The fact that this is anti-semitic is duly noted, but seriously, how stupid must you be? San Diego county resident and school bus driver Shawn Calpito thought he pulled a fast one and ordered a vanity plate that read: “Not See.” The DMV didn’t catch it and we can’t really blame them:
This one is so subtle that without the other symbol, there’s no way for someone regulating this to realize this is supporting Nazis.
The DMV is right, it was only when coupled with the GIANT AIRBRUSHED SWASTIKA on his trunk, that it’s pretty clear: Shawn Calpito is a neo-Nazi, a stupid, stupid, STUPID neo-Nazi.
Also on today’s #TWiBRadio, #TeamBlackness: obnoxious New York Times writers don’t know what post-black means (01:25:02), Geordi LaForge calls “bullshit” on Quentin Tarantino (01:19:02), and settling neighborly disputes with . . . cannonfire (48:02).
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And this morning on #amTWiB: there may be Prozac and arsenic in your turkey, USA Today is really sorry about their #raciallyinsensitive headline, and antibiotics may be making you fat, or vice-versa?
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Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Any chance Shawn is just showing his support for gun control and robust public transportation?
chrome agnomen
knot head
Yup, there’s your problem right there. Ok, as an OC/LA/LBC kid, that’s probably not fair to say of our yokel cousins to the south, especially the last decade or two as the real yokels have been pushed east to Imperial County.
What I don’t get is this: if you’re going with the giant airbrushed swastika, do you really need the vanity plate to go with it? I mean, the fifty bucks a year that you’d save has got to be worth some decent meth or E or something… right?
It’s funnier in the original German.
Poor swastika. It’s an ancient symbol that doesn’t deserve the shitheads that have appropriated it in the 20-21st centuries.
My only hope is this asshole will get his tires slashed. Repeatedly. *Slash* ~new tires~ *slash* ~new tires~ and so on. Come on San Diego, I used to hang out down there, I know you got some good people willing to do a little righteous vandalism…
Dolly Llama
@Alison: That’s exactly what I was thinking. Hell, he’ll have to buy the finest piece of equipment Darrell Issa sells to keep that fucker safe from harm.
Amir Khalid
There are none so blind as those who will …
Oh “Not See” = Nazi. That took me a moment. I say key his car, egg his house, put sugar in his gas tank.
the Conster
But but but NewsMax tells me that Obama is the real Nazi because he’s paving the way for a second holocaust. BOTH SIDES DO IT!!!!
fat may be making you antibiotics?
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Howard Fineman and David Corn make me want to shoot my television.
Racist or stupid?
Why choose? It’s probably both. Science says so, anyway.
I read a story & the moran was stunned by the reaction he got when his plates became public knowledge! He was hiding the truck and had removed the the plates when a reporter stopped by to talk to him. He claimed to have no idea what the reporter was talking about. It would have been funny if the guy were not such a raging asshole.
As for settling disputes with cannon fire. The boy woke up one morning in Afghanistan to the sounds of multiple rocket explosions. He made the calculation that they were not incoming & tried to go back to sleep when one of his team came & said “You have to see this!”. He went out to have a look & saw that it was two neighbor settling a dispute by shooting RPGs into each others ‘yard’.
Amir Khalid
I presume the California DMV has already confiscated those vanity plates from this neo-Nazi fool. Will he be trying to sneak another pro-Third Reich statement into his next vanity plate application, or has the DMV decided not to let him try?
Villago Delenda Est
There are no not stupid neo-Nazis.
Not see. From the people that brought you one big ass mistake America.
Warren Terra
Oh, to have the replacement taillight franchise in this fncker’s neighborhood.
He probably believed Ron Burgundy that San Diaaaaago was founded by the Germans in 1904 and its name means a whale’s vag1na.
@Amir Khalid: More than likely not. The best they can do at this point is refuse to renew the plate registration when the tabs become due.
Wow. Just wow.
Ash Can
@Schlemizel: Seriously, what the fuck did this shit-for-brains expect? A ticker-tape parade? I agree with Alison: This guy’s prize truck is toast. Since he is evidently old enough to drive (let alone old enough to say his own name and dress himself), all I can say is, if he can’t understand that his customizations did nothing but paint a huge light-up sign on his truck that reads, “PLEASE FUCK WITH THIS VEHICLE,” ain’t nobody who can help him.
Mike E
I am agnostic on the subject of remaking Roots since we have an entertainment environment where people have been conditioned to accept this as normal now. Hell, people seem to go more if a movie has a title that ends with a number. Sad,but true.
Just saw Ken Burns mention that he’s working on a Vietnam War series, too. The old PBS series based on Stanley Karnow’s writings (IIRC) was a good’ern, but, there you have it. LeVar Burton seemed disappointed about Russell Simmons’ approval of the repackaging/remaking of such a historic cultural touchstone, but I can get behind competent re-tellings just so that a new generation doesn’t fall prey to GOP revisionism (and their stenographers who repeat the blatant distortions without question).
I think we had a conversation the other day about how racist assholes are 100 percent convinced that other white people secretly agree with them and are shocked and appalled when (in their minds) creeping political correctness means that they get called out for being racist assholes.
In this guy’s mind, the real problem here is that he was betrayed by his fellow white people, who chickened out and didn’t support him when he knows they totally do but are too cowardly to speak up.
Or, what WereBear said.
Nazi see, Nazi do.
Does this guy sign guest books, ‘Ima Pseudonym’ or ‘Ivan Gottasecret.’
@KG: It’s not just our southern neighbors. I’ve seen a BMW parked on my street with two license plate frames on the front of the car. The bottom one is the license tag and above that is the swastika.
ETA: I’ve seen it twice while walking my dogs, I’ve though of spreading the love my cocker had just dropped on the swastika.
RobertDSC-PowerMac G4 Dual 1.25
OK, this made me laugh. Don’t ask me why, but I thought it was funny.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I understand Howard Fineman but why David Corn? Isn’t he super liberal?
I grew up in a neighborhood with several Holocaust survivors. Their children were my boyhood friends, big, strong, tough guys who break the stereotype of nebbish Jews. If they saw that car license plate they would follow him home, then kill him with their bare hands.
Why would a neo-Nazi be a school bus driver in San Diego? I could understand if he was in Northern Idaho, but aren’t there a lot of minorities in SoCal?
@Seanly: The moron probably thinks that there are too many minorities in SoCal. Have to protect SoCal from a take-over by them and a contamination of white blood.
wow. um, post-black really really doesn’t just mean “he’s white.” don’t make me come up there, New York Times. And really, if a guy’s words are “fighting one another for breath” or whatever, he’s not a good rapper.
Is it a Nazi Swastika or a Indian Swastika?
The key difference is the Nazi Swastika is rotated 45 degrees on its axis, where as the Indian swastika lies flat on the horizontal.
The first is racist, the other is an ancient symbol of luck, prosperity, etc.
Geordi thinks Django Unchained is satire? It’s a lot of things, but I don’t think it falls much into the satire camp.
Anton Sirius
Maybe this guy is just a Dead Kennedys fan.
Howlin Wolfe
@Amir Khalid: FTW!
Howlin Wolfe
@Villago Delenda Est: Stupid Nazi is redundant.
Sooner or later, somone with a low tolerance for dumbass, and little respect for the law will key that car, or smash all the windows out of it, or flatten all the tires. I don’t condone it, but I sure won’t be surprised by it.