I can’t think of anyone on “the left” who uses this phrase constantly, can you?
That angst over what many in the White House call the ‘deep state’ is fermenting daily, fueled by rumors and tidbits picked up by Trump allies within the intelligence community and by unconfirmed allegations that have been made by right-wing commentators. The ‘deep state’ is a phrase popular on the right for describing entrenched networks hostile to Trump.
Mark Field
Jeet Heer has been using it frequently.
@Mark Field:
Yes, but he’s analyzing the use of the phrase. I’m talking about Glenn Greenwald.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
“Entrenched networks hostile to Trump”? Shit, 60% of the country is hostile to Trump, and it’s going up. Are we all part of the deep state?
Why does anybody in the world give a shit what Glenny says any more?
He’s just Freddie with better distribution.
Anyone with a lick of sense or an ounce of sanity is hostile to the Republicans and the cray cray they have foisted on the rest of us.
Dog Dawg Damn
Compared to “No State”, any state is a “Deep State”.
It would appear that Reince Priebus is getting loaded into the catapult next.
but don’t the rwnj’s have always believed in deep state? black helos, fema camps, jade helm off the top of the mind.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
the ᴙussians…. don’t forget the ᴙussians.
It just goes to show you that the RWNJs will continue their persecution fantasies even when they are in charge of the entire government.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, isn’t that a bitch?
@efgoldman: I swear Greenwald is a scold looking for a moral.
I’m reminded of an Art Buchwald column from the Watergate era in which he lists various categories of Nixon enemies which included ‘heterosexual constitutionalists”.
Omnes Omnibus
The Box Tops? If so, “Like” should be struck.
ETA: Pedantry aside, great song.
Mai naem.mobile
I am just wondering what Dolt 45 is so worried about in these alleged wiretaps. I mean if you didn’t do anything illegal, unethical or embarrassing you have nothing to worry about right? Isn’t that what the right wingers have been telling us for years?
@dmsilev: So in this case Deep State means: non-republicans?
As I said in the other thread, trump’s WH is the derp state. I think the deep state’s gonna win this one.
Getting mad and staying mad is the right’s one trick pony energy-wise.
Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!)
@Omnes Omnibus:
TYVM. That was killing me.
Roger Moore
Plus Republican squishes.
Mike J
As a Big Star fan, thanks for the Box Tops shout out.
Brother of the Box Tops guitarist, BB Cunningham, was in the Hombres who did Let it All Hang Out. He lived across the street from me with his gfriend and her extremely hot teenage daughter who was two years older than me. When the ages are 14 and 16 two years are insurmountable, but it was hard not to dream about the blonde girl who could drive AND worked at the arcade and put free games on Galaga for you.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is governator the only one gooper bold enough to tell twitler go fuck himself? Where the fuck are the other ‘party elders’?
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!): SOME THINGS ARE IMPORTANT, DAMN IT! Glad to see you around. How are you doing?
randy khan
So we’re supposed to see the rebooted immigration EO *and* the health care plan next week. Anyone care to bet on getting one, both, or neither?
whatev happened to the WH press corpse
@randy khan: Don’t we already know them from the tRump wiretaps?
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: The Intercept is, for whatever reason, fairly influential in certain circles. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that they’re up to their ears in RT connections and the bulk of the reporting serves to stir shit between leftists and liberals.
He’s only an ersatz Republiklown. Also it takes an incompetent at government to know one.
Hahahahahahah!! Silly commenter.
The “elders” are a bunch of senile old men – Hatch, Grandpa Walnuts, like that – who look up to the sky every morning at dawn to see if Sanctus Ronaldus Magnus has returned.
What phrase? “Deep state”? It shows up often enough in BJ comment threads, a usage which often prompts a rejoinder that the US IC is nothing like the Turkish military.
Steve in the ATL
@Mike J: what part of town?
Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Doing well, thanks for asking. Getting more shrinkage of the masses in my liver, feeling great, and looks like I’m finally going to get the third treatment of a round of this chemo regimen I’ve been on since September. For some reason unknown to me (or, maybe, because I’m making sure I’m getting enough protein in my diet) my platelet counts aren’t crashing after a treatment.
How’s it been on the colder-but-snow-free west side of the lake?
For me, “Deep State” means the engine of government, built over centuries, that keeps everything running on a detail level. Administrations change, but it keeps on running. I believe that Obama recognized and does rely on this, going forward.
Tillerson can gut the State Dept (and this is worrying), but the CIA then kicks in with leaks…these folks are the mechanics, no matter who is behind the wheel. Really happy to have them right now…
Only an enemy of the Constitution would be enthralled by the term “Deep State”.
@amk: but don’t the rwnj’s have always believed in deep state?
black helos, fema camps, jade helm off the top of the mind.
And they LIKE a government that acts like that. As long as its headed by a Republican.
[‘”Beat me, Daddy, it’s my only hope…”‘]
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!): Surviving. Took a header into a bookcase earlier this week and split my forehead open. Woohoo!.
Oh wait, what? I love Dublin. Really. But it’s freezing. Really; colder than I would thought it would be.
Omnes Omnibus
@HeleninEire: Shouldn’t you be in bed?
In other words, the civil service of Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes, Minister.
@seaboogie: yes
Major Major Major Major
@seaboogie: that’s what I want it to mean, but in actuality it carries the more sinister Turkish meaning. I don’t have a different term for what you described though
@Doug!: and @Major Major Major Major:
Greenwald is neither a liberal nor a leftist. He’s just an anti-Democrat ratfucker. I would have said the most skilled, until Sanders came along. At least I don’t think Sanders was deliberate. Glenn ‘Why are you so down on Ron Paul for being a racist?’ Greenwald is a Libertarian glorying in his ability to convince liberals to not vote.
Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I almost did that a couple of times last spring, when I had some big time neuropathy going on in my feet. Shit, I gashed my arm going up the steps at the Packers’ home opener because the neuropathy tricked me into thinking my second foot was already on a step. The neuropathy has subsided quite a bit in the mean time.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yup. But in bed is cold too,
Pre-2016 I would have thought I would have heard it from a 9/11truther.
Scarier now that it (the deep state) stands between us and fascism.
Unless, the said ‘deep state’ wants fascism.
Mike J
@Steve in the ATL: As a kid, Parkway Village/Fox Meadows, later midtown a few blocks off Peabody.
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!):
Yeah, but you were at the game.
Major Major Major Major
@Frankensteinbeck: I didn’t say he was. I said his site is influential with some liberals and many leftists.
Steve in the ATL
@max: according to my RWNJ sister, the new terror is cannibalism. Apparently Muslim immigrants are eating people now, at least in the fevered imagination of Republicans.
@Major Major Major Major:
Unfortunately true.
I still get freaked out, but I think too many people are on to Trump’s and Bannon’s game.
I also realize that their implementation is so ham handed and short fingered that they would fuck up buttered toast.
That these idiots are shining the light on this scandal instead of rolling it up in a carpet is a sign of such utter stupidity it astonishes and amazes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Christ, thank dog, my brother is a Democrat and when he has doubts he calls his politically obsessed elder brother.
Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, and we got in early enough that I was the first person through the first-aid station, so I was back in the stands before the intros started.
Steve in the ATL
@Mike J: ah. I was (and mom still is) across Poplar from the Overton Park golf course. Midtown rulez!
@Major Major Major Major: WRT sinister, I think it depends on the department, yes? For some departments, sinister is actually their business – others more concerned about mundane things like budgets and staplers.
@HeleninEire:Getting right now in my bed. AHH. Good Night.
@Steve in the ATL: Humans aren’t halal. Nor is baby christian blood kosher.
How do these people survive junior high / middle school?
@Steve in the ATL:
That is so ridiculous that I actually laughed out loud. That’s a real thing? People are really believing and talking about this as if it’s a real thing that’s happening?
Major Major Major Major
@seaboogie: sinister as in regularly overthrowing the government, a la Turkey.
@Steve in the ATL: I suppose the next stage will be for the RWNJs to start claiming that Muslim immigrants are all werewolves and to demand that law enforcement be issued silver bullets.
turkey’s twitler is calling the germans nazis. that should go well.
I wouldn’t call Greenwald someone on the left.
He’s a libertarian bro who hoodwinked a lot of liberals into thinking he was one of them.
@Steve in the ATL: “He said “Have a heart” so I took his. “They came from the grave!”
Major Major Major Major
@FlyingToaster: @Yarrow: in my novel, all the fish disappear, and I briefly describe a Daily Mail article theorizing that the Muslims did it since they’ve been sneaking around at night to feast with their faces covered. The headline is SHARIF LIKES IT?
Treat me good and I’ll do anything
I’m just a puppet and you hold my string
I’m your puppet
Have the Irish still not adopted central heating? Begorrah!
@Cacti: loony left and rwnj’s are easy marks.
Steve in the ATL
In my sister’s case, by being an attractive female
@Yarrow: @dmsilev: regrettably, I deleted the link she sent or I’m sure we would all read it and be convinced
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: who needs heat when you go to bed anywhere from three to five sheets to the wind every night?
wanna be prez ben sasse’s kneejerkism fwiw.
Steve in the ATL
@lollipopguild: maybe Alex Jones watched “Soylent Green” over the weekend?
ETA: probably should have included a spoiler alert. And let’s not mention Rosebud.
News item:
Will Trump take credit?
@Steve in the ATL:
If this were a movie, or an X-files type of TV show, there would be a secret underground bunker, in, say, Wyoming or Montana. where a cabal of comedy writers, led by Mel Brooks, keep trying to top each other and find the story that’s FINALLY too stupid and fantastic for the mouth breather flying monkeys to buy.
If only.
@Steve in the ATL:
I swear to God, if I hear that from my RWNJ family members, I will go medieval on their asses.
@Major Major Major Major: Got it.
Mike J
@Brachiator: They finally locked up Peter Cetera.
He’s a somewhat glib fraud, supported by Pootie Kazootie, read by gullible political naifs.
Steve in the ATL
Peak wingnut was a lie, as the rotating tag line says, too truthful to be funny
@Steve in the ATL:
Blankets. Still need blankets.
Or you could just say “bite me” and prove them right….
@efgoldman: yeah, no.
No wonder they had so damned many kids.
Mary G
They are just letting the border patrol run wild and they seem to have no discernment about who it would be better to lay off of:
Greenwald uses it because it serves his ends. Instead of noting that anti-Trump leaks are likely the work of disparate individuals unsatisfied with their superiors (exactly similar to Snowden) he can pretend it’s one giant organized coup. The man has truly lost it.
Roger Moore
@Steve in the ATL:
So the same people who think Muslims are so worried about pigs that you can keep them from going to heaven by shooting them with a bullet covered with pork fat also think that they’re down with cannibalism?
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
Everyone knows Sharif don’t like it.
Fixt. And we are all in it now.
“Deep State” has a pithy comic-book ring to it. Is it a movie yet?
@Roger Moore: You are applying to logic. Stop doing that, and it will all make sense. A couple of hits of crystal meth helps, too.
@efgoldman: And by that I mean. How is efoldmangranddaghter? Really. She must be at least 2?? Now.?
@Major Major Major Major:
Very funny.
@Oatler.: It should be.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
In short, yes.
I think what will come out of all of this, is a more astute electorate which will recognize and understand when we’re being played by RT and FSB.
I only wish Aaron Swartz had learned that before he got tangled up in all of that.
@SgrAstar: Well, if that’s true then it doesn’t pay very well. And my SorosBucks haven’t shown up yet either.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: the front page says IN COD WE TRUSTED.
Keith P.
@GregB: Yessir -> Here’s the link
He was next on my list in the pool, anyway. Kellyanne bought herself some time by being booted off TV, but she’ll follow shortly.
@Steve in the ATL: Well. Aren’t Muslim flags usually green, like Soylent?
You’re going to argue with people who thought Obama was Communist and Muslim and born in Kenya?
Was 3.5 last month, and is a delight. As it happens we didn’t talk to her this weekend because we had a retirement party last nite and a concert today.
Her favorite word (and concept) is “silly’, as in when mummy was on the TV “that’s silly – Can I watch Wonderpets?” Grandpa can always make her giggle.
If you really believe that, your nym is well chosen.
@Keith P.: From the link:
I recommend all political writers keep this sentence handy since they’ll be able to re-use it every month, simply changing the indicated number and name to match the current scapegoat.
Since “administration officials” = President Smallhands Littlescrotum, and he’s never, ever once taken the blame for any damned thing in his life….
ETA: And I think Rinse Pubis was foisted on him by the “establishment”, whoever the hell they are….
At this point, when Trumpsters and reactionaries say ‘deep state’. they are talking about some law enforcement people who still worry a little bit about enforcing the laws.
Some of them, like Comey, have had trouble doing so ethically and in a consistent way, but seems like he still has some understanding. If we live long enough in a society that continues to allow a free media and free press and free inquiry, I guess we will find out what was up with him sooner or later.
I don’t see much ‘seep state’ in the sense that there is an entrenched bureaucracy that can thwart the will of the elected government. Trump and the GOP seem to have the power to shut down what they don’t like. Maybe if Sessions hadn’t revealed himself to be such an incompetent dissembler and goofball, they would have a better handle on shutting down the honest cops on the beat.
@Keith P.:
If Priebus goes, Spicer won’t be far behind. Noooooo…..they can’t take Spicey!
I think Priebus is one of the few in the inner circle who doesn’t have ties to Russia. Okay, not sure about Kellyanne. But Bannon, Kushner do. Looks like the Russian contingent will win out, at least for the short term. That won’t be good for any of them long term.
Sphincter is just a liar and a fool. He’s too far down the food chain for Pootie Kazootie to bother with.
So is Trump’s Secret Service codename: “Scotch Tape” ?
Chet Murthy
@goblue72: If I were a power-mad narcissistic asshole, I’d want a powerful name. A Bond villain would do nicely. And since I’m into gold, I’d pick “Goldfinger”. Wonder what it really is.
Mike J
Nancy Smash at the Gridiron dinner:
@Mike J:
And that’s how Nancy became “SMASH”!
Chet Murthy
@Mike J: Damn. Damn. I remember back during W’s first term, the Force was weak in her. Specifically remember a weak-tea SOTU response in 2004. She’s brutal now.
The Dangerman
@Chet Murthy:
Trump probably insisted on picking it. I’ll guess “John Holmes”.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Not a puppet… not a puppet.
You’re the puppet.
Runaway border thugs.
Wonder what all those military folks who voted for this thug think now.
“Deep State” has a long way to go before it can eclipse “Alinsky Tactics” as a pervasive phrase that only RWNJ use.
The last time one of my wingnut coworkers used that phrase I asked him what it meant…..long silence followed.
@amk: Trump gang response is ‘Deep state OK for me, but not for thee’, I suppose.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Totally off topic, but I DESPISE those new ads you encounter mid-story that you have to scroll past, but they fill up the screen and your scrolling efforts take three times as many swipes as normal to get past the damned ad. I wish the inventor could be keel-hauled.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
On the desktop, they’re just little tiny things I scroll right past.
I’m guessing they keep Cole’s pets in kibble.
Will say that I flew to a friends memorial this weekend and had no problems with airport security. I was expecting someone to say something but all was as normal for the last 16 yrs. Check ID, boarding pass and walk through the scanner. I do get patted down after I go through the revolving scanner but I’ve also gone through the pre check line twice in the last two trips and no hassle what so ever. I am an old white dude though, but I also didn’t see or hear anyone else have any problems. I’m wondering if the problems are due to some local higher ups in the security forces taking it upon themselves to be assholes.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: I imagine WotR(baw) is talking about ones on different sites; I know the ones in question. They take up the whole screen and you have to scroll down all the way to SEE them, then down all the way again to be RID of them. Scroll pinning, we call it.
Domestic flight, yes? iCE and border gestapo don’t handle those, I don’t think.
Doesn’t mean they still can’t be assholes, though.
Keith P.
It’s started to enter my mind that Trump may very well pull a Palin and resign a year or so into his term. He’d have to come up with a way that it wouldn’t be failure, but this clusterfuck is pretty bad 6 weeks into the administration, and there is nothing in there that leads me to think they have the skills to turn the ship around. The failure is endemic to who Trump is. Someone with his personality cannot succeed in this job.
@efgoldman: The SO says that’s where finding a cute freckled redhead comes in . . .
@Keith P.:
He need only borrow a phrase:
Mission Accomplished
@efgoldman. Just want you to know I am still rolling with laughter on your ‘bite me’ comment. Will relay to my husband. His brother is a RWNJ who will no doubt inform him of the Muslim cannibalism nonsense tomorrow. Elder brother will never get it but my husband will love it.
@Roger Moore:
Thinks it’s not kosher!
@Chet Murthy:
Mogul. He picked it. Source (caution, autoplay)
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Keith P.: @Ken: It still seems foreign to me that it’s become OK to link to Politico without a warning – and that there’s a good chance it won’t be ironic or hate-linking, either. It sure is weird on this here side of the looking glass.
All snark aside, the WaPo piece linked above, taken with a number of similar pieces like this one at CNN (warning, autoplay) are as terrifying as they are rich with delicious and well-earned schadenfreude.
That sounds totally fucking insane. If this continues, he might actually stroke out in office.
@brendancalling: The aides could always say FU, donnie and quit.
Yes, domestic flight. TSA is the same for all, border patrol also there for passport/immigration checks. And I had heard of people on domestic flights being hassled. Saw none of that. Doesn’t of course mean it doesn’t happen, just didn’t while I was there. Also one of the people at the memorial flew in from Sidney and had no hassles. She is a US citizen though.
Major Major Major Major
@Origuy: He picked it? Gross, isn’t the secret service supposed to?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
You saw this pic, right? I’m a little surprised his vanity allows him to do the Scotch tape thing again after getting roundly mocked for it before the election. Can’t he at least order someone to bring him double-sided tape?
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: Why does he need that damned tape again? Dumbass.
Such comforting words to read.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
That article mentions they had 17 sources from Trump’s circle and other Republicans. 17! I don’t think I have ever seen an article with that many sources.
I sincerely hope he strokes out over his severe case of ODS.
Mary G
@Groucho48: I imagine people at the White House having to take a lie detector test that they are not one of the 17. He doesn’t even have that big of a staff yet, does he?
@Mary G:
Maybe he has pets?
@Major Major Major Major: According to Wikipedia, the White House Communications Agency picks the code names. I suppose they ask the principles what they want to use.
@chopper: Never get into a fight with the people that buy disposable gloves by the pallet or something like that
@brendancalling: good hope he fucking dies
low-tech cyclist
@Omnes Omnibus: You know those ‘Box Tops for Education’ labels you see on some grocery store products? My wife became the ‘box top lady’ for my son’s school’s PTA in the fall of 2015. So in the past year and a half, I’ve had old Box Tops songs going through my head with some frequency. “Soul Deep” was one of their better ones. Summer of 1969, IIRC.
low-tech cyclist
During the last year or two of Obama’s Presidency, there was some talk of the ‘deep state’ but that was basically about the large parts of the national security apparatus that are hard for even a President to do much about – the military and the intelligence community in particular, and to some extent the State Department.
When Atrios talks about how our government doesn’t seem to want to do anything about some Third World hellhole until there’s a conflict where we can drop Freedom Bombs on people, and give arms to a regime’s ‘moderate’ opponents who we barely understand in a conflict we’re most likely going to make worse, there’s a sense (my thoughts and many others’, probably Atrios included but not positive) that the Deep State is a big part of the problem here, and that it took Obama most of his Presidency to get to the point where he felt able to start pushing back against them to some extent.
Will they be able to say marksman without sniggering?