Here’s the UN live feed:
Update: PBO was scheduled for 10 AM, but they just announced he’s running late.
This post is in: Open Threads
Here’s the UN live feed:
Update: PBO was scheduled for 10 AM, but they just announced he’s running late.
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I just imagined Trump addressing the UN General Assembly. I have to stop doing this to myself but how?!
Mildly OT: I respect the righteous indignation that led so many of you to cancel your NYT subscriptions. If the Gray Lady follows through on her promise to cover Trump as he should be covered, will you renew? I hope you will. It sends a good message. Market forces and all that.
I still can’t wrap my head around the idea of John Bolton as an ambassador.
Amir Khalid
Neither could the US Senate.
He had a meeting last night with General Sissi the President of Egypt.
Betty Cracker
@Dadadadadadada: I will — if they show a sustained improvement.
As always, a volunteering link — go here to find a local event and volunteer for the campaign. I’ve enjoyed reading all of your volunteering stories, so please do share them. I’ve been recruiting friends and family recently, but there’s much more work to do.
Amir Khalid
At least General Sissi had the sense to make it a private meeting. As we saw from his visit to Mexico, Trump is the opposite of a diplomat.
Where’s he shipping them to?
David Fahrenthold deserves a Pulitzer.. New revelations about the Trump Foundation and self dealing. link
What’s amazing in that story is he found a *second* instance of Trump buying a painting of himself with his charity foundation’s money.
@bemused: I’m enjoying it. “Welcome to our huge country, and please consider making memories with a night or ten in the beautiful Hotel Trump. Or you can rent the Lincoln Bedroom and sleep where one of our great presidents, a president almost as great as I, slept!
“Now then. We’re tired of you scofflaws parking anywhere and everywhere, and we need the revenue, so effective immediately, your diplomatic immunity is revoked…”
Interesting speech.
Too late. I’m building a paywall and making them pay for it.
@BR: He paid off fines incurred by his businesses, by donating to charities, using Foundation money.
That’s a BFD
International policy as a tool for promoting social justice and economic stability. Overarching ideals and what drives foreign policy.
Trump would be such a fucking disaster, and Hillary no doubt will be Obama Admin 3.
Lot of talk about climate change, refugees, and economic fairness.
Yeah. I find the painting more telling because it’s about his narcissism.
He brings up the original sin, slavery, without ever using the word. Talks about all the benefits democracy has brought. Although not unique to America.
@Dadadadadadada: The issue is really more chronic than Trump at the NYT. Re-upping immediately when they go after Trump due to monetary loss and readership criticism means they’re just following the same print-whatever-pays-best logic, only we’re the warping force at this exact instant. As soon as they find a higher bidder, they’ll chase that. I’m with Betty, it’s got to be an across the board sustained respect for journalism and facts that needs to be regained. Granted, those are ideals and we live in the sub-lunar world so there will be compromises, but Trump was just the straw, the dislike and disrespect for the paper (and their string of public editors) goes all the way back to GWB at least.
OT This is interesting and depressing.
From Harvard Business Review
@JPL: didn’t Jesse Jackson Jr. serve a prison sentence, in a minimum-security Federal Prison, for similar crimes?
@BR: WaPo commenter makes a funny:
O frabjous day! Maureen Dowd is on my radio machine, chatting with Diane Rehm’s stand-in Michel Martin about the election. I think I’m gonna change channels.
I hope you all heard that speech, or will see it later. It was comprehensive, unflinching, and honest.
He is the best at laying out points, one by one, and then in his peroration pulling them all together. He also combines principles with the personal better than anyone I can think of.
I’m really going to miss him.
@dmsilev: Give that commener a prize, because I lol’d.
Also, I would not be one bit surprised if Trump actually used that line of defense. What a time to be alive!
Betty Cracker
@Elizabelle: I had to miss it! Stupid job! Will hunt down a link soon!
This should be the last word on refugee memes
Like Rick Roll, the NYT ain’t never gonna change. Trust me. I’m a born and raised New Yawkaw from a totally Republican family. The NYT was always the go to newspaper of choice, except my mother liked the Herald Tribune, also Republican, but lighter reading.
Why do any of you think it’s going to be different?