Well, it wasn’t going to be Chuck Todd, was it? Good for SNL.
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Well, it wasn’t going to be Chuck Todd, was it? Good for SNL.
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[…] Video via Balloon Juice. […]
Comrade Jake
He would appear to have the racist wing of the GOP locked up, although I wouldn’t count out Cruz’s ability to court these same folks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This bit, Donald Trump calling Christie a “fat piece of crap”, I have to give the funny, because it’s true award to Jason Sudeikis’ Romney saying “We don’t say racist or sexist things, we imply them, over years and years.”
@Comrade Jake: There’s another wing?
Chicago and Suburban Cook County Folks:
Here is the link to the Chicago Board of Elections Early Voting Page.
Look for the sites highlighted in red – those are the permanent Early Voting Sites – meaning that they are open TODAY – SUNDAY!!!
Here is the link to the Suburban Cook County Early Voting Sites
They have 14 sites open today.
Amir Khalid
“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”
I’m watching MTP and vampire banshee Mary Matalin just told Stephen Henderson she wanted to strangle him for talking about the GOP’s dog whistle politicking.
I wish they would have cut over to David Brooks’ expression.
That’s hilarious.
Although I wish someone would do a funny, but substantive, piece about the magical thinking. (He’s going to grow our economy! He’s a job creator! He’s gonna get all those jobs back from overseas!) Maybe John Oliver has.
Because people aren’t going to admit to themselves that they’re racists. But they’re not thinking very deeply if they’re taken in by Trump.
Maybe if you could give them a “wizard behind the curtain — he has no special powers at all” look. It was too damn late for all of us by the time Hurricane Katrina rolled around.
Good stuff.
Could they have gotten away with someone literally carrying a bible, as in the famous quote about fascism from Upton Sinclair?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Corner Stone
Had to show my DL to vote the other day and was literally nauseous when she asked me for it.
Comrade Jake
@ThresherK: I believe the quote references being wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. SNL could have easily pulled something like that off, but they’re not that clever.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Makes you wonder about the #BernieorBust/Trump crossover vote doesn’t it? Hahaha no it doesn’t.
Corner Stone
Haven’t watched SNL in probably forever but they have made a couple spot on sketches recently. This one was tight and the Beyonce one was awesome.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@theBuhjaysus: 25 years ago she was a second (at most) tier employee of the ’92 Bush campaign. They pushed out in front of the cameras cause they needed a woman (she says so in her book, yes, I read her and her awful husband’s book, I was young) and has spun that and a sort-of-celebrity marriage into some kind of alleged political expertise. I once saw her debating economics on ABC. With Paul Krugman.
Tim C.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Is that a real thing? I just can’t even fathom such people exist in any real quantity.
OT, Obama’s approval rating has now climbed to 51%. I guess the more people see of what the GOP is offering the more they realize how good they’ve had it the past 8 years.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Tim C.: @Tim C.:
It’s a thing. Who knows how many actual voters that represents, but the point is, IT SHOULDN’T BE A THING AT ALL.
Keith P.
Now *this* is how you define a candidate before they start running their own ads to do it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Tim C.: if you don’t know/care much about policy, they’re the two candidates who “can’t be bought”
@Comrade Jake: But it wouldn’t really have been accurate for Trump – say what you will about the tenets of the Donald, at least he doesn’t have an ethos of god-bothering (and comes across as areligious as most Americans).
@Comrade Jake:
Yeah, but that clip was still pretty damn good. Most
Pointed political satire from SNL in a long time.
Betty Cracker
In contrast to SNL telling it like it is, Douthat of the NYT continues to stick his fingers in his ears and sing “la-la-la.” He recognizes that Trumpism is an alarming development. He dimly perceives that maybe only Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders can save us from it now. But he fails to grasp its wellspring, or else how could he write something so boneheaded as this?
Yeah, “far-left terrorism” has been such a menace to the republic. Jesus, what an asshole. He also walks right up to the Frankenstein monster in the room, peers into its eyes and then hides under the covers to suck his thumb:
He’s not entirely wrong about the state of the white working class and the ways both parties have failed working people of all races, but Douthat either can’t or won’t discuss how one party, his, has busily weaponized racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia for the past 40 years in service of tax cuts and neocon foreign adventures, which led directly to Trumpism.
That failure makes Douthat as useless as tits on a boar. Give his column space to SNL.
Nicely done, SNL. Although I agree that a little Bible thumping could have made it better.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I remember that exchange with Krug. She’s just another uber-opinionated loud mouth. I remember thinking that Krugman just seemed confused by this eye-rolling ideologue.
Iowa Old Lady
Here’s a list of many of the right wing charges against Clinton over the years. I’d forgotten about some of them.
I’m firmly in the walks-like-a-duck, quacks-like-a-duck, swims-like-a-duck camp. By god, it’s a duck.
Iowa Old Lady
@PJ: I heard Trump on the radio Friday saying Christianity was under attack in the US. I nearly ran my car off the road at both the charge and the messenger.
@Betty Cracker:
And nary a word about the far right militia presence in this country?
@Comrade Jake: Oops, thanks. I’m juuuust a bit too lazy to do the research, even on the internet.
I think they’re that clever to have considered the idea. But it’s one thing to show the totems of the actual Nazis and Klan; that’s a “safe” insult to make in polite America, at least for right now.
However, to remind people that racism isn’t just Islamophobia and Nazis and the Klan and build the wall? I consider that to be tricky territory for SNL to navigate, given what the media puke funnel would do with it.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Betty Cracker:
Democrats have half abandoned the AA community too, yet they show up to reliably vote for the Dem every election, forcing their issues to at least be heard, and occasionally acted upon. It’s almost like something is holding those poor working class whites back from making common cause with the AA community. I wonder what that is? Hahaha no I don’t. The GOP punditry remains willfully, deliberately blinkered.
@Betty Cracker: I didn’t read it but capital gains tax cuts are not going to solve anything, except to make the wealthy, wealthier. In his world, if only we had capital gains tax cuts, the gays wouldn’t marry. Food stamps wouldn’t be necessary and we’d all sing the praises of the lord. What am I missing?
I saw the ad earlier, and found it realistic. I am so concerned that Cruz or Trump could be our next president.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m guessing he considers the Roe v. Wade decision to be far-left terrorism.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-lakoff/why-trump_1_b_9372450.html why is Trump winning? an interesting read on Huffington
@p.a.: It’s the Republican wing of the Republican party.
@theBuhjaysus: I’ll guess Brooks’ expression was the facial embodiment of Now let’s forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!
@MattF: Why aren’t the pro lifers in Flint, MI protesting the willful lead poisoning of the children?
Betty Cracker
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: And I wonder which party ran ooga-booga ads to make sure the rubes were focused on welfare queens, abortion sluts, gun-grabbers and homos instead of the looting of the national treasury? Haha, no I don’t!
That is one of those quotes that is a mash-up of quotes by various authors that doesn’t exist in that exact form but accurately represents the sentiment.
@Betty Cracker: My Sundays are too precious to me to waste any speck of them on Ross Doubthat.
@Iowa Old Lady: Oh well, I guess Trump doesn’t have much of an ethos after all . . .
I suspect he has in mind the social movements of the 1960s. But he of course won’t say that.
Ha! Now I spent 10 minutes reading Simosons quotes.
El Caganer
@Comrade Jake: I read an updated version on the intertubes a couple years ago:”When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in excess body fat and carrying a misspelled sign.”
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Betty Cracker:
…….lalalalalalala can’t hear you…..
@JPL: Because its inconvenient to the jump-in-fetus-first narrative?
@Comrade Jake:
See my comment above at 38. There are variations of this quote including bible and cross but both are not accurate quotes. The meaning is accurate though.
Someone took LSD and went to a Trump speech
A brave soul.
Bad idea. We walk into the place and just know that something is very wrong. The tension in the air was flowing through our bodies, everyone looked angry about something. 10 minutes pass and we all realize we must escape from this hell on earth before we lose every ounce of sanity we have left. We head for the exits, it’s packed with people and security. WE WONT MAKE IT! We all agree and head back to our seats. (We could’ve made it we were just tripping too hard to be rational)
Iowa Old Lady
@PJ: Oh I think you’re right that he comes across as areligious to most people. At least, I think he does. I don’t really understand what goes on in the minds of his supporters.
@Betty Cracker:
that’s Ross doing what I call the “David Brooks Shimmy”, where he starts from a premise that’s not totally crazy, and then leaps to the most boneheaded (or mendacious, depending on how self-aware you assume he is) conclusion possible.
I assume “far-left terrorism” is Dr. MLK, AIM, and other civil rights movements in Ross’ brainspace? Does he include the Iraq War protests? Also, it’s slick how he elides Tim McVeigh, the abortion clinic shooter, and our very own Bundy ranchers! No right-wing political violence here!
And people wonder why Little Mario lost Louisiana –
Betty Cracker
@El Caganer: That’s awesome!
@Betty Cracker: “Far left terrorism”? The freaken Weathermen? How quickly he’s conveniently forgotten OK City and the stochastic Right Wing terrorism of the past 8 years.
Corner Stone
@Iowa Old Lady:
Welp, that pretty much settles it for me. The last condemnation on that long list confirms why there’s no way I could ever support her or her candidacy.
Roger Moore
@El Caganer:
When fascism comes to America, it will be burning a cross and wrapped in a Confederate flag.
@OzarkHillbilly: well that just comes from people being poorly served. Unlike left wing terrorism which came about because of something something.
Linda Featheringill
@Amir Khalid:
The SNL fake ad for Trump featured folks saying that he was good for business, etc., and then at the end the speakers showed their affilliation with Neo-Nazis, White Power groups, and the KKK. And ended with “Racists for Donald Trump.”
The “fascism comes to America” quote is not directly attributable to Lewis. But this certainly nails it:
“But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”
Pretty accurate description of Republicans since 2002, perhaps 1981.
@TheBuhJaysus: Reading? Don’t you mean “getting the exact wording for things already in rolling around in your head”? Cos that’s what I do.
@MomSense: I thought it was true, but even the Sinclair Lewis Society can’t find it exactly. Plenty of Lewis quotes live right in that neighborhood.
well, I just want to say that I believe that there is a silent majority of Christians out there that do not fall into the evangelical pile that have become so political. Kind of similar to the vast pool of folks of the Islamic faith that aren’t busy strapping explosives to themselves in the pursuits of heaven awaiting virgins in a pre-adolescent paradise.
From some of the folks that are religious, they tend to be respectful, tolerant and considerate (even if some of them do slant GOP) and what I am hearing is that they are offended, if not outraged, by the behavior of some of these self-professed Christians and what they are doing in the name of politics. Don’t want to drift into the moral scold category here, but we need to remember that while there are a big group of politically motivated evangelicals playing for the other side, I have to remind myself that those folks are not representative of the whole any more so than some duped young person with bombs strapped to themselves is representative of the whole of Islam.
I hate that the GOP has polarized us into the Us vs. Them argument and the realization that there are many places on the political barometer and that the extremes are making this a character fight (which I hope that they’ll lose) instead of a policy fight (which again, I hope that they lose) because with all of this polarization and the ready availability of arms, my biggest fear is that someone goes incredibly bonkers or we get an evilly cunning re visitation of McVeigh.
I hope that we can find a way to bring these scared misinformed people back into the fold of rationality….
Not to get too serious, but I think what Trump supporters like about him is that he is telling them that they are not responsible for the sorry state of their own lives – pc, minority’s and democrats are. What makes him different from the rest, is that he also blames the gop. His angry on their behalf, it’s entertaining to watch but also scares the crap out of me.
@Corner Stone:
It’s disgusting. I had to explain to some totebaggers why it is offensive and they dragged out all the stupid right wing talking points they probably heard David Brooks say in his oh so civil tone.
@BruceFromOhio: Good on ye–beat me to it.
@Roger Moore: So it’s been here for awhile, as you say.
In 2012, some hate junkie in my redneck of the woods liked to cruise around in his big, black pick’em up with a six-foot Confederate flag flapping from a Gaia-damned pole mounted in the bed. It was surprising for a moment, and then it was not surprising. What the heck do you do with that? There’s nothing I could say or do in a jillion years that’s gonna change hate junkie’s mind – he’s a Gaia-damned junkie, beyond reason.
Tire rims and anthrax, indeed.
I definitely think the meaning is accurate even if the words aren’t.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
I’m going to say something very unpopular, but here it is:
In a lot of ways, I actually agree with mclaren. America’s dominant cohort in its polity is center-right. The factions within that center-right coalition have been historically blinkered to all but their own personal hobby horses, and the conservative web of media across all platforms has done a yeoman’s job of aggregating the messaging into something that has resulted in a 35 year winning tradition and melded three not-necessarily convergent world views into something that has consistently led to electoral triumph. The problem that Trump presents is that the convergence three worldviews requires consistent blundering to such an extent that any authoritarian demagogue can adopt one of those positions and expect a high degree of enthusiastic support without looking too hard, but to do this he has to identify a disquiet that his target population is feeling. In this instance, the lower economic tiers seriously feel the economic pain caused by slavish devotion to the whims of the money class. For decades, they’ve fallen further behind because they got caught up in the same policy fixes designed to ensure that those people aren’t a bunch of shiftless you-know-whats. for 35 years, when right populists have said “offshoring” or”WalMart business practices are destroying local retailing”, the answer of the GOP has been “negroes”, “sluts”, “abortions”, “capital gains taxes”, “MSAs”, “regulations”, “elites” and “Obama is uppity”.
That is changing dramatically. Last time something like this happened, there was a Civil War. This time, it’s really the same factions, just slightly different issues.
@MomSense: I keep thinking there’s a literary or scholastic term for that, a la “truthiness”, but better. “Something that someone accurately all-but-said”, rather than “AlGoreInventedTheInternet”.
Nancy Reagan has died.
@Iowa Old Lady:
A funny thing I learned while dabbling in evangelical groups in college is that half the people who are in there don’t actually give a shit about the religion. They fuck (people they are not married to), they cuss, they get shit-faced, they drive while shit-faced. All the things you’d expect from a godless liberally biased college student, done with a wink and a nudge and a “don’t tell the pastor.” But while they couldn’t care less about the beliefs of the evangelical community, they care very deeply about the tribal identity of the evangelical community. To them, it was basically a support group where white Southern and Midwestern kids could congregate and avoid mixing with the teeming masses of Blue Stater pond scum they’d found themselves in the middle of.
That’s one of the many reasons I’ve been utterly unsurprised by Trump’s high poll numbers among evangelicals. It’s 100% consistent with the fundies I know.
Felonius Monk
Because they are Anti-abortionists, not Pro-lifers.
They’re not thinking very deeply if they’re Republicans. Trump is just taking the stupidity to an extreme, and uglier level. But he is not altering the GOP’s central message.
Prescott Cactus
As a country I never thought we would elect Reagan. Twice. Or GWB. Twice. As a union member it was agony having those dills run our country.
To the angry white guy who has had to endure 8 years of a Kenyan Muslim usurper, Trump only has to sprinkle water on the well nurtured garden of ignorance to sprout the seeds of hate that will eventually grow violence.
Ascribed to.
Prescott Cactus
Just say no
FYWP eating my Gaia-damned replies. Off to clean the house.
Out here in California, the Sunday talking head shows have been interrupted for longish segments on Mrs Reagan. She was not really that significant a figure politically, so I don’t think she merits a “breaking news special report.”
Still, my sympathies to her family and other loved ones.
J R in WV
Wow, that was a good job. Normal appearing neighborly folks, with all the trappings of their compulsions.
I’d use that for my commercials in the general, if necessary.
@Roger Moore:
It will come as it has always come, a Bible and wrapped in the American flag.
@Brachiator: I think she (and maybe her astrologer) have to be given credit for getting Reagan to talk to Gorbachev. If the neo-cons had their way he would have started WWIII.
@Prescott Cactus: Is it wrong that I laughed at that comment.
I have to disagree. Much as I disliked both Reagans (Ronnie much more than Nancy, of course), I do think the death of a former FLOTUS is a very significant news event in this country. Through none of their own fault or aspiration, we have turned the private role of being the wife of a President into an iconic position with a certain degree of power. Not political power necessarily, but definitely the power of example, style, and bully pulpit, with the media attention and celebrity status that accompanies it.
Yes, it’s going to turn into hagiography all too soon, but I absolutely don’t begrudge her the breaking news headlines and quickly-assembled panels and remarks from the Obamas and remaining former POTUSes/FLOTUSes, and flags at half-staff for a few days.
And again, I say all this as one who never cared for her.
@Betty Cracker:
Douthat has always been useless. Slapping him around is the right thing to do, but it is also picking at low hanging fruit.
And I think it was his equally useless counterpart, David Brooks, on today’s Meet the Press (or maybe Mary Matilin) who warned about Trump authoritarianism, but was entirely silent on the authoritarianism built into GOP obstructionism. Similarly, there was weak condemnation of the failed Cruz tactic of shutting down the government over Obamacare. But then again, this is the same group of Republicans who refuse to even consider an Obama Supreme Court nominee.
Prescott Cactus
It was wrong that I wrote it, but I somehow feel that one’s death doesn’t give them a pass for their actions when alive. Plus, it couldn’t help myself.
I understand what you say here, but apart from her devotion to her husband, Nancy Reagan was historically insignificant. This is also the case with most First Ladies.
I also look forward to a future with mostly useless and decorative male First Spouses, who I hope will have the grace and good sense to do nothing charmingly and stay out of the way.
I don’t think her passing merited more than a brief interruption of programming, with a promise of details in the Nightly News, etc.
@Brachiator: She was the smiling face of the war on drugs, possibly the most disastrous domestic policy ever adopted. I’m not “blaming” her, she was really the first FLOTUS to become the face of a social movement during their husband’s presidency.
They didn’t because the real appeal is the unleashed anger, not the Bible thumping. Much more upsetting was listening to Medgar Evers’s son explaining his support for Trump on NPR.
I like to think of Douthat and Brooks as evidence for Chris Hayes’s take on “meritocracy”.
You could make a better case that this honor belongs to Eleanor Roosevelt.
Again, Nancy Reagan, largely politically insignificant. And she was not a policy mover on the anti-drug nonsense.
Is Haye’s take on this still available somewhere? I would enjoy reading/taking a look at it.
Douthat, Brooks and others are part of a reliable pundits who can be counted on to spew out a column or quotes. They have insinuated themselves into a network of usual suspects of punditry, go to names in a producer’s rolodex or contact list.
There is no rational reason that they or Cokie Roberts or Hugh Hewitt should ever be allowed on a panel to offer analysis. But they can reliably fill time between commercial breaks or churn out inches of column space in a newspaper.
Villago Delenda Est
@BruceFromOhio: The German version of Fascism mortally damaged the brand. So the remaining Fascists have scrambled to find a new bottle to sell their old wine in.
Or, for that matter, to ‘Lemonade Lucy’ Hayes.
Villago Delenda Est
@Felonius Monk: Their movement, from its inception, hasn’t been about the babies. It’s been about punishing the sluts.
@Brachiator: I stand corrected. I did not think of Eleanor Roosevelt. Some how, in my mind, she was so much more than just a First Lady.
Doug R
@Amir Khalid: Try the daily mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3478759/SNL-goes-Trump-Skits-Donald-talking-huge-d-Chris-Christie-cowering-background-fake-campaign-ad-Racists-Trump.html
Jim Crow. ‘Course, if you were immune to its ministrations, you may not have noticed (e.g. just ran across people up here in Massachusetts who had never heard of Jim Crow, and they weren’t young’uns)…
I lived in Marin county CA for a while and we had that same guy driving around. He lived down the street in the upscale, white trash house.
tokyo expat
@Amir Khalid: Upload not available for me either. ):
Yeah… Seriously, at this point, shouldn’t it be “when fascism came to America, it was wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible?”