I voted earlier than usual this morning, and there were quite a few mothers there with their daughters. There were a couple of grade-school age girls, at least one middle schooler, and one high schooler. Even the high school girl had a smile on her face as she watched her mother mark her ballot.
With all the ugliness of the election, it’s easy to forget that today is a historic day. My daughter will cast her first vote for President today, and she’ll vote for a woman. It’s enough to make this jaded old man think that there’s a little hope for us all.
Also, since we’re watching Susan B. Anthony’s grave on the front page, here’s what was happening there a few minutes ago. It’s nice to see a line that isn’t the result of voter suppression.
Lots of folks out to pay homage to Susan B. Anthony! #ROC pic.twitter.com/35EXuMqCOM
— Denny from the ROC (@eastenddennis) November 8, 2016
I’m just an idiot, so pardon the dumb question. But did Sue Anthony advocate that women could be politicians? I thought she was instrumental in getting women the right to vote. Which they’ve had for many years, and to my knowledge, her grave wasn’t visited like this before. Were women not allowed to run for office before the 19th Amendment as well?
Felanius Kootea
I’m a member of Pantsuit Nation, a “secret” Facebook group of Clinton supporters which now has 2 million members (many are women from red states who don’t feel safe posting about their support for Hillary on their FB pages). Someone shared an amazing image of a 102 year old woman, born before women had the right to vote, who cast her vote for Clinton in Arizona wearing a white pantsuit! Made my morning.
WROC has a live feed on Facebook of the grave site. Woman after woman after woman after woman walking up and putting their “I Voted” stickers on the headstone. Brings tears to my eyes.
The first woman was elected to the House in 1916, from Montana I believe.
Before the series of amendments dealing with voting,, states decided who could vote.
Lizzy L
@Dork: Women could and did run for elected office. Jeanette Rankin served in the U.S. Congress before the 19th Amendment was passed.
mali muso
I voted absentee two weeks ago because I’m nine months pregnant and didn’t want to risk missing this important vote. Thinking about my unborn baby daughter (whose father is an African, Muslim immigrant) and the world that she will inherit. First piece of baby clothing that I purchased for her was a red, white and blue onesie that says “Future President.” Who knows…in 40 years, maybe the country will have evolved enough for a black (biracial) woman to be elected!
TaMara (HFG)
@Dork: Actually…over the last several elections (I guess since FB allowed us to share everything) there have always been photos of her gravestone with I Voted stickers on it. So not just this year.
@geg6: I hope that lineup at her grave is the story of the night. Added bonus is it will make the wingnuts night even more miserable.
Apparently I’m in the precinct of people with day jobs, because the line at 8 am is GINORMOUS.
Albert Z.
@lgerard: I still find it surprising that the most progressive state in regard to women’s suffrage was Wyoming.
@Felanius Kootea: Oh I saw that–I LOVED THAT PICTURE! You can also find similarly inspiring images on Instagram and Twitter (or so I hear) @pantsuitnation
Ladies and Gentlemen, your Catholic Church at its finest.
Gotta love the tax-exempt status that forces churches to be non-political. Or not.
TaMara (HFG)
@mali muso: There always seems to be a story of a woman in labor who votes – this year we had one, she dropped off her mail-in ballot on the way to the hospital. Congratulation and wishing you an easy birth-day. We can’t wait to see photos. In that onesie.
Just back from voting on the Upper West Side. Longest time I’ve ever spent on line in any election, and I’ve been voting in NYC since 1983. Too bad there’s no enthusiasm for Clinton.
For the snarling jackals among us, your bright spot is the anticipation that wingnut tears will be 10 cents a gallon tomorrow.
Felonius Monk
Will this be the last day that we will ever hear from or about Scottie Nell Hughes? I believe even Susan B. would like to punch out her lights.
@mali muso: @TaMara (HFG): Allow me to echo TaMara: congratulations, wishing for a smooth easy arrival of your baby girl (tell her I’m saying “Welcome to Earth!”), and post pix!
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Felanius Kootea:
I’m a member too – it’s been such an amazing haven from the shit show on regular FB. When I joined there weren’t quite 200,000 members.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Felanius Kootea: I am also a member of Pant Suit Nation. I love the stories people have shared about their life and the reasons why the are voting for Hillary Clinton.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
That’s so nice, we oughta see it twice!
1. piece of mail at your address
2. another piece of ID, which can be anything from a Passport to a Public Aid Card
@Face: From same WaPo article:
Tracking poll:
All Catholics 48-44 Clinton
White Catholics 54-38 Trump
Hispanic Catholics 79-12 Clinton
The problem with this country is white people, especially white males (full disclosure, I am a white male)
randy khan
Voted around 9:30 Eastern. Short line at my polling place, but my neighborhood has a fair number of retired people and voting usually is pretty steady through the day. I got the only check-in station that didn’t have a neighbor I knew at it, but still no muss, no fuss. (Oh, and Virginia is now using tablets for the voter rolls, instead of the big stacks of paper.)
You know what’s doubly awesome about folks leaving stickers at Susan’s grave? The current mayor of Rochester, Lovely A. Warren, is a black woman, and left a note for Susan after Hillary got the nomination. Word.
You’re going way too far here.
Eural Joiner
Amen. I, too am a white male and damn if I’m not embarrased as hell with many of my fellow travelers. WTF is wrong with us/them?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Oh, my god. For such a thin-skinned narcissist, that must be pure agony. He’s going to have a shitty, shitty day of absolute humiliation.
EDIT – @SenyorDave: and @Eural Joiner:
@mali muso: AWWW!! May your labor be easy, your recovery swift, and your little girl bring you nothing but joy! I know mine does!
An article I read before the election said that the Catholic vote is the sect most likely to predict the election because Catholics are more ethnically/racially diverse than most other religions. At my office alone, there are Filipino Catholics, white Catholics, and African-American Catholics.
@bystander: Same here in Queens. People are pumped. Let’s get that expected 17 point NY win up to 20!
@Face: I’m an atheist but my kids – 10 and 8 – are Catholic and love it. My son is an altar server. If a priest at their parish pulled something like this I’d rip their arses out of there in a second and send them elsewhere, not because I’m a godless heathen and pro-choice but because there is no place for this in the the church…none. I’m sure Pope Francis would agree, even though he is rabidly pro-life. I’m an atheist and the only religion I ever was was Methodist and I know what’s appropriate in the church better than this buffoon.
Typical NY arsehole. It’s all these NY area creeps – this guy, Trump, Guiliani, Christie, Comey, etc. They all hold the same sexist/racist beliefs, probably worse than the Confederate lovers in the South. Eff ’em. Enjoy President Clinton and her baby killing crusade, Father Frank.
@Face: As a Catholic, I find this shameful and disgusting. We aren’t supposed to judge. And Trump doesn’t give a damn about abortion. Just ask Tiffany.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good.
No additional comment required.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Wow.
I am still in line, but I’m getting close. People are in pretty good moods — I just heard people laughing where the actual voting booths are.
@Albert Z.:
Probably has something to do with the fact that in the Wyoming of that era was still barely emerging from raw pioneer conditions where married male ranchers understood how essential their wives and daughters were to successfully running the place against an unforgivingly harsh environment.
Last update on this: Offshore bookies showing money now flowing in for HRC. HRC to win went from -450 to -620 in 30 minutes. Punters likely saw the enthusiasm and enormous polling lines and realized that the Dems aren’t fucking around this cycle. This tells me there’s no Election Day surprise coming, and HRC has bagged this.
How early is too early to crack open a beer?
@Albert Z.: There were few women in Wyoming in 1869. The legislature thought that women’s suffrage would encourage more to move there. Some also thought that if black and Chinese men could vote, then white women should be able to as well. Source
This really tickles me — In NYC, each polling station covers a number of election districts and ordinarily, it’s not very crowded so it’s easy to go to the help station and find your proper district. Today, the line was so long and my polling place was so crowded, poll workers were asking us to look on line to find our proper district before we reached the front of the line. The NYC election site went down. So, we were using triggerthevote.org — an NRA website — to find our districts. This made me laugh — if the NRA only knew NYC liberals were using their site to vote for Clinton.
Jeff Spender
Clinton’s gonna whip Trump’s ass.
I can feel it.
@Mnemosyne: I am in an ethically diverse town on the Jersey Shore but our parish has a significant percentage of Filipinos. Two of our eucharistic ministers are black. Definitely more diverse than other churches in our area, although the more white Protestant ones – well, two of them – are more gay friendly, to the point of having rainbow flags/decals prominently displayed. (one Methodist, one Lutheran) We have a big AA population so have a lot of majority/all black churches. The Catholic churches in the more wealthy neighboring towns tend to be very white.
Those bookies, alas, are totally useless for predicting the outcome – but it’s still interesting information, so keep it coming!
I think we should make election day a national holiday, instead of Veteran’s day. It might help get more people to vote.
@Punchy: what happened at 11am local in the stock market?
I wonder if we might see some news stories of mom’s in labor stopping to vote……of course I would have early voted, but some always come early.
Latino J
Again, caveats about anything can happen –
But Glenn Beck’s recent admission that Obama has made him a better man just makes me sad for the recalcitrant wing nuts.
8 years ago, they failed to take pride and joy in Obama. And the same will happen tonight.
I know GW was a mess in so many ways, but I remember him congratulating and celebrating speaker Pelosi. I’ll never forgive him for unleashing Rove and Cheney on America, but there were some final moments of grace and class that seem to have completely died out.
If Ryan is half the person the GOP pretends he is, he’ll go on camera tonight and celebrate Hillary’s historic achievement if it comes to pass.
Watched the live feed for a while. It brought tears to my eyes. We have a great country.
@Punchy: Why are you using some betting site as some sort of predictor of anything when you have actual polls of actual voters?
It’s not like betting on a (actual horserace) or the stock market where you do not have polls.
Actually, it was only so they had enough voters to qualify for statehood. The territories of Wyoming, then Montana passed suffrage so that they could qualify for statehood.
@Face: Hooo-ray for That Catholic Church and its partners in purity! They’ll accept a body for burial (a body of someone they insist is fully human, fully participating in and deserving of all human rights) and then, for a personal political agenda, use that body it to make a media-fest festival celebrating their own holier-than-thouness. All the while insisting all their documentation involving the abuse of slightly older children’s bodies is totally totally private, keep your nasty media-fest hands and eyes off it, we’re men of God.
I would think there would be seriously legal consequences for accepting a body for burial and making such a personal, grand-standing, use of it. (I leave it to be the believers to work out what sort of Catholic perspective on the breaking of vows might be.)
Lizzy L
@Face: Please don’t indict the entire Church for the antics of this man. He is a well-known nutcase who does not represent anyone except himself. His bishops have done what they could to rein him in. This particular bit of idiocy may be a step too far.
From the WaPo: In a blog post for Patheos, Scott Eric Alt argued that what Pavone did was sacrilege, a violation of Catholic Church canon law, which states that the altar is “reserved for divine worship alone, to the exclusion of any secular usage.” “Being pro-life is about respecting the dignity of the human person,” Alt wrote. “It is the antithesis of respect for the dignity of the human person to use a dead child as a political prop to lobby for your presidential candidate the day before an election.”
That is so disgusting, for a priest to be too right wing for Dolan, is just unfathomable.
@Lizzy L:
Exactly this. Pavone is a rogue, and under fire from the church for financial mismanagement. I’m expecting him to get excommunicated for this, it’s appalling sacrilege.
I just voted! At my precinct in Chicago, hay muchos Latinos, and turnout was already pretty high. What was surprising was that the Republican party didn’t bother to even run any candidates for many of the down ballot races (not that I would have voted for any nof them anyway). Instead, the two party system that I live in is one involving the Democrats and the Greens. The Green candidate for Congress – Rob Sherman – has a website and his chief platform plank emphasizes his determination to eliminate Christmas as a federal Holiday. In theory, that’s maybe a good idea, but in practice, that’s just stupid! Are we really going to force school kids to forego Christmas and go to school instead? Would retail workers not get Christmas off? How about teachers? Transit workers, on a day when no one uses the buses or the El? Sometimes, the Greens just flabbergast me.
With the heavy Latino turnout, I’m predicting a bad day for the Presidential candidate who called all of them rapists and murderers.
So the three generation whole famdamily decided 10 days ago to book a trip to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving (thanks to SWA having a computer meltdown this summer that yielded a 50% off coupon for up to 8 travelers). That got me curious about their Electoral Votes.
Sad trombone! They get none. No wonder they get the crap end of our fiscal policies.
So, my pipe dream is: There’s 1.6 million N+S Dakotans. They get 4 senators, 6 EVs. And 3.5M Puerto Ricans who have 0 senators, and a big fat 0 EVs.
So we make one state called Dakota, and one called Puerto Rico. 50 states, and our lovely flag stays lookin’ good and no need for extra desks in the House or Senate.
Obviously, this is about as likely as nuclear fusion powered SSTs flying halfway around the globe at Mach 3. But interesting to note how even in our most basic national apportionment, the white rural jagoffs on the windswept prairies have infity more electoral and Congressional power than brown, Spanish-speaking Americans.
Again, I get it. It’s quite the legacy of colonialism. But it also sucks.
I had the same problem across the river in Jersey. I waited an hour, that’s never happened before. I’m sure it was just because people were deliberately slowing down the lines because they have nothing better to do with their time. The lack of enthusiasm is palpable, you can see it in the lines of happy people.
Amir Khalid
Here in Malaysia, I’ve never voted on any day of the week but Sunday. I guess it’s hard on people rostered to work on that day, but even then you’re allowed to take time off to vote.
A link to multiple video clips of Trump being booed on the Upper East side. Heh.
I have slight hope the Vatican might step in with a strongly worded epistle or so, they did manage to rebuke the Italian priest that blamed all Italy’s recent earthquakes on gay civil marriage.
@SenyorDave: @Lizzy L: There is this from SenyorDave above:
White Catholics 54-38 Trump
But then I think this has less to do with being Catholic and more to do with being white. My guess is that the gap is higher among Protestants and probably close to an 80 percent gap among evangelicals, maybe more. White people just don’t vote Democratic because it’s well known that Democrats take their tax dollars and give free stuff exclusively to brown people, most of who are either lazy or illegal immigrants.
Gelfling 545
@Face: Odd, since this gur’s boss pretty roundly denounced the Trump program the other day without avtually mentioning his name.
Starting at 10 AM PST, the San Francisco Zoo will have live streaming of their red pandas.
A tale of two voters
BIGLY, even.
@Felonius Monk:
I’m considering tuning in too CNN, just to watch her, Jeffrey Lord and Corey, sputter to explain the complete rejection of their lord and savior. Then again there are so many I want to see cry, there’s the ever yelling AJ Delgado, Jason Miller, Steve Cortes, there are just too many of them. Choices choices.
Look, I take it as a foregone conclusion that HRC will be the next POTUS, but I get more than my daily requirement of worry over the Senate. Failure to take the Senate robs her of the ability to do pretty much anything. Think of what a fully functioning Senate would have done to help Obama. (I know. We all have, continually.)
The House, sadly, is beyond reach this cycle, goshfuckit.
@GrandJury: Show me the polls from last nite. Show me the polls released this morning. Wait….you cant?
The best live-read of the state of the election on election day is to see where real people are putting real, hard-earned (hopefully) money. There’s no punishment for lying to a pollster; there’s clear incentive to get a wager correct.
Again, YMMV and ignore this anecdotal evidence for all I care. Just letting others know that for those actually risking real money, it is coming in huge for HRC as of ~10AM this morning.
Who needs ISIS? MOLOCH 2016
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Compare that to the adoring reception Hillary got this morning. I thought Trump was going to put NY in play, what ever happened with that?
Matt McIrvin
@Frankensteinbeck: If Trump wins, his revenge on all of us is going to be so total and violent.
@Punchy: Oh for crying out loud. Betting is about the rush — like buying stock when you got inside info. How the heck do you think bookies make money?
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Eural Joiner:
I’m sure you were asking a rhetorical question, and I may not be shedding any light anyway, but there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with white males. Instead, it’s the patriarchal culture that indoctrinated so many into believing a lot of horse shit.
But, yeah, when you see truck nuts and rolling smoke (or an unmuffled) Harley, chances are pretty certain it’s being driven by a white dude between 18 and 55 with a shaved head, ugly-ass facial hair, and a snarl on his mug.
Of course voted (and took my girlfriend to the polls, too.) Soon to be President elect Hillary will, hopefully, have the Senate on her side and we can then, watch as the thugs do all in their power to corrupt and enrage all their base even further; of course, the dems have to go nuclear but that still leaves a major issue for the future – the next SC nominee that will very likely be needed after this one is picked. That is, likely to be down the road and after the Senate is lost by the dems – reality is both cruel and unforgiving and that sucks.
@Albert Z.: My great grandfather was appointed to a state labor commission position by Nelly Taylor Ross, whom I believe was first woman governor. Herappointment was result of her husband’s death. I havecopy of condolence telegram she sent to my great grandmother.
8:00 pm, not a moment sooner. No jinxes. I’m not superstitious, but still take no chances.
Neglected the add she was from Wyoming.
Amir Khalid
Trump made that promise, and you believed him?
Distraction fodder that rhymes. Besides, I suddenly love the name Les Glorieuses. (A fondness for manifs is more long-standing.
Top French offices stop work in support of gender pay gap protest
@Punchy: Knock yourself out if you can’t learn from history and want to rely on a manic depressive hive mind. Most of whom are watching polls btw. So it’s like polls only much less accurate after being filtered through irrational thought based on greed and fear.
I’d sooner pay some fortune teller on a street corner.
Mr. Mack
@Punchy: Yes, I happen to agree that odds-makers generally get it right. Awful hard to skew betting trends…
Central Planning
This is the first presidential election where my two oldest boys can vote. Both are voting for Hillary. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to be with them due to timing :/ My wife and I will take our other kids this evening and vote for Hillary too.
@Emma: I know damn well how they do it. With juice. But the lines must move if money keeps coming in on one side. Magnitude of the move is proportional to the exposure they have on one side or the other; if HRCs vig continues to rise, it’s because many people (or a few really heavy bettors) have information that tells them it’s HRC today (not that this is a big surprise to everyone here).
I’m at a loss to understand why polling is considered so much more scientific than analyzing where real money is being wagered, esp. since you cannot get polling in real-time. Whatevs, I’m done.
The Moar You Know
And more to the point, I want the Senate. Without it we’re pretty much as screwed as if Trump had won.
The Fat Kate Middleton
Went to vote about ten this morning – I’ve learned that’s the slowest time in our little rural precinct. For the first time ever, I had to wait – and that was with three or four times as many voting booths as in past elections. When I asked the poll worker if it had been like this all day, she replied, “This is the slowest it’s been so far – we’ve never seen anything like this!” This makes me feel so good, for so many reasons. (And I noticed most of the voters were women.)
@mali muso: I think Kamala Harris might beat her by a few decades! Congratulations and best wishes with the delivery.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Didn’t one of the betting market traders pay out a few million on a Hillary win a couple of weeks ago? I think they paid out on Obama a couple of days before the last election.
Somebody has had a Cthulhu 2016 sign up in my neighborhood for a couple of weeks now.
Got to polling place at 6 am, waited two hours and twenty minutes. Came out of the building at 8:30 and lo and behold, no line whatsoever.
Gelfling 545
@hovercraft: They know him too well there.
gogol's wife
Not much of a line here in central Connecticut. Saw my minister and a woman from my church, who are definitely HRC voters. It didn’t look like a very Trump-ian crowd to me, but I realize this isn’t a scientific sample. It felt good! Now I’ll be praying for the salvation of our country.
The Moar You Know
@Punchy: You are correct. And I might add that the wagering sites have just as accurate a record as PEC or 538.
One of the bigger sites paid off all the Hillary wagers last week, if that doesn’t tell you she’s a lock nothing could.
Matt McIrvin
In the land of Facebook memes, white vans full of illegals are invading.
Matt McIrvin
@The Moar You Know: Eh, they probably just figure the expectation value of the loss they could eat was worth the gain in publicity.
@Emma: But it’s also about people thinking they have more “inside” information than others, being “smarter” than others, etc. etc. So, admittedly imperfectly, it’s also a measure of people taking the information they have, gathered not only from the news (mass sources) but also local, personal sources (what their friends and neighbors seem to be thinking) and based on that, deciding if they can make money by everyone else being wrong. The bets aren’t usually all placed at random although some are made from knee-jerk contrarianism (and making they bets at all may not be logical in terms of money). There’s still information in there (plus noise). People can put a damn lot of thought, effort and manic attention to detail into their hobbies. Learning to speak Klingon, distinguishing a 17th century stabbing from a cutting blade. Doesn’t mean anyone has to believe they are a valid chicken entrail, but one’s free to ignore certain polling outfits as well.
@Albert Z.: Coming out of lurkdom on Wyoming suffragettes. While it was never taught this way in Wyoming history class, I firmly believe that we had to be the Equality State to move from to territory to state. It’s always had a low population.
Albert Z.
@Kathleen: That’s awesome! This topic was briefly discussed by “Blue Gal” on the latest episode of The Professional Left Podcast. That’s why it was fresh in my mind.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I’m an ex-Catholic, went to Catholic grade school and was an altar boy. Mostly agnostic leaning atheist with a softness for humanistic and environmentally-friendly belief systems, such as paganism, Buddhism and such. Kind of a spiritual tramp.
Anyway, that priest, repellent as his actions are, probably has heartfelt beliefs. How do we reach and teach such people? We can kind of force them with laws to conform to some degree to accepted norms (but resentful conformity ruptures constantly). We can name-call and shame, but that isn’t effective.
Thankfully, there are some in the institution who work from within, a method that takes tiiiiiiime, patienccccce, and dedication. Thus it is with most things. For instance, climate change, NFL concussion protocol, etc. YMMV.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Yes, PaddyPower (large Irish bookmaker) did that. But they are in the habit of paying out early on some high profile bets for the free publicity it gives them. Of course they take a risk that they have to pay out all bets if they get it wrong, but I don’t think they ever have gotten one of these early pay out stunts wrong.
Iowa Old Lady
@The Fat Kate Middleton: I hope that bodes well. I’m sick at the thought of Iowa going for Trump.
@Matt McIrvin:
Well at least we can see the white vans which seems like an improvement from the black helicopters.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Depends what you’re drinking! Is it good beer? Pop that puppy open and toast Hillary Rodham Clinton, our next president.
@cmorenc: Completely OT, but there is a great movie (30 years old?) called Heartland about Wyoming homesteaders. The movie ends with the birth of a calf but it also includes the death of a child.
@The Moar You Know:
No. That would mean we are pretty much screwed with Obama as President.
I will make a point to bring up (often!) who it is that gave Trump a huge schlonging in the 2016 election. The GIRL
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Latino J:
Sadly. Ryan is half the person he claims to be. He’ll utter a few half-polished words of acknowledgement for how America voted, then quickly get back to the business of obstruction.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Yes, a British site paid out days after the 3rd debate.
ETA: apparently it was Irish. I got scooped and didnt notice
@Mr. Mack:
It was actually the bookies and the pundits that got Brexit wrong. The polls had leave ahead, but the markets, both betting and the stock, that refused to believe the polls. That’s why what happened in the primary was closer to Brexit than the general. He was always ahead, but Silver and the rest of the pundits refused to believe the GOP would/could let him win.
NBC has a pic of one of the male Trump spawn voting but the first thing I thought when I looked at it was that he was cheating off the woman next to him (his wife I think) because he didn’t know what he was doing. Which is what happens when one doesn’t do it regularly……
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Yes it was an Irish bookie, for Obama they paid out three days before, this was the earliest they had ever paid out.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Albert Z.: Thanks for introducing me to that website – I really like it!
My asshole governor tried to sneak in under cover of darkness to cast his vote for the Orange Shitgibbon.
@Dork: @Dork: Not a dumb question at all. I think the importance to so many women, myself included, is that without that long, long line of women willing to put themselves out there on the front lines and fight for equality amidst often unbelievably long odds and unbearable social censure, women might not be at the polls today casting their vote for any candidate, much less for a female candidate. It’s respect for the sacrifice, the hard work, and let’s be honest, the suffering that each generation experienced in order to build a bridge to where we are now.
And it is also a (sometimes much needed) reminder to ourselves and to the younger generations of girls and women about how easily those precious rights can be taken away if we are not vigilant.
My great grandmother was born in 1887. Quakers in her family had been advocating women’s equality for several generations before her birth (see”Hicksite Quakers”). She lived through two world wars, nursed her community through the Spanish Flu epidemic, was widowed while still a young woman, raised her two children and helped to raise a grandchild and two great grandchildren, and worked well into her late 70s. Yet, she was not allowed to vote until she was in her thirties, and despite running her own household for decades, could not get a credit card without her grandson co-signing until the 1970s.
That is why today is so emotionally loaded, and so poignant for so many people. It’s not just that Hillary is a woman. It’s not just that she is supremely qualified for the job. It’s because of all the Hillarys in all the past generations who never had a chance to use their gifts to make a difference in this world, and for all the young women, all the daughters, nieces, granddaughters, and friends, who WILL have that chance in the future.
The stickers are, I think, a way to honor the enormity of the battle it took to get to this point, and to remind us to keep hoping and fighting for full, true equality for women and minorities.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Iowa Old Lady: Yeah, I’ve felt exactly the same way. Can’t believe DJT has gained the toehold he has in our state! What is happening here?
Also, too, I would just like to remind everyone that my adopted home state of California had two non-white female Democrats running against each other for senator today, because our state rocks.
Republicans got “jungle primaries” passed because they thought they would benefit, but they only managed to lock themselves out of the election entirely.
@cmorenc: not sure where I read it, but I believe WY was counting women as citizens in part to have sufficient population for statehood.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
The Coulterwockey tweeted that if only people with at least four grandparents born in the US could vote, Trumpling would win all 50 states.
Swiftly it was pointed out to Her Horseness that Trump himself would be unable to vote.
I have no idea how she can even glance in a mirror anymore without self-loathing.
@Mnemosyne: As happy as I am that two Democrats get to shine, I can’t really condone CA’s system.
I’m all coffeed up and recharged, time to go volunteer for HRC’s Manhattan office! Let’s rock this.
I voted an hour ago in the deep-red SW corner of Missouri. For the first time in this voting location (10 years?), I had to stand in line to get my ballot, about a 10-minute wait. And for the first time I can remember, I saw many younger people waiting as well. I realized that my precinct is close to a local campus and thus draws from its students; I’d never seen them show up before. I find this heartening.
Bobby Thomson
So O’Keefe is claiming ZOMG voting fraud shocker! because a pastor in Philly is giving people rides to the polls in a van.
Latino J
Strikes me as odd –
Trump spent the entire cycle complaining that Hillary cheats and that the game is rigged.
Then the last thing he does in his campaign is brag that he was endorsed by Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. ?
We have a sick cat, so we are taking turns going to vote. There hasn’t been a waiting line at our polling place since 2008. My husband left 45 minutes ago to go to the polling place that is less than a five minute drive from our house. Not back yet!
My wife told me earlier today that my 10-year old son was worried about the election. A few minutes ago I talked to her about it in more detail. Some background first – we are very careful to not talk politics in front of our kids and never tell them how to think. And what little we do say we tell them not to repeat outside the home because the parents in our home school group are very conservative. But at 10 and almost 9 with free access to the internet they are going to be somewhat aware. He said he was worried because he wants to see a woman be president. He also said that Trump doesn’t like foreigners and he wants to build a wall and that’s bad because his sister is Chinese. (she’s adopted) I cried. I hope my country doesn’t make him cry.
@Albert Z.: Wow. Thanks for the heads up.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Trump’s kids wouldn’t be allowed to vote under that rule either (Trump’s mother was born in Scotland), and neither would any of his current grandkids.
And no way would Trump win Hawai’i, New Mexico, or possibly even Mississippi. But as we all know, what Coulter really means is the case if only white people could vote.
10 minutes from car back to car at the poll. 2 hours in line at Susan B’s grave
The Golux
@Lizzy L:
True, but she was elected in 1916 from Montana, where women had won the right to vote in 1914.
@Bobby Thomson: So standard issue GOTV is voter fraud? Do I even need to guess the race of said pastor and/or the voters he is transporting?
I took mine and Madame divF’s mail-in ballots down to our local polling place and put them in the yellow bin. Normally, Madame and I go down and do this together, hand-in-hand, but she was banged up in an auto accident on Saturday and is not moving around too well. I got two stickers (one for each of us). Now I’m doing my daily cafe sit at the original Peet’s coffee, and calmly looking forward to tonight’s results.
ETA: This is presidential election #12 for me – I was able to take advantage of the reduction of the voting age to 18 in 1972.
@OGLiberal: I hope your son is very very happy tomorrow, and (if she’s very young now) may enjoy telling his story of this election to his sister as years go by. He sounds like such a good kid.
The Moar You Know
@Mnemosyne: Had some guy bitching about this the other day. Told him the GOP wanted this, he could blame them for it.
He refused to believe me. Sorry Charlie, but it’s true. You guys did this to yourselves. Probably won’t get another GOP senator out of this state for twenty, thirty years because of that bright move.
@sacrablue: Hope your’s is a blue district; my county is 50/50 but my specific distinct is heavy red. So, glad I got in – the lines were short, of course; mine is a district with money so it doesn’t short change local people … .
@mali muso: My hope is for a woman of color to be next. There’ll be no stopping then.
@Aleta: He is a good kid, as is his sister. I was so moved I sent to Josh Marshall, just so you know this isn’t some astro-turfing BS:
@OGLiberal: Oh, I reread and now I see that your daughter is 9 … sorry I missed that. May they both be very happy tomorrow!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Peet’s makes a damn fine hot chocolate.
Miss Bianca
@SFBayAreaGal: I wiash I’d known about this group earlier! Might have saved me some blood pressure spikes! : )
Bill Arnold
Showed that feed to a bunch of people at work, without political commentary.
[I was close to crying with joy. Couldn’t, was in a meeting. :-) ]
Miss Bianca
@Face: That’s so grotesque, I’m not sure I know what to say. Except…surely that’s illegal? He can’t have obtained the remains legally, I’m thinking. It’s certainly immoral.
Lurker Extraordinaire
@RaflW: I think statehood or independence is best left up to Puerto Ricans to decide. They’ve voted for status quo for quite some time, but I think sooner or later they will have to make a decision either way.
Lurker Extraordinaire
@Miss Bianca: Also, why would a pathologist give it to him for burial? Wouldn’t that mean there was something very wrong with the fetus? Pavone’s assumption was that this fetus was aborted out of convenience, it seems. In reality, this could be a double tragedy for the parents.
Oh, I hate it, too. But since we’re stuck with it, I love that it backfired on those assholes so thoroughly.
@Latino J: I hope he doesn’t. I just hate hearing or seeing asshole Paul Ryan.
Huzzah for the Chicago Machine – I knew I could wander in, participate in about an abbreviated wait even (deliberately) mid-day and spend far far longer filling out allllllll those lines about judges. All for adding a teeny speck of still more blue. My symbolic rose leaf went awol afterwards, it either really wanted to be historic compost or maybe just caught a breeze direction Mount Hope Cemetery.
Matt McIrvin
@RaflW: Believe it or not, as late as 2012, the Republican Party platform endorsed admitting Puerto Rico as a state if the people there approve it with an unambiguous referendum. I don’t know about the current one.
(The Democratic platform actually waffles more but basically says the same thing: it’s up to them.)
Miss Bianca
@Mel: What a lovely tribute, thank you for that!
Matt McIrvin
@RaflW: …Incidentally, if PR became a state it wouldn’t even be one of the smallest ones. Their population is similar to Connecticut; states that size currently get about 5 seats in the House and 7 electoral votes. Though, of course, there would probably be some kind of reapportionment after it was admitted.
It would be by far the poorest state. After admission, its residents would have to pay federal income tax, but most of them would probably be getting net money back through the EITC.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Wait – Trump himself went and voted?
That might be the first somewhat responsible thing I’ve heard of him doing, even if it was for himself.
@The Moar You Know:
Louisiana has its jungle primary on election day. There are 24 candidates for the open Senate seat. 9 GOP, 8 Democrats, 7 other!?
I guess it is possible that two Democrats emerge as finalists, but I bet that is unlikely. Would be VERY funny if it happens.
frosty fred
I’m male and old (12th presidential election here too, and I was 21 well before ’72), and very white (pale blue where I don’t see the sun). I had ancestors on the losing side at Gettysburg and when I started working on family history was dismayed to find that I trace to slave holders in every line; like everyone else except those who outright revel in it, I was raised on the myth that “we were poor people who didn’t own slaves.” My brother blogged for Obama in 2008, we have relatives whose heads are stuck in the 1850s; some of us are just lucky I guess.
I’ve been in a mail-only district for years, and actually marked my ballot early this year thinking it was too important to risk getting knocked down by a bus–but ended up making my usual trip to the fire sub-station and turning in my absentee ballot. I’ve never seen a line there, but I can say at mid-morning there were several people turning in ballots and all the voting booths were occupied.
I actually teared up coming out of there; it was just a wave of emotion, not connected to a coherent thought. Best I can figure is, I was suddenly aware of all the women in my life who didn’t live to have the opportunity to vote for a woman for President.
@The Moar You Know: it’s remarkable that people can bet on relatively even lines when more than half the game has been played (e.g. Florida)
Jay C
And, by many trustworthy accounts, was roundly booed by his fellow New Yorkers.
Sm*t Cl*de
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Assumes reflection not in evidence.
I am getting emotional reading all the stories here on the blog and seeing that line of people at SBA’s grave. I realized this morning as I was smiling at that little filled in oval by Hillary’s name that the very first time I voted…I had turned 18 either that day or the day before…was for Bill Clinton way back when.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories.
Guam guy
Guam results are in: HRC: 72%, DT: 24%, total of 34K votes. We’ve picked the winner since ’84. Too bad our vote doesn’t count