Here’s another massive batch of photos you all sent in. Most are below the fold. Thanks to everyone who sent these in. If I’m not sure what nym you use, I’m not posting your name for security purposes, but feel free to claim the pics in the comments.
From Dexwood, pictures from the Albuquerque march:
Some pics from the Buffalo march:
AMinNC sends us 3 from DC:
Commenter Boudica sends this gem from DC:
Des Moines, Iowa:
From outside the US Consulate in Edinburgh:
Two pics from Hamburg, Germany. The first is from in front of the US Consulate there:
From LAO in NY:
Four from Lubbock, TX:
Montpelier, VT:
Two more from DC:
Two from commenter Mothra in Nashville:
And three more from Nashville. The middle one is taken with US Representative Jim Cooper.
Oaxaca, Mexico:
Philadelphia, PA:
DjinnGennie sends along 3 from Portland, Oregon:
3 from Abo Gato in San Antonio:
And one last one from the Washington Monument in DC:
Rare video clip from inside the Oval Office of the new administration.
Nice pics.
Speaking of, I don’t think Trump attended the speech he gave at the CIA yesterday. His tweet about it:
Especially the “Be Nice”! That’s my favorite.
I wrote this on facebook this morning. I could give the link since I made permissions on it public, but if you don’t want to give facebook any money:
@debbie: I’m not sure I can follow that one. But it is sweet.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Reminder at a retirement community
@Baud: kids do say the darndest things.
Yesterday gave me a reason for watching the MSM. Joy Reid was great but they paired her in the afternoon with prettyboy dumbbell Thomas Roberts. TR asked at one point, are these people being premature? Shouldn’t they wait until Trumputin has actually done something? Luckily, the woman he was interviewing had a response that was rooted in reality, unlike his question.
I later heard a reporter on ABC national news say that the repubs were busy preparing their “remove and replace” program against the ACA. Can’t remember his name, but he was doing the repubs’ propaganda work for them. I wanted to start screaming, there is no replace program, you idiot. Only a remove program. This is how they propagandize in a fascist state.
A Ghost to Most
Fuck nice. That’s what the fascists count on. In their face, with a medieval mace.
Men of quality sign is fantastic.
I am stretched out on the couch while the rest of the household is asleep. My 17 pound kitty Spice is stretched out on top of me, purring loudly while I stroke her whiskers and cheeks.
Life is good.
Fast forward to the future: “Why are you protesting? What’s done is done.”
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
That made me tear up,
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The orange manbaby is still trying to gaslight the country with his crowd numbers. The resistance couldn’t be easier – keep him focused on his lack of popularity to distract him from doing anything about the stupid shit he promised his moron army, and even his base will tire of him. It’s only day 2, and his lunacy is showing.
@A Ghost to Most: I’m no Madonna fan but when she said exactly what I would like to say on national cable to “our detractors”, she won my heart (but not my ears) forever.
It’s very good. I object to this idea that everything anyone does have to have immediate, concrete “results”.
Solidarity is huge, and it’s enough of a reason all by itself. Joy is important. Not being afraid is important. Not everything can be immediately reduced to a ten point list.
On the tactical side, calling this a “women’s march” was brilliant and that wasn’t carefully constructed in a committee. I bet part of the reason the Trump Administration are going bonkers is a bunch of women publicly opposed him. They went nuts and over-reacted to their first real challenge. They’re weak and petty and ill-prepared for this job. You did that.
From Jezebel: Ovaries before brovaries.
Get ready because the lying about the crowd size is just the start. That’s the United States lying to you, no longer just Donald Trump. We’ve now crossed the threshold from “Donald Trump lies constantly” to “state-issued propaganda”.
Watch what happens when they get a bad jobs report, or repeal the health care law and lie about how many lost coverage, or lie about the effect of the tax cuts. They could discredit and corrupt every stat the federal government collects and the federal government collects A LOT of stats. People rely on that information. That won’t be possible anymore.
Corner Stone
“Sweet Fancy Moses!”
That is a classic fucking category tag.
Will the Trump Administration continue to lie about the crime statistics in the United States? Those are real numbers. That data is collected and relied upon by states and cities. The President inventing them is state-issued propaganda. That’s the definition of propaganda. Donald Trump has the power to completely discredit the federal government. Will anyone stop him?
Corner Stone
Joy Reid is great but I have to disagree with you on your view of TR. I find him to be pretty quick witted when he chooses. I think sometimes it’s his job to ask those setup questions so the guest can nail their talking point or agenda. TR is also very active as an advocate in the LGBTQ community, from what I understand. Not that that means a darn thing about his competency at his job, but still.
Current favorite sign held by a little girl.
@MomSense: Awesome.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
The guy couldn’t even manage an original, real cake for his inauguration. Even the plagiarized version was deliberately made to be inedible!
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@MomSense: Love that. Stolen.
Dallas Stars jumbotron last night.
I sent photos from Columbia, MO–the heart of flyover country and a predictably red state–where 800 were expected for a march. Over 2,000 came, every age and color. In a town of 100,000 (a third of which are college students), that is meaningful. We took both sides of the street and it took us 2 hours to complete the march, with lots of supporters honking, waving, taking pictures, raising fists in solidarity. It was a good day.
Another one carried by a Portland knitwear designer in DC was really good.
And in fine print below
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Saw that yesterday. So great.
A couple of years back, they changed the Budget Office to mandate “dynamic scoring”, which is the only way to make their horseshit look even vaguely credible. This is the party of Trump and it ain’t getting better with Donnie Putinobitch in charge.
A Ghost to Most
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Excellent. Practice random acts of political disobedience!
James Hare
It was a pretty amazing crowd to be in. There was one point where we were walking down 14th street and there’s a bit of hill and everyone was looking back to see this sea of people and signs behind us. This picture doesn’t really do it justice:
I’ve lived in the DC area my entire life. I’ve done the protest thing more than once. I’ve never seen anything like yesterday’s march. I’m glad I got to be there with my wife and my daughter. After a pretty horrific couple of months it was good to have a reminder that we’re not alone.
Now to the hard work of getting a Democrat elected after Terry McAuliffe (damn Virginia term limits — dude has been a pretty damn good governor). Then on to the midterms — another excellent thing about the march yesterday was how much it was clear everyone know where the real prize was. The march was fun but the work is more important.
I reckon the Trump years can be summed up in the novel Dickens almost wrote:
Great Expectorations.
glory b
@bystander: The woman he was interviewing is Erica Alexander, who played attorney Maxine Shaw on the sitcom “living Single,” which I contend was plagarized in a white casted version for “Friends.”
By the way, she looks AMAZING, not a minute older than she did when the show started, 1993. Good black don’t crack.
I saw on msnbc just now (waiting for AM Joy), that Kellyanne told Chuck Todd that Sean Spicer gave us the “alternative facts.” At least he gave her some pushback.
Just said Trump’s now tweeting about television ratings.
Has everyone heard the singing by a group of women from different states who practiced online before the march? “I Can’t Keep Quiet?”
So lovely on this morning of reflection about next steps to take.
FB link:
@glory b:
Man, if even Chucklehead Todd squirms, the veneer must be peeling off the regime in a most unsightly way.
Now that the authoritarian Right are in power they need the state to be credible so it’s time to appeal to patriotism and rally around the unpopular President.
I’d like an explanation on why the CIA allowed a campaign rally yesterday. They’re one of the agencies supposedly investigating Donald Trump. Do they need a reminder they’re paid to work on behalf of the United States? Is this another FBI situation, where there’s some hard Right core of Trump loyalists running the show? This Russia/Trump investigation stinks to high heaven. It’s been corrupt and questionable at every stage and it isn’t getting better.
Iowa Old Lady
@debbie: Once again, we saw that speech (or could see it). We know whether there were “long standing ovations.” And only Trump would praise himself as paying “great respect.”
@James Hare:
Don’t forget New Jersey Governor too.
@Iowa Old Lady:
He lied about the weather. That saying about liars, where they’d tell you the sun rose and you wouldn’t believe it? That’s him.
randy khan
And, one hopes, the North Carolina legislature special elections.
OT, but for those of you watching football this evening, please remember that the owner, head coach and quarterback for the New England Patriots are all Trump supporters. Root accordingly.
Iowa Old Lady
@Kay: I thought I read that the CIA meeting was set up for him to introduce the new head but Schumer put a hold on the confirmation. Someone here may know if that’s true (or an alternative fact). I assume they went ahead with it anyway because Trump was freaked by the size of his crowd compared to the ones in the streets. He probably hoped to draw the press to him instead, that being where he thinks it permanently belongs.
My favorite pic above is the one of the dog in the kitty cat hat.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Kinda stupid to lie about things that can be easily disproven, but he can’t seem to stop himself.
James Hare
@GregB: I’m a Virginian so Virginia is my first priority. Given what Christie has done to his party in NJ I’m pretty optimistic about that one.
I love the dog in the kitty cat hat, and the nasty old dog at top.
Lots of good pictures and great signs. Well done, marchers!
Corner Stone
MSNBC has been calling the marches yesterday “Day of Rallies”. I think they need to tighten that up a bit for the Trump admin and go with “Day of Lies #x” and just keep the counter going each day.
It’s pretty simple Kay, Trump is the Commander in Chief.
@debbie: He does it because he suffers no consequences for doing it. Part of that is due to the laziness of the press, and part of it is the sheer volume of lies he spouts. No one can keep up.
Maybe someone needs to point out to Trump that yesterday was the consequence of his lying.
glory b
@MJS: And remember that the Steelers have a black head coach and owners who are pretty much the last Dem team owners, Dan Rooney was Obama’s ambassador to Ireland.
Cheer accordingly.
@zzyzx: Beautiful
Via TPM, I’m pretty sure this represents the breaking of at least one of the Seals of the Apocalypse:
Chuck Todd. Chuck Todd called out lies.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I don’t think they’ll be able to function because working for Trump must be horrible. You have to lie constantly and make excuses for just about everything he says and he’s an egomaniac. Add to that that Jared and Ivanka are there to watch the employees and report on disloyalty and it must be a fucking nightmare.
I took this business seminar once where people really suffer at work when their core beliefs are in conflict with organizational norms and values. They have an internal battle that makes productive concentration impossible. It isn’t that bad people hire bad people. It’s that people within an organization eventually must adhere to the norms internally, within their own set of of values, or they get out because the conflict is impossible to sustain. They END UP full of bad people. Self-selecting. It’s a race to the bottom effect.
@dmsilev: from ‘misspoke’ to ‘alternative facts’. wtf?
Gelfling 545
@zzyzx: I’m sure Trump is telling himself thst there were 3 million people paid to show up or something and will tell himself thsy everybody really loves him. I think the major impact of this march will be on other elected officials who still may be on speaking terms with reality.
@Kay: CIA professionals were outraged that he used the wall dedicated to fallen agents as a backdrop for self-aggrandizement. Brennan called for him to apologize (good luck with that).
that tweet can’t be real????
@dmsilev: On national TV. Good for him.
@glory b: Yep. Also author of the NFL’s “Rooney Rule” which says teams must interview minority candidates for their head coaching vacancies, because the racist Republican owners have to be forced to do such things.
Steeplejack (phone)
@randy khan:
Is this the photograph you were looking for?
Corner Stone
**shrieking in absolute terror**
Only if someone hacked his feed. ;) Should we start considering multiple personalities?
The fabric of the universe has been rent!
“alternative facts?”
Hmmm any thoughts in this possibility…
Also, given the extreme right wing sectors of FBI, Trump will resurrect J Edgar Hoover-style brazen ops against dissent domestically
@Morzer: And it was a copy of Obama’s 2013 cake, which was real. Judging from the pictures, everything was cheap and tacky, from Melania’s dress to the inclusion of ads for her watch line on the official site (I think they took it down).
Yoda Dog
@MJS: Yea fuck all those dudes with a rusty pitchfork, seriously. Go Stillers.
I will keep on saying this..
He will get the same level of respect that the GOP showed for #44.
Which means none.
We have those receipts.
We will pull them everyday.
And this is personal.
We phucking DESPISE that man.
NO respect will be given Kelly.????
Time to do stuff. Marched, donated to planned parenthood, called my congresspeople. There is a lot to do. Michael Moore said to do something every day, and he was right. It is one thing to get on one news cycle. It is another to contest every news cycle.
Absolutely believe it
@MJS: I was rooting for Pittsburgh anyway, but even more so now. Unfortunately, Brady at home in postseason is awfully, awfully tough to beat.
A Ghost to Most
When you’ve lost Chuck Toad …
Listening to Sturgill, and this seems appropriate for the burnt umber bullshitter:
Yoda Dog
KellyAnne is taking her new position as head of the Ministry of Truth seriously, I see.
It genuinely concerns me. It’s a problem that a federal police agency like the FBI has a pro-Trump faction. It should frighten people. I’m not talking about “are Republicans” or “are conservatives”. I’m talking about a faction within a national police agency who are working not for the United States but for Dear Leader.
That’s a perfectly rational fear.
Corner Stone
Well, great. Wind has knocked out power to my area. May be to be fixed afort the foosball action, hmmm?
Guess he decided to use that coupon he got for the holidays providing a discount at Rent-a-Sac.
A faction, yes, but he’d need to turn the entire organization. I doubt that could ever happen.
Corner Stone
Do we know they are that into Trump, or was it a case of lifelong intensely burning hatred of HRC?
Yes, they were fantastic.
I think we’ve all made a terrible mistake. We were all assuming because he has spent so much time on TV, that he actually understood how it worked. It turns out he doesn’t realize that when the cameras cover his appearances live, people see the event, um, live, it doesn’t go to editors who cut out the embarrassing bits. If yesterday’s coverage of his tantrum and that of his spokesbot, Spicer continues, his “honeymoon” will be non existent. Buckle up folks we are all in for a very bumpy ride.
Yoda Dog
@Kay: About that: do we have any word on all that cheering at the CIA speech? Were those agents cheering like that? (shudders…) If not then he’s got this cadre of sycophantic hyenas following him everywhere?
They are like Orwell on meth.
@Kay: Kellyanne w/ “alternative facts” today on MTP…WOW…
Why do I keep hearing “Free falling’ ” in my head today? I’m not even that much of a Tom Petty fan.
@dmsilev: As the saying goes, if you’ve lost Chuck Todd…
Very good Joy Reid this AM (she’s a national treasure) Another national treasure, Malcolm Nance says Trump DID BRING an applause team to the CIA yesterday. He would know.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
He’s still fucking tweeting? The clueless dipshit. Even GW Bush knew better than this. Just look at it, a pointless lie that only distract from his agenda. I know a lot of people go on about Trump wants distractions to hide what he’s doing but just speaking from someone who’s had to do cat herding, you do not want distractions and pointless arguments.
Those marches have to be utterly terrifying to the conservatives – the spontaneity of them and lack of any clear cut leaders, heck, even a clear agenda. Contrast this with the astroturfted to hell and gone Tea Party.
I love how they all keep saying he’s a great communicator. He’s a terrible communicator, if “communication” means “impart thoughts to other people”. Every time he speaks 15 people have to fan out and either lie about what he just said or explain it away. That’s the opposite of “great”.
There’s a whole subset of pundits who parse his statements and argue over whether they’re “literal”. You’re not a “great communicator” if you’re supposedly a good person but hundreds of millions of people think you’re a bad person. Even his supposed excellence at “sales” is bullshit. If he was such a great salesman he wouldn’t be so unpopular.
mai naem mobile
I don’t see any ‘moranic’ mispelling on the signs.
@Jeffro: …you haven’t lost anything of value.
Mary G
@dmsilev: I just tweeted (not very well, have almost no experience with keeping track of number of characters, threading tweets, etc to Chuckles the Toad, Kellyanne the Cryptkeeper, and Sean the Whiny Baby, and Evan McMuffin:
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Those things only divide us.
so wait, that son of a bish Mike Pence didn’t even acknowledge or shake Michelle or PBOs hands!!????
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
That is so awesome, too many of the olds voted to screw their grandkids, so seeing that note is inspiring. I know there are more than a few right thinking “olds” here at BJ, nice to see that there are many more of you out in the real world.
The alt Right has alt facts. KelleyAnne has an authoritarian impulse. She uses threats a lot. She did it in that interview. She threatened Todd with rethinking their relationship. That’s a threat. Another sleazy, unprincipled thug.
I literally wouldn’t leave my cat with any of these people. They’re untrustworthy.
He’s just as petty as his boss. #2 is the right number for him.
Yoda Dog
@Jeffro: Its been “I Wont Back Down” for me since 11/9. Also not that into Petty…
I love it !!
Hermione was my favorite Potter character and without her the series would have ended a lot sooner.
Bu the CIA has independent integrity and authority to protect. They shouldn’t allow Trump to bring an “applause team”. Anyone who is discredited by Trump is responsible for that. They can’t allow him to smear shit over everything. Get control. Rein him in. He called them Nazis a week ago. They know what is likely to happen.
mai naem mobile
So has the GOP gone all ‘Dave’ on us? Was the guy at the CIA Alec Baldwin playing Lumpy? Is that why Alec Baldwin wasn’t on SNL last night? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Corner Stone
Betsy DeVos could not even get elected to my RWNJ area school board, she is that freaking clueless about education matters and issues.
@glory b:
Someone needs to tell the Cobra that facts are facts, you can have alternative theories, ideas, opinions, but facts are fucking facts, even if they show your boss to be as popular as a shit sandwich. These fuckin people.
@dmsilev: win
Yoda Dog
annnnnd #alternativefacts is trending on twitter.. Proceed, President Fuckstick.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
she does that quite a bit, scolding/warning people interviewing her, pretty sure she used the phrase “don’t you dare do that again” with the CNN Cuomo. I heard the Chuck Todd clip from the Joy Reid show and couldn’t quite believe he pushed back so hard. We’ll see if it lasts. Like so much stuff from this weekend, we have to hope/make it last.
Whenever I see or hear Todd, I remember him bringing the MSNBC discussion of a debate to reassure everyone that KAC wasn’t just good at her job, she’s a good person, with insistent simpering. His desperate need to let everyone know that he’s a real insider, who knows what these people are really like, is so transparent and pathetic. Maybe they’ll both rethink that relationship. I hope so.
By the way little people, if you don’t know the difference between semi automatic and fully automatic guns you cannot even engage a discussion about guns.
However one need not know any facts about women’s healthcare to weigh in on a debate of those issues.
Also, how dare you even ask the potential head of the education dept. her opinions on long discussed issues regarding education.
This is your Alt Fact lesson of the day.
And Ambassador Dan Rooney is both an Obot and Hilbot.
If anyone is curious about that large statue in the background of the Lubbock photos, it’s a sad story:
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
On both his new and old feeds, which he must think makes his facts twice as true.
@geg6: Seals the deal for me.
I say fuck you bitch. And yes I mean to use that word bitch, I’m holding back by not using the c-word, but this woman is vile. She’s spent her entire adult denigrating and demeaning every democratic president, while promoting evil people who are actively trying to harm and destroy the lives of her fellow citizens. She is evil personified working for an evil imbecile, she should be ashamed to show her self in public, but because she is a sociopath like her boss, she has no shame, no conscience. Fuck her, I hope she burns in hell one day, it’s too much to hope that she suffers anytime soon, but I wish her a long and healthy life. I want her alive to see her name go down in history next to the names of Hitlers inner circle as some of the worst people to ever walk this earth.
Meh…and i should care? why?
Richard Spencer is afraid to go out in public
Nope, nope, nope. “We” does not belong in that sentence.
I really, really hate any kind of violence (even football), but I had to laugh at that sucker punch.
@Jeffro: .
dr. bloor
@MJS: You should probably stop watching any professional sporting event that doesn’t involve Greg Popovich.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
good god
and I was all you better step off, and they got all yeah? and I was like fuck yeah, and they totally stepped off, dude.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ain’t no more grannies gonna mess with David A. Clarke, Jr. You can bet on it!
ETA: Or pre-teen girls, for that matter.
ETA2: David A. Clarke, Sr. must be so proud.
Yoda Dog
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: LOL. Riot? They’re all such fucking cowards.
@dr. bloor:
Steeler brass are all Dems.
As for Popovich, I’d never heard of him until I read an article about him this morning. I have’t watched the NBA since the Laker glory days of Magic and Kareem, but I am now a huge Spurs fan.
He should be!
I saw a sign yesterday that said “I came here to knit hats and punch Nazis and I’m outta yarn”
Comrade Misfit
North Carolina.
I want to buy that sweatshirt. (“I’m sorry my president is an idiot. I didn’t vote for him.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
A lot of these people think the earth is 4,000 years old and Jesus rode a dinosaur, the rest feel the issue is up for debate. Creationists have spent a century training them to reject reality.
This is all a repeat of the Creationists verse Science debate that happen in the 2000s, First the Creationists ran rings around the Scientists because Scientists were to polite to call out lies and couldn’t even comprehend someone embracing builshit, the Scientists got serious and the Creationists now whine how mean Scientists are. But that’s also the model of how to defeat them – Bill Nye and Dawkins are good models how to confront bullshiters without turning it into a bloodbath and opening the eyes of the fence sitters.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Probably our next FBI Director.
Thanks, TaMara. Deepest appreciation to all who marched everywhere and to those unable to march, but who gave support in many ways, too.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m disappointed he didn’t call it a Pussy Riot.
@MomSense: Another good sign.
Yes we will be rid of the stench of the Shitgibbons lackey soon thank FSM. Notice how he’s yet to be thrown a bone for his groveling. What goes around comes around. HA !!
Iowa Old Lady
@Yoda Dog: Kellyanne sold her soul and she did it for Donald Trump.
Mr IOL has her on my TV at this very moment. She’s bringing me down.
Omnes Omnibus
If someone is the president and says he wants to speak to an agency, speak to it he will.
The signs yesterday were fantastic. I love that they were homemade.
#spicerfacts is trending on Twitter but if you go to check them out consider yourself warned … your sides are going to hurt from laughter in no time
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Just had your name sink in. Another “The Expanse” fan?
The beast is awake? One can only hope so, if Chuck Fucking Todd is calling bullshit, there may yet be hope for us all. If FOX becomes their only safe haven….
@debbie: I’m with you on that. Even with the cowed press, idiot pundits, and stage-managing of the GWB reign there was a competency in presenting things to a live-ish camera.
There is no resemblance in Trump’s “We’ll fix it in post-production!” TV career, which in hindsight reminds me of The Running Man, except Richard Dawson’s villain was actually hands-on and competent in his fakery.
dr. bloor
@geg6: They’ve also been trotting Ben “No Consequences” Roethlisberger out there forever, something that still rankles every woman football fan I know.
If you’re looking for purity, stay away from professional sports.
Just call it a “lie,” Chuck. It’s fewer syllables than “provable falsehood” and takes less time.
@Iowa Old Lady: watching them spin furiously actually has the opposite effect on me it means the end for them is drawing even closer
@Jeffro: That’s what I thought during the election. I’m trying to avoid excessive highs and lows now.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And he can bring an “applause section”? I mean, come on. That’s a campaign rally. The whole country is depending on these people enforcing norms and rules now that he’s President and no one is doing it. I get that it’s risky to rein him in or piss him off. So what? They’re the CIA. Risk is supposed to be their area of expertise.
Presidents come and go. If institutional credibility goes they won’t get it back. It’s not a gift they get forever. They’re supposed to earn it over and over.
O. Felix Culpa
@zzyzx: @zzyzx: I love your post. I also agree with Kay’s comments about a too-narrow focus on immediate results. Yesterday was tremendously heartening for those of us who could march and, hopefully, for those who wanted to march but couldn’t. We bore witness to the fact that there are MILLIONS of us prepared to stand up for what is right.
We know that there’s work ahead of us and we’re prepared to do it. In fact, we started working well before the march. Yesterday gave us renewed energy and inspiration for the fight ahead. The march showed us and the world that we’re not alone and we have the (wo)manpower to win the long game. Fired up. Ready to go.
@O. Felix Culpa: today I want to know how to take my high from the incredible LA march (expected: 80,000, LA Times estimate: 750,000) and turn it into sustained action. I’m in a blue congressional district in a blue state. Besides donating money, how can I proceed?
I read some of the rank and file Trumpsters on Twitter because I always investigate the other side and what’s interesting about the anger towards women is it’s 90% directed at older women.
“Crones” “hags” Tweeting pictures of women at the march who are over 60 or 70. I did quite a bit of reading on feminism in my 20’s so I’m familiar with the backstory there- women are only valuable as far as their usefulness to men so when they are older they’re no longer possible baby producers or sex objects so become objects of scorn or ridicule but it is wild to see that so clearly in modern times. Also, this will not be a surprise to any of the women here but some of the Trumpsters are old themselves. looking at their photos. In fact, the best way to describe Trump’s base is “old”. His biggest share was older white people.
Omnes Omnibus
“I am sorry, Mr. President, you can come in but the rest of your people need to wait outside?” Brennan’s comments last night were the CIA’s way of saying that the agency did not approve of and was not a willing part of what Trump did.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Solidarity is under-rated in liberal organizing. What holds people together in hard times is relationships. We’re not just checking boxes on progress towards a goal. It’s not a job.
That attitude sucks all the joy out of it and it’s not reality with people. We’re not just objective actors weighing facts. We’re complicated. I knew Democrats were going to lose big in 2010. Why did I try? Because I have relationships with other local Democrats and I feel a duty towards them. I like them. I’m connected to them personally. We need fewer analysts and more feeling.
We as in those of us calling him TV savvy, NOT EVER those who voted for him. THEY fucking did this, WE had nothing to do with that shit, WE tried to warn them, and were called corporatist, establishment, enemies of the revolution, and told to STFU.
O. Felix Culpa
@EL: I wish I could write a more extensive response, but I have to get dressed and out the door for church. Even if you’re in a blue district, it’s important for your congresscritter to know he/she has your back. After all, every congressperson’s first job is to get re-elected. Call the local office and let them know how you want them to vote on a specific piece of legislation. Call back and thank them when they do the right thing. Calls are the most effective means of communication. You’ll typically speak with a staff member, which is ok, because the staffers take note of constituent calls and convey that info to the legislator. It’s surprisingly easy to take this action once you start and it typically only requires a few minutes of your time. Important always to be respectful and friendly. The staffers will get to know you after a while and you sometimes end up having pleasant conversations, along with making a difference.
I don’t have the link handy, but google the Indivisible manual, which provides good how-to info. Good luck!
@dmsilev: When you’ve lost Chuck Todd….
A Ghost to Most
I’m watching CNN Reliable Sources – extraordinary! Panel of the usual Village idiots (Karen Tumulty, Frank Cesno, Lynn Sweet et al ) Calling out the lies (really, they are calling them lies), and saying shit I haven’t heard since watergate. When Karen Tumulty is pissed ..
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: You are so right about the value of solidarity and relationships. I’m fortunate to live in a small state, population-wise. It’s all about relationships here, for good and for ill. We’re working on re-energizing the Democratic Party by recruiting new people and creating/plugging into networks of local relationships. I think we have a much stronger chance of success that way.
randy khan
One thing is to call and email R senators on relevant committees to tell them not to vote to confirm bad nominees (which is pretty much everybody left). Start with the obviously unqualified Betsy DeVos, whose nomination is going through the HELP committee.
What is your email address, TaMara? I have some photos I’d love to share.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Part of it is the tension between respecting individuality and needing solidarity- collective action. It’s as if the only reason one would join with other people on some kind of collective action is “results!” – like there has to be a clear, individual gain as an incentive. It’s a very free markety view of relationships, really. It’s also very cynical.
randy khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
He can bring an applause section wherever he wants. He might start noticing that he gets called out on it with regularity, though.
I wonder if some of the CIA people were relieved that they weren’t going to have to make believe to be enthusiastic after the speech was done.
Talk with friends on FB and find out what they care about. Get them to call and write their elected officials demanding resistance. Post things you know will get their attention and encourage them to act. Push back IRL (if you are comfortable doing that) when you hear people spreading BS.
@O. Felix Culpa:
I felt terrible when Clinton lost for many reasons but one was because we had enthusiastic Clinton supporters here in ’08 and they really gracefully and generously transitioned to supporting Obama. I was sorry they lost. THOSE people, not just “people in general”.
From the (fucking) NYT in November.
@A Ghost to Most: Do you think they’re doing that because of the numbers seen at yesterday’s marches? I suspect without, they’d be making the usual false equivalency noises.
@chris: And link.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Don’t believe one word of it
Another Scott
@James Hare: Great shot – thanks for sharing.
100% cosign on your comment. I’ve been in NoVA since ’89 and it was the biggest, most uniformly positive gathering I’ve ever been in (I miss inaugurations since going down in ’93 and not being able to even see anything).
It was a great day.
@Kay: I was sorry that Hillary was pretty much whitewashed out of the march. Maybe that will change, with some distance in time. I did not get to go (sad), but thought of wearing a homemade pin that said “Hillary is my spirit animal.”
I remember her up there in those three debates, holding her own. It’s insufferable that less than 80,000 voters in 3 states gave us the buffoon.
Rightwing white guys think they look damn good no matter what looks back at them from the mirror.
@Kay: Their mothers and grandmothers must be so proud.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You’re right, I guess they can’t do that, but they have to come up with some plan :)
@A Ghost to Most:
According to TPM, even Chris Wallace wasn’t having their shit.
Chris Wallace Fires Back At Priebus’ ‘Ridiculous’ Argument Over Crowd Size
pretty soon there will be no safe place for them. SAD !!
@Baud: so when white men get angry, the press is pretty uniform that a president needs to do stuff to calm them down. But when everyone else but white men protests the postestors are supposed to give in, wait, settle, go back home and get with the program.
Yoda Dog
@O. Felix Culpa: @EL:
@Kay: yep. I’m not going to be surprised if the big important agencies that collect data on the economy, education, government finance and even the weather aren’t going to be among the first to go.
Mike E
@schrodingers_cat: the scorn for their misogyny ought to be doubled…our local paper had comments that were all about “wearing the pants in the family” and “their neglected and unfed children”. Gotta keep the foot on that pedal!
I’m sorry, but I disagree. Honestly, nothing can be changed about the past election except to fight to see that it doesn’t happen again. Plus there’s enough shit coming at us now, and that needs to be the focus.
Don’t forget Trump said that when he looks in the mirror, he sees a 35-year-old man.
From Forbes: Why were dozens of women in lab coats at the Women’s March in DC?
Some good signs. My favorite:
What do we want? Evidence-based claims.
When do we want it? After peer review.
Science is not a liberal conspiracy.
randy khan
@Steeplejack (phone):
Sadly, no. The size and shape are right, but they are white signs with black printing, mostly the NOW logo. I probably should have been more specific.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@EL: Remember the Cant!
The nym kind of goes much further back than that, all the way back to my Trillion Credit Squadron days. So of course when the Unitarian Jihad came along, it had to be part of my jihadi name!
randy khan
The line about “people all the way down to the Washington Monument” line is beyond stupid because they put the press tent about halfway down the Mall, and there is no photo that shows anyone between the tent and the monument. I mean, it’s “who do you believe? Me or your lying eyes?”
randy khan
One of my friends was in that group. She had one science sign and one that was considerable less polite.
@Iowa Old Lady: “Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world . . . but for Wales?”– Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: love the name. (The Unitarian Jihad had slipped my mind, but a good laugh is always welcome,)
10 days to season 2, One year to Persepolis Rising. Too bad we can’t get the Rocinante’s crew to take on Drumpf.
Or better yet, sic Avasarala on him.
Another Scott
@EL: Someone earlier posted a link to You enter your zip code and it tells you your nearest (and next nearest) swing House district and a little about the previous race. And presumably more stuff to come.
I just signed up for VA-10 and PA-16.
Flipping swing districts in 2018 would be a great step in reversing Trump’s actions.
@Mike E:
Jeez. Has anyone told them that Kellyanne Conway has four children, and that no one has ever called Childrens Protective Services on her, despite her long hours and ridiculous beliefs, because we figure she’s a grown adult and she’s capable of seeing that her children are properly cared for?
No One You Know
@zzyzx: I really appreciate this. I was talking to a restaurant owner who was indeed questioning why march when nothing will change. I could talk about the joy and shared vision. I didn’t realize there was more to say, without being argumentative. Thanks for posting! :-)
@No One You Know: thanks!
O. Felix Culpa
@Yoda Dog: Thanks for providing the link!
Thank you so much for posting these, and for including the pictures I took in Nashville.
If you marched, you might want to do this:
Text COUNT ME to 89800 if you participated in the Women’s March in any location today to be counted! #WomensMarch #WomensMarchOnWashington
— Katie Hale (@kthale) January 22, 2017
@Kay: They want we older women to bring SOMETHING to the table that benefits them – mainly supporting their ridiculous beliefs.
@GregB: Yeah that.