Why are conservatives’ articles about universities (this is about sexual assault but implicitly about college sluts and feminazi administrators) so filled with out-of-date cultural references?
Now, the term “rape” or “sexual assault” is thrown around almost effortlessly, accusations easily made and lives easily ruined.
[….]Watch the Designing Women episode concerning the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill controversy. The show’s theme? Only a sexist Neanderthal would question Hill!
The Borking/high-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas took place in 1991. Fair enough, it’s still viewed as important, but Designing Women? I vaguely remember some Clinton connection that made wingers hate the show, but it went off the air in 1993 and it’s not like we’re talking about Cheers or Seinfeld here.
Update. Speaking of relevant popular culture…take that libs!
The Left loves to paint a caricature — seen in countless films and shows (for example, the frat boys in American Horror Story: Coven) of a smirking college male who deliberately drugs and rapes a girl.
The Other Chuck
What’d they say about it on Golden Girls and Matlock?
More relevant cites from the we is cool patrol!
Because nothing important happened after his dog up and died?
mai naem mobile
Harry Thomason(sp) and his wife produced designing women were old ark pals of the Clinton’s and also prodused the “man from hope” film. I think they produced something forthe 2012 convention. I used to love designing women. Who would have thunk that 2 of the actresses were right wingers?
It’s not just that they remember Designing Women, it’s that they’re still bent out of shape over an episode that must have been aired almost a quarter century ago and which has not been seen since.
@The Other Chuck:
I would argue that with the snickers-driven Betty White renaissance that’s taken place, Golden Girls is more culturally relevant than Designing Women.
Christ, its like reading about Roman religious rituals which were so ancient at the time of the Republic that they were already spoken in a language which was incomprehensible to the participants. These people are so frozen in time and unable to learn new things that they are reduced to throwing up words and images in some form of weird cultural bricolage, like someone trying to construct a political platform from debris found at a flea market.
The best part is the implication that we should be frothing in outrage at this instead of saying “Yes, and rightly so”
Yup! Great song, right?
@mai naem mobile: On the plus side they had that gay black guy.
Roger That
Golden Girls had a pro-Anita Hill bent while Matlock didn’t really take a stand. However, Manimal devoted a two-part episode to it and Newhart took a jab at the Judiciary Committee by creating the characters of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl.
Conservatives are stuck in the 80s, which is further evidence that it was the worst decade ever.
OTOH Annie Potts is awesome
Because recent references are much easier to check. You can talk shit about Designing Women right now and everyone will just assume you’re saying something true. Talk about a show that’s currently on the air and people will check it out and ask those involved and possibly learn the context involved.
It’s the same reason they talk about history so much, and why it so rarely resembles what actually happened. Credibility via lack of opposition.
Hunter Gathers
Designing Women must have some deep, everlasting pull for Conservatives. I wonder if it has something to do with the show being about four white women with Southern accents bossing around the one black guy.
@justawriter: Strange comment. I guess you’re trying to be funny and failing.
“Women are constantly throwing around the term “sexual assault” willy-nilly, accusations easily made and lives easily ruined. As evidence, I present this man who unquestionably sexually assaulted a woman by any definition, and was awarded a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.”
@DougJ: Written by the great Texas Troubadour from Buffalo, NY!
@dubo: In fact she was questioned by a half dozen neanderthals, IIRC.
Rich (In Name Only) in Reno
Yes, but like Jesus’ holy wounds, those of Conservatives never heal.
Psst, hey conservatives, let me tell you a secret: Murphy Brown had that baby without a husband so that she could get gay married.
Dr. Loveless
He should have gone with a Murphy Brown reference. That shit never gets old.
not so strange.
Ash Can
Because, don’tcha know, as soon as a female utters the word, everyone just falls over themselves in the mad rush to believe her and help her.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I remember an episode of Quincy where Jack Klugman was falsely accused of groping by a vindictive co-ed (a young Joyce DeWitt) trying to get her boyfriend’s attention. Howard from Mayberry RFD played the no-nonsense Dean who helped Quincy get to the bottom of things
I looked at the link to see where this was from, I am a bit disappointed it wasn’t Jonah Goldberg, I was betting on Derbyshire (is he still with us?). Never heard of this guy.
Omnes Omnibus
DougJ, in fairness, the writer did manage to get in an American Horror Story: Coven reference as well. And damn you, I can’t believe you got me to click on an NRO link. You bastard.
Cluttered Mind
The worst part of it to me is not that they’re stuck in the 80s and constantly use very outdated cultural references, but that they seem to assume that liberals are too. The one connecting thread in just about all the conservatives I’ve had the misfortune of talking politics with is that they all seem to assume that liberal = hippie = 1960s and 70s stoner with unkempt hair and bad hygiene. They clearly have no idea who liberals actually are and what they actually believe. It’s difficult to argue with someone when it’s clear before too long that they aren’t actually talking to you, they’re talking to their fantasy idea of a liberal planted in their brains by right wing media.
I just listened to it on youtube. It’s so good it gave me the chills. But I’ve stopped taking my Prozac so I’m bound to return to the highs and lows. Prozac is helpful but it takes away the deep emotions.
Designing Women was the shit. I used to watch it all the time with my mom. Bernice was my favorite character.
@Rich (In Name Only) in Reno: In the truly devout, the wounds spontaneously erupt, like stigmata. They get together and compare blussures. Icons of Ronnie have been known to weep blood and his profile emerges by free-market sorting processes in bowls of mixed jelly beans.
@dubo: Indeed.
That and the
bit. Because the only lives whose ruination matters are the men’s once the women make their accusations.
@Rich (In Name Only) in Reno: D’you ever get the feeling that FundiEvangelist Teahadism is merely stigmata envy?
Suffern ACE
@mai naem mobile: Designing women played a role in mainstreaming the career of Rush Limbaugh. Back in the late 80s when he was still “controversial”, they had him on to spar with Dixie Carter, but the moral of the story was that he was really charming and we could all get along because of that.
Suffern ACE
@Cluttered Mind: Ah. It seems like just yesterday that some liberal was praising Jane Fonda and spitting on soldiers. That was back before we lost our innocence and the Simpsons came on the air.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And you mocked content warnings. Kidding!
@justawriter: Sorry. I think I missed your point. Dogs leaving us will upset me and make me reactive.
Morzer (this is your final trigger warning, do not pass go if you have issues with depictions of Morzers engaging in Morzer-related activity)
I would be perfectly happy to crucify any Teahadis who feel that they could be better and happier people afterwards. Hell, I’ll even donate the labor and since they’ve always got a variety of personal crosses handy that ought to keep the costs down.
@Cluttered Mind:
And Jane Fonda Chappaquiddick to you too, bucko. That nice shiny bubble of self-reinforcing bullshit done broke off from reality as a whole, picking up a whole lot of half-remembered mostly nonsense about the 1950s, dropped the gearshift in R and floored it. It’s a wibbly wobbly timey-wimey thing.
@Cluttered Mind: They missed the lesson in delivering insults that focuses on knowing one’s target. They think “get a job project-dweller!” is a clever burn when it’s really just bemusing to someone who doesn’t live in the projects or has a job.
Higgs Boson's Mate
@Suffern ACE:
I’m so liberal that I spat on myself when I returned from Vietnam.
Had never heard of A.J. Delgado. Looked her up thinking she was a he and realized that surely she is not much older than Designing Women herself is she?. I was hoping the author was an old worn out dumb ass but with this much youth Delgado will be referencing irrelevant stuff for years to come. Damn. This shit is never going to go away.
It reminds me of the time that Lenny and Squiggy got locked out of their apartment.
This is why my go-to response to my R dad and my libertarian friend (it’s amazing how new generations pick up this bull) is that they’re blaming Obama for LBJ.
Omnes Omnibus
No, actually, I did not.
@ulee: It’s the song lyric. “The dog up and died, he up and died, after 20 years [Mr. Bojangles] still grieves.”
For the same reason that the Sunday morning shows have ads about incontinence and Viagra. There is a target audience for the product.
It is really interesting seeing the activism to address sexual assault (mis)handling at universities. I think we are approaching a real turning point here. In many liberal arts schools, women outnumber men. Schools that handle this well will benefit from it in the future.
My favorite comment from the article so far
That trigger warning shit is getting a hell of a lot of mileage.
I think Boomers of every political stripe are just loath to realize that they are old and uncool and boring, and that their cultural agenda is not current or revolutionary or exciting. Deal.
The only real oppression is that suffered by conservatives, whenever they’re accused of screwing up anything through the true application of their belief system.
Of course, any slight suffered by a conservative, whether justified or not, must be nurtured like an oyster nurtures a pearl.
@Pogonip: Yes, I know. Thank you.
@Morzer (this is your final trigger warning, do not pass go if you have issues with depictions of Morzers engaging in Morzer-related activity): I hope you’re selling tickets to that…
Omnes Omnibus
She says, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
Said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
Comrade Dread
Sure, you and I have moved on, but they keep a list of everyone who’s ever insulted them or made them feel bad. It’s in a scratched up Peechee notebook, and they take it out now and again while listening to their Ted Nugent records, vowing that one day they’ll all pay, when the government fails and they’ve gone Galt that they’ll look down upon the masses crying out to save them and they’ll say, “No.”
@flukebucket: The internet can lay waste to a meme just as fast as it can create them.
BTW – Bork didn’t get “Borked”, the fucker got rejected, like me trying to play one on one with LeBron James and driving in for a layup. I’d eat the ball.
That’s what happened to that mendacious, cringing, cowardly piece of shit.
Why are those Bolsheviks Ronald Coleman and Jane Wyatt getting a walk for their 1937 commie propaganda film Lost Horizon?
@DougJ: Yep, love that song. No karaoke night is complete without it.
@Comrade Dread: Well, culture doesn’t just start and stop. I remember being 13 and seeing a Ted Nugent album cover with a woman on a platter with a hand grenade in her mouth. I thought–now that’s pretty fucked up.
@Comrade Dread:
I was going to say Scooby Doo trapper keeper with “Mrs Ronald Reagan” written 50 times on the cover with a Sharpie marker.
@Botsplainer: Exactly. he got the famous uperdown vote, and went down by a substantial margin.
“Did Obama shoot President Kennedy? Fox News uncovers evidence for a shocking new theory, after the break.”
gogol's wife
Except that it slanders the real Bojangles, who was never a drunk in a jail but a brilliant dancer.
Whatever happened to him? Meshach Taylor, I think. He was funny. They all were.
J.D. Rhoades
“Borked” has taken on a connotation of being unfairly attacked, usually for personal foibles. That didn’t happen to Bork. His actual views were examined and found to not be what the Senate wanted in a Supreme Court justice. Funny, though…Bork was Mr. “No Right to Privacy,” yet the wingnuts now are screaming about government invading that very right.
@Citizen_X: Obama did shoot Kennedy, and he created an alibi by placing his birth announcement in a Hawaii newspaper.
Why are conservatives’ articles … so filled with out-of-date cultural references?
Because they just can’t stop holding a grudge.
? Martin
In most schools women outnumber men. But that doesn’t mean anything. In most schools men vastly outnumber women in positions that set policy and priorities. That’s not to say that you can’t get a group of men to prioritize this, but it’s going to be more work, and their solutions may not be particularly good solutions, and there’s about a 0% chance that they’d turn over the whole task to a committee of nothing but women.
The willingness to do so (even in the abstract) tells you pretty much all you need to know.
@Citizen_X: JFK? I’m surprised they haven’t blamed him for shooting McKinley and letting that Soshulist TR into office to preside over trustbusting, the Death Tax, the original Progressivism and other horrors.
They haven’t?
? Martin
No, it’s because they’re old. And if the author isn’t old, he’s at least smart enough to know that his audience is.
The near term future of the GOP is a casket. And that’s a problem they don’t know how to deal with because the party leaders and the billionaires controlling them are every bit as old and casket-bound.
J.D. Rhoades
I dunno about Meshach Taylor, but the character wasn’t gay. He got married in one of the later seasons. I read somewhere that if Delta Burke hadn’t left, they were going to have a plot where she and Anthony got together.
Bobby Thomson
@mai naem mobile:
Citation needed. Arthur, McClanahan, and White are/were definitely not.
ETA: I’m an idiot. Forgot you were talking about a different show I never watched.
@J.D. Rhoades:
For four decades, the forced birthers have treated Blackmun’s “penumbra of privacy” in Roe as a joke. They’ve scoffed at it, laughed at it, sneered at it, mocked it. Their newfound concern is laughable.
You people just don’t understand that Conservative Culture never goes out of date like your soy latte creamer and is the One Truth.
Besides their relative interpretation of the New Testament.
The Golden Girls is very relevant to today’s world. They had episode themes ranging from gay right and marriage, to unfair immigration policy, HIV/AIDS, poverty and homelessness, elder abuse, sexism, racism and age discrimination.
Bea Arthur reportedly didn’t like the more overt political references in the show like George H. Bush because she thought they would date the show that would otherwise have issues relevant for years after the show ended.
Omnes Omnibus
@Botsplainer: The penumbras and emanations originated with Douglas in Griswold.
Hungry Joe
1) I heard that “bojangles” was a general term for a (Negro?) song & dance/tap-dance guy, and that’s how Bill Robinson got the nickname. The song didn’t refer to him directly. Not sure about that, though.
2) “Dog up and died/he up and died/After twenty years he still grieves” is the saddest lyric ever written. I can’t bear to listen to it/have to listen to it/tear up when I listen to it.
3) I was once in an elevator with Bork and his wife. Wyndham Hotel, New York, mid-1990s. Just the three of us. “Terminator”-like, the following options appeared on my mental screen: (a) hit him; (b) look right through him as if he were just some ordinary, nameless old dude on the elevator. I chose (b).
@Roger That: ~~~~ +1 ~~~~
Roger Moore
But now it’s their privacy they’re worried about, so it suddenly matters.
Omnes Omnibus
@Hungry Joe:
This lyric from Steve Goodman’s The Dutchman gives it a run for its money:
I never had a pet rock but whoever came up with the idea deserves every dollar he made.
Amir Khalid
Pet rocks are a terrible idea. No matter how nicely you ask, they just won’t play with you.
Suffern ACE
I do have to agree that things are getting out of controll. Did you know there was a lady who sued McDonald’s for $320M in todays dollars and won because she spilled her own coffee? Out of control lawyers are killing industry.
Ain’t that the truth. In a facebook thread a few days ago a winger demanded I apologize for Woodrow Wilson being a racist and admit that African Americans should all be Republicans.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: They are good for people who feel that pet turtles require too much interaction and exercise.
Conservative canards you need to remember:
1. Rome fell because the pagan Romans were sinful, lustful, drunken people.
2. the Crusades were righteous efforts about Jesus.
3. The Renaissance was about the Jesus-y efforts to restore art and beauty.
4. Indigenous Americans weren’t that numerous when Europeans came along, and didn’t deserve the continent anyway, because they were violent to each other.
5. Puritans were hard working, honest, and not oppressive toward anyone who didn’t toe the same religious line. That little regicide in England wasn’t meaning anything.
6. The Founding Fathers were all pure of motivation, and of one mind.
7. Slavery would have died out and was on its way out at the time of the Civil War.
8. The Civil War was about Yankees wanting tariffs, not about the slavery in each of the articles of secession.
9. Confederate leadership was honest and pure in their wishes, the military leaders true patriots, and the average Copnfederate soldier didn’t have slaves.
10. Confederate soldiers fought not because they were propagandized to and led by the planter class, but because they were fighting for their states.
11. There was World War I and the doughboys that we don’t talk about, although it changed the face of the world and introduced modern warfare to civilian populations.
12. Damn Roosevelt should have left things alone and let the Market sort things out.
13. Government stimulus does nothing to make an economy work.
14. Despite government stimulus doing nothing to make an economy work, going to the government stimulus in massive defense buildups officially ended the Depression cycle.
15. World War II was won because We were willing to inflict massive collateral casualties, costs be damned, in order to win.
16. Strategic indiscriminate bombing proved useful.
17, Truman lost China by not being tough.
18. The South would eventually grant civil rights to blacks, whose leaders were all communists who hate everything good and right about America.
19 Seriously, why are you pushing this civil rights thing? Southern whites are good people who will do the right thing.
20. Vietnam was lost because We didn’t indiscriminately kill enough of the bad guys – Diem wasn’t great, be wasn’t a commie.
21. Nixon didn’t do what anybody else didn’t do.
22. Carter gave that gay ass malaise speech and ruined America. Real Americans don’t worry about conservation.
23. You killed our liberty by taking away our right to systematically oppress colored people. We told you we’d have gotten around to it. Maybe this Reagan guy can talk some states rights from the place where the police conspired with the Klan to kill a cowardly group of kids (including a Northern Jew, you know how they are) just 16 years ago.
Because they are old out-of-it farts, or worship at the feet of old out-of-it farts.
Doug, Where was the trigger warning. I thought I was linking to the onion.
Howlin Wolfe
@ulee: Guess you aren’t real cognizant of old songs, are you Ulee? “Mr. Bojangles” by Jerry Jeff Walker is the source and his comment is a quote from that song. Do try to keep up, dear.
Did y’all hear this great new song about being proud to be ‘Merkin where at least you know you’re free?
@Botsplainer: And you knew who you were then/Girls were girls and men were men/Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
@Howlin Wolfe: Read the thread, dear.
Those sinful, lustful, drunken, pagan Romans manage to build quite an empire that lasted for more than a millennium. Then they adopted Christianity and the barbarians were burning down Rome three generations later.
The GOS is urging me to sign a petition demanding that Pat Sajak apologize for saying that people who believe in global warming are “unpatriotic racists”.Maybe my outrage meter is broken, but I just can’t get too worked up about anything the host of Wheel of Dumbass has to say.
OT – but a judge has ruled PA’s anti same-sex marriage laws unconstitutional. The first paragrah of Judge Jones’s decision certainly sets the tone (emphasis mine)
No shit, my mother (raised by central Kentucky white trash parents) used to talk about how often she agreed with Archie. Interestingly, she was a younger boomer at the time, born just before the end of the war.
As a 24 year old, she was one of that tiny percentage of her age cohort that voted for George Wallace.
She’s an even worse wingnut now.
Suffern ACE
@beltane: Yeah. He doesn’t say they are wrong. It just isn’t patriotic to say stuff that might involve changing our way of life.
Anton Sirius
I’m gonna guess the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band version
Higgs Boson's Mate
No broad brush for you, eh?
One of my kids had been talking to one of her fundie friends in school back during late elementary or middle school in the context of a history class, and came home to share about how this classmate told her about how awful those pagan Romans were.
I really enjoyed undoing that piece of information. She enjoyed bringing my undoing back to fundie friends and her whole history class.
Being an American fundie really is about being deliberately pig ignorant on every topic. Being Greek Orthodox in the environment of a pulsing red fundamentalist exurb outside a very blue city was eye opening to my girls. They saw how close they were to open discrimination due to that deliberate ignorance, and how to patiently explain linguistic and liturgical differences with the locally dominant branch of religious observance.
The one thing that I think I despise the most about American fundies is that they robbed me of my own comfortable, enjoyable, tolerant embrace of faith by trying so viciously to slam their absurdities into public policy – I started thinking hard about the whole thing.
@Mandalay: The real reason is that the 80s is when they were really getting their date rape on, back when they were odious young frat boys** and aspiring MBAs. You know how it’s always projection? Well “always” include “this time”
** Our Host’s fine young men excepted.
@Mandalay: The real reason is that the 80s is when they were really getting their date rape on, back when they were odious young frat boys** and aspiring MBAs. You know how it’s always projection? Well “always” include “this time”
** Our Host’s fine young men excepted.
@Anton Sirius: Or as another master of pop culture once called them, the Nitty Gritty Big Bird Band.
it’s not so much a caricature as it is ‘this thing that happens every single fucking day’.
Anton Sirius
Apparently something in the John Prine lyrics I quoted as strong contenders in the “saddest lyrics ever written” competition got the post caught in the filter.
El Caganer
@Kropadope: He did? I thought that after all it was you and me.
I no longer go to fraternity events from my undergrad fraternity. Shit don’t matter, not anymore.
Frankly, they were all probably a lot more fun before official recognition, anyway.
Higgs Boson's Mate
@Anton Sirius:
“Donald and Lydia,” among others, still tears me up.
@Anton Sirius: That would be Sam Stone’s fate.
wasabi gasp
Seems she is unaware that Archie is black.
Anton Sirius
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: I think I had Sam Stone, Angel From Montgomery, and Paradise quoted, but that one’s a heart-breaker too.
Anton Sirius
@ulee: It would, yeah.
@Anton Sirius: I couldn’t listen to “Hello in There” for 5 years after my dad died.
@El Caganer: Shhhhh…
Chyron HR
You laugh, but the decadent Left in its enclaves in Jawjah is not dead—and may well mount what amounts to a fifth column.
Anton Sirius
@chopper: To be fair, the average American Horror Story episode is one ham-fisted cliche after another rammed together with all the finesse of, uhh, well, a drunken date-rapey frat boy.
Patricia Kayden
@mai naem mobile: They were Southern White women. Why wouldn’t one of them be rightwingers?
Lurking Canadian
@Hungry Joe: if there was ever a time to robotically intone, “Fuck you, asshole”…
@Botsplainer: Exactly. The tell is when you try to explain something to them- “well really that’s a commonly held misconception, the truth is…” then you get “SHUT UP NERD!”
Another word that automatically ends the conversation is “because.”
The only things I can recall about Designing Women are, the ridiculously over-the-top way they pronounced the name of the company…”Shug-ah-bah-guhs”…and it was the only way I could remember who Meshach Taylor was, when comedians made obscure reference jokes about him.
@chopper: Remember drugging women and raping them is now for Husbands too! (with sex tapes! no prison time!) They’re apparently upset when we fail to approve their HS dream dates and their keeping that romance alive in later years with their biblically-approved ball-and-chain.
Keith G
@Omnes Omnibus:
Long ago, I began checking the links provided by Doug, before I decide to care about the post. Anything from the NRO is always grounds for automatic apathy.
Physics, history, archaeology, astronomy, biology, geology, engineering, medicine, biochemistry, economics, psychology – there’s no academic subject they can’t mangle beyond any hope of recognition.
I blame Obama for being a really lazy, weak and disorganized tyrant (we know why) for failing to set up those FEMA reeducation camps for conservative Christians. I even offered to personally command one.
@gogol’s wife:
It’s about a white guy he met in jail. New Orleans jails were segregated at the time. People called him Bojangles because he was a good dancer.
@gogol’s wife:
gogol's wife
Well, fine, but nevertheless lots of people think the song is about Bill Robinson, and that he had some sort of decline and ended up dancing on the street and getting thrown in the drunk tank. Which didn’t happen.
ETA: In fact, I myself thought that until I read more about Robinson.
@gogol’s wife: A lot of people think Obama was born in Kenya too.
@Dr. Loveless: Potatoe, potahtoe.
@raven: Yep. John’s songs would rip you up if you contemplated the lyrics. Used to go see Prine and Goodman at the Earl of Old Town.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Yeah, have little ageism with your dinner?
I can’t wait for all these fuckers who rag on people for getting old, get old. I’ll be there with my cane and wave it in their faces. –Who’s old now motherfucker, who’s old now?–
@Omnes Omnibus:
Pet turtles all the way down.
Didn’t need no welfare state, fo’ shizzle.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Don’t pet the snappers.
Not a younger boomer, nor even a boomer at all, the first of whom were born in 1946.