I’m moving today, but I have several correspondents on the ground in Washington:
I’ll have a round up at the end of the day and try to keep up with all their pictures. This is amazing. I’ve never wanted to be a woman more in my life just so I could be a part of this and feel the sisterhood.
Great to see, unlike what I just witnessed.
My wife was watching MSNBC for coverage of the march. They switched to the National Prayer Service and I walked by as they were singing the national anthem. I don’t know what Trump was doing. He was at least mouthing the words, but he kept looking around and beating his chest. Seemed totally bored.
Kinda funny that these crowds will far exceed that President “will always leave blank” at his inauguration. Even funnier that he twitted a picture of previous President Obama’s crowds at his inauguration!
Ian G.
I’m stealing #nyetmypresident
Ian G.
Also, that Prince song has always been my favorite of his.
Mike J
@Cermet: Twitter says police are blocking entrance to Clarendon metro because “it’s full.”
Which is either inspiring or suspicious,
Iowa Old Lady
Judging by posts and pics I’ve seen from friends, this march and its sister marches are going to be huge. (Don’t need a Y in there. Only men with tiny fingers need to add that Y to suggest how manly they are)
Corner Stone
Reminds me of the Dilbert cartoon where they are at a sexual harassment workshop (I think?) and the instructor tells the men to imagine themselves as women for a minute. Chaos ensues in short order.
Erin in Flagstaff
@Mike J: A friend who is in DC for the march posted a picture on FB of a full metro train. They can’t get on because all of the trains entering the station are full.
I am so fucking pissed that NONE of the networks nor MSNBC nor CNN is showing the Women’s March! Really, Trump looking bored at a prayer service is news? So much for the MSM changing. ?
Betty Cracker
I’m in DC, and the March seems bigger than anyone expected. I think Combover Caligula’s ultimate ego gratification event yesterday will look small in comparison. BTW, it’s cold. Now I remember why I live in FL…
Corner Stone
I know, and I am fucking furious. About the only thing I can even stand about MSNBC any more is they have AMJoy on the weekends.
I will say, however, that even though his tie is ridiculously wide for his fat body style, someone managed to tie it at approximately the right length for today. It appeared to only be about an inch or so past the belt line, which is a major accomplishment for this piece of shit, butthole mouth motherfucker.
dr. bloor
@japa21: Of course he’s bored. It’s not about him.
Corner Stone
The man quite literally can not sit still for 30 seconds. He is going out of his mind having to sit there.
well, donnie dick’s coronation lasted about a day. bbc, aj et. al. are now focusing on these marches. of course, teann is still kissing gop ass.
Mike J
@Erin in Flagstaff: Judiciary square
Villago Delenda Est
@Corner Stone: Well, he IS a two year old trapped in a 70 year old body after all.
dr. bloor
@Mike J: It’s the Metro. The judges would have accepted “predictable.”
dr. bloor
@Corner Stone: That was one of my favorite Dilbert cartoons until Adams started shooting his regressive mouth off, and it became clear that he wasn’t being ironic when he wrote it.
Cheryl from Maryland
Wapo is showing the rally as a live stream.
@J.: Change it to CSPAN if you want to watch.
Have a friend who works for museums on Mall. They had to delay opening some of them because some building staff were delayed making it to work due to the crowds. the best crowd control was planned for yesterday, unfortunately. More than one metro had to temporarily close entrances due to overloading of platforms. People might complain but this is a serious safety hazard.
Be cool everyone, and patient.
Does he work on that Mussolini puss in front of the mirror?
Livestream to Women’s March
More livestreams as I find them.
Corner Stone
@dr. bloor: That’s funny because at the time I also thought it was hilarious. The men were finally free! People were nice to them, smiled for no reason and held doors open!
A few facebook friends are taking the weekend off from Facebook because of “all the negativity”. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the anti-trumpness.
And this awesome Women’s March poster.
Is Anne Laurie’s email [email protected]? If not can someone tell me what it is? Trying to send her my march pics and I can’t do it at the “contact a front pager” link.
Also – BJ is mega borked for me right now on both my tablet and phone. Anyone else having problems?
No, it’s natural. Wonder who would be the first to spit on his hanging body?
dr. bloor
@Ruckus: Melanoma, I would guess.
@dr. bloor:
Hadn’t thought of that one, but you are probably right.
Also was wondering if anyone would figure out the meaning of my comment. That didn’t take long.
Comrade Scrutinizer
This is SOP. Remember the widespread media coverage of antiwar marches before the Iraq War II? Hundreds of thousands in attendance? Me neither.
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
Remember how it was Obama’s job to bring the country together and he had to do it alone and they didn’t want to hear any excuses about GOP obstruction?
We’ll see if they apply the same standard to Trump. As of today, and any “divide” in this country is attributable to Donald Trump’s lack of leadership. Them’s the rules.
Chip Daniels
We live in downtown LA, and the march is 2 blocks from our house. It is already huge, and looks to be massive.
My wife was reading about it on Facebook, and remarked- “Wow, this seems really well planned and organized!”
I replied, “Of course, its put on by women.”
Its a bit of an inside joke, since in our household I’m the big picture guy, and she is the planner and organizer.
zhena gogolia
@Ian G.:
#nyet my president is catchy, but grammatically incorrect! It should be #ne my president. But no one would understand that. Of course, it’s ungrammatical in English too — #no my president?
@rdldot: Thank you!
zhena gogolia
Every other person I know has gone to a march either in DC, Boston, NYC, or Hartford. Not the usual, at all. Basically every woman I know who’s under 60 has gone to one march or other.
@Betty Cracker: Post pics!
If Donald Trump was a better leader he could bring the country together. He gets an F for leadership so far, using the Obama-era grading scale.
He should actually invite these women in and serve them beer. I believe the last President was expected to hold “summits” with every single (white male) person who disagreed with him.
I await my invitation.
dr. bloor
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Dean Baquet’s headline tomorrow will be “Women’s Coffee Klatches Meet Around Country to Compare Knit Hats.”
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Kay: Rhetorical questions right?
You know, we need a new version of IOKIYAR. IOKIYT?
@Ian G.:@zhena gogolia: I like how Pierce is calling him President*.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Unfortunately, “НЕТ” is also typographically not catchy, as people wouldn’t even guess it’s in Cyrillic.
Big League! Or Bigly!
@dr. bloor:
“Status quo women resist bold reformer” That’s the NYTimes line on Trump now. Any opposition is pushback from The Establishment. Donald Trump speaks truth to power.
zhena gogolia
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
Did you notice that Paul Krugman casually referred to “the Trump-Putin administration” in his column yesterday?
Comrade Scrutinizer
Wonder when Trump/Manafort will start using the Putin/Manafort Ukraine playbook here?
Should have known that 2 links would go to moderation. Here is the National Mall cam. Good crowd.
Gin & Tonic
@Comrade Scrutinizer: In the long run that didn’t work out very well for their guy.
And the CBC. Michael Moore speaking now.
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
@Kay: Fuck the Fucking New York Times.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Kay: Yep. Baquet/NYT is firmly in Trump’s corner.
Corner Stone
@Kay: “President Trump Brings Country Together Through United Prayer”.
This from our national security advisors son:
Michael Flynn Jr??
What victory? Women already have equal rights, and YES equal pay in this country. What MORE do you want? Free mani/pedis? #WomensMarch twitter.com/cbsnews/status…
8:23 AM – 21 Jan 2017
Comrade Scrutinizer
The DOJ has just issued an opinion that Trump having Trump’s son-in-law as an advisor is not nepotism under 5 USC 3110.
Who knew that would happen?
Mike in NC
Our neighbors who threw a big (8 cars!) Trump party yesterday took down the TRUMP-PENCE yard sign but in its place they’re now flying the yellow rattlesnake flag of the white supremacist Tea Party movement. Told that to my wife and she said, “How embarrassing. Maybe they’ll finally move to Florida soon”. Needless to say we don’t interact with them much.
Holy Crap, Ashley Judd is going there–calling him Hitler and calling him out for perving over his own daughter. Yeouch.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Comrade Scrutinizer: ::raises hand::
Ian G.
What happened to that black block guy who punched Richard Spencer in the side of the head? We need him back to because Flynn’s spawn needs a punch to the temple as well.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Ian G.: Not sure that the black bloc peeps are really gonna help us much. Non-violent tactics right now will make it more difficult to justify a crackdown. The crackdown will come, of course, and then we’ll see.
@Kay: I am stealing your comment about the beer comment with Shitgibbon.
Villago Delenda Est
@zhena gogolia: Well, yes, it’s grammatically incorrect. So is “Winston tastes good like a cigarette should”, but it’s a slogan…and slogans are often at war with grammar, because…MADison Avenue!
Warming up at a coffee shop after a really nice march. We had a lot of people, singing, great signage, and of course pu_syhats. Saw some adorable little girls with homemade signs.
Villago Delenda Est
@Comrade Scrutinizer: The Ministry has fallen…
Villago Delenda Est
@Gin & Tonic: Try “KEK”. That will at least register with the World of Warcraft crowd.
Villago Delenda Est
@Kay: Collaborators need to be dealt with when this is all over. To include the scum of the NYT.
I’m surprised he didn’t sign an executive order to shut done all the cams…
@Chip Daniels:
I live in Pasadena and have been at the metro station for almost 1 1/2 trying to get to the march. I just gave up because it will be over before I could get there. Every train was packed before it got to us and there are 6 stations between mine and Union Station. The line for people to purchase passes was matched only by the number of people on the platforms waiting for a train. We live in the workers paradise of CA but still I never expected this level of participation.
Corner Stone
@Villago Delenda Est:
That is deep, man. You’ve given me something to think about here today.
@zhena gogolia:
There were plenty of people over 60 waiting with me for a train. Also lots of kids and people way under 60, hats of a certain nature, great attitudes…….
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Happy birthday!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Manyakitty: Thank you! Wish BillinGlenadaleCA one also too, please.
My daughter off to a march in North Texas (Denton). She was going to have me go with her but I pointed out that it’s a Woman’s March & I’m a dude (I’d go, but thought it would be better for her if she went with other females) so she went with some friends.
dance around in your bones
My sister is marching in Albuquerque (our hometown!) and I’m in her pocket (figuratively) to send bigly bad vibes in the specific direction of The Cheez Whiz Thang (may it never squirt in peace).
I’m literally lame with a bum hip, lying in bed listening to the rain and strong winds buffeting El Paso, with my sister’s 4 dogs keeping me company ( a golden cocker spaniel, a rottie/pit?/sweetie and two hyper chihuahuas inherited from my mom when she died).
(Shoot – a trash can just went flying in protest solidarity – crash boom bow!)