I saw the Account Suspended page too. My own suspicions, in the order that they occurred to me, were that
— I got hit with the banhammer. (I’m like AxelFoley, I ain’t DO shit)
— I forgot to pay my ISP. (I’m paid up through the end of the month.)
No doubt mistermix will have the whole entertaining story for us in due course.
the Conster
I see suspended people.
Have a look at the first Newsmax headline.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Mino: You sure about that? I would think Kerry would find it just delicious throwing the Right’s own words back in their face after the 2002 Iraq Resolution.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: He was led astray by the BBC. His office has retracted the statement/reference.
@Mino: I suspect everyone has to learn the “news people are not the source of information” lesson. There are some things that just cannot be passed down.
Donation page for Doctors Without Borders.
Though apparently some people are turning MSF/DWB into The Enemy because they reported treating victims, which couldn’t possibly be true because Kerry=Powell. Sigh.
Have been a regular donor to MSF, about Three years now, only stopping because of hubby’s retrentmrnt, might need a one off. Has any one else noticed the decrepit ids between what MSF reported and Kerry reported- at least three times that deThs
I wish the people of Syrir the best ES tAke care of
F eA h
Hubby & I are off to town ills to visual our daugtter
This year for Christmas, a donation has been made in your name to the Syria Fund — Money for Syria.