I’m not a journalist and I’m certainly not an expert on journalistic ethics, so there’s no way I’m going to understand why Buzzfeed is now history’s greatest monster in the eyes of media elites.
I’ll tell you what I do think though: publishing the dossier was public relations genius. I’m sure as hell going to be a regular Buzzfeed reader from now on. It’s not everyday that I get to joke about a president elect peeing on Russian prostitutes, or being peed on by Russian prostitutes, or just watching Russian prostitutes pee, or whatever it is that went down in Moscow. I hope there’s more where that came from.
Today was a good day.
They applied Clinton Rules to someone who wasn’t a Clinton.
A capitol offence.
Mustang Bobby
Jealousy, pure and simple. They got scooped.
Patricia Kayden
I recall Trump threatening to sue some of the women who came forward with sexual harassment allegations during the general election cycle. Why doesn’t he sue Buzzfeed for publishing a false story about him?
Villago Delenda Est
The twitterstorm that this set off set new records for number of outright, verifiable lies told by Donald per second.
@Villago Delenda Est: for the future, take the over…
Still can’t believe someone at the IRS hasn’t leaked his tax returns.
Don’t forget: “It would be irresponsible not to speculate…”
There will, of course, be the death threats directed at the Buzzfeed staff unfortunately. Good luck to them.
Yellow Journalism. Hehehehe.
Buzzfeed: putting the “yellow” back into yellow journalism.
BJ Lurker
Chuck Todd explained it to me. We viewers/readers cannot be trusted to evaluate whether news is real or fake. We should have to rely on the wisdom of people like Chuck Todd.
I am so irritated by this!
On the other hand, I am grateful for the evening I spent LMFAO at all the golden shower tweets. Oh the tears, they were flowing amidst the giggles.
Seamless segue on front page – moving from one pecker to another.
Like the drip, drip, drip of the piss hole
When the golden shower’s through
So a voice within me keeps repeating
You, you, you
Apologies to Cole Porter.
@PaulB: Remember we got a page in the NYT, surely someone can get ahold of more.
I’m sure David Brooks will explain all that is wrong with Buzzfeed at his next Aspen Ideas Festival speach. Can’t wait.
@guachi: Drat, you beat me. The jokes do write themselves, don’t they?
zhena gogolia
I can’t believe no one has quoted Yellow River by I. P. Freely. I thought that was hilarious when I was 10. It seems these things never get old.
Major Major Major Major
This is the best Doug! post title in ages.
I can’t wait till Trump’s State of the Urination speech!
@Patricia Kayden: Because losing that suit would be far worse than just blustering.
Miss Bianca
“Watch out where the Russkies go/Don’t you eat that yellow snow!”
@sloan: That is a federal crime & they keep logs of who accesses which returns.
While I would love someone to leak them, it’s not worth them going to prison.
No, the yellow is Trump’s pee.
Jeezo, prostitutes peeing or Twitler peeing is not important – who bloody cares? It’s his connections with the Russian mafiya/Putin/property magnates/arms dealers, etc. etc. – release your tax returns – tell us one, I mean, ONE truth, just ONE financial truth – ain’t gonna happen – and we’re all gonna focus on his pee stuff instead, while the Rethugs ignore everything Trump, and probably get ready for Pence to be American Taliban President, if and when Twitler is disgraced enough for the Rethugs to get rid of him.
When Obama and Fox News got into a tiff, the mainstream media circled the wagons around Fox News, in the name of journalistic solidarity and freedom of the press. (For all the gratitude it got them).
When Trump and Buzzfeed got into a tiff, the mainstream media, apparently, circled the wagons around… Trump. In the name of God knows what the fuck.
Yellow, indeed. Pants-wetting cowards and pathetic boot-lickers, all of them.
Buzzfeed exposed their months-long gentleman’s agreement of silence concerning the Trump Dossier.
The Vichy press all had it, but were content to pretend it didn’t exist.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: perfectly and succinctly explained.
@BJ Lurker: One could speculate that Russia hacked his computer, and turned over the material to Trump. That would only be speculation though.
Trump has private security and has admitted to setting up the intelligence community to see who leaked. Is this a problem? btw I’m just asking for a friend.
@zhena gogolia: Or “100 Yard Dash to the Bathroom” by Willie Makeit – illustrated by Betty Dont.
@Patricia Kayden:
Probably to avoid a deposition under oath as to the contents of that dossier.
Mad that BuzzFeed didn’t play nice polite stenographer after they had given them such a great example. The nerve!
@retiredeng: “Under the Bleachers” by Seymour Butz.
@Cacti: That’s the biggest crime of it all. The media knew this shit was sitting there and didn’t do anything because it was unverified. Meanwhile they blathered on all day long about speculation regarding Clinton’s emails.
Fuck them all, and fuck them for being a bunch of WATBs. Journalism is fucking worthless as a respectable profession nowadays.
Hunter Gathers
White people don’t care about the Russia shit. Putin’s white, so it’s all good. The pee thing, however, will drive them and the Tangerine Ballsack nuts.
@zhena gogolia: Then, of course, there was the great “Rusty Bedsprings” by the immortal I.P. Knightley. The fact is that Trump dyes his hair via golden streams.
And still, still, still, the average Joe will walk away from this shit thinking that the media is liberally biased. It’s fucking mind-blowing.
@PsiFighter37: Jack Shafer’s actually sided with Buzzfeed, but still finds time to whine about the report being “unverified.” Keep in mind this is after he spent the whole election cycle fucking the EMAILZ chicken and playing stenographer for the Clinton Rules, while still refusing to accept any responsibility for throwing the election.
@Chris: Average Joe doesn’t have a clue what liberally biased means.
@Lee: Yeah, the risk would be huge, but there’s always someone who thinks they can get away with it.
I’m convinced there’s something in those returns that would at least prove he’s a total fraud and not a billionaire. Or totally owned by Russia or worse.
At what point does this so-called “deep state” we keep reading about pull the trigger and install President Pence?
BJ Lurker
JPL: I can’t see Trump making up a story involving urine and himself to try to catch a leaker.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I believe the dossier. To me, the dossier is useful as a warning to Trump. Trump may like it when lies are spread about his enemies. It’s not nearly as much fun when the lies are about him – and especially when they are as embarrassing as this is. Will Trump learn from this? Doubtful.
john fremont
@retiredeng: With additional commentary by Kenny Holdette
Major Major Major Major
I see Alain is having fun with stylesheets again.
@BJ Lurker:
I can’t either, but who the fuck knows. Maybe he likes having an audience for his fetishes.
Lee Hartmann
please don’t eat the yellow snow.
down there where the huskies go.
Paul Wood, BBC Correspondent in Washington:
The BBC also has an article up called: “Trump press event a theatre of the absurd”
The man is a walking mass of neuroses, phobias, and fetishes. It would be surprising if creepy sex habits weren’t part of the mix.
Major Major Major Major
Looks like WSJ doxxed the ex-MI6 guy.
@sloan: The “deep state” might be looking to get two (or more) for the price of one. The Buzzfeed file certainly doesn’t give the impression that Pence and other top GOPers are completely unaware of the Russian contacts.
David Spikes
But of course last weeks breathless stories about HRC running for mayor, or if not that stabbing Gillibrand in the back in 2020-all based on an unsourced right wing blog-was all on the up and up, because, you know, those stories are so easy, they just write themselves.
And the bastards wonder why she’s disappeared-FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!
? Martin
I think Buzzfeed is raising an interesting point. Until this turned into a national security briefing of the president, it was just rumor, but the intelligence agencies then validated it as newsworthy, even if they couldn’t validate the contents of the story itself. That’s precisely what the IC did with the Clinton server business.
It raises a valid question as to who determines whether something is valid news or not – the media or the IC? Whatever high ground anyone was claiming to hold 6 months ago they long ceded. Buzzfeed recognized the new rules and followed them. Are those rules the right ones? I don’t think they claim that they are – but everyone should hold to the same standard.
What’s more, Trump and his campaign violated that and continues to violate that standard to this day, with no repercussions. If Trump wants to play dirty, particularly against the media, then I don’t see why the media shouldn’t adopt a suitable standard in return. In a normal world, Trump would learn his lesson, but he’s incapable of learning that lesson, so we’re going to have this shitshow for the next 4 years.
@Calouste: Btw, Adam L. Silverman, if you read this, would you be willing to comment on the article by Paul Wood Trump ‘compromising’ claims: How and why did we get here??
mai naem mobile
@sloan: I am willing to bet somebody on our side has that return and is hanging onto it. Heck, it may even be a GOP Never Trumper. There’s too many people who would have access to it for it not to be in somebody’s hands. He’s got too many loans, too many kids who have loans, the casinos,the lawsuits ,the foundation,the requests for J1 visas,the state tax rebates . It may not be the 2015 return but it will be a 2010-2014 return.
? Martin
@quakerinabasement: Well, we know he likes walking in on underage Miss Teen USA contestants and telling 10 year-olds that he’ll be dating them in 10 years. We crossed the generalized creepy sex threshold some time ago.
BJ Lurker
Chris, I absolutely cannot argue with that. Thanks for the laugh!
@Major Major Major Major:
Were they acting as a tool of Trump?
@BJ Lurker:
Interesting about-face by Chucklehead Todd. It used to be that they, the elite media, could not be bothered to distinguish facts from lies, so long as the lies, no matter how many times or how easily they’ve been debunked, were “messaging successfully” and refuting them for the benefit of his audience might be helpful to the Democratic administration. I guess something has changed since then. I wonder what it is.
@? Martin: Alternatively, the news media is full of self-important morons with abysmal judgment about everything and their greatest fear is Republicans yelling at them.
Buzzfeed is picking up where Gawker left off and Trump is a lying waste of protoplasm.
@Turgidson: Yup. “The important thing is, it’s out there.”
mai naem mobile
There’s something really pathologically fucked up in Lumpy wanting to urinate or have the hookers urinate on the bed that the Obamas slept on. There’s something literally rotten in his brain . I get the jokes about pissing on Nixons or Dubbyas grave but the bed? WTF?
“The arc of a Russian hooker’s piss is long, but it bends towards Donald Trump.”
Seriously, though, as this nightmare unspools before our ever-widening eyes, I took a few minutes to send an email to friends and activists. I’m pasting it below because I hope it cuts to the core of what we need to impress upon all our various elected officials.
I’m here all week. Try the veal.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: well, they are the WSJ.
Mike J
Have you seen Chuck Tingle’s latest opus?
Should we revive the Balloon-juice book club?
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
I would argue two points:
1) The distinction is less clear than you make it out to be. In many ways, the IC is just the government’s internal news agency. They do all of the things ordinary news agencies do, including some things that are illegal when the news people do them. Of course the IC has a different focus- and a much bigger budget- than the news media, but that shouldn’t obscure their many fundamental similarities.
2) It isn’t an either/or question. The media certainly still has the right to decided for themselves when something is news, even if they sometimes take a cue from the IC.
Years ago, conservative pundits warned that Bill Clinton was coarsening American culture and demeaning the presidency by getting oral sex in the Oval Office. Children were horrifying parents by asking, “what’s a blow job?”
Today, golden shower has gone viral. A veritable yellow rainstorm on the Twitter.
Yes, wee can.
ETA: from Stephen Colbert
This is all just liberal media spin. Those Russian women had both just been stung by jellyfish.
BJ Lurker
Turgidson: Chuck was on the receiving end of a LOT of criticism concerning the role of the MSM (and him) in getting Trump elected. The hyping of everything negative about HRC, false equivalence, etc.
He’s been peevish ever since. I think he feels threatened by non-MSM news sources. Makes him even more useless.
I don’t know who posted the link to this last week, but it’s still open in a tab in my browser. I watch it whenever I come across it, and it calms me.
Whoever you are, thank you!
mai naem mobile
I wonder if Peter Thiel is going to pull a Gawker Hogan on Buzzfeed. Another disgusting Turd.
@Brachiator: We’re number one!
Jellyfish. Heh.
I had, until today, consumed exactly zero politics media, blogging, or anything else since Election Day. Truly. None. I’ve limited myself to scrolling Guardian headlines. This was my favorite website for years, and I idolize Betty Cracker. But I just don’t care anymore – it’s all broken and hopeless and regardless what policies we see in the next 4-8 years the corrosive damage to the republic will far outlive me.
Then, in the car this morning, I heard the song Doug J referenced, plus the Zappa don’t eat the yellow snow song within half an hour of one another, and I was like “WTF is going on?”
This event is so funny I’m rethinking my self-imposed exile, and we’re still 9 days from the inauguration!
The Dangerman
Weird Al should make it a single on the next album:
Pissing at the Ritz
Super Duper!
mike in dc
@? Martin:
Yeah, once CNN said there was a 2 page memo added to the briefing docs, it became fair game for Buzzfeed to publish this. It became newsworthy, and at least credible enough that the IC had assigned some validity to some of it.
@Cacti: it’s not that they had it and pretended it didn’t exist. It’s that they did it while simutaneously leaking, publishing, speculating on all the bullshit, trumped up crap on Clinton.
The fucking lot of them should lose their jobs.
@Patricia Kayden:
Or have the National Enquirer pay off the accuser.
@MCA1: Come back to us. We will come back stronger than ever. But do think about your info sources. It’s easy to choose wrong and get depressed.
David Spikes
@Turgidson: and of course Kellyanne is sacred-because”she’s good people” and therefore is allowed to lie 24/7 with never a pushback but oh so many callbacks.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Which kind of choice is here?
@Major Major Major Major: There’s Balloon Juice. Then there’s Balloon Juice on Facebook. Then….um….
It’s a good idea to start small…
Davey C
@Major Major Major Major:
Yes it is.
Don’t forget: Piles Behind the Door by Hu Flung Dung
zhena gogolia
That’s really good. Unfortunately my reps are all Dems.
@notoriousJRT: There’s more like that but the titles are racist.
Bobby D
David Bowie was onto something:
“Run for the shadows, run for the shadows
Run for the shadows in these golden years”
@zhena gogolia: I hear you. Are your senators? Even if not, they should still hear that you have their backs. And the focus on removing him by any means avoids getting bogged down in the myriad issues every day brings. We need a select committee and a special prosecutor. Everything else is secondary. He’s at 37% right now; let’s get him to 27.
@mike in dc: CNN is just pissed they didn’t think to publish the whole goddamn thing.
Either way, it should be clear that Trump is compromised. I guarantee a sex tape of him drops within the next 4 years if he somehow manages not to piss off congressional Republicans enough to get himself impeached.
zhena gogolia
My rep and two Senators are all Dems and really good (DeLauro, Blumenthal, Murphy). Blumenthal and Murphy’s interns are getting to recognize my voice. But I’ll keep calling!
randy khan
@mai naem mobile:
Yeah, the best bet always has been someone who has the returns and doesn’t work for the IRS, and there should be a fair number of people in that category. That’s what happened with the state returns that the NY Times got during the campaign.
randy khan
@Greenergood: This is why Democrats don’t win elections – they’re not willing to have fun when they could be complaining that other Democrats Aren’t Doing It Right.
Ads are getting interesting….I’ve got a “Stream Data Center” ad on my phone for this post…
@BJ Lurker: I also saw that bit with Ben Smith, Buzzfeed’s editor. Todd was ridiculous.
randy khan
Whatever it takes. (And see post 89.)
Re: The Yam’s tax returns:
Can I access them? Yes.
Will I? No.
TIGTA would have every right to come after me and there is no legal defence I can put up that would save me from jail time and restitution. So not happening with me.
Scamp Dog
@retiredeng: I hadn’t known about the illustrator! The things I learn on the blog…
Because the media elites are white supremacists who don’t want their knight in shining armor harmed?
See also;
Roger Moore
@mai naem mobile:
I think that would be a lot harder to pull off for Buzzfeed than for Gawker. Gawker had very low journalistic standards, which made it possible to find a case that could reasonably count as defamation. Buzzfeed seems to have pretty solid journalistic standards; people just make fun of them because they fund their journalism with cat videos instead of classified ads.
Does this all scream “Revenge of low energy Jeb” to anyone else?
According to lore, the dossier was originally oppo-research created for Republicans. (Is that true?)
If true, which candidate:
1) is still old school and worried about the Russians
2) had a boatload of money
3) enough money to fund oppo-research specifically about Trumps ties to Russia
4) and had the connections to find a reputable ex spook with good Russia connections.
A guy can fantasize, right?
@? Martin: I honestly don’t think that the country can handle 4 years of days like today and others since November 8. Something will explode and I pray it’s not we the people (the sane ones) or our country or the world for that matter.
Roger Moore
Damn it, Yutsy! We were counting on you to save civilization!
@Timurid: White supremacists or 1% who want their tax-cuts or both.
so the media scums let the thuggish pos get away with it all yet again?
@Mustang Bobby: It’s not jealousy about being scooped, it’s worse. That thing’s been floating around DC for months. The ones bitching about BuzzFeed were (with a few honorable exceptions like David Corn, who refused to write about it without confirmation) mad their bosses told them they couldn’t touch it. They’re wailing to cover up how they know they are professional eunuchs. To use a prime example, Chuck Todd. He knows damn well his Comcast bosses love Trump, because good-bye net neutrality and they get tax cuts. If he crosses the line, he’ll be looking for a job at the AP bureau in Baton Rouge.
@zhena gogolia:
Call or fax them and tell them you support them standing up to Trump. They get calls from annoying teabaggers 24/7, so they will be happy to hear from you.
Roger Moore
Yeah, it’s the green supremacists who are behind most of it; the white supremacists are mostly their tools.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@amk: I’m afraid that with damned few exceptions, the media has gone Vichy. I think the only thing that would change their collaboration is the threat of meeting a collaborator’s fate.
@JMG: CNN got slammed by Trump and they didn’t source the dossier. Breitbart
asked Trump how he is going to control fake news. We are f..ked and personally, I’m not sure how we solve this.
@Roger Moore:
I’m not sure how divisible the two are, since the green supremacists are convinced that they should get to keep their money because they’re naturally superior for being born rich.
Someone should tell the Shitgibbon that many people are saying that he likes underage prostitutes peeing on him, not them, but people are saying, so it would be irresponsible not to tell people what other people are saying. After all this was his standard line throughout the campaign every time he wanted to spread obvious lies.
Jesus…this is a family blog…how could you even say such things? Next you’ll be telling us Hillary planned to…to…fine-tune Obamacare or something. Ugh!
Original Lee
My neighbor has an 8-year-old daughter. My neighbor was reading the #GoldenShower jokefest last night and clearly having a good time when the daughter came by to say good-night. After she asked what was so funny and why was it called Golden Shower, he had the presence of mind for this:
Neighbor: Do you remember how Trump likes to have everything look like gold?
Daughter: Yes. It’s really tacky.
Neighbor: Well, so this is about his golden shower.
Daughter: Wouldn’t it be better for him to just put glitter in his hair or something?
Neighbor: Like wearing a suit made out of gold lame’?
Daughter: No, he’s too big. But hair glitter would work. I bet it would make his hair look really nice.
Neighbor: Maybe.
It’s going to be a fun four years if it lasts that long.
Mary G
Of course:
@PVDMichael: The Guardian says that the dossier was started at the request of “one of his Republican opponents in the primary campaign” and then the funding was taken over by “a new, Democratic client.”
Bush seems possible, although he was out of the race pretty early. Kasich is another possibility.
I wonder how the election would have changed if any of those Republican candidates had used this info to go after Trump early on. If Cruz had it, say, and teamed up with Rubio, promising Rubio the VP slot if he took one for the team and kneecapped Trump. Since the comfortable voted their spite & prejudices in November, a Cruz/Rubio ticket might have had a better chance than the polls indicated, especially since Cruz was Bagdad Barbie’s original employer.
The idea that they came this close and let Cheeto Benito have the nomination pretty much uncontested must be killing the rest of that clown posse.
West of the Cascades
@Original Lee: Your neighbor is a good person.
Joyce H
Frankly, I’m expecting the trigger to be pulled by Putin. Trump served his purpose; Hillary will not be president. But it should now be obvious to everyone, even Putin, that Trump is just too unstable and erratic to be a useful tool, especially considering the access to nuclear launch codes.
I just realized that this business puts that obsession Trump had with Hillary’s bathroom break in the first debate (and the nixing of bathroom breaks in the second debate) into a new light.
Original Lee
@West of the Cascades: He told me he’s getting very tired of having to cover up all of these things that are available for little pitchers to hear, though. Four years of this, because she’ll only be 12 in 2020.
zhena gogolia
Oh, God, you are so right.
Exactly. I’m guessing that there is one and it’s at work, but we will see.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Audio book by Andy Didn’t….
Hold on, isn’t buzzfeed right wing?
@? Martin: Yeah, you right.
Crossed my mind this AM. Haven’t said a word to anyone for fear that I was a weirdo and over thinking this stuff. Surreal.
Alain – was it your system or some other quirk that lost my stashed info?
Captain C
@Patricia Kayden: Discovery.
Keith P.
Oof, that Anderson Cooper-Kellyanne Conway was brutal. I cannot fathom how she is going to manage being able to pivot off questions for 4 solid years.
@Joyce H:
Yes that is one outcome. Putin also needs to be very careful. He shouldn’t just assume that his little playtime with the US may have a steep price after all. He just may wake up dead some day no matter about his good friend Trump
Mary G
@MCA1: I put up the John Scalzi article from New Year’s Day before, but read this paragraph:
Checking out plays into the Republicans’ hands, so I’m glad Frank Zappa got you back.
We have to get to the bottom of this: is it to be Urinator-in-Chief, or Urinated? Urivoyeur?
@Joyce H: I think Putin is smart enough to realize that whatever kompromat they have on Trump is going to have a limited shelf life if Trump is going to bring the media under his control along the lines of what Putin himself has done in Russia.
You can’t really run a disinformation campaign in a country that doesn’t have a free press.
Yoda Dog Democrat
@NeenerNeener: Well, I guess it might have been different maybe, but trading shitface for Cruz doesn’t really get us where we need to go by any stretch, now does it?
I will admit I thought twitler preferable to cruz in the primaries and I believe I was wrong there.. But again, sophie’s choice…
Somebody had a quote from Hillary in one of the debates where she talked about “trickle-down” in relation to him. I think she knew, or had heard rumors.
Mike J
@Keith P.:
Everyone knows she’s a liar. 45% of Americans don’t care or think it’s a good thing to lie to the media, 55% don’t have representation and there’s not really anything they can do about it.
@sloan: Somebody already did leak his tax returns, during the election, it probably was his ex-wife. That’s how we know he got a $1billion write off in the 1990s and probably hasn’t paid a dime of taxes since.
@Cacti: BBC says they couldn’t verify the video, but did verify parts of the report..so they sat on the whole thing and did nothing with it.
and now we know why. This report is way more valuable with Trump as President for the media. It was supposed to get leaked out in tantalizing bits and chunks as they verified the facts over the next few years. Buzzfeed had no chance of doing that journalism part and just dumped the whole report. Cost the big media players millions in ad revenue.
The IC has a few precious days left to dig up the illegal campaign contributions and Kompromat material before their new Secretaries and appointees shut it all down.
@Original Lee: @West of the Cascades:
I’m not sure I could do that, if my 10 year old asked, I’d be tempted to say that the PEOTUS has a pee fetish, and he likes people to pee on him because he is a disgusting pile of crap.
@BJ Lurker: Which he is…
@zhena gogolia:
If more of us had this “problem”, the post probably wouldn’t have been necessary. Being from the great state of NC, my junior senator is FunkyHands McDumbass (who declared that requiring restaurants to post signs in their restrooms that employees have to wash their hands is blatant gov’t overreach). The senior is chairman of the Intel committee. He isn’t the worst of the lot (low bar, I know), but he may actually be just responsible enough to not want to see the IC totally dismembered during a tweetstorm firing frenzy.
@Mike J: This is why we’re totally screwed. Many of our countrymen are really, really bad people, who will excuse themselves as long as they win and don’t have to have President Black Guy or Lady.
Maybe they can ask Corey Lewdon…oh wait…he quit…didn’t he…
@jaketapper Jake Tapper Retweeted Sean Spicer
Nope. Nope. Nope. And absolutely not.
Mary G
@Roger Moore: Buzzfeed has been one of my go-to sites for a while. You can tell they have been effective in doing news amongst the silly quizzes and pet videos because the Atlantic and CNN have hired people away. They have a lot of good international reporters, too. This new story is interesting:
Michael Cohen is probably going to stroke out while screaming at Ben Smith on the phone.
We have plenty of representation. Ourselves. Yell loud. The media lives in terror of criticism. It would be a good thing if someone found and printed out the office direct line number of the heads of all TV news operations and those of the CEOs of the Big Six media conglomerates. This is war. Fuck ’em if they can’t take it.
Someone needs to ask Trump just how much fake news he used against Clinton during the campaign, wait for an answer, and then call him a fucking hypocrite.
Thank god I’m not alone.
@hovercraft: I told Spawn the Elder last night what happened after she was asking why there were suddenly pee memes all over the net. My mom chimes in with, “That’s called a golden shower”. (Thanks, Mom.) Spawn responds, “Oh, I know what a golden shower is.”
@Joyce H:
Not till after Putin has Ukraine and more influence in the Middle East. Trump will give him that
Oh…shit…KKKLannity went dead intern on Joey Scar…bwhahah
It can seem awfully dark and hopeless in these times, but Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough’s intense mutual hatred is funny and nourishing.
@Mary G:
Aren’t Ivanka’s bare arms an offense in Dubai?
So between pissgate and today’s presser, I’m expecting a lot more Jeff Gannons to show up in the WH press corps.
West of the Cascades
@Original Lee: @hovercraft: sadly, at some point she’ll have access to the internet, which will answer the questions. I don’t envy a parent trying to manage the decision of when to let a child get unfiltered access to what is Out There.
Mike J
@lamh36: Hannity v Joey Scar is definite cheer for injuries territory.
Surfing channels. Comedy Central promo:
@dww44: You do know that my state legislature is working mightily to muster the gumption to vote to convene a constitutional convention, do you not? We’re a pack of fools out here in the hinterlands. Although, Bama did lose, but only to Clemson…
‘fake news’ meme is the new ‘liberal bias’ for the brain dead to reject info they don’t like.
@Elizabelle: goddamnit they plagiarized my comment from last night! i forget who I stole it from…
@debbie: Breitbart is the only news source you can believe. BTW.. After listening to the news conference, I want to spend the next four years in a fetal position under blankets. I’m really scared.
Well at least she already knew, I had the pleasure of explaining to my 74 year old African mother what they were talking about. She’s decided that the end is nigh, because people do this crazy shit. On the one hand I wanted to tell her that people have always done crazy shit in private, it’s just that nowadays people are more open about it and they discuss it, but I didn’t because I felt that that would be normalizing the shitgibbon’s behavior. Thanks shitgibbon.
Mary G
O/T: I haven’t been in a movie theater in years, but I might have to go to see “Hidden Figures” and this one, which should be a three-hankie weeper:
James Powell
I think it’s Josh Marshall who says that the Village is “wired for Republicans” and that includes the press/media elites both in and outside of the Beltway and, even more so, the owners & editors. The invariably rally ’round to protect Republicans. These are, after all, the people who were comparing George W Bush to Winston Fucking Churchill. Anyone who forgot or wasn’t there probably thinks I made that up, but no.
Added to that is this: I’m certain that the vast majority of the Villagers do not like Trump or most of the outrageous things he says. But it doesn’t affect them. They are not threatened by the evil he is bringing to the government. Moreover, while they do not like Trump, they absolutely hate Hillary Clinton. I’m talking serious, pathological, keep them awake at night talking about it on the phone hatred. No matter how bad Trump turns out, they will all still be happy that they didn’t get president Hillary Clinton. That was their nightmare for 16 years.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: well, unless we all die.
Me too. My productivity plummeted at work. Between the applause and the germaphobe confession and the “I could do both Trump Co. And President and do a good job, but I won’t; in fact, I’m the only one who could do a good job at both,” I realized just how low this country’s standing is going to plummet.
Keith P.
For some reason (probably watching too much TV my whole life), every time I read a headline about Trump and the pissing hookers, I keep hearing David Cross’ old Mr. Show skit about a performance artist who tried to piss/shit on the US flag (spoiler: he couldn’t go). Anyway, he’s trying to pee on the flag, yelling “Here it comes…the GOLLLL-DEN piss!” I keep imagining Trump having this gleeful look on his face while clapping like a kid when he finally sees the stream.
@Major Major Major Major: No point in worrying about that.
I came across a fake news story tonight that Kellyann was not long for the job. Which means she’s in it for the duration. Can she spin that much for that long?
Major Major Major Major
@raven: didn’t say I was. Won’t matter if I die before finishing my book if there’s nobody left to read it, after all.
@Major Major Major Major: FIDO Dawg!
I think the next four years will feel more like a thousand years.
One of my cousins in Zimbabwe was comiserating with me, he said that America can now get to experience what Zimbabwe has had to contend with for the last 37 years. Robert Mugabe has been rapping and pillaging for 37 years and they keep telling themselves that he can’t live forever, they’ve watched other dictators come and go, be overthrown, run away, drop dead, even Castro finally stepped down and then dropped dead, but Mugabe just keeps chugging along. I cursed him out, and said that would never happen here, he laughed and said I told him that the shitgibbon could never get elected in the first place. I hung up on him. It can’t happen here, right? I mean after the last 24 hours and the MSM trying to beat back all the allegations against him, I am becoming afraid that they will let him do anything he want’s to us. Please make it stop.
Anne Laurie
Nah, it’s targeted very much at young, hip people. Much of the site remains kitten videos (but with snarky captions!) / makeup reviews / joke popcult quizzes. But they’ve also become a source for actual political reporting, of the sort that’s important to young, hip people… and that does not skew conservative. Civil rights, feminism, LBGTQ issues, climate change, etc.
Major Major Major Major
@Anne Laurie: they’ve been advertising at me around the internet for their Meower Rangers series which I take it is power rangers but cats.
Anne Laurie
@West of the Cascades:
Are you old enough to remember when every Very Serious Pundit was having a shriekiing What Shall We Tell the Children?!? meltdown that naughty Bill Clinton had forced the poor hapless GOP to impeach him & put the word “blowjob” on the public airwaves?
Or the template for that disgraceful shiteshow, under St. Ronnie, when Ed Meese was compelled to assemble reams & reams of filthy pr0n and have it entered into the Congressional record? Because “we” needed to protect “the children”?…
The Lodger
@mai naem mobile: I wonder if the Obamas are taking their bed with them when they move out of the White House.
Follow the pee:
“Then we come to Trump, whose portfolios of scams seems as infinite as the stars. Remarkably, Trump has also been involved in urine solicitation — his multilevel marketing scheme The Trump Network asked members to send in a urine sample so they could receive vitamins perfectly tailored to their metabolism. Perhaps it was hearing about the urine angle that ultimately sold Mercer on Trump’s trustworthiness and acumen.”
The Lodger
@Mike J: Apparently, it didn’t take Chuck long to pound that one out.
J R in WV
@Anne Laurie:
You mean to say that Ed Meese entered massive amounts of Pr0n into the congressional record?
How did I miss that~?!?!
Must be slow witted those days.
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV: The Meese Report.
@HinTN: No, I didn’t know and might I ask the purpose of the constitutional convention? I would hope that it’s to do something with the EC?