Crazy bastards. Has anyone told the teatards we will never be able to cut taxes again for their sugar daddies once we lose our AAA rating and reserve currency status because our interest rates will explode and we will end up spending trillions servicing our debt and every single American will have higher interest rates on EVERYTHING they do?
Hell, that’s math shit. Someone tell them if they do this we won’t have the money to bomb brown people. They’ll understand that.
Comrade Dread
They don’t care. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Comrade Mary
Hi, John!
Davis X. Machina
Extremism in the defense of extremism is no vice.
This is Masada politics.
this is going to be awesome. not in the sense that it’s going to be great, but in the sense that we are all going to be in awe of the stupid.
Did Rome have a tea party too? Anyone know if we are following the downward path that other great nations and empires have taken in the past?
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
John, that’s an awful lot of big words there. I think you need to trust God here, like the rest of my whackadoodle rightwing friends.
Comrade Mary
Also, too.
This still sucks dead donkeys, but we may not be looking at total ruin. Half a hurrah?
pseudonymous in nc
gogol's wife
Is that Slim?
As I said two threads down, the overweight soprano in the horned helmet is warming up her voice right now.
gogol's wife
Ooh, I hope it’s Kirsten Flagstad!
Linda Featheringill
Yeah, I think they are really going to go into default.
Unemployment will increase and we really will turn into Greece. Well, maybe not that bad.
Folks who are already living with food insecurity will likely fall into malnutrition and perhaps even into hunger. Food banks won’t be able to keep up with the demand.
Social Security may become less secure, although the payments will probably come through eventually. If you can hold out that long.
Etc., etc.
And this is some primo schadenfreude:
Scorched earth. They prefer that to ‘caving’ to the uppity black guy
gogol's wife
@Linda Featheringill:
Read dsmilev’s comment?
Spaghetti Lee
I’m holding out hope that the Everyone Else Coalition will run them over tomorrow. They do not have a majority, no matter what anyone says. And that’s what pisses me off most of all. This is all completely avoidable-it could all be fixed in a minute if Boehner went to Pelosi and said “I give. Name your terms.” But he’s a coward who’s completely interested in saving his own skin.
I heard someone say that a passable plan already exists and Boehner’s just waiting to be a dick/give the crazies cover/hold out for a last minute cave. What can I say? I’m an optimist.
@gogol’s wife: It ain’t a done deal, yet. It won’t take much to screw it all up.
The Sequester proved that the world didn’t end. If Obama doesn’t service the debt re the 14th Amendment and cut other expenses, he can be impeached. Interest rates go up, Obamacare gets shelved for lack of funding, victorious Tea Party gets re-elected.
Win. Win. Win.
OT, for diversion: PBS in DC is airing a 3-hour show on comic book Superheroes. Begins at 8:30 p.
Might be a rerun from January, but new to me.
Linda Featheringill
@gogol’s wife:
I was still typing while he was posting.
IF the House accepts the Senate bill, then it might not be so bad.
Actually, I’d like to be wrong in all of my doom and gloom.
I think all this shutdown drama and angst has caused me to shutdown. I find myself wanting to watch stupid movies and just avoid thinking about it.
My kids asked me what I thought would happen and I said that Wednesday morning the markets will open and nosedive and at 11:28 Agent Orange will finally allow a clean debt limit bill to be voted on with the Democrats or we will just go right over the damned cliff.
Roger Moore
@Comrade Mary:
I’ll believe there’s a deal after it has the President’s signature, and not an instant sooner.
Well I’m still going to make sure I have extra cash on hand for the basics. Boehner might decide his speakership is not worth tanking the economy but I am not taking the chance.
also, too.. in a sick way.. i kinda feel bad for him but I’m also the person who just adopted a pet who is five and is being treated for
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
Meh. Boner will be getting in-person visits any time now from people who can make his life considerably more uncomfortable than a bunch of purple-heart-bandaid-wearing yahoos. If he’s smart, he’ll choose the carrot rather than the stick, but one way or another he’ll be swallowing the Hastert rule again.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@dmsilev: I’d love to be a fly on the wall in those meetings with Boehner slurring drunkenly while Cantor whispers maniacally in his ear only to be answered with scriptures from the King James Version of the Holy Bible from his nutbar caucus.
I hate being proven right
schrodinger's cat
Civil War II
@Davis X. Machina: Masada was a lie.
Spaghetti Lee
I really, really do want that to be true. But I think “If John Boehner has zero control over his own party, like hell the likes of Pete Sessions can say anything is for sure going to happen.
In my head, I can see the victory. Boehner gives in, the “anonymous Republicans” who have been complaining about how the teabaggers have too much control nut up and vote with the Dems, a clean/mostly CR + debt raise passes with over 300 votes, the loons are left out to dry, but they regroup and start tearing the establishment “traitors” a new asshole.
It’s either that or disaster, it seems.
Was originally three 1-hour documentaries, narrated by Liev Schreiber.
PBS stations don’t all carry everything, so check your local listings.
Back on topic, have seen nada about Reid bringing a bill up under reconciliation, which cannot be filibustered.
I don’t think markets will nosedive tomorrow if the Senate has a deal early enough. It will nosedive if Cruz filibusters or Boehner starts playing games again.
I feel a lot better about this now, considering how all your other predictions turn out.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Yeah, pretty much one or the other of those. Assuming, of course, that nothing gets bollixed up in the Senate.
Roger Moore
You know things are bad when John McCain and Peter King are the grownup voices in your party.
I listened to Sean Hannity interviewing Lonegan while I was driving home from work. He is totally convinced he willl win in New Jersey tomorrow, and when that happens, he is convinced that Obama will fold immediately.
How do these guys convince themselves these things will happen?
Of course they are going to do it. It’s fucking liberals saying it will be bad. True Believers know that this is just a way of making sure we never use that credit card again. Fiscal discipline! Daddy knows best!
Spaghetti Lee
I don’t know and I don’t care, but when Lonegan loses 58-42 I just want to see his nasty little pig face grasping for excuses on live TV. There’s nothing better than an arrogant jackass who thinks he can’t lose going down in flames.
@Kay: Wow! John McCain is in touch with reality. He must be panicking about losing his invesments.
gogol's wife
She’s a Wagnerian? You get Hoja-to-ho over breakfast?
I have to go back to work, so I’m going to go under the assumption that “it’s over,” as Jonathan Strong who I never heard of before tweeted. That’s good enough for me.
@Anya: And weekly appearances on MTP and FTN are at stake!
Roger Moore
That’s because reconciliation can only be used to bring spending in line with the established budget. It can’t be used to pass a debt ceiling increase, and in any case there isn’t a budget to reconcile to because the Republicans have refused to send conferees to a budget conference committee.
Chris T.
@Spaghetti Lee: The problem is that
BonBoehner is just not capable of the job of Speaker. He’s doing this in order to keep his position, and ironically, this is what will lose him his position the fastest.Had he stuck it to the crazies and brought clean resolutions earlier, much of the House would hate him and want someone else to be Speaker, but there would be no winning coalition and he’d remain Speaker by default. (Not that I know how the House would deal with nobody getting 50% of the Speaker-ship vote.)
Having failed to stick it to the crazies, he will lose in Ohio in 2014, which will not only end his Speaker-ship, but his entire Congressional career.
(There is of course a real chance that the Democrats will take back the House in 2014 anyway, at this point. But he could have been re-elected in the 8th district, and thus kept most of his job.)
He’s actually been repeating versions of that for days.
I think now he’s at the point where he loves to say it, because he can say “as I predicted…”
I bet he hates Cruz.
Davis X. Machina
@srv: It’s a famous lie, and that’s as good as the truth.
So, we know with sociopaths, they are never at fault for anything bad that happens. So, what’s their Dolchstoß story gonna be? That’s what I want to know. I know Obama will be the baddie, but exactly which demand was reasonable that he should have done? Or did he mean for this to happen all along?
@Roger Moore:
Even when he’s being reasonable he always has to do the petty aside “as I PREDICTED”
Yeah, you and everyone else. Congratulations.
@Davis X. Machina: OK, it’s truthy.
“Ted Cruz and his Tortilla Coast Republicans are leading us to a default,”
Mike in NC
Just the other day I thought somebody should Photoshop Ted Cruz’s head onto that picture of Slim Pickens riding the bomb.
Davis X. Machina
@srv: It’s a special kind of truthy, truthy with an agenda, like all those stories about the slaves who fought for the Confederacy.
Spaghetti Lee
Reason has nothing to do with it. I assume the story will go something like “Obama wanted to force Obamacare down all our throats and destroy our freedom, so he spat on WWII veterans and baby pandas until we gave in. We never wanted to shut down the government or trash America’s credit rating, but we were prepared to fight to the end, but Boehner and McConnell sold us out.” Pure lunacy, but a rock-hard foundation for years of resentment.
Fat lady sings, and it ain’t over before then. Last minute deal.
Thank you.
Got interested in comics when attended a small press comic books expo last (?) month.
Cong. John Lewis was there — he’s co-author of “March”, a comic book history of the civil rights movement. His co-author, Andrew something (interesting and intense young guy) spoke on comic books’ subversive past.
Besides, who wants to see villains run the economy off the cliff, in real time, because they aren’t even smart enough to see the consequences?
At least Lex Luthor et al owned their villainy, no?
@Kay: He does everything out of personal animus towards someone. This time his animus is directed towards a terrible person who deserves all the scorn he’s getting, but grandpa walnuts never does anything out of principle (except when it comes to war), despite what his fan boys and girls in the MSM like to tell us.
@Spaghetti Lee: ACORN!!
Moonbatting Average
@bluehill: Ted Cruz = Nero
Spaghetti Lee
@Moonbatting Average:
Nah. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Cruz set Rome on fire.
Amir Khalid
@gogol’s wife:
A short while back Burnspbesq linked to an Anna Russell sketch on YouTube which led me to this.
Mike E
@maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor:
Judging by his orange hue, the dude’s mega-juicing that shit to the point of beta carotene overload.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anya: If Teddie and the Cruzers keep poking sticks at him and he stays mad, Walnuts could become a full time MSM troll in the GOP machine.
Roger Moore
They were stabbed in the back by Congressional leadership. If only Boehner and McConnell had simply stood by their guns and refused to negotiate at all, they could have gotten everything they wanted. The moment the backstabbers decided to
negotiatecompromise with Satan in the Whitehouse, their chances of getting everything were ruined and complete failure was inevitable.Amir Khalid
I have a comment in moderation for some reason, perhaps some issue with the YouTube link. Can you please release it?
Gotta give it up for Charlie Dent here. He’s my rep (not totally bad for a republican, but I’d prefer Callahan by a long mile). I know he’s shitting himself over this. The President only lost the district by less than 3 pts in 2012 and carried it by 6 in 2008. And the Pres won 3 of the 5 counties the district now comprises.
sm*t cl*de
Update in the NYT:
Is there anything in the Patriot Act that can be used to dissolve Congress and allow Obama to rule by decree if they insist on trying to default? Because if there is, I’d say we’ve reached the point where I wouldn’t object to that.
I read a long time ago he was the “least-liked” person in the Senate. I know his public persona is considered “straight shooting” or whatever, but to me he always just came off as plain mean. snippy and probably vindictive.
Of course, Ted Cruz is skin-crawlingly loathsome, so now that probably isn’t true.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Kay: I think now he’s at the point where he loves to say it, because he can say “as I predicted…”
I was just gonna say: his statement sure seemed to have an awful lot of I-told-you-so (I’m such a “Maverick”)-ness in it.
Original Lee
@dmsilev: Amazing Grace has 5 verses, IIRC. What a maroon.
@Roger Moore: Don’t forget Cantor. It wouldn’t be a proper Dolchstoß story if he doesn’t get blamed too.
@Kay: McCain is probably jealous that Cruz stole his least-liked person in the Senate title.
Original Lee
@Roger Moore: Well, plus the fact that the last time I looked, the House had only passed 4 of the 12 appropriations bills.
@Roger Moore: Maybe they are heavily invested in US treasury
Scott S.
I’m honestly a bit amazed that Wall Street hasn’t hired a few legbreakers to go get the Republicans back under control already.
@Scott S.: They are not controllable, they are feral animals…
@Spaghetti Lee: You must have a direct line to the future. That’s about the size of it.
@Gozer: Charlie Dent’s the one whose gerrymandered district now sends a tentacle way, way out to his house, right?
Roger Moore
I think they come from purplish areas and know they can’t get ahead purely by playing to the crazies. I wonder if McCain has privately decided he’s not running for reelection and has decided he just wants to say what’s on his mind and to hell with the consequences.
Howard Beale IV
@Scott S.: They’re too busy trying to make sure that if the dreaded D happens, they got their positions hedged so as to not become this decade’s Lehman Brothers/Bear Stearns/AIG.
Once they’ve stabilized, THEN they’ll send in the ninjas (if their constituents haven’t already drawn and quartered them first.)
And good old Crazy Uncle Pat is along for the ride too, boys and girls.
@Original Lee:
booman is a bit smug tonight as well.
They are not going to “do it”. They maybe confused right now about how to stop it, but they aren’t going to do it. At least not unless they back up and fall over the bucket and accidentally go over the cliff. My “scientific” model for these folks are the Boston Bomber Brothers — persistently and irrevocably clueless — where is the 711 anyone?
gogol's wife
@Amir Khalid:
I’m not sure. He lives in Allentown, the entirety of which is in Lehigh County, which in it’s entirety is in PA-15. Prior to the recent redistricting there was very little of Lehigh Co. outside of the district. Again, I’m not sure.
My district rep called and left a message on my phone to join in on a town hall conference call. It’s a good thing I wasn’t home, otherwise I would have jumped on and ripped the SOB apart for being a Republican teatard.
That said, this whole thing is making me think of what TS Eliot wrote:
Next you’ll be telling us you bear a strong resemblance to Lauritz Melchior. I’m sure you do.
If I close my eyes and ears.
Hahaha at “amazement.” There are at least six stanzas.
Hahaha at “amazement.” There are at least six stanzas.
Abraham LIncoln was a remarkably shrewd man. Is this not something that could be said today:
…How then shall we perform it?–At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?– Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!–All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide…”
By the way, when I hear the Confederate Party called “Republican,” I believe you could light up the whole country if you could hook up Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and Frederick Douglass spinning in their graves.
I don’t think he was being metaphorical about the leg breaking.
Kind of hard to be feral with both legs broken…
AA+ Bonds
…miss me yet?
Why not? I’m sure she’s a lovely lady, plus exceedingly tolerant (as is Mrs. SFAW, of course).
@AA+ Bonds:
Yeah, but only because my aim is off.
About 2 weeks shy of 25 for me, you old fart.
“You gotta know when to walk the dog.”
@Linda Featheringill: Once people get hungry, they get desperate, and they don’t worry so much about niceties like laws. Unfortunately the innocent are usually the ones who fall victim to this desperation.
I would like to recommend that the hungry cannibalize republicans, but I cannot in good conscience ask them to devour such rotten carrion. Can you imagine the gruesome death that would result from eating John Boehner’s liver?
@Spaghetti Lee: You’re saying he’s less than Nero?
Bobby Thomson
I really hope that the ensuing war that comes when we can no longer pay for anything does not destroy my children, and that the world is still habitable. I am no longer hopeful that the resulting world order will be an improvement, regardless of who “wins.”
We had a good run there.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Electric Boogaloo?
I’m waiting for them to actually do it before I go all Charlton Heston PLANET OF THE APES.
Felonius Monk
John Boehner — the coward’s coward. All the time we thought he was orange when in reality he was just YELLOW. He is a most seditious fuck up. May he never find the jar his balls are buried in.
@Kay: Hopefully McCain isn’t the only one to realize this.
But Michelle Backmann is so happy. Doesn’t that count for something?
@bluehill: No, they had Xtians, who apparently had a similar effect even then.
@SiubhanDuinne: Apparently their hymnal is as abbreviated as their scripture.
“1st Lt. Milo Minderbinder: Nately died a wealthy man, Yossarian. He had over sixty shares in the syndicate.
Yossarian: What difference does that make? He’s dead.
1st Lt. Milo Minderbinder: Then his family will get it.
Yossarian: He didn’t have time to have a family.
1st Lt. Milo Minderbinder: Then his parents will get it.
Yossarian: They don’t need it, they’re rich.
1st Lt. Milo Minderbinder: Then they’ll understand.”
jake the snake
Cole, the picture is brilliant, though Ted Cruz does not much resemble Slim Pickens. Perfect illustration of the Tea Party, much better than lemmings with suicide vests.