Went through the entire Tampa Bay roster and I recognized two names, which may explain their 0-8 start and my lack of interest in the game. Think I might cop a couple of episodes of Chuck on Netflix to fill my dork urges, although I am so close to pulling the trigger on BF4 or Call of Duty: Ghosts (but I want to play on PC, and everyone has xbox or a playstation). This really sums up my mood tonight:
Listen assholes, you've had almost three decades. The name of the damned song is Sister Christian, not "MOTORING." Fer fucks sake.
— John Cole (@Johngcole) November 12, 2013
As such, that means it is trash 80’s night. My first offering:
Your offerings?
Omnes Omnibus
Under any name, it still sucks.
Are they supposed to suck? Because:
I just wanna say, Kay posted at about 2:55 this afternoon, and I couldn’t even read the thread or comments because it made me itch and scratch uncontrollably, and despite all that, six fucking hours later, I am getting ads about HEAD LICE.
~~ shudder ~~
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
I don’t get it. What am I supposed to be offering?
New Order, because…of course!
Night Ranger??! Jeeeebus.
I like my shitty 80s music with an intentional irony designed-in, not with irony added as an aftermarket bolt-on via the passage of time.
So, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZviYmTMpBXE
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
schrodinger's cat
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: Your thoughts, Thought leader.
Mike G
Apropos for Veterans’s Day.
Jona Lewie – Stop the Cavalry
Caliph Garrett
If this was a wry joke, nobody got it—metalheads can be pretty literal minded. CF’s fortunes never recovered.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Who in the hell calls it “Motoring”?
Saw the Outfield open for Night Ranger @ Carowinds. Maybe ’89-90ish. Two on a long list of 80s bands.
Considered annoying by many, but groundbreaking peoples who started all the synth sampling shit, and videos using power tools dangerously around children. Kids sure were tougher then:
Although Laurie Anderson did all that back in the 70s.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
True – Spandau Ballet
I Confess – The English Beat
Avalon – Roxy Music
OMG, how did I forget about Information Society?
James E. Powell
The 80s was when I started listening exclusively to college radio stations. Even though they, too, played a lot of crap, it didn’t irritate me as much as crap like this.
I’m going to be setting up another sales booth in the hopes of making some cash, since, I could use some for a new camera and moving. What I’m selling is a lot of toys, including a complete set of the Star Wars Cantina Band and this bad boy, NRFB. But I can’t give up my Luke and Han And my trash 80’s song? King-Alone without out (remix) I’m springing for a converter for all my tapes, so I can finally get my King tape changed to mp3. I’m going to be the most teched out homeless person.
Spaghetti Lee
Here you go. Man, check out that 80’s hair! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOf6w59jz_g
Seriously, a real pity King didn’t have more hits stateside. I adored them. http://youtu.be/lmJY9va2lJ4
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: Sorry. Getting Howe and Hackett together was pure awesome.
Mike G
More cheese than Wisconsin
I give you The Escape Club…
Wins every time
Omnes Omnibus
@Spaghetti Lee:
Looked pretty 80s to me.
This is a video that is the epitome of the 80s. Clothes, hair, everything.
I liked Patty Smyth’s attitude. Is she still married to John McEnroe? Talk about attitude. She’s been married twice. Once to Richard Hell and now Mac (I think, anyway).
My 80s crush…Nena…
Never Understand – Jesus and Mary Chain
16 Blue – The Replacements
Eight Miles High – Husker Du
Submitted for your disapproval “Wild, Wild West – The Escape Club.” A poster child for “moar cowbell” long before before it was a meme run into the ground.
ETA: Shakes fist at Botsplainer
@Omnes Omnibus: +2000
Though to be fair, it sucks less than the horrible awful lugubrious “Cumbersome” by Seven Mary Three or whatever the fuck they called themselves. But that’s 90’s trash, not 80’s.
Cole, did you end up watching Chuck until the series finale? Curious what your opinion is…in hindsight, I almost wish they didn’t do a fifth season. Aside from the overarching plot being nonexistent (and filled with stupidity), I feel like they blew apart the entire series with the last few episodes. I basically choose to forget that ever happened and will happily end the series at the end of season 4, minus the stupid cliffhanger at the very end of the season finale that year.
Does anybody still even have a working Trash 80? I guess so, since there are collectors for everything.
80s music sucked then, and still does today. I ignored that whole damned decade, music-wise.
If this doesn’t say ’80’s I don’t know what does…
80s trash music?
Picking any at random would qualify.
(Shall refrain from more than a passing mention of the misuse of the apostrophe in the post.)
80’s crap, huh?
Here. Mall music!
Plus it’s a terrible ear worm!
The epitome of an 80s video? This was tailor-made for Dieter’s Sprockets show —
Mark B.
I give you Ultravox:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9WdUgn0XkU [sorry, there’s an ad]
and of course, Numan:
Lisa Lisa
Omnes Omnibus
Pixies, X, the ‘Mats, Husker Du, REM, the Pogues, Public Enemy, Run-DMC, Schoolly D. A few off the top of my head.
Mark B.
@JGabriel: Hey, this is supposed to be a trash thread, those are all good songs. The Husker Du cover of Eight miles HIgh is one of my all time favorites. Here’s one that’s appropriate for current politics:
Play Borderlands 2, but wait for the Steam sale at Thanksgiving. If you made a BJ steam group, you’d probably end up with plenty of PC gamers to do things with.
@Omnes Omnibus
Keep digging; you’re nearly at the point where you’ll be hearing faint Chinese from the other side of the hole.
@Botsplainer: My thermo-nukular response:
The only thing I did with either the Trash 80 and it’s successor in our computer lab (Commodore PET) was the very awesome program that went like this:
20 GOTO 10
There were always variations on who would be designated to suck, but it always came back to this example. My computer teacher, Mr Minogue, was never amused.
@Mike G: Bhuuuah! [whole body shakes uncontrollably] that entire album was a cringe inducing load of dreck. And it seemed like everyone in HS loved it – excepting me. If I never hear “We Built this City” again it’ll be too soon.
@Botsplainer: I recall a DJ remarking on that band’s name as he intro’d the song : “Oh good, we get a choice? I know which one I’d pick…”
I got a chuckle at the time anyway…
Mark B.
Here’s what I think of when I think of 80s music:
and this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSfnopkT37I [Toni Basil warning!]
mai naem
Don’t know if this qualifies as trash 80s music but I here’s two:
The theme from Miami Vice
The theme from Thirtysomething
Never watched either show but liked the theme songs.
Talk About The Passion – REM
That’s When I Reach For My Revolver – Mission of Burma
New Year’s Day – U2
Mike G
This thread is turning into an arms race of cheese and excess.
Time for disarmament talks —
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: You are clearly daft.
Don’t remember the name of the text game played on a TRS-80, but it had a choice of three play modes: regular, difficult. and impossible.
On choosing Impossible mode, the following appeared on the screen:
“The sun will be going supernova in 10 seconds. 9-8-7…”
@taylormattd: My goal is to generally forget the 80s, but I bought a new copy of Hack.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Eric U.
@Mike G:
I will see your Double and raise you a Sheriff:
Duran Duran – Rio
This one is presented in celebration that Community is doing another Dungeons and Dragons episode, this time with David Cross. Why does this video make me think of D&D? Because it didn’t have a director: it had a Dungeon Master!
@Omnes Omnibus
No argument here.
Just as having Camden right next to it makes Philadelphia look good, having disco right next to the 80s made that music attractive.
Eric U.
so many songs got ruined when I could see the videos the artists made. I used to love Kate Bush, and then I saw some of her videos and it was all over
Corey Hart, Sunglasses at Night.
Omnes Omnibus
polyorchnid octopunch
I’ll cough up some Canadiana for all of you.
Here’s one you won’t have seen, this was obscure even in Australia —
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: I always liked that song.
Glenn Medeiros
polyorchnid octopunch
Dream Warriors: My Definition of a Boombastic Jazz Style
@Omnes Omnibus: Saw EBTG in NYC. So good.
polyorchnid octopunch
Maestro Fresh Wes: Let Your Backbone Slide
Angel in a Centerfold is an 80s celebration by itself..
Dexy’s Midnight Runners
No one seems to ever recall this atomic strength ’80s turkey. They played it on FNV for criminy’s sake. I challenge anyone to endure the full four minutes.
Chris DeBurgh (not “The Lady in Red”, far worse)
Then if you’ll allow me to dip into the mid 70s, here is a steaming pile I hadn’t heard in 35 years but as soon as I heard the chorus I almost had a seizure. Oh I recall it all too well, they played the snot out of it for a summer or so then it mercifully it disappeared. But I, like a follower of Cthulhu must raise the dark one again:
Run, Joey, Run
Sadly, this doesn’t qualify as it’s from 1991. But i think it’s hilarious to think she’s now busy writing songs for Britney Spears. I still very fondly remember the outfit from the video. Skintight with a porthole, made me want to introduce her to some sea men.
Time Zone – World Destruction (Afrika Bambaataa, J. Lydon & B. Laswell)
Rock Hard* – Beastie Boys
Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos – Public Enemy
(*This one’s rare, people, because the Beastie Boys never got permission from AC/DC to use the riff from Back In Black.)
@Eric U.
I was vehemently recruited to join the initial group working on starting up what became MTV, and refused outright, thinking it would crash and burn after six months.
Right around the same time, went out and bought a second Betamax.
Omnes Omnibus
Cabaret Voltaire
Ministry in synthpop not industrial mode.
@Kyle: I prefer this Australian tune. Much better than the mulleted Electric Blue stuff they’re better-known for.
polyorchnid octopunch
Shuffle Demons: Spadina Bus
Out of My House, Roach
The judges would have also accepted Men Without Hats:
At weddings, Kevin Bacon will pay the DJ $20 to NOT play this song:
Mark B.
@Kyle: If we’re talking about obscure, try this one:
Standing Waves [Austin] — Vertigo (1981)
I’m not sure why the waves never became famous, they were pretty good.
@GxB: Oh, man. I remember that song.
But if we’re going to that continent, don’t avoid the beaches.
And this
polyorchnid octopunch
The Payola$: Eyes of a Stranger
Omnes Omnibus
@GxB: I was unaware of that song. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Similar high-tech effects: http://youtu.be/oYQsMWcmBsA
And yes: you can dance. Yes, you. Even you there.
polyorchnid octopunch
Rough Trade: High School Confidential
Omnes Omnibus
@p.a.: Ah, Terri Nunn
All this, and not a single Madness video? How about one from that album that has “Night Boat to Cairo” on it?
mai naem
Rob Ford’s Campaign Theme song for his next campaign – David and Daivd – Welcome to The Boomtown
or maybe Swallowed by the Crack(s)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hiiJSWoFnk
Timbuk 3 – The futures so bright
polyorchnid octopunch
The Kings: This Beat Goes On/Switchin’ To Glide
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Omnes Omnibus
Soft Cell*
*Not the one you expect.
Turner Hedenkoff
Say hi to mom — from jail!
@Poopyman: No Trash 80 music because it had no audio device. Unsurprisingly it didn’t take long for the Apple II to way outsell it and Tandy replaced it with the Coco.
Omnes Omnibus
@jon: I was avoiding Madness and the 2-Tones folks because they sort of straddle the 70s and 80s. Just like I am avoiding the Clash and Elvis Costello.
mai naem
Split Enz It’s 6 months in a leaky boat not I Got You
It’s far from trash, but defines the early ’80s for me
And the 30th anniversary version catches my ever aging mood
I remember this video from the 80’s (or was it the 70’s?) – can’t believe it was on TV back then…
Frida – I Know There’s Something Going On
Omnes Omnibus
Tommy Tutone
TRS-80? No.
Atari 800? Yes.
At least it was still working awhile back when I tried it (8 months? year?). The TV I plugged it into died though.
Best cheese of the evening, Europe – The Final Countdown.
Sledgehammer – Peter Gabriel
Paid In Full (Urban Respray Mix w/ Jack & Diane) – Erik B & Rakim
The Great Curve (Live) – Talking Heads w/ Adrian Belew
Icehouse/Flowers debut album was an amazing piece of work. Which made Iva’s descent later in the decade into Electric Blue/Crazy overproduced schlock even sadder.
OK, time for the nuke. It has to be a Jim Steinman production —
Omnes Omnibus
Josie Cotten More Josie. And a 2010 performance of one of these songs.
Mike G
@Omnes Omnibus:
OK, we’re working through the entire Valley Girl soundtrack here.
Can’t leave this one out, complete with the most memorable scene from the movie —
Only You – Yaz
Here Comes The Rain Again – Eurhythmics
The Flat Earth (W/ Vinyl Clicks & Pops For That Extra Retro Feel!) – Thomas Dolby
Take me to your leader leader leader
Take me to your
Omnes Omnibus
FYC, Blue
The Great Curve with video from the 1980 tour with Adrian
The name of this Band is.. is my favorite heads album
No Richard Marx? I r so disappoint.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike G: Not fair. I own Convertible Music on vinyl.
Hey what’s your hurry? I see. You’ve listened to the sounds of the Pacific Northwest and now you just can’t wait to go look. Fine. But we had one more important sound we wanted you to hear.
Omnes Omnibus
The Housemartins.
James E. Powell
One of the bar bands I was in was named Stoneage Romeos after a HooDoo Gurus’ album. We covered a couple of their songs.
Cezanne Cezanne
the father of cubism
Bonny – Prefab Sprout
Stay – The Blue Nile
Voices Carry – Til Tuesday
@Wag: Shit, that’s the video I intended to link. Can’t believe I got the wrong one.
Belew was on fire that night in the Italy concert you linked. So was Tina.
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: Damn. I was just refreshing before posting some Prefab Sprout and you beat me to it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nice choice. They were pretty great.
Omnes Omnibus
The Gapp Band. A staple of my fraternity’s parties. People danced.
@Poopyman: I launch double the middle fingers at thee. 80’s music was greatest music. Well, not really but it’s damned sight better than today.
@MikeJ: I saw The Special Guests perform Cezanne at Rodeo Bar in NYC way the hell back in the 90’s.
I was floored when I heard them play it, ’cause I’d completely forgotten who recorded it, and only went to the show because they were opening for Joan Osborne that night. Yeah, this is so far back that Osborne was still playing bars in Manhattan and hadn’t released anything yet.
Laid Back – White Horse. If we’re gonna get obscure.
JG is snagging all the best bands.
Concrete Blonde – Free (Actually recorded for the album of the same name but not released until later)
George Thorogood – Born to be Bad (1988) – I’m Movin’ On (cover)
Mojo Nixon – Bo-Day-Shus!!! (1987) – Don’t Want No Foo-Foo Haircut On My Head
[‘It’s not like I’m going to post Winger.’]
ronnie james dio — Rainbow in the Dark. because the title is unpossible.
The Gunbunnies – Stranded
Omnes Omnibus
100% right. and Dolette McDonald was hot!
Scruffy the Cat – My Baby, She’s All Right Shot at the Rat in Cambridge.
And while we’re on Boston area clubs, I saw Chris Stamey (without the db’s ) at The Channel, which always smelled of clove cigarettes and seaweed. But I picked a dBs song anyway because this is one of the great pop songs. Bad Reputation.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: Kind of what I want to know. It’s not like “Sister Christian” isn’t mentioned a few times in the song. We’re not talking Subterranean Homesick Blues or Rainy Day Women ^12 & 35.
The Gun Club – Sex Beat
and another band Jim Duckworth was in, Panther Burns, with Bourgeois Blues . (oh yeah, some guy called lx chilton too.)
Three from the 80’s Athens music scene:
Choukoutien – Oh OK (Featuring Lynda Stipe (yes, Michael’s sister) and Matthew Sweet early in his career)
Spin Your Partner – Love Tractor
Crazy – Pylon (This is the original version of the song REM covered)
Buccs win. Finally.
I played the fuck out this whole ep on KCOU.
Suffern ACE
O.K. Fishbone is bonin’
I’m glad to see Tampa Bay win. I don’t care how much you might hate Team X, going completely winless isn’t something I wish on any fanbase. (Went through it with the Washington Huskies a few years back..)
Walk Out To Winter – Aztec Camera
Life In A Northen Town – The Dream Academy
Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken? – Lloyd Cole
Omnes Omnibus
We’ve Got A Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use It
Lene Lovich
Suffern ACE
@Geoduck: Yeah. I needed them to win by more, though. And score a few special team’s touchdowns off of Miami special team’s fumbles. Even when they win, they win wrong.
Things I did not expect to find: The Brandos – Union Dixie (trad.)/Gettysburg (acoustic)
[‘That’s the recording that should have been on the front page a few hundred times.’]
Omnes Omnibus
The Brains
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: Bad Brains, Bad Brains.
@hildebrand: I hate you…
Count…offering:Not so much cheeze as it is a blatant ripoff of the early 80’s Stones.
Combo Novo – Tattoo
I don’t know if I should I do The Pogues for the holiday season or Veteran’s Day. May as well do both I guess:
The Band Play Waltzing Matilda (For Veteran’s Day)
Fairytale In New York (For Christmas) – W/ Kirsty MacColl
Shattered (For The Hell Of It)
That last pick is one of Caitlin O’Riordan’s rare lead vocals.
Omnes Omnibus
New Order, Blue Monday.
New Order, Love Vigilantes
@hildebrand: There was a girl I went to college with in 89-90 that looked almost exactly like the lead singer.
The Church, Unguarded moment
Saw these guys in 1984 in a bar in Capital Hill in Denver. Great show
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: The Pogues’s version of The Band Played Waltzing Matilda is my Veterans Day theme song. You are hitting on all cylinders tonight.
wasabi gasp
I had shields up for the 90s…and you went nuclear. Bandaid and a lollipop, please.
Violent Femmes – No Killing
More pogues.
Five green bottles lined up on the floor..
Omnes Omnibus
@Wag: Even more Pogues.
ETA: The Frank Ryan mentioned in the song fought for the Loyalists in Spain and ended up the IRA’s representative to Nazi Germany despite his leftist political leanings.
wasabi gasp
Fine Young Cannibals – Johnny Come Home
Omnes Omnibus
Guns N’ Roses.
Omnes Omnibus
Not a huge hit, but a completely 80s song.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Have you heard this version of Temptation (Live In Studio, BBC, 1984)?
The way the guitar and base meld together from ~ 3:30-4:40, and again from 6:20-8:09, is just a pure shot to the aural pleasure zone. I’ve heard just about every version of Temptation ever recorded, live or studio, and this one pretty much ties with the 1982 original 12″ version as the best. And it’s decidedly the best as far as the guitar work goes.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
fIREHOSE Brave Captain
Naked Raygun I Lie
Necros Gun (How can you not dig a song with the first line, “I love a girl with a gun in her hand and a party on her mind”?)
@jon: good find Jon! I liked those guys, part of the aussie wave with INXS, Midnight Oil, Split Enz, The Church, The Divinyls and Men at Work
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
ABC The Look of Love
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: Still listening as I type, but wow. Weirdly, this brings the 2 CD soundtrack for Trainspotting to mind. I find it odd that I have remarkably similar musical taste to that of Scottish heroin addicts of the mid 90s.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Mike G: thanks guys, I needed that :-) may have to drop in the Some Kind of Wonderful Soundtrack now….
The March Violets – Turn To The Sky
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Brian Ferry, Slave to Love.
my offering as something both cheesy and quintessentially 80’s
Classix Nouveaux – Guilty
Have posted this multiple times, but still sums up 80s music for this old codger.
Teenage Enema Nurses In Bondage
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Tie an onion to your belt. There was good as well as bad. If you can’t see that your tastes have ossified. BTW I apply it to myself. I refuse to automatically reject new music and try to find the way in which it is interesting. Sometimes I fail, but I still looking for the new and interesting.
ETA: I think most people’s musical tastes are formed between 18 and 25. What is popular then. What one listened to then. And the influencial and influenced.
Lara Logan is a bald-faced liar and should be fired.
@Omnes Omnibus: could very well be true, but I do have a fondness to the music I listened to during the 60’s growing up, both the pop stuff and the country and western. That duality stayed with me into my early 30’s where I have to admit, when the music scene changed towards grunge in th late 80’s I stayed behind. Occasionally I pop for something new but it’s rare and mostly I try and fill slots in the collection for music that touched me from before.
Most 80’s music sucked, but College Music (later called Alternative) had some great bands. Favorite of mine among those was Throwing Muses who are still around. I had a good buddy in school who worked at the college radio station who opened my ears to a lot of really great stuff.
When he first started playing Throwing Muses in the dorm, I was making fun of them, but it grew on me. My buddy was glad that he turned a traditional Lehigh engineering student into a modern music lover.
I eventually met my wife through the web forums for the band in the late 90’s.
Pixies rocked too.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: I was 15 when the 80s started. My dad was a bit of a hipster for his age; music was important to him and he listened to a wide variety of things. When I went to college in ’82, I discovered punk, ska, synth pop, and all sorts of music. I wanted to know where it came from and where it was going. I never really listened to Top-40 radio again.
@Omnes Omnibus: I was 19 and in school and still passionate about music, was considered eclectic in my tastes then as it ranged to everything from ELO to Firefall to Elvis Costello back in the late 70’s. The evolved from 60’s stuff like the Beau Brummels and other groups that used harmony thru the mid 70’s with Badfinger and Raspberries. So when the 80’s hit, post punk, pre new wave glimmering new romantic, I was all over the place from Pub Rockers like Rockpile to Blondie to Squeeze to local stuff like the dB’s, Arrogance (Don Dixon) and touring groups doing the college circuit like Thoroughgood, B-52’s, REM, Pylon, Bad Brains…. the infancy of MTV actually exposed me to more stuff, Josie Cotton, Pearl Harbor and The Explosions, Four out of Five Doctors, The Busboys, and then all of that new wave/new romantic stuff hit, quickly followed by another wave from Australia and I fell into that stuff but still had a fondness for groups like Shoes too, y’know… and after a while, something happened where the voices lost their distinction… still marvel that I was there when the music reinvented itself and my vinyl and sic collection is pretty nice, but it can always get better, y’know?
have to say, the best artist of the 80’s (strictly MHO) that caused me to move and shed much of my comfort zone was TMBG.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: We aren’t disagreeing, right?
ETA: I just refuse to be one of those people who rejects the new without understanding it. I may choose to disagree, but I want to do so from a point of knowledge not fear.
@Omnes Omnibus
We go through college with the music we had, not the music we wish we had.
Or something.
BTW, where the heck does that onion/belt thing come from? Never ever heard nor read it before coming here. Each time I do see it here, it’s meaningless within my frame of reference.
@Omnes Omnibus: nope, you post stuff that intrigues me and I do what I can to listen to it all, doesn’t mean that I like it all, but I DO listen, just like I try to find some forgotten 80’s or 70’s nugget that no one has heard in years for folks to consume audibly :-)
this was big locally in 1981 @ UNC
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Onion on belt.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: For us Wisconsin boys, it was this. The story of the Femmes concert in London when I was studying there in ’84 is one of the “cool” moments I have had.
@Omes Omnibus
Oh, and my tastes ossified long before the 80s.
Never was much of a devotee of rock or pop, and certainly not Top 40 radio.
Classical has always been my bag. Every shaky, grainy home movie taken with me in it before I was about 5 had the same record spinning on a player in the background somewhere – a Mozart recording. Parental units complained that I insisted it be played over and over and over….
Strictly for the record, it was this tune.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: As a violinist by training, I am a Vivaldi guy. The man let us roll.
All right. You people made me do this.
@Omnes Omnibus: those guys just never resonated with me… never knew why, they just didn’t. The lyrics are good, just can’t get my head around the vocals, but I’m sure those guys never missed my money since they did pretty well for themselves.
@Yatsuno: you keep that shit up young man and I’ll rickroll your ass
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Why do you have to be like that?
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey. The theme was 80s trash. They’re awful wholesome for that, but you can’t get much more 80s than that.
I’d continue, but I have to be up way too damn early.
Plus I never got my Richard Marx. So yes, I HAD WORSE ALTERNATIVES.
wasabi gasp
Your 80s rule sucks, John, and I ain’t gonna play by it no more. No more, I said! Ok, maybe this one time more…but then no more!
Antena – To Climb the Cliff
@Omnes Omnibus
That Mendelssohn dude was no slouch when it came to the fiddle, either.
You might appreciate the myriad of skills on the violin evinced in this video.
@Yatsuno: John’s also had themes of self injury during housework, but we try our best to not hurt each other too badly :-)
you’re right tho, my threat to go astley on you was unjustified….
so as a way of making nice, here’s something incredibly stupid….
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Not my 80s. And look at what I posted. I was tolerant. God, 80s pop was awful! There was stunningly good and interesting music in the 80s, but most of what came near the Billboard Top 100 tended to be crap. College radio and pop radio diverged.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Shit. Holly and the Italians. Cool.
@Omnes Omnibus: still have their first two albums on vinyl, never understood why she didn’t make it big
Not anywhere necessary to listen to the whole thing, but just long enough to hear the first ad (starts about 1:14) in this bit of 80s ‘alternative’ FM radio.
One doesn’t hear the words “minimalist bimbos” used as a selling point anymore. More’s the pity.
@piratedan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gZSH9QeOqQ
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: I feel that way about Mink Devillle.
James E. Powell
@Omnes Omnibus:
Willy DeVille, one of my all time favorites. Lost track of how many times I saw Mink DeVille and Willy DeVille. And how many of my friends I forced to listen to him, took them to shows. This is one of my favorite performances by him.
@Omnes Omnibus: he’s very reminiscent of Graham Parker, imho….whom I like very much!
As it is an Open Thread, should it come to fruition on Broadway, it will either rock or totally blow. No middle ground.
Omnes Omnibus
@James E. Powell Willie was amazing.
wasabi gasp
Breakin’ the rules! I’m breakin’ the rules!
Swiss Boarding School – She’s so Nice, She’s from Sweden
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Graham?
@NotMax: Not anywhere necessary to listen to the whole thing, but just long enough to hear the first ad (starts about 1:14) in this bit of 80s ‘alternative’ FM radio.
The mix sounds almost exactly like MTV in the same time period. (MTV played Red Skies so many damned times I could never listen to the damn thing again.)
@wasabi gasp: Swiss Boarding School – She’s so Nice, She’s from Sweden
Bastard. I watched that.
You will hear from my seconds, sir!: Skinny Puppy – Rabies (1989) – Spahn Dirge
All 15 goddamn minutes of it.
@Omnes Omnibus: the one and same…. although it’s tough to pick between that one and this one imho:
Are there no Psychedelic Furs on this thread? Love My Way. Lotso good stuff from them.
eddie blake
ghosts is fun…
What’s the matter with Kansas?
Have to admit that just rose from a nap and eyes yet a bit bleary, so misread that as Psychedelic Furries.
Which is a whole ‘nother direction.
This thread still on top? Will no one rid my lawn of these kids?
@Elizabelle: The Furs are good.
My little contribution to the TRS-80’s(not the Furs): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPQgfaB3S1c
@Poopyman: Adjust your onion sir.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Where ay bean frijole?
@raven: Got rid of them on Saturday.
Just One More Canuck
@polyorchnid octopunch: what no Pursuit of Happiness
love Moe Berg’s glasses
Matt McIrvin
@GxB: Oh, come on, I recalled it just from “Chris DeBurgh, but not “Lady in Red”” even before clicking on the link.
Matt McIrvin
M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-ma-ma-no, wait, that’s not right.
Matt McIrvin
…fun’s “We Are Young” always makes me think of “Love Is A Battlefield.”
It’s a Simpsons reference. Grandpa Simpson is giving one of his rambling stories in the episode Last Exit to Springfield
Missouri Buckeye
@NotMax: That was the Infocom (makers of Zork) game “Suspended”
polyorchnid octopunch
@Just One More Canuck: He was hipster before it was hip.
wasabi gasp
@max: I like your puppy. It was a pleasure to melt with you, max.
Whew, I made it (or poor attention span). And not too far from White Horse (did I miss someone posting The Fixx?)