@Richard Mayhew: I’m just here to help you improve your technique.
They should have had Katy Perry do that.
“It’s Chris Matthews, just go out there and say ‘well I believe’ and he’ll cut you off before you can finish, no sweat!”
Corner Stone
@Baud: Jennifer Palmieri is CD for HRC. And can’t talk in coherent sentences with an offstage heckler shouting something at her in the background. She keeps clenching her hand into a fist and starting her sentences over.
Palmieri is not a good choice for Hillary’s Communications Director. Think that every time I see her.
Corner Stone
Not a fan of this venue/format. Looks like O’Malley is about to give Maddow the Bull Durham speech and start mugging down with her.
That MSNBC intro video for O’Malley was more exciting that any aspect of him ever seen in the campaign.
He also has a terrible habit of not blinking when he’s rattling stump speech. Like he has no eyelids. It’s strange. When he goes off the cuff, he blinks like a normal person.
That was actually kind of fun.
@Corner Stone: agreed. O’Malley seems like he’s about to start bellowing a stump speech with poor Rachel cringing a few feet away. Why do they put a small audience right behind them? So awkward. He got a pretty good shot in at Trump. O’Malley having fun with the card questions. Handled them quite well.
ETA to change a ” to a ‘ because PUNCTUATION
Wow, he’s pretty bold for 2007
Ok, I’ve started watching on tape delay. Not a fan of the loud echo.
@MazeDancer: If he blinks, it interrupts the teleprompter being beamed into his brain.
The reason no one at work lets me play movie trivia games:
“Hey, Mnemo, what’s the name of that murder mystery with Christopher Reeve and Dyan Cannon?”
“You mean Deathtrap?”
There was also some confusion yesterday about who directed Sorry, Wrong Number since some people were mixing it up with Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder, but that one I had to look up in IMDb (Anatole Litvak, for the curious).
Bernie is giving it his best shot. The usual stump speech content, but well delivered.
Bernie is very good at being totally present. He answers with his whole self. It never feels canned. Think it’s because he’s not afraid of making a mistake.
@Baud: He was asked about his dream job, were he not in politics. He said president of CNN, and they would cover politics way differently.
So far, I am once again proud to be a Democrat. Both O’Malley and Sanders are just great. But Bernie is still wrong on his gun votes. No way he gets around that record, no matter how he wants to finesse it.
Bernie amped up over voting rights. Just called the Repubs “political cowards”!
Corner Stone
Uh-oh. White working class people.
Don’t you see Bernie with crossover appeal to folks who are sick of professional politicians? Even while he is one. He’s plainspoken.
Loved his answer on voting. Every citizen older than 18 registered to vote. If you can’t win an election fairly, find another profession.
He was great on voting rights. A lot of passion. I know he was probably told to be calmer but my favorite thing about him has always been how worked up he gets :)
@Baud: Not in the mood for Bern and Hills tonight?
A little tired. And I was disappointed Rachel didn’t ask O’Malley anything about Egyptian pyramids. We still have idea where our candidates stand on that question.
@NotMax: looking forward to seeing how her wardrobe people can make a bikini look exactly like a pantsuit. :)
Here comes the HILLZ. Get the email server questions ready!
Haven’t even seen Hillary yet (probably because she hasn’t been on yet, LOL) and I could so happily support any Dmocrat the voters ultimately decide to nominate. We may not have a deep bench but we have a rich bench. The Republicans have a deep bench if numbers = deep, but I wouldn’t piss on any one of them if they were on fire.
I have a friend who worked for O’Malley. He can’t say enough good about him. That has made me a bit of a fangirl with him. Plus he can sing and play and looks great shirtless. If Inthought he had half a chance, I’d be hitting the streets for him.
Corner Stone
Is that eggplant??
@Baud: Happily, Dr. Carson has found a way to get the pyramids story off the front page.
It makes me mad that we look at these 3 sane and capable candidates, and CNN etc. want to treat the Republicans as equivalent, and 45% and up of America will vote for any Republican on the ticket, no matter how craven or cray cray. Tiresome.
@geg6: I’ll say again I’m surprised he’s doing so poorly.
@Kay: I think it’s dark enough to pull off.
I want her to go full medium gray Chairman Mao.
Now I know why Ben Carson is so soft spoken. His raised voice is horribly squeaky. He got agitated in a confrontation with reporters and sounds like a high pitched mouse.
(quoting you) I don’t like purple but she looks fine. She looks best in blue, actually. Please notify her. (end quote)
Never ceases to amaze me that Hillary does not retain the best stylists in the world. Also hair and make-up. NYC is full of the world’s best. They would all help her.
Purple is a lovely color. But it is not Hillary’s best color. Also her ever changing hair and make-up never makes sense.
She also looks very tired tonight.
Forehead botox?
Corner Stone
Death penalty question. No, no, no. Do not go State’s Rights on the death penalty. Too much hem-hawing on this. It’s never the answer. Just say no to the death penalty, HRC.
I agree. It’s dark enough not to be purple. Also! Good for her for making a distinction on federal/state for the death penalty. People focus too much on federal criminal law, IMO.
Bad answer on school security, though. Cops in schools is just a bad idea. End of story.
Tenar Darell
Thanks to all for the Hamilton lottery tip. My first attempt was unsuccessful (based on crowd odds weren’t that good). Maybe I’ll try for the matinée…
A deserved big thank you to Redshift & NotMax for the recommending Hand to God. Seriously funny and very dark. Steven Boyer, who plays Jason/Tyrone, was amazing.
@Elizabelle: same for me with the Boston marathon bomber. Really didn’t like Hillary’s answer.
Corner Stone
Don’t go there, HRC. Do not go there.
Corner Stone
Black people in the audience have repeatedly been shown not clapping for any answer HRC gives.
Corner Stone
HRC, you need to tighten this bullshit up. That was not good, at all.
Dear Jeebus but I loathe Li’l Luke Russert.
@Corner Stone: she looked a little disengaged and definitely rambled without seeming like it was because her answers were deep or complex.
Corner Stone
Extro-Introvert FTW!
Rachel stole Bernie’s joke!
Corner Stone
Not bad…not bad at all.
Corner Stone
Eighteen months setting up sanctions against Iran. Nice try, Hitlery.
Corner Stone
Middle of the road answer on DOMA.
Corner Stone
I blame Beyonce!
@Corner Stone: I thought the DOMA answer was OK. Don’t just stand up once, but keep fighting. I thought she loosened up a little talking about the old photo of her and Bill.
Oh no, they’re all on the stage at once! Violation of DNC rulez!
Wish there were some way for future candidate events to combine the one-on-one interviews (or conversations, or whatever) with having all the candidates go at each other. Maybe 25 minutes per candidate and then 45 minutes for a free for all building off the answers they gave earlier. I did appreciate the longer form answers.
Corner Stone
@benw: She doesn’t really have anywhere to go on the DOMA question. She should just remain stumm.
People are going to conveniently forget the fact that the 1990’s electorate was nothing like where we are today, especially on GLBT issues. Heck, in 2004 Karl Rove won Ohio (maybe) by putting gay stuff on the ballot.
Motherfuck the 1990’s.
Her answer, I think, made more sense for those who saw/heard the interview she did with Rachel the day after her Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! committee hearing. And Rachel kind of set it up as a continuation of that interview.
“In Ohio, for instance, political analysts credit the ballot measure with increasing turnout in Republican bastions in the south and west, while also pushing swing voters in the Appalachian region of the southeast toward Mr. Bush. The president’s extra-strong showing in those areas compensated for an extraordinarily large Democratic turnout in Cleveland and in Columbus, propelling him to a 136,000-vote victory.
“I’d be naïve if I didn’t say it helped,” said Robert T. Bennett, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. “And it helped most in what we refer to as the Bible Belt area of southeastern and southwestern Ohio, where we had the largest percentage increase in support for the president.”
@Corner Stone: I think Hill did kind of make the point that the country is very different now than the in the 90’s on gay rights, so that DOMA looks even worse in hindsight now.
I’sc like Sanders to get better on details. His answer on Amtrak vote was vague to average voter, saying it’s the same as for airlines doesn’t mean anything to most people.
HRC is still weak on influence of money on politics. I can’t believe that she trotted out her finger waving again at bankers before the crash, without any amplification. So, she went and waved her finger is supposed to mean something? She’ll wave her finger again the next time before it happens next time? I thought she would say something like ‘and if I’m president I will be able to do more than wag my finger and scold’.
Sander’s answers on why single payer in Vermont didn’t happen have been extremely weak in previous interviews, but I don’t think Maddow asked him about it (may have missed it since I took a couple or short breaks).
Corner Stone
Don’t Believe the Liberal Media!
Corner Stone
What is the jacket The Kornack is wearing?
@Corner Stone: STOPTHEBIAS DOT ORG! Stop the liberal media from rigging the 2016 election!
Another “Proud to be a Democrat” night.
Even the audience looked like real people you might know. That same feeling one gets when watching the conventions. GOP= Who are these people? Democrats=There’s my country!
Any of the candidates so far outclasses anyone the GOP is running.
Hillary is very, very, very smart. One of the things I like best about Mr. Obama is how very smart he is.
Corner Stone
Ooooo, love it when O’Malley rolls up his shirt sleeves.
Corner Stone
@Elizabelle: She put it down as people in a Democratic admin have left public service to join tech titans. That is true. And their influence back out to old colleagues may be a problem. But her framing made it sound like tech titans were funding D candidates (D candidates in bed), and that that was the issue. It was very poorly constructed. Most big tech donors are glibertarians and give to R’s.
Amir Khalid
It seems to me that none of the three Democrats said anything really surprising, whether it looked good for them or bad. And no one won any supporters away from the others. So one wouldn’t expect any change in the polling after this forum.
HRC is still weak on influence of money on politics. I can’t believe that she trotted out her finger waving again at bankers before the crash, without any amplification. So, she went and waved her finger is supposed to mean something? She’ll wave her finger again the next time before it happens next time? I thought she would say something like ‘and if I’m president I will be able to do more than wag my finger and scold’.
Yup. It was a horrible comment in the first debate and I couldn’t believe that she and her team thought it somehow indicated her strength. She and Bernie relied too much on canned answers (and MOM did as well, but they’re fresher to most people because he hasn’t gotten the press coverage they have). Clinton using that answer yet again makes me wonder if she is too burned out to think on her feet and will continue to rely on talking points long after they have fallen flat. She and her team should have come up with a better way to show that she was trying to use her power and influence as a senator to prevent the implosion, or she should be quiet about it.
And getting $600k for a few speeches is a bit different from advocating for dying towns in NY. She needs a better answer for that, too.
But in general, it was a good show (I didn’t see the whole thing). It shows that our party’s candidates have different views, have substance behind them, and have actually had to make unpopular decisions and at least occasionally learn from their mistakes.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I think they both relied too much on talking points. But, it was a forum not a debate, so we will see how they both do next week. But on the other hand, even talking points need to evolve. I hope they both become sharper as they progress through the debates (Edit: I say both because I don’t see O’Malley getting enough support to make any difference).
Edit: and of course, there is no comparison to the garbage going on over on the GOP side. Any of these three would do a good job as president, rather than con their way through a clown show, and preside over a miserable disaster (which seems to be the GOP approach).
Corner Stone
Thrrad rules! Long live Thrrad!
Recording it.
Opposition research.
Richard Mayhew
@Corner Stone: thought no one would notice the 20 second typo
Corner Stone
For being a communications director, Palmieri is choking on it live with Tweety.
@Corner Stone:
She is pitiful
@Corner Stone:
Who’s he work for?
Corner Stone
@Richard Mayhew: I’m just here to help you improve your technique.
They should have had Katy Perry do that.
“It’s Chris Matthews, just go out there and say ‘well I believe’ and he’ll cut you off before you can finish, no sweat!”
Corner Stone
@Baud: Jennifer Palmieri is CD for HRC. And can’t talk in coherent sentences with an offstage heckler shouting something at her in the background. She keeps clenching her hand into a fist and starting her sentences over.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Richard Mayhew:
Even when headlines are corrected, the error in the URL lives on forever.
@Corner Stone:
Hmm. Agree they should have someone more polished.
Thanks, Richard. Anyone who wants to live stream, it’s at MSNBC.com.
Switching over to MSNBC. Switching all deflector shields to double-front. Locking X foils in attack position.
Rachel’s hammered.
O’Malley, then Bernie, then Hillz. Two opening bands and the headliner. No sign of bias here! :)
Germy Shoemangler
Will I go into moderation if I show Mike Lavin and his cat?
Look at their eyes. I’m guessing lots of catnip went into the making of this 49-second video.
Stay on target!
@benw: Silly trench runner.
Palmieri is not a good choice for Hillary’s Communications Director. Think that every time I see her.
Corner Stone
Not a fan of this venue/format. Looks like O’Malley is about to give Maddow the Bull Durham speech and start mugging down with her.
That MSNBC intro video for O’Malley was more exciting that any aspect of him ever seen in the campaign.
He also has a terrible habit of not blinking when he’s rattling stump speech. Like he has no eyelids. It’s strange. When he goes off the cuff, he blinks like a normal person.
That was actually kind of fun.
@Corner Stone: agreed. O’Malley seems like he’s about to start bellowing a stump speech with poor Rachel cringing a few feet away. Why do they put a small audience right behind them? So awkward. He got a pretty good shot in at Trump. O’Malley having fun with the card questions. Handled them quite well.
ETA to change a ” to a ‘ because PUNCTUATION
Wow, he’s pretty bold for 2007
Ok, I’ve started watching on tape delay. Not a fan of the loud echo.
@MazeDancer: If he blinks, it interrupts the teleprompter being beamed into his brain.
Norman, Coordinate.
Here comes SANDERS.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
The reason no one at work lets me play movie trivia games:
“Hey, Mnemo, what’s the name of that murder mystery with Christopher Reeve and Dyan Cannon?”
“You mean Deathtrap?”
There was also some confusion yesterday about who directed Sorry, Wrong Number since some people were mixing it up with Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder, but that one I had to look up in IMDb (Anatole Litvak, for the curious).
Bernie is giving it his best shot. The usual stump speech content, but well delivered.
Roger Moore
Almost there!
Rachel is trying to feel the Bern…..
@Feebog: he’s more conversational with Rachel than O’Malley was. It helps that I like almost all of his positions.
@Roger Moore: it’s away!!
Bernie’s done great. Very approachable. President of CNN?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I thought that was the basis for your nym.
I’m not up to that portion. What does this mean?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I knew the answer to that question, even saw Deathtrap when it came out.
@Elizabelle: Bern’s awesome. He and Rachel are both really funny. Us Bernie homers think he did really well so far.
Bernie is very good at being totally present. He answers with his whole self. It never feels canned. Think it’s because he’s not afraid of making a mistake.
@Baud: He was asked about his dream job, were he not in politics. He said president of CNN, and they would cover politics way differently.
I thought Martin O’Malley did really well too.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
That’s part of the reason. My short-term memory is crap, but I remember trivia.
Me and my high school friends were so nerdy that we watched it at a slumber party. We all screamed at the big reveal!
Thanks. I just finished with O’Malley, but will watch the rest tomorrow.
@Baud: just watch the live show, luzer!
So far, I am once again proud to be a Democrat. Both O’Malley and Sanders are just great. But Bernie is still wrong on his gun votes. No way he gets around that record, no matter how he wants to finesse it.
Bernie amped up over voting rights. Just called the Repubs “political cowards”!
Corner Stone
Uh-oh. White working class people.
Don’t you see Bernie with crossover appeal to folks who are sick of professional politicians? Even while he is one. He’s plainspoken.
Loved his answer on voting. Every citizen older than 18 registered to vote. If you can’t win an election fairly, find another profession.
He was great on voting rights. A lot of passion. I know he was probably told to be calmer but my favorite thing about him has always been how worked up he gets :)
@Baud: Not in the mood for Bern and Hills tonight?
He was. Genuinely furious over that!
A little tired. And I was disappointed Rachel didn’t ask O’Malley anything about Egyptian pyramids. We still have idea where our candidates stand on that question.
(quoting you) So far, I am once again proud to be a Democrat. (End quote)
So true. I’m watching on delay so can fast forward commercials, but so happy to hear serious discussion about important things.
As much as I’m turned off by Martin O’Malley, I would stage rallies to get him elected if he wins nom.
Candidates who believe in good government are inspiring.
Looks as if they’re saving the swimsuit competition for Hillary.
I think they all stand on the very tip.
@NotMax: looking forward to seeing how her wardrobe people can make a bikini look exactly like a pantsuit. :)
Here comes the HILLZ. Get the email server questions ready!
Haven’t even seen Hillary yet (probably because she hasn’t been on yet, LOL) and I could so happily support any Dmocrat the voters ultimately decide to nominate. We may not have a deep bench but we have a rich bench. The Republicans have a deep bench if numbers = deep, but I wouldn’t piss on any one of them if they were on fire.
I have a friend who worked for O’Malley. He can’t say enough good about him. That has made me a bit of a fangirl with him. Plus he can sing and play and looks great shirtless. If Inthought he had half a chance, I’d be hitting the streets for him.
Corner Stone
Is that eggplant??
@Baud: Happily, Dr. Carson has found a way to get the pyramids story off the front page.
It makes me mad that we look at these 3 sane and capable candidates, and CNN etc. want to treat the Republicans as equivalent, and 45% and up of America will vote for any Republican on the ticket, no matter how craven or cray cray. Tiresome.
@geg6: I’ll say again I’m surprised he’s doing so poorly.
Rachel should’ve worn aviators.
@Corner Stone:
I don’t like purple but she looks fine. She looks best in blue, actually. Please notify her.
@Elizabelle: I can’t say I’m too surprised at this point. That’s been the story of Obama’s term in office.
@SiubhanDuinne: Now there’s a challenge.
I’d piss on the Republican candidates. That, and camping trips, are the only thing that make me wish for — uh, an easier way to do so.
Corner Stone
Work up to it…work up to it…and that wasn’t where to go with that HRC.
@Corner Stone
That’s aubergine to you, pilgrim.
/imaginary John Wayne version of Prêt-à-Porter
Corner Stone
@Kay: I think it’s dark enough to pull off.
I want her to go full medium gray Chairman Mao.
Now I know why Ben Carson is so soft spoken. His raised voice is horribly squeaky. He got agitated in a confrontation with reporters and sounds like a high pitched mouse.
Corner Stone
She’s not doing too much here. Really middle of the road so far.
Corner Stone
Tech industry in the Democratic party?
Great question about the tech industry and political capture. Yea Rachel.
Corner Stone
That’s a false premise, Rachel.
Corner Stone
@Elizabelle: She framed it in a false way.
@Kay: No Purple, too close to Caesar and blah blah Jesus blah blah Jews blah blah Murica.
@Corner Stone: Splain, please.
And disagree with HRC that we have a vibrant democracy. Overstating it.
Amir Khalid
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Is that the movie where Chris Reeve and Michael Caine share a kiss?
I’m not liking Clinton’s answers much. I feel like she’s dodging and rambling out the clock.
(quoting you) I don’t like purple but she looks fine. She looks best in blue, actually. Please notify her. (end quote)
Never ceases to amaze me that Hillary does not retain the best stylists in the world. Also hair and make-up. NYC is full of the world’s best. They would all help her.
Purple is a lovely color. But it is not Hillary’s best color. Also her ever changing hair and make-up never makes sense.
She also looks very tired tonight.
Forehead botox?
Corner Stone
Death penalty question. No, no, no. Do not go State’s Rights on the death penalty. Too much hem-hawing on this. It’s never the answer. Just say no to the death penalty, HRC.
Corner Stone
@benw: She’s reeeaaalllyy politicking tonight.
I don’t like the death penalty. Not even for the Charleston shooter. (He engaged my “he’s so young” instincts.)
@Corner Stone:
I agree. It’s dark enough not to be purple. Also! Good for her for making a distinction on federal/state for the death penalty. People focus too much on federal criminal law, IMO.
Bad answer on school security, though. Cops in schools is just a bad idea. End of story.
Tenar Darell
Thanks to all for the Hamilton lottery tip. My first attempt was unsuccessful (based on crowd odds weren’t that good). Maybe I’ll try for the matinée…
A deserved big thank you to Redshift & NotMax for the recommending Hand to God. Seriously funny and very dark. Steven Boyer, who plays Jason/Tyrone, was amazing.
@Elizabelle: same for me with the Boston marathon bomber. Really didn’t like Hillary’s answer.
Corner Stone
Don’t go there, HRC. Do not go there.
Corner Stone
Black people in the audience have repeatedly been shown not clapping for any answer HRC gives.
Corner Stone
HRC, you need to tighten this bullshit up. That was not good, at all.
Dear Jeebus but I loathe Li’l Luke Russert.
@Corner Stone: she looked a little disengaged and definitely rambled without seeming like it was because her answers were deep or complex.
Corner Stone
Extro-Introvert FTW!
Rachel stole Bernie’s joke!
Corner Stone
Not bad…not bad at all.
Corner Stone
Eighteen months setting up sanctions against Iran. Nice try, Hitlery.
Corner Stone
Middle of the road answer on DOMA.
Corner Stone
I blame Beyonce!
@Corner Stone: I thought the DOMA answer was OK. Don’t just stand up once, but keep fighting. I thought she loosened up a little talking about the old photo of her and Bill.
Oh no, they’re all on the stage at once! Violation of DNC rulez!
Wish there were some way for future candidate events to combine the one-on-one interviews (or conversations, or whatever) with having all the candidates go at each other. Maybe 25 minutes per candidate and then 45 minutes for a free for all building off the answers they gave earlier. I did appreciate the longer form answers.
Corner Stone
@benw: She doesn’t really have anywhere to go on the DOMA question. She should just remain stumm.
People are going to conveniently forget the fact that the 1990’s electorate was nothing like where we are today, especially on GLBT issues. Heck, in 2004 Karl Rove won Ohio (maybe) by putting gay stuff on the ballot.
Motherfuck the 1990’s.
Her answer, I think, made more sense for those who saw/heard the interview she did with Rachel the day after her Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! committee hearing. And Rachel kind of set it up as a continuation of that interview.
@Corner Stone:
“In Ohio, for instance, political analysts credit the ballot measure with increasing turnout in Republican bastions in the south and west, while also pushing swing voters in the Appalachian region of the southeast toward Mr. Bush. The president’s extra-strong showing in those areas compensated for an extraordinarily large Democratic turnout in Cleveland and in Columbus, propelling him to a 136,000-vote victory.
“I’d be naïve if I didn’t say it helped,” said Robert T. Bennett, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. “And it helped most in what we refer to as the Bible Belt area of southeastern and southwestern Ohio, where we had the largest percentage increase in support for the president.”
They were crowing about it at the time.
@Corner Stone: I think Hill did kind of make the point that the country is very different now than the in the 90’s on gay rights, so that DOMA looks even worse in hindsight now.
@SiubhanDuinne: oh, ok, I didn’t see that one.
I’sc like Sanders to get better on details. His answer on Amtrak vote was vague to average voter, saying it’s the same as for airlines doesn’t mean anything to most people.
HRC is still weak on influence of money on politics. I can’t believe that she trotted out her finger waving again at bankers before the crash, without any amplification. So, she went and waved her finger is supposed to mean something? She’ll wave her finger again the next time before it happens next time? I thought she would say something like ‘and if I’m president I will be able to do more than wag my finger and scold’.
Sander’s answers on why single payer in Vermont didn’t happen have been extremely weak in previous interviews, but I don’t think Maddow asked him about it (may have missed it since I took a couple or short breaks).
Corner Stone
Don’t Believe the Liberal Media!
Corner Stone
What is the jacket The Kornack is wearing?
@Corner Stone: STOPTHEBIAS DOT ORG! Stop the liberal media from rigging the 2016 election!
Another “Proud to be a Democrat” night.
Even the audience looked like real people you might know. That same feeling one gets when watching the conventions. GOP= Who are these people? Democrats=There’s my country!
Any of the candidates so far outclasses anyone the GOP is running.
Hillary is very, very, very smart. One of the things I like best about Mr. Obama is how very smart he is.
Corner Stone
Ooooo, love it when O’Malley rolls up his shirt sleeves.
Corner Stone
@Elizabelle: She put it down as people in a Democratic admin have left public service to join tech titans. That is true. And their influence back out to old colleagues may be a problem. But her framing made it sound like tech titans were funding D candidates (D candidates in bed), and that that was the issue. It was very poorly constructed. Most big tech donors are glibertarians and give to R’s.
Amir Khalid
It seems to me that none of the three Democrats said anything really surprising, whether it looked good for them or bad. And no one won any supporters away from the others. So one wouldn’t expect any change in the polling after this forum.
Yup. It was a horrible comment in the first debate and I couldn’t believe that she and her team thought it somehow indicated her strength. She and Bernie relied too much on canned answers (and MOM did as well, but they’re fresher to most people because he hasn’t gotten the press coverage they have). Clinton using that answer yet again makes me wonder if she is too burned out to think on her feet and will continue to rely on talking points long after they have fallen flat. She and her team should have come up with a better way to show that she was trying to use her power and influence as a senator to prevent the implosion, or she should be quiet about it.
And getting $600k for a few speeches is a bit different from advocating for dying towns in NY. She needs a better answer for that, too.
But in general, it was a good show (I didn’t see the whole thing). It shows that our party’s candidates have different views, have substance behind them, and have actually had to make unpopular decisions and at least occasionally learn from their mistakes.
Too bad too few people will have watched it.
My $0.02.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I think they both relied too much on talking points. But, it was a forum not a debate, so we will see how they both do next week. But on the other hand, even talking points need to evolve. I hope they both become sharper as they progress through the debates (Edit: I say both because I don’t see O’Malley getting enough support to make any difference).
Edit: and of course, there is no comparison to the garbage going on over on the GOP side. Any of these three would do a good job as president, rather than con their way through a clown show, and preside over a miserable disaster (which seems to be the GOP approach).
Dr. Maddow rules. That is all.
Sorry, but that fucker deserves to fry in the chair. Or lethal injection. Or firing squad. Or hanging.
Fuck that he’s so young shit. He was old enough to fire off rounds in a room full of praying churchgoers and then drive off.
He deserves to burn in hell.
Fuck him, too. Little bitchass coward shoulda been gunned down like his brother was.
I have NO sympathy for murdering scum like them. NONE whatsoever.