Apparently Warner Todd Huston and Joel Pollak at Breitbart have breaking pieces on AG nominee Loretta Lynch:
Members of the conservative media are attempting to scandalize President Obama’s Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch by suggesting she was involved in the Whitewater investigations of the 1990s. However, the Loretta Lynch that played a bit role in Whitewater — an investigation into fraudulent real estate deals that did not include any wrongdoing by the Clintons — is a different person than Obama’s attorney general nominee.
According to a November 8 article by Warner Todd Huston, “few are talking about” the fact nominee Lynch “was part of Bill Clinton’s Whitewater probe defense team in 1992.” Huston pointed to a March 1992 New York Times article that “reported that Lynch was one of the Clintons’ Whitewater defense attorneys as well as a ‘campaign aide.'” And in a November 9 article Huston’s colleague, Senior Editor-at Large Joel Pollak wrote, “The connection to Whitewater ought to provide additional fodder for Republicans during Lynch’s confirmation hearings”:
The connection to Whitewater ought to provide additional fodder for Republicans during Lynch’s confirmation hearings. It is odd that Obama chose someone so close to the Clintons–or perhaps not, given the prominent role played by Clinton insider John Podesta in the second term of the Obama White House. Lynch has been rewarded throughout her career for her political loyalty–not an unusual path up the career ladder for federal prosecutors, but certainly one that will allow the GOP, as well as Obama, to raise the political stakes.
The Loretta Lynch referred to in the New York Times article is a California based attorney who has worked on several prominent political campaigns, not Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch. Obama’s nominee is shown on the right, while the Loretta Lynch Breitbart refers to is on the left:
I wouldn’t suggest reading the comments at Breitbart- they read like they have finally gone full Stormfront.
Howard Beale IV
Even Satan (The prince of liars) can’t hold a candle to these nanocephalic slackjawked mouthbreathers.
Corner Stone
I’m not sure why everyone seems to be so pumped about the actual Ms. Lynch that is nominated.
Is Dday incorrect here?
I dunno, I’d be disposed to defend anyone who defended the Clintons from that Whitewater/Vince Foster/Monicagate stuff.
Still. Hilarious.
Comrade Dread
Finally? I think we’re about six years past that point, mate.
Roger Moore
@Corner Stone:
Her history of prosecuting corrupt police seems like a good start.
schrodinger's cat
You can’t unsee what you have seen. Need some brain bleach, stat.
Iowa Old Lady
I can’t unsee that picture, Cole. One of your neighbors?
@Corner Stone: Well both sides of the tweets and all.
John Cole +0
@Corner Stone: I have no opinion of her whatsoever. I’m still hurting from that Taibbi piece on Holder. I do find these guys at Breitbart to be hysterical, though.
Tree With Water
Ms. Lynch also moonlights as a running back for the Seattle Seahawks.
@John Cole +0: Please tell me that the guy with the gun shot his manhood off.
Omfg. And right before supper too.
Thanks alot.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: She also prosecuted the police officers who assaulted Abner Louima. She was also involved in getting the Citibank $7 billion settlement over mortgage fraud. She’s been a lawyer for 30 years; you’re going to find good and bad.
Corner Stone
@Tree With Water: If she goes Beast Mode on banksters count me in.
El Caganer
@Corner Stone: Much the same reason as with Eric Holder. If you nominate an AG who goes after banksters and doesn’t do dick for John Q. Public’s civil rights, the banksters won’t give you any money and John Q. Public will hate your guts for letting police abuse citizens, corrupt politicos disenfranchise those they don’t like, etc. Consequently, you won’t be in office for very long, and there’s a good chance you’d get ousted before even getting rid of the banksters.
If you ignore the banksters and stand up for John Q. Public’s civil rights, the banksters will give you money and John Q. Public will at least get something out of the deal.
Wait, that guy is not Cole?
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: And, as Dday points out, the HSBC BS.
There’s no perfect social justice warrior available for this job, I get it.
But a lobbyist and Fed board member doesn’t do it for me. Sorry.
The Dangerman
Creepy Rob Low-T?
Corner Stone
@El Caganer: This is one of the more ridiculous responses I could have imagined. And, yes, I thought of a few.
Felonius Monk
Or, at least, took one in the Boys.
Howard Beale IV
@Corner Stone: She may if Shelby, Diaper Dave and Warren turn up the heat-that is, if they even hold confirmation hearings.
Corner Stone
@John Cole +0: I’m still learning more on this. It doesn’t actually matter, as Obama didn’t ask me. But I’m looking for some reason people are excited. Beyond the fact that Obama nominated her.
Knocking people down is easy. Ambitious, talented, successful people make decisions and do things we won’t all agree with. Magnanimously, I am ok with that.
But I see an easy downside discussion here and not a lot of upside. So I thought I would ask.
mai naem mobile
This is funny. When i saw Obummer announce her yesterday i was wondering which rightwinger would be the first one to say he nominated Lynch because her name would give him an advantage during her nomination hearing because thats how stupid they are.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: She was a partner at Hogan Lovells, but that is a huge law firm. It does lobbying as many law firms do, but I have not seen anything to indicate that Lynch was anything other than a lawyer there.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: I may be more familiar with Hogan than you are, but then again I may not.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: All I was saying is that working for that firm does not automatically make her a lobbyist.
Amir Khalid
Gee, I dunno. It’s really hard for me to tell Loretta Lynch apart from Loretta Lynch.
As for the Mr Seks Appeal, I get why he’s posing with guns and ammo. But toy guitars?
But, you see, they don’t care that it’s the wrong Loretta Lynch. Doesn’t matter. And, besides– once you’ve unskewed the facts, and come to see things in their true clear light, both Loretta Lynches turn out to be merely separate visible aspects of the same malevolent entity.
Felonius Monk
Here all the time I thought those turds over at were just morons (aka morans) — turns out they’re idiots, too.
@Omnes Omnibus:
People are accusing her of being a lobbyist because she worked at a firm that lobbies?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Well, I spent time at Baker Hostetler, a firm that also lobbies, but I have never been a lobbyist.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Contra Omnes, not all big law firms lobby. And those that do, do not have an ethical wall between individuals inside.
I get what you’re trying to do here, but when you’re a partner at a shop that lobbies.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You will never be Attorney General, you corporate shill.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: I did not say that all big law firms lobby.
@Baud: Well, no shit.
The Other Chuck
Whitewater? Yeah that’s gonna really move opinion. Keep fucking that chicken, Breitbrats.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Why not? It’s not stopping Ms. Lynch.
Let the man dream, for dog’s sake.
Let’s look on the bright side here. They did not analyze Loretta Lynn’s fitness to serve as AG, and really they’re just not going to clear any bars higher than that.
@Corner Stone:
I’m not trying to do anything. But I know enough about law firms to know that most attorneys in most large law firms do not lobby.
Betty Cracker
Jeebus, what the hell happened to Russell Brand?
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: Thread’s over. You won.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes you did. You said she fucks goats and that all goat firms engoaten their environment.
It’s right there in goat and white!
Corner Stone
Damn. I’m hungry for some goat all of a sudden.
@Betty Cracker:
That’s what not voting will do to you.
Howard Beale IV
American Airlines cabin crew barely rejected a union contact by 16 votes-The proposed contract included guaranteed raises but ended a profit-sharing plan, further complicating their merger with US Airways.
Corner Stone
@Baud: What you’re saying is bullshit. Most lawyers are not lobbyists. Most law firms do not lobby.
You are pulling the proverbial goat chain.
@Corner Stone:
Ok, you lost me. But I like goats, so it’s all good.
@Corner Stone:
You and gnawing on fucking goat. It’s a little tough for me.
Lamb, I’ll do.
@Comrade Dread:
You beat me to it.
Also: John, did you HAVE to use that photo on the post? There’s not enough brain bleach on this planet to get that image out of my head. Yeaughhhh.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Most law firms do not lobby. Let’s drop those from our discussion, goat boy.
What about considering those firms that *do* lobby?
The average attorney makes $35K a year. You going to compare Ms. Lynch to that category now, as well?
Corner Stone
@Botsplainer: I’ll take some Lamb Chops.
ETA, lamb fucker!
@Corner Stone:
Most of the attorneys in law firms that lobby do not themselves lobby, IMHO.
“Correction: The Loretta Lynch identified earlier as the Whitewater attorney was, in fact, a different attorney.”
Southern Beale
Apparently that great conservative magazine American Thinker made the same mistake. Hilarious.
@Betty Cracker:
No, this guy is a roadie for Ted Nugent.
@Trentrunner: I know, right? When I read what they were “accusing” her of, I kept thinking “this is a bad thing, because… ?”
Roger Moore
I doubt it. It’s such a tiny target.
@hilts: “Correction: This article is false.”
@El Caganer: Well put. Also depressing.
Also, the banksters STILL decided that Obama had it in for them, and pulled their support ( which did happen in 2008).
OK, so the Breitbart guys may be a bit shaky with that ‘facts’ thing, but nobody can accuse them of not doing their job.
Howard Beale IV
@Betty Cracker: He’s gone fill LibDem/Sohulists with his Trews Youtube Channel.
@Southern Beale: With a name like that, I’m guessing it’s the magazine for conservatives who totally missed Orwell’s point.
And the rightwing brain-rot continues.
Well, if he did, he must have remarkably good aim.
So, plastic surgery?
@MattF: “Correction: This article is true. And by true I mean false. It is all lies. But they’re entertaining lies. And in the end, isn’t that the real truth? The answer is no.”
Roger Moore
How? It’s hard to believe there’s any brain left to rot. The only way the rot can continue is if the rotten material rots a second or third time.
Corner Stone
Loretta in Beast Mode! Skittles at the Senate!
@Omnes Omnibus: I’d love for you to be Attorney General. And Little Boots would lose his shit.
I love right-wing fails. The just absolutely make my day. Like the story about the Duggar girl fucking in the church. It wasn’t true, but, oh Lord, I wanted it to be. The Palin fight was even better than I have ever hoped for. I know that it’s bad to be so small and petty, but whenever they fuck up so spectacularly, I just LOVE IT SO MUCH.
Depressing. He is for something. They are against it. And, in the end, fed up with nothing happening, the American people rewarded the ‘aginners.’
You know how when you think the ice cream is all gone and you go to the fridge and move stuff around and then lo and behold there’s a half-pint of chocolate-chocolate chip that you forgot about and no one else is home and it’s raining outside and there’s a great movie on TCM and the fire is crackling and you curl up realizing just how good life is?
That’s how I feel when this post reminded me that Andrew Breitbart is dead. Very dead. Worm food dead. So truly dead.
@Trentrunner: Dead, but still lying. Quite a feat.
You gotta take happiness wherever you find it.
@MattF: We’re democrats and we’ll take what we can get.
Howard Beale IV
@SRW1: When even conservative uber-troll Chuck C Johnson was calling out how wrong this ‘Breitbart scoop’ was, stick a fork in the Breitbart empire. It’s ex-parrot time.
Their trivial failures are pored over — bread and circuses! — while their important failures are quickly all but forgotten.
Iowa Old Lady
@Trentrunner: I’m off to search the freezer, stat.
Corner Stone
Damn. Loretta is freakin’ killing it tonight late.
mai naem mobile
@Betty Cracker: thats what happens to you when you split up with Katy Perry.
by the way I am surprised that so many people appear not to have seen this picture beforet_t bogg use to use it a lot with his Sean Hannity dating website posts. Pre FDL i think.
Mike J
@Howard Beale IV:
So when he said vote for nobody he meant Nick Clegg? While accurate, I now understand the confusion over his statements.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I doubt you’ll find him there. He’s buried in West LA.
Roger Moore
Cool! That’s close enough to go over and piss on his grave. Does anyone know the exact location?
schrodinger's cat
@Corner Stone: Biryani?
Corner Stone
First name Russell…last name Wilson…
Corner Stone
@schrodinger’s cat: Now you’re speaking my language!
Howard Beale IV
@Mike J: I haven’t been really watching his channel all that much; he’s definitely turned far left and anti-globalistic, and has had some interesting people on from time to time and has appeared on some off-the-beaten-path shows. But he’s pretty sharp, and put the shiv in someone’s argument pretty quick.
Keith G
@Corner Stone: If I were not an intermittent Obot, my snarkish response would be…
“Of course he wants to hire someone with New York finance and lobbyist ties… there is the Obama Presidential Library to build.”
But since I am, it isn’t.
Corner Stone
I’m probably going to make a mix-meat-meatball to put on some Naan bread and bake as a pizza.
But Biryani also sounds pretty awesome at this point.
@Roger Moore: Sounds like a good place to have a balloon juice meetup.
@Roger Moore: Don’t know about Breitbart, Howard Jarvis is buried at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills.
Howard Beale IV
@Roger Moore: Find a Grave: Andrew Breitbart
@mai naem mobile: The picture is also a Wonkette standby. The need for brain bleach never goes away no matter how many times I see it.
Corner Stone
@Keith G: Just tired of people telling me that Arne Duncan, Tim Geithner, James Comey, Chuck Hagel, et al are the best candidates we’re going to get in these spots.
When we can’t get a Surgeon General who thinks guns can be used to harm people, or someone who once worked on the case for Mumia.
@Howard Beale IV: Looks like he’s at Hillside in West LA, you can see it off the 405. He’s in the back part of the property.
Keith G
@Corner Stone: The good news is that she has an impressive bio. Maybe her time swimming with the sharks did not cause her to grow fins.
That’s what they want you to believe….
@Roger Moore:
Yes, Hillside Memorial, off Centinela.
Here’s a map. He lies (still) in the Garden of Rachel (top right).
@NotMax: I know, cause it was MURDER.
@Cervantes: We all know the grave is empty, cause Obama.
ETA: Via teh Google Maps it looks like some unfortunate apartment dweller has a nice view of his final resting place. Wonder if they get a discount on rent?
The story of internet-famous Naked Gun Guy is no less strange than the photos.
Don’t click over there if this photo and others like it are too off-putting; there is no visual sanctuary to be had there.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” said the Kenyan.
@Howard Beale IV:
Is it wrong of me to go HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ?
Owners of adjacent plots may have standing for a class action pollution suit.
@Roger Moore:
Andrew James Breitbart
Garden of Rachel, Block 1, Plot 6, Space 8
Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Ave, Los Angeles, CA
Amazing what you can find using the Google machine, and
Tell him I said, “hi”
ETA: Saw others found him first, oh well.
Define “wrong.”
@skerry: Oddly, he’s not listed by Hillside as one of their “Distinguished Residents”. Wonder why.
@Corner Stone:
Sad but true.
Howard Beale IV
@BillinGlendaleCA: Because guys like Breitbart who keep dick pics on their iPhones (Weiner) aren’t all that distinguished to begin with?
From your Breitbart grave blurb:
@Corner Stone:
Maybe he could nominate Alison Lundergan Grimes instead.
Of course, that would put her in the uncomfortable situation of having to be seen in public with a negro.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus:
Did you pay any attention at all to the Kentucky US Senate campaign?
@Corner Stone:
Dday is always incorrect. A trait he apparently acquired from you.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Trentrunner: I admit, I’ve been depressed this week. You pulled me out of it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: Yes, I did, but I think that more or less suggesting that she is a racist is a bit fucked up.
@John Cole:
Once again Joel Pollak got up on his high horse and fell right off.
A certain Carol (not Caroline) Felsenthal’s work was discussed lovingly here recently. Here’s an article she wrote a few years ago, entitled “Joel Pollak on Anthony Weiner, Andrew Breitbart, and Why Sarah Palin Could Be the First Jewish President.”
Roger Moore
No, it’s the place for the afterparty.
Corner Stone
Damn! Nailed me again!
Is there some kind of law school course at Duke you took named “How to definitively state some shit online with no context or any other bullshit” ?
@Roger Moore:
After the consumption of large quantities of beer.
Roger Moore
That was the general idea, though I suspect only PsiFighter+37 is the only one of us who could truly do Breitbrat justice.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it’s out there.” I’ll be curious to see if this has legs in the wingnut world, even though it’s so easily disproved.
@Roger Moore: I’m pretty sure that iced tea would work for me.
that picture is hilarious
Tree With Water
@rikyrah: That is a photo of Cole, rikrah.
Comrade Mary
So I guess I’m the only one whose first thought on looking at that photo was PARKLIFE!
Another Holocene Human
@Howard Beale IV: Wow, that’s a mess. Did the contract suck or are they just pissed? Will be interesting to see how management responds and how that bodes for the union in the future. This was the new union, right?
Another Holocene Human
@Southern Beale: Don’t you mean “American Stinker”?
One more thing I miss from Sadly, No. The toilet paper roll added that certain je ne sais quoi to the pretentious yet so sad Uncle Sam Rodin cosplay mascot.
@John Cole +0: Hysterical in both senses.
Howard Beale IV
@Another Holocene Human: New contract, now going to binding arbitration, new union.
@jibeaux: Loretta Lynn was a girl I liked in high school. This one is Lynch.
Where the heck do you get such pictures? Ughhh.
If that is evidence of John Cole’s personal collection of images, I think I’d prefer to unsee it.
Good to see that Frightfart publications is maintaining its usual high standards.
John Weiss
OMG! Senior Onebrow!
Villago Delenda Est
Saturday on Yahoo the photo of Ms. Lynch with Obama seemed to have been photoshopped so that she looked like the US Attorney for Centauri Prime.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Well, how did you think that Obama acquired his horns and tail?
@Trentrunner: Still more hilarious will be the confirmation hearing when we will learn that the R staff members briefing their Senators ended at reading the headlines. Hence their Senators will proceed without realizing that one is white and the other black.
And then it won’t make a bit of difference in their questioning.
That dude is seriously sexy! Who is he?!? Is that a rash around his undies?
The amazing thing is that some people in various comments threads are defending it as an understandable mistake that anyone could have made. The notion that journalists should fact check before they publish is obviously foreign to them.