Patriots' turnout for President Obama in 2015 vs. Patriots' turnout for President Trump today:
— NYT Sports (@NYTSports) April 19, 2017
And suddenly, Donald Trump's entire reason for running for President goes for naught.
— David Kalan (@davidkalan) April 19, 2017
@MikeReiss Notice he didn't say it's a "health matter." But Patriot Alan Brach is not going to protest Trump's lewd remarks.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) April 19, 2017
The class clown showed up, though!…
Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, a man perfectly engineered to survive a frat party balcony collapse/ via @deadspin
— Mark Leibovich (@MarkLeibovich) April 19, 2017
A few hours after Tom’s decision, Giselle tweeted about the march for justice on April 29th in DC. hmmm
So the Inauguration crowd wasn’t a fluke after all.
As in, supporting it?
Next year it will be mandatory to attend if Trump is still in charge of his regime.
@JPL: I think she picked a pretty guy while not knowing his views on certain things. Sounds like a friend of mine.
I don’t blame or celebrate anyone who goes. It is an honor, but my petty is satisfied by the continuing failure of the Don to even match the barest respect given to his predecessor by the general public.
randy khan
Why do I start to get the feeling that the entire Trump Administration is going to be a parade of side by side comparisons of his crowds with Obama’s?
There’s some particularly delicious irony in that it’s the “Patriots” who are protesting Trump.
…in case that was unclear, all Patriots dislike Trump. Not just football players. :)
@debbie: Promoting it.
He definitely had family matters to attend to.
So, any bets when Tom Brady is going to get offed by Trump?
@ruemara: He would of used Brady and raved about their friendship. It would have turned into a Donald Trump show.
Millard Filmore
I’m a nobody, but if I went … I would ask at an opportune time “Where’s Obama?”
It seemed to be the Donald Trump show anyway. I heard him comparing the Patriots’ hard work to his own. /eye roll/
Teddys Person
@randy khan: Spicey started it : )
I’m watching Chris Christie and Cory Booker announce that they want DC to fund a new rail tunnel between Jersey and Manhattan. The tv person noted that “ironically” Christie was the guy who turned down the funding Frank Lautenberg had spent years putting together to prove what a fiscal tough guy he was. What judgment!
@randy khan: It’s more than just the crowd size. There’s one president holding up a team shirt with two others right there with him versus the other president in front of everyone grabbing his pulpit with seal and microphone. Which photo clearly shows the audience in frame?
Basically, there’s one photo where it’s more about the team and the other where it’s the handy backdrop to yet another stump speach.
Heh. She’s going Lysistrata on his ass
It’s interesting that the photo with Obama has lots of players and no one in the audience, but Trump’s photo has few players but lots of people there to witness the photo shoot. It’s always for show with Trump.
Thru the Looking Glass...
As they say these days…
I also noticed Cheeto made special note of some wounded warriors in the audience.
The cynic in me rolled my eyes hard, cause if there was a dude who could really care less bout our military beyond a photo op, it’s Cheeto..
Thru the Looking Glass...
Who knew a football team could be so partisan?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Not a problem for Trump. He’ll just say in tomorrow’s twit-stream that it was the largest team photo at the White House in history, and his followers will believe him. Win!
Since this is an open thread: I didn’t get a chance to comment in the earlier March for Science thread, but I’m going to the Philly March. Anyone else here planning on attending that one?
Patricia Kayden
So proud of all of the Patriots who did not show up for the Liar-in-Chief and Admitted P*ssy Grabber. Treat him like the Russian Pariah that he is.
@JPL: Tom has a lot of money …Gisele has a LOT of money.
oh…and How petty was I feeling that the Patriots visit to WH was overshadowed by Fox axing Bill O and Chaffetz no seeing reelection…
Heh, good for them. Players > coach.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: This is the same Dude who derided McCain for being captured during war. **rolls eyes**
Bernie is just there to fill a leadership vacuum until someone better comes along. He will never be THE guy.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Wow. Just finding out through your comment that Bill O’Really was fired from Fox News. Yay! I guess CNN or MSNBC is free to hire him now. People like him tend to fall upwards.
mai naem mobile
@lamh36: and Aaron Hernandez being found dead in his cell.
@mai naem mobile: oh…yep…forgot bout Hernandez too
@Patricia Kayden: oh yeah…was the big headline right after my doctors appt was over.
Logged on at home just to catch up on it…
@Patricia Kayden: Oh and of course you can count on twitter for some great reactions…lol
Corner Stone
@germy: Hilarious, if true.
ETA, wonder if it’s more squid ink to cloudy up the truth of it all. Maybe there is some truth sprinkled in with a bunch of easily disprovable “facts”.
I wonder if Kraft dropped off Putin’s 2017 Superbowl ring at the White House?
@Patricia Kayden: Talk about failing upwards. Eric Bolling is supposedly getting is own slot. If you think BillO was bad, get ready to lower your bar. Bolling is worse. Exit one idiot. Enter another idiot.
? Martin
@Jeffro: Tom is the 20th ranked quarterback on salary, tied with Mark Glennon (who?) It’s still $14M, but that’s way less than other top quarterbacks who have never won a SB (let alone 5). Tom has never out-earned Gisele (she made >$30M last year), which has given Belichick room to spend instead on other players to help Tom get another ring.
But man, talk about different fates between Gronk today jerking around at the WH and his former teammate in the same position found hanged in his cell.
Twitter is hilarious ???
Steve in the ATL
That “Lysistrata” shit works
ETA: Damn it, @geg6!
Villago Delenda Est
Burned, Shitgibbon.
@randy khan:
Because you are evil, you know that his will always be smaller than Obama’s and seeing the pictures side by side will drive Twitler nuts, he just wants to show, he’s better, he needs it, just once. Alas it’s not meant to be. So we can chortle and mock him.
Now come sit next to me ;- )
There’s a tree of liberty joke here that I probably shouldn’t make as it will be interpreted badly,
@bystander: Iirc, it wasn’t just about proving he was fiscally responsible, though that was the rhetoric. Christie also turned down the larger federal money so he could use the earmarked state money for other projects that were better for his re-election chances.
David Spikes
Trump has no friends and it seems to be difficult to find people just to hang around him-remember New Years with admin. officials-he’s rich, he’s president and still he’s all alone, sad-hahahahahah!!!
BillO is probably done-the Murdochs didn’t drop him because of a sudden access of fine moral feelings, the drop in ad revenue meant that the very expensive BillO was no longer a moneymaker-so goodbye, thanks for all the fish, and fuck off.
@bluehill: Bolling is worse, but he won’t have the same loyal audience. As much of a blowhard and asshole as O’Reilly was, he still fit the platonic ideal of a conservative news anchor. Eric Bolling does not know what gravitas is.
@germy: So its actually not beyond the realm of possibilty that we may capture an honest to goodness EVIL PLAN(tm) on paper complete with an index and footnotes which explicitly explains how Russia did it.
Dear gods, we really are living in a Saturday morning cartoon. Only someone turned the no killing filter off.
It will definitely be glorious.
@raven: I am reminded of that old Pole’s quote after WW II
“Pray that you never have an opportunity to be a hero.”
Van Buren
@raven: Most underappreciated Founding Father.
There was nothing ironic about it, he wanted the money that NJ had set aside as their portion of the project and he especially wanted to raid the Port Authority, our infrastructure was/is falling apart and he needed to keep his never ever raise a single tax ever, no matter how much it’s needed, so he could run for president. Everyone warned him at the time that it took 20 years to get the federal funding and it would be almost impossible to get a second chance. That was back when democrats still controlled congress, now with the know nothings in charge he aint going to get shit, hell look at how tough it was to get relief for Sandy.
His legacy will be the asshole who fucked up the Hudson river crossings, one out of site and one out of shortsighted political expediency.
@Millard Filmore: yaaaassss. I’m down with that. In front of mics.
A household in mourning…again. It’s truly hard when a member of the household just up and vanishes and you don’t have a clue as to how or when. Everybody is crushed, the daughter unit in particular.
First time in thirty years there have been no cats in the household, and it doesn’t feel like home at the moment.
Scooby Doo
Roger Moore
So, when does somebody rip off trump’s mask to reveal Putin?
@Roger Moore: And then Putin’s mask reveals Scrappy Doo.
Tank and the Bangas almost sounds like the nickname of a linebacking corps.
If they were a funky linebacking corps.
@TenguPhule: Nice
I am so sorry. We went through that a few years ago and it is the worst. Hugs to all of you.
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: The Inauguration crowd for Trump was the most attended/watched in the history of forever. So says Spicey, the Gum Chewing Spokesliar.
Corner Stone
“We’re sending an armada. Very powerful.”
Patricia Kayden
@danielx: ((danielx)).
@danielx: oh danielx, I hope your kitty comes home. Sory!
Via Digby.
The United States is in really really big trouble.
And last fall he jacked up the gas tax by $0.23 per gallon, ’cause he no longer gives a shit. He doesn’t want to be governor anymore. He spent most of his second term running for President, running the Republican Governor’s Association, and now he’s running Trump’s opioids addiction response team.
If being governor is such a sucky job, he should quit to pursue other opportunities.
I see that the nominee for Commerce secretary withdrew because he couldn’t reconcile his personal/corporate life with what the Ethics office wanted. Of course he couldn’t. He could but he just didn’t want to. He wanted to have his cake and eat it two and that is what he couldn’t reconcile. But as with other nominees, this is a problem when you look to the billionaire corporate class. Tillerson was only the president of ExxonMobil he/his family didn’t own it so getting out from underneath that wasn’t like Ricketts and that was hard likely hard enough.
A close examination of both photos by Sean Spicer yields the inescapable conclusion that Trump’s (Super Bowl winner) crowd is the largest ever by a football team…period.
Steve in the ATL
We’re an iPhone family, but you Samsung people are f-u-c-k-e-d
So sorry for your loss. {{{{{{{ }}}}}}}
joel hanes
How long has it been ?
Our orange fellow went walkabout for three days plus a bit last fall.
Came home thin and scratched and hungry, and a bit less enthusiastic about dashing out the second the door opens.
Mike in NC
@TenguPhule: Shitgibbon is a multitasker. Not content with empty sabre-rattling with North Korea, today they started to do the same with Iran. Neither will end well.
@joel hanes: Probably pissed that you allowed it to roam. It was your fault, right.
The tree of liberty must be watered with the golden showers of patriots now and then.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@bluehill: It’s actually legendary failson Tucker Carlson.
@Mike in NC: He seems to think that the power of TRUMP is enough to make those bad men do what he wants. I suppose in his world when he bullies and overwhelms people he thinks that is one of his particular skill sets that he brings to being President. Of course he had lawyers and accountants do a lot of his work form him – so sometimes the results he got were not of his own making.
@Patricia Kayden:
On the twitter thing re: the Pats at the WH, someone posted a non-Fake News, honest-to-FSM, for-realz photo from the ceremony.
The ACTUAL number of REAL Patriots looked to number in the hundreds. Take THAT, Kenyan usurper!!
(Oh, the photo was apparently provided by a certain “S. Spicer.” That name seems familiar — is that person an AP photographer?)
@TenguPhule: But, but lying worked so well for him here, it got him elected president! What the hell is wrong with foreigners expecting him to tell the truth. What’s that about the boy who cried wolf? Someone might want to inform Twitler that other countries have things like satellites and radar, so they can check these things. Now that they know that he’s full of shit, they will be checking for themselves from now on.
That’s the problem, since Svengali has blocked him from a job in the administration, there are no “opportunities” begging for him. Mary Kate is back at her $700 K a year job, but what’s he going to do? Though with a certain vacancy opening up at FOX today, maybe things are looking up?
@TenguPhule: Another DEATH joke! I am laughing so hard!!! You should put it on twitter. Instant viral. This death joke is funnier than the last one. I think it is probably funnier than Hitler’s “dog has no nose”. Ha ha. LOL.
@Mike in NC: One of our strongest national weapons has been our credibility as a nation. When our own allies start declaring they can’t trust us anymore, we’re in “Here there be dragons” territory.
@Immanentize: Actually it was a piss joke, but I knew I could count on you to be a dick about it. /see what I did there?
@GregB: I should charge you royalties for that.
@TenguPhule: you were a Dick?
ETA. It is who You are.
hedgehog mobile
@danielx: ((danielx))
@hovercraft: Kim Joung may be more honest and trustworthy then Trump.
Just look at that sentence and tell me you’re not wincing inside too.
You have my empathy and heart…. wishing you and your family the best through this…
@Immanentize: So I’m your future self. Continue to follow me to the dark side. Because you already have.
@danielx: I hope things work out for the best. Several years ago my little Angel disappeared for about five days or so. We searched hi and low to no avail. Was outside on about the 5th day when all of a sudden there was Angel. She gave us a quick hello, went inside and had a huge meal and slept for a couple of days. She was about half crazy when she first got home but got over it fairly quickly. Never did know where she was all that time.
@TenguPhule: of course, like so much of the eliminationist stuff you spew, that makes no sense whatsoever. Internally no logic. I follow you to where I am? Or is this another hilarious joke I cannot perceive?? I am ready to laugh.
@Mike in NC: Iran is sane, prepared and highly motivated. North Korea is crazy, crazy prepared and we know jack about them.
Neither one is a pleasant prospect to engage against.
Both of them at the same time is the stuff of nightmares.
I totally winced because it’s true.
He did tell us he’d be the best ever, and in some regards he is, just not in any way that helps anyone.
Corner Stone
James Mattis speaks like that old dude alien on ST: TNG The Survivor’s that killed the entire species of the Husnock.
@danielx: Our cat disappeared for about 5 days several years ago. Our international flight was cancelled because of weather and we were rebooked for the next day. That night our cat came back. Her nose felt seemed to be rubbed off a bit and she was very hungry, but otherwise OK. My best guess is she was stuck in the garage of some neighbors who were away for a long weekend.
I was frantic. Checking the animal shelter, signs up all over the neighborhood. Many trips out and about calling her name, even went to someone’s house who had found a cat that might have been her, nothing. I even went to the local vet, who was supposed to be boarding her while we were on vacation. The lost cat signs I put up even had the vet’s name and phone number in case she was found while we were away.
Don’t give up hope just yet.
Jesus, Gronkowski’s an insufferable douchenozzle.
Corner Stone
This VW commercial is pornographic, for God’s sake.
Steve in the ATL
@danielx: don’t panic yet–we have had cats disappear anywhere from hours to weeks and then straggle home looking worse for the wear but generally ok. It’s almost like they have a knack for cheating death–someone should think up a clever phrase for that.
@Corner Stone: Religious inspired pron?
Here’s a set of photos that show the Obama audience. It looks like they let Trump’s people sit a bit closer so they turn up in the shot.
It probably means that we are in less trouble. It means that other countries will not trust what Trump and his administration says but look for their own facts.
At this point I would expect all world leaders, including Kim il Fat, realize that the US currently has a deranged leader and they have to work around him.
Lizzy L
@danielx: I’m sorry. Sending you and your family sympathies.
The problem is that this assumption is going to become the default. Adam Silverman can explain it better then I can just how really horribly awful that is for us as a country.
And next week Snotty Walker and that dickhead Johnson are going to beg DC for money to bring a rail car plant to Wisconsin.
They really do think press archives don’t exist.
I almost said, they really think we’re stupid. Then I remember that we keep electing the RWNJ assholes, and realize, of course they’re right.
@TenguPhule: Almost certainly has become the default.
Any national government that hadn’t figured Trump out by the end of his first week in office has been on an extended vacation away from reality.
I guess I’m out of touch with my inner RWNJ.
The only Bollings i know are: An African American father and son once prominent in Boston politics, and a major league baseball player from years ago.
Great Britain is royally boned in that case.
As always, starting from an incorrect premise.
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: Wall Street guy. Used to be on CNBC until he decided he was too pretty to hang with Joe and Mark.
Steve in the ATL
Can’t wait to hear what Marine LePen thinks about him!
@Steve in the ATL:
‘ee eez too – how you say – leebeerall
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: ‘ee can grab ma chatte anytime–ooh la la!
Keith P.
Damn, how the hell did Trump manage to get 1.5 million Patriots to show up to the WH today?
@TenguPhule: Oh I think May figured him out but she was hoping (in vain) that maybe he was a grown-up and could be educated. She was wrong. Anyone who thought that was wrong.
@Steve in the ATL: Is there a more useless network than CNBC?
Ohio Mom
@Bess: I sometimes wonder how the rest of the world will start treating us once we go back to having at least a relatively sane president. Especially our allies. Will it be like when a spouse has an affair and the marriage’s trust is irreparably damaged? Because who would ever trust us again, after we’ve shown what we are capable of electing?
@schrodingers_cat: CNN
@TenguPhule: Well, they are not so great anymore Britain.
Steve in the ATL
@schrodingers_cat: Hallmark? Home Shopping? TBN?
But point taken.
@TenguPhule: Haven’t watched either in at least the last 5 years.
J R in WV
Good call, brother, Thomas Paine for the win!
@schrodingers_cat: Well you did ask. Fox news would have been shooting fish in a barrel.
@schrodingers_cat: Little England might actually become reality once more, if Ireland and Scotland both break up from the kingdom.
@Steve in the ATL:
C’est magnifique!
@TenguPhule: Rhetorical question was rhetorical, but thanks for the answer anyway.
J R in WV
Sorry, Danielx, it is so hard to lose a fuzzy little brother.
Take care!
Musical tribute to Bill Orally’s long overdue departure from False News Channel
@danielx: {{ }}, are you sure he is not hiding somewhere? Did you check under the deck or some other unlikely hidey places?
Bravo? A&E? WE?
Although they’re all so bunched together at the bottom of uselessness that it really doesn’t matter.
Teddys Person
Hello all, does anyone have a documentary recommendation? I’m in the mood for a good documentary. My problem is that I can’t decide what kind of documentary I want to watch.
Where is my John Wayne / Where is my prairie song / Where is my happy ending / Where have all the cowboys gone
@lamh36: I’m glad Chaffetz isn’t running for re-election, but I saw earlier that he has bought a domain name that strongly suggests he sees a presidential run for himself in 2028. Yuck.
Corner Stone
@Teddys Person:
Steve in the ATL
@Teddys Person:
Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me
@Corner Stone: I would refute that.
And then I look at our government.
/Curls up in a ball
Teddys Person
@Steve in the ATL: Ooh, that one looks interesting and on Netflix too!
Steve in the ATL
the recent election notwithstanding, I’m not too concerned about this one. He’s like Rafael “Ted” Cruz–incredibly unlikable.
Chet Murthy
@Teddys Person: _When We Were Kings_. Ali is …. omigosh, a prince. A prince. Just beautiful to watch move, talk. And lordy, he has a way with words. Oh, and an excellent boxer.
Steve in the ATL
@Teddys Person: I am here to serve
@Steve in the ATL: I’ve never gotten Big Star but the REMies seem to love them so I give you this
On Friday, Concord Bicycle Music will release the all-star live concert album and feature film Thank You, Friends: Big Star’s Third Live … And More. Several of the songs featured in the DVD have been shared in advance of the April 21 official release.
The release captures an ensemble featuring a core of sole surviving original Big Star member Jody Stephens, Mike Mills of R.E.M., Chris Stamey of The dB’s, Mitch Easter of Let’s Active and Ken Stringfellow and Jon Auer of The Posies. That group was joined by a number of guests in April 2016 at the Alex Theatre at Glendale, California on songs from Big Star’s final album Third, as well as selections from the revered power pop group’s first two LPs, #1 Record and Radio City.
Sorry …..hope that he returns.
@Teddys Person: The Art of the Steal, or The Rape of Europa.
@Steve in the ATL:
They’ve both been in the top five of “most punchable face in DC” in some order.
@Teddys Person: 5 Came Back
“The wartime contributions of five prominent Hollywood film directors during World War II are profiled. The five directors chronicled, Frank Capra, George Stevens, John Ford, John Huston, and William Wyler, all of which have been among the most highly regarded and influential directors, in this lifelong student of films, memory.” Netflix
Teddys Person
@raven: That one caught my eye when I was looking for something to watch. I’ll definitely put it on my watch list.
Steve in the ATL
@raven: damn–that’s like a list of my favorite ’80’s bands! (no offense to Madonna, Michael Penn, and Dead or Alive). Had a song stuck in my head the other day and then it popped up on iTunes shuffle–“Black and White” by the dB’s. Andy Hummel’s parents lived down the street (get it) from us, and he was always mentioned by the neighborhood blue hairs and blue bloods as “that Hummel boy…” with a shake of the head.
@Steve in the ATL: Like I said, Chilton was just bubblegum to me but they are a big deal over here.
Teddys Person
@Shana: I’ve seen the Rape of Europa a couple of times. The Art of the Steal looks good.
Travon Free
Serena Williams won a grand slam while she was pregnant so every man should probably shut up about everything forever.
10:43 AM – 19 Apr 2017
@Teddys Person:
Searching for Sugarman.
@Steve in the ATL: Ha, this is funny
In 85 REM played Legion and I had no idea who they were. As we walked up I said “What is this, the Byrds”?
YasharVerified account @yashar
Russian journalist and Putin critic dies after being beaten by ‘STRANGERS’
@Steve in the ATL: Gisele is an immigrant and I would venture she takes an extremely dim view of the outright demonization of immigrants.
Apparently no stairs in that building.
@efgoldman: I should have specified I was talking about news channels.
Aite chumps, gotta long drive to the beach in the am. Stay cool up in here.
Senator Tim KaineVerified account @timkaine
The ACA no-cost birth control benefit saved women $1.4 billion in out-of-pocket costs alone. We can’t go back to the old days #HandsOffMyBC
In that case, all the cable news channels are equally useless, each in its own way.
Keith P.
@Teddys Person: Jiro Dreams of Sushi…Good Hair…Crumb
@Teddys Person: I thought of it a couple of days ago when someone was asking about what to do in Philly.
I also recommend the the Big Star documentary. I never quite got them until about 5 years ago and then they just clicked with me. Of course I knew of them because of all the cross-polination with all the college rock/alternative rock bands I grew up with in the ’80s and friends put some of their songs on mix tapes for me, but I needed to be in the right place to really get them. Same thing happened with Belle and Sebastian. Pushed for about a year by Hubby, but then one day we listened to Sinister in the car and I really heard them. It’s been true love ever since.
Steve in the ATL
Ah. In that case, it still ranks ahead of Fox News and Fox Business. But to your point, it is still useless.
The Republican effort to deny Obama any success was a lot broader than just McConnell and Senate Republicans. Republican state governments, in 2011, did everything in their power to keep any Obama initiative from succeeding, especially when it came to federal funds for infrastructure.
Scott Detrow
And the DNC rally ends with someone grabbing the mic after Sanders left stage and kicking off a “Bernie Would have won!” cheer.
8:00 PM – 19 Apr 2017
Steve in the ATL
Ha! Six-string Rickenbacker, twelve-string Rickenbacker–no difference really. Turns out the guys in REM were better songwriters than Roger McGuinn.
Teddys Person
@GregB: Definitely check it out! Thanks
Hate, spite, and fear are all they have, and all they’ve ever had, and probably all they’ll have for the foreseeable future. It has made it impossible for them to govern. Add in the most ignorant president ever, and the least competent at least since Andrew Johnson, if not ever, and here we are, in deep shit.
By 2028 the full impact of the folly of 2016 will have been fully realized, half the people responsible for voting for the evil shitgibbon will be dead and the millions of additional eligible brown voters will have personally have been affected by his and the evil Keebler elf, Chaffetz’s refusal to scrutinize him will be hung around his neck. So let him try.
Paul SzoldraVerified account @PaulSzoldra
“CBS News has learned that a manhunt is underway for a traitor inside the Central Intelligence Agency.”
@danielx: looks a lot like my recently departed Tad. Does he/she happen to be tailless?
My first cat as a child disappeared for a week twice. She got herself locked in neighbors attics chasing mice. 2 different neighbors, both away. The first time mom was playing Easter bunny at sunrise when it was quiet and heard the faint mew. The 2nd time we went checking attics.
My grandmothers cat ran away to her old home when she moved before I was born. Family lore is she turned up at the old house 6 months later and new residents called. This would have been more than 50 years ago. The story is a legend in the family though.
Teddys Person
@Keith P.: All look good. My list is growing, and I’m now having difficulty choosing among the good recommendations.
@rikyrah: my definition of traitor or Trumps?
Yup. Saw that at 630. Looks like another Snowden.
Not that I think Pompeo is competent to direct the search. Shit, I’m not sure Pompeo is competent to wipe his own ass.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL:
Six strings.
Oh, you meant sound…
Never mind.
The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes
Over 20,000 retired miners may lose their benefits unless Congress acts. Some wonder why Trump hasn’t fought harder
They’re Yertle McTurtle’s constituents, but he put the kibosh on it last session.
Who’s the “some” who wonder? He doesn’t give a shit. He absolutely doesn’t remember. “Miners? What, fourteen year old girls?”
Chyron HR
It’s just shameful how Hillary didn’t do enough to stop the noble white working class from destroying their own lives.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: I actually find there to be a huge difference in sound, but non-erstwhile guitarists might not notice. Back in the eighties it was easy to get their sound–all you needed was a 6-strick Rick, a vintage Fender Twin Reverb, and a Chorus effects pedal. All of which could be found in my dorm room. And a couple of dozen others.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Bobby Kraft, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Steve in the ATL
I believe the number is closer to 12 in Appalachia
Steve in the ATL
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: as I mentioned in the TBogg thread, fuck the Patriots
Miss Bianca
@danielx: Awww…I lost a kitty five years ago, who had crossed my path as a stray kitten. I remember from reading a cat book some time later that there is an optimal time window to socialize kittens, and it’s very short. I think I got Angel just after that window. A Maine Coon, who unlike Steve was never very friendly, never purred, didn’t care to snuggle, and generally made it very apparent that I was, in fact, staff.
And yet to this day when I think about Bitchy Kitty disappearing, I get bummed out. So, hugs to you. Hoping for the best.
I hate those people and do not want them as allies. They can’t be my ally. I can’t work with them any more than I can work with someone who voted for the Shitgibbon. They are everything I despise.
Steve in the ATL
And how does the Vichy Times feel about the role they played in getting us to this point? FTFNYT.
@Steve in the ATL:
Sorry. I was channeling Littlescrotum.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: I spent part of Easter weekend introducing my 15 y/o budding hipster nephew to ska and reggae. He actually got the concept of the dragging beat and how it worked. Then we worked on racing lines while driving. I am a bad influence.
OT: G is texting me commentary from his dinner with my brother in law and my BIL’s new boyfriend, and it’s kind of sounding like my BIL is dating the gay male version of me (personality-wise, anyway).
I guess G’s family has a preferred type. ?
Interesting thing is that the “most punchable faces in DC” are all Rethugs, and the “top five” count is currently at 37.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: He’s obsessed with Hamilton?
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Beat me to it.
But who’s counting?
Adam, if you’re around, Calgary is picking up right where Edmonton left off last nite.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: yet another reason why it’s better to be an aunt or uncle than a mom or dad!
I assume you both agree that the English Beat’s “Tears of a Clown” is the best non-Big Star thing ever?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Did Lawrence O’Donnell really just say that Bill O’Reilly and Donald Trump “share milkshakes”?
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus:
Mary G
I was wandering around Twitter and read a few of Mike Cernovich’s twits trying to figure out why he is dead to idiot Bill Mitchell and he has a whole screed of tweets about the lying liberal media. Apparently Obama let all the trainers and other support staff of the Patriots stand on the stairs for the picture, while Trump only had players, being so considerate as to give the staff seats in the audience. Then he says, well, the number of players is less, 34 for Twitler and 50 for Obama, but the photo is still a misleading libel against our precedent. These idiots are gobsmacking sometimes.
Reliable sources have two descriptions, might be two traitors:
Person of Interest 1 appears to resemble a Turtle
Person of Interest 2 was described as having “the worst combover since the term first came into use,” and “small hands.”
The nation is hoping one or both of them will vow not to be taken alive.
“Made it, Ma! Top of the World!”
@Chet Murthy:
I loved that documentary. Ali was beautiful and James Brown was incredible.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Two evil motherfuckers, one cup?
Anyone who hates Rethugs
Steve in the ATL
news story or tagline for new Tom Clancy novel?
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Actually we worked with the soundtrack album from “The Harder They Come.” Come on, Pressure Drop.
And the Berniebros don’t get why we hate them …
Steve in the ATL
@Mary G: Gronk was there. Nothing else matters.
What’s Mrs. efg’s telephone number? We need to call her, have her set up an intervention.
You poor bastard.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Introduce him to Charles Mingus and then we can talk.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
If that’s even true, which officious jackass decided that the staffers wouldn’t be allowed to pose with the president?
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Childless aunties and uncles are *supposed* to be the bad influence. It’s in our contracts.
hedgehog mobile
@rikyrah: /headdesk/
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hard to go wrong with that one.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You think you’re joking, but they’ve already seen it. Twice.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: I’m just enjoying the fact that they feel the need to respond to such trivial stuff
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Honestly, I just want him to know why he likes what he likes, and that he doesn’t just follow the morons. He doesn’t have to like everything i do; nor do I need to like what he does. Hell, over the weekend, my dad and I played dueling youtubes.
@Steve in the ATL:
Fixed to reflect what they sing at the end.
(I still prefer Smokey, of course.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: I know. I take my responsibility seriously. I am also his godfather. Fools….
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Damn. Did we actually [gently] mock “no drama”?
Why in the everloving blue-eyed name of god would you want to do that?
@Miss Bianca:
No kidding. Mine introduced me to Pink Floyd (Ummagumma) and bought me “Let It Bleed”
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Demonic possession doesn’t just happen in Georgetown.
Because he woulda felt weird saying 100 Ave Marias and 100 Paternosters?
@danielx: Very sorry.
This may not apply, but just in case: There’s s trick that’s worked for me when this happens. If you’re still going out to call, vary the times according to cat schedule in the wild. (Instead of domestic human schedule with 8-6 job.) The cat may be sleeping in the day and get most active at dusk and dawn, and other times when (historically) their prey are out of their nests to feed. Mice, rabbits, birds. Compost piles, feral cat areas. He might not be a hunter, but his body clock will reset.
Likewise if they’re stuck in a garage: they may sleep through your voice when you are calling there, so keep trying the same spots more than once, different times. It’s discouraging and painful to keep it up but has worked for me. I use the sound of a fork tapping on a can, which rings and carries over distance.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Wrong direction — he’s south of Boston.(Just a little local-geography nerdism.)
@Miss Bianca:
This is a true fack. I always start out by teaching them how to take a straw and blow bubbles in their milk/chocolate milk/soda. There are So.Many.Moms who resent me to this day — and so many kids, now in their 30s and 40s, who adore me for letting them know it’s okay and fun to (figuratively and literally) blow off polite norms of behavior :-)
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: The Exorcist?
Corner Stone
@SiubhanDuinne: Disgusting.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: You speak as a parent. We are aunts/uncles and we are legion.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: and we need those kids to drive us to our doctors appointments down the road, like Tony and Uncle June
I don’t know the tune or the lyrics.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Nope, as a human being. Spitting your spit into your drink and then re-imbibing it is disgusting, not a social norm breaking. What, you aunties and unkies also teach them to lean over a bridge, spit a loogie and then suck it back up into your mouth at the last second?
Fucking disgusting.
@Miss Bianca:
Apparently my nieces’ mother gave them many admonishments to behave themselves while we were at Disneyworld, but my big rule was, Don’t leave bruises on each other that your mom is going to ask about.
Oh, and I wouldn’t let them go on the water rides because it was too cold and my younger niece was sick all week, so I was kinda lame that way.
Thanks for all the good thoughts, all. It’s just a mystery – last time i saw her at 9:30 last night, she was lying beside me on the bed purring like a chainsaw. I have no idea how she got out or why; she’s a ten year old cat and barely goes out on the back porch. Not like she would be waiting for an opportunity to duck out, she was/is very much a homebody kitty. Even if she went out on the back porch where there’s a kitty door, she has a very, uh, globular build and couldn’t get through that kitty door in less than ten minutes if she was greased, if at all. She just didn’t show up for breakfast and we’ve searched every room – and she isn’t one to miss breakfast or any other opportunity for food, like the ham scraps she was snarfing at eight. A much appreciated special snack, she’s been on a diet for almost a year and it was finally showing results (dammit anyway). Since losing a couple of others, the rule has been all good kitties are inside at eight, and she has never shown any tendency towards diving for the exit…
I would be more positive if there weren’t so many coyotes around the area, but that unfortunately is not the case – the furry bastards are everywhere, or so it seems. I’ve seen them sitting across the street from the local FBI headquarters (aka Fortress FBI) bold as brass when you think they’d be dropped dead on suspicion. Let alone in my back yard…
It’s very weird. This is the first night in thirty years there has been no cat in the house, and the household feels slightly unhinged from reality.
ETA: this is a picture of in this article. And Roger Stone looks exactly like Josef Goebbels, if you look at nothing but his eyes. Evil little fuck.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, I know you were referring to The Exorcist.
Georgetown is a ‘burb about 20 mi north of Boston. Next to the world-famous ‘burb of Rowley. Unfortunately, Max von Sydow has not been spotted in either town.
As I said, local-geography nerdism.
ETA: The “he” I was referring to was efgoldman, who lives in RI, which is, as I expect you know, south of Boston.
@Corner Stone:
No, that’s generally a peer-to-peer thing
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Calm down. My brother and his wife are white picket fence people. There is no crime in my mentioning another world to my nephew. My nephew says he has other goals. My niece has purely conventional goals. I don’t push her.
a picture of three evil men. I am truly not doing well this evening.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Don’t you tell me to calm down, you debauched degenerate!
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Don’t be an asshole.
This is easy. Trump will say the 2015 photo is fake news, its been photo-shopped, duh. Nobodyelse has had as big an NFL team to the WH.
@danielx: My cat once disappeared for 11 days after escaping from the vet’s waiting room, and came back in the wee hours of the morning. I hope yours comes back soon.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think CS was trying to make a funny.
He might have groped Brady’s better looking half
Or as Republicans like to call them, Easy lays.
/No offense meant to actual females.
The Pats’ defense of Trump today is hilarious –
AKA 2005 vs. 2017…. 50 players are in the 2015 photo.
It’s not like you turn down the opportunity to visit the White House because been-there-done-that… Trump is only marginally more toxic than mid-2005 Bush who’d won reelection on the backs of gay bashing and wars that were starting to fade in popularity and was focused on gutting the social safety net. Good defense!