Pence v. Kaine: Battle of the normals via @POLITICOMag | Getty
— POLITICO (@politico) October 4, 2016
Pence is an extremist. And yes, extremism is the new "normal." #WarOnWomen #VPdebate2016
— Mudflats (@Mudflats) October 4, 2016
that puts us in the unique position of the values-voters Republican Party attacking a candidate for his devout religiosity
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) October 3, 2016
Apart from the debate, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Corner Stone
There is nothing fucking normal about Mike Pence with the exception that he has human bodily functions, one supposes.
I’ll probably miss the first 15 minutes or so since I work until 6 and forgot to set the DVR. Sigh.
I still think that Nice Dad Tim Kaine is going to mop the floor with Pence, and do it with a smile.
Sorry to break it to you, gang. But the analysis is in from the RNC: Pence won!
His strong suits are going to have been the Economy and Highlighting Hillary’s Scandals.
The gift of prophecy must be a wonderful thing.
2:30 in the afternoon, unlike other less civilized locales.
Also, as someone mentioned below, you have Tim Kaine, who moved a couple of murderers from Death Row to Life Without Parole because he felt they were incapable of understanding why they were going to be executed, vs Mike Pence, who refuses to commute the sentence of a guy who’s been shown to be innocent.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
Conservative Christianity has never been anything but a cult of self-righteous hate. Being anti-death penalty is no kind of Christianity they can recognize, and they will certainly not have a moment’s qualm attacking Kaine as anti-Christian.
@Corner Stone:
He’s a rabid Christer, which means he has to claim to hate fucking.
How do those people actuallly “do it”? How do you do the nasty and talk the nasty talk while yammering about the love of that mewlingly pathetic fucking Christ Jesus?
@PPCLI: Usually, the trick to prophecy is to make your predictions ‘after’ the fact. Of course, this is usually far more effective when one lives in pre-modern societies with mostly illiterate audiences, but let’s not quibble over details.
Based on that decision, the fundamentalist Christianity of Mike Pence shines completely through and demonstrates the fundamental moral bankruptcy of the doctrine.
No offense…
I’m on Team Jesuit with Tim Kaine, so it’s no offense to me.
Corner Stone
Chris Matthews is desperately trying to show how smaht he is by saying Pence’s future within the GOP is by sticking with attacking HRC tonight, not defending Trump.
No shit, Tweety? You mean building on a 30 year hate hard on against HRC and/or a 8 year racist, obstructionist plan of attack by the GOP is a better ploy than defending the clownish buffoon that is Trump?
Genius, says Rudy! Genius, says Christie!
This is lovely. Looks like Mike Pence’s Indiana is trying to shut down voter registration efforts:
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
By getting off on the nasty dirtiness of sex, which you believe it must be because it’s morally wrong.
Parcel post.
Iowa Old Lady
@PPCLI: The Rs are so inept that they can’t even get an internet post timed correctly.
The Jesuits definitely became good guys.
I went to a Carmelite high school in a rough neighborhood – they were pretty decent, too.
” Evening?
2:30 in the afternoon, unlike other less civilized locales. ”
I didn’t know that people from strange exotic non-real-America locales were allowed to watch our debates.
Edit: And I will probably transcript this one too. I can’t take it anymore. This election campaign is so putrid. There are forehead shaped dents in the desk and counter tops at my home and office.
Well this is hardly surprising since we all know Pence is “very smart, tough, and a very serious policy guy with a great deal of experience.” So say Tweety and Mrs Greenspan.
Pence looks like someone who, in an earlier era, would have been yelling “Burn the witch!”
Alongside the religious duplicity under Tent Repub † sits the belief that ripping off subcontractors and not paying taxes is A-OK as an inherent part of the job of being a CEO, but lawyers are hauled over the coals for defending people.
(† Christians that hate gays and Muslims require utter freedom of expression as well as first dibs on mandatory seasonal greetings, but not religions that oppose the death penalty, or are in favor of gay marriage ™Repub
@Iowa Old Lady:
” The Rs are so inept that they can’t even get an internet post timed correctly. ”
Clearly the whole thing is rigged and unfair!
I’ve heard this “Pence is a normal guy” stuff from others, and I suppose compared to Donald he is.
But I guess that’s what 40 years of unrelenting extremism will do to a country.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake, Nikki Haley, Tom Cotton, Paul Ryan, Cory Gardner… I doubt any of them are gonna step back because of the Pence Juggernaut in 2020, to say nothing of the retreads from this round– Cruz, Paul, Rubio, maybe even Katich.
Well, I am disappointed to have learned that Pence will have had won, and certainly surprised to learn that Hillary’s shortcomings constituted a large part of his argument. But I guess we all have to sometimes suck up those events that have happened or will have had happened.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
Did I mention ‘self righteous hate’? It IS their religion. All the religious freedom they demand is to hate and be patted on the back for it.
@Corner Stone:
Tweety wants the horse race, and he hates Hillary. Yesterday he was imploring Kellyanne to get her guy back on the issues he can win with, immigration, trade, and building things. As everyone was talking about Trump no longer building stuff he was polishing his record as a builder who creates jobs.
I was guessing Hawaii ?
There’s a reason the Vatican’s astronomical observatory is now run by Jesuits. And, of course, Pope Frankie.
But I tend to snobbishly look down on all Protestants. “Faith Not Works” was well-intentioned at the time, but look where it’s gotten us.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The bench gets deeper.
Anne Laurie
The hope is that those savage Hawaiian denizens will someday learn enough to join our real states.
@germy: In an earlier era?
Much like the guy at about 0:27 into this clip.
I hope Kaine shivs Pence good with a smile. He’s dumb as shit and deserves it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Longer, anyway. And if he still slouches among us, Old Man Trump hurling insults from the sidelines.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That field would be really tough for the villagers, you’re asking them to choose their favorite child. These ‘young guns’ are all so talented, they will once again have the deepest field ever, while the democrat party will be fielding a boring old hag. The media coverage will be something to behold, the hostility towards Hillary will make them seem downright mollycoddling to her now.
Roger Moore
I don’t think they have to claim to hate it; they just think it should only be allowed for couples in “traditional” marriages with the possibility (even if only with divine assistance) of procreation. If you meet all those criteria, you’re welcome, even encouraged, to have sex as often as you please. ETA: Where “you” applies to the husband; the wife is expected to have sex when, and only when, her husband wants.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Is there (or is there going to be) an actual live feed? That photo at the top doesn’t seem to be anything, but it wants me to sign up for a Twitter account. Is there a nice link to c-span or MSNBC or something?
One other thing about the Carmelites – it was through them that I developed the seeds of my own latent progressivism, from the very quietly radical religion teacher (a mere brother) to the brilliant exiled Vatican scholar that taught European history (a genuine talcum snuff taking priest who was fluent in five language and had served for decades in the Vatican, only to be sent to a third tier boys’ school in a shitty working class neighborhood in Louisville) to the very gay but devoted priest who taught of the courage of Lillian Hellman and Dash Hammett in our senior year, those guys taught me a lot which popped up later.
I’ll always be grateful. I do wish to hell I could talk to the Vatican guy some more – he knew all kinds of shit, like Abbe Faria in Le Comte de Monte Cristo.
@PPCLI: His main weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise….his two weapons are fear and surprise…
@PsiFighter37: I think Pence has somehow managed to play off his dumbness as thoughtfulness. The pauses are him grasping for answers, not carefully weight the questions.
And the folks who say he’s got some sort of midwestern niceness to him? I don’t give a shit. His policy positions are mean. Downright ugly mean.
@Scarcelight: They can’t win fair, so they cheat – GOP has no GOTV – so they want to make sure no-one else has the same.
@Roger Moore:
I’ve known some of those heavy duty “pray before sex” couples (more experience with some of them them after reclaiming my Eastern Orthodox roots – the Protestant converts are weird). Can’t imagine proper sex chat.
Big Daddy Kaine
Regine Touchon
Thrilla in Vanilla!!!!
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Pro-life devout Catholic who did missionary work versus anti-abortion, pro capital punishment Evangelical. I’ve got my Chicago Mix ready!
Adam L Silverman
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: There is still some serious anti-Catholic animus going all the way out to hatred among American Evangelicals (evangelicals, charismatics, and/or fundamentalists). Just read comment sections on conservative news, political, religious, social, and other sites. Especially when Pope Francis comes up.
Kristine Smith
@Iowa Old Lady: Time has a liberal bias.
@Adam L Silverman: Did you bring enough to share with the rest of the class?
Uncle Cosmo
@Botsplainer: “I’ve known some of those heavy duty “pray before sex” couples…”
@Mnemosyne: I graduated from Loyola University in Chicago so I’m right there with you.
JR in WV
@Uncle Cosmo:
Oh, Cosmo, that’s so good!