I got a kick out of this SNL parody of Bachmann-Boehner Overdrive.
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by DougJ| 51 Comments
This post is in: Humorous
I got a kick out of this SNL parody of Bachmann-Boehner Overdrive.
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Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Imma let you finish, but I need to blogwhore first:
Or click on my nym. Sorry for the long delay, but I was away from my computer most of last weekend.
Not enough brain bleach in the world to get those horrid images out of my mind!
I love Taran Killam.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
I didn’t understand it.
I can’t bring myself to laugh at the GOP anymore. They’re getting thisclose to deciding that blowing it all up is better than caving to Obama.
Fuck them for playing with matches around dynamite for pride, or because they’re mad at the black man in the White House, for blocking ACA, or whatever the shit they think they’re doing anything for at this point.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Stanwyck was da bomb!
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
I agree, but she was even MORE of a bombshell Pre-Code. She really had to tone herself down to make the transition to the Production Code. To be addressed in a future essay, of course. ?
Actually, I found it as disgusting as I find the man. yuck!
Omnes Omnibus
Newtown, CT, has voted to demolish the Sandy Hook elementary school and build a new one on the site.
zizi2 @zizii2
Who BENEFITS from #GOPDefault? Who benefits from mass-scale FEAR, global financial chaos? Follow the money
4:24 PM – 6 Oct 2013
zizi2 @zizii2
#GOPLemmings do you know where ur #KochPuppetmasters hve MOVED their assets to? Cantor shorts US creditworthiness. What’s in it for You?
2:58 PM – 6 Oct 2013
zizi2 @zizii2
Now we know when Kochs flew Cantor, Ryan, Boehner, Cruz, et al for the billionaires’ retreat this year, they were MANDATED to DESTROY USA
4:06 PM – 6 Oct 2013
zizi2 @zizii2
PHANTOM @RepPeteKing “moderates” gang is a choreographed dogbone-toss intended to string out #Democrats & Media. #GOPshutdown
4:20 PM – 6 Oct 2013
Well I thought it was pretty funny.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Might be the only way to stop the NRA from swarming over it. When the gun fondlers were having their hissy fit at Starbucks, they decided to protest in Newtown.
Omnes Omnibus
That is one of the good things about the discharge petition. Let’s see the “sane” Repubs step up. Put up or shut up time.
gogol's wife
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I have no idea what the original of this parody is, but it made me LOL.
Okay, so she actually does have a nice voice.
Bobby Thomson
@Omnes Omnibus: um, they won’t. But as we are living in boxes, we can cling to the hope that maybe some of the talking heads finally see that both sides don’t do it. Cold fucking comfort and it won’t happen anyway.
It’s kind of astonishing how thoroughly Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber have merged into one person. They look the same, they sound the same, they strike the same poses…
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Oh, I know. I liked Night Nurse, but Illict was my favorite of her pre-Code movies. I also have love for Remember the Night, even though it’s way post-Code.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: It is a parody of this. Some of the dance moves (including the bears) from the controversial VMA performance originate in this video as well.
@gogol’s wife: I just watched the original (Can’t Stop) on YouTube. It’s a solid and detailed parody. And the premise lines up fairly well: bunch of unsupervised idiots acting stupid.
mai naem
@Omnes Omnibus: I think that is an utter waste of money. I don’t mean to sound inconsiderate. I know an awful event took place there but I can’t believe they can’t figure out a cheaper way of changing the interior and exterior to the point where you don’t recognize the original building.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@mai naem: Kabuki theater.
@mai naem: Wealthy community will produce construction jobs. I’m for it.
Feudalism Now!
There is no way to change the interior for less money than new construction. The way school aid is structured renovation costs 2 to 3 times as much.
Omnes Omnibus
@mai naem: I wouldn’t be surprised if it is cheaper to rebuild that it would be to completely remodel.
gogol's wife
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I look forward to reading this soon. Did you catch General Yen last night? I fell asleep.
In her first SNL hosting gig a couple of years ago, MC did a great Bieber impersonation.
I found it to be strangely . . . hot.
Mike in NC
@Omnes Omnibus:
How soon before the NRA offers to buy the property to turn it into a shrine to the beloved Second Amendment?
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: They will be rebuilding on the same site.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: For me, it’s Baby Face.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I commented & left the “c” out of Stanwyck. In case you like the comments tidy…
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@gogol’s wife:
I have to confess, I still have never been able to get through “General Yen.” The racial politics are just too bizarre, especially when she starts fantasizing about him as a Caucasian college boy (!). Throw in the fact that Yen is played by a Caucasian in yellow face and I just can’t watch to the end.
Oh, Baby Face is coming. No worries there.
Keith G
The parody is awesome.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I’ve seen it; watched the last part of it last night. The racial stuff is troubling, but I kept reminding myself that it was the early ’30’s. According to Mankiewicz, if I’m spelling that correctly, the idea of a caucasion-Chinese love affair was pretty scandalous for the time.
@kc: I believe it was banned in the British Empire for that reason. I think it’s one of Capra’s best, certainly not liable to charge of being ‘Capracorn’.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
There was a huge amount of anti-Asian sentiment in the US at the time, which is one of the reasons the government ended up imprisoning innocent Japanese-Americans during WWII. Still, the movie gets into some very weird cul-de-sacs.
Fun fact: Stanwyck and Capra were ending their several years-long affair during the filming of the movie.
I watched about 1min. Got the idea. Amusing, might be more so if I got more of the references.
I think if I’d lost a child in that school… well, honestly, I’d probably still be so medicated I wouldn’t have an opinion. On the whole, it seems better to carry on. (No, I’m not English.)
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Well, yes, but as MikeJ pointed out, there will be some wages/materials/etc money being spent. I hope they commit the money for the job pdq.
me too. also–this was, as much as we may not agree, one of the songs of the summer so it’s great to see the original song being sent up (with pretty clever lyrics to boot!) in this way at the expense of the GOP. The youngs will get it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: It really wasn’t pulling punches. I was both impressed and disturbed.
@FlipYrWhig: Couldn’t agree more! I was waiting to see who, if anyone, would frontpage this here, and I’m glad it was DougJ, because it’s so much in his wheelhouse. As a parody of the original song and video, it’s about as good as a stone-cold Master like Weird Al (and he really is a freaking Jedi at this stuff) could do. That Reagan face KILLED ME!!!
As political satire, I’m inclined to say it’s even better, because the political satire piggybacks on the pop-cultural parody. The masterstroke is Obama peeking in the window through the curtains, and the look of forlorn horror on his face. He is the audience/citizen surrogate, and what he sees in the face of a crisis that demands the utmost seriousness is a House GOP behaving like a parody of that deliberately ridiculous Miley Cyrus video (anyone who doubts the deliberateness of it has only to watch her knowing and meta-ironic performance here). To express teabagger tactics and ideology as the lyrics of a petulant, juvenile, faux-gangsta “anthem” really hits the nail dead on the head.
gogol's wife
Good analysis. I also thought the Obama moment was the best part. (Now I have to go watch the original, as linked by Omnes Omnibus. I always tell my students they need to know the target of the parody to get the full meaning, so I have to take my medicine.)
@gogol’s wife: Once you’ve watched the original and then rewatched the parody, I think you’ll be stunned at how effectively the SNL skit turns weird and repellent elements to smart, sharp political purpose.
gogol's wife
Agreed! It’s brilliant!
@Omnes Omnibus: exactly. If you had ever seen the video before (which the young people have) the parody not only worked perfectly it was right in line with a scathing critique of the GOP. I was actually stunned at how cleverly the used the lyrics to make their points. Also. Too. Boeher’s Ohio T-Shirt with the onesie. FTW.
amen! I too was happy to see DougJ frontpage it.
Also–anyone who doubts that Cyrus knows what she is doing: check out the acapella version of the song form this episode. I loved that she was both so game to do the parody and then take the song and sing it without autotune.
It’s very brilliant, although there are parts I would like to unwatch. Miley actually is talented, although she has a great deal of growing up to do, which may or may not happen.
@kc: He looks a helluva lot better in tight white pants than Boehner would.
morley bolero
“Not available in your country” Fuck You, NBC.ironic considering BTO’s origin.
@Mike in NC:
If “shrine” means shootin’ range, then hell yeah.
While I’m sure CT real estate is expensive, I’d recommend razing it, making it into a memorial and park and putting a new school somewhere else.
master c
dumb. dumber.
@SectionH: It’s basically a straight up parody of the music video of Miley’s smash hit song “We Can’t Stop”. As others have noted, young people will get the references. The video has over 225 million views since June. It’s VERY popular, despite (or because of) Miley’s antics.
Ella in New Mexico
There’s hope for Miley yet–this parody is a chance at redemption for what seems to have been, so far, a completely pointless existence in Pop-Stardom.