WTF?* First, I hope like hell, with every fiber of my being, that Secretary Clinton is okay. Actually, there is no second. The first — that’s it.
ETA: *Can’t seem to make a link work, but go to the front page of any U.S. news outlet, and you’ll see a video of Secretary Clinton appearing to stumble and faint or nearly faint at a NYC 9/11 commemoration event.
I’ve heard reports she appeared later and was fine, thank FSM. I’ve keeled over myself a time or two when it was hot.
Hell, Bush I projectile-vomited on the Japanese premier and went toes-up temporarily at a state dinner, and no one suggested turning over the reins to Mr. Potatoe Head. It’ll be fascinating to see what the media makes of this, though, huh?
Broken link?
Dr. Jen Gunter on what happened.
Major Major Major Major
I was told downstairs that we aren’t supposed to worry about this.
Comrade Jake
This diary over at Kos would appear to be helpful here:
That first debate cannot come soon enough. 15 days and counting…
Matt McIrvin
This has happened to me more than once, and most of the instances were when I was younger and healthier than I am today.
Corner Stone
Christ on a crumpet, B Crack…are you going all Eeyore on us now?
Comrade Jake
Oof there’s a decent diary over at the GOS, but for some reason my comment was put into moderation. Check out the diary on Hillary not sweating over at Daily Kos. It would appear to be accurate.
Major Major Major Major
@Matt McIrvin: Yeah, in my world either this is perfectly normal human behavior or it just runs in my family.
Major Major Major Major
@Comrade Jake: Here’s your link.
Matt McIrvin
@Major Major Major Major: Once I fainted when I went to the eye doctor and they gave me the “press on the eyeball” glaucoma test. I’d had it before without problems. I looked it up and apparently this is a thing that just happens sometimes.
But the scariest instance was one morning in college when I got up, took a hot shower perhaps too soon after getting out of bed, and fainted and fell out of the shower stall. Doctor said, basically, “it’s just a thing that happens”.
She’s fine. She went to her daughters, probably got some water and AC and emerged shortly thereafter still the most qualified POTUS candidate evah. That video footage seems reassuring.
We know what to expect from the media and the next bizarro world campaign story will emerge in a week or so.
For some reason BJ isn’t loading in Firefox but loaded okay in Chrome. Error message in Firefox is “secure connection failed.”
Major Major Major Major
@Matt McIrvin: I had a seizure one time and after extensive testing the doctors basically just shrugged and said “everybody gets a freebie.”
Comrade Jake
@Major Major Major Major: Thanks for that. What was my mistake there? Not putting it as a link?
This has happened to me a handful of times. Quick hydration helps.
I seem to recall that not too long after the coughing episode the other day, Hillary mentioned that she had upped her allergy medication. Could that have contributed to today’s syncope? (IANAMTP [Medically Trained Professional].)
Stand for an hour, outside in temps over 80, while wearing a pantsuite and a bulletproof vest, while keeping the schedule of a campaign. She’s fine, don’t buy into the media’s presentation that a woman is frail.
The Dangerman
Thank you, Ms. Cracker. Dead on.
Heat exhaustion and subsequent fainting, wooziness, etc. is a summer commonplace. Ask the EMTs in any beach town. I had it happen to me on the golf course a few years back. Could not stand for 30 minutes, but after two hours in air conditioning and about a gallon of water I was OK.
If she felt faint but thought she had to stick it out because 9/11 memorial, that was understandable but the wrong choice.
I’m sure it’s nothing. Happens to me a lot (not an actual faint, mind you). When I’m standing in the heat or stand up too fast, I get dizzy and feel woozy. Sometimes I have to hold onto things to keep from falling. I’ve had it checked and, with no heart, blood pressure or neurological issues, I’ve been told no big deal. Basically, the advice was don’t stand up too fast and don’t stand in the heat too long. And if I must stand in the heat, keep hydrated.
I worked briefly in a heart clinic, where I learned my favorite ever medical condition: micturition syncope. It is basically fainted due to loss of blood pressure while peeing. Usually happens at night to old men. This case was a little kid, hence the heart workup. Part of the treatment is to pee sitting down. Bathroom is a bad place to faint.
As to Hillz, ,my guess is that she waited about five minutes too long to leave. That not sweating thing is also strange.
I concur with the even-tempered people voting for overheating/dehydration. And yes, upping allergy meds will contribute to dehydration. ETA: can also contribute to blood pressure fluctuations, which will also play into feeling lightheaded or faint.
When I was 23, I had a very similar “spell” while I was a bridesmaid at my SIL’s wedding. Had to leave for 5-10 minutes, drink water, sit down and breathe cooler air. For the rest of the weekend, I was asked about eleventy-million times if I was pregnant. (I’d been married 3 months at the time).
We should start the “Fainting? Is Hillary pregnant?” rumor. Becuz why not? It isn’t like facts or science are in play any more.
Major Major Major Major
@Comrade Jake: Yep. BJ doesn’t like naked links.
As Eeyore CNN put it today:
So if CNN sees that they can’t get mileage out of this, I’m not sweating. What else? “Oooh! Hillary Clinton fainted! Guess I’ll just vote for the fascist then.”
All of the previous comments are well and good but the media is ready to start the death watch. If the Clintons have learned anything about transparency and accessibility then now is the time to show it. Hillary should have a press avail today and answer questions. By tomorrow or Tuesday release her medical records – all of them (yes even the sonograms when she was pregnant with Chelsea since the rumor mill claims Chelsea is the child of a space alien). Also an opportunity to needle ‘old little hands’ about both his heath records and his tax returns. Might also mention that the Clinton’s tax rate was 34% last year and Pence’s was 8%.
Any number of perfectly harmless explanations — or even a combination of perfectly harmless explanations.
A) She’s keeping a schedule that would crush mere mortals. Probably a little fatigued.
B) If she’s suffering from seasonal allergies, an increase in antihistamines can lead to dehydration or just a plain bout of dizzyness.
C) If I recall correctly, she takes thyroid medication, which can cause you to flush and overheat if it’s a little unbalanced.
Shiny object, weak woman, blah, blah, blah. I hate the world and all you kids should get off my fucking lawn. PAH.
@SiubhanDuinne: You have to drink more water, because a lot of allergy medication can cause dehydration. Obviously, not a doctor but a sufferer of allergies. There’s a nasal spray that helps me prevent that post nasal drip.
I have low blood pressure and have had this happen to me a few times. I also don’t sweat very much so too much time in the hot sun isn’t a good idea.
She’s fine but the media will freak out . Ugh.
The Sheriff's Mourning Jim
The media is now getting its marching orders from the Basket of Deplorables. Sixty nine year old women are not exactly going to be the paragons of perfect health. So they fire up the conspiracies, watch the media hyperfocus on every little cough, and cash in when shit like this happens.
@cckids: Oh, that would be awesome. I totally think this rumor should be spread by all means possible. The subsequent freakout would be a laff riot.
Chris Cillizza is concern trolling that Hillary’s health has now become a central concern of this campaign.
My very healthy daughter has occasional syncope. I also know a bunch of women in Hillary’s age bracket who have vertigo, which is usually benign unless you fall down and hit your head.
@D58826: That’s a little absurd. Besides, there may not be sonograms of Chelsea, they weren’t uniformly done in the early 80’s.
Oooh! Awesome idea. I’ve got a Facebook account and I’m not afraid to use it.
Major Major Major Major
I had something like this happen on Friday. I was on an uphill trek across town, didn’t want to take a cab, and I kind of had to use the bathroom so I was holding off on water even though I knew I needed it. I am 31.
@Poopyman: lol
The Sheriff's Mourning Jim
@D58826: They learned the same thing we did: Transparency ain’t worth shit to the controversy creates cash crowd.
People have near-syncopal episodes all of the time and for about a billion different reasons. As with all things Clinton, be more concerned about how it is covered..
@Poopyman: Me too. I’m just waiting for someone I know to post some concerned article & I will land on it with both feet.
Keith G
@cckids: I imagine that was added for humor – that’s how I read it.
@D58826: Exactly!
Syncope (“fainting”) is extremely common, even in healthy people. Standing too long, becoming dehydrated, overheating, and various medications/age can contribute too. Most of the time, syncope resolves itself and has no lasting impact on health or function. Here too, Secretary Clinton recovered quickly, speaking to reporters on the sidewalk outside her daughter’s apartment. As such it’s clear this wasn’t a stroke, seizure, or heart attack, and almost certainly a garden-variety syncope. Plenty of soldiers, athletes, and ordinary folks have them too. Not a reason to worry (much), especially given her careful medical follow-up and exclusion of other chronic problems that could mimic syncope.
@cckids: Of course it’s absurd. Was meant as snark. But given Benghazi gate, e-mail gate, foundation gate, the garden gate and Trump having a 30% chance of moving into the WH ‘absurd’ is a relative term this year.
@Poopyman: I also see that WaPo has the “falls ill” story underneath this article:
@D58826: I figured. But you just know out there somewhere is a keyboard commando ready to leap into battle over the missing sonograms.
Major Major Major Major
@SciNY: She didn’t faint.
@D58826: @The Sheriff’s Mourning Jim:
Washington Post douchebag Chris Cillizza:
“Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign”
On CNN’s Reliable Sources this morning, dummy Jeff Zeleney mentioned the National Enquirer front page story about Hillary being on her deathbed. This weasel noted that the picture of Hillary appeared to have been Photoshopped because she doesn’t look that sickly in real life.
Well, Wolf Blitzer thinks it’s bigger than 9/11 bc he won’t cover anything else. This happens to me in hot weather if I don’t stay hydrated. I don’t,faint.exactly, just sit down bc — dizzy. MSNBC covered it until she came out of Chelsea’s apt, now not as much, once an hour maybe.
David Petraeus fainted at his Congressional hearing in 2010. You know, like the 11-hour one Hillary aced that left all inquisitors sweating and dissolving on live TV.
schrodinger's cat
What would you say to someone who thinks that NPR and Brietbart News are equivalent.
She went to fallin out!
For me, it was a reminder that the rug can be pulled out from you, in an instant. Paul Wellstone’s death was horrible.
Since then, I calmed down, and realized that it’s not the same thing. It appears that it was a minor incident, and Tim Kaine is not Sarah Palin.
@cckids: sonogram gate. The scandal that will doom her campaign or at the very least give Trey Gowdy a new topic to investigate in preparation for the post-inaugural impeachment party. (eyes rolling)
Kaine is still more qualified than Trump and Pence put together, if an errant meteor took out Clinton. And he’s not a bigot or a bigot enabler.
@Major Major Major Major: Don’t do that no more!
I had a HS friend who did that, held back on liquids while spending the day at the beach because she didn’t like the public restrooms (they were fine, but wet sand on the floor bothered her). She ended up in the hospital for a couple of days, she was so dehydrated.
@D58826: Yep. Christ knows, it would be impossible to underestimate these people.
These. Fucking. People.
It was 78 degrees, 40%-ish humidity, not that hot. I’d guess exhaustion or the medication change. Either way, she seems OK now. But if she sneezes between now and November the horse-race “press” will babble about it ad nauseam.
If I was her I’d emulate Putin and take a topless horseback ride. As long as they’re going to babble anyway, might as well give them something to babble about!
And so the stories begin.. Secret Service appears to have broken protocol Washington Post
also.. She left the pool behind… oh my Trump doesn’t have reporters, but at least he didn’t leave them behind.
Mary G
Many trolls are concerned. I’m sorry, but I think she needs to go have a medical workup and release all the results. Trump is going on Dr. Oz this week to explain the “amazing medical regimen” he follows to keep in such spectacular, brilliant and amazing health.
Oz was good when he first starting appearing on Oprah, but fame and having his own show with need for ratings has turned him into a total quack.
Unfortunately, this will be considered as Trump revealing his medical records and Hillz needs to counter it. Assuming that fainting will be overlooked is whistling past the graveyard. Unfair as it is, she will be assumed to be frail because she’s a woman, and people don’t know Tim Kaine well enough to be reassured of him as a backup.
@greennotGreen: Same here.
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: Oz is such a freaking hack, totally agree.
I think Hillary should release exactly as many health records as every other non-Trump candidate in the modern era.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: She obviously is, since she is commenting here.
The explanation given is perfectly reasonable. But Hillary is going to have to release her medical records now. There’s absolutely no way around it, not with that video out there now.
@Major Major Major Major:
That won’t be good enough, not with that video making the rounds from now until the election.
John McCain released detailed medical records in 2008 in response to concerns about his skin cancer, so this is not unprecedented.
@srv: Oh, FFS, fuck Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her family was a prime recipient of the greatest socialist experiment the US government ever participated in: the giveaway of Midwest and Western lands to farmers, after taking it away from the Native Americans via genocide. And her father and husband STILL couldn’t make a living, even with free land. If she was still alive, she could DIAF.
This happened to my ma years ago. Doc said nothing wrong – these things happen. She celebrated her 90th birthday in April and still going strong, walking several miles a day.
There is video up of Hillary coming out of Chelsey’s apartment and looking fine.
Not taking her to the hospital says a lot. This will soon be forgotten, especially if her public appearances remain incident free.
This is bad-and Trump is going to ride it like a cheap pony, Standby for West Wing MS clips.
@raven: I am. Do me a favor, take a deep breath, and rethink your reply policy.
This will all be forgotten if she appears immediately, has some sort of presser (to show she is not avoiding or some other like strategy) and goes on to cream Trump in the debate. She is gonna have to be proactive about her hydration and environmental temp, as well as get enough sleep. Her staff will have to help her on this (which of course they will). She will not be able to ignore it and avoid the press but handling it is gonna be tricky since giving them what they want (a presser), is also not without risk. She just has to go forward strong but yes, I am worried a bit. Not freaked out — but yes, I know this will have to be managed well….
No, he allowed certain pool reporters into a room to “look over” the records, no copying or photographing allowed. Not a release.
@NR: Some think Trump is being blackmailed by Putin, and you are worried about health records for Hillary. As long as she makes a statement tomorrow, I’ll be fine with her decision. btw Tim Kaine is a heck of a guy.
Major Major Major Major
@NR: John McCain had actually had skin cancer, first of all. Also what@cckids said. Second, nothing she does is going to make the video not circulate. She needs to say she’s fine and keep hammering on the basket of deplorables.
I passed out once at a seder. My physician at the time said that’s the most dangerous occasion to faint– too many doctors.
Repeat after me: even if Hillary Clinton were ill I would vote for her. Tim Kaine is perfectly qualified to take over if something terrible were to happen. I would rather vote for someone sick than for a racist money-grubbing serial liar.
@Mary G: Best way to cut the story off before it becomes a Gish Gallop is a check up by her doc and release any medical records that have not already been released. While I was joking about the sonogram, I wasn’t joking about getting out ahead of the story with the medical details. Too often information is dragged out of the Clintons inch by inch only to have it show there is nothing there. Will releasing to information up front shut up the critics – probably not but at least you can point to the pile of paper and ask them if they know how to read! Double standard I know but stonewalling won’t change that, just make it worse
Corner Stone
I wish there were a way to concentrate concern into fuel form or “alt energy”.
@ruemara: I like pantsuite ;-)
I will vote for her no matter what. I don’t want lesser motivated people on our side to get wobbly about it.
Corner Stone
HRC should not release shit. Not a fucking thing.
@BethanyAnne: @Major Major Major Major: Thanks for those links.
It actually takes applied grit to try to remain functioning (even standing, walking, reaching for a phone) during a syncope. She had to, in order leave without making a scene. So I nominate this for another “what a strong woman” mention.
Noticed she’s on “long term anticoagulation.” That could be atrial fib or a previous leg clot or what ?
@Major Major Major Major: How about:
Then she distributes a one-page handout of her positions/qualifications vs. Trump.
@MattF: When I was a child, I had several episodes of dizziness. I was often brought over to the parish house, which was located next door. Water and cookies for me.
This is a tough one. Part of me agrees with you and the other part says that it just keeps the story alive while just having a regular Q&A presser and strong on your feet presence — will be more distracting. But truly, I just don’t know..
When I read things like this from reasonable people at BJ:
“All Hillary has to do is _____ and then they will drop the questions about _____.”
I’m not sure whether it makes me want to laugh or cry.
A guy whose health condition affects his BEHAVIOR* under stress is her opponent. *in a bad way
Keith G
@D58826:Eso es verdad.
@JPL: Excellent strategy!!!
@Mary G: Yes and Dr. Oz is tied into NBC. He’s on the Today Show all the time. My husband had a similar thing happen. Was up early for work, had a lot of coffee and nothing to eat and had a presentation in front of an audience at 1pm. Down he went, slurred speech and all, with mild confusion after he came to. He was 38.
@D58826: And she should release her Birth Certificate, College Transcripts, High School Transcripts, Grade School Transcripts and notes from her teachers in grade school. It’s what ALL Democrats MUST DO! Republicans don’t need to release ANYTHING(Tax Returns, medical records…).
I wouldn’t give a fuck if she has stage 4 cancer. Still would vote for her over that idiot.
@Feathers: Not sweating can be due to dehydration. I’ve been dehydrated several times while running in hot weather and I’ve stopped sweating and started shaking. I’m a couple of years younger than Hillary and I understand people our age can dehydrate more quickly Plus, I can’t imagine the stress she’s been under for so long. She’s a strong, resilient women but she’s still very human. Some of this crap has to get to her at some level at some point.
ETA Also what cckid said about allergy meds causing dehydration. That’s why I just can’t take them, especially if I’m running.
No– she has a thrombotic (blood clotting anomaly) condition that remains a risk for events like her fall and head injury. That is why she is on permanent blood thinners. This would probably not be the cause of her problem today — but that is gonna be the question — is she setting up for an event like the last one. I am sure she is being checked out for her blood coag status and a bunch of other things. THESE (not all previous), should be released to the press — lord willing they are ok. If she is an average woman in the average situation, there is nothing to worry about. Its not the case here though, so the whole thing needs to be managed with different goal in mind…
Kindly fuck the fuck off anymore. Your schtick is no longer amusing.
gogol's wife
I was just in church from 9:30 to 11:30 in Connecticut. It was hot and sticky. Someone leaving the church (and we were all sitting down) said, “I’ve got to get home and into the A/C.” So I bet it was worse in NYC.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: Hey, I learned my lesson after the last few…
I passed out earlier this year after taking a hydrocodone for pain following a tooth implant. I’m 57 and this was a pretty big deal. My pass out was fairly major (unresponsive for about 30 seconds after I came out of it. My wife called 911, they came and with a pulse in the 30’s i was admitted to the hospital. A day and a half later, after $5k in medical tests I was released. Two considerations:
1. I’m 13 years younger
2. I have no significant medical history, four years ago HRC had blood clots following a concussion.
Bottom line is this is a fairly big deal, she will have to release much more complete medical records.
I would vote for the rotting corpses of almost any dead president over Trump, but realistically McCain’s health was an issue last election
gogol's wife
@Corner Stone:
At least not until there’s a report on Trump from someone other than a SNL performer.
Okay guys, I am heading out to water my flowers and when I come back in I hope I find that we are officially NOT WORRIED. You have about an hour to work through it all. :-)
Oh, as long as I’m asking for things, could someone come up with a few pithy one-liners? I find that I am missing Baud!
@Botsplainer: Was it ever?
@Major Major Major Major: I learned from 8 years with Obama. Whatever it is, it will never be enough.
Major Major Major Major
@SenyorDave: Please to link me to the reporting on how Hillary “passed out”.
@WaterGirl: It’s funny, I’d already learned it with Obama too, but I had to learn it all over again with Hillary.
@schrodinger’s cat: Actually, in some ways I think that is not untrue since its “All Things Considered Regarding White People” sensibility enables, facilitates and mainstreams racism and white supremacy in the same way the “Mainstream Media” do.
Exactly. There’s nothing she can do to make it a non-story. Anything she does do will just make it more of a story. She just needs to tell people to shut the fuck up or ask a relevant question. And she just needs to keep doing that. It won’t stop the non-story-story, but it will at least it will give her an opportunity to repeatedly tell people to shut the fuck up.
No loss of consciousness. No issue. It’s all bullshit, and giving it even the slightest bit of credence just increases the weight of the bullshit.
She needs to take the lesson from the other side. Ignore it. Keep ignoring it. I guarantee she gains nothing from “releasing medical records,” or holding a press conference about it, or even acknowledging it.
Corner Stone
@jacy: If she releases anything we will be in for months of Whitewater/Benghazi style investigations.
They will never stop digging, twisting, corrupting.
Don’t give them shit.
@gogol’s wife: Also depends what weather you’re used to (around here 40% humidity is a gift from God) and whether there was a breeze. In your church, probably not!
Do they still make church fans?
@Aleta: I think she’s on long-term anti-coagulants because of the blood clot in her brain. I think the protocol is anticoagulants for several years afterwards. IANAMP, but I’ve been navigating two people through geriatrics care, both of whom have had different clots.
@Cckids: the problematic glibertarian in the Laura Ingalls Wilder/Rose Wilder Lane authorship partnership doesn’t appear to be LIW, when looking at the textual, manuscript evidence. LIW wasn’t much of a story teller, though she wasn’t a half-bad journalist. RWL was the wordsmith, but in the smithing, she dropped in most of the anti-New Deal, anti-government noise. (RWL was also a piece of work, manipulative and kinda creepy in her relationships with an ever rotating cast of young people she made into her Golden Children, until they did something she didn’t approve of.) And I wouldn’t blame the Wilders’ farm failures so much on their specific inabilities, but on adult diphtheria causing long-term disability. But Charles Ingalls… Sigh. What a packet of dysfunction. (The academic scholarship is pretty interesting, as a case study of applying a personal history to broader demographic trends. The Ingalls and the Wilders were actually very solid representatives of their class at the time.)
@schrodinger’s cat: I would change the subject to something more interesting.
@Feathers: The no sweating thing isn’t strange. My mother rarely sweats. If she does, then you need to worry. Some people are like that.
gogol's wife
Have you ever stood on a Manhattan street for 90 minutes when it’s in the 80s and humid?
gogol's wife
They don’t have them in our church, but I have my own and I use it.
@srv: interesting.
This also:
@gogol’s wife: And in a large crowd of stationary folks giving off a certain amount of body heat? Wonder if she was in the direct sun or the shade?
I dunno. I can see your point — sorta. But if she is gonna stonewall everything, then she can’t ever back down and open it up again… she will have to keep it stonewalled. Of course, she also cannot have any other events… and you know they will be making those up with false statements and videos even. Just wished this hadn’t happened but there it is… Insteaf of Trump’s weakness, we have to hear about hers…
The denial here is really hilarious.
This is a very big fucking deal, and you’re going to see just how big in the days ahead. I’ll just leave it at that.
@srv: It’s annoying that the Ingalls/Wilders family didn’t notice all of the generous government assistance they received while they were being “rugged individualists”, doing pioneer stuff, and receiving help from no one.
I read those books as a child and enjoyed them, but in retrospect they are interesting only in their depiction of how things were done, and a couple of historical events. The point where they lost me, at age 12, was when they got a sewing machine and Ma and Laura agonized over using it to make sheets instead of the more time-consuming method used by Grandma.
Corner Stone
@NR: Is it as big a deal as when she murdered Vince Foster?
Again, what is “it” exactly that is such a big deal?
Major Major Major Major
@NR: How about in addition to leaving it at that you leave us alone?
Yeah, the timing of the blood coag problem is not clear to me.. Could have been after the cerebral blood clot. In any case, it is an issue that is no longer going to go away. Its 50/50 whether she should address directly and I can see it both ways, though I agree that in the current media and Trumpites, it will never be enough…
@gogol’s wife: Nope, but I’ve stood on a Columbus, Ohio street for about that length of time when it’s in the ’90’s and humid. (4th of July Doodah Parade. Don’t miss it if you are ever there on the 4th.)
Calm down. I don’t think Hillary’s fainting spell didqualifies her. I just thought the weather was unlikely to be the cause.)
@Elie: There are three groups (dare I say baskets) of people. Those who will vote for Hillary and realize this isn’t a big deal. Those who will not vote for Hillary even if the FSM planted a horse head in Trumps bed. And the undecided who might need a bit of reassurance. This group could well tip the election. The days of FDR running the country from a wheelchair and getting on the back of the train while the press graciously inspected the front of the train are over.
@Major Major Major Major:
Which she has, the only one who gave more, much more was John McCain because of his previous bouts of cancer, and because of his age at the time, he was running against a much younger candidate. The Obama is a smoker and therefore is risky was a GOP meme to deflect from the press’s questions about McCain’s health.
Major Major Major Major
What if she gave a speech saying I’m fine and then laid out how when every single other presidential candidate (including Bill) had a health issue it was no big deal, but there’s just something about her that’s different…
Assuming this carries on for more than two days which I doubt.
@CZanne: Pa was a packet of dysfunction? Where can I read up on that?
My father had diphtheria at the age of 2.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: I know she has. I meant that she should say that it’s enough, where’s Trump’s since his letter is so obviously fake, and why exactly is she being treated differently. This is classic “don’t you think she looks tired” bullshit.
I gotcha loud and clear and agree. Its a tough situation for us, unfortunately. I will crawl over glass to vote for her but I am scared of those who will become shaky and doubtful. I just hope she works this as best she can, which I surely don’t have the answer to right now. If this were the Obama team, I would feel easier in my chair, but I am just not 100% confident they have the same management skills. This is gonna be a tough one…
@D58826: If she does go for a medical checkup with her doc tomorrow and releases ALL her test results, it will confirm TO THE PRESS that the problem was more serious than if she doesn’t. In a normal environment, I’d agree, it’s a 50/50.
Betty Cracker
@NR: Gosh, I hope you stick to that plan.
Bobby Thomson
Sigh. Betty, please don’t enable all the chicken littles.
@Poopyman: I’d rather start the rumor that drumpf’s swelling physic and glowing color is due to pregnancy.
Corner Stone
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Also known as The Chuck Todd Rule for Covering HRC.
She holds a Q&A presser the morning after the CinC Forum? Obviously her camp was not happy with her performance.
She doesn’t release what they want her to? Obviously her camp is worried about what will be revealed.
@Betty Cracker: I assume you mean the leave part.
I won’t disagree.. I just don’t know. I think that if she does not release things, she is gonna have to keep that up under enormous pressure. Either way its gonna be bad. Your guess is as good as mine as to which way would be worse.
@Matt McIrvin: yes i have fainted during the eye exam and during shots. It is due to vagal nerve inhibition.
Major Major Major Major
I for one am glad that NR has weighed in with his pants-shitting. It makes me more confident that there’s no big issue.
@srv: I watched that, didn’t see anything fall out of her pant leg. i heard a “clink” sound like metal hitting the pavement, but I didn’t see anything fall.
Agree, all she needs to do is either hold a presser tomorrow morning on the tarmac before her plane takes off for San Francisco, or hold a much longer gaggle on the plane. I would do the former, because then they would carry it live, and everyone would see she’s okay. Trump and his minions will hold onto it like the little yappers they are, nothing anyone says will change that. Even the release of additional records won’t shut them up. They know from the Trump example that the doctor can release a statement saying anything, and the records will be the new fake birth certificate. She would have to allow Ben Carson and Rep. Scott DesJarlais to conduct an examination on live TV, and even then the dying meme would never die.
Stimulation, I think. Not inhibition.
Major Major Major Major
@opiejeanne: If you look at the triple-zoomed-in slow-motion footage, you can see something that might be a keychain falling out of her pocket. Or a large insect. Or video compression noise, by which it is very surrounded.
@gogol’s wife:
Exactly, and NYC concrete jungle that it is traps the heat in, plus she was in a crowded place wearing a dark suit with who knows how much crap underneath it.
@Elie: She released the pretty much standard letter from her doctor, noting her previous medical conditions and test results. The only candidate that’s disclosed more(and it was a highly controlled disclosure) was McCain and he had a number of previous medical conditions(skin cancer as well as his time as a POW). As Kay has continued to note, Trump is the least vetted candidate in modern times.
I’ll go your way… Sounds as good as could get…. Hopefully she is ready to do that….
Meantime, if they have one tiny piece of oppo research on Trump’s health, this would be the time to release it. No such luck, probably…
Joyce Harmon
Oh for Pete’s sake! We used to get officer candidates keeling over on the parade ground while standing in formation listening to speeches and nobody got all pearl-clutchy about their health! (We even had a name for it – skull-decking.) And these were people in their 20s who’d passed a military physical.
And geez, what kind of ‘commemoration’ was that anyway, to have everyone standing shoulder to shoulder and butt to belly button, and Clinton leaves ‘early’ after an hour and a half?! That’s not a ceremony, that’s a freaking trial by ordeal!
Unfortunately, that letter and all is in the rear view mirror with this new incident. That is what will need to be managed aggressively by her hopefully skilled campaign team….
@WaterGirl: Where is Baud?
@Major Major Major Major: We humans are funny creatures.
@opiejeanne: Europe.
@Joyce Harmon:
No, she actually did faint. That was for real. No making this just be nothing anymore..Nope it aint like when so and so from my school, work, etc got woozy and had to sit down. You know that.
@Corner Stone:
Chucky is a deplorable, and belongs in the basket of useless wastes of space.
“Stonewall everything”? Get a grip. First of all, Obama “stonewalled” the birth certificate crap for years, and then decided to release it, so obviously it’s not true that if a candidate decides a matter is not worthy of a response, they can never change their mind.
Second, if feeling faint in the heat is almost certainly nothing significant medically, then why is “discussing” unrelated medical issues in response to a wingnut/media kerfuffle helpful? She’s released a normal amount of medical information. Releasing more in response to phony “questions” will do nothing helpful, and not doing so isn’t “stonewalling.”
Keith G
@Major Major Major Major: I wouldn’t accept that from Trump under similar circumstances. It would be a good idea to get this talked about and talked out before the debates. I am not worried about this changing the election At present, the Clinton campaign has a strong (but not impervious) cushion. I do not want this to be a thing that erodes a part of that cushion. Lets save it all for later. This should not be viewed as a singular event, but how it is a part of, and interacts with, other experiences.
Major Major Major Major
@Elie: Please to link to a source saying she fainted.
@opiejeanne: On vacation..
Way to late..
@Pogonip: Standing at Obama rallies in the summer of 2008, the question wasn’t whether anyone would pass out in the heat, it was how many people were going to pass out.
Keith G
@Joyce Harmon:
In their 20s = not running for president.
Major Major Major Major
@Keith G: Me neither, but that’s because Trump is a lying liar who fabricates doctor’s notes and is not to be trusted.
She gave a normal medical disclosure. She got woozy sitting in the sun. It happens.
ETA: @Keith G: Um, so? “In their 20s and passed a military physical” DOES == “presumed to be healthy.” That’s the point.
Okay. Maybe you know better how to manage this. I think its a tough one. I vote for whichever way gets her and us through this and gets her elected. Do you know which way that is for sure? Glad for your certainty. I just want whichever to work. I don’t care if she hops across the stage on a pogo stick to show she is ok, if that works.
I have seen a picture of a Buckingham Palace Guard who’d fainted. And he wasn’t even wearing a bulletproof everything.
I don’t find it odd that a 70-year-old lady would swoon when asked to do a ceremony like that, she’s better off at the Benghazi hearings sitting and being allowed water etc. I’m sure she refused to leave or do anything that would’ve made it easier on her, given that any possible thing would’ve been spun to the Moon and back.
I don’t consider this worth electing Cheeto Hitler over.
The one thing that does freak me out, and seriously freaks me out? I checked Twitter and Facebook to see what the obvious stupid incoherent blowup looked like.
Radio silence. Now, even given that I only hang out with sane people, surely this has to be a complete shitshow. Our internets are seriously that tightly managed that this produces no shitshow? Seriously? I should be hearing about it in a big tidal wave of stupid and unreasonable. I know the stupid is out there.
Given that part of the (insufficient) argument against Clinton is that she buys control of things like the Onion, Twitter, Facebook, etc etc in a giant panopticon of eeeevul government neoliberal control, I will feel more comfortable when I can see the stupid I know is there. We know how fucking memes work. We know the stupid is out there. To have it completely stifled is some serious bullshit, and I find it worrying.
I guess the next question is, do we ever get to see the stupid, or has it been un-stupided, made into an un-stupid never to be mentioned again? I thought we had to go Trump to get that Soviet about things?
@Corner Stone: I’m getting a little nervous here because I am agreeing with a lot of what you are saying. :-) Typically, there is more daylight between our positions!
gogol's wife
@Major Major Major Major:
lol, right.
Major Major Major Major
@Applejinx: Apparently even the cable networks are kind of giving a collective shrug? I’d check but I’m using my TV as a computer monitor, and also eww.
@opiejeanne: I believe he’s filming European Vacation VI, only without the filming part.
gogol's wife
I was just thinking, God, we are in a topsy turvy world when CS is the most reasonable person on the whole blog.
Link? I don’t see any such thing from a real news source.
@WaterGirl: Me too, I rarely agree with CS.
Fuck Bernie Sanders.
Traveling in Europe. Italy, France and Spain I think.
@WaterGirl: I believe there’s a court order that a film crew follow Baud! around.
If I were Hillz, I would go get blood drawn or something in the a.m. bc the beasts on cable won’t let this rest & her pool press is hanging around outside her house & want transparency now! Just my recommendation, unless we have a huge story between now & the morning. Fair?, No, but it will be over.
@gogol’s wife: @?BillinGlendaleCA: Feeling less crazy already! Thank you!
(no slam to cornerstone intended)
@hovercraft: And Greece.
@gogol’s wife:
I admit to being more nervous… Some of y’all will still be white if Trump is elected and others of us will have to be very careful in how we live. The stakes are high for all of us, but some of us are just more scared — so less confident.
@Elie: Bullshit. You’re the one who’s been repeatedly declaring what they need to do, and predicting sure consequences if they don’t. Nice try at “I know you are but what am I,” but I’m done with your concern trolling.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Hope they didn’t hire out – we have the talent here at BJ.
I would take a European Vacation with Baud, even if all I got to do was carry the camera! No, wait, cameras are too heavy! But I’m sure I could make myself a valuable member of the crew.
Pa Ingalls was a bum, benefitting overmuch from a government that constantly scavenge end land from its inhabitants so that white farmers who constantly and consistently failed would have new lands to go and fail in.
It ultimately resulted in the atrocious boondoggle that is Fresno agriculture – monstrously subsidized by the maintenance of a water infrastructure that can adequately irrigate semi arid souls.
“Bootstraps” and “rugged”, my spotty fat ass.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@NR: For the love of god please stop, that chicken’s had enough.
My guess is that she has already had the bloods drawn and they already know the results. Whatever, they will plan, whats in them will be the subtext to what they do. I am just open to whatever. I know what I have to do — GOTV and crawl over glass if necessary.
Corner Stone
@Keith G: Good Christ, man. This is becoming an epic level of pearl clutching. The obvious point being people in the absolute prime of their health and life can become susceptible to this issue, and it means very little in the overall scheme of things. I’ve seen many a high school choir member fall off bleachers from similar.
Point being, I don’t know what happened and last I checked no one else actually does either.
Okay, it’s settled now. I just got this email message: (sorry I can’t show the all caps and large font for effect)
@Botsplainer: Yes, and it grows the food for the rest of the country.
My opinion is that even though their skills may not be comparable (and the woman thing is a very different minefield), they seem more than capable of handling this one.
Why doesn’t she try to turn the situation to her benefit? Release a full and thorough medical report, and then insist that Trump do the same as well as show his tax returns for the past ten years. She could use the episode to put him on the defensive.
I think she should have a brief presser and say–The health of candidates for President is clearly a matter of importance and interest. So, I propose that Donald Trump, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein and I have physicals done at a world class neutral clinic, asap, and make the results public.
That way it won’t be about just her.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
Hope it wasn’t one of Betty’s.
Forgot to add that these items were also in the above mentioned email message: So you know what they are saying is true!!
Corner Stone
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Wait, what? I’m a fount of knowledge, perspective and insight!
You have wounded me here today. The others, sure. I expected that. But now I am going to have to rethink everything.
I don’t think you have read my replies then, but ok. I truly do not know which way is truly best to handle this for the results we all want, but if you say I do, then you must be right. Oh I am so sad that you don’t like my comments. Sad..
@tobie: Because it won’t work, and the Clinton campaign knows that.
We will know soon.
@Corner Stone: What? What am I, chopped liver?
NPR just said she saw her doctor on Friday about the cough, and was diagnosed with pneumonia and advised to take things easy.
@Corner Stone:
I didn’t say that, I just agreed that you were making a bit of sense here. I’m concerned about myself as well, maybe I should see Trump’s doctor.
Corner Stone
This is the funniest thing I have read all day. Thank you.
@Elie: Elie, are you volunteering for the campaign? I volunteered my ass off for Obama in the early primaries – starting with Iowa – and I didn’t have time to worry about even Iowa, which was conceivably make or break for Obama in early January 2008. I highly recommend it if you’re not doing it already.
@Major Major Major Major: I went back and looked, knowing it’s a nothing-burger, and I did see it. Looked like a key ring or something that size. The comments under the video are so stupid I want some of them to be sarcasm, but probably not.
@Corner Stone: snark noted.
Already on the grid. I am Dem PCO for my precinct and already making the rounds on weekends.. Ran our caucus too (which went for Bernie but there were a few of us for Hillary). I’ll do more also if this thing turns tighter
@sukabi: I could go for that, too. Like I said earlier, this election, the “health” subject is fact-free.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I saw aerial footage of what might be Baud! swimming in the Adriatic Sea.
@Elie: Glad to hear it! When it comes to elections, action is a great antidote to fear.
@Corner Stone: This is NOT an issue. This is ‘I defy anybody to stand for an hour an a half outside in the sun without moving or drinking water, and not keel the fuck over’. This is stupid planning and a dumb thing to ask anybody to do.
Again, my concern is not with the event, which is normal and could happen to anybody. My concern is whether there’s some kind of lockdown on the event. A lockdown done in the correct and indisputable knowledge that the bad people will run with this.
I am… disconcerted that I’m not seeing this madness all over Twitter, Facebook etc. You’d think it’d be pegging the ‘trends’ thingys, at least for the US. And again, sue me for not having insane friends, I’m okay with the fact that my friends are not freaking out in hategasms over this. But I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that people are doing it, and I can’t see them, like they’re being locked out of the discourse because what they have to say is too much bullshit.
And it is.
But who decides?
Dog Dawg Damn
@WaterGirl: you should call her doctor a concern troll. She was diagnosed with pneumonia after all. That’s ultimate concern trolling.
grandpa john
MSNBC reporting that she was diagnosed on Friday as having pneumonia and she became dehydrated today.
@Applejinx: You know when General Jack D. Ripper goes on about fluoridation? You know that’s parody, right?
Keith G
@Corner Stone: When did the Borg visit you?
I am not pearl clutching. I want all candidates running for president to be very transparent on medical issues. Her last physical (on record) was 3/21/2015. If it hasn’t been repeated since, it’s about time for her to go back in. She is old, I am old. A lot can happen in a year. Last year, I was relatively healthy. Last month I was told I have prostate cancer (it will soon be removed). I spent last Tuesday in Memorial Hermann’s ER (great nurses, great morphine) for a kidney stone that appeared out of nowhere (no family history etc.).
Shit happens. Health conditions change all the time, especially for us older fucks. If indeed her last physical was 18 months ago, it is about time she steps up – and also demands that Trumps follows suit. This event gives HRC and us leverage to demand that Trump pops the hood.
I think that the HRC campaign will be forthcoming on this and I will pleasurably agree to be the target of your scorn if I am incorrect. I, like all above, are just shooting the shit with no claim to greater wisdom.
@Applejinx: Well, my FB feed is a mix of sane, normal people and some wingy relatives, and a few stories have come up. The fact that she went to Chelsea’s apartment and emerged relatively soon, walking & talking under her own power, seems to have spiked the issue for all but the brain-dead Trumpeteers.
Loosen your tin-foil hat :) . There is no “lockdown”.
ETA: if it makes you feel better, Andy Borowitz is ON IT.
Major Major Major Major
@opiejeanne: Yeah, it could be something, or it could be an artifact. I can’t for the life of me think of something suspicious that might fall out of her pocket either.
@grandpa john: Jesus F’in Christ
@Dog Dawg Damn: She’s over 60, so is Trump. Neither one is a spring chicken and both are more susceptible to pneumonia than younger folks. With her schedule, that she has pneumonia doesn’t alarm me at all.
Though it does mean I call bullshit to her “I feel great!” I had pneumonia 3 times in my twenties until they figured out what I was allergic to, and believe me, you do not feel great!
@Dog Dawg Damn: Sincere apologies if I misread your earlier comment and unfairly concluded that you were a concern troll.
@Corner Stone: I got your back dude!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My gosh, how long is Baud going to be gone? We were gone for 30 days 2 years ago and only hit France, Italy, and 4 days in Amsterdam, and the vast majority of time was in Italy.
A GOP flack on msnbc earlier said you could see her collapse to her knees. The tape does not show what you think you see, your lying eyes are lying to you.
Dog Dawg Damn
@WaterGirl: I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said other than calling me a troll. Spot on.
Dog Dawg Damn
@WaterGirl: thank you. You’re analysis is very good.
Clinton needs to spike this, but most importantly, rest and recover for debates.
Plenty of fallow farmland in the wetter east – of course, the rugged individualist Fresno vicinity farmers would have to crack their wallets to pay for it….
Prob had blood drawn Fri bc her Doc says pneumonia since Fri! her Doc saw her today too. OMG HILLZ! Get well soon.
Corner Stone
@Keith G:
Anyone who says shit like this should be dismissed as the naïve fools they are. HRC could release a realtime live feed of her mammograms, colonoscopy and OB/GYN exam and medical history going back to when she had those multi-bortions at Wellesley and It.Would.Not.Fucking.Matter.
It’s not going to matter. It’s not going to help. It can only give her detractors more info to twist and turn into further conspiracy theories. That is all it will ever be used for.
Trump will never “be pressured” to do a god damned thing he does not feel like doing. There is no “there” there when it comes to “pressure”.
Here is a abc story just posted about the pneumonia.
OT – in the grocery looking at Halloween stuff. I always wonder what the Chinese workers making this stuff think?
Yep. After the fact I am glad they “came clean” about it. It is a concrete, treatable problem that anyone (inc Trump) could get. They just handled it straight which I like. Takes some courage though and I was wishy washy about what they should do.
Sterling Hayden says otherwise. Or WOULD say otherwise, had
ObamaHitlary not killed him inthe LibraryFort Marcy Park. With the lead pipe.Keith G
@Corner Stone: Of course.
Trump might well not comply (He should). The optics of him not coming forth is one more bit of good news.
I hope we all understand that TV news went nuts with this early this afternoon because nothing else was going on, and because they overreact and conclusion jump to everything. My God, they cover rush hour traffic jams like they’re cosmic disasters.
I hear THAT. It is light years different than a bad chest cold. You feel truly truly awful. That said, rest and the miracle of antibiotics treats it pretty quick and she can go on. She will feel tired for a while, so she needs to respect that too.
Mary G
She saw the doctor, who released a statement:
That should put it to bed. If it was anything other than the anniversary of 9-11, she probably wouldn’t have gone, but she was NY’s senator then and took the attacks very hard.
@Botsplainer: Oh, I agree. Did you see the quotation marks about some of those phrases?
One of my great grandfathers was in that boat, and when you see the beautiful farm he left in Missouri to homestead in Montana it’s enough to make you cry.
He was a bit like Pa Ingalls in having “itchy feet”, but he did actually make the land he homesteaded in Missouri into a decent farm before selling it to a cousin and heading off to Montana. He lost everything in Montana, after convincing all of his adult children to join him in Montana, and they all went bust too.
When my grandfather lost that farm (not the first one he lost) he and my grandma stopped taking advice from her father, packed up the kids and moved back to Missouri, where he went to work for a large corporation. Farming wasn’t for them.
@hovercraft: Sorry I wasn’t clear! I was mocking them when I posted the contents of the email message. I didn’t even watch the video.
@Keith G:
Truly the medical thing doesn’t matter.
grandpa john
@WaterGirl: yeah we have seen these medical analysis by film before and how well they turned out
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Corner Stone has had his moments, over the years.
@Mary G:
Well aren’t you the cutest little thing, believing in stuff like that? Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, too?
Snark aside: when have the MSM or the RWNJ ever let anything like this drop, or even not exaggerate it to the Nth degree?
(Of course, perhaps your comment was snark, too, and I misread it.)
Heywood J.
They had a story on Trumpkins on the CBS Sunday Morning pre-follies show. One bozo they talked to, from Whocares, Mississippi, drawled that he liked him some Gump because he was so much like Reagan. This goober could not have been 30 years old, and therefore has no direct memory of Saint Reagan (PBUH). And yet.
So when the interviewer pointed this out to him, this brain surgeon just sort of hemmed and hawed and settled on, “Just, uhm …I don’t really know. I wasn’t alive when Reagan was president, so I can’t speak on Reagan.” Hurrr. Thanks, librul media, for giving the stoopidest members of our society a voice on a nationally broadcast program. No wonder we keep winning.
I sincerely wish one of these solons of the airwaves would find me and ask me if I’m concerned about HFC’s health. Because then I would get the opportunity to tell them straight up: I could see Hillary Clinton lying cold and dead on a slab in the morgue, and still turn around and vote for her, before I would ever think of voting for Herr Clownstick. I would write in Hong Kong Phooey first. We should all be embarrassed as Americans that Clownstick has made it this far. I want him gone, and I want his first-time-voter losers to go back to Pig’s Knuckle, and get back to impregnating their cousins and not voting. They are everything that’s wrong with this country.
But yeah, fair or not, conspiracy theory or not, Hillary needs to get out in front of this health thing, like yesterday. Don’t give these bastards anything to work with.
She really needs to stay home a few days bc it is bacterial pneumonia & I required a few weeks rest when I had it. I felt like Hell, could barely get to the bathroom bc I was so weak & dizzy. God Bless Her, she needs IVs & antibiotics.
Both politically & personally, I think the correct PR response is to point out that HRC is a fighter, not a quitter, and was damned sure not going to miss being at ground zero, not only as New York’s senator, but also someone who was in the room & helped make the call to bring OBL to justice. While pneumonia’s no fun, she also knows that thousands of first responders & folks in lower Manhattan suffered through far worse for far longer. We have to support our heroes & remember that America has been and continues to be the greatest nation on earth.
Also, I think she should say this directly to the American people in a video statement, rather than a press release from the campaign.
@Botsplainer: The snail darters paid for a lot of it.
I know you were mocking, you have never displayed concern troll tendencies to the best of my recollection.
@Mary G: Well that is the medical trifecta 1. allergies, 2. cough 3. ‘fainting’.
Can we now get back to the real medical issues – is Chelsea the spawn of space aliens and will Hilary melt if she gets caught in the rain.
As someone who lives in an extremely hot place and has severe seasonal allergies that require medical management, I completely recognize this event. It’s happened to me a few times. It sucks, but she did exactly the right thing: drank water and got off her feet in the shade for a bit. If anyone who lives in my part of the country gets wrapped around the axle on this, they will be a bunch of hypocrites. This shit happens a lot, even to young healthy people.
@Corner Stone: Preach, brother. This is a non-issue and fuck the concern trolls.
While all of us have anecdotes about fainting and what not, it does raise questions on whether the fainting is just this one incident or something else. The weather wasn’t hot, so the overheating could be related to something else. Whatever it is, there is a perception issue and the Hillary camp has a lot of work ahead of them to figure out how to mitigate this.
Whether she has a health problem or not, she’s going to have to deal with voters and especially the press. Trump is definitely going to take this to the bank since he’s been accusing her of ill health already and he’ll just be doubling down on that.
The real question though is what will allay the fears of the press aka the inquisition.
@SciNY: I was thinking the same thing, but you were more eloquent than what I was going to write. Well done!
@hovercraft: happy to hear that!
@Elie: I don’t get faffed over anticoagulants in women, in general. I’ve got a couple late 20s, early 30s students who are doing a 5 year course thanks to a hormonal contraception related deep vein thrombosis, and several more in my social circle. They’re not actually that rare, or that big of a deal. The bigger issue is with cuts and bruises, and having the right sort of first aid on hand. (As in, keeping that blood clotting powder stuff on hand.) It’s also not that uncommon for someone who had a mild head injury to also get a closed skull, non-brain bleed. I know they’re very common in women who have been in relatively low speed rear-endings, because brains are big lumps of jelly, and the occipital ridge on the inside of the skull in women is kinda sharp and doesn’t have any give. (My research is PTSD, and that specific injury can have lasting effects that look like PTSD, but isn’t. So we screen for it, and refer to neuro when they come up.) What the campaign has released so far satisfies me; I only have to think it through to have a reasonable picture. And as someone who has had pneumonia at least 6 times in my life, well… Sometimes that nasty hits like a freight train, and sometimes it’s sneaky and really doesn’t feel that bad, but just lowers every initiative roll and increases every challenge rating. I’m seeing the latter.
@Pogonip: On Charles Ingalls: the first place to start is the primary biography of Laura and Rose, William Holtz’ The Ghost in the Little house. That gives the strong overview. Also, Pamela Smith Hill’s Pioneer Girl, the annotated biography. The rest really comes from academic papers. By no means was Charles abusive, but he was kind of selfish and thoughtless and impulsive to sell a productive, paid for farm with a lot of social support to go illegally squat on land specifically forbidden, and that pattern did endure with him pretty much every time he had to deal with tragedy. (There was a death in the family in Wisconsin that seemed to have been the kick-off there; the migration to South Dakota was probably precipitated by the loss of their only son and Mary’s blinding.) He seems to have acquired the generational damage that all of the surviving men of fighting age in 1860-65 dealt with — sort of a whole society PTSD. He wasn’t a bad man, and was by all accounts a deeply loving and affectionate father and spouse, but his coping tools were pretty awful, even for the standard of the day.
@BethanyAnne: I’ve had bronchitis all summer, so I sympathize. They don’t give antibios for it anymore, and I have to admit at some point I was wishing it would just become mild “Walking” pneumonia so they’d give me some real medicine.
She’ll be fine, but should rest up for a week or so. Remember when Bill had terrible allergies and had to save his voice and wasn’t allowed to talk for a week? (This would be like, “You’re not allowed to drink water for a week” for him!) She needs to rest and not travel for a bit.