Brit Hume tells the truth the rest of Washington will only whisper. Chris Christie is in trouble because he’s a real man:
“In this sort of feminized atmosphere in which we exist today, guys who are masculine and muscular like that in their private conduct, kind of old-fashioned tough guys, run some risks,” Hume said on Sunday’s Media Buzz. […] “Atmosphere,” Hume specified. “Men today have learned the lesson the hard way that if you act like kind of an old-fashioned guy’s guy, you’re in constant danger of slipping out and saying something that’s going to get you in trouble and make you look like a sexist or make you look like you seem thuggish or whatever. That’s the atmosphere in which he operates. This guy is very much an old-fashioned masculine, muscular guy, and there are political risks associated with that. Maybe it shouldn’t be, but that’s how it is.”
It’s fascinating to contrast the giant Christie man-crush of conservatives like Hume and Brooks with the hate he’s getting from the real base. Just look at the Newsmax headlines, for example. They’re not rushing to explain that a man can’t be talking like a lady.
Thanks to reader J for sending this in.
And Obama is a Chicago thug.
My noisemax feed is showing 5-for-5 at the top for jerzeebigboy. impressive.
Yep, if only Christie would be allowed to talk and act like a man and be able to tell off those ni-clang, wetbacks, bitches, towel heads, fags, and jewboys. In other words, white male Christians are once again not in charge and they don’t like it.
Just Some Fuckhead
Was Brit Hume casually fondling his man meat while he said this, occasionally and surreptitiously trying to slip a wet thumb into his needy ass?
John PM
I don’t think I would use the term muscular to describe Christie.
Via one of those NewsMax headlines, this National Review article is great fun to read. Looks like Christie has been declared yesterday’s news, and the search will soon commence for the next Great Conservative Hope.
Comments are also a hoot. “But, what about the IRSgate scandal?” is of course an obvious one. However, there’s also a claim that Al Gore deliberately engineered a traffic jam in New Hampshire during the 2000 primary and that some Democratic governor of Florida deliberately held up hurricane aid to make President Bush (senior) look bad.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I think I speak for many when I say that I’d really prefer not to know the answer to that question.
It’s so tough being an asshole these days.
El Cid
Wait — Chris Christie is “masculine” & “muscular”? Wait what?
For a Brit Hume all you have to do to be masculine & muscular is yell belligerently at less powerful women?
How else does Mr ‘Why Won’t Bruce Springsteen Smile At Me’ rate as ‘masculine’?
Hume is just wrong. I have always considered myself a guy type and let me assure you that a bigmouth, fat punk like Christie was quickly taken care of when he was caught hustling lunch money. He and Hume were the guys who thought they were cool while the rest laughed at them. I still would rather be honest and upstanding over buying success and lying about it like these two slicksters.
@Belafon: Not sure why you went with the “clang”. Seems a little pointless considering the others. Lol
Christie made it apparent that he would not chum around with someone like Wildstein, when he was in high school.
He’s a macho man in fact, he was Rambo before Rambo was famous.
C.V. Danes
Hume is an idiot.
Christie is not a “guy’s guy.” He’s an a-hole and a jerk who likes to play power games, and is not “man” enough to stick by his people when things get tense.
C.V. Danes
@Fuzzy: Well said.
Cutting off traffic lanes just to show who’s boss and giggling about it in emails sounds more like Mean Girls to me.
Just Some Fuckhead
Looks like freedom still has West Virginia in a death grip.
@John PM: You are being way too polite… Christie is morbidly obese and most of the fat is on his trunk, which is the unhealthliest place to carry the weight.
I feel better about the Dems chances in 2016, now that Christie is self-destructing.
I do not think there is another Republican with any shot at having the needed cross-over appeal needed to win the Predidency for the GOP.
Christie as the picture of “masculinity”?
Gasp…. wheeze…..
No wonder they love their guns so much.
@John PM: Yes, even though I dislike the fat jokes about Christie (though I slip occasionally too) it’s weird anyone could possibly call him “muscular” with a straight face.
@C.V. Danes: I suspect Hume has some father issues he should address.
Brit Hume works for Satan himself. That does not exactly burnish his manhood credentials.
@Raven: You mean I have to monitor another website for my Thug Lessons now?
@Cassidy: Actually, I debated, because I typed the full word first.
Masculinity is not threatened. It is not negated by acting decently; in fact, I’d say a real man stands for justice and fairness. A real man is a good sport.
The Brit Humes of this world are worried about macho because they do not understand being a man.
“Real men” are lying sociopathic bullies who like nothing better than inflicting pain on the less powerful.
And people say that lesbians and feminists hate men?
Some of this I agree with, some of it I don’t. I don’t find admonishing a reporter who has veered off topic in spite of repeated requests to stay on topic to be bullying. Though you don’t have to call them stupid.
I, I think along with a lot of other people, find Christie’s willingness to speak somewhat honestly and directly a bit refreshing in today’s modern politcal environment. Speaking honestly and directly is not bullying.
Though, I agree calling people stupid or what not is.
Chris Christie was a creation of the east coast media. Not surprising that they’d be the last to turn on him.
@kwAwk: Did you catch the press conference? There was nothing honest and direct about it.
Amir Khalid
@El Cid:
Speaking of which, it must sting Christie that it was Obama’s generosity that finally got him face-to-face with Bruce.
El Cid
@kwAwk: I think a lot of people hear loud, dumb braying & think it’s a sign that someone’s speaking honestly, instead of it merely being proof that someone’s talking loudly & boldly.
@kwAwk: Yep, cause yelling at a teacher is being honest and direct.
gogol's wife
@C.V. Danes:
Well said. How disgusting he is in that press conference, which I finally had the stomach to watch a few seconds of. The way he treated his associates is disgusting. Can you imagine Obama ever doing something like that?
@Carnacki: Ya think?
It’s no longer possible to be a Republican (or a Villager) without having daddy issues. Also mommy issues. If ever therapy were a good investment, it’s for this bunch. Might cut down on a few world wars, for one.
@Belafon: I wasn’t being critical. I think it’s funny how segments of society have made one denigrating remark more or less acceptable than others.
@El Cid: This. Except:
There. FTFY.
@Aji: That’s covered under Obamacare.
@OzarkHillbilly: Another reason for them to hate it. They like their delusions.
@John PM: He doesn’t even have that ex-football lineman style of “tubby now but was more muscular in his playing days” fitness.
Little Brittle (TM) needed to connect dots between blustery bully and manly muscularity, I guess.
Mr. Longform
Britt Hume’s idea of real men are about as relevant as my idea of credit default swaps – i.e., in neither case do we what we’re talking about. I don’t have any particular insight on what constitutes a “real man”, except that it sounds like Hume is focusing on “macho” when the focus should be on “mensch.” And by that standard, Christie is clearly not a mensch, and his macho is the kind exercised by bullies everywhere: posturing from a position of power over the powerless. Very manly.
Bull. Christie beat an (unpopular) Democratic incumbent and for all his mistakes, bad policies and lack of meaningful accomplishments in his first term, he crushed his Democratic opponent.
He has been hugely popular with lot of Arlen Specter type voters in the Phily suburbs, who now vote Democratic because of how they are put off by the Southern evangelical take over of the GOP.
If his subordinates did not document the bridge closure via electronic media, this would not have stuck to him either.
Why is C.C. more macho than, say, California Governor Jerry Brown?
At what point does effectiveness without bullying become more potent?
@Mr. Longform:
I always thought it conjured up images of the “strong, silent type” who rolls his own cigarettes, and could carry a bale of hay over each shoulder, shirtless in January.
None of which really applies to Christie. He’s the guy who had the state limo drive him the remaining 800 feet to the bleachers of his son’s baseball game, after taking the state helicopter there.
@Mr. Longform:
Oh, I’ll bet you do. I suspect you call them “friends.”
@El Cid: So, I’m confused. Is Brit Hume masculine? He seems more Droopy D than big dog. Or is it just that weak, twaddle-bargeling men like him want a masculine man to project onto?
You more or less made my point for me.
He beat a corrupt and compromised Dem incumbent, then beat a complete lightweight for re-election. What a juggernaut.
@Cacti: You forgot his State Trooper body guards who always around to see to it that he never has to “put up or shut up.”
Suffern ACE
I believe Chris Christie is in trouble because his staff purposefully caused a major traffic jam and someone may have died because of it. I don’t believe voters of New Jersey would have “aw shucks, that’s just how it goes” that in a pre-feminist environment. I’m fairly certain that in 1930s, a governor would have been facing pissed off constituents in New Jersey. People will put up with all sorts of corruption and incompetence, but this isn’t the south where it is expected that the government is supposed to purposefully hurt people.
Brit Hume, along with David Fucking Brooks, is a first rank Villager and by definition a Very Serious Person. You must realize that for denizens of the rarified air which they inhabit, it’s not what you say, it’s how you look and sound while saying it. As long as you look Earnest and say things with which other members agree, it doesn’t matter whether it makes sense to the proles or not. Who gives a fuck what Those People out there in flyover country think anyway?
@Cacti: After spending millions of NJ taxpayer dollars to make sure that the Dem candidate for US Senate would not be on the same ballot.
A real man is an actual grown up person. And they are delightful.
But neither Hume nor Christie qualify, which is why they have to substitute “rampant testosterone” for everything else.
Knight of Nothing
Like others, I can’t get past the adjective “muscular.” The guy is a comically doughy loudmouth.
Yet another plaintive chorus of When girls were girls and men were men, ‘people’ knew their places then!
poor dears.
Corzine was not corrupt. He had the bad luck of running for re-election in 2009, when everybody felt they might get laid off next.
Corzine’s problem was as a relative political outsider to NJ, he managed to piss off a lot of the Democratic base, so people voted for him, in 2009, holding their noses.
Christie did more to damage, what should be the Democratic base, but played the politics of this state like a champ, so dozens of Democrats were lining up to endorse him over his challenger.
He was what Republicans lament they lack at the national level, someone who could sell their snake oil to suburbia. He did it at the state level in NJ and the people loved him for it.
@Cassidy: I knew you were being funny. When I wrote the sentence, though, I did spell out the word, and really considered leaving it completely spelled out. And, most of the time, like writing a story, if I thought the person meant to say it, I would generally write it out (it would look weird to write ni-clang in a story).
You’re right though, why write ni-clang if I’m not going to clang every other word? In the context of my statement, there was no reason to censor that one if I’m not going to censor them all:
More attention to Christie’s record:
Villagers will probably admire his skimming abilities for this one.
@scav: How epically absurd that they’re nostalgic for a sit-com.
Didn’t need no welfare state
Everybody pulled his weight…
Those were the days
And those are the days our ‘modern’ GOP wants back. Fun times.
Comrade Dread
It says a lot about conservatives that they equate manliness with being an asshole.
It also explains why their Jesus is not much like the one in the Bible.
@Nutella: That’s how a real manly man steals money.
Bobby Thomson
I don’t think the Governor is in trouble over anything he SAID. At least that’s not the primary problem.
Just sayin’.
C.V. Danes
@gogol’s wife:
Certainly not a good way to build trust. But, then, “manly men” don’t really need trust to get the job done. They just need a bullwhip.
@John PM:
Being an asshole is often an acceptable proxy in wingnut circles.
@gogol’s wife:
How so?
Mike in NC
They love authoritarians. Christie would be even dreamier if he wore a pair of hobnailed jackboots and kicked people with them.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Most of the people I knew when that sit-com was on had lived through those days and knew that they weren’t such good days.
Biff Hume just has a thing for Sumo wrestlers
Roger Moore
I think Brit Hume spends enough time “burnishing his manhood” over the latest Republican daddy figure that having anyone else do it would be beside the point.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Yes, except for one thing: it’s absolutely true that “our old LaSalle ran great.”
I want to make a joke about Brit Hume and his knowledge of ‘real’ men. I can not however because I don’t think there is anything wrong with homosexuality so joking about it would only make me appear stupider than I am. No, I can’t joke about it because I can’t top what Brit Hume already says. He might as well be writing for The Onion.
(see you can write about Christi without mentioning his weight….wait, what? Oh, damn. Failed again.)
gogol's wife
He pretended they thought it all up by themselves, and he was totally surprised. This cannot be true. He pretended he never really knew the guy he gave a cushy job in the PA to. He lay most of the blame on a woman who was his close associate. She didn’t do it on her own. I think all of these issues have been rehashed here over and over.
The Other Chuck
“Feminized” as an object of scorn, eh? Really reaching out to women voters are we?
@gogol’s wife:
Perhaps — but I asked because I was not sure what you meant. Thanks for explaining.
@elmo: This. I have so many male friends who will caveat something they say by saying, “I’m not a MANLY man, but…” And I always stop them because basically they consider being civilized the thing that knocks them from the ranks of manly men. The guys they are thinking of are loud, mean, argumentative, make gay/racist/misogynistic jokes, and are just generally assholes. I tell them I refuse to let “being a complete asshole” be the definition of being a man.
Cawk slams Obama on the regular. Not surprised he loves Christie.
Higgs Boson's Mate
Had I known how easy it is to be a real man I would have skipped combat in Vietnam and raising an autistic child to self-sufficiency.
@dmsilev: Hell, everyone knows that Obama literally ordered up Hurricane Sandy in order to make Romney look bad.
Don’t forget to include wr0ng way Cole in any man crush discussion about fat bastard Christie. Despite what he seems to think about himself, Cole still has that same fuked up conservative thought process that he had before. That does not change no matter how you claim to now vote.
Gin & Tonic
@Gex: I don’t always live up to this, but I have never found being polite and civilized to put me at a disadvantage.
@AxelFoley: Hell, that describes half the commenters here.
What needs to be asked of Britt Hume is why the muscular real men he champions are such whiners? For being such paragons of masculinity and masters of their own destiny, they sure spend a whole lot of time curled up in a fetal position and complaining about every perceived slight to any TV camera they can find, and blaming everyone but themselves for their misfortunes.
Amir Khalid
You just copy/paste names into the same comment over and over again, don’t you? I do admire your efficiency.
Bobby Thomson
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Good for you. Which one was harder?
When I used to work in downtown DC, I’d occasionally see Brit Hume outside the ABC studios on LaSalle Street, smoking a cigarette. He is shriveled, scrawny little twerp. Maybe that explains part of his bro-crush.
Patricia Kayden
@Raven: Yeah, by Hume’s “logic” shouldn’t conservatives LOVE President Obama, who they claim has engaged in endless scandals and thuggery? What is different between Obama and Christie? (Except that Bridgegate is a real scandal).
@Amir Khalid:
Excellent point, just needed to correct your spelling to be more Jersey-like. (Or as the locals might say, “Joisy-loik.”)
Omnes Omnibus
Bully and asshole =/= masculine. Bully and asshole = bully and asshole.
Shorter douche Hume: “Now Genghis Khan, there was a man’s man.”
@Patricia Kayden:
They’re in a different weight class? Or might that not be what you meant?
Actually, Christie’s not overweight, he’s just under-tall. If he were as tall as Robert Pershing Wadlow, he’d be skinny as a rail.
(OK, I won’t do any more fat jokes, owing to my own girth. Plus, it’s just mean.)
So says the guy who got beat up daily in school for being named “Brit Hume.”
Patricia Kayden
@SFAW: I wasn’t referring to his weight at all. I’m not thin enough to laugh about other people’s weight. I was actually referring to his race. I find it interesting that the Rightwing is okay wtih Christie’s apparent thuggery and nastiness but always want to attack President Obama for allegedly being a Chicago thug. I assume race plays a role in why they judge them differently — and also of course that Christie is on their team.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Wouldn’t know. Waaay too expensive for my family.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Citizen_X: Alexander Britton Hume.
@Patricia Kayden:
Patricia –
Yes, I know. I thought it was kind of obvious (i.e., what you were saying).
My response was along the lines of “Wait – John McCain was a POW?”
Greatest thread of comments I have read on here in a long time. I really have nothing new to add, except to say it is refreshing to hear that so many people are offended by the stereo type that you have to be an asshole to be a real man.
Possibly because “the old days” were days when sexism was considered normal and thuggishness something to be praised, making this a textbook case of Exactly What It Looks Like.
See also “nowadays people think I’m racist if I say things that wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow back when George Wallace was governor!”
Omnes Omnibus
@Chris: I disagree with the idea that thuggishness was a previously praiseworthy social trait in civilized society.
Higgs Boson's Mate
@Bobby Thomson:
Vietnam was an outdoor picnic with fatal entertainment compared to raising an autistic child born in the mid-Eighties.
@muricafukyea: that was lame… I mean lamer than usual.
@Patricia Kayden: Republicans are pretty easy to figure out once you realize that everything with them is projection. They attack Obama as a thug–they’re thugs and like thugs.
Ash Can
Brit Hume needs to be fired for his misogynistic bullshit. Immediately.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think it’s possible to be both.
@Ash Can:
Why ever would Fox do that? They see it as a feature, not a bug.
I love how this issue is really showing up the differences between liberals and conservatives. They’re all getting themselves twisted up into knots about masculinity (of all things), and over here on the liberal side, we’re all kind of like “Yeah, call me back when ‘masculinity’ becomes important in a politician,” and some of us basically think “masculinity” and “femininity” as concepts are kinda bullshit.
No wonder we can’t communicate — our mental maps don’t show anything like the same terrain.
Dear Mr. Hume,
You’re a grown-ass man who calls yourself “Brit,” which means you shouldn’t be talking about masculinity on my teevee,
/snark, kinda.
Southern Beale
Christie’s troubles just beginning. Let the pile-on begin:
Yeah I know those are not the names of the Christie family. But the TV ad thing is real. This was basically a campaign ad for Christie. And after everyone — Dems and NY Republicans alike — shamed the Red State hypocrites for denying New Jersey and New York FEMA aid until they were publicly humiliated, he goes and does this.
What a douchebag.
@Ash Can:
He would just say that being fired proves his point.
Another Holocene Human
@Interrobang: freaking out about masculinity or femininity is a particularly infantile species of status anxiety. We all experience it, but FOX beats a drumbeat of it to keep their audience’s amygdalas overstimulated, because it’s how they motivate GOP voters to the polls.
Children begin asking questions about gender at about age two.
When I was 15, 16 and in an incomplete stage of development myself I thought “arrested development” was Freudian nonsense but now that I’m in my 30s and know people my age with severe problems in that area all I can do is shake my head.
Gender/sexual orientation were two of the most important, salient, obsessive topics in my life until I was about 23, 24 and I sort of grew out of that shit. Brit Hume is a grown-ass man.
He also says a lot of vile things. I used to say vile things on the internet (dba usenet in those days) in my salad days, too.
I wonder if he’s the result of mainlining lead-laced car exhaust and dioxins.
West of the Rockies
Well, at the risk of stating the obvious, Hume is one of those supposedly objective news(wo)men whose politics are glaringly obvious. Add Mara Liasson to that list, Stossel, almost everyone on Fox… They purport to be true journalistss but are fooling only fools. Hume is perhaps the most humorlous, dull, arrogant guy on television. Would a change of expression shatter his face?
Mike G
you’re in constant danger of slipping out and saying something that’s going to get you in trouble and make you look like a sexist or make you look like you seem thuggish or whatever.
Yeah, we can all recall getting flustered in a tense situation and ordering the blockading of bridge traffic out of spite. It’s the kind of misstep that could happen to anybody.
@Amir Khalid: Durfs gotta Durf after all. He’s losing his edge though.
@PIGL: Saddest part is he’s your fellow countryman.
West of the Rockies
@Violet: Somehow, I’ve never thought about this! You may really be onto something here, Violet. Now I am going to pay attention, and I be I WILL see Republicans attacking everything that is inherently their own make-up. They sure hate welfare, for instance, but aren’t red states the vast majority of the states that receive far more federal funding than they pay in taxes? Oh, but they sure hate them some damn welfare!
For a great part of my life it seemed like being a gigantic and complete asshole was the definition of being a man. The guy in the movies who got the girl, the money, the whatever, that guy was a macho man. We even had a pop song about it. It didn’t make sense to me but that was a huge message. Don’t let someone kick sand in your face, build up your puny body and kick their ass. Girls seemed to like the asshole. Of course all of this is false to a major degree but that’s the delivered message.
Joey Maloney
@Knight of Nothing: Chris Christie, the Doughy Rantload?
@West of the Rockies: Republicans’ homophobia is another example. Their hating women and elevating “strong, masculine men” is indicative of their mommy and daddy issues. You’re right about the welfare issue. Really, they’re all about fear. They project that fear outwards as a general rule. It’s the tell.
@Ruckus: Boils down to the classic “Nice guys finish last.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Look at the movies though. There were tough guys but the heroes generally weren’t the one’s starting the fight. The fight starters were the assholes and bullies. Off the top of my head: Shane, First Blood, High Noon, the Mad Max series, Pale Rider…. The heroes were tough and could fight, but they didn’t need to do it to be men. Oh, yeah, add in Atticus Finch being the best shot in the county.
Paul in KY
@Just Some Fuckhead: I thought I got stickiness from Hume’s manlove! Yick.
What a crock of shit. I guess his former female deputy chief of staff gets “manly man” points for giving the go-ahead, what?
Paul in KY
@kindness: You’re a better man than I am, Gunga-Kindness ;-)
Paul in KY
@AnonPhenom: I would say that Ghenghis Khan probably had alot more honour than Mr. Christie. He would also probably have had Mr. Christie executed in some novel manner.
@Paul in KY:
A real mafia don has more honor than cc.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes some movies. But so many of the heroes always seemed to get involved in situations where they were forced to kill someone/everyone. They may not have looked for trouble but they always seemed to find it and had no qualms about being tougher and deadlier first, ask questions later. Of course they are all movies and we all know that isn’t real life. Don’t we?
Of course my point was, to be a man, you had to be a tough guy. Conservatives still see that and only that. Cristie is “good” because he takes no shit off anyone. Not that his policies are good, not that he is good, only that he is “tough”, a bully. Doesn’t even have to have substance, just an attitude, a willingness to be an asshole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: They also confuse tough with bully.
Then, of course, there is this from Al Bundy:
Ms. D. Ranged in AZ
So it’s all the fault of the feminazi’s now? Hume is cribbing notes from Limpballs apparently….idiots.
Why is it that nobody thinks that a man’s not a real man unless he’s…an asshole? And not for doing something that only a male asshole could do, but by using power for petty vengence, which has a long history of co-ed assholery?
@Omnes Omnibus: Here’s Julian Barnes:
It’s from The Sense of An Ending (2011).
Incidentally, his wife died three years before the book came out.
Just One More Canuck
@gnomedad: An asshole is technically a muscle
Damn feminists – it’s getting so a “he-man” can’t even go around deliberately sabotaging the goddamn traffic system just to prove what a stupendous penis he’s got without somebody calling it “abuse of power” and convening a grand jury.
@John PM:
Masculine? Muscular? This is Governor Creosote we’re talking about, innit?
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Just Some Fuckhead: Damn, son. That’s very, um, . . . visceral.