I snicker to myself every time I dwell on the fact that the most talked about man in sports right now is named Incognito.
Made a roast in the crock pot with some turnips, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, and onions, and Bill (of the Ills) is here and we are flipping between WVU/Texas and LSU/Bama, but mostly watching the Eers. If both games go to hell the Pens are on deck.
You all?
Just got back from St. Cloud where we watched the Gophers win their 61 game in a row, going back to February 2012. They needed to score two goals in the final two minutes to pull that off and then withstand a 6 on 4 flurry in the last minute. Heck of a thing.
Working out the post-surgery stuff with my folks. And way too fucking tired of paperwork. Oi.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
What’s Steve eating?
I’m using that f.lux program Violet recommended, and the light is different. Kind of apricot looking.
I feel like I want to turn on a flashlight too!
You don’t have picture-in-picture?
Let’s see about this open thread… room for my favorite cat lunatic? Check. Plenty of cashews and chocolate? Well, I brought them, but check. Soft-hearted, clumsy, bloghost?
Okay, I like it. I’ll stay.
I still refuse to believe “Richie Incognito” is a real name. I mean if you saw a movie with a character named that, you’d laugh out loud at how stupid it was.
Keith P.
@EJ: It makes me think of that Simpsons ep where Homer changed his name to “Guy Incognito”
Braised a pork shoulder in stock with oregano and onions and pulled it apart for sammiches.
Betty Cracker
My hubby made homemade pizza. OMFG, so good! Watching Bama-LSU game and fighting the critters for the sofa.
It’s as real as Rico Suave.
We had homemade pizza tonight too–blue cheese and dried cherry.
Jimmy 2 Times
Flipping between Bama/LSU and Bruins/Maple Leafs. Go Bruins!
schrodinger's cat
Caturday Special: The best accessory to pair with a LBD.
@IowaOldLady: Dagnab! I’m going to have to try that as an omelette.
I always wanted Rip Torn and Gale Storm to get married. (Although, sadly, that was not her real name. Her real name was Josephine Owaissa Cottle. Yeah, I think I would have changed it too.)
FYI, Incognito is going to go on Fox Sports tomorrow. I’m sure he will answer questions about the harassment suit as well as his racist comments.
No, you got it wrong
it was 19 DQs. Bemidji verses Ohio State. It happened at the 20 minute mark of the third period. One instigator penalty, 19 fighting penalties and 19 game disqualifications. They are trying to keep down with the boys.
@Elizabelle: I love f.lux. You get used to the color really quickly, and it makes the screen so much less harsh at night.
schrodinger's cat
I made my reverse engineered version of my favorite Diwali treat, karanjis, little empanadas with a coconut, golden raisin and almond filling. Recipe on my blog coming up this week. Working from memory and without a recipe. I think I finally nailed it, after several tries over the years.
schrodinger's cat
@WereBear: This morning I made a filled omlet with shrimp, roasted yellow peppers, red onions and mushrooms. It was nutritious and delicious, with toast made from home-made no-knead bread.
Any relation to this guy?
@EJ: He’s helf of a Vaudeville act with Carlos Danger.
I just met a Canadian-Greek whose parents had been given the name “Uranis” by a Nova Scotian immigration officer with a sense of humor many years ago. Their daughter just married a Mr. Burns. Needless to say, the daughter is not going to hyphenate her name.
Obenshain by 15! JFC
Southern Beale
Saw the “Bruce Munro: Light” exhibit at Cheekwood Botanical Garden tonight (outdoor light art installation), then went and had dinner. Now home watching “On The Road.” I loved that book so much it hurt, but the movie is kinda meh.
I’m beginning to think this is a sports blog. But I guess it’s the only safe subject.
I’ve had Pork Ribs and Sauerkraut (with some onion, taters and a few caraway seeds and a bottle of Sierra Nevada) in the slow cooker for about 36 hours. Started it at 0700 Friday morning and have just been keeping it topped off with fresh kraut and some more ribs about every 12 hours or so. Delicious. Sometimes there’s nothing better than peasant food.
Is that the final?
@efgoldman: And whining about it being about football.
Here’s the most recent WaPost story on Herring v Obenshain.
And the counties have to certify this election by midnight Tuesday. The state has to certify by November 25.
@TooManyJens: Just installed it!
I’ve heard about it for a while now… and thanks for making it happen so easily :)
“Rico Suave” wasn’t the guy’s name. It was the song title. The singer’s name was Gerardo Mejia.
@PsiFighter37: Is that really it ? It’s over ? Crap
@schrodinger’s cat: Yum! You had me at shrimp…
Bill E Pilgrim
@Svensker: On the other hand they could just pronounce it “Boo-urns” and probably get away with it.
By the way John I think you forgot “than yours” at the end of your post title. I’m not sure that’s much of a recipe for a milkshake that you have there, but you never know.
@SarahT: Read the comment at 35. They have until Tuesday to finish counting the votes.
I’m just hoping f.lux makes it easier to get or stay asleep.
And now I need a way to recapture attention span. It’s hard to read novels lately unless they’re really, really good.
The brain on technology.
He’s real to me.
@efgoldman: And hockey season and baseball season.
What’s wrong with that? If I wanted to talk sports, I would visit espn or any other sports site.
schrodinger's cat
@WereBear: Kittehs got one raw shrimp each as a treat, they lubs them as much as I does!
@cathyx: So go away.
After the fact, will tell you about some of the incredibly close Northern Virginia delegate races. Like within a very few hundred votes.
Waiting for the dust to settle and ballots to be certified.
But I saw some GOP delegates winning by razor thin margins. Will look at final tallies and previous election results. Wondering if these are red districts going purple or very near blue.
Talk about evidence that each vote counts in 2014 and beyond.
@efgoldman: Pour the beer over the Kraut in the slow cooker, we’ve always done that in my family. Adds a bit to it. Yum!
I live in a garden-style apartment in Northern VA, and either one of my neighbors or management has sprayed some air freshener in the lobby because of the smell… heh heh heh. I think it smells amazing, but I’m of German stock from Western PA, I’ve grown up with it.
dance around in your bones
@Elizabelle: I like f.lux, too.
It’s funny, the way you tilt your screen affects the apricotyness of it, on a laptop anyway.
P.S. I also tried to reply to you on that borked thread – I waved Hi! but FYWP.
I would also like to register my total dislike for Disqus (I just don’t comment on sites that use it, not that I am a prolific commenter anyway) and I like the flow of the comments here – not grouped, but time-sequenced. and you have to use your brain to follow the thread. Well, I do , anyway.
@JPL: just saw it, thanks. Glad there’s still some chance
RobertDSC-Power Mac G5 Dual
Re-playing Arkham Origins on the PS3. I’m trying again to get a 100% save file since my first attempt was glitched out.
Origins is good, better than Arkham Asylum, but not as good as Arkham City.
Yeah not really out West either as the DQ cost you an extra game too. But they come as close as they dare in order to impress the NHL scouts. There are some brutal programs out here, North Dakota is probably #1, it has a history of goon hockey. Michigan State used to but I have not seen them in recent years so I have no idea.
I was wrong about one thing though – it was only 18 fighting majors, one woman got the gate for grabbing the facemask. It must have been bad to get the major for that. Irritates me that I can’t find any explanation of what happened anywhere online. This is such a freak occurrence I need to know what happened. In 15 years of D-I womens hockey I have never seen anything like an actual fight and maybe only 2 or 3 punches and one grabbing called.
@efgoldman: I can’t believe you said that with a straight face.
@dance around in your bones:
I saw you waving, after the fact.
Was amazed my comment even made it up. Borking indeed.
That’s just getting fussier about novels, no?
Ever since I started writing my own, I’m an absolute pain.
Bill E Pilgrim
Oh I saw that. Borat, right?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Schlemizel: The box from today’s game in Columbus is a fun read. Must be some injuries because each team dressed only 10 skaters. I’m guessing that they were pretty tired because there were three penalties, all tripping, in overtime. Finished in a 2-2 tie and no one got DQed.
Twenty-one points in 26 seconds. This is not your daddy’s Duke football team.
James E. Powell
@Bill E Pilgrim:
By the way John I think you forgot “than yours” at the end of your post title.
I am guessing the title is a Talking Heads reference.
Bill E Pilgrim
@James E. Powell: Oh you think? I thought it was just a non-song related statement, but it immediately made me think of “brings all the boys to the yard”.
I thought the Eagles said that you couldn’t do that.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
There is something seriously wrong with the Minnesota Golden Gopher football team.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Maybe…?
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
They were probably too tired to fight any more! I would love to see what it was that lite the fuse on this thing. I’d have to do some digging I don’t remember a college hockey game anywhere with 19 DQs. They set an NCAA record with 303 penalty minutes :-0
It doesn’t do anything for me but it might draw soem of the NHL crowd to their games
ya come home straight
and ya come home curly
It’s an open thread…talk about whatever you want.
I don’t care for reading the recipe threads (although I’m sure the food is delicious), but I don’t go into the comments and say “if I wanted to talk about food, I’d go to Food Network’s site”, I just skip them.
I just got here and read that Sarah Palin “WOC” thing. I even clicked on the ornaments.
So here is my question for all you peple who are smarter than I will ever be:
Can anyone compare the rise in STD cases in the half a dozen college towns, spread over an entire decade and Sarah Palin’s alleged_educational matriculation”?
I mean, look, by her own admission she spent the better part of an entire decade bed hopping through at least 6 or 7 college towns. Was there a corresponding increase in reported STD cases?
I only ask because a number of years ago when I couldn’t control teh remote control thing I saw a TV show called NYPD BA DUMMMP! (I can’t remember the name of that waste of 1 hour of my life but it was the one with Jerry Orbach, not the one with Dennis Franz’s ass) and the plot line was that some people get syphilis which eats at their brains, yet don’t know it and start to become religious and hear voices from “God”.
Is that what is happening with Palin? Figure it out people, connect the dots!! (To quote Glen Beck) She spent almost 10 years slutting it up in college towns, yet never seems to have learned anything either through osmosis or protein injection.
I demand a blood test and a brain core sample! Not to mention DNA tests on her entire family and relatives.
@RareSanity: All threads are open if you treat them that way, I do.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Schlemizel: I’m surprised that no one has put up camera phone footage on You Tube. Then again, the game was in Columbus. There was probably no one there.
Bob In Portland
Wonton soup tonight. Life is good.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Sayne: Sorry, the reference was this. Possibly too oblique even for me. It just sounded like something he would do.
Keith P.
I’m flipping between Bama-LSU and UFC Fight Night. About to add a third with HBO Boxing. With Donaire-Darchinyan 2 and Mikey Garcia fighting, there should be at least 1 KO.
Unfortunately, I took some blood pressure meds that put me to sleep (Clonidine), so it’s going to be a struggle to make it through all the cards and the end of the ballgame.
@j: Interesting. When I clicked on the ornaments, all I could think of is she wasn’t being very christian. Her ideal town these days is Pine Bush, NY. Cuomo is sending in the the state police to investigate antisemitic comments made in the public schools.
@RareSanity: The recipe thread is one heading, the sports topics are all day.
@cathyx: Get over yourself.
I hear that…I know I wouldn’t say anything.
I wouldn’t want to be on the other end of you informing me just how you feel about suggestions to stay on topic.
I’m a peaceful man. LOL
Half-watching The Washington Huskies and Colorado. Going about like everyone expected, which makes it pretty dull.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Haha, now I see.
@RareSanity: Topic smopic, it’s a stupid fucking blog. The last few game days they have even HAD a goddamn football thread until 4pm. It’s just something she wants to bitch about.
Bill E Pilgrim
@RareSanity: I thought an open thread was like an open marriage. Everyone’s free to see other blogs, just don’t bring it home.
@Elizabelle: It may just be the power of suggestion, but I think it does help keep me from being as wired when I’m using the computer at night.
Can’t help you with the attention span, unfort….SQUIRREL!
Mike in NC
We attended an event at the local community center tonight where one of the elderly teabaggers told the following joke:
“25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Today we have Obama, no hope, and no cash.”
But sports is really all that’s going on during the weekend.
People are doing their weekend stuff, including the FPers…that’s why they’re all open threads.
It’s like when I was young and my Mom told everyone that she wasn’t cooking on Friday and Saturday nights…everybody needs a break from normal grind on the weekend.
@RareSanity: Better you explain it, hopefully she pie’s me anyway.
@j: Your theory sounds quite plausible, but I doibt that there’s enough brain in her skull to take a usable sample. Also, Jerry Orbach was awesome, so lay off !
This Hokie game is awesome!
@Mike in NC: Cripes.
What’s most amazing is that this person apparently felt everyone would find that funny and no one would be offended. I don’t know what percentage of NC voted for Obama, but how could the joke-teller be so willing to offend them?
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Nah…more like the conversation that begins with, “The weather’s been crazy lately, hasn’t it?”
Nobody has anything pertinent to talk about, so you just start saying stuff until you stumble on to something mildly interesting.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
The U.S. stomped on Sweden for the bronze at the Four Nations Cup. The final was 8-1 and the shots were 59-6.
Other than giving Canada a scare yesterday, Sweden’s tournament was dismal: 10-0 loss to the U.S. in the round robin; 2-0 loss to Finland that wasn’t that close; 4-3 loss to Canada; and then today’s game. So in four games they were outscored 24-4 and outshot 186-40. They’ve gone way downhill in the last two years.
Canada beat Finland 6-3 in the final. It looks like the Finns used it all up yesterday.
@Geoduck: Glad I went to the parents for the long weekend. Got lots of shtuffs to do anyway. Real time off is Thanksgivukkah anyway this year.
@Betty Cracker: I just finished eating my homemade pizza. It was topped with pepperoni, sausage ( precooked), artichoke hearts, banana peppers and fresh mushrooms. I’m happy. What was on top of your pizza?
Some good news for me. I’m going to meet a rescue golden on Monday, if the foster mom can bring herself to give the dog up. I hope I get Martha. She sounds like she’s exactly what I need. She’s a roller and sniffer. I love dogs who enjoy a good roll. Wish me luck!! I have been so sad since Isabel died. I need to smell some frito feet.
A Humble Lurker
@Mike in NC:
Original for a wing nut joke. I’ve only heard it thirty-five previous times as opposed to, say, fifty.
I’m in a pretty good mood today. The wife and son went to spend the weekend with the in-laws…got the house to myself for two whole days.
This will be a no-pants zone for the duration of the weekend.
@RareSanity: Cool! It’s my birthday tomorrow and I take vets day off Monday so I’m chillin and planning my fishing assault on the Emerald Coast in 2 weeks!
@IowaOldLady: That sounds interesting, but would be a migraine on crust for me. What else goes into that pizza?
Happy early birthday!
We’ll see how good an angler you are…hopefully you’ll catch a big ass marlin.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@efgoldman: Maybe he does his Dino Ciccarelli impression and goes out to get the mail.
@RareSanity: Thanks. Not the time of year for the Pelagics in the Gulf. Here’s my big red from last year.
For the last 3 years I have deep sea fished with some guys from Atlanta that I met down there but they are not going this year, boo.
@Juju: I make the crust from scratch because most pre-made crust or dough has milk in it and Mr IOL is lactose intolerant. Then I use jarred pizza sauce, half a pack of dried cherried, and blue cheese on top. There’s a salty/sweet thing going on, like you get with ham and pineapple.
All the sudden the Hokies have an offense! Trey Edmunds is Ferrell Edmunds son.
Some open, some closed.
I’ve got on the big comfy “dad robe”, so I won’t be flashing anybody…unless the belt comes undone, then I can’t make any promises. LOL
Nice catch!
Hopefully there’s another one out there with your name on it.
Jay C
Kinda morbid/weird: but did anyone else notice this link on Wikipedia:
OK, obviously NOT our esteemed bloghost, but still made me do a double-take….
@RareSanity: I have reached the point in my life where just being there fishing is enough. This is heaven for me.
That’s a nice shot!
Did you set it up yourself?
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
I remember the Stars saying they wanted to trade Dino to Toronto but he said “No, I’d rather stick it out around here.”
raven – looks like a good day; seeing the sun set over the water with a line in but nothing biting.
Jay C
Yeah, I read that article about Pine Bush (maybe they should change its name to something more fitting, like “Pogromograd”?) with a real sense of depression. The endemic bigotry and harrassment is bad enough, but the general attitude among local officials (even, weirdly, their schools supervisor who is Jewish himself) seems just to be shrug, and a brush-off to “local attitudes”. Not sure what Andy Cuomo (or anybody) is going to be able to do about this crap: the locals appear to be beyond embarrassment….
@RareSanity: My bride took it.
@Schlemizel: Sunrise over Panama City.
@SarahT: Sorry, but I wasn’t complaining about Jerry Orbach, but I don’t watch scripted “police shows” and it says something about him that he’s the only memorable actor in that hemorrhaging tear jerker “if it bleeds it leads” and OMG! URBAN HELL!!” rip and read show. It’s just that that show is on 24 hours a day on 24 different channels.
I wish I was the guy who gets royalties every time they play his complex 2 note theme song.
It’s almost like Chopin, by golly!
There are only a couple of things I miss about living in FLorida, the sunrise & sunsets are one of them. If I were to have to live there I’d build on stilts with a huge deck thay I would sit with a gin and tonic every night for a hour and watch the sun go down.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Man, with a sun that big we’ll all be dead in no time.
dance around in your bones
@raven: Sapo Verde eres tu!
Hasta mañana, that is :)
(This is a joke in Mexico because they often hear ‘Happy Birthday to You” as ,,,, you guessed it, Sapo Verde & etc).
Gin & Tonic
@j: The amazing thing about Jerry Orbach is that that was the tail end of his career, and he was more well known (prior to that, anyway) as a song-and-dance man, Broadway and off-Broadway. My kids only ever knew him as a cynical cop on teevee.
How about that Celtics win, eh? Quite a victory. The local sporting concerns are in fine fennel these days.
@Gin & Tonic: Wasn’t he the candelabra in “The Beauty and the Beast” annimated movie?
James E. Powell
Replay of old Lance Rentzel joke.
Anne Laurie
Ah, yes, I remember my first introduction to Midwestern pizza… for a college freshman from the Bronx, a deep-dish ‘Greek’ ham&pineapple pizza seemed like some kind of sacrilege. My Italian neighbors didn’t even permit a pinch of sugar in their tomato sauce!
Anne Laurie
@Jay C: Well, if the recently deceased was a British journalist, there’s still 3,622 John Coles just in America!
Gin & Tonic
@Juju: Yes.
@efgoldman: Heh. Me too. But I just walked in while the end of the game was on the radio. Sounded dramatic!
J R in WV
Well, quite a game in Morgantown…
WVU took Tejas to overtime, and lost on a 4th down interception after Texas scored on their set of downs.
An amazing game, the fans were great, polite, well dressed (for football fans) and loud at the right times, and the team earned respect by being even with Texas until the last moment of the game.
Not being a gambling person, I have no idea what the points were on the game, but given that Texas is playing for the Big 12 championship and WVU is trying to become bowl eligible, I’m proud of the ‘Eers.
And my alms mater, Marshall U, won their game big time… Go Herd!
@efgoldman: I remember being really surprised that Lucy Lawless was really the name she was born with. Also Prince and Madonna.
@Gin & Tonic: He will also be Lumiere to me. RIP Jerry.
@SiubhanDuinne: My real name is Beth Ann Hanson, but I am thinking of changing it to Josephine Owaissa Cottle.
Matt McIrvin
I think the possibility that someone might be offended, and be too socially cowed to speak up, is a feature rather than a bug. Partisan political jokes always have an aggressive, resentful quality to them, but there’s a particular sort of person who specifically wants the ability to offend people in social situations where they can’t easily hit back.
Not long before that incident with the Obama-mocking rodeo clown, I went to see a rodeo in western Nebraska. The whole thing was full of hate-Obama jokes. None of those rose to the level of race-baiting or incitements to violence; they were all boilerplate “politician I don’t like” jokes, the same kind an unimaginative Democrat might have used about Bush, with Obama’s name in. And it was pretty much assumed that everyone in the audience would hate Obama, or if they didn’t, fuck ’em. Pretty much the attitude we’d have here about making jokes about Republicans, except, you know, this is a political blog.
But the banter between the clown and the announcers also included a couple of low-grade, non-Obama-related racist jokes; I think there was one about the tininess of Japanese people. And the thing I found fascinating there was that those had all this prefatory hemming and hawing about how “everyone’s politically correct these days… you can’t tell jokes like this any more… people might call you a racist,” as the set-up to the big racist joke. On some level it was all about resentment at how jokes like these are disapproved of; the knowledge of it was explicitly used to make these ancient dumb jokes seem adventurously transgressive.