Well, I enjoyed it.
Per The Mary Sue:
… The most impressive part is that they’re doing this in stormtrooper masks, which means low visibility for ALL of them, yet none of them miss a step or bump into one another. The climactic moment when two stormtroopers perform the lift from Dirty Dancing feels all the more incredible due to the fact that those two dancers can barely even see each other. Imagine how much rehearsal must have gone into that moment!…
IMO, the Full Monty nod was inevitable (being as they’re from Yorkshire), but the Tchaikovsky snippet is genius:
Mike J
Aren’t they a little short for stormtroopers?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
In “People Can Be Wretched Asses” news –
Miss Bianca
Holy Mother of God…
Two comments went poof. If in moderation, please liberate. Either one will do.
Anne Laurie
@NotMax: Both went to trash — not moderation, not spam, just the wastebasket. And, no, I have no idea why, except FYWP!
That’s too fun. Thanks for the find.
Marking student work at the moment. UGGHHHHHHHHH.
One of the joys of giving students reflective writing assignments is that they tend to engage personally with the material in really exciting ways. One of the perils is that you are liable to find out just how much one or two of them hate you–in this case because you try to teach them that the past is political and you have a whole week on the topic of material culture and gender (how dare you! you feminist hack!)
@Anne Laurie
Thank you for the untrashing.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Pity. The trailers looked promising. Though getting the plans for the first Death Star should be more spy thriller than a movie involving pitched battles.
By the way guys you MUST see this kiwi film. I saw it the other night and literally was in tears I laughed so hard throughout.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Worth saying for the superhero lovers amongst you, the writer/director is directing the next Thor film which suggests it will be… a trip…
@NotMax: Now you’ve got AL dumpster diving?
Speaking of trailers, this looks to be totally silly. Nothing wrong with that when silly is the goal.
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
Gawd, bar the door, Halperin is in LA. Mika thinks Bill Kristol needs to take a looong vacation, (snort).
Glub glub glub…. Got 1 1/2 inches yesterday. Big Badda Boom raining right now, supposed to keep it up all day. Tomorrow is supposed to be dry anyway. The wkend don’t look too good tho.
@OzarkHillbilly: What is this rain you speak of?
Schlemazel Khan
Halperin is in LA? Gee, it would sure be nice if Kristol, Mika, Joe and a dozen or two others joined him there & took a very long walk into the sunset
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@BillinGlendaleCA: Mika proves intelligence isn’t genetic.
The dumb move of the day:
It was a harmless souvenir, but still.
What? They’re plenty visible! I can see them just fine!
Missourians could get lifetime concealed carry permits under overhaul of firearms laws
Yeah, SAY they have training. What kind of training it does not say. The stoopid, it hurts.
Utterly ridiculous
@OzarkHillbilly: What could possibly go wrong with that?
Because nothing says souvenir like a BOMB?
Da phuq?!?!
@BillinGlendaleCA: It’s weird, water falling from the sky. You can get wet just walking out the door! No plumbing necessary!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Most read articles @ Washington Post
WaPo Opinon Page:
Good luck raising money.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Front page New York Times
@OzarkHillbilly: Must be a back woods thing.
My favorite local story is that Brooklyn felon Sheldon Silver was having an affair with a lobbyist for the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is trying to defeat a proposed law that would remove the statute of limitations for child molestation. Silver changed his backing for the bill while shtupping said lobbyist. The Church has spent a reported $2,000,000 trying to waylay the bill. So glad we can give them a big fat tax break.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: But did Trump U follow all standard email protocols?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Front page New York Magazine
I’m a little concerned about the Democratic organization in Ohio for Clinton/Strickland. I think there should be more local contact by now, particularly because there’s two parts. The “voter protection” part is time-consuming and involves a lot of planning/training because they recruit volunteer lawyers as “leads” in each county and they have to be trained and then updated when either the Sec of State changes the rules or rules are challenged in court(s) and we end up with the final set.
I haven’t seen one iota of Trump activity, so I would like to see Democrats take advantage of Trump’s lack of experience in that area. It’s a low-cost risk, starting “too early” because organizers aren’t paid very much and paying them for 5 months rather than 3 would be well worth it even if they’re just laying groundwork.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The Baud campaign is starting to break through the national media.
This is going all the way to the convention!
@Kay: Didn’t you meet with someone lately?
@rikyrah: @BillinGlendaleCA: Putting the Misery in Missouri. They also passed ‘Stand Your Ground’. The minimum requirements for civilized society have ceased to exist in this state.
@Kay: Trump will run his campaign via the media and Twitter. I don’t think you’ll see much activity on the Democratic side until the primaries end, if they ever do end.
@Baud: If they did, everything is A-OK!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: the same Beltway elites who begged Obama to pardon Petraeus for handing over classified material to his mistress and lying about it to investigators are in a tizzy over gefilte fish emails.
I managed to make it though about 1/2 a hour of Morning Joe; Mika didn’t seem to think Trump’s berating reporters will cause him any problems with the electorate, the rest of the panel disagreed. They had on Michael Wolfe of the Hollywood Reporter gushing how much Trump likes the media. I got the impression that Trump loves the media as long as they are compliant, otherwise he’ll blow like old faithful.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: This primary is calling out for a dark horse.
We ended up not “meeting” because I wasn’t able to get anyone else local to join us immediately prior to a holiday weekend but I spoke to him on the phone for a while. I have what I think is a good list of “sporadic” voters we identified for a school levy after the 2012 Prez election.
I was at a retiring magistrate’s goodbye reception yesterday and I spoke with a sort of big-shot Dem lawyer from a more populous county east of here and he hasn’t been contacted at all. We actually used his law office as a three-county “hub” in ’04 so he would be an early contact, I would think. They HAVE been contacted by a state Supreme Court candidate so he’s on someone’s list.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@BillinGlendaleCA: Have you come across any campaign ads running on tee vee/radio in the LA media market?
@Kay: Hmmm. I wonder what’s going on. Everything I’ve seen so far is that Clinton’s org is pretty tight.
I’m dying to see the Trump organizer. I know the Trump supporter who writes letters to the editor in the local paper quite well. He’s eccentric. The city has to mow his yard every summer and then he has a big fight with them because they charge people after they give them 3 warnings and then mow. They post a red sign in their yard as the last warning but they always say they weren’t warned. He works overnight security at the court-ordered residential drug treatment center which is just an old house out in the country. His brother was an Obama canvasser!
The McCain organizer was this glowering, surly bald guy. I thought he was perfect for John McCain :)
The stoopid is spreading:
My bet is that Clinton’s organization sees Ohio as a lock, which is unfortunate. Also unfortunate are all the anti-Strickland ads.
Kay, it’s time to overthrow the Ohio Democratic establishment!
The Obama campaign were nuts about Ohio. Maybe she’s focused more on Florida? It seems like Florida would be more likely to be the big Trump/Clinton showdown state since he seems to have some history and be well-liked there.
Unfortunately George Harrison is no longer with us(also that whole natural born citizen thing).
Again? We just over-threw them! The new regime hasn’t even had one election!
I like David Pepper. He’s a fanatic. I always like them.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Bernie’s been on about a week and a half, Hillary’s started a few days ago(but she had God doing the narration).
@Kay: Kay, he’s only eccentric if he’s loaded; otherwise he’s bat crap crazy.
JosieJ (not Josie)
And my relatives there wonder why I visit so seldom. KC is already a shooting gallery, at least for young black men–I’ve already lost a cousin to senseless gun violence. SyG laws are just “don’t even think about escaping to a better (whiter) neighborhood” laws.
@debbie: I hope Ohio is a lock. I’d like to worry about another state for a change.
@Baud: Trump thinks you have to worry about New York and California. Trump is also delusional.
All Pepper’s done is make a few smart-ass remarks. I by no means object to them, but it will take more than that to succeed in Ohio.
Welcome to the Wild not so West:
Good thing it was the last night of a long holiday wkend. If it had been after a Saturday night ball game, there could have been dozens shot and injured or killed, an NRA wet dream.
He does odd jobs for people and he’s a hoarder. It isn’t good for Donald Trump that Mark is his most vocal local supporter. Not a good “validator”:)
General Rant: Why can’t manufactures of computer products put a damn sticker with their name on the fucking power supplies. I was trying to connect to a drive connected to my router and it wouldn’t connect and then I noticed that there was no power to the drive. Now I can’t find where the damned power supply is plugged in so I can reconnect it.
(End of Rant)
Well, I disagree. He comes out for all our events and I like his brusque crankiness. Democrats are fucking infuriating. I could never do that job.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I blame Obama.
@Baud: About 10 years ago, I had this big box of power supplies, no idea what they went with or whether I still even had the device. And my new tat is itching. I blame Obama.
@TheMightyTrowel: The director is the same guy who did What We Do In the Shadows, which is the funniest movie I’ve seen in years. On my list, for sure.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Maybe they ran away with the socks through the wormhole in the dryer.
@Baud: I have a solution for the sock problem; whenever I have mismatched socks, I put them in an old nut container, every so often I go through the container and see if I have any matches and I usually do. Problem solved.
I have another identical drive that I have attached to the computer to do backups, so I’ll just look at the power out on that and see if I can find a power supply.
I would have to strangle the first person who said “HowardDeanFiftyStateStrategy”. I wait for it. Some of these people have apparently never seen a PowerPoint presentation before Howard Dean so believed Dean was a ground-breaking organizer.
Let’s hope you don’t have to resort to that!
Howard Dean is a lobbyist and he was never that far to the Left to begin with. Other than opposing Iraq, Clinton is more liberal than Dean and so is Obama. His Lefty persona was created on the internet.
There’s precedent for over-rated politicians from Vermont :)
Miss Bianca
@TheMightyTrowel: @yellowdog: OK, I’m in. I just saw that movie too and loved it.