You know who won the Super Bowl yesterday? Lady Gaga.
Talk about whatever!
by Betty Cracker| 139 Comments
This post is in: Music, Open Threads, Sports
You know who won the Super Bowl yesterday? Lady Gaga.
Talk about whatever!
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I love Lady Gaga. The Super Bowl was all downhill from there.
Felonius Monk
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
So this is Ted Nugent’s Facebook post.
Somebody has an antisemitism problem.
Any Scottish Juicers? Because a Really Yuuuge rabbit is looking for a home.
Is there a kickstarter type of deal for Democratic political advertising? I’m not talking about TV spots (I certainly don’t get exposure to that anymore, being young and all), but designing and deploying native mobile advertising or more creative types of advertising that political campaigns wouldn’t think about or be willing to invest in off the cuff.
On which team and what position does Ms. Gaga play? I’m confused.
The Other Chuck
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: And this guy is on the board of directors of the NRA.
She was just great. Loved her.
But Beyoncé won. No doubt about it. Bey kicked ass and took names. In your face, white privilege. In your fucking face. I adore her.
ETA: And the video of the single kicks even more ass.
bin Lurkin'
I watched Gaga perform with Elton John at the Grammies a few years ago, not a big fan of her particular style but she’s damn good at what she does.
My tastes run more to blues rock I guess, Samantha Fish and Sadie Johnson are young performers who are pretty good in that genre.
We watched Downton Abbey last night. The Dowager threw a shit fit in front of a group touring the mansion. She didn’t give a fuck who heard.
Meanwhile, Sprat and Decker are locked in a battle of wills.
And Mr. Molesley may have a chance to improve his lot in life.
gogol's wife
I adore Spratt and Denker. I hope they get their own show.
I’m worried about Thomas.
@geg6: Rudy “Noun Verb 911” said it was an attack on police officers and not wholesome entertainment. LOL
Programming note: Samantha Bee’s “Full Frontal” premiers tonight. The best of TDS’s many excellent “reporters” and sorely missed, I have high hopes for her show.
@Germy: Tell the whole damn thing a wreck for the people who are going to watch it tonight.
I did try to look up the sites most often read by women. This data does not seem to be available for free. All I got was a bunch of articles listing sites the article’s author thought women SHOULD read. So, in the absence of reliable data, I hereby announce: 100% of American women read Balloon Juice!
The sites I read push Zulily (selling clothes) and some site selling shoes whose name I can’t recall at the moment. But what’s advertised will depend on your income and age–the most desirable customer in America is a young married mother. She’s assumed to have money to spend and to lack the time to shop around, so marketers figure if they can grab her when she’s stumbling through a store in a fog of sleep deprivation, they’ll keep her; their product will be her go-to forever, it’ll become a habit. Target in particular is very good at this. This may explain why Target is the girliest of the chains. (Every time I see a lone man in Target he looks vaguely uncomfortable, like his sock is rubbing a blister.). For more on Target’s sophisticated marketing, see Tge Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.
And if anyone here does market research feel free to enlighten us. From my own experience in same I would guess mommy sites to be far and away the most popular with women, sports and news sites the most popular with men, however, I’ve been out of the field for a while.
Maggie Smith is THE reason I watch. Even if she’s on maybe 1% of any given episode, totally worth the investment.
@gogol’s wife: Thomas was a fucking scumbag up until this season, now everyone is all worried about his butt.
@bin Lurkin’:
Love Samantha Fish!!!
@gogol’s wife: Denker, you’re right. I love the chemistry between them. I was just telling my wife last night they should have their own show.
Did Sprat forget that Denker had him by the balls? His unfortunate nephew escaped from prison. And yet, there he is humming to himself behind his newspaper, asking Denker if she’s packed her bags yet.
EDIT: whoops, sorry Raven. I’ll say no more.
Betty Cracker
@Pogonip: Is Zappos the shoe site? I love them, even though I don’t really like buying shoes online. But I live out in the boonies, and the closest stores to me cater to retirees, who apparently have TINY feet. Good luck finding a 9.5 pair of women’s shoes there!
The Other Chuck
I remember when you were kicked into moderation when you used the word “shoes”. Can we get that back? :)
Our guilty pleasure tonight is Supergirl.
The bombs bursting in awww?
Kate Smith would never have gone there.
@Germy: Nah, have fun! We had abut 25 people here for the game and half left so they could go watch it. I actually think this year is the best it’s been since season 2.
gogol's wife
I always loved Thomas!
I enjoyed Lady Gaga and Beyoncé very much. What a gas (Bruno Mars too)
The antics of the sore looser Cam Newton not so much. Too bad he picked a national forum to look like an immature pouting brat. He lost more than a super bowl game though hopefully he will eventually grow up to be a leader his team needs.
@gogol’s wife: Even when he shot himself in the foot to get out of the shit?
gogol's wife
War and Peace! War and Peace! (on Lifetime, 9:00 EST) Lots of good stuff tonight, Battle of Borodino, burning of Moscow, French retreat through the snow, and the heartbreaking denouement. I’m so happy to be home, the snowstorm didn’t really happen, and I can watch my story!
Betty Cracker
@Germy & @gogol’s wife:
Won’t it be funny if Mrs. Patmore ends up being Daisy’s stepmother-in-law? I’m not sure why Daisy is so keen to sabotage their relationship.
gogol's wife
It was his hand. I felt sorry for him. But I’m not a veteran.
@Betty Cracker: Zappos has incredible customer service. They once sent me someone else’s order by mistake, in addition to the pair of sandals I ordered, and they rewarded me generously for my honesty in returning the item.
Thoroughly Pizzled
I will not support any candidate until I am assured that they will, on their first day in office, destroy CenturyLink Field with a drone strike and deport every fan of the Seattle Seahawks while relocating the team to Oklahoma City.
gogol's wife
@Betty Cracker:
I luurrve Mr. Mason!
Keith G
She plays on America’s team, Bill. America’s team.
@raven: I read that the actor who plays Mr. Carson is working on a documentary about Lonnie Donnegan.
Interesting interview with him above. He makes some great comments about current events.
@Betty Cracker: I think it is Zappo’s.
My mom wore an 11. Our experience was that catalogs catering to the *ahem* mature woman, like Anthony Richards, Blair, and Old Pueblo Trader, usually carried up to a 12, so try Anthony Richards. The latter two were bought out and the quality is even worse than is normal these days. Blair was in business for 100 years before the vulture capitalists trashed what had been a fine company.
I just can’t watch Lady Gaga anymore without picturing her character in American Horror Story. I kept waiting for her to go jump on some extra on stage and suck their blood.
Beyonce stole the show. Even if half of America had no clue what they were watching.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Team America World Police.
@gogol’s wife: So I’ve been recording but not yet watching, because I’ve been worried it’s going to be awful (the one review I’ve read mentioned that they’ve cut out characters and whole plot lines). But more recently I’ve been hearing good things through word of mouth. I take it you’re a fan of this adaptation.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
I didn’t see it, but based on last week that’s about as much of a spoiler as “and then Andy solved everything with folksy good humor all while saving Barney’s dignity in front of the boys down at Floyd’s barber shop”
Roger Moore
I’m willing to cut him some slack. He had just lost the most important game of his career, been physically manhandled in the process, and apparently was hearing comments from the winning team’s press conference, which was separated from his by nothing more than a curtain. Vince Lombardi famously said, “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.”, and Cam Newton apparently isn’t a good loser. Also, FWIW, ability to answer media questions falls much closer to last than to first in the list of qualities a team looks for in its leaders.
Thanks for the reminder!
@Betty Cracker: You mean Ms. Patmore will finally learn the “mystery of life”?
@Keith G: The Cowboys?
@trollhattan: I saw Maggie Smith live in a London performance of The Importance of Being Ernest — this is a play I don’t really love but my in laws wanted to see it. My father in law did not even know who she was and he was bowled over — he kept saying that the old lady ran away with the show. And it was true. And everyone else was really good, but she was just incomparable.
@Betty Cracker:
Zappos is great. Especially if you are a problem to fit. Which I am. First, they generally have stock so that beats many stores. Second I get next day delivery as I’ve been a customer for some time. Third, the no questions asked return policy.
Yeah, I like Zappos.
Repeating from below (mouth still agape).
@Roger Moore:
Yeah, but “ability to dive on your own goddam fumbles” rates significantly higher.
White privilege? Are you seriously arguing that singing the anthem is more presigious than headlining the halftime show?
@Betty Cracker:
Foot binding, Betty.
@Thoroughly Pizzled: who exactly do you root for that makes you hate us? I’m still used to being pitied.
Ha, ha. At least Mrs. Pratmore probably wouldn’t have to deal with sniping about her cooking and other household skills like Mrs. Hughes is getting from Mr. Carson.
Haven’t tried Zappos. I have a small foot problem and the sites I like best are and country outfitters (for boots).
Wow, lucky!
Hard to pin down how she’s so very good because she does so many things right, but one quality I treasure is her uncanny timing. And it’s not showboating because it enhances rather than detracts from the performers around her.
@gogol’s wife: SIW
Also obligatory re the giant rabbit.
@burnspbesq: I think she’s making reference to the content of Beyoncé’s performance, which carried a black power / black pride text and subtext.
@Barbara: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is pretty intense but you should also see Travels with My Aunt if you haven’t.
Agreed, if only because she’s pissed Mr. 911 off.
Saw a picture of him congratulating Manning, smiling and shaking his hand. He didn’t look like a bad sport to me. And I worked in professional sports and have met plenty of bad winners and losers, as well as many really gracious losers and winners. Now talking to the press on the other hand, that can push anyone to the less than gracious side. It takes a special person to deal with some journalists, who couldn’t make a team 10 levels below the person they are talking to, and yet think that they know the sport far better than anyone else, including the person they are interviewing.
@Ruckus: Since I missed it in real time, I can’t judge. I think the Cam is controversial blather is bigoted nonsense.
So, I don’t know if some BS question prompted it, but Cam Newton sure did seem to have a serious problem dealing with the loss at the press conference afterward, from clips I saw. But, glad he was gracious on the field after the game.
gogol's wife
Yes, I think it’s very intelligent, and the actor playing Pierre (Paul Dano) is brilliant. Obviously there are things you can quibble with, but how could you possibly not cut out characters and plot lines?
I think I jumped more at that than I did at last week’s dinner surprise.
Daisy should practice the fine art of shut up and let Mrs. Pratmore, who has done nothing but fully support her at every turn, have her chance at happiness. And Carson should start doing his own damn cooking.
gogol's wife
How can you not love The Importance of Being Earnest? I’d love to see Maggie Smith as Lady Bracknell!
Give them a try or at least a look. They now offer a lot more than just shoes.
My main problem is width. Actually more like duck feet. Even in mfg that offer wide shoes, I’m hard to fit. If I find a pair/mfg that works I usually purchase a couple of pair so that I don’t have to find out that the replacement for said model is actually entirely different. And then repeat the process every year.
Well, at least you’ve stopped complaining about his fashion sense.
You know, he’s still in his twenties. His not always being the mature adult role model every critic seems to demand shouldn’t take anything away from his actual accomplishments.
@burnspbesq: She didn’t argue that at all.
As if this election were not insufferable enough already, this super rich goof is making squeaks again.
What tone deaf out-of-touch arrogant ass. I hope most other Democratic voters agree.
Bloomberg Says He’s Considering Getting In The 2016 Race
@Betty Cracker: Speculative spoiler: Daisy is jealous of Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason becoming friendly. She’s afraid Mrs. Patmore will displace her as Mr. Mason’s friend. But I like the idea of Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason becoming something.
I’m afraid for Carson and Mrs. Hughes; he keeps comparing Mrs. Hughes’ cooking to Mrs. Patmore’s skills and hurting Mrs. Hughes’ feelings.
FWIW, I’m also willing to sink $1 billion of my own money into the Baud! 2016! campaign.
I’m not able to at the moment, but I am willing to.
Glad to see the San Francisco/Santa Clara disruption from the Super Bowl come to an end.
However, the more I see Lady Gaga’s career unfold, the more I think she should be
made an honorary San Franciscan.
The NFL assholes have blocked that video.
@gogol’s wife: Yes, tonight’s the last installment. I was upset last week when it was only on Lifetime and not the other channels as it was the previous two weeks. I’d like one of the channels to show all four installments on one day as a marathon. That would be great TV.
gogol's wife
Speculative spoiler: I’m sensing it may go the same way as Lady Violet’s unease when Lord Merton started courting Isobel. She wasn’t jealous of Isobel — she didn’t want to lose her friendship. Daisy isn’t being possessive of Mr. Mason — she doesn’t want to lose Mrs. Patmore.
Everyone on the comment thread for the New York Times recap of DA just hates Daisy. I don’t get it — I still find her very touching.
@kc: It should have a link to YouTube under the blocking message.
gogol's wife
Yes, it’s weird — first it was on three channels, and the following week they repeated the previous episode before the new one. Last week it was only on Lifetime, but they repeated the previous week’s episode so I could see Prince Andrei waltz with Natasha again. This week it’s only on Lifetime, and there’s no repeat of last week. I guess the ratings haven’t caught fire.
@jl: Liberal Democrats won’t vote for him. Centrist-mods might. It wasn’t just Republicans that voted Bloomberg Mayor of NYC – there aren’t enough of them in NYC. Took some Democrats as well. White, moderate technocratic-type Democrats and old school conservative Dems.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Betty Cracker:
Love Zappos. Pricing and products are great.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
I’m glad to hear it’s good, I hope it’s streaming somewhere cause I didn’t get in on the beginning– was it promoted at all? I read W&P years ago and Id love to see a good film adaptation.
@PurpleGirl: Plus he loves getting off work at night, sitting around,arranging for other servants to come do the work at his house and telling her she can’t have a drink, but then expects her to take on a whole new career as a cook at the end of her day being the housekeeper.
Fuck that. Kind of hoping Carson has a stroke and can only eat broth fed to him on a spoon and not speak at all. Daisy should be the one to feed him, it will annoy then both. Thomas can be butler.
Exactly! This is all so bogus. There was a post on FB about how Manning was professional because he took the time to dress in a suit while Newton, in his stocking cap, just looked like a thug. I wonder if anyone ever called Tom Brady a thug for wearing his stocking cap?
@Baud: Baud! 2016! He’s the broke Bloomberg!
Has a ring to it. Best Baud! 2016! campaign restart I have seen so far.
@Jacel: Would love to see her as honorary Grand Marshall for Pride parade.
Or Thomas can be Carson’s caretaker.
@jl: Brokeback Bloomberg?
@debbie: Thomas has suffered enough in my view. ;)
@gogol’s wife:
I haven’t been able to find it streaming anywhere, and I think that really hurt the ratings. Even Lifetime viewers aren’t necessarily home at a specific time on a specific night, and that goes double for the wider audience they were trying to reach.
@efgoldman: Ding
@efgoldman: Cam is from the NFC South. Haters gonna hate.
@Ruckus: @gogol’s wife:
Thanks for the recommendation. Wrote it down so I won’t forget to check them out.
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
There was an article about it in TV Guide and a (tepid) review in the New York Times, but it hasn’t been terribly well advertised. I gather it was a huge hit in Britain, but the fact that they stopped showing it on History and A&E after two episodes seems to indicate that wasn’t the case here.
Roger Moore
If you watch his reaction, it was actually pretty reasonable. He didn’t dive immediately because it looked like the ball was either going to get smothered or knocked away. So he held up for a second, it got batted close to his feet, and he then dropped straight down to try to get it. He wouldn’t have done his team any more good by diving when everyone said he should, because he would have been diving in the wrong place. Failure to dive on the ball wasn’t even the worst mistake he made that play- he held the ball too long, allowing the strip- much less the game.
@Ruckus: I’ve looked at the Zappos web site and they don’t tend to have shoes that are extra wide. No one seems to make extra wide shoes. It’s really hard to find shoes that fit my feet as they splay even wider as the day wears on.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
I think Bloomberg’s net worth is north of 25 billion, so I could see him spending a billion on the White House. I can’t see him shaking one hand or deigning to conduct a town hall. I could be completely wrong, I didn’t really follow him in New York, but I get a vibe from him that makes Willard look like Bill Clinton in his crowd-workin’ prime
father pussbucket
Me, too. Very impressed by lots of smart people working hard to get this right.
Manning won the Super Bowl?
@efgoldman: Do you suppose he has tiny furniture at his house? And then when it’s too small for others he says they’re fat from drinking soda.
I remember when Belichick beat feet off the field in Phoenix without shaking any hands after the Patsies blew the undefeated season.
Somehow, his franchise survived this breach of post game etiquette.
The Carsons have their own house to take care of now. I’m hoping Carson has problems with some tricky house repairs which he has little or no experience with. Maybe he will realize he’s been spoiled living at the Abbey and unrealistic with Mrs. Hughes. Doubt it though, he’s pretty obtuse.
That was a GIF-able moment. Everyone in the crowd with whom I watched laughed their asses off at that, even though most of us were rooting for the Panthers.
Some of us wondered if Cam was playing hurt. He seemed out of sorts, and I thought I saw him wincing a few times.
Oh, thanks. Going to watch, bc I missed this last night.
schrodinger's cat
@Betty Cracker: She is an idiot, that’s why. Carson and Daisy have become the most annoying characters of DA. Carson needs a fry pan upside his head.
@gogol’s wife:
To me, Daisy is so goddam annoying. She goes on a tear, doesn’t listen to anyone then screws up royally. After her major screw-up she’s contrite for a New York minute then starts the cycle all over again. She doesn’t learn from her mistakes..
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: Really? Can’t stand Denker. I was cheering when the dowager countess fired her, too bad she was reinstated so soon.
Gaga was def good, but Whitney Houston still owns the best SuperBowl National Anthem moment…hell, it’s still a #1 seller when Fourth of July rolls around
@schrodinger’s cat:
Carson is snootier than anyone at Downton Abbey other than Granny Violet.
Patricia Kayden
@NotMax: And of course the Cop is not in jail where his behind belongs after killing two people for no justifiable reason.
Then people have the nerve to threaten to boycott Beyonce for her new song because it’s “anti-police”. As far as I’m concerned African Americans have been very patient with the way they’ve handled police violence. Very patient so far.
schrodinger's cat
@bemused: He is not nice to his new wife, treats her like shit, bullies his underlings. It goes far beyond mere snobbery.
Ok…open thread topic
In honor of Black History Month, Debbie Allen and the Alvin Ailey Dance group held a dancing workshop in the White House…
Check out the hashtag here: #DanceAtTheWhiteHouse for some great videeo
msdebbieallen: Honey, things are heating up at the WhiteHouse! #DanceAtTheWhiteHouse #BlackHistoryMonth “
schrodinger's cat
@pamelabrown53: Daisy reminds me of some of the Bernie supporters who post here.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I believe he’s worked at Downton Abbey since he was very, very young. Maybe he just hasn’t been socialized properly.
schrodinger's cat
@debbie: Wasn’t he a vaudeville actor or something in his youth.
@schrodinger’s cat:
He does have a very high opinion of himself and rigid in what are the proper roles for everyone. He’s also probably quite typical of males of the era. I just hope Mrs. Hughes finds a way to take him down a few pegs, open his eyes. If not, then a frying pan upside his head.
Dude, it was a joke. I was rooting for the Panthers.
Before War & Peace began there were ads for it on A&E and History Channel. Now there haven’t been. I don’t normally watch Lifetime so I don’t know what kind of advertising was done there. Without having read the Tolstoy novel, I’ve been able to generally follow the story. It’s possible that people got scared by novel’s history. I know that I didn’t want to read more Tolstoy after reading Anna Karenina. The ending thoroughly depressed me for weeks. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. (Note that I adored Anton Chekov’s plays and short pieces.) As to it’s length — it isn’t always possible to use the whole story as originally written. Some things have to be cut.
@Patricia Kayden:
I suspect most of those dummies aren’t buying her songs or concert tickets anyway.
If you wanted to know what a winning card of Politico Bingo looks like, your wish has been answered, thanks to WaMo:
An article in Politico titled: Clinton weighs staff shake-up after New Hampshire is creating a bit of a buzz. Call me skeptical when their sourcing is as follows:
-a half-dozen people with direct knowledge of the situation
-a source told POLITICO
-several people close to the situation
-one Democratic official who speaks regularly to both [Clintons]
-said one former Obama 2008 aide
-one Clinton insider described
-multiple staffers and operatives say
-said one veteran operative
-according to multiple sources
Celebrating African American Women & Dance
Steeplejack (phone)
If you have cable, it’s probably in the (free) “on demand” bin. It is here for both Cox and Comcast.
@ThresherK: Yeah, that was my reaction when someone linked to that article earlier. Serves me right for giving them a click.
@schrodinger’s cat: Yes, he was an actor and dancehall performer in his youth. He had a partner, who tried to contact him at one point (season 2? episode).
@schrodinger’s cat:
Googling around, everything seems to say he started working as a second footman when he was 19. There’s nothing about any kind of work before that.
(Don’t try this. I uncovered a couple of spoilers which may upset some.)
Ummm, no. The performance and song Beyoncé sang were two raised middle fingers to white privilege. Which you’d know, if you listened or went to YouTube to check out the video, which is much more overt. Not a commentary on Gaga at all. In fact, I believe I praised her in my comment.
@Baud: I would not vote for a President who looks directly at the sun during an eclipse. Likewise everything I need to know from Politico can be gleaned by watching smarter people digest it rather than clicking on it myself.
Ted Cruz is the Thomas of American politics. Really. If Thomas were a loud-mouth Talibangical Texan. Everybody hates him.
And Maggie Smith fans – AKA everyone – keep an eye out for Nowhere to Go on TCM. It’s her first credited screen role. She plays a gorgeous and rather dissolute deb-gone-wrong who crosses paths with an escaped prisoner. A Brit-noir from the late 50s. Doesn’t seem to be on DVD in the US, but TCM shows it periodically.
You’d be a lot smarter if you could figure out how to dump a billion of bloomberg’s money into the race for you. He’s willing to spend this on a losing candidate, maybe he’d like to spend it on a winner?
@efgoldman: Oh yeah?
How about this:
@debbie: Speaking of the British class system but a century earlier, I’m reading Pride and Prejudice. I enjoyed Sense and Sensibility previously, but goddamn P&P is a cut above. I can’t remember enjoying writing more just regarding the language and style, irrespective of plot, characterization, yadda yadda.
Don’t shop for women’s shoes so I have no clue about that. But as I said up thread I have duck feet, wide at the toe box and narrow at the heel counter. There are not many mfg that make shoes for me, right now I found one Merrell and one New Balance. And I’ve even been to a NB store (4 blocks from me!) and tried on shoes for over an hour.
If you are looking for women’s shoes in stylish types, I’d bet that will be almost impossible, sorry. But I don’t wear any “stylish” shoes (or clothes for that matter) so it’s 501’s in the winter, shorts in the summer, running/off road running/hiking shoes. I’m old enough that I just don’t care if people care about what I’m wearing and bonus, I live in SoCal, so many, many people care just as much as I do.
gogol's wife
They seem to have forgotten about his music-hall career. He was being blackmailed by his former partner, then later they helped get the guy out of the workhouse. Baron Fellowes seems to have decided to let that bit of history go by the boards.
gogol's wife
It’s several cuts above!
schrodinger's cat
@Feathers: Thomas has some redeeming qualities, he is good with children and can play cricket. Ted Cruz has none.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Ouch! :-) .
@gogol’s wife:
Thank you. I didn’t remember that. It seems perfectly believable to me that Downton is Carson’s entire life because he’s known nothing else. Odd to think he has a past.
gogol's wife
There was even a lost love, that the partner stole from him. I think that was when Mrs. Hughes started to look at Carson in a more romantic way, when he told her about it and showed her the picture of the woman.
gogol's wife
@schrodinger’s cat:
Daisy’s for Hillary all the way!
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: Nope, she is a socialist railing against the 1% and being a pill to those who have been good to her (Mrs Patmore and Mr. Mason). I see her more as a Bernie supporter.
ETA: She is totally devoid of any common sense too.
@gogol’s wife:
When the series is over, I’m going to go back to the beginning and binge watch the seasons. This once-a-week viewing doesn’t work for me anymore.