You know it's bad when your mechanic calls in two priests…
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) May 20, 2017
Open thread!
by Adam L Silverman| 95 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
You know it's bad when your mechanic calls in two priests…
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) May 20, 2017
Open thread!
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That’s just mean.
Adam L Silverman
@Mart: You know everyone who saw that tweet was thinking the same thing…
No, it’s like having two presiding clergy at a mixed marriage – one representing Cole’s faith, the other the car’s.
That is funny??
Mike in NC
I suspect when Trump meets Pope Francis there will be a lot of exorcism jokes in cyberspace.
zhena gogolia
So in the background there’s a sign in Russian for “Shoes.” Which is the kind of sign you’d have in the USSR. Is this an old picture? The cars don’t look that old.
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: Are you kidding me? That pic is from the 1980’s.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: I found it on twitter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: There were M class Mercedes in the ’80s?
@Corner Stone: well, so is Cole’s haircut, so perhaps we can give it a pass.
I want to see the video of what happens to his Subaru.
zhena gogolia
@Corner Stone:
It’s giving me cognitive dissonance because it has Soviet and post-Soviet elements to it. The “Jeep” sign is definitely post-Soviet. But I don’t think they have stores that are just called “Shoes” any more.
Another Scott
@zhena gogolia: Good catch.
TinEye has references to that picture going back to 2007.
(Who used TinEye quite frequently with e-mail forwards from my dad in the Obama years. ;-)
Or a diner called “Eats”
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: I know nuzzink! *escape hatch*
This is something that’s fairly common for Catholics to do, too, though it’s usually an annual event/car show and not roadside assistance. ?
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
I was thinking “I need an old priest and a young priest”.
LOL, Adam, that’s really funny!
@Roger Moore:
I need Tom and Ray Magliozzi. Damn, I miss Car Talk.
I am still sick. Mild fever of 99 degrees, but very slowly starting to feel better. Sore throat doesn’t feel as much like I’m being stabbed. Sab will be relieved to know that I took her advice and did not inflict myself on the general public today.
G is going to pick up a few groceries on the way home in exchange for me trying a new microwave risotto recipe.
@Roger Moore:
So were, like, half the commenters in the Twitter thread.
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: Glad you’re feeling a little better. I hope you’re back to your self soon!
Is there a Patron Saint of disabled automobiles?
When I saw the above photo I thought it was Gorka and Ryan checking for listening devices.
Keith P.
Holy shit, I finally heard someone (on Smerchonish) point out that the various Trump conversations that are being leaked are necessarily classified (at least not all of them). Trump really wants his NDAs enforced by prison time is what’s going on.
Alain the site fixer
@Mnemosyne: if it works well, please do share!
Have any of the redhat drumpf rally attendees seen the footage of drumpf bowing and curtsying for his medal from the House of Oil?
Watching the Preakness Stakes to see if Always Dreaming will make it a chance for 2 Triple Crowns in 3 years. I can’t go to the Belmont this year (my first absence since 2005!) so it’ll be bittersweet for me if I have to miss it.
The Washington Post has an article up today about Trump’s one alleged foray into horse racing. Some inaccuracies in the telling, I suspect, but I don’t doubt for one bit the part about Trump getting out of actually paying for the horse.
Alain the site fixer
@Alain the site fixer: hit send too soon. Feel better is first priority!
James E Powell
There was a strange noise coming from the engine. It sounded like: Merrin . . . Merrin.
Cars and car mechanics have separate patron saints; who knew?
O/T, just saw (at Digby’s place) a photo of Mrs. Kushner clutching her hubby’s hand for dear life, and dressed in what appears to be a bolt of upholstery material she got at Hancock Fabrics for 75% off.
James E Powell
Saint Frances of Rome.
As many saints as the Church has, they can afford to specialize!
Frank Wilhoit
There is a wonderful old George Booth cartoon from the New Yorker (1970s) with mechanics telling a customer that they have brought an exorcist into consultation about his car. Google, alas, findeth it not.
Major Major Major Major
@germy: of course not, all their headlines today were about how he didn’t bow.
@Alain the site fixer:
I can heartily endorse this single-serving microwave risotto recipe — I make it fairly often when I just want a little bit of risotto, not an entire pot.
The recipe I’m going to try is a user recipe from Epicurious, so we’ll see how it goes.
Given all the right-wing criticism of Obama “bowing”, the wingnuts are trying to deny Trump bowed by saying he “curtsied”.
Yeah, right. “Curtsied” sounds so much more masculine, tough guy.
@Another Scott:
Thanks! The really frustrating part is that my carpal tunnels have been acting up lately (too much typing on mobile devices ?) so it’s been hard to get comfortable enough to sleep properly.
Iowa Old Lady
@JGabriel: Do they not know what that word means?
I’m in a pool, blind draw. Got Multiplier, at 25-1.
Come on, Multiplier. Come on, Multiplier! Come ON, Multiplier, move yer bloomin’ arse!!
@Shell: I saw an “EATS” sign on the road between Bangor and Calais in Maine last week. There was one car. The very definition of unprepossessing.
You’re writing romantic fiction. Think of it as the carpal tunnel of love.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: :-) . Lots of good stuff there, as usual.
This Art Buchwald checklist is timeless, also too.
As we all saw with Ann Romney, an excess of money not only doesn’t lead to good taste, it usually leads to the opposite as people wear extremely expensive but ugly clothes to signal that they have money.
Adam L Silverman
@Alain the site fixer: Did you get my email?
Mike in NC
@germy: Tell the wingers it’s the 2017 “Trump Apology Tour” to get them all spun up.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
maybe they think “curtsy” is the verb form of “courtesy” and trump was being very polite
I’m enjoying this a lot more than is seemly.
Adam L Silverman
@JGabriel: Actually if you watch the clip he did both. He bowed to receive the Order of Abdul Azziz and then he curtsied before he stood back up.
@SiubhanDuinne: Multiplier. Huh. Well, it’s horse racing. Anything can happen.
I’m very, very torn. On the one hand, one of Always Dreaming’s main owners was Trump’s first pick for Army secretary (he declined due to not being able to disengage from his business interests enough to satisfy the Pentagon), and I hate anything Trump-related. On the other hand, Tom Durkin, the greatest race caller of all time, is a minority owner, and I feel like it would be some kind of karmic justice if the guy who never got to call a Triple Crown winner (he retired the year before American Pharoah) would get to be an owner of one.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Actually, it is, or was originally. But in the intervening centuries, the word has taken on a decidedly, uh, skirted sense.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: me too
@SiubhanDuinne: I did not know that
@Frank Wilhoit:
I actually remember that cartoon! And I’m pretty sure I own a George Booth coffee-table book of all his greatest New Yorker contributions, so it’s almost certainly in there.
It’s almost enough to tempt me to re-open the box of worms labeled “Princess Manbaby.”
Not quite, but almost.
@SiubhanDuinne: And George Booth is still around, drawing cartoons. He’s been in the business longer than I’ve been alive, and I’m old!
@SiubhanDuinne: That dress is wearing her. The pattern is too big and spread too far apart for this to be used in this fashion. I can see it working on a dress with a full skirt, more like this: dress
OMG, that is one hideous dress! And she’s supposed to be a fashion icon? That thing is even uglier than the orange vinyl (that’s what it looked like anyway) pencil skirt Melania wore to board the plane.
Har har. ? But with the way they’ve been hurting, it’s more suitable for me to write a Stephen King-like horror novel. I may have to switch to Dragon Dictation sooner than I wanted if I can’t break the mobile device habit.
I blame Trump, naturally.
Omnes Omnibus
Facebook is a weird place.
Over at LGM they’re having some fun with Louise and Claude.
(Full disclosure: I had to give up reading the palmer report because it was all dramatic headlines followed by the sheerest of gossamer speculations)
Wait, is that a YUGO??? I used to own (and drive) one of those! Had to get rid of it when the youngster’s knees in my back while driving were too impossible (when she was 12).
@SiubhanDuinne: *grin* yeah. I saw Ray at a retirement dinner for a mutual friend recently (last time I saw him was at that same friend’s 40th birthday). He is just as damn funny in person–great storyteller. Last night’s best was something about a dentist and the Good News Garage….
Fake photo unless cargo shorts are seen…
I just read the bits that someone had excerpted about the Supreme Court giving some kind of warning and even non-lawyer me was yelling, “That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works!”
That’s what you get for relying on sensational news from people who have a tenuous grasp of how the US Constitution works.
@Mnemosyne: In my more paranoid moments, I suspect Louise is up to something other than being stupid. She was a conservative MP, now this? Something doesn’t add up.
Tenar Arha
@SiubhanDuinne: Niice reference game to My Fair Lady. How’d Multiplyer do?
Roger Moore
There aren’t a lot of choices. Either she’s deliberately spreading nonsense for some nefarious reason, or she’s the unwitting tool of somebody else spreading nonsense.
I have my doubts about her mental health.
@Mnemosyne: Seems combative on twitter. Obsessed with who got which scoop first, etc. (I don’t mean ice cream)
@Tenar Arha: I believe Multiplier is still running the race. ;)
(Seriously, though, he finished out of the money. As did Always Dreaming. The superfecta returned over $8,000 on a $1.00 wager, thanks to Cloud Computing, at 13-1 odds, winning the race at the wire.)
I cannot find it in myself to be disappointed, thanks to the Trump connection, see above.
@zhena gogolia:
Are some called “Pants”?
Singing Truth to Power
@SiubhanDuinne: They are still on public radio in Wisconsin. I know that one of them is dead, but they live forever on radio, and are as funny as ever.
[Not that she doesn’t deserve it]
I don’t see the “curtsy” thing coming from the wingnuts. Jennifer Hayden, in the link you posted, seems to be anti-Trump, based on her Twitter history.
Adam L Silverman:
And it looks like Trump’s trying to be furtive about it too, as if he’s thinking “The internet’s gonna crucify me for this.” It’s half-hearted to the point of rudeness – if I were the Sauds, I’d be insulted.
I think Hayden is characterizing actual right-wing and/or Trumpite defenses – but it’s possible I’m reading too much into her response.
sm*t cl*de
Out, demons of stupidity!
zhena gogolia
No, but that would have been neat.
sm*t cl*de
Russian theocrat grifters will also sprinkle holy water on your computer:
If you look at her time line, she’s the one propagating the meme, along with a few others. I can’t find any right-wingers doing it.
Did you happen to see the CNN story which said Russians are on tape talking about Flynn?
When I try to read things into statements, my guestimate score is zero, but I had the feeling the leak was for Donald. Don’t even think of pardoning the traitor, pres.
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
Stevie Wonder wouldn’t let her dress him.
Aieee, philistines on deck! That plastic-looking thing was *Hermes*!!!!!!! Haha. What do they say about money not being able to buy….and yeah, that thing cost thousands. Unfortunate. ?
@Another Scott: But they can’t use #15 because he is a crook and a fool.
Shantanu Saha
Let me tell you all about the time when a rock hit the oil filter on my Dodge Omni, which then sprayed the alternator, causing my car to lose power. While I had the hood up figuring out what happened, a carload of Jehovahs Witnesses stopped by. They couldn’t actually give me any help like going to call for a tow (this was before cell phones were ubiquitous) or give me a ride to a payphone, but they could stand around talking about the glories of their faith. For. A. Solid. Hour.
Chet Murthy
@Shantanu Saha: You’re a saint for not *loudly* invoking Satan to strike ’em down with thunderbolts, my man.
@Mnemosyne: for proper sleep try the following combo (I got this from my gyn, so “official”):
Advil & benadryl. The advil negates the hip pain and the benadryl helps with the sleep, without a morning ‘hangover.’
Hells yes, it works!
@SiubhanDuinne: You cannot say that and then not provide a link to the photo. That is not allowed!!! :-)
@SiubhanDuinne: Okay, that made me laugh out loud, so all is forgiven. I googled for Digby and found a photo way down on the page that fits your description rather accurately. Ugh. Those sunglasses and the whole look. Yikes. She has every bit of Sarah Palin’s class and style.
joel hanes
@James E Powell:
The power of Snap-On compels you!
That’s what I ended up doing last night. Tonight I should probably try to take a dose of Advil about 4 hours before bed and then a second one at bedtime. It’s not excruciating pain, but it’s that low-grade nagging pain that makes it hard to get comfortable, even with the Benadryl booster.
I probably need to do a full neti of my sinuses as well just to get all of the gunk out. I have distilled water on hand, so I won’t have to do too much prep.
@Another Scott: Thanks for that! I had never seen it.
@zhena gogolia: Looks to me like the sign that says “Shoes” is part of a larger sign that is covered by a bus. The color is the same and what I see of the lettering looks like the same Cyrillic type face.
Frank Wilhoit
@SiubhanDuinne: Omnibooth, about 60 (unnumbered) pages in, verso. The caption: “The men feel there is an evil spirit in your clutch housing. We’ve called a priest.”