From commentor MomSense:
Here are some photos of the new poopy. She is just what we all needed. Our neighbor’s dog came over and she just marched up to him with her cutest wag and made a friend. She is 8 weeks old and weighs 10 pounds. [Chow/St. Bernard/Border Collie mix, IIRC]
We have just been cuddling and playing with her non stop since she came home. Sneezes, yawns and stretches are impossibly adorable when she does them. The cat is thoroughly disgusted by our foolishness.
Apart from congratulations to the lucky family, what’s on the agenda as we start the week?
Puppy! Photos make him look much bigger than 10 pounds. She’s going to be something as she grows up.
Yeah. Looks to calm to be a puppy. It’s Zen Puppy.
Why are all the photos sideways?
Even without fosters, I have a pack of ten, so I try to avoid puppies…although over the holidays I had two. So, congratulations, Momsense, on your family’s new addition! Better you than me.
Let’s see…. A dog that is stronger than you. bigger than you, and smarter than you. Good luck with that!
Dog bless Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, I don’t know what I am going to do for entertainment the day after next years Golden Globes.
Mustang Bobby
Aw, that puppeh is peak adorableness.
Did they shave her left leg to take blood?
They are very good.
Congrats Momsense! Best dogs I ever had were all chow mixes, and I formerly had 3. They are the cutest buggers too, aren’t they! Very happy for your whole family!
It’s Korra! Oh my gosh she is the cutest.
Raven, she’s a rescue so apparently they spay them really young. She was spayed last week and I think that is where they gave her anesthesia.
She was really calm the first day but as she feels more comfortable she is getting a little wilder. She was the runt of 8 who were all boys and I think she likes having her own things.
The feet and ears speak of a very sturdy dog who will grow up pretty big.
I got the problematic cat to the vet clinic at the local pet store. Owing to the store not having the smell of angry cats all over it (unlike the full vet’s office), he was more in shock than actively problematic, until we got into the exam room. The experienced vet and her experienced assistant, warned that this feline could be named CAUTION: STRIKES!, were able to get both rabies and distemper vaccines administered without anyone having to dress a wound, or go to their doctor’s.
I had never seen someone hold a cat inside the (disassembled) cat carrier with towels to do anything vet-related. Amazingly good results.
Shes’ really a cutie pie, congrats. Poor kitty.
That is one cute puppeh-dog!
BTW, the answer to “How will wingnuts question Obama’s absence in Paris?” need look no further than CNN’s front page.
Betty Cracker
Very cute pup! Congrats! Nothing like having a puppy around. Their cuteness makes the housebreaking chores tolerable.
She’s a cutie!
@MomSense: Bohdi was the worst pup EVAH and he’s a great dog.
Say goodbye to your gym shoes, carpet color, and wood floors as you currently recognize them.
Why Benjamin Netanyahu Attended Paris Anti-Terror March Over France’s Objections
Audibert made it clear that in light of Netanyahu’s intention to arrive, an invitation would also be extended to Abbas. And indeed, several hours after Abbas announced that he would not be traveling to Paris, his office issued a statement stating that he would in fact be at the march.
Hollande’s anger at Netanyahu was evident during the ceremony held Sunday evening following the march at the Grand Synagogue in Paris, an event attended by hundreds of members of the local Jewish community.
Hollande sat through most of the ceremony, but when Netanyahu’s turn at the podium arrived, the French president got up from his seat and made an early exit.
Mustang Bobby
Just thought I’d share a little milestone: According to StatCounter, the application that keeps track of such things, sometime on last Saturday Bark Bark Woof Woof passed one million page views since I started using that particular application.
Yip yah.
Actually it doesn’t really mean a lot in terms of record-keeping since I’ve been through several trackers and they’ve all been reset when I started using them, and I started using StatCounter in 2008, five years after I launched this thing. So who knows how many people have stopped by.
Korra’s a keeper. Those ears! Do you think some lab parentage too?
How fares the older cat?
He is such a worm.
@debbie: That is an insult to worms everywhere. ;-)
#FoxNewsFacts is a hoot.
Since I was laid off last February, I’ve been contracting ever since, until today. The place I’m working offered me full time employment on Friday, and today is my first day here as a full time employee.
Congratulations, and break a leg!
Mustang Bobby
@MrSnrub: Mazel tov!
What a cutie! Congrats to your family and now you have to share additional photos as he grows.
He’s doing a little better. Korra tried to eat his food and he hissed so now she is much more reserved with the boss kitty. He looks at us with disgust when we talk puppy talk with Korra.
The whole parentage thing is a bit of a mystery. She looks a little German Shepherd to me, too. It doesn’t really matter to me but I bet there will be a lot of speculation on our part.
She has a great personality. She isn’t shy or fearful at all and just bounces around wagging all the time. She’s teething and chewing on my youngest more than the rest of us so we have to work on that. He must be like a big puppy to her.
The best part is that when you walk into a room–she goes nuts and does a happy dance and makes sweet, little happy sounds. We are totally smitten.
We had a DNA test done on bohdi if you really care.
Both The Lara Spencer YouTube Revue and Today led with stories about the “heat” Obama is taking for not going to Paris yesterday. Of course the heat emanated from Lindsay Graham’s tight grip on his pearls while he indulged himself in another public temper tantrum, but that fact went unmentioned since even those idiots know the U.S. public tolerates Lindsay the same way they tolerated Grady Sutton.
CNN has a banner headline: Where was Obama?
It’s like he’s a missing airliner or something.
PBO, Biden and Kerry all not being there makes me wonder if they were conferring about/dealing with something else.
I’ve thought about it more for the science aspect since my youngest loves anything science and especially medical research. Isn’t Bohdi a spaniel? He’s very beautiful.
Keith G
I know that this is not to strong suit of internet commentary, but the best thing is just to ignore such stories. They are filler for enterprises that must churn out content 24/7. Before long, in any way that matters no one will give a fuck who was at the march. At worst, there will be photos of this historic event in textbooks (and the like) that Obama will not be in.
Oh well.
Amir Khalid
Appalling behaviour. You wouldn’t put up with that from a three-year-old. What the hell is wrong with Bibi?
@Elizabelle: expected. It is members of the press or something like it who died, so they care about it. Also it happened in Paris, which is a lot nicer place to follow him to than Nigeria.
@Elizabelle: Don’t forget “I’m Ashamed by US Leaders’ Absence in Paris”, by (naturally) Jake Fuckin’ Tapper.
(No. No linky.)
Amir Khalid
I saw Paddington today. Good fun for all the family. The gleam in Nicole Kidman’s eye isn’t quite mad enough, though. Glenn Close would have positively nailed the part.
Impossibly adorable and cute, MomSense. May you and your family love him and care for him for a long, healthy time. The cat just jealous of the time you’re all playing with him.
@MomSense: No, Lil Bit is the cocker. Bohdi is a siberian husky/samoyed.
Gin & Tonic
@Poopyman: And if BHO had been there, all the stories would have been about how he spent $800 billion of taxpayer money for a weekend junket to Paris.
It’s very possible the French asked the US not to come.
Original Lee
@Gin & Tonic: This. Especially with Bibi there, can you imagine what would have taken center stage instead?
@Amir Khalid:
I haven’t seen pictures of Netanyahu’s “antics,” but the description reminds me of Andrew Guilliani’s hyperactivity while his father was taking the oath of office.
Uh oh, Glenn Beck’s talking about how his chalkboard has come true. “Be afraid. Wake the hell up.”
@Poopyman: honestly. I hate to say that this isn’t a big deal. The numbers of people at the marches indicate that it is. But really. It’s not a big deal for the US. Did the world leaders have to come to sandy hook memorials?
@Gin & Tonic: Considering the fact that if Obama came, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, John McCain, Jeb Bush, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert, Peter King, Darryl Issa…. gasp… wheeze… you get the idea, the whole Klown Kar Kavalcade, would have wanted to come too.
@Amir Khalid: the trailer has made me nervous. I liked the books as a kid. My dad read them to me. The trailer kind of pointed to a lot of bathroom humor that I don’t remember being in the books. But then I was probably five or six at the time and bathroom humor was synonymous with humor. I just hope it’s not crude.
Amir Khalid
Good heavens, there’s nothing crude about the humour in Paddington. Paddington does make a mess of the bathroom, but there’s never any suggestion of #1 or #2.
@OzarkHillbilly: Jake’s headline would read, Obama tries to make memorial about himself.
Actually that is what Bibi did but whatever.
@Amir Khalid: Into the Woods and Paddington are on my must see list.
@OzarkHillbilly: A retired secret service agent (can’t find the article now) said that no way would the SS allow a President to attend an unplanned march like that. So my guess is the French couldn’t offer the normal security guarantees that the SS insists on for a Presidential visit. Doesn’t mean there can’t be an official visit next year some time. Just not now.
And PUPPEH EARZ!!!!! JenJen needs to see this if she’s lurking about!
@Elizabelle: “It’s like he’s a missing airliner or something.”
That is hilarious! Thank you; I needed a laugh this morning.
@raven: I wonder if it would it have been better or worse if Netanyahu had brought his cartoon bomb.
The Unbearable Lightness of Puppeh!
And badly needed, since we’re hosting an ice storm today….
TaMara (BHF)
@MomSense: She looks so awesome. Welcome to the puppyhood club. It’s a lot of work, but the adorable does help. Considering I have a very large puppy, and yours looks like she’s going to be a big’en, too, I offer some good news – I really haven’t lost anything important. I offered him his own version of shoes, socks and other things and he learned very quickly what was “his” to chew and what was off limits. But slippers are still a temptation he finds hard to resist.
And my cats are offering yours their sympathy. Disgust has not dissipated yet…I still hold out hope. So does Bixby.
Can’t wait for more photos as she grows!
OH MY DOG! Gorgeous and huge, puppeh.
@OzarkHillbilly: IKR?
@TaMara (BHF):
Thanks! The energy is just so fantastic. She runs, grabs her ball, finds her tail, chases her tail in circles, falls down, chews her ball, jumps up, then plops down and goes to sleep. Crazy.
MomSense and MrSnhrub, congratulations both!
I wish there was an effective way to convey displeasure to the major networks other than just not watching…which is about all that’s left by way of objection. Meanwhile, nobody at NBC can understand why Moanin’ Joe is in the toilet.
TaMara (BHF)
@MomSense: I don’t know if you’ve had a puppy before. Bixby was my first. Running after a rambunctious puppy those first couple of weeks was exhausting. Integrating an adult or even teen dog into the house was so much easier.
Still…an experience I wouldn’t miss. Even the 2 am potty breaks. Saw lots of stars.
Amir Khalid
The Theory of Everything is on mine as well. Eddie Redmayne just won a Golden Globe for playing Stephen Hawking, and should be in the Oscar running as well.
Here’s some Monks of New Skete Dog Training
Awe…so cute and there is nothing more wonderful than puppy breath…sigh.
@MomSense: Just re-reading the early comments and want to respond to your comment about spaying really young. It seems to have become standard to spay/neuter puppehs and kittens at 8 weeks and certain weights (for kittens, 2 lbs). Rescues/shelters like to it early and while they have the animal to be sure the animal does indeed get spayed/neutered. Since so many people want to get the pet as young as possible, it one way to make sure it gets done.
Iowa Old Lady
@MrSnrub: Congratulations! A job isn’t as cute as a puppy, but it’s still damn good.
@ThresherK: hah! That’s a towel wrap technique. Good on them, that’s exactly what it’s for.
NonSense, perfect puppy in 7 days or how to behave so your dog behaves. Both good for raising a really mellow dog. Puppy has a lot more puppeh though and there’s a DVD that has more on puppy socialization.
My day will be spent wrapped up warm at home, nursing my swollen tonsils back to health. I think I might have gotten strep. We’re launching a new product and I can’t risk bringing down the whole damned office with whatever this is. Can’t wait for warmer temps. I try to avoid illness, but some winters, I’m a flu magnet.
J R in WV
Congrats! A guy who helped me with finish work while constructing my last project told me he got most of his full-time jobs after short-term contracts with the company. I guess they’re trying to be sure they aren’t hiring the wrong kind of person?
But congrats on getting a real full time job! That’s great news for anyone. Sleep better at night now~!
So, my wife decided this past weekend would be a great time to get a puppy. I will freely confess I’m not on board with this 100% but we’ll give it a try.
12 weeks, 22 pounds, half lab/shepherd. Body all lab, brain all shepherd. WAY too smart for his or our good. And we’ve got to teach him he is not the dominant animal in his environment anymore (this mainly manifests as food-related aggression). Good lord, this is going to kick the shit out of me. The wife is very experienced with puppies so at least we have that going for us.
If we can pull this off he’ll be a world-class dog.
Puppy! Congrats, MomSense and family. She’s adorable!
Into the Woods was horrible IMO. It was about 30 minutes too long and the only one not overacting in the movie was Chris Pine. Just a mess of a movie.
I really want to see Selma and The Imitation Game and hope to get to before the Oscars. That would give me 4 of the top Oscar movies I’ve seen which is pretty impressive for me since I really have stopped watching depressing movies. Life is too short for that nonsense IMO.
Gin & Tonic
Here’s one person’s fascinating take on the Paris march yesterday.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: That’s really interesting, thanks. I never knew they were there, or did that kind of work. I get to that general vicinity a couple of times a year, maybe I should drop by.
Lordy, I forgot all about that! What a hoot, expecting Wiley E. Coyote to show up at the UN.
MomSense – Congrats on the puppy. My family had an Eurasier (that’s chow/keyshound/samoyan) mixed together. It was the cutest dog ever. All he wanted in life was to be chased by people. He thought it was the best time. He gave us fits with the electric fence though. He kept running through it because he was so stubborn.
MrSnrub – Congrats on your full-time job. Hope it works out great for you.
Felonius Monk
@raven: I wasn’t aware that the folks at New Skete were into dog training until you mentioned it. However, they are famous for their cheesecakes (yum) and they used to make wonderful sausage, although I haven’t seen it in the local stores for awhile. They are about 45 min drive from where I live.
Have their ratings fallen? I thought they were doing well.
He is a cutie for sure. Looks a little like mine, but with short hair. We thought Cappy was a chow mix, but have since settled on Golden Retriever/Dutch Shepard mix.
What an adorable puppeh.
I used to wait until spring so I wouldn’t freeze my behinder off hustling the puppy out for training — nor have the delay of putting on a coat.
My Pro-Tip: put a leash on the puppy NOW and spend some time with her tethered. You will pick up on her “need to go” signals right away. I trained my chow/Newfie mix in TWO DAYS that way.
They also get the leash bit faster.
@raven: I think I have an old copy of their book somewhere. IIRC there was a story about a St. Bernard who ate half the kitchen floor and part of the refrigerator when left home alone.
PHOTOS!! Wow lab shepherd who is already 22 lbs?
Hope you feel better, soon.
Oh, hey, congratulations MrShrub. Getting that offer is nothing to sneeze at.
Roger Moore
@Amir Khalid:
There’s an election March 17.
Karen in GA
@MrSnrub: Congratulations! I know how stressful it can be not to have a permanent full-time gig, even if you’re getting regular contract work.
@MomSense: I can’t with the cute! Too much! Aaagghh! (And I must compliment her on her very scritchable ears.)
@MomSense: Why Korra? Is it for the I-have-kids-that-watch-Nickelodeon reason?
Oh fuck. That puppeh is adorable. What a CUTIEPANTS.
Amir Khalid
@Roger Moore:
And childish behaviour wins him votes?
@MomSense: I have no method of posting pics but he is a little heartbreaker – cute beyond words. And I guess I should not use the word “little”, as he isn’t now, and he’s going to be HUGE. And tall! Very long dog. The shelter estimated 75-80 pounds and I think that’s about right.
So we’ve got to socialize him very well.
The New Skete folks are onto something. I don’t think most of us have the time they do, but the principles apply no matter what.
Paul in KY
@MomSense: A friend at work has a young St. Bernard & they are having problems with dog eating carpet, rubber balls, etc. have had to take him to hospital 3 or 4 times.
@MomSense: Oh, also, Jesus, your little gal there is cute. Won’t be small either. Is she a snuggler? Ours is the first real snuggle dog I’ve had, I know I should not train him to expect it because when he hits 80+ pounds that’s going to be pretty uncomfortable, but good lord he just cuddles up and immediately falls asleep.
Had him less than 48 hours and had to remind the wife he’s not allowed on the bed. Gotta hold lines, especially with the boy dogs.
Roger Moore
@Amir Khalid:
He would probably describe his behavior as trying to please the Zionists, which very much will help him win votes.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@MomSense: That is a totally adorable pup. I saw the face and thought “mastiff mix” but the chow component explains the muzzle shape and color. M. Q saw Mrsjeffreyw holding the “bro” of the white pup and immediately wanted to adopt him.
As a result, I can happily report that the entire litter has either finalized adoptions or applications pending. I suspect there is a new pup in our future, which may or may not please Layla.
@MrSnrub: Great news!
@Paul in KY: Likely cause is a too-early separation from mom; only cure is a LOT of work and training. I recommend they find a good local obedience school, and get in it NOW. Then get copies of the Monks of New Skete book and READ them as fast as they can, and then read them again. Training is lifelong, but that first six months is the bedrock – where good dogs are made or broken. At this age, every single day matters.
What their dog is doing will kill it in short order unless stopped, and a death from intestinal blockage is something you wouldn’t wish on the worst person in the world, never mind a dog.
Congrats on your new addition! Nothing better than puppies.
@Congratulations, I just adopted a lab/Shepard mix as well. World class indeed.
Question for you smarter people in here. (and there are one or two of ya) I just told Direct to take a hike. So I am cutting the cord. I plan to keep Netflix, and Hulu +, and maybe others based on suggestions. I ordered a Roamio OTA DVR which should be here tomorrow. So, OTA, Netflix, Hulu. I need suggestions on a great antennae. I need to know if I should roof mount or just go with whatever is the 21st century version of rabbit ears.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Amir Khalid:
An easier question to answer is “what isn’t wrong with Bibi?” He behaves consistently like an ill-mannered 3 year old and the consequences are of course significant, given his position. He should be sent to his room for a nap, and permitted to return to the adult rooms only when (if) he can behave better.
Roger Moore
That depends a lot on how strong the signal is where you live. If you’re close enough to where most of the transmitters are to get good signal*, you can probably get away with a simple antenna of the type you can buy for cheap at your local store. If you’re out in the middle of nowhere, you’ll need something fancier.
*But not too close. I can’t get signal where I live because I’m so close to the mountain with all the transmitters on it that the base of the mountain blocks the signal.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Paul in KY: The young dog needs to be crated whenever s/he is out of sight of an adult. Or the dog will not survive. And training – of canine and people – is critical.
For a bit (little bit) more puppyness here’s Flora.
@gelfling545: And Flora is just a love too. Hugs to the pup.
Bob In Portland
And while we look at pictures of cute puppies, someone is rewriting history. Although, yes, the USSR did invade Germany after German soldiers visited the USSR for a couple of years.
Who controls history controls the future. We all can change that minor detail, right?
@Amir Khalid:
You mean, beside the facts that (1) he’s a sociopathic war criminal and (2) he faces a very difficult election in two months?
Bob In Portland
Another puppy to cuddle.
When our Frenchie was a pup, it was his pink little paddy paws that got to me. Now his paws are the size of a Lab’s and no longer pink…but still adorable.
Ayn Rand Jr. tried stirring the pot about Our Shiftless Colored Guy in the WH and why he couldn’t bother to get his lazy ass or even Creepy Uncle Joe to Paris. Her guest, the French ambassador to the US, would have none of it. He made it clear that the French are assured that BHO and Kerry are in their court and that they did not feel in anyway slighted. He even mentioned Kerry’s speech in French to the French people. But then, the Ambassador is a homo and as such not to be trusted.
@Mack: Our last was a lab/shep/Afghan mix and she was incredible. A little timid but smart and just great. This one’s a lot less timid and I think he’s going to be a watchdog type.
Paul in KY
@CONGRATULATIONS!: Thank you. Have passed on the advice.
Gin & Tonic
@Bob In Portland: “Russia Stands for Freedom!”
Bob In Portland
@Gin & Tonic: Ten thousand soldiers on the streets of France. We’re safer again!
Libby's Person
I’m too late for this thread, but here goes anyway. The Monks of New Skete book is old, without benefit of current knowledge of dog cognition and behavior. Try as a starting point instead. This site presents state of the art training concepts and methods, based on good science. Totally positive and very effective.
You may want to check out the free address searches to see what HDTV channels are available in your area and how strong the broadcast.
TV Fool
Depending on the strength of the broadcast and what you want to watch is a good factor in determining the type of antenna to buy.
@HW3: Thanks!