A friend of mine from back in my radio days sent this link along via Zuckerberg’s Voluntary Total Information Awareness Network, AKA Facebook, and damned if I have not listened to it five times in a row and had tears the first time:
I figure I saddle you all with so many shitty earworms I might as well share something good.
*** Update ***
Because I care so much:
Just Some Fuckhead
If you are trying to make up with me, dig out the Cars.
Keith P.
I dislike that song too much to even hear a cover of it.
Omnes Omnibus
Christ, this drags more than the original.
I haven’t made it through all seven yet, but the Carrie Manolakos version is not bad.
I think Pablo Honey is still my favorite Radiohead album.
@Keith P.: Creep is the one song on the album I will skip through. I don’t hate it. Just have heard it enough.
Creeps is plural, not possessive in this context. I am not a crank.
I updated my router. I feel like a queen. Of a very, very tiny virtual kingdom with snoring cats.
Spaghetti Lee
I like Creep. I admit it. It’s like the platonic idea of a teen angst song. And that’s not an insult. I’m the sort of person those lyrics were written about, especially in high school.
Little Boots
lot of angst
You realise, of course, this is only because the kittehs are asleep. Once they are aroused your place in the rightful order will be re-established.
BTW you okay?
Just Some Fuckhead
That’s a start but we’ve got a pretty big trust deficit to close.
The prophet Nostradumbass
I am currently downloading OS X Mavericks. For some reason, Apple decided to not offer a delta update from the last test build to people who were testing it, and are making us download the whole thing. With my awesome internet speed, it might be done when I get up in the morning.
Little Boots
the gift of cars.
john is oprah.
? Martin
Yeah, this. Though King of Limbs Live from the Basement is hands down my favorite listen from them. The 2nd drummer really fills the songs out in a way that leaves the studio album sounding really flat to me.
But Kid A was when I really got hooked on Radiohead. Actually, specifically the SNL performance in 2000 that I just happened to be watching. The National Anthem, Idioteque
I’d never heard anything quite like it (or seen anyone spaz out like Thom does). Fantastic performances, particularly National Anthem. So I really like the less conventional stuff.
? Martin
Oh yeah, and who the fuck knows what Jonny Greenwood is doing with all of that electronic shit on the floor.
Little Boots
@? Martin:
not sure why, this just seems like a perfect epitaph for something.
@? Martin:
I remember that performance well. While Pablo Honey, The Bends and OK Computer were all stylistically different and you could see the band was evolving, Kid A was a huge leap. I can’t remember if the album was out before their SNL appearance, but I know I had not heard it yet. I don’t think I quite enjoyed it the first time because it wasn’t what I was expecting, but after taking the time to absorb it I got hooked, just like each of their first three albums.
Yeah. I think that was the consensus in my living room as my friends and I were watching it live.
EDIT: And I can’t let any Radiohead discussion go by without mentioning Radiodread, the reggae cover by the Easy Star All Stars. A much more straightforward adaption than their first album, Dub Side of the Moon, but still qutie enjoyable. We’ll go with Let Down as the song I’ll link to.
? Martin
It came out the same week, give or take. It hadn’t be out for long at the very least. I knew some of their songs from the radio but didn’t own any of their stuff yet. That changed fast.
Little Boots
you awake, omnes?
Little Boots
all things considered, the matt and martin show is pretty interesting.
@Little Boots: Glad I entertain someone :) Time for bed, but before I go here is another song from my college days. The Mighty KC, a tribute to Kurt Cobain, by the band For Squirrels who tragically lost their singer, bassist and tour manager in a car accident shortly after finishing their debut album, Example. I happened to see them as an opening act a month or so before that and they made quite an impression. I immediately remembered this song when I heard it on the radio several months later so I went out and bought the album. It is in the top 5 from my college days, along with Pablo Honey.
The late Patrice O’Neal explains the importance of Creep for white people.
Radiohead at their worst made worser.
I have watched this clip many many times over the past year. She’s amazing
But I can’t disagree with the folks who think it’s not — in an of itself — a great song. Pretty simply written, and I’m not saying that as a compliment.
But this is what happens when a real artist takes a so-so bit of material and makes it into something new. It’s an amazing performance.
Howlin Wolfe
@MikeJ: Yes. you. are. At least you aren’t a creep.
@ruemara: Hail Queen Ruemara!
Steve M.
You know who sings the shit out of “Creep”? Chrissie Hynde:
Steve M.
You know who doesn’t sing the shit out of “Creep”? Moby:
Honky, please — stick to making beats.
@? Martin: At the beginning of live version of The National Anthem, Johnny samples local radio and then can modify that sample through the song. He’s also playing the ondes martenot, the first electric instrument (very few people have “mastered” the instrument).
For a long time, RH would not play Creep live. They really didn’t like the song. The crunching guitar part that is in the song was an attempt by Johnny to sabotage the song and they kept it in. After some time they made peace with it and play it from time to time.
Pretty good non-professional karaoke version by a bartender.
chopper, interrupted
what about The Car’s?
Please get rid of that apostrophe, I can’t stand the sight of it. And you’re a college professor?